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"Week #5 List"
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Aruba 2944 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-29-18, 11:56 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"Week #5 List"
Now THAT’S how you hold those type of girls accountable for their actions. What would be great is if it’s followed up with a male HOH holding similar types of boys accountable for their voyeur behavior as well.

1) SAM – She’s #1 this week mostly for holding two female HGs accountable for acting like skanks. It’s a breath of fresh air for any HOH to do that; impressive coming from a female herself. What would REALLY be a win is if Production takes notice and casts more females like Sam and less Hos. Hanging tough and winning HOH would have ranked her high anyway, but her stand on how girls should act publicly, earns her top spot. Yes, she let the power go to her head as HOH, but with the two factions prevalent in the House from the beginning going after each other, Sam should be safe this week.

2) TYLER – Last week he made the correct choice in choosing a side; this week he was able to avoid answering for that decision. OK, some of it had to do with the Non-Level 5 HGs being idiotic morons, but it also speaks for the game he is playing...and after Day 30 it is STILL the best game in the House. He may have to scramble more if they think JC’s rogue vote was Tyler, but Tyler will still be masterful and most of Production’s choices for this season will still be idiotic morons.

Big Drop Off here...

3) RACHEL – Not too much went on for her this past week, but after the drop off she’s as good as any for this spot. If Level 5 can be the dominant of the two factions, she should sleighride to the F4. And she’s got the competition prowess to take it home.

4) ANGELA – What I said for Rachel is pretty much ditto for Angela. Given her start, the fact she’s avoided the nomination block so far is commendable. That can be attributed to her wallflower status. Problem is if she doesn’t reverse that status, she’ll get smoked by a more proactive player in the Finals.

5) BRETT – Stays in my top five for continuing to exercise self-discipline dealing with LoserStar’s juvenile behavior. His recipe for advancement is as clear cut as it all comes down to the unrepairable week one faction. If a Level 5 wins HOH; he’s safe. If someone from the other faction wins HOH, he’s at risk.

6) KAYCEE – Doing a big nothing, but stays safe in the Level 5 alliance. And should the other faction get the power this week, she’s the fifth option for nomination. That’s probably because Americans do regard Filipinos as ASAIN-Americans.

7) SCOTTIE – Came out of his HOH reign just fine. Although, walking into the House as a dweeb was enough to give him a remote chance at best to win. And (even though by his own admission he hasn’t used it yet) being born with a penis drops that remote chance to zero this season.

8) BAYLEIGH – Still possessing the Pity Power APP gives her some leverage in the game, so she’ll certainly advance at least to the Jury. I could see her spearheading the female majority to the endgame. Whether she could win in the Finals will all depend on who she is sitting next to...she would have quite a selection of casting debacles.

9) FAYSAL – Sam’s appropriate reprimand to the girls skanking under the covers put him at risk as well. So, I can understand how he felt he needed to win POV. He went out and achieved what he set out to do, but he handled it poorly afterwards. Did we expect anything else from Dumbo?

10) HALEIGH – She was nominated for her skanky behavior. She was saved for being a bigger skank. Only reason she’s not last is because of the two below her.

11) JC – This is the part of the game when a house slug can advance in the game by inept slug. The House has collectively done a good job figuring out who the flip votes and/or the outliers are up to this point. Here’s hoping it continues and they punish JC for it.

12) LOSER STAR – Not sure how old LoserStar’s kids are. I hope 8:00pm EST is past their bedtimes. What an utter embarrassment she’s been for her family. Naturally, she’s a stay-at-home mom; she wouldn’t last a week in the corporate world. But that same pathetic nonfunctional behavior will most likely keep her around.


KAITLYN – With a month-old faction wanting her out and the other needing to keep LoserStar as a number for its faction, she had no chance with the vote. That would not have mattered had she taken advantage of the Pity Power APP Sam did not use. She failed miserably with that as well. I though she was from California, but during the HOH comp she said she was from New York. Oh brother, I can hear it now...more verbal diarrhea how most everyone in the metropolitan area are just like Kaitlyn posted by someone who does not even live in that area.

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 RE: Week #5 List michel2 07-29-18 1
   RE: Week #5 List Aruba 07-29-18 2
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           RE: Week #5 List Aruba 07-29-18 4
               RE: Week #5 List michel2 07-29-18 5
                   RE: Week #5 List Aruba 07-30-18 6
                       RE: Week #5 List michel2 07-30-18 7
                           RE: Week #5 List Aruba 08-01-18 8
                               RE: Week #5 List michel2 08-01-18 9

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michel2 2919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-29-18, 12:59 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: Week #5 List"
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-18 AT 01:04 PM (EST)

I'm very thankful to the house for showing Aruba how wrong he was when they came up with that nearly unanimous vote for Kaitlyn! Man! that was fun especially since I couldn't stand her. And that's saying something when the alternative was Angie.

1- Tyler: This week showed some indecision on his part, especially when Brett presented alternative ideas. It's great that Tyler listened to his allie's ideas but not so great that he wasn't certain which way to go after. Losing his puppet Kaitlyn could hurt down the road but he has other puppets.

2- Rachel: We had just enough glimpses of her interactions with the nominees to know that Rachel's social game is in full force. She's charming and just smart enough to be in the dominating alliance; that is a powerful combo.

3- Angela: She's right up there with Rachel but seems more reserved and doesn't seem to reach out to the others with the same empathy so she could lose a vote to the Vegas showgirl. I'd love that Final 2 though...or rather, I'd love to be in a Final threesome with those two. Tyler may be that lucky guy...

4- Haleigh: Her looks and body certainly helped but it was fun to watch her working Faysal, wrapping him completely around her little finger. Continue flirting girl, it can get you far.

5- Kaycee: Doing nothing isn't going to cut it for much longer.

6- Brett: Since he was voting to keep Angie in the game he should have worked some magic on her and said something about aligning since no one would see it coming. Instead, he did practically nothing but question which way to go.

7- Bayleigh: I'm glad that Kaitlyn was put up instead of Bayleigh but, since she was right there under the covers with Swaggy C, she's lucky that Sam doesn't have a good memory . However Bayleigh vs Haleigh wouldn't have had the same level of drama and the "Power App" would have been wasted so SeeBS had to re-write Sam's script. (How I understand it is that Bayleigh has to play her APP BEFORE the Noms are made so if she's up; "too late girl". )

8- Faysal: I should rate him higher for providing this week's entertainment but since I think the whole thing was scripted I have to knock him for going along with this charade.

9- Scottie: Sam winning HoH gave him a reprieve but we all know this guy doesn't know how to play the game and I'm extremely tired of SeeBS costuming guys like nerds and then getting them to behave exactly like the nerds we expect. Damn that Cohcran...

10- Sam: Power does awful things to people and we had proof of it once again when Sam won HoH. First, it was stupid to announce that she had made up her mind and wouldn't talk about the nominations. That's behaving like a tyrant. If that wasn't enough she showed she's a self-righteous pompous ass by telling other women how to behave. And then that self-righteous pompous ass proved she's really an hypocrit when Faysal came to hug her in bed: "Ho! Faysal," she cooed, "I could stay like this forever." Barf... Oh! and by the way, I think I know why she likes JC so much: She can carry him around so it makes her feel that she's a powerful woman.

11- JC: The other hamsters seem to like him well enough so I should give him some slack but then I look at his game and rarely has a floater been this stupid. He has no power in the game but instead of offering his vote to a power player, he tries to dictate the vote. So he's actually a volatile floater and no one needs that around.

12- Angie: To be that upset about nominations implies she thinks she's playing a good game. How can anyone be that stupidly unaware?

Evicted - Kaitlyn: Can she be that dumb that Faysal would save her instead of someone as hot as Haleigh? How can she accuse Faysal of lying to her when he blindsided him twice, one of which was really vicious. I'd rank her as one of the dumbest players ever but I think the whole thing was rigged and she went along only because she had the chance to return to the game. Even there she was awful; the puzzle had less than 10 pieces and she had the chance of disassembling it herself meaning she could have kept the pieces in perfect order instead of just shoving them willy-nilly through the opening.

PS. I've visited New York and I enjoyed it immensely so wrong again, Aruba.

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Aruba 2944 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-29-18, 02:03 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Week #5 List"
I’m even more “thankful” and it’s even MORE fun showing Michel how wrong HE is. Just the fact he had no choice but to acknowledge it was NEARLY unanimous equates to him being totally wrong. Had Kaitlyn’s eviction unified the House, then he has a did not. Level 5 did want her out; the other faction needed LoserStar to stay. If anything, it validated the division. I can’t wait to see the HOH comp and nominations tonight. That will decide which direction the plate of crow goes. *sniff* *sniff* I’m smelling another helping being served to Michel. If my nose is correct, please let me know how you would like it prepared because your helping didn’t go down all that well last week.

I have many girls/young ladies in my family and I know how I would want them to behave when out in public and DEFINITELY if they were being viewed by millions. My assessments and how/why I evaluate certain behavior to rank players speaks to that point. But hey, to each their own...

Hugging someone or even holding their hand is FAR different than touchy-feely frolicking under the covers and sucking face with someone you just recently met in front of hundreds of cameras. Only a spin doctor like yourself would hysterically attempt to make that silly comparison.

Yeah Haleigh... go ahead and continue your skank; it may get you far for the next month and a half. What about the continuation of your life after this chapter of your life draws to a close?? For your sake, I sure hope your family and others of importance in your life found your behavior as “fun” to watch as Michel did.

So now Production is “costuming” Scottie. And he is being forced to act like a nerd. How absurd. What we are seeing is Scottie being Scottie. A nerd being a nerd. Just like a horndog being a horny toad. Just like a skank being a shank. And so on...and so on...

There’s a HUGE difference between visiting the metropolitan area and actually living in that area. So, wrong for the umpteenth time, Michel.

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michel2 2919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-29-18, 03:10 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Week #5 List"
>I’m even more “thankful” and it’s
>even MORE fun showing Michel
>how wrong HE is. Just
>the fact he had no
>choice but to acknowledge it
>was NEARLY unanimous equates to
>him being totally wrong. Had
>Kaitlyn’s eviction unified the House,
>then he has a
>did not. Level 5 did
>want her out; the other
>faction needed LoserStar to stay.
>If anything, it validated the
>division. I can’t wait to
>see the HOH comp and
>nominations tonight. That will decide
>which direction the plate of
>crow goes. *sniff* *sniff* I’m
>smelling another helping being served
>to Michel. If my nose
>is correct, please let me
>know how you would like
>it prepared because your helping
>didn’t go down all that
>well last week.

You're missing the point once more: I'm talking about Scottie's game. Before his HoH, he wasn't a prime Level 6 target but his stupid desire to "make a big move" put him right there in their sights. Had he been smart, he would have nominated Kaitlyn and a pawn and we both saw that Kaitlyn would have left. Scottie would be safe no matter who wins this HoH but now, as soon as a Level 5 player wins it, he's in big danger. Your serving of crow doesn't sit well in your stomach and it shows!

>I have many girls/young ladies in
>my family and I know
>how I would want them
>to behave when out in
>public and DEFINITELY if they
>were being viewed by millions.
>My assessments and how/why I
>evaluate certain behavior to rank
>players speaks to that point.
>But hey, to each their

What you want them to do has no importance. It's their lives so they can do whatever they want. Your judgment also has no importance. It's just your misplaced need to suppress human sexuality.

>Hugging someone or even holding their
>hand is FAR different than
>touchy-feely frolicking under the covers
>and sucking face with someone
>you just recently met in
>front of hundreds of cameras.
>Only a spin doctor like
>yourself would hysterically attempt to
>make that silly comparison.

It was much more than a hug. Faysal was lying directly on top of Sam and she certainly was enjoying it.

>Yeah Haleigh... go ahead and continue
>your skank; it may get
>you far for the next
>month and a half. What
>about the continuation of your
>life after this chapter of
>your life draws to a
>close?? For your sake, I
>sure hope your family and
>others of importance in your
>life found your behavior as
>“fun” to watch as Michel

Another notable flirt, Parvati, had a long run on SEeBS; an interview show about Survivor and a trip around the world adventure show. Now she married a Survivor alum and just gave birth to her first child. Nice life, I'd say. I wish Haleigh as much success or even more.

>So now Production is “costuming” Scottie.
>And he is being forced
>to act like a nerd.
>How absurd. What we are
>seeing is Scottie being Scottie.
>A nerd being a nerd.
>Just like a horndog being
>a horny toad. Just like
>a skank being a shank.
>And so on...and so on...

I knew that would yank your chain. Whether they are costuming him or casting him SPECIFICALLY fopr being a nerd, it's the same old same old for me. Ever since Cochran got viewers' attention, we've had a nerd not only cast but also narrating a huge part of the season. I'm sick of the formual.

>There’s a HUGE difference between visiting
>the metropolitan area and actually
>living in that area. So,
>wrong for the umpteenth time,

Why am I wrong. You assumed I'd say something negative about New Yorkers even if I didn't live there. It,s true that I don't live there but I said I liked them so it's obvious you are the one in the wrong.

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Aruba 2944 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-29-18, 05:24 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: Week #5 List"
The crow never sat in my stomach because it never went into my mouth. You keep twisting and spinning your “point” to such an extent you’ve purposely muddied your claim by Scottie not nominating and evicting Kaitlyn “killed that unity” in the House.” THAT is the point I responded to by saying the House was NEVER unified noting the two obvious factions and would still be divided whether Kaitlyn gets evicted or not. THAT is the point you continue to muddy with your spin.

So, let’s be perfectly clear that Kaitlyn IS evicted and a new HOH will be crowned and two HGs will be nominated. If Kaitlyn’s eviction created this aura of “unity” in the House that Scottie “failed” to achieve and a Level 5er wins HOH and puts up two of their own OR someone from the other faction wins HOH and puts up two of their own OR (I’ll even give you this one) someone other than JC wins HOH (I think we can say that would be a safe bet) and the new HOH nominates Sam and JC as the two floaters, I’ll order my crow well-done please.

If a Level 5er wins and nominates two from the other faction OR the other “cliqué” wins HOH and nominates two from Level wide, Michel...more crow on the way!

How people I love and care about act, think, and judge are important to me. Telling me MY feelings (be them judgements or their ability to make sensible decisions) as they pertain to MY family members have “no importance” is far and away the most ignorant statement ever posted on these Boards. I suppose not all people love and care about their family members; and I’m sure you may want to conjure up a “good percentage” of those who don’t. *snort* But I do and I’ll go so far to say a “good percentage” do as well. And for all those who DO care they do not have to tell them how to live their lives, but they have every right to be proud or disappointed over decisions and/or their behavior. I’m a big boy and I live my own life, but making those close to me happy and proud of myself are very much of importance to me.

I do not suppress human sexuality…I just feel it is a personal endeavor; it is the voyeuring on primetime TV on a major network I’m addressing.

As for “the hug”...and the wheels on your bus spin round-n-round...

What was very fortunate for Perv-ati is her reality time was on Survivor with no soap, deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. Thus, never engaged in a full-fledged skank session as we witness on Big Brother. For her husband and family’s sake, I sure hope she doesn’t now having all the hygiene accessories at her disposal. You say her husband is a Survivor Alum so I’m sure he knows what he’s getting into either way.

It’s nice of you to wish Haleigh “more” because she’s going to need it after telling everyone what her mother’s hopes were for her on the show and to make her proud. Quite frankly, Haleigh completely contradicts your prior statement. Even though Haleigh can “live her own life” and will “live her own life” her reaction and response to being called out for her skanky behavior confirm this “importance” you disturbingly discount pertaining to family members. And you can add Kaitlyn to contradict your statement as well.

Yeah, you “yanked my chain” with that scripting crap, and I wholeheartedly acknowledge the criticism pertaining to the casting.

AH, that was MY turn to yank YOUR chain. LOL
I was going back to this past Survivor season when you had the audacity to say the idiots and losers casted for Survivor are indicative of the average American. Since you still never gave America the apology it deserves for that erroneous statement, I thought I would rattle your cage to bait you into another audacious statement that Kaitlyn from the metropolitan area is indicative of the average metropolitan resident. But, to your credit, you didn’t you did on your crow.

To end on an agreeable note, with the exception of Sam and Haleigh, our ranking placement of HGs continue to be quite similar.
OK, I’m signing off for the day. We’ll continue after tonight’s telecast when I’ll be back either wearing a bib or a toque.
(Did I “impress” you with another French word?)

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michel2 2919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-29-18, 06:29 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: Week #5 List"
I never spun any points. I said Scottie was dumb to go after the two big guys, that it would have been simpler to go with nominations that would have been avvecptable for both sides of the house. By saying that, I immediately recognized that there were two sides to the house but there was a way to make it vote together. That should have been Scottie's goal.

I certainly do not expect a level 5 player nominating someone from his side and I certainly do not expect the other side to turn on its own so why would I feel foolish if it happened. You desperatly want to return that crow but it's still all yours.

I'll eat crow if and only if Brett wins HoH and doesn't nominate Scottie.

How people you love certainly is important to you but, if they are adults and they'd have to be if they were on these shows, you have no right imposing your rules on them. Judging them with your puritanical mentality is very "Archie Bunker" like.

Survivor's casting department has made the claim that they cast "average Americans". It's even part of Probst's yearly formula: 18 Ordinary Americans competing for a million dollars. So why would I apologize for what is the casting formula? The 1000 or so people cast for Survivor and BB are average, ordinary Americans. And don't forget that I like the people that are cast so it isn't even meant as a derogatory comment. Average, ordinary Americans have made these shows interesting. Production has been making them nearly unbearable.

And yes, I appreciate your effort to use French but a French chef would serve "cailles" or "canard", not crow. Bon appétit.

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Aruba 2944 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-30-18, 07:32 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: Week #5 List"
LoserStar was questioning if she’s still in the House because everyone wanted to keep her or they wanted Kaitlyn out. The answer: BOTH
One faction (Level 5) wanted Kaitlyn out while the other faction needed LoserStar’s sorry ass in the House as a number. A division, according to some, that should not have happened with a Kaitlyn eviction. That division took center stage during the HOH was continually talked about even BEFORE a HOH was officially crowned.

As if that apparent continuing division wasn’t enough, we see another faction forming in the way of Bayleigh spearheading an all-girl alliance. And Kaitlyn’s eviction was to establish “unity?” What we have here is more of a dam burst.

Realizing you would have a difficult time serving me crow because the vote was NOT unanimous, you applied your personal spin deeming JC’s vote “insignificant.” Don’t try to tell Tyler that vote was “insignificant.” He needed to muster his gameplaying skills we’ve become accustom to in order to come away from the eviction vote unscathed.

That sole vote also has significance to HOH Bayleigh’s game as she intends to pin it on some male HG to solidify her all-girl alliance. It appears Scottie will be the victim, but I can’t blame Bayleigh for the false accusation because Scottie owned up to his flip vote shortly after Loser C walked out the door.

Was JC’s rouge vote earth-shattering or game-changing? Of course not; but hardly “insignificant.” Aruba is wearing his toque; the cailles are in the oven; just waiting on Michel as to how he wants it cooked.

In your latest attempt to backpedal and muddy the water, you falsely imply I order and tell family members I love how to live their lives. Nothing can be further from the truth. But I do care for them enough to want their decisions and judgements to foster pride and admiration for themselves and those they love. I admit I’m more family-oriented than most and I acknowledge others don’t possess those same family values. Heck, I even noted that in my initial response when I stated, “to each their own.” Then you go and muddy the water more with your shallow Archie Bunker comparison. Par for the course.

Production can claim its intention is to cast “average, ordinary” Americans. But what one intends to do and what one successfully achieves are two different animals. For the most part, Production has failed miserably with casting simply because the players are NOT average or ordinary. We know darn well Production selects from Professional Modeling Agencies and Beauty Pageants to ensemble part of the cast. If you’re telling me an “average” or “ordinary” American can sign a professional modeling contract or enter a beauty pageant, you’re not only confirming how little you truly know about “average” residents in the USA, but are obviously living in some mamby-pamby land.

And this is just pertaining to exterior looks; when you scratch through that surface and see many have apparent psychological disorders that Production is exploiting in hopes of bolstering “entertainment” value, it further crystalizes how shamefully bad casting has been.

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michel2 2919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-30-18, 09:20 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Week #5 List"
First, let's start with a little French lesson: Cailles are quails, not crows, and if you can prepare them correctly I'll gladly eat some.

As for crow, you'd have to have me eat my words and there's nothing I wrote that I regret. You should be eating your words because you wrote:

" ...If Kaitlyn remained his nomination on eviction night, I do not believe we would have had a unanimous vote to “unify” the House. Quite frankly, I’m not all that sure Kaitlyn would have even been evicted."

Where is Kaitlyn now?!! You had it ALL wrong.

Now you try to wiggle out of it by writing: "...because the vote was NOT unanimous..."

Didn't you hear that Dumb-bass JC saying he wanted Kaitlyn voted out? So, by intent, the vote was unanimous. But even a 9-1 vote is close enough to keep a quiet house. If you noticed, no one was angry after Kaitlyn left. Scottie could have had the same peaceful HoH but he chose to make it confrontational. Dumb.

I'll drop the family argument but your antiquated view of women flirting comes directly from an Archie Bunker mentality.

Besides in Palau and Tocantins, there has rarely been more than 1 or two models per season. I'd say most season present a great cross-section of America. I'll have you note once more that I think casting is the best part of this show so when I say they cast "Average Americans" I'm NOT denigrating the average American.

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Aruba 2944 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

08-01-18, 06:47 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: Week #5 List"
Had Scottie put up Kaitlyn, we can’t say for sure who she’d be next to and how the vote would have gone during THAT week. Furthermore, Scottie did not nominate Kaitlyn (and Haleigh) because it wasn’t his intention to clean the skank out of the House; Sam made that her objective. So, this past week Kaitlyn was evicted but NOT unanimously.

Yeah, I heard JC tell Level 5 he’d vote out Kaitlyn but casted his vote for LoserStar instead. WHOOPTY-DO!!! Katlyn told her alliance she’d vote out Sam, but casted her vote for Steve instead. Scottie said he’d vote out Winston, but casted his vote for Loser C. Didn’t you hear Tyler let Kaitlyn know he’d vote out Brett, but casted his vote to evict Winston. And the growing list will go on...and on...and on...

Because Kaitlyn’s eviction did NOT establish “unity” you now spin “unity” and replace it with a “peaceful House.” Too funny!

I suspect some viewers would prefer to see a bunch of horny toad and skank HGs turning the House into a Sodom and Gomorrah. Like I said, “to each their own.” In the end each HG should be comfortable in their own skin and not ashamed or embarrassed by the decisions and actions they made. Yet, based on how Kaitlyn and Haleigh were crying and carrying on, clearly that was NOT the case after Sam accurately called them out.

Every season of every reality show you have either models, beauty pageant contestants, Miss Aerobics USA, or other kinds of superficial crap like that casted. Whereas, I won’t waste time determining EXACTLY how many, certainly the percentage casted is nowhere close to what is indicative of the general/average population.

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michel2 2919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

08-01-18, 10:29 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: Week #5 List"
>Had Scottie put up Kaitlyn, we
>can’t say for sure who
>she’d be next to and
>how the vote would have
>gone during THAT week. Furthermore,
>Scottie did not nominate Kaitlyn
>(and Haleigh) because it wasn’t
>his intention to clean the
>skank out of the House;
>Sam made that her objective.

Had Scottie put a pawn up next to kaitlyn, she was gone for sure. We saw that no one, not even Faysal, came to her defense.

>So, this past week Kaitlyn
>was evicted but NOT unanimously.
>Yeah, I heard JC tell Level
>5 he’d vote out Kaitlyn
>but casted his vote for
>LoserStar instead. WHOOPTY-DO!!!

I'm not talking about what JC told Level 6. In the DR, JC told us he wanted Kaitlyn gone but changed his vote to create chaos.

>Because Kaitlyn’s eviction did NOT establish
>“unity” you now spin “unity”
>and replace it with a
>“peaceful House.” Too funny!

It's not funnyn when you're playing the game. An HoH wants a peaceful house. The best way to get that is by putting up someone who will leave unanimously. Sam did that, Scottie failed.

>I suspect some viewers would prefer
>to see a bunch of
>horny toad and skank HGs
>turning the House into a
>Sodom and Gomorrah. Like I
>said, “to each their own.”
>In the end each HG
>should be comfortable in their
>own skin and not ashamed
>or embarrassed by the decisions
>and actions they made. Yet,
>based on how Kaitlyn and
>Haleigh were crying and carrying
>on, clearly that was NOT
>the case after Sam accurately
>called them out.

When have nominees NOT cried???? If they'd have been the first one ever, I'd understand youre making a point but tears are part of the show's formula. Anyway, it's one thing to flirt and get under the covers, it's another to be called out in front of others. Most people respect others' privacy, not many are self-righteous pompous ass like Sam (and you!)

>Every season of every reality show
>you have either models, beauty
>pageant contestants, Miss Aerobics USA,
>or other kinds of superficial
>crap like that casted. Whereas,
>I won’t waste time determining
>EXACTLY how many, certainly the
>percentage casted is nowhere close
>to what is indicative of
>the general/average population.

But we also have fisherman, soldiers, salesmen, cops, authors, real estate agents, etc... It's always a cross-section of America. Yes, there are many beautiful people but that's Hollywood. All shows are like that.

PS. A question about tonight's show: Did Tyler tell Bayleigh that Angela should be the replacement nominee or did Bayleigh make that up when talking to Rachel? Too many whispers but I think he did.

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