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"Treasure Hunters episode summary #6 - "It's All About the Benjamin""
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realitybites 1174 desperate attention whore postings
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08-01-06, 01:51 PM (EST)
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"Treasure Hunters episode summary #6 - "It's All About the Benjamin""
Previously, a lot of stuff happened in South Carolina and Georgia, and the Browns were eliminated.

Six teams remained. Who would be eliminated... next?

After a rest at the Magnolia Hall Bed & Breakfast in Savannah, the teams were interrupted by instructions from all-powerful Laird. He told them that they needed to take the next flight to Paris, and from there head to the Catacombs to find out more about the man behind the death mask, among other things. It also provided a heaven-sent opportunity to plug the Orbitz travel engine and show off those spiffy Visa cards. In about the time it takes to draw a yellow line across the ocean, all six teams boarded the same flight and made it to Gay Paree.

Next was the challenge of navigating the subway. The Fogals, Air Force, and Geniuses got some help from some locals and split off from the other three teams. They got off a few stops early, which caused the other teams to think about where they were going and if they were wrong. They decided to stick to their guns. Were they right?

Yes indeed. Ex-CIA, Miss USA, and the Southies made up this group. Laird alerted them as they found the Catacombs. He instructed them to send someone down to find the 1789 section and with it the creator of the French Flag for their next clue. Straightforward enough, but those catacombs were cool, dark, and filled with the bones of the dead - including skulls. All three people worked together and found the clue they were looking for.

Meanwhile, the other three teams found themselves lost on the streets of Paris. Worse yet, their new-found "friends" decided to take off on them, making things even more dire. But eventually they got to the Catacombs and their message from Laird.

At about the same time, the lead three found their statue near the gold-leaf bridge. It's a statue of Lafayette, and that's who the death mask was for. A broken reproduction of the mask lay close by. What could it mean? Perhaps they should break open their mask and discover their true artifact? Eventually, they got the point and discovered a medallion with a ship on the front and "Dover Castle" on the back.

Air Force and the Fogals found their clue, but they each found themselves separately lost.

The leaders took a taxi and a ferry to Dover, England, where they had time to contemplate the other thing that was on their medallion, "The arrow points the way".

The Geniuses were the fourth to find Lafayette and the fourth away.

The Fogals were fifth, but had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do with that mask. They did so just as Air Force was approaching. Since they were stuck together, they decided to work together. The Fogals had a lot of respect for the fly boys, while AF had heard bad things about God's Team from the others.

The first teams arrived at Dover Castle and started piddling around. Everyone notes that it's very big and that arrow could be anywhere.

The Genisues make it a quartet at the castle and they started looking.

Eventually the lead three teams headed to the roof. One of the Southies found something that looked like an arrow, and eventually - it took everyone a while to figure out that that was their best lead - they followed him. They each found a parchment. Laird told them, or they figured out, that Benjamin Franklin was the first spy in America, and had worked as an apprentice at a printing press in London. So that's where they needed to go.

Elsewhere, the smart guys were starting to melt down. Nothing serious; just some random obscenities.

A little later, the Fogals and Air Force arrived at the castle and eventually they found out where to go. The Geniuses did also, from outside.

The lead teams - still Ex-CIA, Miss USA, and the Southies - arrive at St. Bartholemew Church in London, where Bennie once worked. Laird told them the fifth artifact was there, and they needed to find out where it was. Good luck... They burned a lot of time trying things that didn't work and were starting to get discouraged. They were also starting to look over their shoulder to see if they could spot the others approaching.

If only they could have seen what Genworth provided for us - "In burning light the plan is laid".

Eventually one of the beauty queens stumbles on the fact that if you held the parchment just above the ubiquitous candles, a drawing of the church's layout would appear with X's where the artifacts were. They found it first - a key. CIA and the Southies followed in that order.

Meanwhile, the other three teams made it to the church. The Geniuses figured things out a little faster than the others, but they had to dodge looky-loos from Air Force and the Fogals in order to do their work. They were team #4.

That meant it was down to two teams for one key. Air Force won the race, which meant the Fogals were out. They said some nice things about AF on their way out.

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