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"Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep. 4"
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Aruba 3135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-16-19, 05:27 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep. 4"
Brutal week for me so was not able to keep up with the Board these past few days. Feel SOOOO bad for Michel who puts so much time into his James Joyce “Stream of Consciousness” weekly posting and I seem to be the only one left in Bashers who appreciates it. Sorry Dude. As a matter of fact, I just got to watch the episode today, so here goes...

I hate three teams. It gives a tribe who did not WIN the challenge a pass for finishing second. Very lame. LoserDog, Kelley, Lauren, Rick, and David form the Loser Brigade. They should be embarrassed...especially when the “weak” homesick girl who hasn’t eaten is the first one to get to the top of the pyramid. How pathetic. This is shaping up to be a season that could very well rank in my bottom five of all-time...that's if I stick it out and watch the whole season.

JOE – As we head into episode five, we still have NINE castaways yet to light their torches at TC. Joe is the biggest reason why. The man continues to be a Survivor Stud. Ron’s confessional crystalizes what a tough challenge it is when scaredy-cats want to ADS you instead of stepping up to the plate and trying to beat him mano a mano like 50-something year-old Farmer Keith did in Cambodia. If anyone has a fighting chance to overcome that challenge, it’s this rare casting selection that Production got right.

WENDY – The slam dunk winner of the post tribal switch Dumbass Luck Award. Of course now all the conspiracy theorists will be flying around like a colony of termites out of a damp piece of wood. Watching last week’s preview, I did not approve of her releasing the chickens, but since it was done AFTER the swap, I’m not so against it considering all her new tribemates didn’t win those chickens...Wendy’s the only one on the new Manu who has rightful “ownership.” Coming in for Aubry to help solve the “damn friggin’ puzzle” made the difference to avoid a TC where she would have most likely become “extinct.” Well done! She more than holds her own in challenges. I can see her advancing, but give her very little chance to win.

ERIC – Handled the discovery of Wendy releasing the chickens very well. Was very level-headed discussing it during his confessional unlike Kelley, LoserDog, Victoria, etc. who have been whining and bellyaching over Wendy. I’m thinking the girl who looks like a bird crapped on her face (Victoria) targeting Eric in the preview is another one of Production’s classic mis-directions, so I feel Eric will be OK for a while.

AUBRY – Much like Eric, she’s not boo-hooing over Wendy. Quite the contrary, she sees the value in keeping her around. Information is big in the game of Survivor. I’m also liking the fact she’s got her finger up to her lips and not blabbering about her idol find. Should be in decent shape up to the merge.

RON – Was a smooth operator with how he handled Joe. I do not approve of going into other players personal belongings, but pretty slick of him to have Julia do the dirty work for him. Wanting to Anti-Darwin Joe, he had a very convenient opportunity to throw the challenge as one of the puzzle-solvers and blindside him at TC. I give him props for not being a chickensh!t and putting out a solid effort in the challenge to bring home the victory.

GAVIN – For someone I was high on during the Premier, he has had very minimal impact the last three episodes. He’s riding the advantageous wave of being on a dominant tribe and will probably continue to do so early on. He’ll need to pick it up and have a Natalie Anderson last half of the season to build a good enough resume to make a case. There’s still plenty of game to play.

AURORA – Continues to solidify her irrelevance in the game, but have her in the middle of the pack because of her relationship with Joe. I don’t like coattail-riding, but if you’re going to do so, at least she’s riding a Survivor stud. Fits the mold of a casting debacle who could get carried to the end and receive no votes at FTC.

DAVID – Delivered the best line of the episode saying his new tribe name Lesu is “about right.” Very smart to hold off targeting Kelley knowing Lauren and LoserDog would never vote her out. His loyalty to Rick was admirable, but it goes without saying, if Lesu continues its losing ways, he’s in deep doo-doo.

LOSERDOG – Found himself in the perfect swing vote position. If Dan really thinks Wentworth and Lauren will get him further than David and Rick, then this Loser is a real Dumbass. I would have thought he’d perform better in the challenges, but has been a pathetic disappointment in that area.

LAUREN – She bitches that Wendy is “not normal.” Know what’s also not normal? Crying and carrying on about missing mommie and daddy on DAY NINE. REALLY? DAY NINE??!! Gimme a friggin’ break! With everything leading up to TC, I wouldn’t have blamed her if she shared her idol find with Wentworth, so I give her kudos for still keeping it to herself. On a side note, had Lauren been voted out at TC but decided to keep playing, would she have kept her idol on Extinction Island with an opportunity to still possess it if she won her way back into the game? By taking the torch, her game is not officially over.

KELLEY – Is this chick colorblind or what? Can’t tell the difference between blue and green?? GEEZ, Louise! Thank goodness Lauren idolizes Kelley and LoserDog probably got the hots for her. David is spot on...the longer she stays in the game, the more dangerous she may become. It’s just annoying someone like her gets a THIRD chance to be a loser.

JULIE – In the Premier Julie tells us she peed behind a bush in Central Park. This episode she says she wanted to pee in her pants over a tribal switch that was about as predictable as a tribe with Joe winning a challenge. Does this woman have a urination fixation or just a weak bladder?

JULIA – Game misconduct for her nauseating embellishment. And if I’m going to be told it is “in the script” for her to embellish so she can get called back to play again, I’ll eat every hat I own if we ever see Julia in another season. Actually, she should be ranked higher because she was the “tribe representative” to hand the Immunity Idol to Jeff. LOL. Oh yeah, that doesn’t count because she didn’t pick the reward for her tribe...even though we didn’t have a RC. *snort*

VICTORIA – She should join Julia in the penalty box for embellishment as well. Reason she’s ranked lower is because Julia is nicer to look at.


RICK – You know you’re in good graces with Jeff when you’re on a last name basis with him. This certainly sets Rick up to advance deep in a scripted season that is rigged. Hey wait a minute...”Devins” just got voted out? Yeah, the “fix” is in alright. LMAO!


Someone please tell Reem to STFU!!! NO WAY on God’s Green Earth these are the first four castaways Production would have “scripted” to be on the Edge of Extinction. I could think of many other four-person scenarios on Extinction Island increasing the entertainment value tenfold.

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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep.... Chez 03-16-19 1
   RE: Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep.... Aruba 03-17-19 2
 My Take - New Dynamics, Same result... michel2 03-17-19 3
   RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... Aruba 03-18-19 4
       RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... michel2 03-18-19 5
           RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... Aruba 03-20-19 6
               RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... michel2 03-20-19 7
   RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... Chez 05-15-19 8
       RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... michel2 05-16-19 9
           RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... kingfish 05-16-19 10
               RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... michel2 05-17-19 11
                   RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same re... sj007 05-21-19 12

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Chez 708 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-16-19, 07:27 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Chez Click to send private message to Chez Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep. 4"
Hi Aruba-
Thank you for your posting, which I enjoy each week, and I know you put a lot of effort into. Also, regards to Michel who also puts enormous effort into his character analyses. Although I don't write my own inputs, please know that your contributions are appreciated.
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Aruba 3135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-17-19, 05:44 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep. 4"
Thank you so much Chez. I appreciate the fact you enjoy the postings; but I have a confessional to make...
I really don’t put “a lot of effort” into my postings.

Some posters here take the approach of a fine wine connoisseur...tilting the it a swirl...hover over the glass...taking a good sniff to allow the aromas to filter through their brain...then finally sipping to savor the in-mouth sensations before spitting it out to allow the finishing aftertaste.
On the contrary, I approach my contributions to these Boards kinda like how Captain Quint described the shark in the movie Jaws, “Bad fish; swallow whole…a little shakin’…a little tenderizing…down ya go.”

I think it’s that contrast in style and composition that makes my pal Michel and I such fine adversaries.
Once again, I thank you for your words and glad to know others are amused by our contributions.

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michel2 3411 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-17-19, 04:16 PM (EST)
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3. "My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
Before I get started, I also want to thank Chez for the kind words and I must tell Aruba that we aren,t watching the same way. Our only agreement is that season isn't very entertaining up to now.

I have to apologize gor writing such long posts but it has been my way of analyzing Survivor for the last 15 years so on to the recap!

Previously on Survivor, at the Kama tribe, Aurora, Joe and Aubry were outcasts.
At the Manu tribe, Wendy was ruffling feathers...but War Dog had a plan of his own: “Maybe it’s not Wendy, maybe it’s Chris.”
At Tribal Council, Chris was voted out. (We see War Dog winking at the result)

Chris wasn’t greeted with open arms when he joined Reem and Keith.

By ignoring Rick and David’s role in the elimination of Chris, this recap really paints War Dog as the dominating player. That bodes extremely well for him. On the other hand, it wasn’t a good sign for Rick and David. We already know what will happen to Rick so David is probably not far from IoE either.
Manu Day 9

David was making fire and when Rick said: “Nice looking fire” he said he wasn’t as good as Chris.

The fact that such a throwaway comment was included right after the IoE scene makes me wonder if it isn’t an indication that Rick will win a fire challenge. It could be the challenge to return into the game or maybe even the Final 4 challenge. Let’s keep it in mind if it comes to that later on.

Wendy’s interview: “Wendy is always under the threat of going home but it’s never Wendy... I put the flint back and David found it... I feel that if I simply go with the flow, things will work out.”

Wendy is getting awfully close to the time when playing Dumb Survivor could get her to the end.

Kelley’s interview: “Right now, there are five people that are working together and then Wendy is the outsider. She just is not a normal person. She hid our flint and thought it was funny. Who does that? She’s always going to be the person that you are not able to trust so that means Wendy is the vote. It makes sense for everybody.”

Is it a good sign that Kelley was chosen to talk against the rising star of the season? My old philosophy teacher would ask Kelley to define normal and quickly tell her that there is no such thing as a normal person but besides that, everything Kelley said about Wendy is accurate especially in the context of an amoral game such as Survivor. Unfortunately, the fans will be screaming against Kelley and rooting for Wendy.

The Swap

First, Jeff noticed the big reaction out of Kama when they saw that Chris was voted out. They couldn’t understand why Kama would vote out what they seem to think was their best player. I even heard a “This is so wrong.” Speaking for the tribe, Ron said that Chris was carrying the tribe so it was a huge betrayal.

Lauren’s rebuttal was swift: “You have no idea what our camp life was like.”

Unfortunately for her, part of Kama would soon learn most of Manu’s dynamics.

After Jeff ordered them to drop their buffs, Julie had an interview: “I literally turned to Joe and said: “I’m going to pee in my pants right now. You have this pit in your stomach, you have no control over that part of the game; it’s completely random who you end up with. It immediately turns your whole game upside down.”

This was the obligatory “we have to sell the randomness of the switch to our viewers” interview. Don’t buy it!

The players picked buffs and we wound up with:
In Kama: Kama.
In Manu: Kama + Wendy
In Lesu: Manu less Wendy

Jeff asked Gavin if he’d seen such a swap. He quickly answered no.

And he calls himself a super fan! To me, it was practically a repeat of the swap in season 8, All-Stars when all of Chapera Less Amber wound up together and Mogo Mogo stayed the same only adding Amber. I sure hope the comparison between Amber and Wendy doesn’t go any further!

Kama Day 9

We had an underwater shot of a school of fish just swimming around. Then the camera settled on a single fish with yellow stripes and, seemingly right above it, a blue heron pouncing on the unsuspecting little fish and gobbling it up.

Yes Kama was just as happy as fishes in water. Will they turn out to be easy prey like that lone yellow fish was?

Joe’s interview: “Coming into this tribe swap, I was super nervous because I really didn’t know where I stood with the original Kama tribe. Our numbers just got cut in half so it’s a whole new dynamic now. I think the one big difference that I’m doing in this game versus my past seasons is I’m really trying to build more solid, strong relationships. I feel good with Aurora, ever since early on we kind of connected and I do feel like she’s on my side but there’s only five of us and really want to make sure that we’ve got a little bit of a majority going so I’m trying to solidify a relationship with Ron who I seem to have a really good rapport with.”

Ron’s confessional: “I had a great conversation with Joe at the watering hole because I had to convince him that I was with him. I acted like I love him, I adore him and he was like; “alright Ron, I got you.” So he’s walking around feeling really confident but what he doesn’t know, 20 minutes ago I told Julia to go through Joe’s bag; I’ll keep him at the watering hole. I had to make sure Joe doesn’t have an idol because if we lose a challenge I may consider voting him out. He’s too big of a threat, he’s a challenge beast and he’s a returning player. We need to get him out of here as quickly as possible because if they get to the merge, they could be really dangerous. We’re probably not going to lose a challenge when you look at how strong our tribe is but if we do have to worry about it, we know that Joe doesn’t have an idol. He’s going to be an easy target.”

In what was a very rare editing decision, the cameras flashed back 20 minutes in time to show us what happened just before Joe and Ron went out for a walk. Just like last week’s montage that killed Aubry’s chances of winning the game, this editing choice paints Joe in a bad light, an image that he cannot possibly erase from our memory. Unfortunately, going through someone else’s personal belongings isn’t a very flattering image so Ron and Julia’s images are also tarnished. Ron should have realized that Aurora had to be his first target all the while keeping Joe on edge so that he wastes an idol if he had one.

Lesu Day 9

War Dog was calculating the odds of obtaining such a strange result out of the random draw. He established those odds at less than 1%

That’s what I’ve been saying about practically every swap in the last 20 seasons but somehow people still believe they are done randomly! Ever since Fang made those terrible decisions that almost let them win the game by continually losing challenges, production has put its foot down and decided on the tribal breakdown.

In confessional, Rick told us that, without Wendy, they had no real outsiders so that they’d have to vote between themselves.

Kelley’s interview: “Coming to a new camp sucks. There’s no shelter, there’s very little rice. Being a returning player, I know that Survivor is hard. Even the strongest person can break under these circumstances.

Right after this interview, we saw Lauren breaking down so Kelley’s confessional served as an excuse for Lauren. Since we heard that even a returning player is finding it rough then we can understand a new player’s moment of weakness. As a matter of keeping track, this scene also showed us David making fire for the second time in this episode. Will it mean something in the long run?

Lauren’s interview: “I thought coming out here would be super fun but I really underestimated how difficult it is to not eat and not sleep. It’s a lot harder than I ever expected it to be. I’m so hungry but I can’t eat the rice anymore because it makes me really nauseous but more than that I think the hardest part for me is not being able to talk to my family. I really miss my mom and dad a lot and it’s really hard not to have that support system that tells you like; it’s OK, everything is going to be OK. You are kind of with these four other people that you kind of trust but they’re not your family; they’re just people you’re competing against”

The good thing is that she delivered this interview with a smile. The viewers saw that she was down but she was not out. Her sentiment of loneliness is at the very root of the Family Final Four theory which states that in most seasons, the Final Four will shape out to be an ersatz family model with someone playing the role of Father/Provider, another being Mother/Protector accompanied by a couple of kids. The inclusion of this confessional at this time is a strong indication that Lauren will last long enough in the game to see either mom or dad during the family visit.

We followed a speeding octopus over and through vegetation at the bottom of the ocean to join Manu.

Aubry’s interview: “I am really excited about the tribe swap; we have four Kama and the lone Manu. If we lose, we’ve got Wendy; she’s the easy pick-off. The thing that’s tough is that I really like Wendy. She is very sweet and she’s a kind heart. That girl is giving me everything about the Manu tribe. She’s giving us the full run down of every single player. This girl is a wealth of information and she’s an asset.”

Aubry liked Tai; without him, she wouldn’t have finished second so she owes him close to $100K so, of course she’s going to like Tai v2.0 but will her friendship with Wendy be as profitable? I doubt it! The information Wendy gave Aubry about Kelley being like the godfather of the old Manu could prove costly. We know the real ring leader is War Dog but Kama doesn’t know that.

Manu Night 9 – The Great Chicken Caper

Wendy’s interview: “The chicken are free...That was my master plan and I’m ecstatic! I’m so happy!”

I just have one question for Wendy: How long does she think the chicken will last in the jungle?! They’re CHICKENS!!

We returned to the Edge of Extinction for the stormy night. The next morning Chris caught a couple of fish and he split them with the other two. He explained that they could be all part of a new tribe so he wanted them to stay strong.

That’s the problem when a game keeps its rules secret. Knowing what I know of the Edge of Extinction I would have kept both fishes and said: “You want food, the ocean is there or, if you prefer the easy way, the white flag is there. These are mine.” I liked the observation Chris made about coming in with the goal of playing a perfect game but failing so maybe that was part of the journey. It was a big change from the belly-aching we’ve constantly had from Reem and Keith.

Manu Day 10

Eric’s interview: “Woke up this morning, the chickens are gone. There’s only one person here who doesn’t want us to eat these chickens; it’s Wendy. The chickens are a soft spot in Wendy’s heart but if I catch one, it’s not going back in the coop, it’s going under the machete...”

Victoria’s interview: “Girl, you’ve set free breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am still 100% all for killing the chicken. I do not care if Wendy cries herself to sleep at night. She kind of went nuts; you’d rather get voted out than see a chicken die? It’s bizarre. That’s not someone you can trust, that’s, you know, someone you vote out.”

The Immunity Challenge

One thing this challenge showed was that Wendy’s ankle wasn’t bothering her anymore. So, her injury was not really part of the story yet they showed it in great detail.

Kama was first to solve the puzzle and they started cheering for Manu who earned second place.

After last week’s disaster, I would have thought that Lesu would have known not to rely on Kelley and David to solve a puzzle.

Kelley had the post-mortem interview: “This tribe is so bad. We’re like the Cleveland Browns of tribes. We can’t get anything right. I feel like I’m in a nightmare. This is a group of five people that have been voting together and now we are like cutting out one of the family. It’s horrible.”

Kelley’s negativity will not help her situation with the fans.
Lesu Day 11

The five players were feeling terribly low. Rick had the first interview, saying that they’d have to cannibalize themselves.
Walking out into the woods, Rick promised not to write David’s name and David made the same promise. They agreed they’d have to eliminate Lauren who was feeling sick.

David’s interview: “Wentworth is the person I want out of this game for sure... (You don’t say! How could we ever have guessed?!) but the timing just isn’t right. I have no evidence to back this up but I’m a hundred percent convinced that Wentworth has an Hidden Immunity Idol. I know Wentworth’s game; she always starts looking for the idol on day ” and so, I think best case scenario tonight is that the vote goes towards Lauren.”

Lauren’s interview: “Going into this Tribal, I feel like my life in this game is on the line. I’m worried that they are going to think that I’m the weakest even though I don’t think I am. I think that not eating gives this perception that oh! that’s the reason to vote her out. I was a collegiate athlete, I played Division I soccer for four years like I’m a strong player and I don’t even think people know it. I think that I have a little bit of security knowing that I have the idol but that’s stressful to play too because I want to be able to bring my idol into the merge.”

Both ladies agreed that Rick would be the most likely to flip after the merger.

Once more, that put War Dog in the position to decide the course of action. He is quickly becoming the featured strategic player. Often that role is enhanced by the editors like it was during the recap of the previous episode we’ve had at the beginning of this episode but this time it’s entirely factual: We have two pairs of unbreakable allies and one player that is connected to both. In this situation, the fifth person’s problem only come if they have to go to two more Tribal Councils because, at the next one he could simply side with the remaining pair. It’s not the usual course to take but the two pairs could see how safe the fifth person is and they decide to turn on him instead. That’s what Rom and Amber did to Big Tom who was so happy to be the swing vote. They went with Rupert and Jenna instead but it greatly helped their decision to know that the Jenna-Rupert pair was only one of convenience and that Jenna certainly wasn’t totally invested in the (for some) lovable pirate.

Kelley’s interview: “War Dog’s in control of this vote. I think that he does want to work with me. My only fear is that he could use David and Devins to put out Lauren. It would be very bad for me. War Dog is really hard to read. I think he is trying to play Survivor like Poker so I don’t know if he’s telling the truth. I know he’s not just having this conversation with me. There’s no way.”

Survivor has often been compared to Poker, one of the few other games where players are allowed to lie or, at least, bluff to gain advantage. Kelley was absolutely right in her assessment of War Dog but, at the same time it gives our mastermind very complimentary insight from another person, something that winner soften get. (“Tom is a man’s man” as BJ said in Palau or “Danni is strong, she’s trustworthy” as Hoogeboom told Rafe, greatly helping the former beauty queen to the title of Sole Survivor.)

To prove Kelley’s point, we saw War Dog making his rounds, talking in turn to Rick, Lauren and David.

After doing his due diligence, War Dog gave us an interview about his findings: “After being able to talk to each person individually, it’s obvious that I am in the classic swing vote spot. I love it because I’m built for this game. Whether it was being in the Army, whether it was playing Poker or now in Law School, I’m always thinking, always going through options, never closing doors and that’s what I’m doing now. The five of us who are left are a really tight knit group but it’s no longer about a tribe now; it’s about War Dog and I need a dance partner. Who can get the War Dog closer to trying to win the million dollars? I’m going to get to this: Go with your instincts, go with your different set of tools, blend them all together in the blender and see what color comes out. That’s what I’m doing right now.”

What an impactful interview. It took him only a couple of sentences but he incorporated his style of play to his real life occupation and to the goal of winning the game. To me, that sounds a lot like the winning quote, something that would certainly be repeated during the reunion right after Jeff hands him the check. Also notable “I need a Dance Partner” is the first episode Title Quote that doesn’t come from one of the returning players. It’s as if, having invested the audience into their old favorites, the editors are finally turning their attention and ours at the same time, to the new ones.

Tribal Council

Once more, Probst turned to Devins for the news.
It’s the earliest that one of Probst’s man crushes leaves so early. Those that he names by their last names, the Penners, the Cochrans, usually last at least until the merger. What will Probst do now? Poor guy!

Quite appropriately, Rick’s “last report” started like this: “Lesu is less than you expected.”

An emotional Kelley told Jeff that despite being strangers, they all felt really close.

I’m sure Kelley was surprised when she learned that David didn’t share those feelings towards her.

Rick noted that the other two tribes were cheering for each other so it was them against everyone else.

A win coming from one of these players would make quite a story. I’m sure production had it in mind.

War Dog was smiling because he was in a very complex game. It was the ultimate competition.

David expressed how he needed to play Survivor to discover things about himself that were worth more than the million dollars.
Everyone agreed that it was a very special Tribal Council.

It was time to vote.

We heard Rick voting against Lauren saying: “You’re such a terrific person but the not eating worries me about you and about our chances in challenges.”

Lauren voted against Rick with the comment: “I’m so sorry. I hate this vote so much.”

Unless it’s Dominick shouting out for everyone to hear that he was voting against Chris, we don’t get many comments anymore. Even the CBS site which used to run the whole set of votes in a secret scene had stopped publishing them. It’s really too bad.

When Jeff read the votes we saw that Kelley followed through on her promise to vote with Lauren while David respected his and didn’t write Rick’s name.

So it was a tie until Jeff turned the last parchment which read: “Rick Davins”.

After getting a laugh by saying he hated them, Rick left saying he was rooting for them. That must have changed when he realized he was still in the game. He didn’t hesitate a second.

The Story

The problem with having 38 seasons is that it’s hard to come up with new stories. How often have we seen the story of a tribe that simply cannot win an immunity challenge? Mara’amu in Marquesas, Chewing Gum in Thailand and Morgan in Pearl Islands were the first examples but a tribal switch and the idea of throwing challenges changed the course of those seasons. Finally, with Ulong, we had our first real collapsing tribe. The story was pushed to its natural completion and many enjoyed it even if the end game was totally predictable. Survivor decided to revisit the partially collapsing tribe story at other times, namely with Fang in Gabon, Jalapao in Tocantins, Foa Foa in Samoa, Espada in Nicaragua, Matsing in the Philippines, Luzon in Cagayan, Ta Keo in Cambodia, Takali in Millennials vs. Gen X and, most recently, with Malolo in Ghost Island. It’s to be noted that despite Survivor being mostly a numbers game, a member of the collapsing tribe made it to the Final episode a majority of the times, even winning in a few iterations. Despite a few close calls like Laurel in Ghost Island, Ken and David in Millennials vs. Gen X, Kelley and Spencer in Cambodia, Kass and once more Spencer in Cagayan, we haven’t had a winner in those decimated tribes since Denise in the Philippines. For a while that was even production’s favorite story with JT and Natalie White winning despite terrible numbers at the merger.

So here we are again with Manu/Lesu playing the role of the collapsing tribe and if we base our analysis on the lack of development of almost everyone that wasn’t part of Manu during episode 1 and the animal imagery of the Blue Heron eating a yellow fish it appears that we are heading for a minority winner. Which one will it be?

The Characters

The Eliminated Players - The Editors have done everything short of directly telling us that these players won't win:

Reem: She’s only there to complain, not even thinking about what she’d change if she was back in the game.

Keith: Momma’s boy is still crying.

Julia: In four episode all we really know about Julia is that she is Ron’s accomplice in going through other people’s personal belongings. That qualifies as a Kiss of Death from the editing team.

Julie: The only interview she had in this episode was to tell us how she felt about the swap. If she was supposed to be seen as a real player we would have heard what she intends to do to navigate the switch but all she said was that it made her sick to her stomach. How will it end for Julie? Will we see her peeing in her pants or in the bushes?

Joe: First he couldn’t read Victoria and Ron even if they were openly plotting against him within earshot and now he gets tricked by Ron, believing he’s found an ally when he actually fell into Ron’s trap. Joe is painted as a Dumb Player and Dumb Players never win. You’ll object that Fabio was a Dumb Player but I’ll reply that Fabio was a Dumb Person in real life while the editors bent over backwards to make him look as smart as they possibly could.

David: It’s been four episode and every time David has wanted to eliminate Kelley but had to settle to vote against someone else. With Rick, he was the deciding factor in the successful blindside of Chris yet all the credit went to War Dog. Now, he’s even lost his closest ally so how can he survive much longer?

Kelley: She came in as a fan favorite but her constant negativity must be costing her a lot of support. She first complained about Reem and then about Wendy, a new fan favorite and then complained even more about the new camp, the conditions and the tribe’s challenge performance. That’s not the way the editors would portray their eventual winner.

Aubry: I still don’t think she can recover from last week’s montage showing her to be a bad player, the new players reading her like an open book. This week’s image was more positive but she gobbled up Wendy’s read of the original Manu, not realizing that Wendy was far from that knowledgeable about their true dynamics.

Ron: His edit was fairly good for a new player on Kama but then we were shown him asking Julia to go through Joe’s bag. That part could have been easily edited out of the episode. In fact, it had been erased until the editors pulled a rarely used trick out of their bags: The Flashback. While it was customary in “Lost” and more than an occasional tool in Big Brother, I don’t recall seeing it many times in Survivor. In my opinion, it killed Ron’s already feeble chances of being our Sole Survivor.

Wendy: She’s always one of the stars of the night but she’s never portrayed as a player. They even had to ask her if she was playing to win. She said yes but in actuality she’s playing for a return invitation or to be an youtube star. Freeing the chicken showed just one of the numerous flaws in the game whenever there is a swap: The players that would have eaten the chickens weren’t the ones the won them. Manu had won only once and yet the swap deprived them of their reward.

The editors haven’t provided evidence about these players' status yet, they’ve just been ignoring them which is almost as bad:

Aurora: She was close to Joe and everyone knew it. Joe’s challenge performance kept her safe up until now but if they lose a challenge she would be in clear danger just because the tribe could use a weakened Joe. He’d be much more useful than she could ever be.

Gavin: His first episode wasn’t bad but he’s now had three duds in a row. There could be many stories told about this young guy but none of them seem important enough to tell. The lack of connection between him and the audience is likely fatal for his chances of winning.

Eric: He wasn’t invisible in this latest episode but it wasn’t enough to connect him to the audience. He looks like a strong guy but we haven’t been shown any signs that it will help him down the road.

The Contenders –

Victoria: Of all the players in Kama, Victoria is the only one with a possible winner’s edit, the only one with any consistency. Compare her interview to Eric’s: The two were juxtaposed and both answered the question of Wendy’s caper but while Eric only talked about the chicken and what he’d do to them if he ever catches one, Victoria was still talking about the game: She couldn’t trust Wendy so Wendy had to be voted out. I don’t expect a Kama winner but, after four episodes, she’s the only viable option. Maybe there will be a complete change of storylines after the merger; we’ve had that a few times most notably in Gabon where the pre-merger was all about Fang sucking big time yet they emerged in control of the game after it. Of course, Sugar’s wackiness was the reason for that disconnect and Wendy could play a similar role here.

Lauren: Her moment of weakness could be seen as fatal for her chances. However, War Dog’s vote would have been evident if the audience hadn’t seen Lauren being unable to eat and feeling nauseated so, for that reason, I won’t eliminate her yet. . Anyway, I feel that by prefacing her illness by incorporating Kelley’s interview about the tough conditions and showing Lauren’s own interview where, with a smile on her face, she told us that she still felt strong, the editors redeemed her. At the very least, since she was the one chosen to talk about missing her family, something everyone must say if prompted with the right question, then she should make it as far as the family visit.

Chris: For the first time, we had a second look-in at the events happening on the Island of Extinction and that was mostly to show Eric catching fishes and acting as provider for his companions of misfortune. There was really no need to show that clip but it showed Chris as a true survivalist, especially compared to his two inept partners. He doesn’t know how the Island of Extinction works so he wants to keep them strong. Yes, it could be that the players return as a tribe of Outcasts just before the merger like they did in Pearl Islands but I think it will be a lot more like Redemption Island where the players will compete against each other for the chance to return to the game. The Outcast format didn’t guarantee that a player would return (production took care of that however by providing the Outcasts plenty of ribbons to make a solid pole) and if no one was to return then the Island of Extinction would be just another dud. I’m sure production wants their new idea to have a big impact in the game and the biggest impact it could have is delivering the Sole Survivor. If the Island of Extinction works like Redemption Island than the player that returns just before the final episode would have a tremendous advantage because he would have lived many days with the jury members. Of course, that would be plenty of reason to send that player right back out of the game but circumstances have changed since Ozzy’s return: The Final 4 Four Challenge will be a piece of cake for someone who had to work hard to make fire every day.

War Dog: If we have a traditional winner, one who dominates the game’s strategy and gets to tell the audience about his personal life and how it contributes to his game play then it can only be War Dog. This former Army man has been the season’s mastermind up to now but he’ll be faced with a numerical disadvantage at some point. This Poker player has a few aces up his sleeves though: Kama hasn’t yet been tested in Tribal Council and they’ve been told that Kelley is the godfather. There should be an idol in Lesu so that could be another ace in his sleeves. It’s a bit early to make the call but, going by the edit, War Dog has to be the favorite to win the title of Sole Survivor.

Close to the Edge - Rick: We’ll have to see how he’s portrayed on Extinction Island but, from the start, Rick had been a player to follow, someone that had been clearly identified. Will he be the one returning to the game?

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Aruba 3135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-18-19, 06:28 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
Why are YOU apologizing? I’m the one who feels bad that your efforts seemed wasted last week. Hey, just because I would rather chug beer than sip Zinfandel, it doesn’t mean I have any bias against wine tasters. Post away! I’ll number my responses to make it easier for you to reply:

1 - Unfortunately, we’ve had MORE than our share of horribly casted pathetically inept players get to the end; why should it not work for someone with a polarizing personality like Wendy?

2 - Speaking of which, Wendy deliberately targeting Kelley to her new tribe was driven more by her personal dislike of the bellyacher than your spin to blow sunshine up LoserDog’s butt or a misread of tribe dynamics. It was a convenient and opportunistic attempt to take a shot at Kelley in hopes of hurting her game. Actually, I think Kelley could be a more dangerous player than LoserDog should she advance deeper in the game, so Wendy setting a ticking bomb with Kelley’s name on it could prove quite valuable and potentially better off in the end.

People love underdogs so it is not unusual they will be pulling for a first-timer like Wendy who is willing to stand up to a two-time whiney loser regardless of any editing cards you wish to deal out.

3 - Glad you’re finally coming around to Kelley’s negativity I’ve been referencing all along and why her being a pain in butt was NOT just a figment of my imagination. You’re are correct in saying Kelley’s negativity will not help her situation with the fans, but guess’s that same negativity that’s not going to help her situation with those she’s living with 24/7 either (groupie Lauren and LoserDog notwithstanding.) Glad we can at least put that item to bed.

4 - I addressed the “chickens in the wild” on the Be the Survivor thread.

5 - Don’t worry about an Amber/Wendy comparison. The player who owns this season won’t be carrying Wendy in hopes of proposing to her on the Reunion Show. LOL

6 - I don’t see it as a problem when the format of a season is not laid out for the players at the onset of the game. There’s already enough predictability with this being season 38; why make it even more predictable for the players. Of course, conspiracy theorists never have to ponder that element of secrecy because they believe the season is “scripted” anyway.

7 - I liked the observation Chris made about wanting to play the “perfect game” as well. Truth be told...his quest for “perfection” went up in smoke when Lauren out hustled him in finding the HII. This occurred days BEFORE he was blindsided at TC.

8 - The Bitter Betty Jury in Kaoh Rong owes Aubry $1,000,000...after she collects the million THEN she can decide how much of the $100,000 she may want to give to Tai.

9 - I forgot the scene when Gary told Rafe how strong Danni was but now I remember after you mentioned it. The irony of that scene is Rafe ended up being the only Juror who did NOT vote for Danni to win.

10 - Given Joe’s situation after the swap, I feel he exercised his options as well as he could have given his situation as an ADS target. He knew he needed a 3-person simple majority after the swap. He chose wisely with Aurora. Sadly, Julie and Julia are not what you would consider a bumper crop of prospects. And understand, his conversation with Ron was right after the swap when Ron publicly criticized Manu for voting out Chris (the player who was carrying them in the challenges) as an act of betrayal.

Joe had to be hearing that thinking, “WOW, I’m a player who has been carrying Kama in the challenges, so certainly I would not expect Ron to “betray” me as he called out Manu for doing so.” I hardly regard that as a “dumb.” Once again, he did the best with what he had to work with after the swap.

11 - You said dumb players NEVER win? Did you forget about Jud “Fabio” in Nicaragua? I guess so, but it’s OK, that’s perfectly understandable.

12 - Although Ron (and Julia) know Joe does not have an idol in his bag, had Kama lost the IC, I honestly don’t think that would have been enough to make Ron feel Joe DEFINITIVELY did not find one and hid it the way Lauren did. So, if Kama does lose an IC, I agree with you that Aurora would be more at risk for the reasons you stated.

13 - David was not the deciding factor in the Chris 5-2 blindside vote. His vote wasn’t needed.

14 - I liked the poker analogy with LoserDog because Dan has been dealt a couple aces so far this season. Hey, some are dealt those advantages only to squander those opportunities, so I will give LoserDog all the credit for taking full advantage of those situations. I still believe he’d potentially get more mileage partnering with Rick/David as opposed to Kelley/Lauren. Should another male castaway get the boot on Wednesday, that would make four out of the first five “extinctions” male players. Those numbers would put LoserDog (and the other remaining male castaways) chances of winning the game in serious jeopardy. As a male player finding himself as the swing vote at the last TC, that is something Dan should have considered.

15 - Although LoserDog pitched Chris’ blindside, it was Rick who made it happen.

What will “poor Jeff” do about Rick’s boot? Ask the conspiracy theorists how is it possible we’re even lamenting over “poor Jeff’s” man crush if the season is truly “fixed.”

16 - You must be in the Guinness Book of Records for undergoing the most rotator cuff surgeries with all the reaching you do. Your latest reach (trying to scrounge up any relevance for Victoria because I ranked her last) only adds to your ever-growing tally and future surgery appointments. Hey, it keeps me laughing!

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michel2 3411 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-18-19, 11:13 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
LAST EDITED ON 03-18-19 AT 11:14 PM (EST)

I was apologizing for asking people to spend a lot of time reading my post. To help, my thoughts are bolded so that you can skip over the transcription of the quotes. I feel the need to incorporate those quotes to be as true to the story being told as possible. I'm glad you enjoy drinking my wine.

Good idea with the numbers so let's go:

1- Yes Wendy could get to the end but she certainly couldn,t win. I think we agree on that.

2- I don't really care about Wendy's motivation or what it will do to Kelley's game. What I took about that scene is that War Dog is staying hidden, Kelley serving as a perfect shield which, if you recall, was his goal all along.

3- Kelley's negativity is almost exclusevily expressed in cinfessional. In camp, her mood matches exactly with that of the others. And none of the toher players have commented on Kelley's attitude. It's affecting her relationship with the viewers not the other players and, judging by your comments, I'm right. In other circumstances, you'd be applauding someone who is sick and tired of losing.

4- I responded there also. Domesticated for millenias, chickens aren't made for the wild.

5- The rerason for the Wendy/Amber comparison is STRICTLY about the way the swap worked out. In @ss, production most likely wanted to get Amber voted out because viewers were dead set about showmances but when they saw that they couldn't get rid of Romber, they flipped the script, embracing them and doing their best to get the audience on their side. It worked. Here, the intent was mostly to save Wendy and keep her with her chickens.

6- Chess and Poker have been played for centuries and their rules are clearly stated yet they aren't predictable.

7- Chris was blindsided so well that I'm sure an Hidden Immunity Idol wouldn't have helped him.

8- If Tai had sided with Jason and Scott then Aubry never even gets close to the Final 3. Tai was the key to her placement then the jury robbed her.

9- It was her alliance with Rafe that got Danni to the F3 and that alliance was helped by Hogeboom's words. Rafe liked Danni a lot because she made him feel like the genius he thought he was. Rafe's game was built on one main idea: Make everyone hate Stephenie so that her game would be completely distroyed and he'd be able to beat her in the end. So, of course, he knew Danni would easily beat Steph and his vote was out of remorse.

10- I agree that Joe did the best he could but the cameras showed that, once more, he was being outwitted by Ron. That editing choice is what makes him look dumb and that is a kiss of death.

11- Didn't I wrote about Fabio? If it got cut in my final edit, here's what I think of Fabio and "Dumb Players". Dumb Players are, at least in part, created by the editing choices. Sure, they make mistakes but theirs are constantly highlighted. In comparison, Fabio was edited to make him look as smart as possible. His episode one of liking the fact that the others THINK he's dumb to the point of calling him Fabio was the eorfect cover-up. Fabio was a DUMB PERSON, but the editors didn't portray him as a "DUMB PLAYER". Quite the contrary, they did their damndest to make him look a bit like a worthy winner.

12- Agreed.

13- Rick and David were ALWAYS going to vote together so David's vote was just as critical as Rick's. Had David put his foot down, Kelley could have left.

14- It's hard to say what would have been best for War Dog but he seems to understand that he needs to split Lauren and Kelley so that tells me his really put a lot of thought into the vote. I really think that Lauren is a more loyal player than Rick would have been but, yes, the women's numbers could be troubling. On this, we'll have to see what happens to War Dog but I really like his game. He's edited as this season's Tony.

15- I totally agree with you but the recap IGNORED Rick's part, highlighting only War Dog's master plan. That is a very clear editing choice.

16- I thought my biggest reach was seeing the Blue Heron eating a yellow Fish as a hint that a Manu player was going to win the game. For me Ron and Victoria are the only 2 new players on Kama to have a visible edit: Eric, Gavin, Julie, Julia and Aurora are mostly ignored. I explained why I think Joe, Aubry and Ron's stories cannot lead them to victory so that leaves only Victoria. Oh! and another thing about Victoria: For me, she's the cutest one out there. I love the freckled redheads! To bad you see those freckles as defects. So judgmental...

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Aruba 3135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-20-19, 07:50 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
I’m cutting this down to the wire with Ep. 5 almost ready to air here. Won’t have enough time to reply to all your responses, but here’s a few:

Whereas I agree that Wendy is probably not privy to the fact LoserDog initiated the pitch to blindside Chris, she knows gosh darn well Kelley wrote HER name down at the first TC...and guess what...she’s still in the game. Sure doesn’t sound like someone successfully leading the ring to me. OHHH, I forgot...that’s right...the reason “ringleader” Kelley was unsuccessful in getting Wendy out was because Production “rigged” it for Wendy to stay. LOL. So then, I guess in its eagerness to “fix” the season in Wendy’s favor, they essentially screwed Wentworth over by allowing Wendy to stay in the game and throw Kelley under the bus. LMAO. It just keeps getting “better and better!”
No Michel, Wendy dropped Kelley’s name to her new tribe to intentionally stick a dagger into her for personal reasons.

If I were to do some “wine-tasting” myself, I would lean more toward interpreting the scene between Joe and Ron as an edit to show Ron being a two-faced sneak contradicting himself after how he called out Manu for its “betrayal” of Chris. If anything it paints Ron as a deceptive liar, as opposed to your spinology in an attempt to be purposely derogatory toward a player I ranked high on my list.

If we’re seeing all of Kelley’s whining and negativity in an hour episode every week, you can bet your bottom dollar she’s doing the same with those she’s living with 24/7. Why? Because “you are...who you are...who you are.” Her complaining is more than just the pathetic performances at challenges; she’s also belly-aching about having to build shelter and food rations. If anyone should know those are key elements you sign up for when you play Survivor it should be this two-time loser.

I didn’t say a HII would have saved Chris. I agree it probably would not have. What I’m saying that simple fact of getting out-hustled by Lauren and not finding the idol HIMSELF killed his shot at “perfection” in the game.

Not sure what Nicaragua season you were watching, but a recall countless occasions when Production showed accurate and appropriate scenes with Fabio as a dumbass idiot. It was not a case of editing as much as showing Jud for the way he really was. A dumb player...who ended up winning the season.

Victoria’s the cutest one out there? WOW! Personally, I would say Lauren, Julia, Wendy, Wentworth and Aubry are all cuter than Victoria. Your freckled fancy is better-looking than Reem...I’ll give you that one. Aurora and Julie are too close to call, but I’ll be in a generous mood and give Victoria a nod over those two just to make you happy as you settle in to watch the show in a few minutes.

To be continued on the Ep. 5 threads...enjoy tonight's episode.

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michel2 3411 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-20-19, 10:25 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
You'll probably won,t even read this because, in your world, you've managed to get the last word ineven if it isn't true!

1- I never talked about Wendy's motivation because I don,t care what goes on in her mind. All I said was that it was good for War Dog that HE wasn't named the ringleader.

2- Yes, that scene killed Ron's chance of winning in my mind because it painted him very poorly. But it did the same for Joe.

3- Actually, Kelley has been everyone ally since Lesu formed. They said it: They really liked everyone so Kelley's negativity DIDN'T show in camp.

4- Perfection isn't needed in this game. The only "perfect" winner we've ever had was Fabio who was the perfect idiot.

5- Jud was a dumb person so it had to transpire despite the editors' best efforts. One player that was really smart that season was Alina and, if you remember, she talked to Jud at the merger, trying to tell him what to do. What did Fabio answer? It went something like: "It's because you're so smart at the game that you'll get voted out. Me, I'm just pretending to play dumb so they don't target me." Guess what? Alina was voted out and Fabio went on to win. I don't think you'll believe me but Fabio has a lot of fan and whenever I say he was an idiot they rise to his defense saying it was strategic. For them to say that means they fell for the edit.

6- A foursome with Victoria, Lauren and Kelley would make me very happy and would be the perfect Redhead, Brunette, Blonde fantasy. I find all three equally beautiful but Victoria has a better figure. Aurora isn't bad either. Julia and Aubry aren't my type at all.

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Chez 708 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-15-19, 11:03 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
Earlier today I was looking back though the various analysis threads to see if there was some hint as to who would be involved in the fire making contest. Check out the following excerpts from Michel's post which give an interesting hint regarding the fire making challenge in the S38 finale.

"Previously on Survivor, ................

At Tribal Council, Chris was voted out.

Chris wasn’t greeted with open arms when he joined Reem and Keith.


David was making fire and when Rick said: “Nice looking fire” he said he wasn’t as good as Chris.

The fact that such a throwaway comment was included right after the IoE scene makes me wonder if it isn’t an indication that Rick will win a fire challenge. It could be the challenge to return into the game or maybe even the Final 4 challenge. Let’s keep it in mind if it comes to that later on."

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michel2 3411 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-16-19, 01:24 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
Hello Chez,
Yes, the editors often give us these hints. For them, I'm guessing it's a sort of inside joke but, for us, it's a matter of knowing which are hints for the end game from those that are just for the moment.
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kingfish 20586 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-16-19, 10:36 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
Credit where credit is due, you spotted the winning shot.

I discounted the possibility that he would win (as did Gavin) because his strategic play as shown was just in 3 (or was it 4?) days, and to me it just wasn't possible that he could pull it off in that short time frame. But he did. Unbeknownst to us he was alert enough at EI to lay some groundwork, and he pulled off the impossible. And truth be told, it did make for a great season, IMO.

I hope they cut back on HIs in the future, but they actually made the game more complicated this season, which I enjoyed. Basically becasue there were savvy players (mainly Devens, actually) who really used them delightfully to great advantage. As well as having the slickest fakes ever.

But Chris's ploy to get to F3 was what really took the cake. By the time survivors get to the end, there are usually so addlebrained that they lose because of stupidity, but not Chris. Hats off to the guy, he deserved the win. Hats off to Devens also for really nice play, he only needed a little more fire making skill to win.

And oddly I thought Julie's final speech was pretty good too, sorta surprised that she didn't get a vote or two.

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michel2 3411 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-17-19, 00:17 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
Thank you, Kingfish.

We did have an idea that Chris was the main fish provider and chef on EoE so we knew he had worked on their stomachs, a huge part in Survivor. I'm not as enthusiastic about the season overall though. I liked Lauren and Victoria, I found that Ron was an sneaky villain, I liked Devens just as everyone else but hated the return so late in the game and with an HII. Way too many of those for a real game. It becomes like a board game where everyone introduces his own "home" rules.

I did love Chris' gutsy move. It's the one Dominick should have tried to get rid of Wendell.

I thought Julie could win at first but I think she blew it when she said her emotions were strategically used and in particular to boot Julia. Julia's "come on" answer hit the nail on the head and then War Dog and Devens both jumped in saying something like "are you suggesting it was your outburst that got us talking?" That killed Julie's chances.

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sj007 23 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

05-21-19, 05:03 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: My Take - New Dynamics, Same result:"
LAST EDITED ON 05-21-19 AT 05:07 PM (EST)

First thing I have to get out is I can't stand those stupid ##### hidden immunity idols! It was so silly at the end what happened with them. Takes away from the social and political dynamic. What a joke! I haven't watched Survivor on tv for a few years now because they ruined the game with these advantages and idols. I catch up online when I can. So, obviously with the name of the upcoming season I'm not looking forward to it at all. My guess is it will probably go down as one of the worst. I was torn before the season began that if someone that had been away from the game so long deserves to win. Chris deserved it especially with the 2 sitting with him at ftc. He gets huge credit for the fire making call. That probably solidified his win. I still think that format for final tribal sucks. You really only saw a few people dominate the discussion. Go back to everyone getting a chance to confront each player 1 on 1. Also another season that confirms that having 3 people in the ftc is a waste of time. Julie the goat didn't get a single vote. I have a suggestion for Probst, instead of the winner of final immunity deciding who avoids the fire making challenge and gets a free pass to ftc, make the winner vote out final jury member and the other two make fire to decide who sits against immunity winner in 2 personal ftc. That would really make the fire making dramatic lol. Since they've done 3 people ftc I believe it has never been close votes for all 3. Always the 2 only get the majority and sometimes the goat may get 1. Island of Idols, ##### great can't wait, right.

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