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"TAR24 Casino Game - Results!"
Jims03 59 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"
05-19-14, 11:45 PM (EST)
"TAR24 Casino Game - Results!" |
Fix My LightsSince they were in Vegas, you'd think they'd be able to stop by the TAR Casino and fix our light bulbs too. Oh well. I thought it was a pretty odd finale leg, overall. A lot of the tasks didn't seem like they would leave a lot of space for teams to pass one another, so it seemed like it came down to taxis and directions for the most part. The skydiving at the end was fun, though, although I do miss the memory challenges they would often do. Finale Results 1st place - Dave/Connor (2x) 2nd place - Caroline/Jennifer (even) 3rd place - Brendon/Rachel (0x) Predictable Dave/ConnorThis seemed to be one of those finales where the majority of the pool really caught on to the fact that Dave/Connor were probably going to win. There were a lot of desperation oddball bets but scores were still across-the-board really good. I will, however, proclaim bragging rights for being the only player to guess the "million" bonus game correctly, with Caroline/Jennifer.  This week's Greatest Gainer Award goes to Molaholic and Jims03, who both gained 2 ranks each. Nicely going, us.The Perfect Bet Award also goes to Molaholic, as well as some other guy we'll talk about later, with a nice double-up. That's the way to finish a season!  And, with that, let's reveal the final results. (highlight to read) Leaderboard 1. michiganlargefan - 12892 2. Georganna - 8392 3. flipxcyd01 - 5460 4. Yogi - 3928 5. Jims03 - 3900 6. louislam - 3814 7. Ontheroadagain1 - 2000 8. coldbrewer - 1876 9. pepperz - 1656 10. Molaholic - 999 11. Chiubakka - 800 12. sarah12345 - 140 13. bbenz - 52 14. IanQuentin - 0 15. starshine - 0 In the end, it was michiganlargefan who managed to hold off all the others and claim the title of TAR24 Casino Game Champion, with Georganna claiming the silver medal and flipxcyd earning the bronze. I have to say, this was a very dominant performance by Mr. Michiganlargefan, holding the top spot for 9 of the 11 weeks, with flipxcyd and Georganna preventing the clean sweep. Throughout the season, michiganlargefan made a ton of intelligent and thought-out bets, especially in the regular wagers. He suffered a scare in the penultimate week, but managed to re-take the lead going into the final week with a correct Consistent Bonus wager. That being said, it was still an extremely tight race all the way through, with the 2nd place guy almost always nipping at his heels. The difference between 1st and 2nd was often only 5% of the total score, making for a very competitive game overall. It was a much less bloody season of the TAR Casino Game too, as 15 players made it to the final week (compared to 8 last year). That booster last year just wrecked everyone. Congratulations, michiganlargefan, you are now part of the TAR Casino Game Hall of Fame! Previous Casino Game Champions TAR5 Casino Game - zombiebaby TAR6 Casino Game - VA Slim TAR7 Casino Game - esquire TAR8 Casino Game - Neobie TAR9 Casino Game - Neobie TARX Casino Game - bighair TAR All Stars Casino Game - Higgs TAR12 Casino Game - KwietOne TAR13 Casino Game - CTgirl TAR14 Casino Game - 5cats TAR15 Casino Game - taffnic TAR16 Casino Game - Yogi TAR17 Casino Game - Yogi TAR18 Casino Game - ARNutz TAR19 Casino Game - Max Headroom TAR20 Casino Game - IanQuentin TAR21 Casino Game - louislam TAR22 Casino Game - IanQuentin TAR23 Casino Game - Yogi TAR24 Casino Game - michiganlargefan It's a WrapAs always, I want to thank every single one of you for participating in this season of the TAR Casino Game. With the board hacking and everything that was going on, and frankly, a pretty subpar season of the Race, this was one of the most difficult seasons of the TAR Casino Game to host. When the hacking occurred, I wasn't even sure if we'd even have a game. So to have 22 players enter this year was a miracle, so thanks to everyone for sticking with it and making a game of it.  At the beginning of the season, I opened the game asking if we wanted to play "one last round" of the TAR Casino Game, implying this would be its final game. I have to say, I still haven't decided if I just want to end it here, continue it as-is, or try moving it to a different site. Because the thing is, Reality TV World was the very first message board I ever joined, all the way back in 2001, when I was a sophomore in high school. I started the TAR Casino Game back in 2004 during TAR5 when I was a college freshman. Since then, I've graduated college and got my degrees in economics and business, found a job (which I've been at for 7 years now!), and became a homeowner. I've also been active at a few other non-reality-TV forums, even becoming an administrator at a fairly large forum as well as starting my own YouTube video series. I'm mentioning all of this because of disturbed I was by the hacking incident and the complete lack of interest by the site owner. I realize the software this forum runs is ancient and has a lot of potential problems and stuff... The fact that the hacking happened didn't bother me. It was just that the complete non-response to the issue (not even a "We can't fix it") basically demonstrates to me that the owner of the site doesn't even care if I post here or not. And, gawd, I put so many hours into this site, between writing summaries and the weekly hour of TAR Casino scoring. And from being an administrator of another forum, I know how seriously I would take such a situation. For several years now, it was always kind of tacitly understood that we were all kinda on our own, but the hacking situation made me question why I should even bother anymore. The only reason I continued to do this game is because I think it's fun and the other players enjoy playing it too. So, does the venue even matter anymore? I mean, if people still want to play, we can always do it somewhere else, right? I dunno. I'm still on the fence about it. Let me know if you guys have any ideas and I'll keep thinking about it over the summer. Either way, I'm not going to disappear or anything... Even if it moves or ends or whatever, I'll post something in the fall to let you guys know what's going on. I've rambled on for a long time, so thanks again for playing and I'll see you all in the fall!
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coldbrewer 49 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
05-20-14, 05:17 PM (EST)
1. "RE: TAR24 Casino Game - Results!" |
Hey JIMS,Congrats to michiganlargefan! Thanks for hosting the game. I'll follow wherever you go. I'll still play. It enhances the enjoyment I get from watching TAR. By the way, I have a suggestion for game play. Have something where the payout gets lower as TAR day gets closer. For instance, you usually post on Wednesday prior to TAR on Sunday. On Sunday, the payout for first place would be 1.9x, if you place your wager on Sunday. If you post on Saturday, the payout for first place would be 2.0x; Friday would be 2.1x; Thursday would be 2.2x, etc. Since you're the game master, you can decide the payout.
 thanks Agman!
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bbenz 10 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-20-14, 07:13 PM (EST)
2. "RE: TAR24 Casino Game - Results!" |
We love the Casino Game! My group of friends and I have our own prize for the group winner - a Travelocity roaming gnome which goes along with the bragging rights until the next season. We'll play if you move it!
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tribephyl 10710 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-21-14, 05:40 PM (EST)
5. "RE: TAR24 Casino Game - Results!" |
Thank you, Jims! I do hope that you decide to do another season, but as a host I completely understand the time constraints, amount of hosting energy and the deep desire to enhance many many people's experience with thought provoking and challenging game play. It gets daunting and when less and less people show up for it (as well as a non-existant webmaster) it does feel very much like this place is self-sabotaging. Bringing about it's end through neglect and avoidance. That is why...I had, a couple of seasons back, opened a NEW version of the once VERY popular game here at RTVW, the Survivor Spoiler Island Game. It was called The Game of the Spoilers and was hosted on ProBoards. I had 11 people show up for the first entry. 9 of those made it through to the end. The next season I started with 7 and maintained 7 throughout the season. I didn't host a third season. I don't hang out at FB but I hear a lot of the members here are there more often than here. I don't get it, this place has been my home window for almost 12 years. I always start here. I always end here. I could use a bit more adventuring when it comes to web surfing, I admit that, but I think the players are often also stuck in their "normal patterns" of web site visits as well. If not even moreso. I can't say I wouldn't try it out (and if you need any help, I would totally be overjoyed to do so for you.) because I would love to see what your brilliant mind could come up with. But I'm not quite sure the ultimate payoff/partcipation levels will be any easier to achieve somewhere else. Never hurts to try, though.
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Molaholic 8792 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-22-14, 08:32 PM (EST)
8. "RE: TAR24 Casino Game - Results!" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-22-14 AT 08:35 PM (EST)Well played michiganlargefan! I too want to thank Jims for hosting (and dealing with all the felgercarp that accompanies hosting). For me, the visits to the casino (well, when I remember) are a highlight of the week, and fretting about the status of my jims-account during the show helps move things along as well. And I'm going to go all Dr. Sheldon Cooper on you and beg for no change. But then I will respect whatever decision you make. Change is evil (almost as evil as birds). Nonetheless, do expect me to follow the game should it find a new home.
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Yogi 1205 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
05-23-14, 00:34 AM (EST)
9. "RE: TAR24 Casino Game - Results!" |
Big congrats to michiganlargefan!Jims.. big thanks for sticking in there and running the game again. Personally I hope you carry on with the game, at least until you get your name on the board.  Thanks again Jims. - Yogi
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
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