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"the Twist"
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esquire 1095 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-21-02, 02:43 PM (EST)
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"the Twist"
Last night's twist would have been really interesting if the tribes split in any other way than they did. MB got the worse possible result having 5 Rotos in one tribe and 3 Rotos in the other. Roto controlls both tribes and that will lead to a Pagonging of ther remaining M's.

However, if 1 more M tribe member had been sent over to the new Roto tribe (Lets say Gina so we can have some real fun with this), then the new Roto tribe would be a 4-4 split between old Rotos and old Ms. Tribal counsel in this case would hav been verrrry interesting. Especially if we were wondering if Gina woul stay loyal to her old tribe.

If 1 more M tribe member had been able to stay in the M tribe, then we would have old M controlling 1 tribe by a vote of 3-2 and old Roto controlling the other tribe by a vote of 6-2. The challenges would have been interesting as each tribe would have an incentive to lose and vote out the member of the other tribe.

However, what we got was the least interesting break down. The same tribe controlls each tribe


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: the Twist Punkin 03-21-02 1
   RE: the Twist JohnMc 03-21-02 2
 RE: the Twist smokedog 03-22-02 3
 RE: the Twist JeffGator 03-22-02 4
   RE: the Twist smiles 03-22-02 7
 RE: the Twist qwertypie 03-22-02 5
   RE: the Twist JohnMc 03-22-02 6
       RE: the Twist qwertypie 03-22-02 8
 RE: the Twist JR 03-22-02 9
 RE: the Twist heymikey 03-22-02 10
 RE: the Twist toddE 03-23-02 11

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Punkin 244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-21-02, 03:45 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: the Twist"
I really liked the way it all shook out last night, because punishment was meted out to those who have been pi$$ing me off. But, you're right. Either of the combinations you proposed would have been interesting initally, but with the same pagonging of Matu in the end. If Gina were one of the three Ms, she would surely join with the two Rotus against the other two Matus. And a 4 to 4 would also see Gina joining the Rotus to again form a majority. I can see no circumstances where Gina would stick with her original tribe members. Remember this change followed the night around the campfire after the Hunter boot TC. There is no way those pinheads could bring her back into an alliance along old tribal lines after they treated jer as they did. Just my opinion.

JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

03-21-02, 05:55 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: the Twist"
Has anyone noticed that EPM didn't have to do this on the first 2 installments? It's when people start playing without a brain/strategy/or semblance of a plan to win that he has to inject a tribicide to tell them "Don't mess w/my game!" Moomoo does deserve to lose, though, Gina and Vee do both deserve a chance to play the game. Conversely, Rotu deserves to win the challenges and a stronger position in the home stretch because Rotu has worked hard, regardless of where it's tribe is located. Just like Boran didn't suffer from the swap, Rotu isn't about to suffer because of the twist.

smokedog 1885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-22-02, 01:09 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: the Twist"
My ideal scenario (this was very unlikely to happen but would have been really fun to watch)

New Rotu: All 5 Maraamu members and Kathy, Paschal, Neleh
New Maraamu: John, Gabe, Zoe, Tammy, Robert

This would have been interesting because if NR lost their IC they could pick off Kathy/Neleh/Paschal OR Gina could have sided with K/N/P to force a tiebreaker.

If NM had lost IC we would have seen the powerful section of the old Rotu tribe fight it out.

This would also be the best scenario for MB to get his coveted 5-5 split in the merged tribe.


JeffGator 1401 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-22-02, 01:20 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: the Twist"
You know it's funny, everyone has been arguing how unfair the twist would be for Rotu, considering that they have worked so hard and don't deserve to be broken up. Well in reality it's probably the most unfair for Maraamu because even though they were down 8-5, they technically could have won the next 3 IC's and had an even merge. Instead with the twist, that possibility was squashed, with maraamu being outnumbered on both tribes and being able to very easily be picked off. Anyway, I'm happy about the outcome because I hate Maraamu and think they deserve to be picked off one by one (with the exception of Gina)

19 year old Student at the University of Florida--Go Gators, Go Gina, and Go Gary and Dave!
"I may be alot of things, but I ain't no Hershey Bar."


smiles 675 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-22-02, 05:00 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: the Twist"
Anyway, I'm happy
>about the outcome because I
>hate Maraamu and think they
>deserve to be picked off
>one by one (with the
>exception of Gina)

What about Vee? I think she deserves to play too and the switch has put her in a bad situation. She is guilty of associating with the drama team. I think she will make the merge, but after that bye-bye Vee.

I don't particularly care for Gina anymore, she is too bitter. I don't like bitter people. Let it go, it is a game. So they voted Hunter off, if it wasn't him it would have been you. So she should be thanking her lucky stars. Gina knew that Hunter would go at some point. So what better time than the present (or the past now). If Hunter would have stayed past the twist and they (Hunter and Gina) were separated in two different tribes would she be saying the twist was wonderful? Nope.


qwertypie 9776 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-22-02, 03:20 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: the Twist"
Well, I haven't seen the tape yet, but I would have peed myself laughing if no one had changed tribes after the twist. Highly improbable but possible. Can you imagine the look on Jeff's face?
It will be interesting to see if survivor 5 (if there is such a thing) will have to resort to the swap, since these folks would not have seen Survivor Africa, (as I understand they were filming S4 while S3 was being aired) and did not know of the tribal switchero. To the S4 contestants, the only way to win the game has been form an alliance early on and pick off everyone else. We are seeing evolution in progress!

JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

03-22-02, 12:20 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: the Twist"

>It will be interesting to see if survivor 5 (if there
>is such a thing) will have to resort to the
>swap, since these folks would not have seen Survivor Africa,

Um... S5 doesn't even have contestants yet. And it's entirely feasible that a contestant could have watched all 4 Survivors by the time the show is filmed.

>(as I understand they were filming S4 while S3 was
>being aired) and did not know of the tribal switchero.

S4 contestants did see the swap, and they were warned before the game started that this could happen.

EPM does seem to do this when a team just doesn't play w/a brain. Samboohoo was the victim of the swap and had 2 members picked off from the antagonistic half of the tribe as a result. Mooboohoo is again the victim, and it wouldn't surprise me to see at least 2 Old Moomoos booted (only needs one more) before the merge. Wouldn't be surprised to see 3 and only have Gina and Vee left to make it through the merge.

Note: EPM didn't have to do this in S1 or S2 since the players weren't so stupid as to boot the strongest players because they are mad. It made no sense for S3 to boot Carl, and he only was booted because he lost the tie breaker. Seems a sad reason to have to leave. And I mean, when you boot Hunter who is clearly the stronger player, then this becomes a bad episode of the Weakest Link. EPM deserves a better show than that. Good for him for keeping control of the game.


qwertypie 9776 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-22-02, 05:14 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: the Twist"
OOPS ! And I pride myself on being so precise and unambiguous when I write. When I wrote "these folks" I meant the current s4 group and not the future s5 group. I guess this means I should stop staying up late, haunting reality TV forums and get some sleep.
I did not realize the s4 group had seen the swap and was warned it could happen again. I still haven't seen the tape yet, but I take it you didn't buy the speech that this twist was ordained before they even had stepped foot on the island and had nothing to do with the way the game was played, how lousy moomooboohoohoo was doing, etc., etc.
I cheered when the swap occurred in s3, because I can't stand to see bullies win (like a bad junior high dream), but I was kind of hoping Mark would allow the four remaining marumoo (sorry to see you go Gina) slowly waste away until nothing but Sarah's implants were left.

JR 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

03-22-02, 09:30 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: the Twist"
>Last night's twist would have been
>really interesting if the tribes
>split in any other way
>than they did. MB
>got the worse possible result
>having 5 Rotos in one
>tribe and 3 Rotos in
>the other. Roto controlls
>both tribes and that will
>lead to a Pagonging of
>ther remaining M's.

I agree totally. I liked the way the switch was set up (to have it be random), but the outcome was bad.


heymikey 238 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-22-02, 11:39 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: the Twist"
Actually, according to Sarah's interviews, she should have been with the Rotu tribe together with Rob, Vee, and Sean if only she hadn't switched on a different place to stand.
It would have been very interesting if that happened.

toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-23-02, 08:18 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: the Twist"
I agree with what you're saying. You know, all of my friends have already quit watching Survivor because they say it's boring, and if many of these posters had their way, it would be super boring. If the only plan is to always keep the "strong, hard-working" members, then why bother having any variety? As has been stated elsewhere, it is a game, not the Army or whatever, and macho man Hunter sucked so bad. This switcheroo sure did turn out super boringly, just when the show was becoming entertaining again. Now it will be several dull weeks of watching old Maraamu perish slowly, and will have little real suspense until they are all gone, so the Rotus are forced to turn on each other. And screw Gina, that whiny cow. I hope they vote her off next.


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