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"Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"
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kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-09, 10:02 AM (EST)
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"Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-09 AT 10:54 AM (EST)

Of course, a "Confession" is a new drink I'm going to invent right now. Let's see, a glass of Rum mixed with a drop of pineapple juice and a cup of Tequila and some other stuff. And some ice.'s time for Letters to Mom.

We don't want to unnecessarily alarm the home folks, but we have to be honest (sort of – keep in mind that we don’t want to go to the loser Island Jail), and we don't want to give them enough info to allow the authorities to track us down. Obviously we can't call them either, GPS tracking and all that. Anyway, we all would feel better if we ‘fessed-up to our transgressions. I’ve been a bad boy so I'm going to do my duty.

Dear Mom.

Good news, I haven't been in jail. Unless "Stalag" means "jail". I was in one of those for a while, but I was just hanging out with the cool kids and the EPMB got mad. I think maybe we exceeded our alcohol budget, or maybe we actually had too much fun. Because we do have most of the fun herebouts.

It all started when I found the Loser Lodge on Loser Island. I was just in the right place at the right time, and now I have the bestest friends in the whole world. I fell in with a swell bunch of people. I have been at here for the last few weeks, and I guess it's about time I wrote to tell you what I've been doing since I had to leave town. I know you didn't want to see me go, but Sugar Pants Sally's Dad was trying to find me, and I figured that that was one explanation that I might not live thru.

So I took a Greyhound to LA, was discovered at a Sunset Strip bar by the producers of Survivor (apparently I am what they were looking for), I got bounced from the island because I'm basically clueless, and found myself on Loser Island. So you see, I was almost a star, like Yauman. Or Lillian! Or even Rupert. Yeah, I know, he’s your favorite.

They have taken care of me, made sure I brushed my teeth and cleaned behind my ears, and they have seen to my education. The lessons I've learned might not be what I would have learned in school. Now I know how to judge a strip-off contest, a big Oobies contest, a thong contest, a thong-off contest, a thong half-off contest (it's amazing what people can do with thongs these days), naked volleyball games, and all kinds of drinking contests. And I've heard just the best stories in the world, and you know what? Sometimes I've told a story too! Yeah..really! I think the audience was asleep or drunk, but they didn't boo me even one time. Well, Moley booed once, but he was just snoring (sometimes he takes a nap after his noonday pitchers - OK, bucketfulls - of Margueritas) and it sounded like booing.

And Music! We sing every day. Agman does his armpit thing, Kermie dances on the bongos, Jazzy playes her sex Sax and we all just make up the best songs. We have a PG filter so I can't tell you what we sing or what we do while we are singing, but I can tell you it's fun and educational.

I have a beach bungalow and friends that come to visit all the time. And I have a job as Cabana Boy at the lodge. But I’ve been meaning to ask you, What is a Cougar? We have some of those here, and they are the nicest girls, they always want to do snuggle bunny things with me.

More later, I promise to write again. .

Your favorite guppy,

Now I feel better. I’m pouring drinks, and I think we should begin thinking about our afternoon activity. Lewd sand sculptures anyone? Body painting? Coconut tree climbing races? Monkey mime contests?

For those of you interested in points accumulation and competions, Suzzee is about to present you with the latest point status, and the best contests yet.

Kudos for last week's stellar contest and all entries.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Loser Lodge We... agman 11-09-09 1
 RE: Loser Lodge We... jbug 11-09-09 2
   RE: Loser Lodge We... agman 11-09-09 3
       RE: Loser Lodge We... jbug 11-09-09 5
 RE: Scores & Game T... suzzee 11-09-09 4
   Dear Mama: suzzee 11-10-09 6
   RE: Scores & Game T... jbug 11-11-09 8
   RE: Scores & Game T... tribephyl 11-12-09 9
       RE: Scores & Game T... kingfish 11-12-09 10
       RE: Scores & Game T... Dakota 11-12-09 13
       Dahling! suzzee 11-12-09 14
           RE: Dahling! Dakota 11-12-09 15
               RE: Dahling! suzzee 11-12-09 16
                   RE: Dahling! CTgirl 11-12-09 17
                       RE: Dahling! suzzee 11-12-09 21
                       RE: Dahling! Dakota 11-13-09 23
       RE: Scores & Game T... CTgirl 11-12-09 18
   RE: Scores & Game T... kingfish 11-12-09 11
   RE: Scores & Game T... Dakota 11-12-09 12
 RE: Loser Lodge We... Molaholic 11-11-09 7
   RE: Loser Lodge We... Dakota 11-12-09 22
 RE: Loser Lodge We... Wallflower66 11-12-09 19
 RE: Loser Lodge We... CTgirl 11-12-09 20

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Messages in this topic

agman 11166 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-09, 11:30 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"

Agman does his armpit thing,

Hey kingy....pull my finger nana nana nana


jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-09, 12:39 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"
What is a Cougar? We have some of those here, and they are the nicest girls, they always want to do snuggle bunny things with me.

Come here big boy...........



agman 11166 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-09, 12:52 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"
Jbug, now that's a siggie waiting to happen!


jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-09, 05:45 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"

suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-09, 05:20 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Scores & Game Timel"
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-09 AT 09:38 AM (EST)

Welcome Losers to the points and contest entry! Party Time! Excellent!

Loser of the Week Award +30

Ah Ms. Kermit redeems the Lodge reputation. Poor thing was tossed from the LOD. Well dear have an extra Kingfish Confession Cocktail and enjoy the point boost this week.

Lodge Points and Honors +10 for all because I lost the dice or it is die, whatever.

Daw of the WeekMost posts last week goes to CTgirl. A true DAW if there is one.

I’ll Be Serving You This Evening Award goes to Ms. CTgirl, da’ kingfish and Ms.Dakota for multiple and spot on feast food guesses.

Lucky Bastid Award goes to Agman for the lowest score but being a member of the highest scoring team.

Worst Alliance Award goes to JBug for being paired with MIA’s Kermit and Survivor Maniac.

Best Alliance Award goes to CTgirl, Dakota, and Agman.

Best New Tribe Name Award goes to CTgirl for “Fuggen-Galosers" That one made me laugh out loud. Worst name goes to Aiga , extended family indeed.

Got any Lottery Numbers? Award goes to Wallflower who’s name of “Aooga” was scary close to the joke of a name the castaways came up with.

PTHTHTH Award goes to My dog K.O. for starting a backyard subway project or the first leg of a journey to the center of the earth. – 2000 points and deleted from the game.

SCORES (last week + team score + bonuses = total)

CTgirl ~ 504 + 130 + 30 = 664
Suzzee ~ 494 + 100 = 594
Dakota ~ 366 + 130 +20 = 516
Tribe ~ 504 +115 = 504
Agman ~ 292 + 130 +20 = 442
Molaholic ~ 306 + 115 = 421
Kingfish ~ 305 + 115 = 420
Bystander ~ 315 + 100 = 415
JBug ~ 262 + 30 +10= 402
Wallflower ~ 264 + 100 +10 = 374
Kermit ~ 325 + 30 = 355
Survivor Maniac ~ 320 + 0 = 320

Game Ahoy

1. Idol Worship: Will it be revealed that there is another real genuine Jiffy approved Hidden Immunity Idol somewhere, anywhere? {y/n} +25

2. Rewarding Experience: Who wins reward and name one person that they take along? (going alone is an option) +25 each part

3. Immunization: Who wins the coveted Immunity Necklace this week? +25

4. I’m Tellin’ My Mama: Points for writing a letter home telling all your dirty secrets! +25

Grrrr It's best to play dead when sock puppets attack


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-10-09, 05:18 PM (EST)
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6. "Dear Mama:"

Hi Mom! {send money} How are you. I'm fine and don't listen to the rumors you've heard, I'm not table dancing. Well not as much as before anyway.

I've found a new job! Well it's an unpaid internship as a hostess, no Mom, not that kind of hostess. Also I'm a game mistress, no Mom, that's a {send money} different kind of mistress, I don't do that here.

I have alot of nice new friends here. They all like to have a good time eating and drinking, juice, they drink lots of juice.

OK Mom, I've got to get back to work. I'll write soon so I'll see you in a few more months. Oh and don't forget to send me some new undies, seems that I've lost mine in the um, laundry. Yes the laundry is really bad here yeah, that's it. OK, bye, love you,

Your lil' angel

Game Ahoy

1. Yes

2. John wins and takes Kelly

3. Russ

4. Letter to home mailed.

Bad girls have all the fun


jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-09, 12:49 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Scores & Game Timel"
1. Idol Worship: Will it be revealed that there is another real genuine Jiffy approved Hidden Immunity Idol somewhere, anywhere? {y/n} +25

2. Rewarding Experience: Who wins reward and name one person that they take along? (going alone is an option) +25 each part

3. Immunization: Who wins the coveted Immunity Necklace this week? +25

4. I’m Tellin’ My Mama: Points for writing a letter home telling all your dirty secrets! +25

Dear Mom,

Remember when you told me to always wear clean underwear? Would you send me some please?

Remember when you tried to teach me how to cook? and how I was too much tomboy to listen? I'm sorry to say I didn't learn much; I have a very bad reputation her in the kitchen department.

Remember when all I wanted to do was play volleyball with the boys? That hasn't changed at all.

Remember how you tried to help me make new friends? about how they would be important to me? I'm having a bit of trouble with my new friends Kermit and Survivor Maniac. They don't always show up to play and when they do, they don't always play by the rules.

Remember how you took all the dice (or is it die) out of our board games cause you didn't want to promote gambling? I really could use a pair of those about now; and it would be nice to know how to throw them (it's embarrassing not to know how to throw dice).

Remember how you always told me it was not whether you win or lose but how you play the game? You'll be happy to know that I'm staying at Loser Lodge and your were right! Winning is not everything!

Love always,
your daughter jbug the Loser

Adman regurgitated this piece of wisdom.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 05:12 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Scores & Game Timel"
CT this, CT that, CT this again and CT is all that.
I get it.
She's that derned cool.
But nary a shout-out for the g-list loser ex-host?

Well then...
1. Idol Worship: No

2. Rewarding Experience: John and he brings RussHell, Dave and Brett.

3. Immunization: RussHell

4. I’m Tellin’ My Mama: Guh...
Dear Mom,
Camp sucks.
No one talks to me.
I have a sunburn... all over.
I've gained 20lbs in Malt-beverage weight.
Right now, I'm drunk, nekkid and drunk... and nekkid. ain't sooo bad.
Still, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna ask for a care package.
Please send me some SPF30, Buffalo Blue Kettle Crisps, a pair of Beer-Googles and a supply of pixels.


P.S. Sorry this is soo short, I'm drunk and nekkid and phresh out of extra-curricular phinger-movements.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 09:34 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Scores & Game Timel"
Who was that masked man?

Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 11:13 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Scores & Game Timel"
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-09 AT 11:24 AM (EST)

....from the singing competition, a little inspiration for Tribe......

I'm laying here nekkid and I can't remember why
I hope {s}he was pretty and I hope {s}he was kind
Enough to leave my clothes somewhere easy to find

Oh, oh! Another one.

Them boys from Oklahoma rolls their bunks? all wrong
They're too damn skinny and way too long
I ain't no holy roller so I just use a prong?
Them boys from Oklahoma roll their bunks? all wrong
Them boys down in Texas have some damn fine seed?
They bring? it 'cross the Rio, it's a Mexican breed

Just makes me think of you, Tribe.
{dear mom - there are sing-a-longs!}

A Tribe Creation - Springtime 2008


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 11:22 AM (EST)
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14. "Dahling!"
shhhhh I'm trying to throw off suspicion meet me in the storage shed.......

Fear and Loathing Tribe style 2008


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 11:27 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Dahling!"
Relax everyone. I'll go get some more coconuts and lime. I think they're in the storage shed. Back in a minute.

A Tribe Creation - Springtime 2008


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 12:25 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Dahling!"
Next on the Loser Lodge Network:

The Shed Chronicles

Agman S19 Samoa


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 03:13 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Dahling!"
Come on everyone, sing...


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 08:08 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Dahling!"
clunk, crash

Carp, it's really dark in here.....oooooh I just touched something. psssssst, anyone in here......

Grrrr It's best to play dead when sock puppets attack


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 03:04 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Dahling!"
*sings* put da lime in da coconut and drink 'em bot up

A Tribe Creation - Springtime 2008


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 03:19 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Scores & Game Timel"
Come on over here Tribey, I've saved this seat just for you.

Comfy? Let me get you another beer and maybe some nachos?

Feel better now? How about I share my suntan lotion with you next?

Talking is way overrated!


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 10:05 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Scores & Game Timel"
Dear Mom, PS (from above):

After having though it over, I've decided to take your advice and straighten up and fly right.

That was my resolution last night after the mellow jello shots that followed the yellow jello wrestling contests. I swear, we started off with Speedos on, but if you'll remember your old mud/oil/slime/whatever pit wrestling days, clothing just comes undone.

BTW, I think you should know (and be proud to hear) that everyone has heard of you (your stage name), "Clarice the Piece" from the Palomino Club and other top venues in Vegas. Apparently there in a Wikipedia entry for you too, pictures and all. I'm so proud. My Mom, the most famous stripper/whore in Vegas history. I always wondered how you got all those autograph tattoos.

Anyway, there I was. I straightened up and found that my back didn't hurt so badly when I wasn't so slumped over all the time. But then I tried to fly right and sprained myself in places that used to be protected by my slump. Did I take that advice "to Fly" too literally? I think I may have, unless "flying right" means the same thing as "plummeting to the ground in a bone cracking crash". Because that's what happened.

So now I'm back into the mellow Jello shots, but a spectator judge of the yellow jello wrestling. Right now we have a Babushka and a Maniac in the ring, and no quarter is being given. Just ones. I accidentally tossed in a twenty because I forgot to look at the bill.

Added to the entertainment is the masked nepharious Phantom Plasher that's being seen more and more lately. Actually considering the fact that he's completely naked (except for the mask), we see all of him there is to see. But he's so phast that he's here one second, then in a phlash, he's gone. Oh well, another mystery that will surely clear itself up in the phuture.

Yours achingly and adoringly,

On to the HutCam. Cam on:

1. Idol Worship: Will it be revealed that there is another real genuine Jiffy approved Hidden Immunity Idol somewhere, anywhere? {y/n} +25 No.

2. Rewarding Experience: Who wins reward and name one person that they take along? (going alone is an option) +25 each part
Laura, Monica

3. Immunization: Who wins the coveted Immunity Necklace this week? +25

4. I’m Tellin’ My Mama: Points for writing a letter home telling all your dirty secrets! +25


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 11:07 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Scores & Game Timel"
1. Idol Worship: Will it be revealed that there is another real genuine Jiffy approved Hidden Immunity Idol somewhere, anywhere? {y/n} +25

Yep. Or maybe the leftover from the blindsided Erik?

2. Rewarding Experience: Who wins reward and name one person that they take along? (going alone is an option) +25 each part

John and Kelly

3. Immunization: Who wins the coveted Immunity Necklace this week? +25


4. I’m Tellin’ My Mama: Points for writing a letter home telling all your dirty secrets! +25

Hello Mom. Those Champion tees and shorts came in very handy for the beach volleyball tourney. Thanks for the Gatorade too. It mixes well with rum It's very refreshing after a hot day at the beach. I can't find all of those tees and shorts, but I'll keep looking. There's nothing to be seen of me on You Tube, so you can stop looking. I'm doing just fine. The food is good. Coconut juice is good with rum lime juice. I also like having it rubbed think it's good for the skin; a natural moisturizer. We decorated for Halloween and the fake evil pumpkins didn't get me; they tried real hard though; those nice and polite southern boys got us away from the evil pumpkins; you can't stomp 'em out and you can't make 'em run you know. The girls here are nice too. And smart. We all helped decorate each other's shacks and trailers. Very trashy homey. I promise not to get any tattoos or anything, k? Going to drop this swimsuit and head on down to the beach for some fun in the sun. Bye.

A Tribe Creation - Springtime 2008


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-09, 01:08 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-09 AT 01:12 AM (EST)

There is really only one letter home that can be mentioned here:

with a twist

1. Idol Worship: Will it be revealed that there is another real genuine Jiffy approved Hidden Immunity Idol somewhere, anywhere? {y/n} +25
Yes and RussHole will find it

2. Rewarding Experience: Who wins reward and name one person that they take along? (going alone is an option) +25 each part
Jaison, as a loner

3. Immunization: Who wins the coveted Immunity Necklace this week? +25

4. I’m Tellin’ My Mama: Points for writing a letter home telling all your dirty secrets! +25


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 08:15 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"
with a twist

I keep trying to pull this up, but it's not working for me for some reason. But now that I see the url, this is what I was thinking when I first read Guppy's post.


Wallflower66 2446 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

11-12-09, 03:26 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"
1. Idol Worship: Will it be revealed that there is another real genuine Jiffy approved Hidden Immunity Idol somewhere, anywhere? {y/n} +25 Yes

2. Rewarding Experience: Who wins reward and name one person that they take along? (going alone is an option) +25 each part Kelly takes Monica

3. Immunization: Who wins the coveted Immunity Necklace this week? +25 Jaison

4. I’m Tellin’ My Mama: Points for writing a letter home telling all your dirty secrets! +25 I never tell my mama my dirty secrets!


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 03:28 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Loser Lodge Week 9: Confession is good for the Soul"
1. Idol Worship: Will it be revealed that there is another real genuine Jiffy approved Hidden Immunity Idol somewhere, anywhere? Yes

2. Rewarding Experience: Who wins reward and name one person that they take along? (going alone is an option) Kelly, Mick

3. Immunization: Who wins the coveted Immunity Necklace this week? Russhell

4. I’m Tellin’ My Mama: Points for writing a letter home telling all your dirty secrets!

Dear Mom,

I am having $o much more fun now that you let me go to thi$ new camp. The food is really good and there is a never ending $upply of thing$ to drink, although I think you may be a little $urpri$ed at my "extra$" bill at the end of the $ea$on. The people are really nice and really ca$ual, in fact I am $ending a box of my clothe$ back home because I don't really need them. We do lot$ of $porting activitie$ too, like uh, $wimming and volleyball. Really I don't know why the camp across the lake calls us Loser$ becau$e I've never had $o much fun in my life.

Mi$$ you,



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