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"Why is Sue missing from this pic ??"
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Me-Lissa 20 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-17-00, 11:06 AM (EST)
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"Why is Sue missing from this pic ??"
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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Why is Sue missing from this pi... champagne_supernova 08-17-00 1
   RE: Why is Sue missing from this pi... SurvivorBlows 08-17-00 2
       Photo and spoilers AyatollahKhomeini 08-17-00 3
           Nine Shift Theory Me-Lissa 08-17-00 5
       RE: Why is Sue missing from this pi... champagne_supernova 08-17-00 4
 RE: Why is Sue missing from this pi... Wallflower 08-17-00 6

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champagne_supernova 48 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-17-00, 11:17 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Why is Sue missing from this pic ??"
I didn't see the pic on the website.

SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-17-00, 11:33 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Why is Sue missing from this pic ??"

Well, it's a real image on

Is this a leak as to who The Final Three are or just another "GervaseX" intentional red herring???


AyatollahKhomeini 2008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

08-17-00, 12:15 PM (EST)
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3. "Photo and spoilers"
LAST EDITED ON 08-17-00 AT 12:20 PM (EST)

First, thanks for posting this picture, Me-Lissa, and thanks for confirming it, Webmaster (Webby?).

I would not assume that this is the final three. I think is it absolute confirmation that Susan does not win, though. She would not be omitted from a VISIBLE (not hidden) publicity shot if she won. I also think that the National Geographic Adventure article is absolute confirmation that Richard does not win.

And, finally, I think Access Hollywood has proven that it knows the final breakdown and has arranged its clips in an order that proves it. The last three weeks (Gervase, Colleen and Sean as the Wednesday clips) have confirmed that.

So, the question is, which order should we put the Tuesday clips in:

the straight order: Rudy 4th, Richard 3rd, Susan 2nd, Kelly 1st;
or the reverse order: Kelly 4th, Susan 3rd, Richard 2nd, Rudy 1st?

If we take the comments of Gervase and Dirk at face value, the reverse order prevails... if we follow the TIARA theory that the digitally-altered final four clip was a real clue of the next four to go in order (which has held up for three weeks now), the straight order prevails.

I know of NO spoiler evidence other than the above that enables us to predict which Access Hollywood order is right. The quote from Susan that she won enough money so that she didn't have to work for three years could be equally compatible with a second or third place finish, since we don't know her real earnings.

As everyone on this board probably knows, I have advocated the Kelly wins theory for some time. One of my posts on the board several weeks ago was that Susan's endgame strategizing made the editing cut because it was a real spoiler: the final three really would be herself, Kelly and Richard, and they really would vote him off. <Then, to my chagrin, I changed that theory this week because I believed that the poster who knew several weeks ago that Sean's father went to the island also knew that Sean finished third.> But, other than such subjective judgments, I don't know of any way to establish the final order.

Hope everyone else has fun with it. I have.


Me-Lissa 20 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-17-00, 01:32 PM (EST)
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5. "Nine Shift Theory"
>So, the question is, which order
>should we put the Tuesday
>clips in:
>the straight order: Rudy 4th, Richard
>3rd, Susan 2nd, Kelly 1st;
>or the reverse order: Kelly 4th,
>Susan 3rd, Richard 2nd, Rudy

I would like to propose the Nine Diagonal Shift theory which is based on the Glossary theory:

Tagi Tribe Named for the beach on which they live (located on the island's southeast face), Tagi's members are: Stacey, Dirk, Richard, Susan, Kelly, Rudy, Sean, and Sonja.

Let's put these names in a rectangular grid and assign a value based on the position in the list:

1-Stacey 2-Dirk 3-Richard 4-Susan
5-Kelly 6-Rudy 7-Sean 8-Sonja

We know that Sonja was the first to go followed by Stacey. Start with Sonja and diagonal up to Stacey. Numerically, 8 + 1 = 9. We shift over to Dirk, who we know is next. Dirk is 2, diagonal down to Sean who is 7, and we get 2 + 7 = 9. If this pattern follows, then we shift again to Rudy who is 6. In order to come up with 9 again, we must diagonal up to number 3 who is Richard. The next step is to shift to Susan 4 and the last must be Kelly-5 diagonally down to come up with 4 + 5 = 9.

If this order is intentional, then the Nine Diagonal Shift theory agrees with straight order mentioned above.

We may also want to look at the order of the people NOT appearing in the Final Four picture. From left to right, are they Richard, Sue, and Kelly ??



champagne_supernova 48 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-17-00, 12:19 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Why is Sue missing from this pic ??"
Probably just a red herring...Darn those CBS bastards!

Wallflower 62 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-17-00, 02:43 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Why is Sue missing from this pic ??"
Hey what IS up with that picture? Here's the link folks, everyone take a gander and see what you think.
Great post Me-Lissa~!


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