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"Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!"
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applejack93 288 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-17-05, 02:41 AM (EST)
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"Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!"
Seriously, guys, you don't know what you're getting yourselves into.

We have just finished our 2nd season of it here in Australia (I think it originated here) and it beat Survivor in the Tuesday night 7.30 timeslot every week. Now the Nine Network is probably going to move Survivor to a later timeslot.

I know, I know - you may be asking yourselves "How on earth can this show trump something like Survivor?" - but believe me, there are more people than you think that absolutely love watching C-grade celebrities embarass themselves. I thought the Australian population was able to see through tacky shows - but the average viewer isn't as intelligent as you think.

Eventually you will see that it is nothing more than a tacky, over-hyped failure that somehow manages to draw an audience bigger than that of the classiest reality TV shows. You have to stop it dead in it's tracks!

Seriously - stop this show NOW. It has be done, it will turn into a monster - I monster I tell you! I swear - this show is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Boycott this show NOW - before ... Swami 06-17-05 1
   RE: Boycott this show NOW - before ... geg6 06-17-05 3
 RE: Boycott this show NOW - before ... Tahj 06-17-05 2
   RE: Boycott this show NOW - before ... CattyChat 06-17-05 4
       RE: Boycott this show NOW - before ... brvnkrz 06-18-05 5
           RE: Boycott this show NOW - before ... sbeck 06-22-05 14
 Oh I wish... applejack93 06-19-05 6
   RE: Oh I wish... Swami 06-19-05 7
       RE: Oh I wish... applejack93 06-20-05 8
           RE: Oh I wish... Swami 06-20-05 9
               RE: Oh I wish... applejack93 06-20-05 10
                   RE: Oh I wish... Swami 06-21-05 11
                       RE: Oh I wish... applejack93 06-22-05 12
                           RE: Oh I wish... Swami 06-22-05 13
                           RE: Oh I wish... mikey 06-23-05 15
           RE: Oh I wish... CandiceHope 07-03-05 16

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Messages in this topic

Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-17-05, 09:00 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!"
Well, it's way more fun than a lot of other reality shows, like anything with Paris Hilton and the words 'simple life'. You don't have to watch The Donald. People are clean & dressed up. There's nice music. And the audience gets to be part of the decision. I think it's fun. I would probably watch it through about 3 runs before I got bored & wandered off.

But Survivor is the Sacred Show, never to be missed.


geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-17-05, 11:25 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!"
I'm with the Swami here. It's fun for now. But I would never watch this over Survivor. I might tape it, but Survivor simply cannot be missed.

I'm such a slut for the blues.


Tahj 4136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

06-17-05, 11:01 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!"
Lol Applejack! Thanks for the warning, but it's too late. We've been infected and it's spreading. Ballroom dancing classes are gonna explode. Our lives will be Night of the Living Ballroom Dancers!!

Moves courtesy of Syren


CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

06-17-05, 11:54 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!"
Agree with all. LOVE this show, so far. Will never pass over Survivor to watch it, though. So, if they put it opposite, I would tape it, just like I taped Friends in years past. I'm hooked.

And I wholeheartedly agree with Swami -- Take Paris off our TVs, out of our magazines. Wish she would retire yesterday!


brvnkrz 20491 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-18-05, 11:56 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!"
Ditto to all of the above. I'm hooked now too.


sbeck 418 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

06-22-05, 10:16 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!"
And that goes double for me! Love this show -- seriously, how could you pass up the chance to watch J. Peterman do a salsa?

applejack93 288 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-19-05, 06:57 AM (EST)
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6. "Oh I wish..."
I wish I could tell you all that I'm telling a lie - but I'm NOT!

Run for your reality-tv-driven-lives! Seriously - this show will eat up classy reality TV like the nothing ate up fantasia in the never ending story!

Oh well, I suppose you can't convince everybody, but don't say I didn't warn you...


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-19-05, 11:14 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Oh I wish..."
Maybe Auzzies are just strangely obsessed with dancing? That whole Walzing Matilda thing?

My DH would not go out of his way to watch people he can barely recognize dance. On the other hand, he will stay up way past his bedtime to watch a Survivor tape if he has to work late on Survivor Day!


applejack93 288 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-20-05, 03:12 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Oh I wish..."
Pfft...waltzing matilda just promotes the stereotype that all Australians wear cork-string hats.

But yes, your comments are correct - apparently we Aussies (not I, however) love watching celebrities do things out of their style. And what's more - our 'celebrities' are usually only just ex-BB contestants.

Lets see - what's next in this crappy fish-out-of-water genre, Australian TV has on the boards:

- Recently we had "Celbrity Circus" where we watched some defunked aussie celebs perform in a circus act after having an intensive training week
- Next up we have "skating on thin ice" when the most ocka of our BB winners and a few other C-listers learn how to figure skate.

I'm pretty sure we'll eventually get "Celebrity Medical School", where more crappy celebrities are given a crash course on medicine and then sent out as doctors.

But, apparently (or as our leading broadcasters keep trying to tell use) we aussies will watch anything.

I want this "firsh-out-of-water" genre OUT of my Reality-driven viewing!



Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-20-05, 09:45 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Oh I wish..."
LAST EDITED ON 06-20-05 AT 09:46 AM (EST)

LOL, Applejack! I hope you could tell I was just kidding with the whole Walzing Matildas thing!

And we have had Circus of the Stars here for years. I think I even watched it one time. On Celebrity Medical School the celebrities should definately dissect cadavers. Or maybe regular people could dissect celebrity cadavers--one last shot at immortality. I'd watch that one!

Edited because cicus is not how you spell circus.


applejack93 288 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-20-05, 10:42 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Oh I wish..."
It's okay Swami, I knew you were joking. Still, what I said about waltzing matilda stands.

I think the cadaver dissection would be fantastic on Celebrity Medical School - you and I should be the producers, and we'll try to sell the idea to abc!

I think another challenge on Survivor Medical school could be to give each celebrity an old smoker, and see which one can coax the most sputum out of their lungs!

Gee, the ideas just keep rolling! This show writes itself!


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-21-05, 10:11 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Oh I wish..."
And the gynecology segments? So many options!

That'll leave your Auzzie all-naked Big Brother 5 in the dust!


applejack93 288 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-22-05, 02:34 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Oh I wish..."
Oh it's true! For five years Channel 10 have been trying to make BB smuttier - and now that it is, it's ruining the show's standing with the community!

HAHA! And now people in the U.S. know!

But with a show like 'celebrity medical school' we'd be restoring the trust of Australian Conservatives in reality TV.

Aaah, dancing with the stars - you may be wholesome, but you're not very exciting.


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-22-05, 09:51 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Oh I wish..."
LAST EDITED ON 06-22-05 AT 09:51 AM (EST)

"HAHA! And now people in the U.S. know!"

Yeah, it's so shocking. Letting the little Auzzie media whores take naked photos of each other in provocative poses during prime time. And yet? I'll bet that at this very minute the producers of our BB6 are salivating and saying, "Brilliant! Let's give the houseguests cameras!"

(You know, if cameras show up on our BB6 I think I'll link to this post so they can see we were discussing it here in Dancing With The Stars first! )

Edited for too many sig pics


mikey 1150 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

06-23-05, 02:15 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Oh I wish..."
I happen to work for a medical school. Perhaps I can suggest the idea of celebrity medical school to our management.

My two cents -- I love the show, even though I did not know who two of the three remaining celebrities were when I first watched. I loved survivor, but grew tired after 8 seasons and don't watch it every week like I used to. I would probably grow tired of this after 1 and a half or two seasons, but for now it rocks. You just know that in season 2 of Dancing with the Stars they are going to have Boston Rob or Rupert on it, then all the survivor fans will be watching.


CandiceHope 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-03-05, 03:50 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Oh I wish..."
>- Next up we have "skating
>on thin ice" when the
>most ocka of our BB
>winners and a few other
>C-listers learn how to figure

This sounds familiar- I heard rumors about an American show like this a few weeks ago. I've taken skating lessons and dancing (although not ballroom) and it seems like it would be a lot harder to teach someone how to skate than it would be to dance.



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