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"Celebrity Fit Club #3"
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-02-06, 08:50 AM (EST)
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"Celebrity Fit Club #3"
The nervous breakdown train is leaving the station and Conway bought the only ticket. Even without the tell-almost-all previews that VH1 insists on loading into every one of their so-called series, you could tell he was looking for a place to fall apart. Preferably in front of a camera, and in the most spectacular fashion available. Of course, this being CFC, this just means he'll go hide in another room for an hour and then come storming back, but they'll still endlessly hype it for the two or three weeks before it happens.

I'll guess Bruce is the one who doesn't make it to the end. He looks like he'd have the most serious health problems: the combination of age, weight, and just about zero athletic ability gets put together here to lead to someone sending him to a real doctor, as opposed to the refugees from an offshore medical school that VH1 probably hired. Brings up the quasi-interesting quesiton of whether this will finally be the show where someone dies on-camera. Oops -- guess he shouldn't have done that last crunch after all. Sorry, Harvey: maybe you should have gone for the really low impact workout. Like breathing.

Not-So-Young MC looks like the biggest (weight) loser for the group -- what he's carrying isn't badly distributed, so full-body exercise will help him and he's got the motivation. Bizarre? No motivation. The women? Countess looks like she barely needs to lose anything, Kelly might be able to manage a few pounds, Tempest is making Bill cry just by showing up, and Chastity is going to make Cher unretire just by showing up. The 'I Have To Publicly Support My Daughter' tour, booking soon at every available venue near you. Only $500 for back row seats!

And Ant still isn't wearing enough makeup. I could make out the actual shape of his face. :p


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 nazpink 01-02-06 1
   The loss amounts. Estee 01-02-06 2
       RE: The loss amounts. nazpink 01-02-06 5
   RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 butterfly34 01-02-06 6
 RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 Ricky 01-02-06 3
 RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 sammyboy22 01-02-06 4
 SPOILER WARNING SurvivorBlows 01-03-06 7
   RE: SPOILER WARNING ginger 01-03-06 8
       RE: SPOILER WARNING SurvivorBlows 01-03-06 9
           RE: SPOILER WARNING ginger 01-04-06 10
               RE: SPOILER WARNING Estee 01-05-06 12
 RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 EnfanTerrible 01-05-06 11
   RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 Estee 01-05-06 13
       RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 bystander 01-05-06 14
           RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 nazpink 01-09-06 15
               RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 Estee 01-09-06 16
                   RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 EnfanTerrible 01-09-06 17
       RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 EnfanTerrible 01-09-06 18
 Episode #3 Estee 01-16-06 19
   RE: Episode #3 bystander 01-16-06 20
       RE: Episode #3 Estee 01-16-06 21
       RE: Episode #3 EnfanTerrible 01-16-06 23
           RE: Episode #3 brvnkrz 01-26-06 27
   RE: Episode #3 Snidget 01-16-06 22
       RE: Episode #3 nazpink 01-17-06 24
           RE: Episode #3 nazpink 01-23-06 25
               RE: Episode #3 butterfly34 01-24-06 26
                   RE: Episode #3 nazpink 01-30-06 28
 RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 bystander 01-30-06 29
   RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 nazpink 01-31-06 30
 Seperated at Birth survivorscott 02-01-06 31
   RE: Seperated at Birth Ricky 02-01-06 32
       RE: Seperated at Birth nazpink 02-15-06 33
           RE: Seperated at Birth bystander 02-15-06 34
               RE: Seperated at Birth nazpink 02-20-06 36
 Conway's confession, paraphrased. Estee 02-20-06 35
 RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 eire_heart74 02-26-06 37
   RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 nazpink 02-27-06 38
       RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3 toddE 02-28-06 39

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nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-02-06, 09:54 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
I think you are right about Young MC, he will probably be the one to lose the most weight. Even though he commented on the how much the excersises sucked he still did them wholeheartedly.

Then there's, I wonder if maybe he could have put in just a little more effort than what he did. I understand he's big and that his age isn't helping all that much but there's been really heavy guys in the past two season's who have put out more effort than he did. I too think that he is going to be the one to get "real" medical help, this guy is on the brink of friggin death. Another thought to who that person could be would be Conway, as he clearly has some serious addiction problems, maybe the producers have decided that they are actually going to seek real help for anyone who goes on their as a substance abuser.

As for Countess, she is really cute and she doesn't have very far to go. As someone who is the same height as her and body structure I can say that even if it doesn't seem as though she's extremely fat, which she's not, it is more weight than her small frame should carry. However, even though 105 isn't a bad weight for someone of her stature 115 wouldn't be bad either.

One thing that I thought was really funny was Ant's voice over in the beginning saying that they have helped celebs lose 500 pounds last season. I was like whopeeeee!!!!! I know that these people expect to be pampered and they can be very difficult to work with, we've all seen it, but that weight lose for the amount of people there is crap, look at the Biggest Loser.


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-02-06, 10:22 AM (EST)
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2. "The loss amounts."
CFC is pretty much a weekend workout with the celebs generally taking care of themselves for the rest of the time. BL is the full-time, no-rescue-possible experience. If the D-listers were put on the exact same program that the BL's are sent through, you'd see similar results. The smaller numbers for CFC is mostly a result of letting them back out into the real world on a regular basis.


nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-02-06, 01:07 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: The loss amounts."
You're right they don't get the benefit of a well sheltered area,instead they are allowed to roam free in the real world where it's hard not to give into temptations. On the other hand I doubt that CFC could ever provide that sort of situation, the celebs would go crazy not being able to go out and doing what they wanted and living in a contained enviroment.

butterfly34 72 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

01-02-06, 08:24 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
>I think you are right about
>Young MC, he will probably
>be the one to lose
>the most weight. Even though
>he commented on the how
>much the excersises sucked he
>still did them wholeheartedly.
>Then there's, I wonder if
>maybe he could have put
>in just a little more
>effort than what he did.
>I understand he's big and
>that his age isn't helping
>all that much but there's
>been really heavy guys in
>the past two season's who
>have put out more effort
>than he did. I too
>think that he is going
>to be the one to
>get "real" medical help, this
>guy is on the brink
>of friggin death. Another thought
>to who that person could
>be would be Conway, as
>he clearly has some serious
>addiction problems, maybe the producers
>have decided that they are
>actually going to seek real
>help for anyone who goes
>on their as a substance
>As for Countess, she is really
>cute and she doesn't have
>very far to go. As
>someone who is the same
>height as her and body
>structure I can say that
>even if it doesn't seem
>as though she's extremely fat,
>which she's not, it is
>more weight than her small
>frame should carry. However, even
>though 105 isn't a bad
>weight for someone of her
>stature 115 wouldn't be bad
>One thing that I thought was
>really funny was Ant's voice
>over in the beginning saying
>that they have helped celebs
>lose 500 pounds last season.
>I was like whopeeeee!!!!! I
>know that these people expect
>to be pampered and they
>can be very difficult to
>work with, we've all seen
>it, but that weight lose
>for the amount of people
>there is crap, look at
>the Biggest Loser.

Countess seems to have low self-esteem because she looks great. She only 130lbs even for 4'11 thats not bad. She does have health issues which make her weight goes up and down. She better stop tripping and go talk to Monique.


Ricky 1106 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-02-06, 12:12 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
The nervous breakdown train is leaving the station and Conway bought the only ticket. Even without the tell-almost-all previews that VH1 insists on loading into every one of their so-called series, you could tell he was looking for a place to fall apart. Preferably in front of a camera, and in the most spectacular fashion available.

I was thinking the same thing. He doesn't want us to forget that he is an actor, and maybe someone will see him on this show and give him another acting role.......not.

I also agree Bruce will be the one that doesn't make to the end because of health issues. He really looks like he's in bad shape.

Countess looks like she barely needs to lose anything
She could just transfer the little extra fat she has to pad her behind a little more.

You right on the mark this year Estee


sammyboy22 168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

01-02-06, 12:57 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
It will be interesting to see how this season turns out. This show always has to have the crazy a$$ white guy freaking out, this season that title has been given to Jeff Conway (before it was Daniel Baldwin and Willie Ames). Where the hell is Wendie the Snapple Lady? Did VH1 finally give up on her? I thought for sure that she'd be back for season 3. I think Countess is a cutie. She looks great but if she wants to shed a few pounds she will look even better. I like Tempest, Kelly, Chastity, and MC. Bruce Vilanch seems alright but he is destined to get on my nerves I think. It is also hard for me to look at his CHECK (Chin and Neck combined into one) for the whole episode, lets hope he loses that first. I think the one I am really going to despise is Jeff though. What a dumb@ss...

SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-03-06, 02:28 PM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 01-03-06 AT 04:25 PM (EST)

SPOILER WARNING ABOUT CONWAY -- highlight the below area to see it

It actually isn't an act -- Conaway does walk off and leave for good (and geez, was it not obvious to everyone that his Episode 1 slurred speech was already the result of him clearly being on SOMETHING -- I find it hard to believe the cast/crew couldn't already pick up on his behavior during Ep1 -- heck, it was obvious to me even BEFORE they showed him digging into his pill stash)

He gets replaced by some music related guy -- I actually knew the name a couple of months ago, but I've since forgotten it, apparently the musician who replaced him revealed the info during a radio show interview this past summer/fall. If I'm remembering right, it's a washed up rocker that probably didn't make the cut for NBC's Hit Me Baby One More Time. I mean really, how D-list must you have to be to be the STANDBY replacement guy for CFC?


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-03-06, 03:45 PM (EST)
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Well, missed the episode but I am sure VH1 will give me AMPLE opps to watch.

Conway's been a drinker for awhile and it shows.

Who are the others? A Cosby kid? Cher's poor daughter (she looks like Sonny)?

Did you see how Horribly Fat Joe from last season (or was it Season One) had stomach surgery and now weighs 160?


SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-03-06, 04:37 PM (EST)
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Conaway's past definitely shows. Until recently, I didn't realize he was such an #####, but I do remember hearing rumors about his behavior back when he was on Babylon 5. It's a real shocker that he's struggled to find work since then.

Other than Conaway, the only name I recognized was Kelly LeBrock (I personally don't consider myself to have "recognized" the person if it took putting qualifiers like "Cher's daughter" or "former Cosby Show kid" before someone's name)

The full cast is Chastity Bono, Bruce Vilanch, Kelly LeBrock, Young MC, Countess Vaughn, Jeff Conaway, Tempestt Bledsoe and Bizzare.

Re: Joe, although I've actually written a couple of articles about the show, other than the first episode of Season 1, CFC3's premiere was the first episode of the show that I've actually watched (that's why I really didn't pay as much attention as I probably should have to the radio show spoiler report.)


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-04-06, 01:49 PM (EST)
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Happy New Year, Sweetie!

I wouldn't recognize Bizzare if he/she/it bit me on the ankle.


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-05-06, 11:27 AM (EST)
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He. It takes a man to get that gut tattooed. A really, really strange man.

I knew five of the names and six people on sight. 'Countess Vaughn' never registered (and I haven't exactly watched either of her shows), and while I knew who Jeff Conaway had played, I never tied roles to actor -- or actor's name. Bizzare? Whatever. Although he might bite your ankle. He looks hungry enough.


EnfanTerrible 1239 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-05-06, 11:08 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
How come Ant never tells any jokes? I'm glad he ditched the pointed hair though.


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-05-06, 11:28 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
How could you tell if he did? Ant tells jokes: no one laughs. Ant doesn't tell jokes: no one laughs. Consistency kills.

bystander 4968 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

01-05-06, 11:33 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
Sounds as if we're gonna need Scooby Doo to solve this mystery afterall!


nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-09-06, 08:02 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
Episode two and Jeff is already at it. I missed the first four minutes of this show but I'm willing to bet that the constant hissy fits he threw were basically a constant recap. What was the whole deal with taking off his shoes and throwing them around? Then his contant yelling and "everyone is against me" behavior only to quickly turn around and say sorry everyone, the man clearly has issues. I agree with Doctor Ian there is no way that he would have behaved like he did on the first challenge from just popping a couple of Benedryl's. A little groggy, yes, but not walking straight and hobbling around and drooling, don't think so. I guess a lot of us are wrong, from what it showed for the next show it looks as though Dr. Drew is going to recommend that Jeff get "other" help.

I also am becoming more of a Chasity fan. She really seems to be embracing this experience and her attitude rocks. I think she is one of the best team leaders they have had, at least so far. Inviting everyone to her home for a work out just went to show she was willing to take on her responsibilites and take it to the level the other leaders were supposed to take it. I also love the fact that she really does have compassion for others and the way she talked to Jeff was by far the biggest reason why he started to calm down and see what everyone was saying to him.

I really think that Ebony Flame has a good team. Everyone seems to be on board to work as a team and to work on themselves without much coaching. I also think that having funny man Bruce, who cracked me up, on their team will give it a very fun twist.

Team Grease Lightening, well I feel for some of them. Wanting to lose weight and work as a team really stinks when the team leader is cranked out and another just doesn't show up, but still glad to see that Bizarre lost the weight.

Is it me or does each season seem to be getting more "scandelous". More celebs having problems and not hiding it and tons more drama.


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-09-06, 08:17 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
Blame the casting. I think VH1's convinced themselves that they have to get at least one borderline personality just to keep things interesting: what's life without a nervous breakdown or three? And if it comes through, they can pat themselves on their collective back and say 'But we were there to get him help when it happened.' Kudos. It's The Little Network With A Little Heart. Really, really little. Shadowed by the Grinch. Pre-sled lift.

What you missed in the first four minutes was a lot of recap and Jeff messing up the walk-in shot two times: the shoe-throwing occured on the third and final take. And he threw his shoes because -- he felt like it! It was a moment of high drama and he wanted the camera to himself! Plus he's a borderline personality! Wasn't anyone paying attention at the casting call?

I'm not sure Chastity was calming Jeff down so much as that just being the exact moment when his latest dose started to wear off.

I was surprised to see Bruce and Bizarre lose anything. (I think this may be the first time seven of the eight people made their target weight loss.) We actually seem to have a cast that's willing to try --

-- minus one.

A reality show is not the place to seek therapy. Jeff 'Soft Serve' Conaway is still melting down, and we're about one episode away from being down to a soggy cone.

(And I dunno about everyone else, but Benedryl just makes me fall asleep.)


EnfanTerrible 1239 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-09-06, 05:08 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
I'm not asleep. I'm hanginggggggggggggzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Out.


EnfanTerrible 1239 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-09-06, 10:20 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
LAST EDITED ON 01-09-06 AT 10:21 PM (EST)

> How could you tell if he did? Ant tells jokes: no one laughs. Ant doesn't tell jokes: no one laughs. Consistency kills.

Oh, well, I always thought he was funny on Last Comic.


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-16-06, 08:23 AM (EST)
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19. "Episode #3"
I called that one wrong. (I call nearly all of 'em wrong.) Goodbye, Jeff, and do let all twelve steps hit your rear on the way out. Remember what I was saying about the offshore medical school refugees? You mean that in the middle of all the fitness, fat percentage, stress, and general health tests that were performed on the cast before the first weigh-in, no one thought to do a basic blood sample? I'm with Webby on this one: the producers had to know he was on something when they brought him in. 'We're telling a story of redemption! We'll be there when he turns his life around!' Uh-huh. He tried to turn it about 180 degrees to the 'death' side, but overshot slightly.

Pick your favorite: either the producers knew he was in deep physical trouble, and decided to go ahead with him anyway because it would make for a better show -- or they were clueless enough to miss every single sign until an overdose call shoved it in their faces. Either way, VH1 collects a nice, hefty dose of blame. Good luck trying to lose that weight.


bystander 4968 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

01-16-06, 09:06 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Episode #3"
Well, I'm sure Gunner Nelson will bring the drama. So far he hasn't really brought the PhatFat though!

I'm a Kelly fan!


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-16-06, 10:18 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Episode #3"
I guess we're waiting for the weigh-in. I missed most of his introductory segment -- phone -- but in the brief glimpses I got of him, he didn't look all that heavy.

I would have had no idea who he was on first sight without the labels. I've heard of Nelson 'cause I've heard a couple of their songs during flashback weekends on the local radio stations, but I don't know who the individual members are.


EnfanTerrible 1239 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-16-06, 04:31 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Episode #3"
LAST EDITED ON 01-16-06 AT 04:45 PM (EST)

I think the Nelson boy and Chaz could be twins.


brvnkrz 20491 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-26-06, 09:36 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Episode #3"
Heh, you're right. They do look alike.


Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-16-06, 10:56 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: Episode #3"
Well Breaking Bonaduce did pretty well, so why not try to get those viewers over on Celebrity Fit Club?

I think they probably knew there was use, but may not have known fully how bad it was and could have been hoping it would have been enough to get the redemption story that is so popular. Unfortunately in these situations you may not be able to know which way it is going to go. Depends on how much he pretended to be in recovery/wanting to be in recovery. I know people that are very convincing to others about how much they want to stop when it appears they are doing that solely because it allows them to stay addicted longer as people get off their back since they say they are trying.

Most of the celebreality has a significant carnival side show aspect to it (not afraid to state the obvious am I) and I think they may think they have to have each show be more dysfunctional than the one before.

Imaginary friends by Bob!


nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-17-06, 08:04 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: Episode #3"
I'm sure the producers knew that Jeff was on something and come on the doctor and psychologist had to have a clue as well. I was glad to see him go though because I really didn't feel like his temper tantrums, but then again looks like Tempest may be willing to take his place, just not to his level. I thought she was so bratty with complaining about doing the "military" course. I mean yes it can be difficult if one is out of shape but so is climbing stairs, but she completed it and in a good time so why she complained I don't know, lack of junk food I guess. As for Gunnar he is only 2-3 pounds overweight. I know that the filler has to be light, as they weren't there for the first two weeks but come on.

nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-23-06, 07:53 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Episode #3"
What is happening to these batch of fit clubers? I know that everyone goes through a time, during weight loss, when they don't lose any weight or lose very little, but the thing these people seem to be losing a lot of is heart. No one seems to be as geared up anymore, is it just being tired and maybe cranky, which can be understandable to a point but c'mon.

As for the Kelly's bellies team well I think the only one there who is really into the process is Kelly and newcomer Gunnar, but he's still at the beginning stage,we'll see how he's feeling in a couple of weeks. Bizarre was doing good and actually surprised me but he has clearly shown that he can not handle being around junk/fattening food without giving in to the temptation and when he cheats he gorges himself. And Tempest, well she's losing the weight, but she has such an attitude about the whole process, the only time I see her "happy" is when she's weighed in and she's lost weight. Why agree to do something if you're not going to put your all into participating in the challenges or group excersises?

Ebony Flame group seems to be losing it's "flame" as of lately. Young MC of course lost weight and Bruce actually came through and lost some weight as well. Chastity is at a stand still which happens and I hope she pulls through it and doesn't get too discouraged, but Countess she's not in the process anymore. She has alot going on and the last thing on her mind right now is taking care of herself and this early into the new changes hasn't really geared her up, like she needs, to pull herself through emotional distress without using food as a comfort source. I like Countess and she really doesn't have that long of a way to go so I hope she gets through it.

As for what Gunnar said about not thinking everyone was putting 100% of themselves into the process I can't say I disagree. Certainly there are those who have put their foot down with their fat butts and done the work and felt good about it, then theres those that do the work lose the weight and haven't a good attitude to go along with it and then there's those that too easily fall off the fit wagon. These people are definately a breath of fresh air compared to the other season's whinny and pampered celebs but I was hoping all the excitement of wanting to change would remain not fizzle. I don't think too many of these people are doing their maximum but more of the minimum just so they don't get crap from Harvey.


butterfly34 72 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

01-24-06, 10:08 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: Episode #3"
I don't think Biz will keep his weight off and he is around a gang of food and he will just give in. I can't believe how much food he was eating. Poor thing is just lost.

nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-30-06, 11:42 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Episode #3"
Yet again Tempest has shown what a brat she is. I just can't seem to understand why she has to be so difficult. No one forced her to join the show, so why not take the experience for what it is. Free trainers, doctors, workout equipment what more could one ask for? In my opinion she should just leave the show so we don't have to endure another one of her eye roll snotty look combo.

As for the others, they are doing good, sometimes they may mess up but they get back on track and they participate in the challenges without getting all uppity. I can't dog on Countess, even though she has now lost no weight, because she's going through a tough time.

In all this show's entertainment value seems to be going down.


bystander 4968 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

01-30-06, 01:10 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
I have a crush on Kelly LeBrock!

She seems to be one of the few people actually trying to lose weight. I think she looks great.


nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-31-06, 08:25 AM (EST)
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30. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
Yes, Kelly really is taking advantage of the CFC. She has definately worked hard, put in a ton of effort and kept a good attitude. I really like Kelly and I have really seen the difference in her weight change. I just wish others took the same path as she has.

Young MC is also doing good and Chasity seems to really want it but was stuck in a rut. Bruce may be coming around. Bizarre looks like he will be the one to lose weight, gain it back and lose it again, Gunnar really has the least amount to do, Countess has too much personal crap going on and Tempest just has a b!tchy attitude.


survivorscott 2191 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

02-01-06, 03:21 PM (EST)
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31. "Seperated at Birth"
Celebrity Fit Clubber Bruce Vilanch

and H.R. Puffnstuff

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger


Ricky 1106 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-01-06, 07:55 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: Seperated at Birth"
lol. I love Bruce, but he's in such bad shape that he can barely walk. I'm afraid he's gonna have a heart attack right on the show

"My mother was deaf"-Shanna Moakler


nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-15-06, 10:11 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: Seperated at Birth"
Is anyone even watching this show anymore? I barely am myself. Bruce does seem to be doing a little better. I've noticed that he does less wobbling when walking and doesn't have as much of a problem taking that tiny step up to the scale.

Countess actually lost some weight and was switched to Kelly's Bellies but it didn't seem that she cared all that much in fact she seemed a bit happy.

Tempest was switched to the other team. Can't say I blame her teammates, only so much poor attitude one can really take. Still don't know why she's even there. Yeah, she's losing weight, but she seems as though she's just doing the minimum amount of work so why not just do it at home, after all that's what she's doing already. Guess she was desperate for the money.

Gunnar got his hair cut. Don't care what anyone says it's not military style at least not any military style cut I would recognize. None the less it was a poor attempt at making good t.v.

Kelly is still doing great and looking great. Working hard. We got to see her life on the ranch, what fun that was <yawn>.

Bizarre, Young MC and Chastity still hanging in their and getting the job done so nothing much else to say as far as they are concerned.

I guess ratings are getting low so they are bringing Jeff back to redeem himself although from what I see on the previews he is doing a pretty poor job of it. He actually brings in a box of Benedryl and reads off symptoms. Yes Jeff it can cause drowsiness, no one is denying that what they are denying is the fact that taking two Benedryl's does not make you act like a drunken fool and drool all over yourself. Maybe he ought to go back to rehab because any addict who gets it doesn't come back with denial or excuses.


bystander 4968 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

02-15-06, 11:08 AM (EST)
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34. "RE: Seperated at Birth"
I'd help Kelly LeBrock shovel Road Apples and Meadow Muffins all day long.


nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-20-06, 08:07 AM (EST)
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36. "RE: Seperated at Birth"
This show has really become boring. It's not that I need tons of fighting drama to keep me entertained but can't they make watching over weight D list celebrities more interesting? Probably not.

Most everyone lost weight, leaving Chastity and Young MC to lose zero pounds, but hey at least they didn't gain, after all that's Countess' job. I know harsh it is but it's true the woman hasn't even progressed. One question I had was why do they allow these people to wear the clothes and jewelry they do during weigh in. It is bound to be shown on the scale. I don't know maybe they weigh what they wear before the show and figure it in or maybe they get weighed wearing less than smashing digs before.

Oh the highlight of last night's show would have to be seeing Tempest laugh <yawn> and Bruce trying on clothes with Bizarre and then seeing Bruce get told that he can't have a kosher hotdog by his mother.

Producers must have predicted poor ratings because they brought good ol' psychotic Jeff back to waste not only the viewers time but the time of those involved in CFC. Yeah, Jeff sounds like you need to go back to rehab after hearing your Benedryl excuses yet again.


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-20-06, 08:01 AM (EST)
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35. "Conway's confession, paraphrased."
'It was only through the grace and love of my Lord and savior, who by the way speaks directly to me and not any of you, just me, so choke on my nearness to divinity, that all the illegal drugs which were in my system on the day of the second challenge could be changed to perfectly legal and drowsiness-inducing Benadryl, thus allowing me to engage in nothing but perfectly allowable actions on camera, now and forever. And Harvey, the Lord says you suck. Amen.'

eire_heart74 1231 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-26-06, 08:48 AM (EST)
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37. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
Time to wrap up the show tonight. I think Countess will go down in CFC history as the only person not only to not lose weight but actually winds up being heavier than she started. I wonder if she is going to pull a "Wendy" and come back next season. You know and still not lose weight and have excuse after excuse for why. I love her utter denial. "I did everythng" Guess you didn't honey! She's getting paid to be on the show. Probably got some free diet food and training with it. Jesus step up hon. You aint' the first girl to get a divorce.

Gunner Nelson. Why were you there? You had like what 12 pounds to lose and you had no problem doing it. Was it just for the air time that you craved?

Glad to see that everyone else did a great job. Tempest and her attitude, I will not miss.

Hey HV1! How about a seson where you don't put someone on with drug and booze isssues? Just for laughs!


nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-27-06, 07:44 AM (EST)
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38. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
I'm finding it hard to believe that VH1 is going to continue CFC or is it only me who is bored? Anyways, I'm glad to see that everyone, with the exception of Countess, lost weight. I think most everyone gave it their best, I still feel if Tempest set aside her attitude for one minute she could have lost more, since she wasn't having difficulty losing. Gunnar didn't bother me but it was a little weird to see him on a show like this when he barely had any weight to lose, but hey whatever. I wouldn't doubt it if Countess came back for another season. I was getting a little tired of the whole I'm divorced excuse but didn't want to seem insensitive so I kept it out of my post but now that someone else has said it I'll let it out.

toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

02-28-06, 04:05 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #3"
I actually thought this was the best season of CFC, and some of my co-workers enjoy it as well. It's all about the cast, and I generally enjoyed this cast.

Kelly especially.

And regarding the "weigh-in." I am fairly certain they do a weigh-in in their underwear offstage. I guess VH1 is pretty good with "Reality," because a lot of viewers seem to underestimate the amount of "backstage" stuff that happens.



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