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"Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep. 1"
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Aruba 3098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-21-19, 08:52 PM (EST)
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"Survivor 38 Player Rankings Ep. 1"
Well this goes down as one of the lamer Premiers. Only one hour didn’t help. With the standard two hours I generally have everyone’s name by the end of the Premier, but for this one I needed to go to the CBS site to remind me of a few. Everyone knew the four returnees before they even stepped onto the boat, yet Jiffy still felt the need to feed the embellishment and waste the little time we had with sappy recaps about the four everyone knew already.

JOE – Picked up where he left off—kicking butt in challenges. Well done! Started fire—even better. It’s great other castaways want to keep him around as a meat shield...that’s one way to temper the sad and dastardly Anti-Darwin Syndrome. Dude needs to lose the stache. I’m aging myself, but I feel like I was watching the Oakland A’s from the 1970’s.

GAVIN – While most of the cast were acting like obnoxious giddy groupies, Gavin seemed to be the one most grounded to the game with his eye on the prize. Two seasons in a row with a Huck Finn character as the Sole Survivor may be a bit much, but after the first hour he’s on track.

WENDY – Either she’s a great poker player or she knew she was getting votes her way because she remained emotionless when her names were being read. If the latter, it was smart of her to vote Reem. Aqua hair and Tourettes—not a great combination for advancement...Oh, but that's right...she's “Asian.” LOL

AUBREY – Like her approach to stay low as a returning player and strike like a snake in the grass later on. I’m hoping there’s a later on for her because Aubrey is one of those castaways who actually looks better on Day 30 than during the Premier.

DAVID – Aubrey without boobies in episode one...stay low for now and become a “dominant force” that Jeff preluded to later on. Looks like he put on some pounds since Millen vs. Gen X, but still qualifies as Concentration Camp material.

RON – Gotta show some love to the old guy in the game. Could use the advantage early on to offset the greatest divide in Reality Show history. Allowing him to choose an Advantage from an al a carte menu should provide a better shot of a successfully played Advantage. Afterall, the guy is an “Educator.”

JULIE – A shout-out to the older lady. She’ll go poo-poo getting her first look at the new Manu tribe and noticing (older lady) Reem voted off. She’ll just need to find another bush like the one she used in Central Park.

LAUREEN – My early eye-candy for the season. Already orgasming over Kelly and Joe.

ERIC – Hangin’ with Gavin. That’s enough to put him in my top half.

CHRIS – Potential to be a challenge stud. *sniff* *sniff* I’m smelling Anti-Darwin Syndrome.

VICTORIA – Another Superfan...another dime a dozen.

RICK – An Anchorman who’s starving to be this season’s narrator. He’ll probably get on my nerves more sooner than later.

AURORA – A lesbian who’s digging Joe. What a lucky guy...I’m already jealous.

JULIA – Had no relevance in the Premier.

KELLY – Her approach was the polar opposite of David and Aubrey. Didn’t need anymore attention, but sure went the extra mile to get it. She’ll need to put her proactivity in play and find a couple more idols.

DAN – AKA “Wardog” Anyone who is over the age of 25 and feels the need to go by a nickname is a monumental LOSER in my book. Comes across as one of those immature idiots who paints his face for a sporting event.

KEITH – Wormy little critter with loose lips. I guess he hasn’t learned about Doctor/Patient confidentiality yet from his Duke Med School studies.


REEM – “Age discrimination” Like think? LMAO. Has she watched any Reality TV the last two decades?? So, I guess the Ponderosa won’t be taking in any boarders this season with the Edge of Extinction? We also have the making for the bitterest of all Bitter Betty Jurys at FTC with anyone who chooses not to cry home to Mommie sticking around ‘til the end.

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                   RE: My Take: sj007 03-18-19 9
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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-23-19, 06:58 PM (EST)
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1. "My Take:"
LAST EDITED ON 02-23-19 AT 07:12 PM (EST)

In the introduction, the cameras focused mostly on Wardog, Victoria, Wendy and Lauren who was on screen when Jeff mentioned the “million dollar prize”

Wardog had the first confessional of the evening: “You look at me, you think this is a New Yorker, oh! he’s a military guy but I’m currently in law school and I definitely don’t want anybody to know that I’m going to be a lawyer because first impressions could make or break my entire game.”

We can say that our first impression of Wardog isn’t that great. He does get credit for the first confessional of the season but it was rather bland. My first impression is that we’ll hear from this character but he won’t be very impactful.

Wendy’s interview was next: “I’m a super, mega, ultra fan of the show because you don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know when this is going to flip, when this is going to happen when that’s going to happen and this is my life.”

Well, Wendy, this show has become very formulaic and one thing we all know is going to happen is that you’ll be voted out early.
Jeff described the returning players as being either desirable allies or easy early vote.

Of the four, fan favorite Joe was interviewed first: “I’m going to have a target on my back but I’m going to try to never shine brighter than anybody else.”

He’s about 20 episodes late in figuring out that tactic.

Lauren had an interview when the group saw the returning players: “My two favorite players are Kelley Wentworth and my total Survivor crush is Joe so then you see the boat coming and you see the blonde like that’s freaking Kelley Wentworth and then they get closer and I’m like...Is that Joe too?”

If anything, this could be setting Lauren up to be one of the season’s narrators.

During the mad scramble for supplies, Dan of the Kama tribe found a secret advantage.

Being close to drowning gave Keith a chance at an interview: “I’m not the best swimmer out here and I’ve never been in open waters. Naturally, me, who can’t swim, could cause me to be the first one gone because in this game if you are on the outs, you’re on the edge.”

He called it. At least he’ll rejoin the majority before the end of the evening... but for how long? Knowing how Survivor likes to have specific types of character, I have to wonder if this scene was set up to create a new “Donathan”. We’ll soon see that either Reem is one of the world’s best swim instructor or Keith is one of the fastest learners ever but for someone who almost drowned during his first contact with water he’ll be developing a very strong crawl on his next occasion.

Manu Day 1

Rick had an interview: “When everyone was introducing themselves, I’m so overwhelmed by the fact that I’m in this game. I was so excited because I’m a huge fan of the show. I’ve watched it since the very first episode. No one thinks News Anchors are tough. I’ve got the dad body out here but I have a huge belief in myself. I want to come out here as the cool man; I want to break through the wall. Oh! yeah!”

As a news Anchor, Rick is certainly comfortable in front of a camera which could give him a narrator’s role. Usually narrators are chosen because they last a while. The editors want someone that we’ll get to know well telling their story.

Kelley’s interview: “Playing the third time, I know I may have a target on my back initially so getting in an initial alliance at the beginning is very important. I played from the bottom on Second Chance; that’s not a good feeling and so this time I want to have genuine relationships which can be hard for me because I am a closed person but I have to be more open, I have to get to know these people on a human level.”

We saw her forming a bond with her fellow soccer player and her fan, Lauren. How well will that serve her? I’m not sure. Her tactic sounds a lot like Spencer’s plan in his second chance and while it got him far, it didn’t earn him the win. But she is right; first day alliances often take precedence over later ones.

After hearing that people were waiting for his expertise, David reacted in confessional: “The first time I played Survivor I was afraid to voice opinions. Chopping the wood; the sound of that rattled me. I had to plug my ears with my fingers and I was worried that my tribe was going to have a bad perception of me. This time, people are coming to me; these newbies are like; what do you think? What should we do? I’m trying to give them ideas. I want people to feel that I can help them navigate especially the very early part of this game so that they know I’m a friend that you can trust me. Keep me around!”

Like Kelley, David has the right idea even if he is using a more laid back approach. Alliances made with friends are much stronger than the ones made out of convenience.

Right after, we learned that Wendy had a mild case of Tourette’s syndrome which she explained in confessional: “I have Tourette’s with a touch of OPD. They are like a combo; if I do this one, I’ll go ah! and do this arm one and then there’s a whole bunch all mixed in and I feel like right now they are kind of good but if I get really excited or I get really concentrated or I talk about them they act up a lot... I’m kind of an open book in a way... Let’s admit; I’m awkward...They vibe in a way that I could never but I have to understand that this is a game and I have to play by the rules of the game. I have to play ball.”

This confessional was simply adorable. I’m happy that she gets a chance to play ball. Wendy’s smile was great to see and I hope she’ll stay a while.

Kama Day 1

Victoria had the tribe’s first confessional: “I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I was a kid. When I was 8 years old I asked Santa Claus for a Survivor buff. I’m just dying to get it started.”

For a first impression, this was rather superficial. A lifelong fan must have an idea on how they’ll play this game but Victoria is happy that her dream came through.

Joe’s interview followed: “Coming into this game, I’m really trying to put “Joe Amazing” away but it’s hard because new players are asking you what should I do? You don’t want to point yourself out as a threat but yet you have so much to offer to these new players so what do you do?”

What you do is bring back Joe Amazing and make fire by rubbing pieces of wood together, something very few people have been able to do over 37 seasons. Joe will always be Joe so he should form an alliance with other strong players and hope they carry him far enough that he’ll be able to win his way to the end. The season’s gimmick will help even if he doesn’t know about it.

Aurora had the next interview: “Having Joe on my team means that I am better set in this game. I don’t have to make fire; Joe did that. I don’t have to build a shelter; Joe did that. He’s just amazing and I would love to work with him. I’m gay and I’m still on Team-Joe!”

Aurora is showing a very pragmatic approach to playing with a strong, experienced player. That bodes well for her and maybe for Joe if she can spread that attitude around.

Julie’s interview: “I’m trying to help out around camp as much as I can but I live in New York City; I have no outdoor survival skill whatsoever. I think the closest I can come to is that I peed in the bushes of Central Park once but that was an emergency. So this is definitely going to be a test for me. I don’t want to be the person that everyone looks at like the older woman and she’s a mom, what is she doing here? She doesn’t have a clue.”

Juxtaposed with Aurora’s confessional, it shows Julie as being much less pragmatic but she does show some self-awareness and she seemed to mesh well with her tribe: She was applauded and received a high five just for chopping bamboo! It will be interesting to see if the camera focuses on her when Kama will be informed of Reem’s elimination. If we hear anything from Julie about that then that would be great for her story but if her reaction is ignored then we’ll know that Julie won’t be central to the season’s story. For now, we can wonder how she’d fare on the “Island of Extinction”. Would she even give it a try?

Ron’s interview: “I think Kama is off to the best start of any tribe I’ve seen any tribe on Survivor have. We’ve got all the rations; we’ve got fire on the first day. We have a positive spirit but I have something on my mind: I have a secret advantage in my pocket! There were 18 people on that boat and I found it and now I’m thinking; I got to get away and read this thing.” The clue told him to dig next to tree mail. He went right away while his confessional went on: “On Survivor, you have to lie, manipulate, cheat and as a teacher, I’m going to have all these students looking at me but they are not stupid: They know it’s a game and the rules allow you to do these things.” He soon found a scroll describing his “Advantage Menu”: He could either steal a reward, a vote or have individual immunity but the advantage lasted only for the first three cycles. His interview ended with these words: “Coming in, my goal was not to be the first one voted out. Now this has given me a new goal: I’m thinking this could propel me not only to last for a while but to win Survivor.”

While Lauren and Rick could be Manu’s narrators, Ron could have the job on Kama. He’s had an excellent start and winning the first immunity will only help. He’ll be a player to watch.

Kama Day 2

The sun was rising and the music was very mellow; a sign that Kama won’t be under stress any time soon.

Aubry gave us an interview: “Being a returnee, it is kind of terrifying to play with newbies because if I prop my head up too much it’s going to get locked up because I’m going to have that returning player target. So, I know that the best thing to do is to lie in the grass and come out like a cobra when the time is right.”

Interestingly, Aubry’s tactic is diametrically opposite to Kelley’s. Which one will be more successful? Unfortunately, the answer is going to be influenced by what players know about these players: They know Aubry is a strong tactician so they may not let her strike.

Gavin then had a confessional: “I’m from Irwin Tennessee but I’m not just the good Southern boy. I know the show and I’m here for one reason and one reason only and that’s to win the title of Sole Survivor. That million dollars is going to come in handy and for the town of Irwin I might buy us a fourth traffic light through Main street. I don’t know yet. We’ll see.”

Coming out of nowhere this confessional is very noteworthy. It contains a quote about winning the game so it’s something to keep in mind.

After telling Gavin that part of the fun of the game is figuring everything out, not being told what to do by returning players, Eric had an interview: “Being a firefighter, at the very core, it’s about taking care of people so we get good at developing lightning fast rapports. Like, for example, with Gavin: Right away, I get the sense that he is somebody that is thinking along the same lines. We’ll get rid of one of them if we lose and, if it’s up to me it’s about me getting Aubry out of here fast. If I can do it tomorrow: Great!”

Well, Eric didn’t get Aubry out on day three so will he come to regret it? The scene didn’t end before showing Aubry working with Julie which could be a sign that she’s be well entrenched in the tribe when they get to tribal Council. On the other hand, a first episode confessional that links one’s occupation with the way the person is intending to play the game is of the utmost importance in giving us a clue about the eventual winner. Like Rick and Gavin, Eric is a player to watch.

Manu Day 2

The music had more rhythm when we flew over to Manu. There wasn’t going to be much more stress than on Kama but there was something about to happen in this tribe.

Reem thought everything was going fine in Manu but she was already taking everyone’s clothes to the beach. She thought everyone was getting along.

Lauren’s Interview gave us the real picture: “Reem is so sweet and is just like such a helpful mom but I think some people are like: Stop moving my stuff.”

Keith’s interview came after he told Reem he was a momma’s boy: “I am young, I’m 19 and not having my mom out here is affecting me. I feel like Reem is a motherly person out here. I thought about going out to the water to practice swimming and Reem and Wendy even offered to help me with it. We live in a trailer deep in the country and that million dollars is going to change our lives so I’m willing to learn.”

Well Reem and Wendy proved to be great instructors because Keith was swimming much better after just one practice! With a “million dollar” quote coming right in the middle of that lesson we have to wonder if they thought him not only how to swim in the ocean but how to swim in the game also.

Back in camp, Rick and the others were quick to realize that Keith, Reem and Wendy had a nice little three person alliance. That led to Kelley’s remark: “Perfect! We got the numbers.”

Rick’s interview: “We started out as one big, happy family and we’re still a big happy family but, naturally, Keith, Reem and Wendy started doing their own thing and we saw that Keith wasn’t a great swimmer, Wendy is a whirling dervish and Reem’s a busy body. So, it’s been really helpful for the rest of us in the tribe because we’re sitting there going: Wow! Those three are dividing themselves and those might be the three we wanted to vote out anyway so OK; keep dividing yourselves.”

To stress that division, the scene ended with the camera going from the small group of three now working on palm fronds and then our view went over to the other side of camp where the rest of the tribe was huddled.

Day 3: The Challenge

The two tribes were fairly even until Joe took over at the balance beam. From there, the only members of Manu that gave them a shot at closing the gap was, surprisingly, David and Lauren.

With a gash on her forehead, Kelley had the exit interview: “Losing the first challenge is one of the worse things that can happen to you because you have very little wiggle room, like you’ve known these people for three days. I know from experience that any little thing can send you out of this game and you could be gone in a second.”

Manu Day 3

Keith had the first interview after returning to camp: “You never come out here expecting to lose that first immunity challenge but even though I feel more introverted, I need to have more one-on-one conversations.” With Reem and Wendy, he talked to Rick near the water well. Keith’s interview continued: “As soon as we got to the well, Reem and Wendy weren’t shy to put it out there: They want to get Kelley and Lauren. They have linked them as this dynamic duo who has control of everything so they are trying to get the vote together to get one of those two out. And there just dogging Rick down. He doesn’t even have a chance to breathe. So I wasn’t feeling the whole well vibe; that wasn’t going the way I liked it and something clicked in my head that I have to start playing this game for me and, at the end of the day, no matter who goes home, I just can’t be the one to go home.”

Keith walked directly to camp to tell the group all about Reem and Wendy’s plan. The group settled on getting rid of Reem so Wardog proposed talking to Wendy. She told him and David that she’d be voting with Reem.

Wendy’s confessional: “I feel like they are not giving enough credit to Reem. They are only taking her age into account. She can’t help her age but she can pull her weight which she has been doing.”

Wendy’s stubbornness got to Wardog who wondered out loud if they shouldn’t vote her out instead.

Wardog’s confessional: “Wendy; it was extremely surprising to me that no matter how direct we were telling her that it was going to be Reem, she pushed back. This caused an alarm in my head because what is going to happen down the road? Can I work with someone like that? So this vote tonight, it should be Wendy.”

Hearing that they were voting against her, Reem thought they were idiots. She promised to go down fighting.

Tribal Council

It didn’t take long for Jeff to realize that the target was directly on Reem. Like he said, it’s rare that we have a Tribal Council where almost all the conversation is centered on one person.

Wendy voted for Lauren.
Reem voted for Kelley.
Kelley, Wardog and Lauren voted for Wendy.
Chris, Rick, Keith and David voted for Reem.

On the walk of shame, Reem found herself facing a fork in the road and she decided to go to the Island of Extinction.

The Story

Premieres have often been exciting, counting as some of the most interesting episodes of the season but this one was truly underwhelming. As such, it doesn’t bode well for the season. Wendy was an interesting side story but what chance does she really have? Reem’s choice at the end of the walk of shame was very well presented but this scene will be repeated a dozen times so it will soon become rancid. This island is designed for Joe; a place where survival doesn’t depend on the vote.

Undiscovered Species – These players remain undefined. One of them may very well find a role before too long but their lack luster premiere put a big question mark on their chances of succeeding.

Chris: For an athletic guy whose tribe went to Tribal Council, it’s troubling that we didn’t hear from Chris. The only good thing was that it didn’t link him with the mob mentality that led to Reem’s demise. The audience got the chance to connect very well with Reem and even more so with her early allies, Wendy and Keith so to be partially distanced with their tormentors could be a good sign for Chris but he’ll need a strong episode fast.

Julia: I thought I saw a young black woman but it could have been my imagination.

Victoria: The cameras did spot a red haired humanoid but was it a real person or just a bad camera angle. What we heard from Victoria is that she loves the show but that does not set her up for a big role.

Aurora: It’s not the first time we’ve heard of a lesbian that has the hots for a good looking guy but Aurora’s meaningless presence makes it hard to catalogue her.

Endangered Species – While they are yet extinct, these players don’t stand a chance:

Wendy: I found her adorable. I enjoyed the way she explained her condition and how it affects her. I didn’t like how she stubbornly stood by Reem but her cool attitude at Tribal Council should enable her to reintegrate the tribe.

Julie: Contributing to the work on the shelter is a way to make friends but in this game you need allies and Julie did nothing to secure her spot in the game.

The Dinosaurs – Like Jurassic Park, these old creatures are reborn and they had an immediate role in the story but will they survive the votes?

Aubry: Returning players have one tremendous disadvantage: Everyone know if they can be trusted or not. Aubry is a player that showed clearly that she can be disloyal so laying low and waiting for the right time to strike is the worst tactic she can have. She needs to open up and make people forget her inclination to make big moves.

Kelley: Why does Jeff continue calling her Wentworth? It was understandable in her second season where we had 2 Kellys but now? Maybe he feels like this is putting her in the category of the Penners and the Savages but it’s rather defeminising. Unlike Aubry, Kelley was always loyal to her allies, her problem being that she never had enough allies but people manly remember how she used her idols and how dangerous she can be when pushed against the wall.

David: I prefer the relaxed David than the fake neurotic one we had the first time but what does he really bring to the game? Hopefully he’ll come up with something original to trick these newbies the way he tricked Jay.

Joe: The season’s format is designed to give the victory to this fan favorite but, like Boston Rob had to work hard in Redemption island, Joe has a lot of work to do this time around and not trying to shine isn’t the best idea.

Thriving Specimens: These players had strong roles in the premiere but let’s not forget that pests thrive in our cities.

The episode was very Keith-centric, first showing the problems he will have to adapt to this new experience then putting him in the minority and later showing how he can turn a bad situation around. He had to turn into a snitch to save himself and while I hate snitches, his tactic proved successful. Spilling the beans about Reem and Wendy’s plan will, for some odd reason, gain him some trust with the majority alliance but will he ever integrate into that alliance?

Wardog: As one of those that led the charge against Reem and especially Wendy, Wardog could become the season’s “Villain”. His name and his thick New York accent will help create the role so I expect to see Wardog go deep into the game but he’ll hardly be a fan favorite.

Lauren: I was pleasantly surprised by her athletic skills. Often “College Athletes” don’t do well on Survivor and the editors remind us of their status as college athlete as a way to mock them but Lauren did fairly well in the challenge. Her future depends a lot on how the tribe will treat Kelley because she didn’t hide her bond to the returning player.

Rick At Tribal Council, Jeff referred to him as Devins, something he only does for his favorites. How could anyone become his favorite so early? Well, Jeff could know something we don’t! Seriously, Rick had a strong premiere and he could be his tribe’s narrator so Rick could be a long term player.

Gavin: His role was rather small but we got to know that he’s a Southern boy and that he plans of winning the title of Sole Survivor. That’s more than enough for someone during a premiere where he didn’t go to Tribal Council. The audience is ready to hear more from him.

Ron: Of the Kama newbies, Ron had the strongest episode but that was influenced by stumbling on the secret advantage. How he uses it and how his role grows will tell us a lot on his chances. Stealing the reward would be a death wish, stealing a vote would also make enemies while needing to use an immunity idol would show that his social game wasn’t good enough to keep him safe. The best thing that could happen to Ron is letting that advantage go to waste. For now, we've learned that Ron is a teacher who won't be stopped by morals in this amoral game and we know he's going for the win so it's a good omen.

Eric: In this short premiere, we got to know that Eric is a firefighter, we got to know about his tactical inclinations and that he is part of a strong duo with Gavin. That’s very impressive. The last two seasons with returning players were won by front line Public servants so why not another?

Voted out – Reem: By splitting the votes between Reem and Wendy, the players showed what I’ve been saying for a long time: It’s impossible to keep track of someone 24 hours a day. Reem certainly wasn’t that proactive about looking for an idol yet the group wasn’t certain if she had an idol or not.

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Aruba 3098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-25-19, 05:22 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: My Take:"
LAST EDITED ON 02-25-19 AT 05:43 PM (EST)

I didn’t think I’d be able to complete a ranking after that lame one-hour Premier. Yet, you found enough to post the sequel to “Roots!” Wow!

Although a good part of your verbiage was creating fodder for your self-defined conspiracy theories. Still searching for that second gunman in the grassy knoll, I see. Gotta love your tenacity. The Warren Commission Report was over 800 pages, so I suppose I shouldn’t be too shocked with the length of your conspiracy theory post.

A few comments...

So LoserDog’s “thick New York accent” will support his villain role. Did you spend this past weekend watching The Godfather trilogy? LOL! All kidding aside, I think his insistence on wanting to be called “Wardog” is villainous enough...regardless where he comes from.

I guess you're poo-pooing my real-life experience I referenced and shared with you to explain Donathan’s fear (you refuse to comprehend) that he overcame. That’s OK, you weren’t there to share my experience so I do not expect you to relate. Guess what...I I know better. But that’s neither here nor there because Keith told us he was taking swimming lessons BEFORE he arrived on the Island. Now if he turns into Ozzy by Day 10, then I’d smell the rat you’re imagining and I’m in your corner 100%. Otherwise, I suspect the weasel will be doggie-paddling for as long as he stays in the game without any credit to Reem.

Yes, if Ron opts for either of the first two choices on his Advantage menu, he will make enemies. Should he use it as an Immunity, it could most likely be to offset the greatest divide in Reality Show history. I’m not surprised you would attempt to spin it as a bad social game. LOL. Truth is, NUMEROUS former winners successfully played idols (many several different times) en route to their well-earned championships. An overwhelming majority of the time it’s a proactive part of playing the game.

Which brings us to the lazy player’s cop out of not being able to shadow someone “24 hours a day,” Yadda, Yadda, Yadda...Blah, Blah, Blah... Well guess’re not going to be able to prevent someone from finding an idol when other sorry asses are sleeping or soaking in the ocean fluttering their social butterfly wings. *snort*

The Reem/Wendy split vote was not about “proactivity” or even about being too friggin’ lazy to track someone. Fact of the matter, when 18 castaways are scurrying around in a controlled environment looking for firewood, finding food, material for shelter, and everything else involved during the FIRST THREE DAYS in the game, it is not unlikely someone could stumble upon an idol or clue. Case in point, that’s what happened with Ron. So, the speculation that Reem may have had an idol is not about some lame “we can’t be with her 24 hours;” as much as the uncertainty like what occurred with Ron or a castaway possibly “Coltoning” an idol.

Without knowing all and every particular about this season’s concept, I’ll hold off making any final verdict, but depending on how miserable they make the Edge of Extinction, it could be a real test of SURVIVAL. And after all (last time I checked) the name of the show is still called “SURVIVOR.”

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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-25-19, 10:30 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: My Take:"
So, there was nothing you liked? Look, I think that this show is fixed to a certain extent and you don't so it's better not to fixate on that. For me, it's simply observing that things happen much too conveniently for the show that it cannot all be real. I'm certain about some of the fixes over the years but most are just suppositions.

Take Keith for example: If, after Reem's lesson, he had been doing the doggie-paddle I wouldn't have brought it up but he was swimming a perfect free-style. At that rate, he'd need just a few more lessons before being ready to challenge Michaels Phelps!!

The age division as been much more noticeable for women. Older men like Rudy, Lex, Frank, Jake and many others have often fared well. I put Ron in that category because he seems fit enough. If, at his tribe first or second TC he needs an idol to save himself then that means his social game will be atrocious. Up to now, he seems to get along with everyone.

The tribe thought Reem could have been holding an idol so that means they weren't able to keep an eye on her 24 hours a day for those first 3 days. It's always impossible to do so. That's what I've been saying all along.

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sj007 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-26-19, 06:06 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: My Take:"
I agree that was a pretty lame premiere episode. And it could foreshadow a sucky season. Which doesn't surprise me. Survivor has been getting lamer and lamer as it goes thanks to stupid twists and over-plentiful idols. Is that a word? I agree with Michel. CBS has either fixed or made it very convenient for certain players to win. And it isn't just Survivor. It's the Amazing Race also. They've done quite a few shady things with certain seasons there also. For CBS and any network it comes down to how much money they make and ratings. They gave Rob how many seasons to try and win so they could milk him with other shows like him and Ambers wedding. And putting them on Amazing Race twice. What a joke. This is set up for Joe. He could get voted out early and survive no problem on that other island. And win challenges to get back in the game. He could do that near the end. Stay on that EofE island for most of the game and come back near the end, we'll see. It's funny I'll re-watch my favorite seasons from years ago online and I get more excited watching those again, then watching these new seasons.
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Aruba 3098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-26-19, 09:15 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: My Take:"
Hi sj007, welcome to the Boards. Personally, I boycott any “season” with all returnees because, well, I do not regard them as real seasons. Because this one is mostly newbies, except for the four, I figured I’d give it an early go. Yet if this Premier does in fact foreshadow the season, I probably will bail out early.

In order for any show to stand the test of time as Survivor has, you have to throw in new twists, different wrinkles, format changes, etc. That being said, certain formats and twists will never be equal to 18 different players. A season with physical challenges will favor the athletic. Challenges stockpiled with puzzles will favor statisticians and computer gurus. A season that starts off men vs. women make it more convenient for a possible female winner. And so on, and so on…

So you know, I have never done Spoilers nor will I ever. Therefore, I do not know exactly all the conditions of this new Edge of Extinction twist. As the season progresses (assuming I’ll stick out the season) and I learn more about it, I’ll weigh in on how and who I think may be most benefitted.

For Production to rig a season, it would be VERY difficult to do without the castaways themselves in on the fix. Over 600 players during 38 seasons for almost 20 years...and NO WHISLTEBLOWERS??? And that gag-order agreement CBS makes the players sign is not worth the paper it is written on. Mr. Early and Russell Hantz can attest to that. There are those who believe the seasons are fixed and those who regard unproven conspiracy theories are just that...theories. To each their long as they’re consistent. It’s comical when someone who is not satisfied with a result, or a player who does not fit their model of what a Survivor player should be emerges victorious, they cry “foul” or “fix.” But when one of THEIR favorites perform well, funny we don’t hear about those rigs and/or fixes?

If the seasons are fixed, I’m still waiting for someone to tell me how in the world did Michelle Fitzgerald win Koah Rong?! LOL

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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-27-19, 04:43 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: My Take:"
LAST EDITED ON 02-27-19 AT 07:06 PM (EST)

I told you why SeeBS didn't sue Hantz: He had more dirt on them then they had on him.

Also, I've mentioned before how the pre-merge swaps in China and One World favored greatly Todd and Kim, two of my favorites. Also how swapping with Ryan helped Chrissy in HvHvH so it never was about my favorites, just about the show's lack of integrity.

Now, I've never said that all seasons were fixed. Michelle F won Survivor Soah Wrong because production didn't really give a damn about it. They were happy that Tai made it far and would have loved to see him win but he was so obviously disliked by the jury that they couldn't do a thing about it. Anyway, since he still had a chance going into the final episode his numerous fans were certain to be watching so having him win or lose didn't affect ratings.

Now, if Cook islands had wound up with 4 Caucasians in its finale it would have been disastrous so THERE fixing was absolutely necessary. Funny thing about CI: Do you know why Probst agreed to the twist? He was ready to quit Survivor and go all in for a TV Talk Show and he was almost certain that the racial segregation would mean the end of Survivor. He would have been fine with it at that time. CI almost killed the franchise; it lost numerous sponsors but the fixed ending saved it.

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Aruba 3098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-26-19, 08:59 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: My Take:"
Like I said before, that Premier was one of the lamest I’ve watch in a while, so unfortunately there wasn’t a whole lot I liked. But I did say I liked how Joe performed and what’s not to like about being able to start fire without flint on Day One. I also liked how Gavin talked game while most of the other newbies were wetting their pants over the returnees.

Once again, Keith took swimming lessons BEFORE he arrived. I gave swimming lessons. Pretty much everyone can do a freestyle stroke after just a couple lessons. I’m certain he was able to do freestyle before he met Reem. As for his initial doggie-paddle...after realizing Joe would be his tribemate, I wouldn’t put it by the wormy conniving critter to purposely make himself look pathetically inept enough to possibly punch his ticket to the endgame as many pathetically inept before him have done.

Historically, FAR many more “older” men have been early exits in Reality Shows than those who fared well. Lex and Frank? Frank may have been 40, but I’m certain Lex was in his 30s. When I reference the greatest divide in Reality TV, I’m talking about players older than Lex and Frank.

Oh brother...I’m certain not a single voter at TC honestly believed Reem proactively went out searching and successfully found an idol. Ron didn’t; nor did Colton in One World. Actually, the dynamics of those first three days lends itself to everyone pretty much “keeping an eye on each other.” I will not criticize anyone on Kama for the fact Ron has an Advantage because of how he stumbling upon it. I will not criticize anyone from Manono for the fact Colton had an idol that was literally placed in his lap. But I WILL criticize those when someone (especially when that someone is THE TARGET) goes off and finds an idol when others are pow-wowing in the water; catching rays on the beach, sleeping on the job, etc. For you to even attempt to correlate these two major differences is laughable.

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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-27-19, 07:03 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: My Take:"
I meant if there was anything you liked in my post! I agree with you; one of the lamest premiere ever.

For Lex, you are right, he wasn't that old. I have him as a Facebook contact so I still see his posts and so I have a hard time remembering how young he was in Africa! Still, the age division is much more severe for women than men. Ron should be fine unless he turns into a insufferable bastard. And I wasn't talking Reality SHOWS plural, just Survivor.

Each time a castaway is asked to do a confessional he is escorted out of camp by the TV crew and no one is allowed to follow. Confessionals range from 15 minutes to 1 or 2 hours, especially if the person giving the confessional is a possible boot. Therefore, no one can know when that confessional ends and what that person is doing on the road back to camp. And they are accompanied by that TV crew who most assuredly know where the idol is located and often give a little help finding it just by pointing their lens at a particular tree, a certain crevasse, etc...

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sj007 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-18-19, 11:31 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: My Take:"
LAST EDITED ON 03-18-19 AT 11:50 PM (EST)

Thanks Aruba for that welcome. I never said that every season was fixed. Also the meaning of fixed in Survivor or Amazing Race or whatever other reality show on TV is the odds are either overwhelmingly stacked for a certain person or people, or the rules get somehow changed for no reason. Lets just take for example the Season where Mariano won Survivor. Either they purposely casted people who would be sheep willing to follow him or somehow production gets in people ears about decisions during filming. I'm sure there could be other ways but the questionable casting for that season seems to be most plausible. It still boggles me to this day the idiots that get picked to play. Though last season did have many smart players who were very strategic. Another example I'll use is 2 seasons of the Amazing Race. Season 7 where Rob and Amber were on and they got away with so much cheating I don't understand it. Local people were actually helping them do a task. I'm not talking about getting directions to a location, but actually helping them do a roadblock or detour. If I was competing against them and I saw that there would be a serious problem and I would call it out to production. There other example is a couple of seasons ago when the Big Brother couple won. I believe after season 5 they finally changed the rule where 1 team member couldn't do more than 6 roadblocks on the entire race. There were usually 12 roadblocks if you made it to the end. For some reason in that season there were only 9 roadblocks and Cody did 6 of them. CBS wanted to ride as much out of their "BB darlings" as they could. They knew Jessica was weak thus a huge advantage in their favor to push them across as winners. The reason CBS Changed the roadblock rule was to make it more fair and equitable. In those earlier seasons you could have a male partner do most of the tasks and get a significant advantage over a 2 women team per se. For example in Season 3 where Flo and Zach won, Zach did 10 roadblocks to Flo's 1. These aren't conspiracy theories. This ##### really happened. These are undisputable facts. Don't be naive to think the networks don't care mostly about ratings and making money. Good point Michel about Cook Islands. And most of the contestants are afraid of those NDA's. If I was a contestant and saw something funny happened ##### yea I would leak it. I would be sure to leak it to a reputable media outlet with guaranteed anonymity. One alleged huge scandal that was either covered up or is rumor was the winners of Amazing Race 4. Supposedly Jon and Kelly crossed the finished line first according to witnesses who saw the ending. But apparently the ending was re-taped and Kelly and Jon came in second to Chip and Reichen. One of the reasons I read was that CBS said Jon and Kelly broke the rules because they were verbally abusive to one team in particular. That's bullshit because CBS edits all the footage before airing. They chose to air certain remarks made about teams. They didn't have to air it. They didn't call anyone a racial slur or anything like that. They called a female contestant "Molly Mole" because of the big mole on her face. Really? CBS told Jon and Kelly they couldn't give them a million dollars also because of contractual obligations. If I was in Jon and Kelly's shoes I would've got a lawyer asap and told CBS if you wanna take away the win go ahead but you will quietly still give us a million dollars also or we go to the press. I don't know if you guys are Amazing Race fans but I've watched that season more than once and have tried to spot anything different in the last episode where they could've re-taped and screwed up. I imagine if they were going to re-tape the ending it would be after they got back to the states. You have way more experience watching episodes and previews and figuring out accurately what's going to happen in Survivor. If you get a chance watch Season 4 of the Amazing Race and in particular the finale and tell me if you spot anything, thanks. Ok I've ranted enough lol.

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Aruba 3098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-20-19, 07:33 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: My Take:"
Hey sj007,

I do not watch Amazing Race so I am unable to comment on that show. As for S8 (the season they had the audacity to call “All-Stars”) I do not regard seasons with an entire cast of returnees as a “real” season. Case in point, immediately after that season 8 aired, various players from that season openly admitted to collaborating BEFORE they were dropped off at Pearl Islands and the game officially commenced. I vowed I would never watch another season with all returnees and former losers and I have not to this day.
Listen, I’m not saying fixed seasons are completely outside the realm of possibility, but until one of the 800 former players over 38 seasons blow the whistle, conspiracy theories are just that...theories.

Hope you can pop in on the Ep. 5 threads.

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sj007 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-20-19, 11:03 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: My Take:"
Ya know that wouldn't surprise me about previous players setting up strategy before doing another survivor season. That's not right and I never really thought about that. I would love to see a former player spill the beans about funny business going on, but I think they're all afraid of being sued by CBS. If you know of anyone that is a fan of Amazing Race ask them about season 4 and if they heard of that re-shoot for the end and different winners. Thanks.
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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-20-19, 11:45 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: My Take:"
Lex, Big Tom, Kathy and Boston Rob had a Final 4 deal before the season even started. That's why Lex wasn't afraid of eliminatin gall the strong challeng eplayers in Mogo Mogo and that's why he was furious when Rob reneged on the deal after the merger.
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sj007 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-21-19, 11:04 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: My Take:"
That's bullshit! No wonder he got so emotional at final tribal council. Shame on those 3 idiots who made a pact with douchebag Mariano. They should know better that he is nothing but a weasel who can't be trusted. And the sad thing is I don't think Amber acted like a jerk until she married Mariano. You should see some of her antics on the Amazing Race with Mariano, sad. What's that saying about the people you surround yourself with?
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Aruba 3098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-23-19, 08:33 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: My Take:"
I totally hear ya with Rob. And yes, that was total BS...which is why I do not watch seasons with all returning players. As for the “threat” of CBS suing a whistle-blower...not worth the paper it is signed on because I found out on these Boards a while back we already had a “guilty party.”

I actually found out on these Boards, that Russell Hantz conspired with a friend who went on some Spoiler site and gave a play-by-play of the first season Hantz participated in complete with the accurate boot order. One of the many reasons I personally stay away from all Spoiler sites and refuse to engage in those circle-jerk sessions. Anyway, as the story goes this Hantz’s accomplice was smoked out and when pressured he ratted on Hantz being the player who clearly violated the signed CBS agreement. Long story, short...CBS did NOT pursue the violation and Hantz was NOT sued a dime.

It was Michel who posted on these Boards that in all likelihood CBS probably “punished” Hantz by never inviting him to participate in another season again in lieu of suing him for millions. Whereas Michel’s speculation has some merit, the fact of the matter still stands—HANTZ WAS NOT SUED AND FORCED TO PAY MILLIONS regardless of the papers he signed!

So, out of the 800+ castaways and 38 seasons of Survivor, if even ONE whistleblower should come forward and CBS threatens a suit, you can bet your bottom dollar a LONG LINE of attorneys would be beating down that whistleblower’s door begging to defend him or her and would not hesitate to COUNTERSUE CBS for the action taken against their client when a precident was set in NOT exercising a similar suit against Hantz. Simply put, it was be a legal circus...a circus CBS would NOT want in their town. So, (although may not be completely outside the realm of possibility) considering all this we STILL have no verifiable facts that Production purposely and intentionally fixes its season.

Listen, for over 55 years theorists have been conspiring about a second gunman in the grassy knoll who assassinated JFK. For over 70 years theorists still believe autopsies were performed on little green aliens in Roswell, NM. Until we see indisputable proof of this infamous “second gunman” or remains of dissected alien parts they are just that...theories.

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sj007 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-25-19, 11:57 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: My Take:"
Ya I checked out a spoiler board on survivorsucks once a long time ago. It was accurate and I've never done it sense. Plus it ruins watching the season. I don't understand why any fan would want to know the outcome before watching. I'm assuming CBS found out about Hanzthole after filming season 20 which he was a part of. So, he did get 2 seasons on Survivor. I agree what we're talking about are theories. It doesn't mean that it didn't happen just like your JFK reference. Once again I'm not saying every season they've tampered with but I think it's obvious that they have in certain seasons. To think not is naive. TV networks will do anything for ratings because that means expensive advertising. I agree with what you're saying but I still believe prior cast members are afraid to say anything for fear of being sued. That whole Hantz deal is an exception because he is an arrogant ##### who doesn't care about CBS or anyone else but himself. CBS wouldn't sue him because he has the money to fight it and make it linger for years in the courts. CBS knows this. Most of the other contestants don't have the money Hantz does to fight a lawsuit by a TV network. Enuff about that b.s. I'm not excited at all about this current season, the same as I have felt about the last few. Maybe they're nearing their end. The twists are dumb and the multitude of idols is absurd.
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Aruba 3098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-26-19, 07:23 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: My Take:"
It’s safe to say we’ve beaten this Ep. 1 thread to death; so, unless we hear indisputable proof of a fix this will be my last visit on this thread.

Yes, Hantz is an A-Hole and according to him he’s wealthier than your average Survivor...although whatever wealth Hantz claims to have is just a spit in the ocean compared to the net worth of CBS.
Point is whatever CBS’s motives were for NOT suing Hantz, enough precedent was set that if CBS DID follow through on a suit against someone else, you just know with our Judicial System some “ambulance chaser” would be licking their chops and use that very inconsistency to countersue. That attorney would have an excellent case to not even charge the client (whistleblower) in lieu of a sizable percentage of the countersue. That’s the reality of the times we live in.

So here we are today with STILL no whistleblower coming forward regardless of the precedent set making some Agreement not worth the paper it’s written on...and Conspiracy Theories continue to be theories.

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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-26-19, 06:29 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: My Take:"
You really don't get it, do you? Are you so obtuse that you don,t even realize the conseuqneces of what you write? You, YOURSELF, just wrote: "a circus CBS would NOT want in their town." That's exactly why they didn't sue Hantz after finding out he spoiled Heroes vs Vilains (NOT Samoa).

As I've written many times, Survivor is MUCH more interested in keeping its production tricks secret than revealing any spopilers. They KNOW their Kool-Aid drinking fans such as yourself don't even want to hear spoilers so the few thousands of people who do follow spoilers don't matter to them compared to the millions of blind fanatics. And since Hantz had plenty of dirt on them, (after all he knew who helped put those idols in his pockets!) they didn't want to give him a tribune.

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Aruba 3098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-26-19, 07:27 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: My Take:"
YOU’RE the one who doesn’t get my point. Hantz violated the terms of the Agreement and CBS did NOT sue him. I could care less why they didn’t; the fact is THEY DIDN’T! If you contend Hantz had "dirt" on CBS, so be it. A whistleblower who is unhappy and bitter over a season that was supposedly “fixed” ALSO would have "dirt" on CBS and could spill the beans. Because that precedent was set with Hantz, if CBS should do to the whistleblower what was NOT done to Hantz, someone (*cough* CBS *cough*) is setting itself up for a heap of legal trouble. And to date...NO WHISTLEBLOWERS.
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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-01-19, 10:35 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: My Take:"
You say you don't care why CBS didn't sue but that's the key of it all. They didn't sue because they didn't want their secrets exposed. As it was with Hantz, the fix is done to favor someone so why would they blow the whistle? The others, the ones that are penalized, like Galu, don't have the dirt, just suspicions that something was wrong and those are usually nicely compensated with return invitations (Penner, Parvati, Candice, Ozzy, Samoa's Laura, Woo, etc,..) or TV contracts. Why bother suing a network that has a full army of lawyers when you can get much more out of going along? Those potential whistleblowers were more than nicely compensated, I'm sure. It is on the record that Lex and Big Tom were given big checks when they found out that a production "error" had favored Ethan in Africa.
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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-26-19, 06:39 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: My Take:"
Before you say BS, you have to consider the context of Survivor All-Stars. Maybe you've forgotten or wwasn't here back then but Survivor's popularity dropped drastically between Season 2 and seaon 3. 9-11 had a lot to do with it; voewers weren,t interested in the little drama going on in Africa over the real life drama that had occured in NY and DC. As a result S8 had most of its cast coming from S1 and S2 and the players of S3 and S4 always felt like they missed out on the VIP treament that the players from the first two seasons enjoyed: (Parades, multiple appearences with Leno and Letterman. TV shows, etc...) As a result the players from S3 and S4 (in their eyes S5, S6 and S7 counted even less!) got together without Ethan of course who, as winner, had still enjoyes partial celebrity status.

After S4, Mariano wasn't really considered a douchebag (hat came much AFTER S8 actually.) but just another contestant that was unlucky the same way Lex, Big Tom and Kathy felt so their alliance was quite natural.

As for Amber, what Survivor never said was that she and Mariano started dating BEFORE the game started.

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sj007 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-01-19, 03:35 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: My Take:"
I agree with both on certain points. I will say CBS was afraid to sue Hantz cuz he had the money and resources to really blow up Survivor. They knew he would to. I agree with Michel that behind the scenes b.s. is much more important to not let out of the bag then spoilers on a particular season. Lol I also agree that Mariano didn't become one of the biggest douchebags on Survivor til after all-stars. He only increased that crown as seasons wore on until Hantzhole came along. So who do you guys think is the bigger douchebag, Hantz or Mariano? I think Probst should give an award for that like he did for dumbest move ever. You guys analyze Survivor way more than I do but how have the ratings gone over the years? I know they are way down but how much?
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michel2 3305 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-01-19, 10:58 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: My Take:"
I think you'd get a clearer idea of the ratings by going to wikipedia or something like that. From my recollection, S1 hit an all-time record with 50 Million viewers for it's Finale. S2 Australia had the best overall average with 40 Million viewers watching every week. After that, S3 and the following seasons never reached 25 Million, mostly settling at 20 Million. The next big drop came with Cook Islands which dipped to 10 Million. It stayed there for a long time, had a bit of a hike with Heroes vs Villains but then steadily dropped to about the 7 or 8 Millions it has now.

For me both Mariano and Hantz had jury management problems but as characters and real people, I think BR is funny while I see Hantz as an asshole. Mariano never really got on the internet to attack posters that didn't like him while Hantz was just about as obsessed with replying and attacking posters as the present tenant of the White House. He was flaming everyone that didn't agree with him and not just disagreeing with them but really using foul language.

The reason that they didn't sue Hantz has more to do with the fact that production doesn't care about spoilers. In fact, I think they know a very small section of their fans thrive on finding out anything possible and they encourage it to a certain extent. Back in the day, Snewser spoiled the next boot for every week between S4 and S10 from a source inside production itself and CBS didn't even try to smoke that person out. As long as it stayed on boards like this one or Survivor Sucks where no more than a few hundred people learn about these spoilers then they don't care and will even contribute to the spoiling at times with their previews. Their production secrets however are so guarded that players doing the interview rounds after being voted out were always accompanied by a staffer who would quickly intervene if a question was judged out of bounds. Nowadays, with the multiplication of the number of interviewers from the internet (even Fairplay has his own Survivor podcast) Production keeps the interviewers in line by letting them know that they better toe the company line if they want continued access to their "stars".

PS, I never believed that Hantz had any real money. I always saw him as an ordinary redneck.

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sj007 17 desperate attention whore postings
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04-07-19, 11:58 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: My Take:"
Hmmm 7or 8 million viewers, not exactly lighting it up. My opinions about Hantz and Mariano pretty much stem from the way they play the game and treat people. They play dirty and cheat. Boy would I have loved to play against either one of them and call them out. I never followed their online activity or anything like that. Doesn't surprise me about Hantzhole. Lol that's funny about Hantz's online activity. Sounds like he would've been the perfect running mate or a cabinet secretary for the idiot we have in the white house now. I agree about the spoilers plus it brings publicity for the show. Publicity brings viewers.
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