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"eXiled official ep. 6 summary !!!!!"
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katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

01-10-03, 01:55 AM (EST)
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"eXiled official ep. 6 summary !!!!!"
LAST EDITED ON 01-10-03 AT 10:37 AM (EST)

eXiled Official Ep. 6 Summary: “REVENGE OF THE NERDS”

Last time on eXiled: It had become more and more apparent that Jade and Amanda were the outsiders and were being targeted by the other players, who call themselves “The Fabulous Five”.
Jade was voted least liked, but not before Kinley backstabbed, betrayed, turned her back on, spit in the face off, her alliance and voted for Way Too Cocky Graham least liked (then lamely explained that she never thought Graham would care – HEEEELLO, YOU JUST SPIT IN THE FACE OF YOUR ALLIANCE MEMBER, HOW CAN YOU NOT THINK HE WOULD CARE?!!!!! Is there anything-upstairs Kinley?). Jade, as least liked, was given the opportunity to, and seized upon it, win a pardon.
At Elimination Court, Amanda (the physical threat) and Kinley (the backstabbing traitor, who has the nerve to feel betrayed herself) were voted for exile. Amanda, in true eXiled tradition, gave up, quit, let herself, family and friends down, threw in the towel, waved the white flag, you all get the gist. Amanda was eXiled.

In this episode of exiled, get ready for REVENGE!!!!! I think Manesh will be back to make trouble, WOO-HOO !!!!!

Opening credits: All that I can say is that John is still a hottie, I miss Kavita (boy this girl was a summary writers dream, everything that came out her mouth was quote worthy, and trust me, that is NOT a compliment), and, OMH, I can’t believe I am about to say this but, I MISS MANESH !!!!! Sure I did not like the guy, but he was great fun to watch, and once again I see this Meg person, but I swear she is NOT on the show.

DAY 9.

We start with a confessional from Way Too Cocky Graham (from here on out WTCG); he says that he really wanted Kinley to come back “not because I like her, cause I don’t; but because she isn’t a physical threat. I can out swimmer, I can out runner, anybody here can outrun her.” Ouch WTCG, please tell us how you really feel about Kinley. I think his feelings are still hurt, poor baby.

After this little bit from WTCG, we get, can it be? OMH it can, IT’S A CONFESSIONAL FROM MEG !!!!! SHE IS ON THE SHOW !!!!! Unfortunately she doesn’t say anything interesting, so I won’t bore you with it. From now on, we shall call her Ms. Cellophane (Cause you can see right through her, get right by her, and never know she’s there.) That Kander and Ebb wrote great songs, didn’t they?

Jade informs us that evil backstabber Kinley is upset because her alliance turned on her. Kinley to Jade: “Why would they want me to come back, knowing that they voted against me, when we still have this alliance, like I’m really going to help them out or something?” GIRL, GET A CLUE !!!!! You backstabbed your alliance by voting WTCG least liked, and now you expect to be treated as part of the alliance? I ask you again, is there anything-upstairs Kinley?

Ms. Golden Hair herself, Carole, makes her first appearance (and she does have FABULOUS HAIR). She says that she wanted Kinley to come back and to understand that this is all a game, and that the next time they would all start taking turns putting themselves up for exile (to Carole’s credit, she actually sounded sincere when she said that), but that unfortunately that was not what happened. Kinley returned the night before and did not speak to anyone, except Jade.

We find out from WTCG that he overheard Jade tell Kinley that she knew (Jade) that WTCG could not be trusted and Kinley agreed. The suspenseful music swells (ok, not really, but it was a perfect time for it) and WTCG says, “I don’t really care, because I don’t like either of them. Kinley has turned this, from playing a game, into a personal vendetta. If you want to play like that, I can play real hard and I can play better than you can Kinley. And my daddy will beat up your daddy. And I can spit farther than you can. And my brother will beat the crap out of your brother. And my dog will eat your dog. Na, na, na, na, na, na, phrrrreeew.”

Poor WTCG is about to have a breakdown. The moral of the story is, never vote him least popular, boy can hold a grudge.

At this point we finally hear from Kinley, and I have to admit, the girl has a DIVA OF THE WEEK© (2003 Larry Johnson. All rights reserved) worthy moment. Here it is: “I kind off have a new outlook on Graham, he has no balls, he can’t come and tell me to my face, ‘hey guess what, I’m really sorry, but we’re voting for you’ (shot of WTCG stretching, like a big, fat cat on the hammock).

As far as Jeff is concerned, he doesn’t even have the guts to talk to me right now (shot of Jeff wearing those enormous, silly, diamond like earrings), he’s all grins and smiles and sorry’s and he, he, he, but when it comes down to it, he is conniving and he has lied to every single one of these people …. That makes me want to beat him even more. I’m not going home without a fight.”

YOU GO GIRL !!!!! Wait a minute, I don’t like Kinley, you evil backstabber, you.

WTCG tells us, the music swells (well not really, but it was another perfect time to do it), that the strategy now is to get rid of Jade and Kinley “at all costs”.

****Cut to commercial**** We see WTCG walking on the beach, “Hi, I’m WTCG, and your watching eXiled, so sit back, relax, grab a cold drink and enjoy the drama.”

Note to the producers: If this were Survivor, all the great show spoilers would have a field day with these little segments. Be careful.

Next up …. REVENGE !!!!! WOO-HOO, Manesh will cause trouble.

Carole, Jade and Kinley get mail, it’s a block of wood that spells “Revenge”. Carole tells us, “Revenge? They’re going to bring Manesh back, aren’t they?” DRA-MA, DRA-MA, DRA-MA, WOO-HOO !!!!!

When they all get to the challenge site, there are six folding chairs, they all say “Revenge”, and there is a wood triangle that has “A”, “B” and “C” on each corner and in the back it says “True” and “False”.

At this point they notice that from the woods out walk the four eXiled players. Ryan, John (looking yummy in a tight burgundy or red shirt and white shorts), Manesh and Amanda (looking cute as a button in blue tank and black pants). Jade freaks out and applauds wildly, more likely cause she knows she’s a shoo-in to win this challenge.

Ms. Cellophane actually makes a good comment, she says she was happy to see them, but “then they started having that, I’m going to be mean to you look, I’m a big actor, I’m big and tough and I’m going to kill you b.s., I just kind of wish they all burned at that point”. When it comes to Manesh and Ryan, from your mouth to God’s ears Meg.

Mutant Jason finally makes an appearance (THAT WIG, THAT WIG, THE HORROR, OH THE HORROR!!!!!) and explains the game: The eXiled players prepared questions, the contestants that get them wrong will choose from six monkey skulls, underneath each one there is a number that corresponds to a bucket (getting the gist of this challenge yet?) and that contestant is out of the game. The last one standing wins a pardon.

The twist is, that if there is more than one contestant that gets the question wrong, then the eXiled player asking the question can choose whom to eliminate. You figuring out who has the edge in this game, out of the six remaining contestants?

The Game begins:

RYAN: “There was this one time, at the frat house”. Ok, so he did not say that. His question is not really important, all that matters is that he eliminates the guy he hated the most in the game. JEFF !!!!! He pours the contents of the bucket on him (it’s some substance that looks like vomit, I kid you not, nasty stuff.)

JOHN: He gets Carole, and he is totally nasty to her. He makes sure that every single part of Carole’s head is covered in the vomit like substance (Carole later calls it dog food). Carole wonders what set John off.

And now, the moment we are all waiting for:

MANESH: yawn, he says or does nothing. His question is lame. He isn’t even nasty about dumping the chicken feet soup over WTCG. WHAT HAPPENED HERE? You let us down Manesh, you let us all down.

AMANDA: This girl does not have a mean bone in her body. YAWN. She dumps something over Ms. Cellophane, who for the moment, it appears she was visible to the naked eye.

RYAN (again): I swear this guy looks like the tall Fester, from TAR1, Drew I think his name is (except that Ryan has nooooo personality). Anyway, he finishes up the “fabulous 5” and takes out Kinley.

Jade wins, YAWN !!!!! Like we didn’t know that would happen. I was actually excited about this challenge, but in reality it was duller than one of Meg’s confessionals.

Back at camp, Jade tells us that she does not understand why Ms. Cellophane and Jeff don’t take out WTCG and Carole, since they are obviously playing to get to the end together.

At this point Kinley tells us that Meg has a flirty personality and that Carole feeds it, keeping Meg on her side. OMH where is this going? Is Ms. Cellophane actually a, gulp, a lesbian? GIRL, WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST SAY SO? I WOULD HAVE BEEN NICER TO YOU !!!!! From now on, Ms. Cellophane is Meg again. So, ok I’m biased, SHUT UP!!!!!

Kinley continues to tell us that Meg is constantly making sexual comments, and that Carole goes along with it, “Meg feeds off of that, cause Carole is a good looking girl, I know that Meg knows that, I know she does.” Kinley, what does this have to do with the game, you evil, alliance-backstabbing witch.

There is a little more talk on this subject, Carole tells a story about zit popping, I kid you not, but I won’t bother you with the gory details, suffice it to say that Meg is getting screen time. Foreshadowing anyone?

We get some strategy talk between Jeff, Carole and WTCG. Meg says that Jeff is all about emotions; sometimes they need to check up on him to see if he’s ok (AWWWW Jeff is sooooo sweet, you all do know that this is all perfect future blackmail material You all just file this for future use against him ).

Meg continues to say that WTCG should be nominated because he is too strong. Girlfriend is finally waking up, although a tad too late.

We get a shot of Meg howling like a wolf. I know we all wondered why Meg has been barely on screen; I guess this is one of the reasons.

Elimination Court:

I won’t bore you with the votes I barely saw. It does not matter. With Jade pardoned, Kinley The Traitor and Meg are put up for exile. WTCG tells Meg, “you better come home” and gives her a hug. This is probably the only time I have liked this creep.

The challenge is also a yawner. Mutant Jason, and his wig, explain that they have to take their shoes and socks off and put their feet in buckets, then they have to bear hug another bucket filled with sand. The girls cannot carry it from the bottom or allow sand to fall to the ground, or take their feet out of the buckets.

Kinley screws up and carries the bucket from the bottom and she is eXiled. Kinley goes blah, blah, blah in her final confessional. Thank goodness she is gone. TRAITOR !!!!!

I MISS MANESH !!!!! Then again he did disappoint us earlier. So I guess, I MISS KAVITA, at least she had funny things to say (and again, trust me, that is NOT a compliment.) Can’t we at least have John back, so we can gawk at him?

NEXT ON eXiled: Jade tells Meg to watch her back.

Jeff (looking like a deranged pirate, with a brown shirt and black bandana, a “beard” and huge bags around his eyes – and those freaking earrings) says, “I have basically been deciding who we vote out, each and every night.” You scheming little peep, I’m sooooo proud of you.

Meg says that it’s Jeff or Carole’s turn.

They also go into some sort of funhouse and the last thing we hear is someone scream. I think it was all of us members of the audience celebrating because this hellishly boring episode is over.


***Silvergirl1, you’re up girl***

(c) 2002 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !... GeorgiaBelle 01-10-03 1
 RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !... Ahtumbreez 01-10-03 2
 RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !... dabo 01-10-03 3
 RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !... Q 01-10-03 4
 RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !... Swami 01-10-03 5
 All right! AyaK 01-10-03 6
 Who saw the show? sittem 01-10-03 7
   RE: Who saw the show? Chrissy gal 01-10-03 8
   RE: Who saw the show? GeorgiaBelle 01-10-03 9
 RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !... AMAI 01-10-03 10

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GeorgiaBelle 2136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

01-10-03, 06:24 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !!!!!"

Excellent job. You are just getting better at this. Looking forward to seeing you do summaries for other shows now

Keep up the great work.



Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-10-03, 08:24 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !!!!!"
Yay, thanks, have received my eXiled fix. Very good Katem.

dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-10-03, 09:01 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !!!!!"
Wonderful summary, Katem, you got it all juuuuuuuuust right! And yeah, Meg came out, that was really neat. This show has got to get on MTV, or maybe the producers can figure out how to get it available for online download. Sure, Jade had a big advantage this time in winning the pardon, but since I'm assuming that challenge was planned in advance, before the kids even got to the island, I think it was a pretty neat twist.

Again, Katem, wonderful job. Especially loved the Diva tip of the hat to Larry, very nice!



Q 2569 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

01-10-03, 10:44 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !!!!!"
I agree with you Katem, Manesh wussed out on that one. Here he plays the game the way he did, and then could not even pull a Sue and Rant a little. Oh well, If they had continued to make the eXiled group suffer he might have been in a worse mood. But oh well.

Thanks for the update.


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-10-03, 11:19 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !!!!!"
Wonderful summary Katem! You really captured the essence of the episode. I loved 'WTCG' and 'Ms. Cellophane'. And Manesh exercised restraint! Who could have predicted that?

Thanks again for a great summary. You should do a TAR!


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-10-03, 11:41 AM (EST)
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6. "All right!"
Once again, my thanks to katem, Swami and dabo for all of your work summarizing this show. It's been great fun to follow the adventures of JeffGator and the rest of the eXiled crew through your eyes.

So ... it's the Fabulous Four plus Jade as we get down to the nitty-gritty. What fun!


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

01-10-03, 12:57 PM (EST)
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7. "Who saw the show?"
Haven't had time to read the summary yet - it needs time so I can savor it.

I am curious - other than those who've been writing summaries - who else has been able to actually see the shows? They were obviously put together on the cheap, but they have some interesting new ideas and twists that it's interesting and engaging. Of course, having JG present (and still there) has helped.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


Chrissy gal 1413 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

01-10-03, 07:36 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Who saw the show?"
I've seen the show! It is really fun to watch (except for the gross stuff they poured on the contestants this week). My whole family thought it was better than this season's Survivor.

GeorgiaBelle 2136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

01-10-03, 09:47 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Who saw the show?"
I have seen Exiled. It is a fun show and the kids worked really hard. These summaries really do rock, I love reading them.


AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

01-10-03, 10:48 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: eXiled official ep. 6 summary !!!!!"
Even though I haven't seen the show, I'm loving these summaries. Thank you for another wonderful instalment, Katem.


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