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"Messy beds"
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TheMeerkat 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

02-10-06, 10:50 AM (EST)
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"Messy beds"
You would think that before the new housemate arrived, someone would make her bed for her. Isnt that common courtesy?> I mean, are those OldLisa's nasty slept in sheets all in a heap in there? She should have changed the sheets and made the bed before she left. Big suprise that she didnt.

But I'm suprised NuLisa didnt do it either.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Messy beds beckettrep 02-10-06 1
 RE: Messy beds OklaBlue 02-10-06 2
 RE: Messy beds crazygroupiegirl 02-10-06 3
   RE: Messy beds eire_heart74 02-10-06 4
 RE: Messy beds Pricilla 02-10-06 5
   RE: Messy beds shawnar 02-10-06 6
       RE: Messy beds Zoey 02-10-06 7
           RE: Messy beds GuyStartingOver 02-10-06 8
               RE: Messy beds beckettrep 02-10-06 10
   Suggestion: Pricilla mysticwolf 02-10-06 12
       RE: Suggestion: Pricilla Ijustsharted 02-10-06 13
       RE: Suggestion: Pricilla Pricilla 02-12-06 25
           RE: Suggestion: Pricilla mysticwolf 02-13-06 29
       RE: Suggestion: Pricilla Bleye600 02-13-06 28
       RE: Suggestion: Pricilla SOfan0221 02-13-06 32
           RE: Suggestion: Pricilla OklaBlue 02-13-06 33
 RE: Messy beds Ijustsharted 02-10-06 9
   RE: Messy beds lovemydogdude 02-10-06 11
       RE: Messy beds SOWayz 02-11-06 14
           RE: Messy beds beckettrep 02-11-06 15
               RE: Messy beds horsewhisperer 02-11-06 16
                   RE: Messy beds OklaBlue 02-11-06 17
               RE: Messy beds jeana28 02-11-06 18
 RE: Messy beds JustBNMe 02-11-06 19
   RE: Messy beds watches too much 02-11-06 20
       RE: Messy beds jeana28 02-13-06 36
   Giving Lisa a Break notrump 02-11-06 22
       RE: Giving Lisa a Break beckettrep 02-13-06 31
 RE: Messy beds Puddn 02-11-06 21
   RE: Messy beds SOWayz 02-12-06 23
 RE: Messy beds TeacupMom 02-12-06 24
   RE: Messy beds SeasonedRefinement 02-12-06 26
       RE: Messy beds SOWayz 02-13-06 27
       RE: Messy beds Kattrikk 02-13-06 30
 RE: Messy beds TeacupMom 02-13-06 34
   RE: Messy beds SOFANinGA 02-13-06 35
 RE: Messy beds redsoxfan 02-15-06 37

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beckettrep 814 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-10-06, 11:38 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Messy beds"
How typical - maybe Rhonda should take a look at the implication of THAT. If Lisatwit had changed, even one iota, I would think she would have taken the initiative to wash the bedding and replace it. Funny how little things like THAT (to me at least) are soooooooo much more 'telling' than all the supposed 'pearls' that spew from Lisatwit's mouth.

OklaBlue 1244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-10-06, 12:10 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Messy beds"
They should just stick it in a bag, and when she returns, put it back just like she left it!

crazygroupiegirl 46 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

02-10-06, 12:59 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Messy beds"
I don't think they expected a new housemate within 30 min of Lisa leaving. I do agree that the sheets should have at least been thrown in the wash.

eire_heart74 1231 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-10-06, 01:11 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Messy beds"
>do agree that the sheets
>should have at least been
>thrown in the wash.

I'm with you there. Maybe they didn't know she was coming so soon but the least they could of done would be to strip it and leave it bare. That would of looked better than that nasty mess.

How hard would of it been to say, "Sorry we didn't expect you so soon."

Yeah how come the Lisa left didn't do it. My I am surprised by that.


Pricilla 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-10-06, 01:33 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Messy beds"
>You would think that before the new housemate arrived, someone would make her bed for her. Isnt that common courtesy?> I mean, are those OldLisa's nasty slept in sheets all in a heap in there? She should have changed the sheets and made the bed before she left. Big suprise that she didnt.
>But I'm suprised NuLisa didnt do
>it either.

I couldn't believe it either. My God, how would you feel walking into a room and seeing the dirty bedding. Great Wellcome. When I get a Hotel room I leave it the way it was when I checked in (bed made, clean room). I couldn't, not ever, see why Lisa was so disrespectful of the new housemate taking over her icky mess.


shawnar 366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

02-10-06, 03:50 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Messy beds"
That is typical of Lisa. How nasty! She was told she was leaving yesterday she should of cleaned up.She would of time this morning.

Zoey 326 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

02-10-06, 04:07 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Messy beds"
I thought it was gross and unwelcoming, no matter who's responsibility it was.

GuyStartingOver 79 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

02-10-06, 04:33 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Messy beds"
WELL...... Kelly did arrive only a 1/2 hour after TwitLisa walked out. Enough time, yes, but I don't think they realized how soon Kelly would show up.

beckettrep 814 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-10-06, 09:23 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Messy beds"
>WELL...... Kelly did arrive only a
>1/2 hour after TwitLisa walked
>out. Enough time, yes,
>but I don't think they
>realized how soon Kelly would
>show up.

Guy, I don't think it would matter if they (Lisatwit and Kelly) bumped into each other in the doorway-the timing of Kelly's arrival really shouldn't matter either way. Lisatwit should have made a plan to get up earlier in order to give herself time to (at the very least) strip down the bed and get the bedding into the wash machine. That would be the very least I would expect - actually I would have expected her to get up early enough to do a short load (wash) get the bedding clean and put back onto the bed and have it all made up before leaving. Maybe I'm expecting too much from anyone much less Lisatwit but right or wrong those would have been my expectations.


mysticwolf 10692 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-10-06, 10:08 PM (EST)
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12. "Suggestion: Pricilla"
I, too try to make my hotel rooms at least somewhat presentable before I check out. But, speaking as a frequent flyer, Please don't make your hotel room bed up before you check out.

As a frequent traveler, I've checked in to way too many hotel rooms, gotten ready for bed, and found that the sheets hadn't been changed. Ewwwww.

If housekeeping sees the made bed, they assume it wasn't used and save themselves some time.

Pretty please? I like you peeps, but I don't want to sleep on your used sheets.

A Syren Spring


Ijustsharted 518 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-10-06, 11:08 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Suggestion: Pricilla"

>As a frequent traveler, I've checked
>in to way too many
>hotel rooms, gotten ready for
>bed, and found that the
>sheets hadn't been changed. Ewwwww.
>If housekeeping sees the made bed,
>they assume it wasn't used
>and save themselves some time.

Thudd>>> falls down >>>>*faints*


Pricilla 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-12-06, 09:27 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Suggestion: Pricilla"
>I, too try to make my
>hotel rooms at least somewhat
>presentable before I check out.
>But, speaking as a frequent
>flyer, Please don't make your
>hotel room bed up before
>you check out.
>As a frequent traveler, I've checked
>in to way too many
>hotel rooms, gotten ready for
>bed, and found that the
>sheets hadn't been changed. Ewwwww.
>If housekeeping sees the made bed,
>they assume it wasn't used
>and save themselves some time.

>Thank you for that tip, I hadn't thought about that possibility. I always thought that after someone checks
out of a room, the staff is supposed to clean the whole
room, from top to bottom. Oh well, I know better now. Thanks
again. On the other side, what if housekeeping just makes the
bed and doesn't change the bedding. How can you ever know? LOL

I think from now on I will make sure I ask when I check in and then if I find that isn't the case, well I can assure you the hotel won't be too happy. LOL Or maybe we should just ask that housekeeping come on into the room with me and makeup my bed? LOL
>Pretty please? I like you
>peeps, but I don't want
>to sleep on your used

>A Syren Spring


mysticwolf 10692 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-13-06, 01:27 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: Suggestion: Pricilla"
LAST EDITED ON 02-13-06 AT 01:33 AM (EST)

Oh, they're supposed to, and, of course they'll tell you that they do. Because those are the rules and they assume that their staff is following them. But, put yourself in the position of the housekeeping staff. They work long hours, they get paid minimum wage (or not much more), they have to get x amount of work done in x amount of time.

If you walk into a room that looks like the only thing used was the shower, wouldn't you just assume that, for some reason, they chose not to sleep in their room, clean the bathroom, thank your lucky stars for the break, and leave?

If you don't get caught, what a break for you. And, if you're traveling in some foreign countries where the hygene standards - often for very legitimate reasons - aren't quite at the same level as ours...

Why do you think so many companies specializing in travel supplies (Travelsmith, Tilley, etc.) carry lightweight silk sleep sacs for travelers to take along?

ETA: The better run & pricier places probably do a sheet count to make sure the staff is playing by the rules. So many beds=so many sheets in the laundry. But, the budget places? Doubt it. Probably spot checks only, if at all.

A Syren Spring


Bleye600 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

02-13-06, 00:43 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Suggestion: Pricilla"
Wow, thanks for telling us your suggestion. I have always made the bed before leaving my motel room even though my husband says they strip the beds anyway. I just didn't want to appear that I was a messy person. I figured that the motel staff would strip the bed whether the bed was made or not, just because they knew that the room was rented out. Thanks again

SOfan0221 828 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-13-06, 07:38 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: Suggestion: Pricilla"
Normally when I traveled I would be at the same place for the whole workweek. Not many times was my bed changed during the week. On the day I checked out I would put the bedspread on a chair and pull out all the bedsheets and put them on a pile on the floor. Then I knew the next person would get clean linens.

As for the SO house, it seemed in the past that the other HG's who remained after someone left would all get together and make up the bed for the new person. But as mentioned, Kelly came so soon after Lisa left that perhaps they were not expecting it. And we all know Lisa isn't going to make the bed, she didn't make it when she lived there so I would be shocked if she did anything to make her replacement feel special.

The speed with which Kelly arrived, right after Lisa departed, makes me wonder if Lisa maybe was expected to leave the night before and she couldn't get her act together fast enough to go after the board of review? Anyone know for sure?


OklaBlue 1244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-13-06, 08:20 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: Suggestion: Pricilla"
There is NO acceptable excuse for the bed, especially since Lisa 1 was sleeping nude.

Rhonda told Lisa 1 she would be leaving in the morning. Guess Rhonda forgot to wake her up. Lisa's a pig, that's all.


Ijustsharted 518 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-10-06, 06:09 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Messy beds"
I've seen it happen before. Thats sad. But the new housemate arrived only 30 minutes after Lisa left so maybe there wasnt time for NuLisa to do it. Besides I think Lisa1 should have at least taken them off of the bed. Infact if I were Kelly I would have them burned.....yuck!


lovemydogdude 1253 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

02-10-06, 09:42 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Messy beds"
LOL Blue and Ijustsharted!


SOWayz 179 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-11-06, 00:43 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Messy beds"
Of course any ADULT woman would have cleaned up after herself, but Lisa is not an adult, remember? She always hustled someone to make the bed for her. Her clothes and her body always looked filthy too. It seems very strange to me that these women live like pigs, I wonder if it is indicative of their messed-up lives in general.

beckettrep 814 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-11-06, 10:42 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Messy beds"
That's my view as well. I hope Rhonda took note of the fact that Lisatwit did NOT do what an adult would do - it was typical Lazy Lisatwit's style to leave her mess behind for someone else to clean up. Nulisa should not have had to be faced with the whole bed issue just because she shares a room. If Lisatwit had really evolved even a smidgeon toward becoming an adult woman she would have gotten up earlier, washed the bedding and replaced it. Any of the housemates could then have told Kelly that everything on the bed was freshly washed and ready.

horsewhisperer 95 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

02-11-06, 11:57 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: Messy beds"
I even felt humiliated when Kelly walked in to find a pile of dirty sheets on the bed.
I don't remember who showed her into the room, but she could of at least said, "oh Lisa just left, let me get these dirty sheets out of here for you". just never ends.

OklaBlue 1244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-11-06, 12:13 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Messy beds"
Yes it was Lisa 1's responsibility, or at least it would have been polite of her to wash her bedding. But, she probably only just got out of it five minutes before leaving. No matter, she could have stuck it in the washer and started it at least. How rude!

The other five girls also knew there was a newbie about to arrive. They also could have stripped the bed.


jeana28 179 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-11-06, 12:42 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Messy beds"
Well remember she always had Allison make her bed, so maybe Lisa didnt know how to make a bed?
i noticed when Rhonda had to wake Lisa up, how filthy her side of the room was.. she had papers and stuff everywhere. I guess she thought the maid had a day off lol. i hope that she atleast picked that stuff before she left. if she didnt wash the sheets why didnt someone else, instead of sitting in the kitchen run upstair strip the bed and throw it in the washer so atleast Kelly had clean sheets? i noticed last season every time someone left or graduated their bed was immediatley stripped and was ready for the next guest with fresh sheets and pillow case.. now its lik ohh yeh we didnt have to time to throw your sheets in.. you can go ahead and do that..i know my parents would be mortified if they saw me do that on national TV.

JustBNMe 526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-11-06, 01:10 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Messy beds"
I don't ever remember seeing a departing HG leave their bed a mess like Lisa did. Most at least take the sheets off even if they do it to let the bed air out (which I am sure Lisa's smelled) and a current HG (not the newbie) puts sheets on for the incoming HG. Lisa is just a slob who refuses to clean up after herself-never has and never will. I too hope Rhonda was made aware of just how much Lisa hasn't changed or grown up.

watches too much 32 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

02-11-06, 03:06 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Messy beds"
Lisa1 could pulled the sheets off of the bed and thrown them in the washer, or at very least the hamper. It does not take that long. But then again we are talking about Lisa(aka Peter Pan) and maybe operating a washer is just too much like work.

jeana28 179 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-13-06, 02:50 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: Messy beds"
>Lisa1 could pulled the sheets off
>of the bed and thrown
>them in the washer, or
>at very least the hamper.
>It does not take that
>long. But then again
>we are talking about Lisa(aka
>Peter Pan) and maybe operating
>a washer is just too
> much like work.

Yeh she would get confused on how to actually operate a washing machine. she would stand there and wait till someone else comes and throws something in the washer then she would throw her sheets in the washer ( believe me i have seen this happen in school..people dont have the money, so they open up a washing machine, throw their clothes in with someone else and take off..) Of course Lisa1 knowing shes leaving, just leaves it for someone to dry...


notrump 26 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

02-11-06, 05:11 PM (EST)
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22. "Giving Lisa a Break"
Gotta love those camera men....they don't miss anything. In playing the devil's advocate here, it's possible Lisa2 told Lisa 1 that she would take care of the bed for her since Lisa had so much to do in such a short notice (that she had 24 hrs to leave.) That's plausible considering Lisa 2's nature. But then because the new house guest came within 30 minutes of Lisa's departure, not only the bed didn't get done, but the whole house didn't get the usual deep cleaning. Thus Lisa 1 left thinking she had "her house in order".

beckettrep 814 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

02-13-06, 06:46 AM (EST)
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31. "RE: Giving Lisa a Break"
>Gotta love those camera men....they don't
>miss anything. In playing
>the devil's advocate here, it's
>possible Lisa2 told Lisa 1
>that she would take care
>of the bed for her
>since Lisa had so much
>to do in such a
>short notice (that she had
>24 hrs to leave.) That's
>plausible considering Lisa 2's nature.
>But then because the new
>house guest came within 30
>minutes of Lisa's departure, not
>only the bed didn't get
>done, but the whole house
>didn't get the usual deep
>cleaning. Thus Lisa 1 left
>thinking she had "her house
>in order".

Anything is possible of course but I don't see 24 hrs. notice being so short a time frame that Lisatwit couldn't have planned to get up an hour earlier to do the whole bed thing right before leaving. IF Lisa2 did say she'd take care of it then I think she should have tended to it right away, but that's only IF she said she would and we just don't know that so I can't hold anyone accountable except for Lisatwit simply because it was her bed and it really was her own responsibility. I don't think anyone would need more than 24 hrs. to plan on packing, bedding down, getting up early, do the bed thing and then get the he!! out........ again, I can only hope Rhonda takes serious notice of this as it is just that much more proof that, contrary to Rhonda's own beliefs, Lisatwit has NOT changed, not one teeny tiny bit.


Puddn 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

02-11-06, 04:11 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Messy beds"
I totally thought the same thing when I was watching yesterday, come on, can't we just be a little bit trying to here. How rude.

SOWayz 179 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-12-06, 11:56 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Messy beds"
Of course! It just occurred to me. When Lisa said that she didn't want to go back to her apartment, now we know why! It's a dump too! This skanky woman lives in filth.

TeacupMom 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-12-06, 09:09 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Messy beds"
LAST EDITED ON 02-13-06 AT 09:41 PM (EST)

I repeated myself below. Sry!


SeasonedRefinement 1248 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

02-12-06, 09:46 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: Messy beds"
Lisa hated the idea of another woman entering the house and erasing all memory of her (Thank you, Kelly!). She probably vomited (or in her case, dribbled) all over the sheets before she left. Nasty, nasty, nasty Lisa.



SOWayz 179 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-13-06, 00:32 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Messy beds"
You're right, Seasoned, she didn't want anyone taking her place. It reminds me of the queen in Snow White, evil, jealous, humped back, and warty. Lisa didn't get the star send off that she wanted. She simply had to pile her junk into paper bags and leave. It didn't fit her pseudo glamorous persona.

Kattrikk 565 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

02-13-06, 05:43 AM (EST)
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30. "RE: Messy beds"
>probably vomited (or in her
>case, dribbled) all over the
>sheets before she left. Nasty,
>nasty, nasty Lisa.

I am sure she left every 'mark' imaginable on those sheets. Just thinking about her bony body sleeping naked in those sheets makes me feel gross. She really should have at least stripped the bed. Getting up early and washing them, drying them, and making up the bed before she left would have never occured to Lisa. She has no class. But, what on earth makes her think that someone else wants to strip her dirty sheets off the bed? She really does have a child-like mentality.

I was embarrassed for the other women when Kelly walked in and saw that. If I lived in that house, that bed would have been clean and fresh. I like Lisa2, but please. HER bed wasn't made either, and the condition of their bathroom left much to be desired. It had crap laying around. What is wrong with these grown women???

One other thing- I think they did know Kelly was arriving soon because Lisa2 and Kim were in the bathroom and Lisa2 said something about her arriving at 1:15, then Kim said "Oh, then I guess Iyanla will be in group today" so I think we're just talking about pure laziness. Maybe Lisa2 isn't the neatest person, either. She didn't seem to mind having Kelly see the beds messy.


TeacupMom 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-13-06, 09:24 AM (EST)
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34. "RE: Messy beds"
I couldn't believe the unmade bed either! If she'd been my room mate I would have been embarrassed to give that kind of a welcome. What was with the vacuuming? As a new housemate I'd have much rather someone at least get the scuzzy sheets off the bed and leave some clean ones then to be vac. and whatever else they did! Gee! lol


SOFANinGA 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-13-06, 10:18 AM (EST)
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35. "RE: Messy beds"
LOL! I noticed the bedding too...... Hey Teacup Mom, how about embarrassed the Lisatwit & make her do that fake cry just ONE more TIME before she left!
How is Lisatwit going to graduate?

redsoxfan 149 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-15-06, 06:59 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: Messy beds"
>You would think that before the new housemate arrived, someone would make her bed for her. Isnt that common courtesy?> I mean, are those OldLisa's nasty slept in sheets all in a heap in there? She should have changed the sheets and made the bed before she left. Big suprise that she didnt.

Lisa N was obviously too sorry and lazy to change her sheets for Kelly. She could've washed and dried the sheets while she packed. And, made the bed. This would've taken no more than an hour. But, Lisa's so nasty, it wouldn't surprise me if she never changed her sheets the whole time she was in the SOH!



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