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"Boy Meets Boy 08/12/03"
BlackSheep 41 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-13-03, 05:33 PM (EST)
3. "RE: Boy Meets Boy 08/12/03" |
I don't mean to hijack this thread, but wanted to interject something I observed when Michael slipped the beans and said he's a fence rider. Gay or lesbian, I've seen some real nasty behavior when a 'fence rider' comes clean. More times than not, the true gay/lesbian will be 'ok' with someone being bi, as long as they aren't dating the 'bi' person. It's really strange how clique non-breeders treat those in the middle (no pun intended) when at the same time they want the breeders to treat them as equals. It's like, which damn team are you on? Since when were we divided by teams in the first place? Now to not completely hijack the threat, I'd have to say it really depends on the individual himself. Sure there are alot of gay men that are extremely comfortable with their sexuality, I think in general straight men may not feel insecure about their sexuality but imho would be chastized if they even thought about a gay encounter and have to beat their chests to prove their manhood. Maybe I'm wrong.
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cqvenus 9764 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-14-03, 11:19 AM (EST)
5. "RE: Boy Meets Boy 08/12/03" |
My amateur analysis is that gay guys resent "bi" guys because it's the equivalent of "passing" in the past by mixed-race peopleI think you're mostly right about this, SORT of. I think everyone is pretty much bi. I think we just LEAN towards one side or another. That being said, I think the people most afraid of admitting they lean toward the gay side are the most likely to say things like "I'm bi." My friend (now admittedly gay) was still unsure. He told his friend (openly gay all along) that he thinks he might just be bi. This 2nd friend said "yeah, I was bi, too, when I was like, 15!" Basically, he was saying being bi is like a state of denial. I think this might be true for men. But I think the best thing people can do is understand that everyone goes through that phase of denial and not try to belittle the person over it, and just know that it will pass, and you'll figure out which way you lean.  - just my opinions
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