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PLEASE NOTE: The Reality TV World Message Boards are filled with desperate attention-seekers pretending to be one big happy PG/PG13-rated family. Don't be fooled. Trying to get everyone to agree with you is like herding cats, but intolerance for other viewpoints is NOT welcome and respect for other posters IS required at all times. Jump in and play, and you'll soon find out how easy it is to fit in, but save your drama for your mama. All members are encouraged to read the complete guidelines. As entertainment critic Roger Ebert once said, "If you disagree with something I write, tell me so, argue with me, correct me--but don't tell me to shut up. That's not the American way."
"Summary writer sign-up thread for A..."
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SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-04-04, 03:16 PM (EST)
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"Summary writer sign-up thread for A..."
This thread is the episode summary writer sign-up thread for "The Benefactor," which premieres Monday, September 13 at 8PM ET and will be consist of X episodes. And as a bonus, Cuban -- the founder of HDNet -- made sure the show was filmed and broadcast in HDTV, making it the first reality-competition show to do so (Burnett's "The Casino" was the first and only other reality show to, so far, be broadcast in HDTV... at least that I'm aware of...)

To sign up, please post your interest in this thread, as well as any applicable date restrictions that you may have. Writer selection will be arbitrary, sorry. Please note however, that we are also running open sign-up threads for several other shows, so if you are planning to reply to more than one of the above mentioned open sign-up threads, it would be helpful if you could note the other shows in your reply, so that we can try and ensure any proposed schedule doesn't schedule you for back-to-back summaries, commit you to more summaries than you were expecting, etc.

As a reminder, while all our summary writing is on a volunteer basis, etc. reliablity, timeliness (or at least status communication) is important, and that while we can't offer anyone any $$$, we do occasionally partner with companies to promote stuff and, if we can, I do try and pass some of the goodies.

Based on our previous Fall summary thread, the following folks have already expressed interest and don't need to post again:

- Draco
- I_AM_HE (maybe)
- ssshaw
- Estee
- survivorscott (vaca 11/4-11/11)
- kpod
- jack_bauer
- Lisapooh

...I'm still trying to find out exactly how many episodes the series will be, but I think it's eight.

Any questions, please let me know.


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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Summary writer sign-up thread for A...   SurvivorBlows     09-04-04       
   RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   Draco Malfoy     09-04-04     1  
     RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   SurvivorBlows     09-04-04     2  
         RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   I_AM_HE     09-04-04     3  
   2nd HDTV show?   Fishercat     09-04-04     4  
   RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   survivorscott     09-05-04     5  
   RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   ssshaw     09-05-04     6  
     RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   SurvivorBlows     09-06-04     7  
   Proposed The Benefactor summary wri...   SurvivorBlows     09-06-04     8  
     RE: Proposed The Benefactor summary...   Draco Malfoy     09-06-04     9  
     RE: Proposed The Benefactor summary...   I_AM_HE     09-06-04     10  
     RE: Proposed The Benefactor summary...   ssshaw     09-06-04     11  
     RE: Proposed The Benefactor summary...   Lisapooh     09-06-04     12  
     RE: Proposed The Benefactor summary...   kpod     09-06-04     13  
     RE: Proposed The Benefactor summary...   Estee     09-09-04     14  
     RE: Proposed The Benefactor summary...   jack_bauer     09-10-04     15  
         RE: Proposed The Benefactor summary...   Agman2     02-29-16     29  
   RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   Lisapooh     10-11-04     16  
     RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   volsfan     10-11-04     17  
         RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   SurvivorBlows     10-11-04     18  
             RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   Lisapooh     10-11-04     19  
                 RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   FSUGUY     10-11-04     20  
                     RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   Draco Malfoy     10-12-04     21  
                 RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   Nanook     10-14-04     22  
                     RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   Lisapooh     10-14-04     23  
                         RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   Nanook     10-15-04     26  
                             RE: Summary writer sign-up thread f...   Lisapooh     10-15-04     27  
   Updated schedule   SurvivorBlows     10-14-04     24  
     RE: Updated schedule   Lisapooh     10-14-04     25  
     RE: Updated schedule   Estee     10-15-04     28  

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