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"Why is Cassie still in the house? "
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annie828 0 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "New Member"

05-07-06, 03:21 PM (EST)
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55. "RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous..."
LAST EDITED ON 05-07-06 AT 03:36 PM (EST)

>Dustin is so afraid of his adoptive mother he didn't tell her
>he was meeting Cassie and requested to have his identity concealed on the >show.

This is all "hearsay" we have not seen any actual proof of that.

>She lied ot him his whole life and raised a child who is scared to death of her.

This is also "hearsay" we have no solid proof/facts of this.

>Her husband ended up having an affair and ultimately her marriage ended in >divorce.

This happens to many people...doesn't make tham bad people.

>Do you think that's the kind of home or woman Cassie had hoped her son >would end up with?

And a drugged out drunken homeless whore is a better choice? JMO

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Why is Cassie still in the house?   cleogrl     05-05-06       
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-05-06     1  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Lanna42     05-05-06     2  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Twinkles     05-05-06     4  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   msshasha     05-07-06     38  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   tac_2     05-05-06     3  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-05-06     5  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Juliejo     05-05-06     6  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   UWSider     05-07-06     41  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   tac_2     05-06-06     26  
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   26mitogo     05-05-06     7  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   petmama     05-05-06     8  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-05-06     9  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-05-06     11  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-05-06     14  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-05-06     15  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-09-06     75  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Incognito     05-05-06     20  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   JustBNMe     05-05-06     18  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-05-06     19  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Incognito     05-05-06     21  
                             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   beckettrep     05-06-06     37  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   JustBNMe     05-06-06     28  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Boots12565     05-05-06     22  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Incognito     05-05-06     23  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   SeasonedRefinement     05-06-06     25  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   AshLanie     05-06-06     27  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Mrs B     05-06-06     30  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   UWSider     05-07-06     43  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   annie828     05-05-06     10  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   UWSider     05-07-06     40  
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   sillybear     05-05-06     12  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   lia rose     05-05-06     13  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   shermie     05-05-06     16  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   eire_heart74     05-05-06     17  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   annie828     05-05-06     24  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-06-06     29  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   tvfun     05-06-06     31  
                             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-06-06     33  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   SeasonedRefinement     05-06-06     34  
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Redbud     05-06-06     32  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-06-06     35  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-06-06     36  
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   UWSider     05-07-06     39  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-07-06     42  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   UWSider     05-07-06     44  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   SeasonedRefinement     05-07-06     45  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Redbud     05-07-06     46  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-07-06     47  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   tvfun     05-07-06     49  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-07-06     51  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   annie828     05-07-06     52  
                             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kree     05-07-06     57  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   jonimoni     05-07-06     60  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-07-06     53  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   UWSider     05-07-06     54  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   annie828     05-07-06     55  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-07-06     56  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   JustBNMe     05-07-06     58  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-07-06     59  
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   SHANESGIRL     05-07-06     48  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   tvfun     05-07-06     50  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   jonimoni     05-07-06     61  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Redbud     05-08-06     74  
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   00fun     05-08-06     62  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-08-06     63  
         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   mikaela643     05-08-06     64  
             RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   SeasonedRefinement     05-08-06     65  
                 RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-08-06     66  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   annie828     05-08-06     68  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-08-06     70  
                     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   JustBNMe     05-08-06     72  
                         RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   annie828     05-08-06     73  
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   snowflake2     05-08-06     67  
     RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   Baxtera     05-08-06     69  
   RE: Why is Cassie still in the hous...   kristin830     05-08-06     71  

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