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"S4 E8 Closed Caption Feed"
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AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
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04-19-02, 02:41 PM (EST)
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"S4 E8 Closed Caption Feed"
For those of you who are new to the board...

During S3, I posted a closed-caption feed from the week's episode about two hours after each show aired. The feeds are provided by SB board member DiamondK, who deserves our thanks for capturing these on her computer's video card. BUT ...

Each week, it took me at least an hour to clean up the obvious errors in the feed. For example, Lex almost always came through as "election"! I didn't want to post the feed and have it riddled with errors.

For S4, I have not had the time to clean up these errors. As a result, I haven't been posting the feeds, even though DiamondK has continued to generate them. This week, I received a request to resume posting them, and I will. BUT I still don't have the time to clean up the errors. So ...

If anyone would like to go through this post, clean up the errors, and maybe even identify the speakers, the rest of us would be ever so grateful. Just post the cleaned-up version as a reply to this post.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't point out that the closed-caption feed is the property of CBS, and that it is posted here for spoiler value only, so that we can figure out the dymanics on this fast-changing show.

OK, with all the preliminaries out of the way, here is the raw, completely uncorrected E8 closed-caption feed:

TV Channel 3 Thu Apr 18 21:25:34 2002

>> Probst: Previously on "survivor": Rob and kathy preparedor the merge and made a pact to protect each other.

>> I am really serious. Don't stab me.

>> I swear to god i will never vote you off.

>> Probst: The next day matamu had to break camp and set sail for rou where the two tribes merge. But unity was short-lived. In an attempt to undermine the original rotu alliance of four, rob confronted julie.

>> They're all lying to me. I need the immunity because I'm getting the ax.

>> Probst: At the challenge, kathy won a crucial immunity. Back at camp, tensions flared bringing chaos to solianti.

>> It's a team, it's a team. So everything's coming over.

>> Probst: At tribal council, rob was voted off. Rob, the tribe has spoken. Nine are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

>> I know it's a somber mood because we had to vote somebody out, but you guys were all on the jury. That's a huge accomplishment. You guys should all feel really good.

>> I feel great.

>> I feel wonderful.

>> I feel wonderful, too.

>> I wonderful, wonderful.

>> Before tribal council, i pulled rob aside and i told him that I was going to be voting for him, and he was okay about it. But I wanted him to hear it from me and i didn't want him to think that I was trying to do anything behind his back, especially being a previous marram ewe.

>> The last couple of nights it's been colder than usual.

>> After the tribal council, with rob being gone, the mood around here is so totally different. It's so much more relaxed and peaceful, you know, there isn't a threat that some wise ass remark's going to be made and set off a whole new fight going on for no good reason.

>> Who farted?

>> I did.

>> It stinks.

>> Excuse me. That was the first faherty that actually had substance.

>> This diet has played havoc, i guess with sean's system because he does have a little bit of a flat lent problem, but i sleep down the other end of the tent and I'm usually up wind, so I've been a little bit fortunate.

>> I'm sorry. I thought it was enough time to air it out over here, but...

>> Sean is definitely... you know, he'll probably the next one voted off. Everybody's talking about sean being a problem. He just doesn't work hard, he complains, he farts a lot.

>> What was that?

>> I'm just messing everybody up.

>> Sean, you're sleeping somewhere else.

>> I'm sorry. I'm playing the game exactly how I came in playing, which is if you're true to yourself, that's the true game of life. The only thing that's changing is my attitude. Oh, see how happy I am? I can pass gas and feel free as a bird.

>> Sean.

>> Sean.

>> I cleaned mine. Some nasty ass over here...

>> Good night, fb.

>> Good night.

>> The four-daybreak. I was out by the fire. I couldn't sleep, so i got out and I was sitting by the fire thinking of my wife and my daughters.

>> We got up this morning, and there was... we had a real windy night and a real windy morning, and as you can see, two trees came right down on camp. We're very lucky that they fell this way instead of falling on our tent.

>> Yeah, a cup more feet and that could have been on our tent.

>> Don't say that. But it was... praise god.

>> Totally.

>> Just to go over what happened yesterday, I was just confused about the fact that if there was an original alliance to vote me off first when i came here. I just wanted to know about it.

>> Definitely not, kathy.

>> Okay. But was there one formed just to get rob in a different position?

>> That was my intention, and that's what I tried to express yesterday. There was never any intention of voting you off in no way in hell. We wanted to get rotu bac together as a team.

>> Zoe just lied to me point blank about the fact that the tribe had definitely scoped me out for the first vote off when we merged. I think zoe's been lying from the beginning. I think she's been playing both sides, and I just can't take that. Whoever wins wins, but i don't want to be the pawn, you know?

>> Right.

>> So I'm going to fight tooth and nail to find out what's going on. But not to the point where i upset my friendships. I don't want to upset friendships with people.

>> I don't either.

>> I was going to push her further on it, but i just decided for good negotiations, not to get voted off, I wanted her to feel a little guilty. I think I did it that.

>> But I'm just happy that we got through this, and then when sean's voted off...

>> One day at a time.

>> ...Then we'll deal with what we're doing with each other, all right?

>> Good.

>> Okay, good. Thanks, sweetie.

>> I don't know, why but i get empowered by these water falls. It's the fresh water and it's just... it's ib vig rating. So i wanted to be up there and just feel that pressure point on my back and kind of wake up and start a new day and a better direction.

>> There, you got it.

>> 5.8.

>> Nobody has ever complained about going to the water fall because that's one place where we go, jump in the water, it's nice and cool, it cools us off and totally refreshes us. For me, it rejoouf nats everything inside of me, and I'm ready to go again after I get out of there.

>> Oh, my god, look you guys. What is it? They're, like, flags or something.

>> And when we got up the water fall and we were on our way back we checked the tree mail and sure enough, we had tree mail.

>> Oh, my god, thorium burrell arkses.

>> This is like a picnic thing, I think.

>> Wow. Bring back the whole basket, so everybody can see it. That is cool.

>> You guys, check this out. So it says here "you may be feeling grounded. Now how high can you go? Find the wind under your wings to see wonders down below. Here's some items to build a kite, though you're not restricted to just these. Make yours fly the highest first and you'll explore these exotic seas." Taking out in a boat and you're going to eat. It was a pretty cool tree mail. It was a really good twist of trying to make kites and then we have to fly them and then we get a reward.

>> Too much win.

>> I got a kite and a new outfit out of this challenge.

>> I think the next facet of this game is to him nato the nonrotu people. I think sean will be first, but I don't think we're going to start voting off power. I want to, believe me. I would love to vote off john or tammy, but i don't know if I can really get past talison...

>> I asked kelly, did you guys ever consider voting me off? And she said no.

>> That's true. They didn'T. You're getting all this negative stuff.

>> You know, if I'm used as a pawn for them to win and I'm on the jury and I have to vote for them and they took me and...

>> We'll find out.

>> Yeah, but they're going to use us to get to the top.

>> So?

>> I need to have paschal experience some of this turmoil. A couple more pieces of turmoil and they see how people act, then they might commit to understanding that the powerful people need to go.

>> Oh, my kite is going to be a miserable failure.

>> Oh, stop it.

>> I'm serious.

>> Ah, go fly a kite.

>> Yeah.

>> Probst: Welcome, guys. Today's challenge is very simple. The first person to get their kite 300 feet in the air wins. You'll know you're at 300 feet because at the end of your spool you'll see a purple ribbon. Once that clears your spool, you win. Now, to the reward, and i hope this brings a smile to your face. To start, a delicious snickers bar. Ain't no regular snickers either. It's the big one.

>> Oh, yeah.

>> Probst: Freshly chilled, on eyes. All right, start... on ice. All right, start down here.

>> Oh, man.

>> Oh, my god. This is so good.

>> Probst: Dig in, john. The winner of the reward gets the king size snickers, and you're going to eat it enroute to a deep sea dive in one of the most spectacular places on earth. A good chance to see manhattan race, ooels, hammer-head sharks. You go out with somebody experienceed, they'll teach you everything you need to know. Have a great time. All right, take your spool, tie it up to your kite, spread out along the beach, wait for my go. Here we go, guys. Survivors ready? Go! That a way kathy, off to a good start. That a way, zoe. All right, neleh, you're airborne. Hang in there, tammy.

>> Fly! This thing just does not want to fly.

>> Probst: Sean, you're getting nowhere fast, buddy. Paschal, what are you doing? Come on, john, run. Run!

>> Good job, girlfriend. That's tough.

>> Probst: Zoe, keep it going. You're up. You're down. There you go, neleh. Oh, you're back on the ground.

>> Yeah! Yeah! Whoa!

>> Probst: You're on a hot streak. Do you dive?

>> Yeah, do I.

>> Probst: You're going to have a great time.

>> It looks like the little as callous broke it.

>> Probst: Guys, let's bring it in. You're going down looking for sharks, you're looking for ooels you're looking for manteraas. You're going to have a nice cool snickers. You guys can head back that way.

>> The seas out in the south pacific are crazy. They're so squirrely, they're going one way, another way. If you hit one of those large swells, the zodiac just comes slamming down. It was really fun. I was definitely apprehensive.

>> The nice thing about scuba diving that you've got to remember is just to relax. So as soon as you relax, everything becomes really easy.

>> Right.

>> Just go through the hand sequence.

>> Okay, you're okay.

>> Not good.

>> I've got one of my own.

>> Yeah?

>> When I'm really scared, i go... they had everything ready to go, you know? Wet suit, tanks, they were informing me, i felt very confident. And by the time i was all suited up and I was about ready to do that back flip off the boat, i just said, "just keep going, kath." Read.

>> Ready?

>> The feeling when you first go underwater, it's like going from day to night, only it's going from air to a wle 'nother world under there. You really truly feel like a fish out of water, you know, there isn't our abode. There isn't where we're supposed to be and i feel that I'm infiltrating something, that we're not supposed to be down there. But it's gorgeous. There were some raise kicking around.

And the amount of fish is equal to being in a massive aquarium. It was a vacation down there, getting away from the tribe and the island and everything. I just feel like I'm so far away from everything down there. No stress.


>> The bottom line is every single tribal council, we go with the first we know we're voting off and we're going with a back-up person.

>> Okay, it sounds good.

>> Right now, paschal, neleh, big rob, john and zoe, we've all decide today vote the same for the next three votes. Sean is the one.

>> I'm trying to leave here playing the game. I get frustrated because i feel like nobody's playing the game. I know I'm definitely next. I didn't come out for no vacation much I came out to bring home the bacon. All I can do is go out trying. I'm telling you the truth. I'm going to talk to kathy and I'm going to talk to neale. ... Neleh.

>> Sean is i think feeling vulnerable right now and is trying to stir the pot a little bit, cause some possible doubts about what's going to happen tomorrow night in the event he doesn't win immunity or whether or not he's got the votes to keep him on. So it's fascinating to watch this all take place.

>>Et's pray for a moment. Father god in the name of jesus, another grateful morning to be in your presence.

>> God, that was hysterical. I feel like a dead fish. Hey, how are you?

>> Tell me about it.

>> It was great. It was beautiful. It was exciting. And we got a snickers bar, so I'm excited. We're going to have some chocolate.T1 the real motivational force for bringing the snickers bar back was for peace of mind. So if they had any beef that i won a challenge again, and i thought the snicker bar would just kind of entice good feelings from the tribe. It could also backfire, like I'm trying to bribe them. Oh, my god. I am now going to be eating snickers bars. We all would have had a hard time bringing it back, so that was very, very generous of you. Thank you.

>> I like having you guys happy. There's too much tension on the beach.

>> No. That was great. Thanks.

>> It was a beautiful gesture on kathy's part, you know, an eighth of a snicker isn't going to change my vote, but i do appreciate the gesture and it was a very sweet thing for her to do.

>> There's a bond here.

>> Yep, there definitely is.

>> It may be a different kind of bond, but there's a bond.

>> Right.

>> Everybody's, like, we're all family and I'm like, you know, everything ain't hunky dory over here. Things are going on, people are not to be trusted. But while you're still in the game, you've got still kind of be vague but still put it out. If i can maybe get kathy, maybe they can get kathy and neleh. All gloves are off, let's go for the gusto. This isn't just a game, we're going into crunch time. We have a chance to win the million.

>> The only thing i can say is i totally agree with you. I think tammy and john are playing the game and they're playing it soard, it's on noxious.

>> If you're in agreement, you me and vee are on the same wavelengh.

>> We just need to get paschal and neleh and you know what? I think we can do T. I think this alliance stuff is what's killing us here.

>> You just know there's going to be alliances, no mater what, so...

>> Really?

>> Yeah, no matter what. No matter... the bigger stink you make about things, the more vulnerable you are, so...

>> Being voted out fifth totally is fine. She feels if you make too many waves, she said, "kathy, if you talk any more about, that you're going to get voted off." So now, paschal's sort of the pivotal vote. I don't want to be a pawn to help tammy and john go to the top. I want it to be even.

>> I'm not aligning myself with sean and vee.

>> You know what, paschal? I want it to be fair.

>> Okay, here's the deal.

>> It should be fair.

>> Well, this game's not fair.

>> If I could have formed the alliance with sean and vee and paschal and neleh and myself, i would have had a huge shot at it. But that's not going to happen. Paschal wants sean off, and so does everybody else.

>> I'm feeling vulnerable because of the war path that sean went on, and so what I'm worried about are there may be people that may believe some of the trash he was taking... talking and decide to vote against me. Somebody who did nothing beat me that would just suck.

>> That's exactly what i told neleh. I said, "it is so important to me that somebody like sean doesn't make it to the finals." I said, "john deserves it. Sean would be an embore as... embarrassment."

>> John picked up on something that sean may be under the belief that he has kathy and vee and me and neleh with him, which is incorrect. And i just wanted to tell john and I told him, i said, "you've got my word that's not true. When i give you my order... when I give you my word, my word is the most important thing to me at my age." I don't have much, but I got that.

>> Vee and paschal are really supporting my success in this game and are really rooting for me. And knowing that you can rely upon those two people, it's like two free passes. It's an amazing experience, i

>> Who didn't get one?

>> Is it good?

>> You didn't get any?

>> Thanks, buddy.

>> Thank you.

>> Mostly coconut with just a little bit of terra in it.

>> The mood in the camp right now seems to be, you know, we're all on the jury and good luck to everybody. But I do know good luck to everybody really means good luck to sean. You know, every man for himself is really sean is for himself swimming upstream.

>> See if my check came today.

>> Pretty simple.

>> Okay. "You've had time to learn this place. I hope you've prepared well. If you've done your homework, soon we all will tell. Use your information wisely. You can choose who you'll cut down. Hope you've played nicely. It will help you stick around."

>> I just think it's going to be, like, a process of elimination maybe.

>> I don't trust any one of these people in this game. I'm trying to win immunity for me. I'm not giving it up if i win, and if I lose, I'm going to salute them and say, "good luck because pretty much that's how they wanted it. I'm on my own. Why would i trust any one of them at this stage of the game?

>> Probst: First things first. Kathy, the immunity necklace back up for grabs. Okay. For today's immunity challenge, I'm going to ask you a series of questions relating to life and survival on the marquesas islands. Each of you has a station with three bundles of coke nuts strung up to the top of a coconut tree. Every time you get an answer correctly, you're going to take the prong and chop dunn one pile of coke nuts of somebody else'S. You win immunity by knocking everybody else out. So when all three of your coconut bundles have been chopped down, you're out of the game. The last person left with coke nuts wins immunity. Now, if more than one of you has a correct answer, you'll each get a turn at chopping down coke nuts and in in an order chosen at random. Get up your blocks and let's do it. All right, here we go. First question: True or false: In a prolonged survival situation, drinking large quantities of coconut milk will help combat dehydration? The correct answer is false. It has a lacks tif effect. General step forward, tammy step forward, sean step forward. Sean, you're first. Tammy, you're second. General, you go third.

>> Surprise, surprise. Shock of all shocks.

>> Good form, man. Good form.

>> Probst: The game is on, huh, sean?

>> Always been.

>> All right, tammy.

>> Probst: All right, tammy.

>> Go, rocky. Sean i

>> I see what's going on.

>> Probst: General. Let's get this game going. You're a marked man, sean.

>> That's all right.

>> Probst: Next question: Cannibalism was common in the marquesas for which of the following reasons: A, as a means of purging the sins of a tribe? B, as a source of protein due to the scarcity of meat? C, a form of tribal sacrifice? Or d, to seize the power of the person being eaten? The correct answer is d, they wanted to seize the power. John, vee, zoe, sean and nel, all got it wrong.

>> Kathy, i love you. No murat feelings, though. -- No hurt feelings, though.

>> Nice job, baby.

>> Stay away from that green.

>> Oh, that was a tough one for him. Payback's a #####. Good man.

>> Probst: John?

>> I got that, baby, right here.

>> Probst: All right, sean, you're the first casualty. You can take your box, have a seat right over here in the viewing area. Neleh.

>> Go, sweet pea.

>> Probst: Vecepia takes a first hit.

>> Sweet pea, whoa, you'll be cracking some nuts.

>> Oh, there's a conspiracy going on y'all.

>> Three strikes and you're....

>> I'm calling johnny cochran if somebody hits vee'S.

>> Probst: True or false: Within a survival situation at sea without fresh water, you should refrain from eating? True or false? The answer is true. John, general, paschal, zoe, tamm

>> Where's johnny cochran? I want him on the phone right now.

>> Probst: Vecepia, you join sean in the waiting area. Kathy takes her second hit.

>> You look tired, kathy.

>> Ow!.

>> Probst: Kathy's out of the game, joins sean and vee. Paschal takes his first hit.

>> Whoa!

>> A little to the right, john.

>> Sorry neleh.

>> Probst: Neleh's got one hit. With authority.

>> Yeah!

>> I swear we could take them, i swear we could.

>> I on't know if we had paschal and neleh for sure, though.

>> What, dear?

>> I said that was ugly of you.

>> Probst: John, general just took you out, but you still get a shot.

>> This is the order how it's going to go. That'S.

>> That's my boy.

>> You guys are cooking tonight.

>> Probst: Paschal, you're out. John, you're also out. You can join the other three. All right, neleh. General has all three of his bundles of coke nuts left. Zoe and neleh and tammy, you each have two left. Next question: In the marquesas islands, what is a horse? A, a rearing flower. B, a ver milliian sea creature found in lagoons. C, a horse like any other found all over the world. Or d, a traditional podium for tiki statues. Spanish explorers introduced horses to the marquesas, so a horse is just a horse. Everybody but zoe step forward.

>> Everybody's got to have two, also, right?

>> Ow!. Oh, nice.

>> One last person in the game evens the odds.

>> Oh, good. I needed a rest. I'll remember, don't worry.

>> Probst: Payback's tough.

>> Heads up, general.

>> You want me to leave it out for you?

>> Why wouldn't she have given neleh another chance.

>> You whacked me. Turn about is fair play.

>> Probst: Take your box and join the group.

>> Hey, it's green. Money. Money color, baby.

>> Probst: It's down to you two. You both get it right, we'll move on. Somebody misses, it's over. True or false: The sea cucumber can actually be deadly to human beings? It can cause burns, but it is not deadly. Tammy's right. Chop down his last coconut. I'll have immunity when you get back.

>> Oh, doesn't that look beautiful?

>> Probst: Nicely done. Tammy's time for the bow. Everybody else is going home. You guys can head back home. See you at tribal council. Nice job. So long. Enter at mgd.Com... or wherever pure, cold-filtered mgd is sold. R !! T1

>> You know how people always say everything is not perfect. When you get back from a challenge, you find out just how everything is not always perfect.

>> Took care of business right off the bat, man. Thank you.

>> At the challenge, there was quite a bit of cockiness with tammy, zoe, big rob and john.

>> I almost was going to do you because i hated to get paschal at another time.

>> It didn't seem to bother you that much.

>> Today in the trivia game, sean went out first, then vee, then kathy. I had some satisfaction that i was the one that cut sean's last rope. So hopefully that will be an omen tonight.

>> Everybody's saw for their own eyes at the challenge how arrogant the four was, and i think it rubs people the wrong way.

>> They just didn't play it smart in that game.

>> They didn'T.

>> Yeah, they were never going to give us any consideration.

>> No way.

>> None.

>> I think the way that immunity came down, the coconut chopping and all, I think it signaled to us that there was a picking... pecking order and we were included in it, even though we had been told that that wasn't true.

>> When we saw the coke nuts, they hacked down john's, you know, these just in the order that they were going to him nato us. I've been nothing but honest to everybody. I'm following my heart today. I would be lying to my heart and to myself if i went up there and voted for sean tonight. This is really how i feel, pass can A. If if me and you are going to get anywhere towards end, we have to do this. We would be fools if we didn'T. We've worked too long, we've been here for too long and I'm not going to go out like that. I just had this feeling, you noerns, especially after today's immunity challenge i saw them hack down pack cal's coke nuts so fast, and inside I'm, like, there's got to be something changed here.

>> I don't know how to play this game. I have no clue how to play it. I don't want to know how to play it. I tend to lay back and watch the lay of the land and then when i think I've got the lay of the land figured out, i begin doing something. This is exactly how i am in the courtroom, in life. The only thing i can say is i think I'm a fair and consistent judge. I think I'm a fair and consistent player.

>> I'm going to pack all my stuff and when I go to tribal, I'm fully prepared to be voted out. If it's going to be that they vote me out tonight, i don't like going out like a wimp because I'd rather go out with my head held high knowing that i tried, than staying around dealing with the tribal people saying, well, at least five, six or seven is not bad.

>> Probst: Welcome, guys.

>> Jeff.

>> Hi, jeff.

>> Probst: Vee, about today's challenge, do you think there was anything to the first three who got knocked out of this game? Sean was clearly marked, you were next and kathy. Boom, boom, boom. Is that just the way this game goes, or did you reflect upon that and think, "hmmm?"

>> Jeff, i definitely reflected upon that because it seemed to be to be a little bit of gloating as people were staying in the game and going on. And it was apparent to several of us, and at that point, alarms started going off in all of our heads.

>> Probst: John, tell me about the kiss. You gave a godfather kiss to sean as you went to do his third one. Sean received it, good naturedly and put it on his ass. What was going on there?

>> Basically with me being the mouth piece and you're dead on, that's exactly what i was doing, you know, just taunting, weave a friendship with each other where we understand that we're playing the game, and that nothing is meant seriously. We have no hard feelings toward each other at all.

>> Probst: Paschal, for you what's the objective of this game? You've been out here now 24 days.

>> Well, from my point of view, the objective when i came in here was to be as honest as i could be, given the framework of the game. And I'm one of the people that really didn't start playing the game until very late. I think i started maybe playing today, as a matter of fact.

>> Probst: How about for you, john?

>> I came into the game wanting to be, you know, mr. Integri, mr. Honesty. And then you start building alliances and you start doing things, and then there is doubt about what other people are saying or doing. I don't think I, like, flat out lied. I think I've adapted to the half truths and all that, and I've done my share of them, you know, and i wish i hadn'T. But at this point, it just seems to be part of the game.

>> Probst: Sean, if you get voted out tonight, are you proud of how you've played?

>> I'm proud 100%. I haven't lied to one person in this game. The people i kept my word to, I've kept my word to up to this point. For me, integrity is definitely important, stand for something or you'll fall for anything. So stand up for what you believe even if it means getting kicked out.

>> Probst: Okay, immunity. Tammy, you're wearing it. You own it. You can keep it, you can certainly give it away. What are you going to do with it?

>> When i went into the immunity challenge today, i didn't give a (no audio) whether i won or lost because I wasn't worried about my position in the tribe. But I hold this thing in high respect now, and i realize how valuable it is.

>> Probst: So you're keeping it. Okay, you guys are about to get ready to vote out the first person that will be a member of the jury. From here on out, you're going to vote people out of this game and then turn around and ask them to come back and vote for you to give you $1 million. Very, very tough game to play. It is time to vote. Paschal, you're first.

>> You told me today you can't wait for a shower, a meal and a good bed. We'll be hanging at N.Y.C. Eating good soon. Later, bro. Jobs

>> You've been better the last few days, but i still don't feel like you pull your weight around the camp.

>> Check mate, brother. You thought you had me. Any time you go to vegas, bet on black. We're definitely going to have chicken and waffles when this whole thing is done.

>> Probst: I'll go tally the votes. Once the votes are red, the decision is final. The person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes. First vote, sean. Sean. Two votes sean. John. John. It's two votes sean, two votes john. Three votes john. We're tied, three votes john, three votes sean. That's four votes john. The eighth person voted out, the first member of our jury, john. No need to read the last vote. John, the tribe has poken. It's time for you to go. Good night. Just when you think you have this game figured out, whoops, surprise. This game is up for grabs. You guys can head back to camp. I'll see you tomorrow.

>> Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

>> Next week, see the biggest power shift in " "or" history. And the most unpredictable "survivor" episode yet.

>> You never know what's going to happen.

>> I'm going to eat an incredible meal. I won't be able to retire, mom, I'm sorry. But I made the game and i made the jury and i just... i did really well and I'm very proud of myself.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 A few favs s_man 04-19-02 1
   RE: A few favs Swami 04-19-02 3
       Others AyaK 04-19-02 4
           RE: Others Spidey 04-19-02 5
 RE: S4 E8 Closed Caption Feed Icis 04-19-02 2
 E8 Closed Captioned - Edited Icis 04-20-02 6
   WOW!!! sleeeve 04-20-02 7
   RE: E8 Closed Captioned - Edited Naked 04-24-02 8
   RE: E8 Closed Captioned - Edited PepeLePew13 04-24-02 9
   RE: E8 Closed Captioned - Edited DarkLotus 04-25-02 10

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s_man 579 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-19-02, 04:56 PM (EST)
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1. "A few favs"
Maybe I'll work on cleaning this up later. Probabally not.

A few of my favorite wtf lines:

Oh, my god, thorium burrell arkses.

A good chance to see manhattan race, ooels, hammer-head sharks.

Sweet pea, whoa, you'll be cracking some nuts.

>> Probst: Okay, immunity. Tammy, you're wearing it. You own it. You can keep it, you can certainly give it away. What are you going to do with it?

When i went into the immunity challenge today, i didn't give a (no audio) whether i won or lost because I wasn't worried about my position in the tribe. But I hold this thing in high respect now, and i realize how valuable it is.

Probst: So you're keeping it.

Check mate, brother. You thought you had me.

Just some I found funny.


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-19-02, 07:06 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: A few favs"
This was quite useful, even without being cleaned up. But some of the mistakes were hilarious, and should be on Bashers:

Sean's "flat lent" problem (gas)
Snickers bars, "freshly chilled, on eyes"
"Et's pray for a moment" (I know these survivor's are strange, but ETs?)

Sorry, I couldn't resist.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-19-02, 08:04 PM (EST)
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4. "Others"
LAST EDITED ON 04-19-02 AT 08:06 PM (EST)

Hacking down the "coke nuts" in the order that they were going to "him nato" us....

Personally, I have never been worried about someone NATO-ing me ... and coke nuts sounds pretty kinky -- after all, I've heard about using coke on my ... uh, never mind

And I love this quote from the recap at the start: "rob confronted julie."

Julie? Julie who? The sometimes Mormon/sometimes skank from Real World New Orleans and RW/RR Challenge? How'd she get on this show? Is she going to team up with Neleh?

Uh, and "talison" and "kelly" are on this show too!

And, as s_man pointed out, manta rays and eels became "manhattan race" and "ooels."

Now you all know why this takes so long to clean up!

And one thought on one of the legit quotes from here:

Paschal: "And I just wanted to tell John, and I told him, I said, "You've got my word that's not true. When I give you my word, my word is the most important thing to me at my age." I don't have much, but I got that.

Well, Paschal, you may not have had much before, but you've got less now, because (judging by this episode) your word means zip. You know, I've dealt with judges like that before....


Spidey 6259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-19-02, 10:09 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Others"
Thanks, guys! This is an excellent tool. And they typos were a riot.

>And one thought on one of
>the legit quotes from here:
>Paschal: "And I just wanted
>to tell John, and I
>told him, I said, "You've
>got my word that's not
>true. When I give you
>my word, my word is
>the most important thing to
>me at my age." I
>don't have much, but I
>got that.

>Well, Paschal, you may not have
>had much before, but you've
>got less now, because (judging
>by this episode) your word
>means zip. You know,
>I've dealt with judges like
>that before....

IMO, Paschal realized John was a lying sack and his oath was procured by fraud. As a judge, he's clear with his conscience that their agreement is void.

Would you have wanted the opposite result? How redundant that would be! Might as well show the last several weeks of S2 again.


Icis 60 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-19-02, 06:12 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: S4 E8 Closed Caption Feed"
I'll give it a shot AyaK. Give me a bit...

Icis 60 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-20-02, 10:15 PM (EST)
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6. "E8 Closed Captioned - Edited"
>TV Channel 3 Thu Apr 18
>21:25:34 2002

Probst Previously on "Survivor": Rob and Kathy prepared for the merge and made a pact to protect each other.

Kathy I am really serious. Don't stab me.

Rob I swear to god I will never vote you off.

Probst The next day Marramu had to break camp and set sail for Rotu where the two tribes merge. But unity was short-lived. In an attempt to undermine the original Rotu alliance of four, Rob confronted Zoe.

Kathy - confession They're all lying to me. I need the immunity because I'm getting the ax.

Probst At the challenge, Kathy won a crucial immunity. Back at camp, tensions flared bringing chaos to Soliantu.

Sean – to John It's a team, it's a team. So everything's coming over.

Probst At tribal council, Rob was voted off. Rob, the tribe has spoken. Nine are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

Back from TC…
Tammy I know it's a somber mood because we had to vote somebody out, but you guys we’re all on the jury. That's a huge accomplishment. You guys should all feel really good.

Neleh I feel great.

Paschal I feel wonderful.

Kathy I feel wonderful, too.

Paschal wonderful, wonderful.

Vecepia – confession Before tribal council, I pulled Rob aside and I told him that I was going to be voting for him, and he was okay about it. But I wanted him to hear it from me and I didn't want him to think that I was trying to do anything behind his back, especially being a previous Marramu.

Neleh The last couple of nights it's been colder than usual.

Zoe – confession After the tribal council, with Rob being gone, the mood around here is so totally different. It's so much more relaxed and peaceful, you know, there isn't a threat that some wise ass remark's going to be made and set off a whole new fight going on for no good reason.

Neleh Who farted?

Sean I did.

Neleh It stinks.

Sean Excuse me. That was the first fart that actually had substance.

Robert This diet has played havoc, I guess with Sean’s system because he does have a little bit of a flatulence problem, but I sleep down the other end of the tent and I'm usually up wind, so I've been a little bit fortunate.

Sean I'm sorry. I thought it was enough time to air it out over here, but...

Kathy - confession Sean is definitely... you know, he'll probably the next one voted off. Everybody's talking about Sean being a problem. He just doesn't work hard, he complains, he farts a lot.

Tammy What was that?

Sean I'm just messing everybody up.

Tammy Sean, you're sleeping somewhere else.

Sean I'm sorry.

Sean – confession I'm playing the game exactly how I came in playing, which is if you're true to yourself, that's the true game of life. The only thing that's changing is my attitude. Oh, see how happy I am? I can pass gas and feel free as a bird.

unknown Sean!

unknown Sean!

Sean I cleaned mine. Some nasty ass over here...

Robert Good night, everybody.

all Good night.

Paschal – voice-over Before daybreak. I was out by the fire. I couldn't sleep, so I got out and I was sitting by the fire thinking of my wife and my daughters.

Robert – confession We got up this morning, and there was... we had a real windy night and a real windy morning, and as you can see, two trees came right down on camp. We're very lucky that they fell this way instead of falling on our tent.

Tammy Yeah, a couple more feet and that could have been on our tent.

Vecepia Don't say that. But it was... praise god.

Tammy Totally.

Kathy – to Zoe Just to go over what happened yesterday, I was just confused about the fact that if there was an original alliance to vote me off first when I came here. I just wanted to know about it.

Zoe Definitely not, Kathy.

Kathy Okay. But was there one formed just to get Rob in a different position?

Zoe That was my intention, and that's what I tried to express yesterday. There was never any intention of voting you off in no way in hell. We wanted to get Rotu back together as a team.

Kathy – confession Zoe just lied to me point blank about the fact that the tribe had definitely scoped me out for the first vote off when we merged. I think Zoe's been lying from the beginning. I think she's been playing both sides, and I just can't take that.

Kathy Whoever wins wins, but I don't want to be the pawn, you know?

Zoe Right.

Kathy So I'm going to fight tooth and nail to find out what's going on. But not to the point where I upset my friendships. I don't want to upset friendships with people.

Zoe I don't either.

Kathy – confession I was going to push her further on it, but I just decided for good negotiations, not to get voted off, I wanted her to feel a little guilty. I think I did it that.

Kathy But I'm just happy that we got through this, and then when Sean’s voted off...

Zoe One day at a time.

Kathy ...Then we'll deal with what we're doing with each other, all right?

Zoe Good.

Kathy Okay, good. Thanks, sweetie.

At the waterfall…
Kathy – confession I don't know, why but I get empowered by these waterfalls. It's the fresh water and it's just... it's invigorating. So I wanted to be up there and just feel that pressure point on my back and kind of wake up and start a new day and a better direction.

John There, you got it.

Kathy 5.8

Neleh – confession Nobody has ever complained about going to the waterfall because that's one place where we go, jump in the water, it's nice and cool; it cools us off and totally refreshes us. For me, it rejuvenates everything inside of me, and I'm ready to go again after I get out of there.

Kathy Oh, my god, look you guys. What is it? They're, like, flags or something.

Paschal – confession And when we got up the waterfall and we were on our way back we checked the tree mail and sure enough, we had tree mail.

Kathy Oh, my god, they’re umbrellas.

John This is like a picnic thing, I think.

Tammy Wow. Bring back the whole basket, so everybody can see it. That is cool.

Kathy You guys, check this out. So it says here,
"You may be feeling grounded.
Now how high can you go?
Find the wind under your wings
To see wonders down below.
Here's some items to build a kite,
Though you're not restricted to just these.
Make yours fly the highest first
And you'll explore these exotic seas."

Kathy – confession It was a pretty cool tree mail. It was a really good twist of trying to make kites and then we have to fly them and then we get a reward.

Working on kites…
Tammy Too much wind.

Neleh I got a kite and a new outfit out of this challenge.

Kathy - confession I think the next facet of this game is to eliminate the non-Rotu people. I think Sean will go first, but I don't think we're going to start voting off power. I want to, believe me. I would love to vote off John or Tammy, but I don't know if I can really get Paschal to listen. He likes to make his own decisions about honesty and trustworthiness.

Kathy to Paschal I asked Zoe, did you guys ever consider voting me off? And she said no.

Paschal That's true. They didn’t. You're getting all this negative stuff.

Kathy You know, if I'm used as a pawn for them to win and I'm on the jury and I have to vote for them and they took me and...

Paschal We'll find out.

Kathy Yeah, but they're going to use us to get to the top.

Paschal So?

Kathy – confession I need to have Paschal and Neleh experience some of this turmoil. A couple more pieces of turmoil and they see how people act, then they might commit to understanding that the powerful people need to go.

Paschal Oh, my kite is going to be a miserable failure.

Robert Oh, stop it.

Paschal I'm serious.

Robert Ah, go fly a kite.

Paschal Yeah.

At Reward Challenge
Probst Welcome, guys. Today's challenge is very simple. The first person to get their kite 300 feet in the air wins. You'll know you're at 300 feet because at the end of your spool you'll see a purple ribbon. Once that clears your spool, you win. Now, to the reward, and I hope this brings a smile to your face. To start, a delicious snickers bar. Ain't no regular snickers either. It's the big one.

unknown Oh, yeah.

Probst Freshly chilled, on eyes. All right, start... on ice. All right, start down here.

Zoe Oh, man.

Tammy Oh, my god. This is so good.

Probst Dig in, John. The winner of the reward gets the king size Snickers, and you're going to eat it en route to a deep sea dive in one of the most spectacular places on earth. A good chance to see manta rays, eels, hammerhead sharks. You go out with somebody experienced, they'll teach you everything you need to know. Have a great time. All right, take your spool, tie it up to your kite, spread out along the beach, wait for my go. Here we go, guys. Survivors ready? Go! That a way Kathy, off to a good start. That a way, Zoe. All right, Neleh, you're airborne. Hang in there, Tammy.

Tammy Fly! This thing just does not want to fly.

Probst Sean, you're getting nowhere fast, buddy. Paschal, what are you doing? Come on, John, run. Run!

Vecepia Good job, girlfriend. That's tough.

Probst Zoe, keep it going. You're up. You're down. There you go, Neleh. Oh, you're back on the ground.

Kathy Yeah! Yeah! Whoa!

Probst: You're on a hot streak. Do you dive?

Kathy Yeah, I do.

Probst You're going to have a great time.

Sean My kite, it looks like the Little Rascals built it.

Probst Guys, let's bring it in. You're going down looking for sharks, you're looking for eels, you're looking for manta rays. You're going to have a nice cool Snickers. You guys can head back to camp that way.

On the boat…
Kathy – voiceover The seas out in the south pacific are crazy. They're so squirrelly, they're going one way, another way. If you hit one of those large swells, the zodiac just comes slamming down. It was really fun. I was definitely apprehensive.

Instructor The nice thing about scuba diving that you've got to remember is just to relax. So as soon as you relax, everything becomes really easy.

Kathy Right.

Instructor Just go through the hand sequence.

Instructor Okay, you're okay.

Kathy Not good.

Kathy I've got one of my own.

Instructor Yeah?

Kathy – voiceover When I'm really scared, I go... they had everything ready to go, you know? Wet suit, tanks, they were informing me, I felt very confident. And by the time I was all suited up and I was about ready to do that back flip off the boat, I just said, "just keep going, Kath."

Instructor Ready?

Kathy – voiceover The feeling when you first go underwater, it's like going from day to night, only it's going from air to a whole 'nother world under there. You really truly feel like a fish out of water, you know, there isn't our abode. There isn't where we're supposed to be and I feel that I'm infiltrating something, that we're not supposed to be down there. But it's gorgeous.

Kathy – voiceover There were some rays kicking around. And the amount of fish is equal to being in a massive aquarium. It was a vacation down there, getting away from the tribe and the island and everything. I just feel like I'm so far away from everything down there. No stress.

At camp…
The bottom line is every single tribal council, we go with the person we know we're voting off and we're going with a back-up person.

John Okay, it sounds good.

Tammy – confession Right now, Paschal, Neleh, myself, big Rob, John and Zoe, we've all decided today vote the same for the next three votes. Sean is the one-

Sean to Vee I'm trying to leave here playing the game. I get frustrated because I feel like nobody's playing the game. I know I'm definitely next. I didn't come out for no vacation much I came out to bring home the bacon. All I can do is go out trying. I'm telling you the truth. I'm going to talk to Kathy and I'm going to talk to Neleh.

Paschal – confession Sean is I think feeling vulnerable right now and is trying to stir the pot a little bit, cause some possible doubts about what's going to happen tomorrow night in the event he doesn't win immunity or whether or not he's got the votes to keep him on. So it's fascinating to watch this all take place.

Vecepia Let’s pray for a moment. Father god in the name of Jesus, another grateful morning to be in your presence.

On the boat…
Kathy God, that was hysterical. I feel like a dead fish.

At camp…
Hey, how are you?

Vecepia Tell me about it.

Kathy It was great. It was beautiful. It was exciting. And we got a Snickers bar, so I'm excited. We're going to have some chocolate.

Kathy – confession The real motivational force for bringing the Snickers bar back was for peace of mind. So if they had any beef that I won a challenge again, and I thought the Snicker bar would just kind of entice good feelings from the tribe. It could also backfire, like I'm trying to bribe them.

Kathy Oh, my god. I am now going to be eating Snickers bars.

Tammy We all would have had a hard time bringing it back, so that was very, very generous of you. Thank you.

Kathy I like having you guys happy. There's too much tension on the beach.

Tammy No. That was great. Thanks.

John – confession It was a beautiful gesture on Kathy’s part. You know, an eighth of a Snickers isn't going to change my vote, but I do appreciate the gesture and it was a very sweet thing for her to do.

Paschal – to Neleh and Sean There's a bond here.

Neleh Yep, there definitely is.

Paschal It may be a different kind of bond, but there's a bond.

Sean Right.

Sean – confession Everybody's, like, we're all family and I'm like, you know, everything ain't hunky dory over here. Things are going on, people are not to be trusted. But while you're still in the game, you've got still kind of be vague but still put it out. Maybe if I can get Kathy, then she can get Pappy and Neleh. All gloves are off, let's go for the gusto.

Sean – to Kathy This isn't just a game; we're going into crunch time. We have a chance to win the million.

Kathy The only thing I can say is I totally agree with you. I think Tammy and John are playing the game and they're playing it so hard, it's obnoxious.

Sean If you're in agreement, me, you and Vee are on the same wavelength.

Kathy We are. We just need to get Paschal and Neleh and you know what? I think we can do it.

Kathy – to Neleh I think this alliance stuff is what's killing us here.

Neleh You just know there's going to be alliances, no mater what, so...

Kathy Really?

Neleh Yeah, no matter what. No matter... the bigger stink you make about things, the more vulnerable you are, so...

Kathy – confession Being voted out fifth for Neleh is fine. She feels if you make too many waves, she said, "Kathy, if you talk any more about, that you're going to get voted off." So now, Paschal's sort of the pivotal vote.

Kathy – to Paschal I don't want to be a pawn to help Tammy and John go to the top. I want it to be even.

Paschal I'm not aligning myself with Sean and Vee.

Kathy You know what, Paschal? I want it to be fair.

Paschal Okay, here's the deal.

Kathy It should be fair.

Paschal Well, this game's not fair.

Kathy – confession If I could have formed the alliance with Sean and Vee and Paschal and Neleh and myself, I would have had a huge shot at it. But that's not going to happen. Paschal wants Sean off, and so does everybody else.

John I'm feeling vulnerable because of the war path that Sean went on, and so what I'm worried about are there may be people that may believe some of the trash he was taking... talking and decide to vote against me. Somebody who did nothing beat me that would just suck.

Paschal That's exactly what I told Neleh. I said, "it is so important to me that somebody like Sean doesn't make it to the finals." I said, "John deserves it. Sean would be an embarrassment."

Paschal – confession John picked up on something that Sean may be under the belief that he has Kathy and Vee and me and Neleh with him, which is incorrect. And I just wanted to tell John and I told him, I said, "You've got my word that's not true. When I give you my order... when I give you my word, my word is the most important thing to me at my age." I don't have much, but I got that.

John – confession Neleh and Paschal are really supporting my success in this game and are really rooting for me. And knowing that you can rely upon those two people, it's like two free passes. It's an amazing experience, I mean it’s actually kind of mind-blowing.

Tammy Who didn't get one?

unknown Is it good?

Tammy You didn't get any?

Paschal Thanks, buddy.

Tammy Mostly coconut with just a little bit of taro in it.

Sean – confession The mood in the camp right now seems to be, you know, we're all on the jury and good luck to everybody. But I do know good luck to everybody really means good luck to Sean. You know, every man for himself is really Sean is for himself swimming upstream.

Sean See if my check came today.

John Pretty simple.

Kathy Okay. "You've had time to learn this place. I hope you've prepared well. If you've done your homework, soon we all will tell. Use your information wisely. You can choose who you'll cut down. Hope you've played nicely. It will help you stick around."

Neleh I just think it's going to be, like, a process of elimination maybe.

Sean – confession I don't trust any one of these people in this game. I'm trying to win immunity for me. I'm not giving it up if I win, and if I lose, I'm going to salute them and say, "Good luck because pretty much that's how they wanted it. I'm on my own. Why would I trust any one of them at this stage of the game?

Probst First things first. Kathy, the immunity necklace - back up for grabs. Okay. For today's immunity challenge, I'm going to ask you a series of questions relating to life and survival on the Marquesas Islands. Each of you has a station with three bundles of coconuts strung up to the top of a coconut tree. Every time you get an answer correctly, you're going to take the prong and chop down one pile of coconuts of somebody else’s. You win immunity by knocking everybody else out. So when all three of your coconut bundles have been chopped down, you're out of the game. The last person left with coconuts wins immunity. Now, if more than one of you has a correct answer, you'll each get a turn at chopping down coconuts and in an order chosen at random. Get up your blocks and let's do it. All right, here we go. First question: True or false: In a prolonged survival situation, drinking large quantities of coconut milk will help combat dehydration? The correct answer is false. It has a laxative effect. General step forward, Tammy step forward, Sean step forward. Sean, you're first. Tammy, you're second. General, you go third.
Sean cuts down #1 of John’s.
John Surprise, surprise. Shock of all shocks.

Zoe Good form, man. Good form.

Probst The game is on, huh, Sean?

Sean Always been.

Vecepia All right, Tammy.

Probst All right, Tammy.

Tammy cuts down #1 of Sean’s.

Sean I see what's going on.

Robert cuts down #2 of Sean’s.

Probst General. Let's get this game going. You're a marked man, Sean.

Sean That's all right.

Probst Next question: Cannibalism was common in the marquesas for which of the following reasons: A: as a means of purging the sins of a tribe? B: as a source of protein due to the scarcity of meat? C: a form of tribal sacrifice? Or D: to seize the power of the person being eaten? The correct answer is D, they wanted to seize the power. John, Vee, Zoe, Sean and Neleh, all got it right.

Vecepia Kathy, I love you, but you’re on a roll, girl. No hard feelings, though.
Vee cuts down #1 of Kathy’s.

John Nice job, baby.

Robert Stay away from that green.
Sean cuts down #2 of John’s.

Zoe Oh, that was a tough one for him. Payback's a b.itch. Good man.

Probst John?

Sean I got that, baby, right here.
John cuts down # 3 of Sean’s.
Probst All right, Sean, you're the first casualty. You can take your box; have a seat right over here in the viewing area. Neleh.

Robert Go, sweet pea.
Neleh cuts down #1 of Vee’s.

Probst Vecepia takes a first hit.

Robert Sweet pea, whoa, you’ve been cracking some nuts.

Sean Oh, there's a conspiracy going on y'all.
Zoe cuts down #2 of Vee’s.
Zoe Three strikes and you're....

Sean I'm calling Johnny Cochran if somebody hits Vee's.

Probst True or false: Within a survival situation at sea without fresh water, you should refrain from eating? True or false? The answer is true. John, General, Paschal, Zoe, Tammy.

Paschal cuts down # 3 of Vee’s.

Sean Where's Johnny Cochran? I want him on the phone right now.

Tammy cuts down #2 of Kathy’s.

Probst Vecepia, you join Sean in the waiting area. Kathy takes her second hit.

Robert You look tired, Kathy.

Robert cuts down #3 of Kathy’s.

Zoe Ow!

Zoe cuts down #1 of Paschal’s.

Probst Kathy's out of the game, joins Sean and Vee. Paschal takes his first hit.

John Whoa!

John cuts down #1 of Neleh’s.

Sean A little to the right, John.

John Sorry Neleh.

Probst Neleh's got one hit. With authority.

Paschal cuts down #2 of Zoe’s.

Sean I swear we could take them, I swear we could.

Vecepia I don't know if we’d have Paschal and Neleh for sure, though.

Zoe cuts down #2 of Paschal’s.

Zoe What, dear?

Paschal I said that was ugly of you.

Robert cuts down #3 of John’s.

Probst John, General just took you out, but you still get a shot.

John cuts down #3 of Paschal’s.

Sean This is the order how it's going to go.

Robert That's my boy.

Zoe You guys are cooking tonight.

Probst Paschal, you're out. John, you're also out. You can join the other three. All right, Neleh. General has all three of his bundles of coconuts left. Zoe and Neleh and Tammy, you each have two left. Next question: In the Marquesas Islands, what is a horse? A: a rearing flower. B: a ver milliian sea creature found in lagoons. C: a horse like any other found all over the world. Or D: a traditional podium for tiki statues. Spanish explorers introduced horses to the Marquesas, so a horse is just a horse. Everybody but Zoe step forward.

Zoe Everybody's got to have two, also, right?

Robert cuts down #2 of Neleh’s.

unknown Ow! Oh, nice.

Neleh cuts down #1 of Robert’s.

Tammy One last person in the game evens the odds.

Tammy cuts down #3 of Zoe’s.

Zoe Oh, good. I needed a rest. I'll remember, don't worry.

Probst Payback's tough.

Robert cuts down #2 of Neleh’s.

Probst Heads up, general.

Robert You want me to leave it out for you?

Sean Why wouldn't she have given Neleh another chance.

Tammy You whacked me. Turn about is fair play.

Tammy cuts down #3 of Neleh’s.

Probst Take your box and join the group.

Robert Hey, it's green. Money. Money color, baby.

Probst It's down to you two. You both get it right, we'll move on. Somebody misses, it's over. True or false: The sea cucumber can actually be deadly to human beings? It can cause burns, but it is not deadly. Tammy's right. Chop down his last coconut. I'll have immunity when you get back.
Tammy cuts down #3 of Robert’s.

Kathy Oh, doesn't that look beautiful?

Probst Nicely done. Tammy's safe from the vote. Somebody else is going home. See you at tribal council in three hours. You guys can head back to camp. Nice job. So long.

Vecepia – confession You know how people always say everything is not perfect. When you get back from a challenge, you find out just how everything is not always perfect.

Robert Took care of business right off the bat, man.

John Thank you.

Vecepia At the challenge, there was quite a bit of cockiness with Tammy, Zoe, big Rob and John.

Zoe I almost was going to do you because I hated to get Paschal at another time.

Robert It didn't seem to bother you that much.

John – confession Today in the trivia game, Sean went out first, then Vee, then Kathy. I had some satisfaction that I was the one that cut Sean's last rope. So hopefully that will be an omen tonight.

Sean – confession Everybody saw for their own eyes at the challenge how arrogant the four was, and I think it rubs people the wrong way.

Paschal They just didn't play it smart in that game.

Neleh They didn’t.

Paschal Yeah, they were never going to give us any consideration.

Neleh No way.

Paschal None.

Paschal – confession I think the way that immunity came down, the coconut chopping and all, I think it signaled to us that there was a picking... pecking order and we were included in it, even though we had been told that that wasn't true.

Neleh When we saw the coconuts, they hacked down John’s, you know, these just in the order that they were going to eliminate us. I've been nothing but honest to everybody. I'm following my heart today. I would be lying to my heart and to myself if I went up there and voted for Sean tonight. This is really how I feel, Paschal. If me and you are going to get anywhere towards the end, we have to do this. We would be fools not to. I’m not gonna go out 5th or 6th. We've worked too hard, we've been here for too long and I'm not going to go out like that.

Neleh – confession I just had this feeling, you know, especially after today's immunity challenge I saw them hack down Paschal’s coconuts so fast, and inside I'm, like, there's got to be something changed here.

Paschal – confession I don't know how to play this game. I have no clue how to play it. I don't want to know how to play it. I tend to lay back and watch the lay of the land and then when I think I've got the lay of the land figured out, I begin doing something. This is exactly how I am in the courtroom, in life. The only thing I can say is I think I'm a fair and consistent judge. I think I'm a fair and consistent player.

Sean – confession I'm going to pack all my stuff and when I go to tribal, I'm fully prepared to be voted out. If it's going to be that they vote me out tonight, I don't like going out like a wimp because I'd rather go out with my head held high knowing that I tried, than staying around dealing with the drama of people saying, well, at least five, six or seven is not bad.

At TC…
Probst Welcome, guys.

Zoe Jeff.

John Hi, Jeff.

Probst Vee, about today's challenge, do you think there was anything to the first three who got knocked out of this game? Sean was clearly marked, you were next and Kathy. Boom, boom, boom. Is that just the way this game goes, or did you reflect upon that and think, "hmmm?"

Vecepia Jeff, I definitely reflected upon that because it seemed to be to be a little bit of gloating as people were staying in the game and going on. And it was apparent to several of us, and at that point, alarms started going off in all of our heads.

Probst John, tell me about the kiss. You gave a godfather kiss to Sean as you went to do his third one. Sean received it, good naturedly and put it on his ass. What was going on there?

John Basically with me being the mouth and you're dead on, that's exactly what I was doing, you know, just taunting, we have a friendship with each other where we understand that we're playing the game, and that nothing is meant seriously. We have no hard feelings toward each other at all.

Probst Paschal, for you what's the objective of this game? You've been out here now 24 days.

Paschal Well, from my point of view, the objective when I came in here was to be as honest as I could be, given the framework of the game. And I'm one of the people that really didn't start playing the game until very late. I think I started maybe playing today, as a matter of fact.

Probst How about for you, John?

John I came into the game wanting to be, you know, Mr. Integrity, Mr. Honesty. And then you start building alliances and you start doing things, and then there is doubt about what other people are saying or doing. I don't think I, like, flat out lied. I think I've adapted to the half truths and all that, and I've done my share of them, you know, and I wish I hadn’t. But at this point, it just seems to be part of the game.

Probst Sean, if you get voted out tonight, are you proud of how you've played?

Sean I'm proud 100%. I haven't lied to one person in this game. The people I kept my word to, I've kept my word to up to this point. For me, integrity is definitely important, stand for something or you'll fall for anything. So stand up for what you believe even if it means getting kicked out.

Probst Okay, immunity. Tammy, you're wearing it. You own it. You can keep it; you can certainly give it away. What are you going to do with it?

Tammy When I went into the immunity challenge today, I didn't give a s.hit whether I won or lost because I wasn't worried about my position in the tribe. But I hold this thing in high respect now, and I realize how valuable it is.

Probst So you're keeping it. Okay, you guys are about to get ready to vote out the first person that will be a member of the jury. From here on out, you're going to vote people out of this game and then turn around and ask them to come back and vote for you to give you $1 million. Very, very tough game to play. It is time to vote. Paschal, you're first.

Robert – voting for Sean You told me today you can't wait for a shower, a meal and a good bed. We'll be hanging at N.Y.C. Eating good soon. Later, bro.

Tammy – voting for Sean You've been better the last few days, but I still don't feel like you pull your weight around the camp.

Sean – voting for John Check mate, brother. You thought you had me. Any time you go to Vegas, bet on black. We're definitely going to have chicken and waffles when this whole thing is done.

Probst I'll go tally the votes. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes. First vote, Sean. Sean. Two votes Sean. John. John. It's two votes Sean, two votes John. Three votes John. We're tied, three votes John, three votes Sean. That's four votes John. The eighth person voted out, the first member of our jury, John. No need to read the last vote. John, the tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go. Good night. Just when you think you have this game figured out, whoops, surprise. This game is up for grabs. You guys can head back to camp. I'll see you tomorrow.

John – final words Well, well, well, so I‘m the 1st member of the jury. I'm gonna go eat some really good food. My abs are incredible. I wish I could have done better. I won't be able to retire, mom, I'm sorry. But I made the game and I made the jury and I just... I did really well and I'm very proud of myself.


sleeeve 3456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-20-02, 10:31 PM (EST)
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7. "WOW!!!"
This looks great! Thanks a lot, Icis!!!

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...


Naked 887 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

04-24-02, 06:12 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: E8 Closed Captioned - Edited"
That looks incredible !!!! Thank you for all of the hard work Icis. I didn't get a chance to watch this EP, and your efforts really helped me catch up.


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-24-02, 06:28 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: E8 Closed Captioned - Edited"
Icis, thanks! This was a huge help for my writing the episode summary after I spent a couple of days in the hospital and kind of fell out of the loop on things.

AyaK and DiamondK, your help in getting this up in the first place is greatly appreciated as well.

"I'm the General and that's that."
Robert DeCanio, April 11/02


DarkLotus 344 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

04-25-02, 07:30 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: E8 Closed Captioned - Edited"
LAST EDITED ON 04-25-02 AT 07:31 AM (EST)

I missed this until just now... I gotta pay more attention to threads the first time through. I can't believe none of the waterfall theorists has jumped on this...

At the waterfall…
Kathy – confession I don't know, why but I get empowered by these waterfalls. It's the fresh water and it's just... it's invigorating. So I wanted to be up there and just feel that pressure point on my back and kind of wake up and start a new day and a better direction.

Kathy even admits that she gets empowered by the waterfalls. Intriguing, to say the least...

- Dark Lotus

edited because it's 630am here and I can't spell.



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