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"Anyone still watching?"
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DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-22-08, 03:37 PM (EST)
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"Anyone still watching?"
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-08 AT 03:39 PM (EST)

I am. Here is my theory on the "S" symbol. Tribe's, ooops I mean Trigirl's bouncy thing helped me out. It's half of Pinehearst's logo (the company) which looks like DNA. It makes a little sense if the logos are tied to the formula. The formula was ripped in two pieces at one point which is why we only saw half the strand in seasons 1 and 2. Now the formula is back together (thanks to Hiro) and that is why we see the full symbol together now and in the future in season 3.

Arthur Petrelli is alive and well thanks to Adam Monroe. Arthur has the ability to steal other's abilities and render them useless (think X-Men "Rogue" but permanent stealing). After hugging his son, he has now turned into a super mutant - he took all of Peter's abilities - including Sylar's (since Peter absorbed Sylar's ability). Now Arthur seems to be the most powerful man on the planet and unstoppable - he basically cannot die. Now what....any theories?

Agman made me skeery!

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Anyone still watching?   DoodleBug     10-22-08       
   RE: Anyone still watching?   Max Headroom     10-24-08     1  
     RE: Anyone still watching?   DoodleBug     11-04-08     3  
   I shouldn't be   moonbaby     10-24-08     2  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   trigirl     11-06-08     4  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   Glow     11-20-08     5  
     RE: Anyone still watching?   Max Headroom     11-20-08     6  
         RE: Anyone still watching?   DoodleBug     11-24-08     7  
             RE: Anyone still watching?   Agman2     03-12-15     36  
     Going to stick with it   moonbaby     11-24-08     8  
         RE: Going to stick with it   dragonflies     11-25-08     9  
   Blargledeepoo   moonbaby     12-02-08     10  
     RE: Blargledeepoo   dabo     12-02-08     11  
         RE: Blargledeepoo   moonbaby     12-02-08     12  
     RE: Blargledeepoo   trigirl     12-03-08     13  
     RE: Blargledeepoo   Glow     12-04-08     14  
     RE: Blargledeepoo   dragonflies     12-04-08     15  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   warp_core breach     12-06-08     16  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   trigirl     12-07-08     17  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   dragonflies     12-09-08     18  
     RE: Anyone still watching?   dabo     12-10-08     19  
     RE: Anyone still watching?   mrc     12-10-08     20  
     A better episode   moonbaby     12-10-08     21  
   A question   grit     12-11-08     22  
     Good question!   moonbaby     12-11-08     23  
     RE: A question   dabo     12-11-08     24  
     RE: A question   newsomewayne     12-16-08     29  
   New chapter: Fugitives   flipxcyd     12-16-08     25  
     RE: New chapter: Fugitives   Ahtumbreez     12-16-08     26  
         RE: New chapter: Fugitives   newsomewayne     12-16-08     28  
         RE: New chapter: Fugitives   iatovttotx78     12-16-08     31  
             RE: New chapter: Fugitives   warp_core breach     12-18-08     32  
     RE: New chapter: Fugitives   warp_core breach     12-16-08     27  
     Aw heck   moonbaby     12-16-08     30  
         RE: Aw heck   Max Headroom     12-22-08     33  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   Sagebrush Dan     10-11-13     34  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   Agman2     02-27-15     35  
     RE: Anyone still watching?   Agman2     04-29-15     37  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   Agman2     05-04-15     38  
   RE: Anyone still watching?   Agman2     02-26-16     39  

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