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"Survivor 37 Player Rankings Ep. 5"
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Aruba 3024 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-26-18, 05:32 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"Survivor 37 Player Rankings Ep. 5"
Now THAT’S an episode. TWO challenges; proactivity rewarded; lots of scrambling; and a most satisfying outcome.

1) MIKE – He could have done everything wrong for the first 50 minutes of the episode and Mike STILL earns my top spot for being the swing vote booting that worthless joke of a casting debacle. I could care less if Jeff wants to also label his vote a “betrayal” to open next week’s episode for taking the appropriate action. If anything, Survivor should give him at least the runners-up 100K for sparing Production/Casting any further embarrassment of having to continue to watch that obnoxious individual.

2) CHRISTIAN – Chalk up an MVP challenge honor to go with his impressive social game. He appears all in with John/Dan. He has Gabby in his back pocket, and the Mason-Dixon line with Nick will get longer should Nick/Mike join Christian’s newfound bromance with his Goliath buddies.

3) ALEC – Returned back to camp without having to endure Kara’s wrath. Despite cutting the dictator loose from his former tribe, Elizabeth trusts Alec more than Kara which bodes well for this challenge beast. Seeing Natalie voted out will be exactly what the doctor ordered. Should a Dan blindside follow, Natalia’s oust should not be a major merge factor, but his challenge prowess will be.

4) KARA – Very impressed by keeping her emotions in check and her head in the game following Vuku’s TC. An Elizabeth/Davie clash could be her opening to the merge. I hope so, because eye candy is a rare commodity this season.

5) ELIZABETH – Nailed the winning shot to take home the RC victory. She planted the seed and rounded up the necessary Davids to blindside Jessica...could she repeat that feat on Vuku to send Davie home with a HHI in his pocket? I also dig how she informed us that she hates stupid people. And I don’t care if it was shown on “Next Time,” it was seen at the end of Episode 5 telecast.

6) NICK – Props for keeping his composure with Natalie, but I did drop him for what I thought was missing out on an opportunity. Had Natalie tried to strongarm my jacket from me, I would have given her a perplexed look and said, “You already have a jacket.”
“No, the Jacket is for Angelina.”
“Oh OK, Angelina is a big girl; she could ask me herself.”
When Angelina asked me I would say, “Sure, if you write down Natalia’s name tonight, the jacket is yours.” Not only would I have extra insurance the pathetic nuisance exits the game, I will have formed a strong bond with another player.

7) DAN – Props for his continued proactive play rewarded with a clue for another idol. Snatching the idol at IC without being noticed was nicely done, even though I did see Christian’s head pop up when he went out searching for the clue. A budding friendship forming between Alison and Gabby could be his undoing. If he “James” himself out of the game (booted with TWO idols) it would go down as an all-time classic blindside.

8) JOHN – If he has his own story, I’m still waiting for it to develop. We know it won’t be with his primary choice Natalie. I’d love to borrow his abs when I go down to Aruba two weeks from now.

9) GABBY – Not a whole lot except for her continued bellyaching about the swap. Sitting/laying around won’t get the job done. If she’s not blessed with the gift of “gab” (pardon the pun) like her Survivor boyfriend, at least try looking for an idol or a clue. In any event, Alison may be her White Knight to advance in the game.

10) DAVIE – Did Jeremy leave his “race card” behind for Davie to play? GEEZ. Seems to be a bit too confident with the two other guys, an idol in hand, and a cage of hens. Overconfidence is a bad omen in this game.

11) ANGELINA – She’s a vegetarian??? She must have one hellava sweet tooth to put all that junk in the trunk and feed those thick pythons hanging from her hips. Not bringing any coverup for her upper body in this game is just plain irresponsible and inexcusable. She’s bellyaching about discomfort, on the wrong side of the vote, and leaves TC STILL with no jacket. Overall, not a good episode for Sequoia-lina.

12) ALISON – Got to see a little more of her this episode. As the only girls on the tribe, you’d think it’s about time she would strike something up with Gollum-Girl. Whether the preview has merit or is just a tease is yet to be seen.

13) CARL – As an exile island replacement, I would expect Carl to kick up his social game and make up for lost time; but nothing doing this episode.

14) LYRCA – Cannot overemphasize her fortune of having Natalie on the tribe. She may feel safe for at least one more TC...but I wouldn’t be so sure.


NATALIE – I see no reason to appropriately continue to bash her more. She’s already yesterday’s news.

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michel2 3060 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-27-18, 04:44 PM (EST)
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1. "My List"
I'm glad you enjoyed the episode. I found it quite ho-hum. Two challenges only means more airtime for the "star" of the show, Jiffy and less character moments around camp. I think I would have been happier to see Lyrsa leave.
Here's my list:

14- Lyrsa: She was extremely lucky that the obnoxious Natalie was the alternative because, like Angelina said, she brings nothing to the tribe. As a character, she brings nothing to the story so, in a sense, we’ve been robbed once more.

13- Carl: His integration into the tribe appears to have gone smoothly but the editors didn’t give us much of his story. He’s still just a background character whose vote will count more than his strategy.

12- Alec: He still thinks he can play with Kara despite his betrayal and he didn’t even realize that she was cutting the grass right under his feet. If Vuku goes back to Tribal Council he’ll have a hard time selling his value to Davie and Carl because he’s shown he has no loyalty.

11- Elizabeth: Alec has just shown that he’s playing an individual game and that he has no loyalties so of course he doesn’t give the impression of wanting to play with the Goliaths. Hypocritically, Elizabeth hugged Kara while we heard her planning her elimination. Instead, Elizabeth should realize that Kara is a loyal person who would be much more useful. It seems that the cowgirl isn’t comfortable working with a good-looking woman.

From what we saw, she didn’t even try to repair the fracture she created between herself and Davie when she threw him under the bus. Of course, we could turn that around and say Davie didn’t go to her either but Davie was gifted Carl as an ally and, with Kara, that’s all HE needs on a five person tribe. She’ll need more than Alec especially considering Alec would gladly vote her out if it meant it was not him.

10- Allison: She finally presented herself to the audience and, even if it was simply narration, telling us how the game start had been a whirlwind, it opens up a new story line that could flourish after Natalie’s departure. We have been subtly shown her connection to Angelina so it will be interesting to see if they reconnect after the merger. Once more, the tribal part of the game has been a hecatomb for the women, losing 4 of their original 10 members compared to only 2 men so maybe they’ll regroup and those two could spearhead a women’s alliance. Would it work? There seems to be a few wiser men here than in Micronesia. Maybe the women will be wise enough to include a couple of the men in their alliance.

9- Davie: He was smart to give hope to Kara because that will give him options if they have to vote once more. Vuku does appear set against failure though so those options could serve Davie even better after the merger. He wasn’t part of the original David majority so he could need help from the other tribe if he is to go far into the game.

8- Dan: Personally, I find it sad that one can say they are playing this game well just because they can find idols. Playing this game well used to mean outwitting your opponents, not digging better than them. I’ll wait to say that Dan is playing well when we see what he does with the idols. Up to now, it hasn’t been promising. He seems confident that Gabby will leave before him and why shouldn’t he? He has the numbers, he has two idols and he has friends waiting on other tribes but why does it feel like he’s set up for a big surprise?

7- Angelina: From what we saw on the show, Angelina sided with Natalie against Lyrsa, ditching her ties to Mike in the process but a secret scene told us that Angelina was only voting for Lyrsa in order to get Natalie’s jacket. The hug and the diplomacy she showed during Tribal Council was only an act to fool Natalie into leaving the jacket behind. It’s a pity really that so much could be done about something as trivial as a jacket. Player should all have the needed clothes but production decides what the players get to bring into the game. Moving forward, you’d expect Angelina and Mike to work with Nick but the previews make us wonder what drives Mike to worry about Angelina. Is Mike aware of her role in eliminating Jeremy? That could be enough to drive him against her.

By the way, Aruba: The elephant is also a vegetarian so why are you so surprised that Angelina has thick thighs? It's sad that you fixate on something so trivial but if you want to call her elephangelina go right ahead and show your pettiness. I'll focus on her fun personality and nice smile.

6- Kara: The calm she displayed on returning to camp should do wonders for her social game. Her charms worked well on Davie and Carl and that could be extremely useful down the road.

5- John: This was a quiet episode for John but he still got a bit of airtime telling us about the upcoming storm. We also know that he is now part of the brochachos with Dan and Christian. It's good for his lng term status in the game.

4- Mike: He had no personal ties to Natalie so why would I say this was a betrayal? It seems that everyone in the tribe trusts Mike which is a good change for someone who had made such a poor first impression. The “Rock Stars” alliance passed the first test: They voted together on what was considered an important decision. That should only solidify their bond. Moving forward, it seems that Mike’s best option is to continue working with David because none of the Goliaths bothered to create an alliance with him.

3-Gabby: Every scene that includes Gabby puts her in clear danger; either she realizes she’s the odd person out or someone tells us that she’ll be going next. However, even if the danger is clear, it is never immediate. In fact, it has always been theoretical because she’s never entered Tribal Council as a possible elimination choice. As far as telling a story is concerned, this is a great way of creating doubt on her chances to win. We are told that Gabby is the biggest underdog in a season built for underdogs. It could all be a set up for her ultimate victory. Of course, there is another school of thought here;: Maybe we are shown these doubts because, when it comes to a final showdown between her and Christian, we will be able to understand why the vote went to the more appreciated Christian.

2- Nick: That’s two Tribal Councils for Nick and that’s twice that his secret alliances serve him well. Where the Mason-Dixon alliance got him on the right side of the vote against Jessica, the Rock Star alliance enabled him to topple a Goliath numerical advantage. Of course, Natalie’s personality played a big role in Nick getting his way this time around but his alliance with Mike has now been tempered by a vote. It should prove to be solid for a long time and could be very profitable for its two members.

1-Christian: Now part of the Brochachos, we had the impression that Christian was keeping an eye on Dan when he went out to find the idol clue. Christian has gained Dan’s trust, a crucial step if he wants to blindside him with two idols in his pocket. Todd was able to do it to James and Christian seems smart enough to duplicate the feat. Will he be able to do while keeping his friendship with John? It all depends on the timing and the presentation. If Dan keeps John in the dark about his idols and it is down to 7 or 8 players left then John could be convinced to vote out his old ally. That would be quite a feather in Christian’s cap if he can pull out that move.

Booted - Natalie: Has there ever been a worse player on Survivor? Well, yes: No one has ever come close to Borneo’s BB in how not to play this game and Natalie didn’t ask her tribe to vote her out so his status as worst player ever is intact but Natalie came close. Casting debacle? I disagree totally. Natalie brought a lot to the table, a lot of negativity but a lot none the less. She was a train wreck waiting to happen so, for that, she was interesting to follow. In fact, Natalie’s “my way or the highway” egotistical attitude reminded me of the present tenant of the White House. The only difference being that she didn’t have access to Twitter! Watch out now that she does!

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Aruba 3024 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-30-18, 06:25 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: My List"
Apply your Spinorama all you wish...BOTH Natalie AND Natalia got what was coming to them for their bossy “my way or the highway” approach. Hey, if enough Goliaths democratically voted to name Natalie or Natalia their “leader,” THEN going against them would be “betrayal” or mutiny. Nothing could be further from the truth. Same would apply if enough Vukus voted Natalia as their leader or enough Jabenis voted Natalie as their leader. Actually there WERE votes, and the appropriate results prevailed in both instances.

I’m not sure what you read in my prior posts leading you to believe I voted for the “current tenant in the White House?”

The tribal switch/swap did no favors for the Gollum Girl AND Elizabeth. The difference is while Gabby was belly aching and crying on Christian’s ass, Elizabeth was taking the bull by the horns and in a more proactive manner doing something about it. Clearly, those two different approaches were indicative in our rankings.

Elephants are big heavy animals who consume over 300 pounds of food DAILY. Whereas they do not eat meat, most of that food weight consumption is bark and branches. So, they’re devouring a hellava lot more than just plants and vegetables. Hence, I’ll repeat my assessment...Sequoia-lina most be consuming a hellava lot more then vegetables to put the junk in her trunk and feed dem pythons. Thanks for providing a good analogy!

Being no stranger to the comic relief of conspiracy groupies who hang their hats on unproven theories, you outdid even yourself with the “Paul burying” claim that Production forced Angelina to NOT bring a jacket with her. LMAO!
But hey, I think I’ll have some fun and run with it. Maybe the same crew who supposedly mandate she leave her jacket behind will offer her a deal/trade? The jacket for her leggings—straight up. It would be quite intriguing to see if she chooses the extra comfort of a jacket/coverup over the continued blubber compression her leggings provide that minimize the size.

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michel2 3060 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-30-18, 03:58 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: My List"
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-18 AT 03:41 AM (EST)

Natalia was in an alliance with Alec so he betrayed her. There's even a secret scene where Alec says he saw that Jiohn and Dan were shocked seeing Natalia voted out because they "had an alliance of six". Natalie wasn't in an alliance with Mike so no betrayal.

I never said you voted for the “current tenant in the White House" just that Natalie, in some small ways, reminded me of him.

Ever since Vanuatu when the players themselves told us that production told them what to wear for the show, we know that it's always decided in advance. That "wifebeater" that Chris wore was actuallya simple T-Shirt that production cut to give him that look. Do you really think it's coincidental that most Goliaths were wearing Purple and many Davids were in red? Almost every season is like that: At the start of the game, tribes are color coordinated to their tribe flag. Look it up. That's because production chooses from each player's luggage what they will wear. That's NOT even a theory; it's what I learned exchaning with players over the years.

Speaking of Kingfish, maybe he'll come back if he reads that I'm now facebook friends with one of his favorites, Desi Williams.

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Aruba 3024 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-31-18, 07:31 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: My List"
Although John, Angelina, Dan, Kara, Alec and Natalia were together while on the Goliath tribe, Alec NEVER agreed to be Natalia’s bitch nor did Kara embrace Natalia’s “Queen Bee” behavior telling Kara who she’s “allowed” to socialize with. Bossy NATALIA was the one who changed FIRST...Alec REACTED appropriately.

So what if each tribe is color coordinated? Tribes arrived in separate boats and were standing amongst each other in their separate groups BEFORE the “David” and “Goliath” were revealed. That’s not “coincidental,” that’s the format of the game. It’s utterly ridiculous to compare that to your blind suggestion and normal unproven theory of Production FORCING Angelina to leave her jacket/cover up behind. It’s far more likely she was more concerned concealing her lower body blubber than the smart practical choice of bringing something to cover her upper body.

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