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"Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
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dooder16 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-25-05, 08:45 PM (EST)
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"Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
First of all, JD is really ticking me off....why does he have to be so cocky. They should vote him off just for being a mondo tool. Secondly, I love Jordis. She is sooooo awesome. Her hair rocks! I can't wait to see what she can do this week!

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis tamglam 07-25-05 1
 RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis dreamerbeliever 07-26-05 2
   RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis KLicK 07-26-05 3
       Agreed geg6 07-26-05 4
 RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis CattyChat 07-26-05 5
 RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis Loree 07-26-05 6
   RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis Glow 07-26-05 7
   RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis GumbyGirl 07-26-05 8
 Best moment of last night's show SherpaDave 07-26-05 9
   RE: Best moment of last night's sho... photokitty 07-26-05 11
 RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis Cassandra 07-26-05 10

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tamglam 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

07-25-05, 10:21 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
"Mother of God! Let's build people up..."
and then shoot them down. I am so sick about this episode of Rockstar Inxs. I really thought that this would be different, so I guess it is my own fault that I fell into another reality web.
The first couple of weeks were all about building JD up, and then don't get too comfortable, lets bring the competition to more of a balance, poof, everybody hates JD, throws the whole competition into balance.
Pisses me off, why spin the show in so many directions. Now JD is a drunk, silly in his arrangements, back stabbing, lerking in the halls. Shame on Inxs rockstar, to build people up and then through editing make them into monsters.
They focused on him because people loved him TOO much,"better simmer the sheep on down."

I will watch tomorrow but I have a bad taste in my mouth about this show, It looked like it would be so much classier, a real effort to find a singer for inxs. The house drama sucks and of no real importance. It really makes the band look like bad as it looks like this will be just another way to make money off prime time staged "reality"? Makes me sad, it cheapens the way I I have always loved INXS. Lets get back to rock and stop all the drama...IT SUCKS!
JOrdis seems cool, just like they want us to believe, JD was cool last week, maybe next week Jordis will be the beeoch. We will see.


dreamerbeliever 3380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

07-26-05, 02:34 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
Okay if this was Mark Burnett's Survivor, then I would say JD got the Rupert Pearl Islands edit for the first two weeks. The hero underdog that most can root for but is flawed. Let's not forget though that this show is in almost real time. There is bound to be huge swings in the edits. Unlike Survivor, the editors don't have 2 or 3 months to edit a story line and have no clue who is going to win. They're going by the seat off their pants and are using footage that just happened in the past few days.

What surprised me is that the critic while watching previous performances of Jordis and a few others was not shown. Which leads me to believe that those who may be on the chopping block were shown. Marty, Mig, and Heather were also noticeably absent from a little criticism.

So JD acting frantic while rehearsing and a little nutty while drinking really shouldn’t be read too much into. It’s just who is he, a lead singer with a huge ego. We just got to see it for the first time tonight. He’s still talented and one of the front runners to win this IMHO. Clearly the band wouldn't be saying this much praise if he was a target right now. His personality could bite him in the butt down the road however.

Also a prediction, JD will take the house bands advice and sing We Are the Champions the way it is meant to be heard. He may have just got a little freaked out when he couldn't hit a few notes like Freddie could.


KLicK 316 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

07-26-05, 07:58 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
Brings up an interesting point about the edit.

How "real time" is this? When do they do the Tuesday night performances? When the Monday show airs (or is put together), does MB know who did poorly at the "live concert"? Certainly he knows who's having a rough time in rehearsal.

As far as JD and Jordis go, they are both people MB can invest in long-term. Neither is going anywhere anytime soon. I expect them to be "out front" in a lot of episodes because even though no one knows for certain, they are probably staying for awhile (Ty and Mig, too). Suzie, Jessica, Tara, and Brandon seem to get a lot of airtime. My guess is that MB doesn't think they'll be around for long and is giving them the "Survivor Pre-Merge" edit. The "early jury-esque" just-in-the-background edit is going to Heather, Daphna and Marty. That leaves out Deanna, who got a lot of airtime for the REM situation, but I expect will fade back for a while.


geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-05, 08:31 AM (EST)
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4. "Agreed"
Seems to be classic EPMB editing to me. I, too, have made the Survivor analogies to friends as to the early exit, pre-merge, jury edits some of these people are getting.

I'm such a slut for the blues.


CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

07-26-05, 09:55 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
First off, I can't wait to see the performances tonight. I love that these contestants are pushing themselves each week.

Now, to J.D. -- first of all, they weren't showing all "bad" J.D. last night. They showed him giving props to Tara for her performance; asking the others if they were still holding grudges from his comment; telling Brandon not to hunch so much on stage, but when he pounds his chest it's awesome.

I think they are editing J.D. as he is at this moment, feeling immense pressure because of the bar he set for himself, as well as the others. Case in point, fighting for Champions BECAUSE it's a big song & a challenge for him and then realizing how much of a challenge it will be and is scared.

Personally, I hope he pulls it off. He wants this really bad and so far he is really listening to INXS of their critiques. Just remmeber the difference between his first performance to the second. HUGE improvement. Now, they advise him he is on the thin line between cocky and confident. Let's see what he does with that in tonight's performance.

This is tough competition, because unlike Idol, all of these people have TALENT (with the possible exception of Jessica IMHO).

My front runners have been/are J.D., MiG and Ty. I am concerned with Ty's attitude of INXS's critique. I don't think he wants to front INXS if he doesn't take their advice -- I sure hope to see more of him though, because he ROCKS!


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-05, 12:00 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-05 AT 12:01 PM (EST)

MB's editing is kind of annoying me on this show. When he does it with Survivor or The Apprentice he knows the final outcome and the audience can't vote. But he is really manipulating the audience on this show. And the audience has the vote. Sure, INXS has final say and won't get rid of anyone they like no matter how the audience votes. But do they want MB manipulating what the fans will think of someone they may pick as their singer?

Or is this all a big sham? Does the band already knows which singer they will untimately pick and they are just letting MB build a storyline and fan base for that person?

I'm sure for editing purposes they are given the song they want to sing the week before. So MB knows how well they are doing with their choice. The ones he deems having trouble will probably perform great.

And I was surprised we did not see what song Deanna picked. She made such a big deal last week about getting first pick this week because she gave up her song to Tara last time. And they didn't even seem to mention if they did give her first pick and what she got.


Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-05, 12:20 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
A few things surprised me last night. The first thing was that I could even stomach watching it without Neal. The second thing was the whole JD thing. And yes, the third was that they didn't mention Deanna's pick.

Oh. And? I was watching whatever was on after Rock Star on CBS. One of the CSIs. They showed JD's performance from tonight and the VO said, "Some will do well." Then they showed Daphna and the VO said, "Some will not." Or something to that effect.

DF kept getting annoyed with me while Jessica was saying how much she sucks and she doesn't offer what Neal does. I had to bite my tongue. She said just about everything I have been saying. Without the name calling.

Got my Bona Roba CD in the mail yesterday (Neal's band). I love it! He's awesome. *sigh*


GumbyGirl 40 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-26-05, 01:48 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
I'm sure INXS already has a pretty good idea of who they'll most likely want in the band, and who they don't. There are probably only 2 or 3 people they really like, and the rest it's just a matter of them being weeded out.

They're not going to pick someone who's in the bottom 3 every week, since that would mean the public doesn't like them. Even though most of the singers are talented, as the band says every week, "you're just not right for OUR band, INXS"

As far as JD and Jordis, JD acts like he's in Jr. High School. He's talented, but the band isn't a bunch of teenagers or 20 year olds... they're 40 year old guys. They'd probably go with someone who acted like a grownup... like MiG. I wonder if JD is going to hit on the rest of the women in the house... if it means he gets the song he wants!


SherpaDave 8326 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-05, 02:43 PM (EST)
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9. "Best moment of last night's show"
During the closing credits, MiG singing "We Are the Champions" with the band and then saying, "Others practice these songs because they have to. I practice them because I love them." Until that moment, I never much cared for MiG, but that cracked me up.

photokitty 298 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

07-26-05, 11:20 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Best moment of last night's show"
Not only that, but he ROCKED it!
He was really hitting the hard notes.
I wish MiG had that song instead of JD.
I also wonder what Jordis would have done with it.

Cassandra 46 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-26-05, 08:20 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Let's talk about JD and Jordis"
JD is a mondo tool but I want him on the show. How much fun was it watching him connive to get the Queen song then try to browbeat Jordis into taking it back when he had trouble hitting the high notes! And offering to date her after the show. I'm still giggling about it. Not sure if I want him to win or not. However, he's been one of my favorite male performers for the last two weeks so we'll see. It's really up to INXS if they want to be in a band with someone so sneaky. I really like how Jordis handled him.


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