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"Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
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Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-25-03, 05:58 AM (EST)
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"Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
LAST EDITED ON 04-25-03 AT 06:01 AM (EST)

SORRY! THIS IS EPISODE 10!!! Can a moderator PLEASE change the subject line to say 10?

I'm back this week, and the videos were REALLY good (especially the ROB and MATT STRATEGIZE). Hope this makes your day!


Notice how Alex, Jenna and Heidi have short votes, cuz they think they have it in the bag. Meanwhile, look at how mean Matt is!

Christy (votes Alex) -- HARD TO HEAR HER AS USUAL....I don't want him in the tribe anymore. I don't like being around him. I think the tribe would be better without him. Please go, get out of here.

Jenna (votes Matt) -- I'm voting for you Matt because you are the strongest player on the team. And in order for me to get myself farther, you can not be here because you’re a big threat. It was nice knowing you.

Matt (votes Alex) -- He crossed me once, I forgave him, he crossed me twice, I offered reconciliation. Thought we could make a great team. He rejected every effort I made to work things out with him and become his friend. He's very deceptive. He's made things very difficult from day one. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Just want to remind him that while I was voted most honest, that does mean that I am most naive. His reign is over.

Alex (votes Mateo) -- Mateo you're a really good guy, but you're way too much of a threat. And it's time for you to go. Take it easy, buddy.

Heidi (votes Matt) -- Matt, I'm picking you tonight, because you are by far the toughest competition out there. And I wish you the best of luck, thanks.

Butch (votes Alex) -- It's with a heavy heart that I vote for you. I admire you, and your life, you've come a long way, Alex. But a new alliance has been formed. In order for me and my three mates to move on, you have to go. I wish you the very best. You're a good man.

Rob (votes Alex in big letters) -- I've watched a lot of gangster movies in my time and I know if loyalty is lost, it’s often the poor soul's best friend who makes the hit. mi dispiace.

("mi dispiace is Italian for "it does not please me").

You saw Rob approach Matt to have 'the most important conversation of the game.' Insider takes you back to the strategic moment and reveals the entire conversation in which Rob decides to switch his alliance.

*******In this video, Rob makes a Final Four pact with Matthew.

Rob -- Who do you see me talking to all day long?

Matt -- Jenna?

Rob -- Jenna, Heidi and Alex. That's the four. And Deena was the fifth. That was going to be the final five.

Matt -- Did they want Deena, too?

Rob -- What happened was. Deena -- she wanted to get rid of you last time around. That was the plan. You were going to go at the last tribal council.

Matt -- But I got immunity?

Rob -- But what happened was, before that. The day before, Deena said, if Matt wins immunity, Alex needs to go. And that f****d everything for her, because the girls went back and told Alex. And I didn’t want to vote off Alex either.
......And Alex said, “We'll still vote off Matt. But if Matt wins immunity, then Deena's going to get kicked off.” But then that changed. Everybody has grown to like you and see how hard you work. And if Deena sticks around, She is going to cause all the Sh*T to hit the fan in the camp. That was the day of the reward challenge when you came in second to Alex.
......Then that next day, Deena decided, “forget about voting Matt, Alex needs to go.” So both of them changed their minds and both of them decided the other needed to go. Both of them thought that me, Heidi and Jenna were going to vote with them.
.....Then what happened, you won immunity, ironically enough. And Deena lost to you, sealing her own fate.

Matt -- I thought everyone was still, like, behind me, but in reality, it would have been me.

Rob -- And it's supposed to be you tomorrow. Now, I've sworn my all to the four. They've been very arrogant. They've already decided that they are the final four.

Matt -- Which four are they?

Rob -- Alex, Jenna, Heidi and myself. Those are the four.

Rob -- What sealed it for me this morning was when we overheard Alex and Heidi talking. I have the most to lose here. Number one if Alex wins immunity, I don’t know what we’re going to do. I guess we can vote off one of the girls.
……I'll tell you and Butch this right now. When I betray those three in the shelter, when they are on the jury, there is no way they are going to vote for me. I am basically giving someone a free ticket to whoever brings me into the final two.

Matt -- Without Alex, dude, I have the strength to win any physical immunity. I do.
……They have totally secluded themselves.

Rob -- They're arrogant and Alex has done about 10 things in this game. He said, once Dave and Roger are out, I'll step aside. You guys go ahead. He keeps saying that, but he's never going to do it.
.....This is what makes me so mad...that the girls are so mad at Christy yesterday that she bid on the letters against them.

Matt -- They're spoiled

Rob -- The girls said if it there comes up a challenge for a visit from somebody from home. They said that if Christy tries to win it that there is going to be bloody murder. This is how they feel about the game. That you Christy and Butch are so lucky to be here. That we're just stringing you guys along. It's like a Greek drama. ......These guys are arrogant, and I was going along with them, because that was...

Matt -- you we're riding it.

Rob -- Yeah.
……You tell me what you want to swear.

Matt -- Swear that we get to the Final Four.

Rob -- I swear that we will get to the final four.

Matt -- You're the only person who's ever done that with me.

Rob -- It's not charity and who deserves the money more.

Matt -- Jenna and Heidi, what have they done?

Rob -- They don't do any work. They just talk about how they deserve the money and blah blah blah.

Matt -- My last question is Christy. That's the one thing we have to work on. Butch is fine.

Rob -- Christy hates those guys.

Matt -- Great, so you can speak to Christy first.

Rob -- Yeah I'll talk to Christy

Matt -- What do you think are the chances of our group winning this immunity challenge based on what happened today. Do you feel comfortable?

Rob -- I think I have a good chance of winning this. Here's the thing. Those three...they all put themselves for each thing. They only know what they're thinking. Do you think Jenna and Heidi know what you think about anybody? Do you think they know what Christy is thinking? I think I have the best chance. I have a working relationship with each player. I have a good memory. And, you know what? They don't even know what I think and I am in their alliance.

Matt -- Let's do it. Let's be tight. This is going to work. I'm excited.

Rob (in confessional) -- If Christy, Butch and Matt don't see things my way I can get screwed here. They can go to Alex, Heidi and Jenna and tell them of my shenanigans in this matter. If that happens, I am going to go home tomorrow night.
.....I am going to try to win immunity.. That is the ultimate insurance policy in this plan.


Rob -- I don't like the way the three of them act. They were so mad at you yesterday because you bid against Jenna and Heidi on the letter. They both ate something and they were pissed.

Christy -- So are you thinking of trying to get Butch, Matt, you and me to vote Jenna?

Rob -- To vote Alex --

Christy -- I'm all for it.

Rob -- I knew you would be.

Christy -- I don't think he plays fair, personally. And F*** Jenna for thinking she's pissed off. I wanted the letter just as much as she did, so whatever. I mean I didn't even get any food.

Rob -- Basically, I'm telling you that I would get kicked off tomorrow if you said something to the three of them. And really all it would do would push back when you get voted off. I've already spoken to Matt. And Matt says it's going to come down to Butch. I knew you would do it. I know I'll do it. Matt will do it. He's with me.

Christy -- If Alex wins immunity…

Rob -- Then we have to get rid of one of the girls, but that's going to be very messy, because Alex is going to have a fit.

Christy -- Well that's fine, let him have a fit.

Rob -- So that's what has to happen. I think it's going to work. I hope that Butch isn't loyal to Alex. Just look around at the four people who talk all day. Does anyone talk to Butch about strategy?

Christy -- No.

Rob -- (a little garbled) I let those two girls know that I thought they were so beautiful.

Christy -- Keep it up, because you fooled me.

Rob -- I don't think the person who wins this game. It should be the person who plays the best.

Christy (in confessional) -- So then, thank you, thank you, Rob is smart and really knows the game and wants to win the game the right way. He realized that these three other people may not get him all the way through. He wants to win. But I think he wants to win the game the right way. So he is, hopefully (crosses her fingers in both hands) going to break that alliance. He came up to me and said I really want to get Alex out. And I said, "dude, I'm with you,” because Alex. I could care less about him. He is just drooling over Heidi and Jenna and thinks he is hot stuff. It's just like, cmon. I want him out of here. And Rob was like, "Cool."

....Thank you Rob for winning the immunity challenge. He deserved to win the immunity challenge. That saved us, hopefully. But then again, I don't know. Can you really trust Rob? He is really saying that just to make us think we have a chance? Or is he just trying to stir up something? I won't know until we get the vote tonight.


Rob -- I just spoke with Christy. Did you see how happy she is right now? (Matt says yes)

Rob -- I told her, I have no reason to back out of it. I wouldn't weaken my position. I think every one of us will do better in the game because we're doing this.

Matt -- I'm with you, man, I think it's great.


(claps her hands) I am so proud of myself. I couldn't be any happier. Today, when I was watching the fire, I was just like, "God, I've made it 30 days."

I've kicked off more than half of the people of the original number beginning with.

I thought I would be the first one voted off. I know now that I'm not going to be voted off for communication. I'm going to be voted off for some other reason. And, thank you (looks to the sky).

My perspective is that no matter what, you are going to encounter those hearing people who respect you and try to make it easy for you, and you will always meet those people who could care less, and don't understand, and won't do anything about it. And then those people who want to work with you, but they are scared, so they back off from you.

So, when I work in a hearing environment, I say, "hey guys, I need, this and this and this."

Most of the time, they are able to accept it and do their best. But that's in a work environment. Out here I am now in a work environment. We're trying to win a million dollars. It depends on who you meet.

I know I am 110 percent comfortable with the deaf people. And I know I have a long way to go with those hearing people.

I want to become 110 percent comfortable with the hearing people. But I don't think I ever will.

Even at Christmas family dinner, I am an outcast. But I am willing to fight it and confront it.


Jenna (confessional) -- (laughs) Rob coined the phrase Team crazy as Matt, Butch and Christy because they are just crazy. They do crazy things at crazy times. They go fishing and don't come back with any fish. They go and chop firewood at the freakin hottest time of the day. They are just crazy. But that's fine. Whatever -- do what you want. Collect firewood, and we'll just hang out.

Heidi (confessional) -- Yeah, Team crazy consists of Butch, Matt, and occasionally Christy when she wants to be with them. We call them team crazy, because they are always doing the craziest, oddball stuff. Butch is talking with himself telling himself what he is getting ready to do. Matt is in the jungle barefoot. And we have specific guidelines to never walk around barefoot. And along with the million other Matt stories. ...I mean that's just one thing. Matt is in the boat and we have like 2-3 hooks left, so every time the hook gets caught, Matt goes jumping into the water where there's 1000s of piranha and fish that can go up like every orifice in your body.

And Matt is sitting there jumping into eight feet of water trying to get the hook off. It literally is Team Crazy; I don't know any other way to describe it.

(clip shows Matt in the water not being able to find hook).

Heidi (confessional) -- And then you add Christy to the whole mix, and she doesn't fit with anything or anyone and you just have the most oddball group out there on a fishing boat, and you're scared they might not come back and you're even more scared that they might not get any fish. It's just a circus.

Alex (confessional) -- Team Crazy is mostly Butch and Matt, but Christy is a sub on Team Crazy, cuz Matt and Butch are a little nuts, especially Matt. He's gone from crazy scaring us to crazy really amusing us. Butch a lot of the times mumbles to himself. You can see him in a gray robe and slippers just mumbling at himself. They are definitely Team Crazy.

Jenna (confessional) -- But Team Crazy doesn't know they are Tean Crazy so we have to keep it a secret.

Rob (confessional) -- Matt is crazy. But the last couple days to a week he has kind of blossomed. When he won the immunity challenge it became out in the open that Matt is crazy. And now it's like instead of being the crazy guy you wouldn't invite to the party and you wouldn't even tell there was a party -- he's the crazy guy that the party wouldn't be complete if he wasn't there.

It's a nice transformation that he's gone through. Maybe I've even changed now that I've gotten to know him better and see another side of him. The guy cracks me up, and not because I'm not laughing at him, but now I am laughing at him, with him. And it's a nice thing for all of the parties. He's going to play a bigger role in this game than I think he ever imagined he would.


At night, after the TC that booted Deena, the group sits around the campfire.

Rob (confessional) -- After a person gets voted off there tends to be a public demoralization of the person when we get back to camp. It turned out that Deena was responsible for supplying Sadaam Hussein with a number of chemical weapons. I didn't know that. She was also responsible for killing O.J. Simpson's wife. Which I didn't know that either.

Matthew -- Of all the people in this game, she's the one person I really thought would play by the rules with integrity.

Rob -- The first day I met her, she said she was handicapped by her profession, what a crock.

Alex -- What a crock. That's why I said exactly why I said what I said at the council.

MARKOPOLO’S NOTE -- Here’s what Alex did say at the last TC --
Alex (votes Deena) -- You couldn't even stick by your words for three days, hence the reason your name is on here. I would actually love to go against you in court someday because you are the worst liar I think I've ever met in my life.

Matt -- She should have said goodbye too, I mean what the hell.

Jenna -- She doesn't care.

Alex (in confessional) -- Deena really needed to vilify everyone. In order for her to get her plan to work to get rid of all of us, she had to get everyone to hate each other. She was thinking she would be the last one standing.

Rob -- She said to me, don't forget, you've only known these people for 14 days.

Jenna -- 14 days is a long time.

Heidi -- My best friend Sarah I knew it the second I met her.

Jenna -- I've been with her 27 days straight. Heidi, me and her had an agreement to be honest with each other since day 2. And for her to do that, is really, really bothersome to me. If she can do that to someone she's know for that long, she can do it to anybody. The whole deal about her being here for her family -- I mean everyone's here for a specific reason. Everyone's wants the money. She told us all these different stories.

Christy -- That's why I can't trust anybody.

Jenna -- It threw Heidi and me for a loop because we thought we could trust her.

Rob -- If you're going to be lying to everybody, you better have a good memory to remember all the stories you're telling everybody.

Jenna (in confessional) -- I was like, Deena, if it wasn’t for Alex and Rob, and Matt, too, but Rob and Alex mainly, they could have joined with the guys and voted us off. And she would have been the first one to go. I said, don't you understand that. But she got so selfish and so self-centered that she had tunnel vision.


You saw host Jeff Probst auction off various rewards for the hungry Survivors, but you didn't see Butch's impression of an auctioneer. Has the middle school principal found a new profession? Or will he have to live this down when he goes back to school.

This video shows Butch doing a stupid auction of a blow dart. Alex seems annoyed.

But this video does have one good joke --

Rob (in a funny old voice to Alex) -- What the hell do I want to go to a food auction for? I'm just going to get hungry again.

Alex -- Shut up, Roger.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... smiley 04-25-03 1
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... Brownroach 04-25-03 12
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... wildchickenhunter 04-25-03 2
 Thanks! Cathy the Canadian 04-25-03 3
 Thaaaaaaaank you s_man 04-25-03 4
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... FSUGUY 04-25-03 5
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... djandy 04-25-03 6
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... Loree 04-25-03 8
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... snoocharoo 04-25-03 7
 Thanks! Devious Weasel 04-25-03 9
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... Boilermaker 04-25-03 10
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... DoodleBug 04-25-03 11
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... SaphireLady 04-26-03 13
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... RudyRules 04-28-03 14
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yah... Miss Scarlet 04-28-03 15

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smiley 2009 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

04-25-03, 08:27 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
LAST EDITED ON 04-25-03 AT 08:30 AM (EST)

not to be picky here LOL

But.... mi dispiace means I am sorry

Rob -- The girls said if it there comes up a challenge for a visit from somebody from home. They said that if Christy tries to win it that there is going to be bloody murder. This is how they feel about the game. That you Christy and Butch are so lucky to be here. That we're just stringing you guys along. It's like a Greek drama. ......These guys are arrogant, and I was going along with them, because that was...

Urgh...what b$tches!


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-25-03, 02:24 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
But.... mi dispiace means I am sorry

Actually you are both right.

Literally the meaning is "it does not please me", but it is used synonymously to mean "I am sorry", the same as in English, e.g.:

"It does not please me to do this to you"

as equivalent to

"I am sorry to do this to you"

That is the sense in which Rob used it, I'm sure.


wildchickenhunter 3192 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-25-03, 09:13 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
Thanks for the great stuff MP....It is too bad they don;t show us some of this instead of the crap they actually show.
Kepp up the good work!

Cathy the Canadian 599 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-25-03, 09:24 AM (EST)
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3. "Thanks!"
Just want to give a great big THANK YOU to marcopolo. That's a lot of typing dude! I look forward to these every week.

s_man 579 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-25-03, 09:30 AM (EST)
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4. "Thaaaaaaaank you"
And not in a Crazy Linda sort of way.

Thanks for taking the time to transcribe these clips for those of us to CHEAP to by the pass.

I love the insights given to us about "Team Crazy." That is priceless. Also, the full conversation b/w Matt and Rob is great info.


FSUGUY 447 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-25-03, 09:35 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
thanks for this info.

>>>Christy (votes Alex) -- HARD TO HEAR HER AS USUAL....I don't want him in the tribe anymore. I don't like being around him. I think the tribe would be better without him. Please go, get out of here

We heard Christy say 'he's so creepy',etc...., did we ever see her say she was talking about Matt? looks like maybe MB has been setting this up to look like Matt was creepy to her and she was always talking about Alex. Hiding the C/M/B alliance?


djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

04-25-03, 10:37 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
Markopolo, thank you so much for typing these up and posting them! A lot of work, but I think it gives us some good insights.

>Rob -- It's not charity and who deserves the money more.

>Matt -- Jenna and Heidi, what have they done?

>Rob -- They don't do any work. They just talk about how they deserve the money and blah blah blah.

This makes me think that Rob will vote for Matthew over Jenna for the F2. He appreciates who works the hardest and outplays everybody, not just who slips by without working and has a sympathy story.

>Rob -- This is what makes me so mad...that the girls are so mad at Christy yesterday that she bid on the letters against them.

>Matt -- They're spoiled

>Rob -- The girls said if it there comes up a challenge for a visit from somebody from home. They said that if Christy tries to win it that there is going to be bloody murder. This is how they feel about the game. That you Christy and Butch are so lucky to be here. That we're just stringing you guys along. It's like a Greek drama.

>Jenna (confessional) -- (laughs) Rob coined the phrase Team crazy as Matt, Butch and Christy because they are just crazy. They do crazy things at crazy times. They go fishing and don't come back with any fish. They go and chop firewood at the freakin hottest time of the day. They are just crazy. But that's fine. Whatever -- do what you want. Collect firewood, and we'll just hang out.

These exchanges reinforce my opinion that Jenna and Heidi are spoiled, shallow, and undeserving. It's bad enough that you don't work, but to make fun of the people that are working to feed you so you don't starve just shows Jenna and Heidi's entitlement mentality and total disdain for non-beautiful people.


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-25-03, 11:01 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"

>>Rob -- It's not charity and who deserves the money more.
>>Matt -- Jenna and Heidi, what have they done?
>>Rob -- They don't do any work. They just talk about how they deserve the money and blah blah blah.
>This makes me think that Rob
>will vote for Matthew over
>Jenna for the F2.
>He appreciates who works the
>hardest and outplays everybody, not
>just who slips by without
>working and has a sympathy
>>Rob -- This is what makes me so mad...that the girls are so mad at Christy yesterday that she bid on the letters against them.
>>Matt -- They're spoiled
>>Rob -- The girls said if it there comes up a challenge for a visit from somebody from home. They said that if Christy tries to win it that there is going to be bloody murder. This is how they feel about the game. That you Christy and Butch are so lucky to be here. That we're just stringing you guys along. It's like a Greek drama.
>>Jenna (confessional) -- (laughs) Rob coined the phrase Team crazy as Matt, Butch and Christy because they are just crazy. They do crazy things at crazy times. They go fishing and don't come back with any fish. They go and chop firewood at the freakin hottest time of the day. They are just crazy. But that's fine. Whatever -- do what you want. Collect firewood, and we'll just hang out.
>These exchanges reinforce my opinion that
>Jenna and Heidi are spoiled,
>shallow, and undeserving. It's
>bad enough that you don't
>work, but to make fun
>of the people that are
>working to feed you so
>you don't starve just shows
>Jenna and Heidi's entitlement mentality
>and total disdain for non-beautiful

I agree. This seems to really point to the fact that Rob will vote for Matt and not Jenna. If Jenna is really like this she may not get any votes other than Alex and Heidi. We never know exactly how the others see each other. Only how MB wants us to see it. I always remember how surprised we were to see that all the players really liked Lex. We were always led to believe that he wasn't well liked by most of them.

Thank you Marko for doing this yet again.


snoocharoo 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-25-03, 10:51 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
This is incredible stuff Marco, thank you so very much for sharing it with us.

"Intoxicated with the madness, I'm in love with my sadness"


Devious Weasel 18756 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-25-03, 11:05 AM (EST)
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9. "Thanks!"
Great job again, MP. I love this part.

Rob (confessional) -- After a person gets voted off there tends to be a public demoralization of the person when we get back to camp. It turned out that Deena was responsible for supplying Sadaam Hussein with a number of chemical weapons. I didn't know that. She was also responsible for killing O.J. Simpson's wife. Which I didn't know that either.


Boilermaker 260 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-25-03, 12:33 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
MP this was the best and most insightful Yahoo Platnum video yet. Thanks for your monetary and time contribution to our little community!


DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-25-03, 12:59 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
This stuff is golden! Thank you so much for sharing!!! You ROCK!

SaphireLady 2491 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-26-03, 11:40 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
Markopolo, thank you so much for this. You truely are the Unicorn's special envoy.

"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..." William Shakespeare; "The Tempest"


RudyRules 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-28-03, 08:53 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
Thanks Markopolo,
That was really good of you to type all that up. Some interesting tidbits there and some pretty amusing ones as well!

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch


Miss Scarlet 23 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-28-03, 09:11 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 11 Yahoo Platinum"
Thank You Marco. I always look forward to your sharing the Yahoo Platinum with us! It is insightful, welcome, and much appreciated.

Miss Scarlet



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