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"BB#9, Episode 19 ECST"
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-25-08, 06:16 PM (EST)
Click to EMail vince3 Click to send private message to vince3 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"BB#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Please keep all discussions of the return of the ED menace to the hamster cage for POV madness here until around midnight EDT, (which is still 11:00pm Webby Time.....) or until the stench has dissipated......

I'm actually taping BB tonight, so if necessary, I'll post comments a little later..... (1. I'm not feeling well. 2. Tonight's AI song choices for tonight intrigue me, and I want to hear a couple of songs spoiled for tonight... and 3. I'm curious to see who goes from DWTS.......)

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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 A lesson in sponsorship. Estee 03-25-08 1
 RE: BB#9, Episode 19 ECST vince3 03-25-08 2
 Hey Sharon nailbone 03-25-08 3
   RE: Hey Nailbone goldie1000 03-25-08 4
 Segment 1: Aftermath of Nomination... vince3 03-26-08 5
 Segment 2: Pimpage, pimpage, pimpa... vince3 03-26-08 6
 Segment 3: Welcome to Club Evel! vince3 03-26-08 7
 Segment 4: Do pawns get captured? vince3 03-26-08 8
 Final Segment: So much for *that* ... vince3 03-26-08 9

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Estee 55194 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-25-08, 08:27 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Estee Click to send private message to Estee Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "A lesson in sponsorship."
'We are going to give away this Vegas prize or the studio is going to kill us. We only shortchange when it's our money.'
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-25-08, 08:42 PM (EST)
Click to EMail vince3 Click to send private message to vince3 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: BB#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Now we know how ED "won" the guitar: They had to beat his score from last year of 33, or else he was gonna get the guitar and amp..... if they did it, they'd get it.

However, I think they designed it for the sole purpose of giving him (ED) the guitar..... Gates 1-4 and 5 didn't look aligned....... making 5 point shots very difficult......

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nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-25-08, 08:49 PM (EST)
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3. "Hey Sharon"

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goldie1000 1087 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-25-08, 09:03 PM (EST)
Click to EMail goldie1000 Click to send private message to goldie1000 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: Hey Nailbone"
And here comes "Evil D*ck" with pots in hand ...

It's all in good fun

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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-26-08, 02:59 AM (EST)
Click to EMail vince3 Click to send private message to vince3 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "Segment 1: Aftermath of Nominations"
Since the house was "divided" into Adam (current HoH), Sheila, Natalie, Ryan vs. James and Chelsia (current nominees) and Josh and Sharon..... James realized that Adam's no longer playing the "friends" card and is targetting James as a competitor.

Chelsia states that it's smart to nominate both her and James because she'd help him get off and he'd help her get off (as far as she knows, that is....)

Josh is now getting is Dr. Will on, because he's now managed to be the only person not on the block for the 7 weeks of the show so far....... (nor has he won any of the competitions, either....)

Natalie continues with her D.U.N. = done stuff.......

James and Chelsia are a little too happy about being on the block.....

Chelsia slips into depression mode 10 her being on the block and James throws salt on the wound by suggesting that Chelsia throws the eviction because he's already been evicted once..... no sale.

The Adam Alliance is worrying about if James wins the POV and pulls himself off and heads after them...... (not pretty...)

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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-26-08, 03:20 AM (EST)
Click to EMail vince3 Click to send private message to vince3 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "Segment 2: Pimpage, pimpage, pimpage"
On Sunday's show, there was a luxury competition in which the house reward was for half of the house to win a private screening of the about to premiere movie 21. Ryan won the competition, and chose Adam, Natalie and James to join him. Then there was the "big bet": a game of blackjack for a $21,000-plus trip to Vegas, however there was a catch: If he lost the game, the screening goes to the 4 hamsters that he didn't pick. He ended up with 18 with a dealer 3 showing, and the dealer had a down 10 and then hit to get to 19, causing Ryan's loss.

It's now movie time, and dammit they're determined to give this trip away, aren't they? Inside one of the buckets of popcorn presented to the movie screeners is a "golden ticket" that will give the lucky hamster the trip. Chelsia end up with the trip.

As the movie goers head up to the pimped out HoH room, complete with movie sized boxes of candy and various drinks, Natalie's grumpily munching on the dumped out popcorn on the floor *yuck!* Also, Adam's giving Ryan heck about gambling the movie passes to try for the trip. After seeing another clip from the movie, we get a *thumbs up* DR entry from Sheila.....

Time to pick players for the POV competition! Josh is worried because they normally pick the morning of, this is the night before...... that must mean something's up.......

Adam draws Josh (he was hoping to pick either Natalie or Ryan.....
Chelsia draws Sheila
James draws a Houseguest Choice chip and selects Sharon (another one of the svcky competition players....)

Ryan's peeved that he's not playing.... (and neither him nor Natalie, or for that matter anyone else isn't supspcious that there isn't a host picked this week?) Ryan says this was the worst case scenario as far as competition lineups is concerned...... Basically because Adam's HoH win was by accident, and Sharon, Sheila and Josh have won squadoosh! (No power competitions....) The only two that have? Are the nominees!

After the hamsters eventually go to sleep, we start to hear a rock ballad playing which signals the return of ED...... he heads to the kitchen to pick the pans for the "wake up call from hell!" and notices that BB hasn't changed some of the pots and pans from last season! *snerk*

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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-26-08, 03:59 AM (EST)
Click to EMail vince3 Click to send private message to vince3 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "Segment 3: Welcome to Club Evel!"
LAST EDITED ON 03-26-08 AT 03:59 AM (EST)

*cue shots of sleeping hamsters*

*cue rock ballad starting up again as ED's heading for the bedrooms.....*

*bang bang Bang BAng BANg BANG!*

Time to get up you hamsters! It's time for the POV competition! You have 10 minutes to get ready for the contest! Sheila decides to throw herself onto ED, who promptly puts her down, harshly!

Just what we needed, a carrot for Natalie's theory of 8's.....

Adam gets the wakeup treatment, as well, and promptly locks himself out of the HoH room! LOL

Welcome to Club Evel, you degenerates! Last year season, at this exact point in time, ED was on the block and had to drink shots of disgusting liquid for shots down a croquet lane. Guess what? It's your turn! Drink the ED-themed nasty drinks for shots down the rock-n-roll croquet course (which doesn't look completely straight for some reason....) oh, and if the winner of the POV beats ED's score of 33 points from last year, they'll get a Gibson guitar and amp..... if nobody does that, ED gets the guitar set to take home as pay for hosting this POV competition.......

They seperate the hamsters into different rooms so that none of the contestants know what each other did..... (Ryan and Natalie are nowhere to be seen, either.....)

There's a 3 minute time limit on the drinking portion......

Here's the list of drinks to be had: (In order of appearance...)

Dick Jagger: Pig Lips, Custard
Double D's Hangover Cure: Grapefruit, Oyster Sauce, Sodium Bicarbonate (Antacid)
Dick's Cough Syrup: Syrup, Wasabi
Dick's Sucker Punch: Fruit Punch, Beets, Catfish
Bloody Richard: Big Brother Blood
Eggs Bene"Dick": Eggs, Black Coffee, Bacon, Hollandaise Sauce
Jen and Tonic: Iced Tea, Tonic
Ri-Dick-ulous: Chili Sauce, Chipotle Sauce, Habanero Sauce, Pico de Gallo *spicy!*
Sweet Child O'Lime: Sweet Pepper, Lime Juice
Headbanger's Brew: Lettuce, Sausage, Root Beer

ED gets to taunt/egg them on/comment during the drinking portion of the competition.....

After a montage of the hamsters trying to drink the drinks (with varying degrees of success, including Chelsia's burping session....) it's time to play the croquet! We'll be going in order of lowest shots to most so:

Josh: 5 shots 17 points
Sharon: 6 shots 19 points
Chelsia: 6 shots 13 points (No Bueno)
Sheila: 7 shots 23 points (okay, now I see my problem with my initial judgement of the course, it was 4 gates and a treble clef post for the 5th point and it was hard to see since it was metallic gold under the sunlight..... it helped that Sheila scored two 5 point shots.....)
Adam: 8 shots 28 points
James: 10 shots 29 points and winner of the POV!

ED retains the record and gets to take the guitar and amp home with him!

Chelsia bemoans the fact that she's now all but toast because she voted James back in.......

We say goodbye again to ED, as he takes the guitar with him out one of the hidden side doors........

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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-26-08, 04:10 AM (EST)
Click to EMail vince3 Click to send private message to vince3 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "Segment 4: Do pawns get captured?"
Since James won the POV, and is more than likely to take himself off the block, Josh figures that Adam will then nominate either himself or Sharon, since they are in the opposing alliance to Adam's...... he desperately doesn't want to get on the block, so he's trying to get Sharon nominated instead.......

He has a little meeting with his "secret alliance" partner, Ryan, to tell him to push for Sharon being the replacement nominee....... Especially since he's more of a risk to go home than he is........

Sharon decides to agree with that idea, and promptly throws herself on her sword and suggests to Adam that she'd be okay with him nominating her!

Natalie suspects that Sharon's willingness to go on the block was at least, in part, due to a suggestion from Josh...... (correct...) So, Natalie wants to push for Josh to go up and basically treat him like Dustin from last seaon..... She figures that Sharon would switch to their side without her puppetmaster Josh around......

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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-26-08, 04:45 AM (EST)
Click to EMail vince3 Click to send private message to vince3 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "Final Segment: So much for *that* couple"
James states that he was evicted once for Chelsia, and he won't get evicted again! Josh is still worried about going up on the block, because all of the trash that he spews (most of which CBS can't/won't show.....) will practically guarantee that he'd get evicted the instant he's nominated.

James calls for the Veto Metting, and goes trough the motions of having Chelsia plead to get Veto'd off of the block before he takes himself off of the block. Adam chooses Sharon as the replacement nominee. What irks Chelsia the most is that James added after he veto'd himself off: "Sorry Chelsia, you're probably gone!"

Ugh, did we have to hear Josh gloat about not being nominated again? I think I'll enjoy whenever he gets nominated... (I just hope I don't have to wait until All-Stars 2 for that to happen.....)

Anyways, tomorrow's *checks clock, scratch that...* tonight's show will feature a live eviction, and an HoH competition which will include the questions from the America's Poll from earlier this week......

*takes NyQuil Liquid Gels and goes to bed*

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