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"No, he didn't ....did he..? ...WTF!..."
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nogwart 30 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

03-07-07, 08:43 AM (EST)
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"No, he didn't ....did he..? ...WTF!..."
For those fortunate enough to have missed it, in his "please warm up to me, America" video, Sanjaya revealed a talent of his which voters may not be aware of: Hula dancing. ....yeah, ...Hula... like they do in Hawaii. ...yeah, Hula!

Ok, so:

Chicks hula dancing = HOT! I think we can all agree on this, especially if young, well-proportioned, physically fit, reasonably attractive and/or not hideously obese, right?

Dudes hula dancing = ....(I can't find the words)... um.. disturbing, problematic, uncomfortable, warped, twisted, and ..oh, I dunno... howbout... just plain WRONG!

All dudes who inadvertently caught a glimpse of this cruel assault on your ocular organs, please, please, please take the knives away from your poor, eternally damaged eyes. I feel your pain, but we can work through this. With uncountable years of therapy and drugs, I'm sure we will one day feel ready to live long, natural, vision-filled lives again. ...maybe.

I thought he was a little ...unusual before, but Holy Herpetic Hamsters, this crossed some kind of road-to-freakdom line for me.

I want the address of every single person who votes for Sanjaya after watching that, so I can personally come to their home and punch them in the nose, one by one. Yes, it will take some time, and it's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.

By the way, did he sing after that? I don't know because I was too busy cleaning up the vomit.

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 No, he didn't ....did he..? ...WTF!...   nogwart     03-07-07       
   RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   aquariaqueen     03-07-07     1  
     RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   prosecutor     03-07-07     2  
         RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   agman     03-07-07     3  
             RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   LisaPles     03-07-07     4  
             RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   YankeeDixieDoodle     03-07-07     6  
                 RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   agman     03-07-07     7  
   RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   tribephyl     03-07-07     5  
     RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   agman     03-07-07     8  
     RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   okaychatt     03-07-07     9  
         Yep   moonbaby     03-08-07     10  
         RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   tribephyl     03-08-07     11  
             RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   okaychatt     03-08-07     12  
   So What if he does the Hula?   batts     03-13-07     13  
     RE: So What if he does the Hula?   agman     03-13-07     14  
         RE: So What if he does the Hula?   batts     03-13-07     15  
             RE: So What if he does the Hula?   agman     03-13-07     16  
                 RE: So What if he does the Hula?   batts     03-13-07     17  
     RE: So What if he does the Hula?   nogwart     03-14-07     18  
         RE: So What if he does the Hula?   Magnolia_Rocker     03-14-07     19  
         RE: So What if he does the Hula?   realitytvwatcher     03-14-07     21  
   Sadly...   moonbaby     03-14-07     20  
   RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   notidolhappy     03-15-07     22  
     RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   notidolhappy     03-15-07     23  
         RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   agman     03-15-07     24  
     WARNING - notidolhappy   Bebo     03-15-07     25  
   RE: No, he didn't ....did he..? ......   Alysa     04-16-07     27  

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