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"O my gosh!!"
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prosecutor 449 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-31-07, 09:32 AM (EST)
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"O my gosh!!"
What is up with you voters. You have got to start voting for the best don't spread out your votes anymore. Vote for who you want to win.

Jane and Marie should be in the bottom with one of them going home.

Donny Osmond said on Entertainment Tonight that Sabrina the Cheetah girl is a cheater. His reason he said that she is a pro dancer as well as a pro choreographer and she should not be in the competition.

I miss her and Mark already,her energy and smile second only to Julianne's.

Please please people vote for Mel&Max they deserve the win.

Helio lost my interest when he danced with his eyes closed the whole dance. I was embarrassed for Julianne. Cameron looked like he had a bulge in his pants at the end of his dance routine with sexy Edyta.

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 O my gosh!!   prosecutor     10-31-07       
   RE: O my gosh!!   Snidget     10-31-07     1  
   RE: O my gosh!!   Loree     10-31-07     2  
   RE: O my gosh!!   JGTsgirl     10-31-07     3  
     You have GOT to be kidding!!!   mistyrose52     10-31-07     4  
         RE: You have GOT to be kidding!!!   dkay1211     10-31-07     5  
         RE: You have GOT to be kidding!!!   MasterTech     10-31-07     7  
   RE: O my gosh!!   kcgapgirl     10-31-07     6  
     RE: O my gosh!!   frisky     10-31-07     10  
         RE: O my gosh!!   JGTsgirl     11-01-07     16  
   RE: O my gosh!!   Wacko Jacko     10-31-07     8  
   Cheetah girl?   Capn2patch     10-31-07     9  
   RE: O my gosh!!   skeetergirl87     11-01-07     11  
   RE: O my gosh!!   lynkfri13     11-01-07     12  
   Consolation prize?   Estee     11-01-07     13  
     Not surprised   dragonflies     11-01-07     18  
         RE: Not surprised   frisky     11-02-07     21  
   RE: O my gosh!!   theatercatz     11-01-07     14  
   RE: O my gosh!!   shaneperry     11-01-07     15  
     RE: O my gosh!!   Estee     11-01-07     20  
   RE: O my gosh!!   CattyChat     11-01-07     17  
   Numbers are good.   Estee     11-01-07     19  
     RE: Numbers are good.   dragonflies     11-02-07     22  
     RE: Numbers are good.   qwertypie     11-03-07     24  
   Dancing?   mattben     11-03-07     23  
   RE: O my gosh!!   joejasmine     11-05-07     25  

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