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Reality TV World Message Board Forums
PLEASE NOTE: The Reality TV World Message Boards are filled with desperate attention-seekers pretending to be one big happy PG/PG13-rated family. Don't be fooled. Trying to get everyone to agree with you is like herding cats, but intolerance for other viewpoints is NOT welcome and respect for other posters IS required at all times. Jump in and play, and you'll soon find out how easy it is to fit in, but save your drama for your mama. All members are encouraged to read the complete guidelines. As entertainment critic Roger Ebert once said, "If you disagree with something I write, tell me so, argue with me, correct me--but don't tell me to shut up. That's not the American way."
"Clarification about these forums"
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Conferences Starting Over General Discussion Forum (Protected)
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Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-17-05, 02:25 PM (EST)
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"Clarification about these forums"
OK, now that we've found out that the SO website is directing folks to this forum (it was news to us, folks), let me offer some explanation on a few things:

1. We are not officially affiliated with the program, so if you have complaints about the show or the loss of the previous forums, posting them here isn't going to do any good.

2. We have community guidelines - please click on the link at the top of the page and take a moment to read them. This will give you an idea how we do things here. And if you think someone else violated the guidelines, then hit the alert button at the bottom of the post so that moderators can address the problem.

3. As a threaded commnuity, we discourage duplicate posts on the same topic. That's why there are so many locked threads on the first page of this forum right now - we don't need 20 threads discussing these message forums being different from what you're used to. Please reply to existing topics where possible instead of starting new threads, so that posters can easily access discussions of multiple topics without having to wade through repetitive information.

4. Yes, posters are referred to as "desperate attention whores". It's a joke, in the spirit of a lot of light-hearted jabs at reality show that take place throughout our forums. If you're insulted, then the only way to make sure the term doesn't show up beside your screen name is not to post. And please don't start yet another thread complaining about it - it's part of who we are, and it's not changing.

5. Please don't insult us for not being what you're used to. We're different, true. And if we're not what you're looking for, you're welcome to look elsewhere. But staying here and insulting us is unacceptable. Your two choices are to stop doing it, or we will terminate your account and stop you. We're not the producers of the show, and we really have nothing to do with the show, so don't take your anger and frustrations out on us.

6. On the topic of insulting...want to know the quickest way to get banned around here? Insult other posters. We do not permit that at all. (Some claim it's one of our few redeeming qualities.) Bash and criticize contestants to your heart's content around here, but leave your other posters alone. And moderators are posters too, so bashing us, or critcizing us for locking a post or warning someone on a post is not permitted either.

7. Like I said, bashing contestants and bashing the show are fair game here. Do not criticize a poster who posts such a bash, and don't criticize us for permitting it.

Sorry this is long, but it seems like a lot of the same issues are coming up over and over, so here's a one-stop spot for some information.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 I went looking for other SO message... Snidget 09-17-05 1
 RE: Clarification about these forum... veruca salt 09-17-05 2
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Loohoo43 09-17-05 3
   RE: Clarification about these forum... JustBeReal 09-28-05 73
   RE: Clarification about these forum... OklaBlue 12-31-05 130
 RE: Clarification about these forum... startingoverfan 09-17-05 4
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Sahara 09-17-05 5
       RE: Clarification about these forum... Mac 09-18-05 6
           RE: Clarification about these forum... Moondreamer 09-19-05 23
           RE: Clarification about these forum... BeenThere 12-16-05 115
       RE: Clarification about these forum... justme2 09-20-05 42
   Link AyaK 09-20-05 43
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Lesia 09-18-05 7
   RE: Clarification about these forum... SherpaDave 09-18-05 8
       RE: Clarification about these forum... AshLanie 09-21-05 47
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Sojo 09-18-05 9
       RE: Clarification about these forum... CheekyGal 09-18-05 11
           RE: Clarification about these forum... Brokenclay 09-18-05 13
               RE: Clarification about these forum... justme2 09-20-05 44
           RE: Clarification about these forum... Linche 09-19-05 27
       RE: Clarification about these forum... BeenThere 12-16-05 116
           RE: Clarification about these forum... sillybear 02-09-06 142
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Linche 09-19-05 25
       RE: Clarification about these forum... Sahara 09-19-05 31
   RE: Clarification about these forum... angelangell 10-11-05 90
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Labyrinth 09-18-05 12
   RE: Clarification about these forum... tvholic 09-18-05 14
   RE: Clarification about these forum... schumacher 09-18-05 16
       RE: Clarification about these forum... Labyrinth 09-18-05 17
           RE: Clarification about these forum... schumacher 09-19-05 18
               RE: Clarification about these forum... Labyrinth 09-19-05 20
                   RE: Clarification about these forum... schumacher 09-19-05 29
       RE: Clarification about these forum... Pinkster 09-19-05 28
           RE: Clarification about these forum... JustBeReal 10-11-05 89
 RE: Clarification about these forum... GnarlyId 09-18-05 15
   RE: Clarification about these forum... fate 09-19-05 19
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Snidget 09-19-05 21
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Bebo 09-19-05 22
   Bump SurvivorBlows 09-19-05 24
       RE: Bump Judas 09-19-05 26
   RE: Clarification about these forum... AshLanie 09-20-05 39
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Boots12565 09-19-05 30
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Sahara 09-19-05 32
       RE: Clarification about these forum... Boots12565 09-21-05 49
           RE: Clarification about these forum... Boots12565 09-22-05 50
 RE: Clarification about these forum... angelcat 09-19-05 33
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Sahara 09-19-05 34
       RE: Clarification about these forum... angelcat 09-19-05 35
           RE: Clarification about these forum... Sahara 09-19-05 36
   RE: Clarification about these forum... alyse73 10-22-05 96
 RE: Clarification about these forum... RollDdice 09-20-05 38
   Clarification AyaK 09-20-05 40
       RE: Clarification Judas 09-20-05 45
   RE: Clarification about these forum... megpie 09-20-05 41
 Bump SherpaDave 09-21-05 46
   RE: Bump BeenThere 12-16-05 117
       RE: Bump Cygnus X1 12-20-05 121
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Sahara 09-22-05 51
 RE: Clarification about these forum... libbyonthelabel 09-22-05 52
   RE: Clarification about these forum... dearone 09-22-05 53
       RE: Clarification about these forum... Sahara 09-22-05 54
           RE: Clarification about these forum... dearone 09-23-05 56
 RE: Clarification about these forum... redlox 09-23-05 55
   Then... AyaK 09-23-05 57
       Additional comment AyaK 09-23-05 60
 RE: Clarification about these forum... adders 09-23-05 58
   Reply AyaK 09-23-05 59
       RE: Reply tvholic 09-25-05 63
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Snidget 09-24-05 61
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Snidget 09-24-05 62
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Bebo 09-27-05 64
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Sahara 09-27-05 65
 RE: Clarification about these forum... hitechgirl 09-27-05 66
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Snidget 09-27-05 67
       RE: Clarification about these forum... hitechgirl 09-27-05 68
           RE: Clarification about these forum... Snidget 09-27-05 69
           Time to change Bebo 09-27-05 70
               RE: Time to change Loohoo43 01-08-06 132
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Nej922 09-27-05 71
   RE: Clarification about these forum... sh33na 09-28-05 72
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Snidget 09-28-05 74
       BMP AyaK 09-28-05 75
           RE: BMP dearone 09-29-05 77
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Bebo 09-29-05 76
   RE: Clarification about these forum... GodsWill 10-04-05 80
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Snidget 10-03-05 78
   RE: Clarification about these forum... kpw1956 10-03-05 79
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Truco 10-05-05 81
   Not true AyaK 10-07-05 84
 RE: Clarification about these forum... mrc 10-06-05 83
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Bebo 10-10-05 85
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Cygnus X1 10-10-05 86
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Cygnus X1 10-14-05 91
       RE: Clarification about these forum... Cygnus X1 10-15-05 92
 Bump mrc 10-11-05 87
 bump Snidget 10-21-05 94
 Bumpidity Bump universityofkentuckyrocks 10-22-05 95
   RE: Bumpidity Bump mysticwolf 10-23-05 97
   RE: Bumpidity Bump BeenThere 12-16-05 118
       RE: Bumpidity Bump volsfan 12-20-05 123
 Another Bumpidity Bump universityofkentuckyrocks 10-24-05 98
   Do the bump-de-bump. Cygnus X1 10-25-05 99
 bump Snidget 10-26-05 100
 Bumpididty da Bump universityofkentuckyrocks 10-30-05 101
 Looks like it needs another.... Cygnus X1 11-01-05 102
 What goes "BUMP"? wandacal 11-03-05 103
   RE: What goes "BUMP"? dabo 11-04-05 104
 A few more things Bebo 11-05-05 105
 Bumpidity da Bump universityofkentuckyrocks 11-07-05 106
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Bebo 11-11-05 108
 Da Bunp de Bumpidity Bump universityofkentuckyrocks 11-12-05 109
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Mrsrcjesg 11-12-05 110
   RE: Clarification about these forum... dabo 11-12-05 111
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Bebo 11-15-05 112
 Bump universityofkentuckyrocks 11-16-05 113
 RE: Clarification about these forum... BeenThere 12-16-05 114
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Denalio 12-17-05 120
 Bump mysticwolf 12-17-05 119
 RE: Clarification about these forum... Labyrinth 12-20-05 122
 da-bump Snidget 12-21-05 124
   RE: da-bump Snidget 12-25-05 125
       RE: da-bump Twinkles 12-25-05 126
           RE: da-bump Snidget 12-29-05 127
 RE: Clarification about these forum... kittykisses 12-30-05 128
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Sues 12-30-05 129
   RE: Clarification about these forum... Snidget 12-31-05 131
 Overdue for a... Cygnus X1 01-11-06 133
 Another very-much-needed Cygnus X1 01-13-06 134
 Bump universityofkentuckyrocks 01-28-06 135
   RE: Bump Cygnus X1 01-31-06 136
       RE: Bump Snidget 02-04-06 138
 RE: Clarification about these forum... mysticwolf 02-02-06 137
 bump Snidget 02-05-06 139
   RE: bump Snidget 02-09-06 141
 bump Cygnus X1 02-07-06 140

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Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-17-05, 02:40 PM (EST)
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1. "I went looking for other SO message boards" looks like maybe it would suit some of the people being sent here.

There is news about the show on the front page and stuff like that is just about SO and not reality TV in general.

A Syren Creation


veruca salt 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-17-05, 03:20 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Bebo, I would complain to Starting over that they are directing us people from the original show's mb over here to the desperate attention "ho" down.

Loohoo43 41 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-17-05, 07:07 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I would too Loo

JustBeReal 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-28-05, 00:30 AM (EST)
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73. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>Bebo, I would complain to Starting
>over that they are directing
>us people from the original
>show's mb over here to
>the desperate attention "ho" down.

Uh, they probably already know that - out of all the reality sites out there, they chose this one. I think they probably have the last laugh on this one.


OklaBlue 1244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-31-05, 11:18 AM (EST)
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130. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
SO is the number one daytime soap program. This website is the number one message forum. Of course they want more viewers, more for their ratings. They didn't pick this forum by tell a friend...they tell a friend...etc., more viewers for SO, more controversy.

The more you complain to SO about this link website, the more they know they picked the right one!

Don't imagine that they didn't know what they were doing when they put this link on their website.


startingoverfan 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-17-05, 07:17 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
so bebo if you are so smart, why don't you tell us how we can contact the people from starting over to complain

Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-17-05, 07:20 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

Mac 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-18-05, 00:37 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Why don't you all just don't watch their show that will get their attention.

Moondreamer 18 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 01:59 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Clarification about these forums">

You have to let the sponsors know you are not watching the show and why. If they get enough complaints they will pull their advertising.


BeenThere 69 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-16-05, 07:14 AM (EST)
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115. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
My reason is that I'm invested in seeing woman who need help GET help.

justme2 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-20-05, 02:40 PM (EST)
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42. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Thanks for the link -- I just sent them a very polite note asking for our boards back, and pointing out that it's going to be harder for people to keep track of the show having to visit two sites so many people may not even bother going to the main Starting Over site. Maybe that'll get their attention...

AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-05, 02:46 PM (EST)
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43. "Link"
why don't you tell us how we can contact the people from starting over to complain

Someone drafted a complaint letter here, along with e-mail addresses for where to send it. I locked it as a duplicate, because it should have been posted in this thread, not in a new one.

However, if you would like to influence BMP to get the original boards reopened, that would be a good basis for a first draft.


Lesia 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-18-05, 00:40 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
*WE* didn't ask to be sent here! *WE* want our old board back. You can stay here if you wish but many of us are going to complain as loud and long as it takes to get our old board back!

And YES we are upset about being called whores! SO is supposed to be about empowering women and calling them whores demoralizes them. DUH!

If you don't like our attitude don't read our posts but DO NOT tell us we do not have the right to complain.


SherpaDave 8326 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-18-05, 00:49 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
You can certainly complain loud and long, but if you do it here, you're missing the point. And the point is this: WE HAVE NO POWER TO GIVE YOU YOUR OLD BOARDS BACK. In other words, complaining long and loud here won't do even a teensy-weensy bit of good in getting your old boards restored. We have no ability to restore them. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. And if you DO complain long and loud HERE, where it's utterly clear it would do no good whatsoever, then shouldn't we conclude that you're just desperate for attention and that the posting names are rather apt? Just sayin'.

See Dave write. See Dave edit. See Dave blog.


AshLanie 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-21-05, 06:32 AM (EST)
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47. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>You can certainly complain loud and
>long, but if you do
>it here, you're missing the
>point. And the point is
>BOARDS BACK. In other words,
>complaining long and loud here
>won't do even a teensy-weensy
>bit of good in getting
>your old boards restored. We
>have no ability to restore
>them. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.
>And if you DO complain
>long and loud HERE, where
>it's utterly clear it would
>do no good whatsoever, then
>shouldn't we conclude that you're
>just desperate for attention and
>that the posting names are
>rather apt? Just sayin'.
>See Dave write. See Dave edit.
>See Dave blog.

Chuckling......I do love your style.....straight to the point...

I just typed a long reply under another post regarding the word whore....course i got a little off track, always do.....

You see i was/am a member of the other board now for almost two years and have learned the writing styles of many.

Many here complaining have been banned on the other site/s (yes multiple sites) only to come back under a diffent nic. Banned for the exact same thing they are doing here-complaing and bashing the site, its owners, and its members.

Sad eh?


Sojo 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-18-05, 00:59 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>*WE* didn't ask to be sent
>here! *WE* want our
>old board back. You
>can stay here if you
>wish but many of us
>are going to complain as
>loud and long as it
>takes to get our old
>board back!
>And YES we are upset about
>being called whores! SO
>is supposed to be about
>empowering women and calling them
>whores demoralizes them. DUH!
>If you don't like our attitude
>don't read our posts but
>DO NOT tell us we
>do not have the right
>to complain.
I may be wrong here, but I don't think this message board forced anyone to click the button and come here, nor did anyone force others to register and log in.JMO


CheekyGal 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-18-05, 01:55 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-18-05 AT 05:31 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-18-05 AT 02:23 PM (EST)

The term "media whores" has been out there longer perhaps than the life of Starting Over itself! Which in my estimation may see its last season this year. It is no longer the program I came to know and love and is now a bastardization of its former self.

I wrote many a letter last year to those who should have been in charge, but alas, to no avail. Pubbies ruled, or so it appeared, or had most influence with Jason and those in charge. And they could do no wrong! Will I miss not having the SO boards? Somewhat! But I sure will not miss the ugliness that would rear up way too often.

So what is really wrong with the term "attention whores"? It is not sexist, refers to no particular gender, and is certainly in reference to EVERYONE, male and female alike who find themselves seeking attention, perhaps beyond the norm, especially in the written word of a message board. Thou doth protest too much!

As for myself, personally I have no interest in a "couples" starting over as I am no longer a "couple" because of death of a spouse and long past the stage of wanting to be. I have no desire to constantly be picking up, cooking and cleaning for someone else and prefer to let them wash their own poopie tightie whities, or whatever it is they wear! lol

I would also advise those seeking other boards to be very careful of joining a certain message board as, if you have a bent that is not in sync with pubbies, one in particular will ban you. I will freely give the name of the board in a PM if you so wish. That is if this board has pm'ing capabilities. Having just arrived a short time ago I have not investigated this board. I was banned last year from "it" and they saw to it I was banned this year from SO board simply because I vociferously disagreed with their stance and let it be known in no uncertain terms. They hated to have their "guilt" shoved in their face! Death of the innocents shall haunt them for the rest of their lives. Poor judgement, lying/spin, and manipulation of facts are not a favorable attribute!

Have I said too much once again? Oh dear, banned again? lol



Brokenclay 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-18-05, 08:47 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-18-05 AT 09:13 PM (EST)

Cheeky, Labyrinth, I love both of you ! You have a way of telling it like it is! End of sentance ! That's all she wrote. There is no more.

If you want to fuss about our board being gone fuss to the right people. The people of this board have NOTHING to do with Starting Over. They can not help us get our board back. They should be thanked for putting us with our missguided rants !

I don't like being called a media whore either but... I wasn't here to make up the levels. If you remember we had a few of our own names on our list names. I didn't like being a Newbie either. I always wanted to be a Queen Bee but every tine I got close they would close the board or loose my registration.

People of this board... Thanks again for putting up with us.


justme2 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-20-05, 03:06 PM (EST)
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44. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>LAST EDITED ON 09-18-05
>AT 09:13 PM (EST)

>Cheeky, Labyrinth, I love both of
>you ! You have a
>way of telling it
>like it is! End of
>sentance ! That's all she
>wrote. There is no more.
>If you want to fuss about
>our board being gone fuss
>to the right people. The
>people of this board have
>NOTHING to do with Starting
>Over. They can not help
>us get our board back.
>They should be thanked for
>putting us with our missguided
>rants !
> I don't like being called
>a media whore either but...
>I wasn't here to make
>up the levels. If you
>remember we had a few
>of our own names on
>our list names. I didn't
>like being a Newbie either.
>I always wanted to be
>a Queen Bee but every
>tine I got close they
>would close the board or
>loose my registration.
>People of this board... Thanks again
>for putting up with us.

Brokenclay, I hearby christen you "Queen Bee of the SO Board Refugees".

Anyone want to argue??? ;)


Linche 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 03:18 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
In my opinion, you've been banned from several boards (and sometimes the same board under several different names) because of hateful, personal attacks. (If I'd been banned five or six times, personally, I'd start to wonder if it were ME and not keep claiming every message board is run by Republicans, which is so not the case.)

Perhaps if you stop "going after" certain people and calling them "baby killers" and liars, and just discuss topics, all these boards would stop banning you.

The board you're referring to banned you because, after multiple requests from mods for you to stop posting extremely long articles, you just kept doing it. You also refused several attempts by a poster to "make up" and continued to slam her - which was clearly against the board rules.

You "could" make a fresh start here but from the looks of things, you have no intention of doing so.

Just a suggestion: Let it ALL go.


BeenThere 69 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-16-05, 07:17 AM (EST)
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116. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I'm not upset about being called a 'desperate whore'. I think it's clever and endearing.

sillybear 84 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

02-09-06, 03:00 PM (EST)
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142. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I agree with you.I do not take these boards that seriosly.Life is too short.

Linche 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 03:04 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I won't be expressing anger and/or indignation at anyone here for the simple reason that they had absolutely nothing to do with SO or whether our board is up or not.

They were here minding their own business and here we all come. It's them who should have an attitude, not us.

No, we didn't "ask" to be sent here but we sure weren't "forced" to come here either - or even invited.

The people here have NOTHING to do with what SO does and certainly don't deserve to get slammed or have new people coming in here and taking their anger out on them.


Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-19-05, 08:28 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Thank you! I was ready to leave the board for good because I cannot handle stress at all. Maybe now it will calm down.

angelangell 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-11-05, 07:00 PM (EST)
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90. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I agree Lesia...thank you. I also send a complaint letter yesterday on the feedback of SO re the whore labels....amazing..honestly

Labyrinth 1248 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-18-05, 07:45 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Thanks Bebo for all your hard work. I managed a message board forum for four years and received little thanks while weeding out the scammers and insulters. Just want to send you an 'attaboy' for pitching in here and doing your best.

It's not your fault or Reality TV that Starting Over and B-M has decided to do something unethical (actually it can be against the law to provide a link to another site w/o the site's permission - Reality TV may want to look into that Internet Law).

Obviously SO is just a bunch of cheapskates as their new "webdesign" amounts to nothing but all the old information (still no bios on the MIA SO housemates such as Vanessa etc...). As a webmaster (over 12 years!) I find their new "look" lame... and linking to an unaffiliated board as if this was their "official" board is really unethical!

I wonder if they were not going to have an official board why not show links to several SO message boards? Weird....

Good luck to you Bebo and thanks for being a sane voice in the message board wilderness.


tvholic 210 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-18-05, 09:47 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-05 AT 08:11 PM (EST)

I totally feel comfortable here on these boards. SO had the link at the end of the season to here and I have had a wonderful experience not just with SO but other shows. Personally, I will probably stay here since the format allows for freedom of expression without attacking anyone on the boards. This is not necessarily so on other boards I have come across. Bebo, you and the other guardians of the board ensure this and that's whay I like about this site.

Keep up the great thankless job Bebo etal. I can't wait for the new season to start tomorrow!

edited for spelling


schumacher 28 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-18-05, 10:36 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
16. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>Thanks Bebo for all your hard
>work. I managed a message
>board forum for four years
>and received little thanks while
>weeding out the scammers and
>insulters. Just want to send
>you an 'attaboy' for pitching
>in here and doing your
>It's not your fault or Reality
>TV that Starting Over and
>B-M has decided to do
>something unethical (actually it can
>be against the law to
>provide a link to another
>site w/o the site's permission
>- Reality TV may want
>to look into that Internet
>Obviously SO is just a bunch
>of cheapskates as their new
>"webdesign" amounts to nothing but
>all the old information (still
>no bios on the MIA
>SO housemates such as Vanessa
>etc...). As a webmaster (over
>12 years!) I find their
>new "look" lame... and linking
>to an unaffiliated board as
>if this was their "official"
>board is really unethical!
>I wonder if they were not
>going to have an official
>board why not show links
>to several SO message boards?
>Good luck to you Bebo and
>thanks for being a sane
>voice in the message board

What is "unethical" about linking to a website? It's standard practice. It's done all the time on thousands of websites and most website owners don't ask permission to link to a site. I have had two websites (only one now) and I've never asked anyone for permission to link to their website and none of the linked websites have said a word to me asking me to remove the link. People have never asked me permission to link to my site. Usually people are grateful for the link.

This website is the reality tv world site. How is that "unaffiliated" with Starting Over when SO is one of the many reality tv show? Looking on the far left column (dark blue) of this website, I see message boards on here for---what appears to be---ALL of the reality shows. To me it makes perfect sense that Bunim-Murray would link to this board and have this be the board for their reality tv show, SO. There's no need for an "official" message board anyway.


Labyrinth 1248 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-18-05, 10:54 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-18-05 AT 11:00 PM (EST)

You must not be aware of the changes in the Internet community - yes, there have actually been lawsuits about links - why? Because with excessive vistation to your website you have to pay more for bandwidth. There is also the question of copyright and ownership of online media (in this instance SO by the absence of a statement, implys a business connection, perhaps even ownership with RealityTV).

SO is produced by NBC; RealityTV is a separate organization that critiques SO and other RealityTV shows - but is not owned or operated by them -- see the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

Also, the SO site, in the manner that it has displayed the link does not state "SO not responsible for the content at externally linked sites." Instead, without explaining that they have no relation to RealityTV they are implying they do have a relation - which is obviously enough of a real problem that it is confusing to the newcomers to this board who traveled the hyperlink.

I would suggest you make yourself more aware of electronic copyright laws, especially if you plan on making a living by doing webdesign:

The Internet is not the free and easy place it was 15 years ago. Whether for good or bad.


schumacher 28 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-19-05, 00:18 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-19-05 AT 00:22 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-19-05 AT 00:19 AM (EST)

>SO is produced by NBC;

That is not correct. SO is produced by the team at Bunim-Murray Productions of Van Nuys, California which from my understanding sells the program to NBC Universal. NBC does not produce it. They only air it. That's why there are two logo signatures at the end of each show: the first signature of "Bunim/Murray Productions" followed by the "NBC Universal" signature.

>I would suggest you make yourself
>more aware of electronic copyright
>laws, especially if you plan
>on making a living by
>doing webdesign:

My living is not webdesign. Oh yes, I am aware of some lawsuits regarding links. Nevertheless, regardless of the electronic copyright laws, I don't think many (if not most) people are that uptight about them and they are not that strictly adhered to. They usually get upset if money is being made from the link. And most people want people to come to their site despite bandwidth usage costs, especially message boards. Some people will beg for money on their site in the name of increased bandwidth usage costs. But many people would like to have the most popular message board on the Internet for that genre. It was not at all confusing to me when I followed the link from the SO site to here. I didn't gather from any thing they said that they were/are connected to this site. To me it was a given that they would link to this site.


Labyrinth 1248 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-19-05, 08:19 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
20. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-19-05 AT 08:20 AM (EST)

On the Bottom of this page - The website rights are owned by the National Broadcasing Co. So the website content itself is definitely owned by NBC.

Perhaps you weren't confused, but law isn't written for one person who doesn't get it. It's obvious that there are MANY people confused about it. Have you READ what is postedon the SO website???

"Can you believe what happened on today’s show?

Do you have an opinion you would like to voice about what you saw?

Is there a message you need to share with your fellow Starting Over fans?

Speak out Starting Over fans. Be heard on the message board!

The Starting Over message boards are full of activity and are now available at:"

If that isn't an implication of ownership -- "Speak out Starting Over fans. Be heard on the message boards"?? I'm not sure what it is....



schumacher 28 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-19-05, 04:12 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
29. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>LAST EDITED ON 09-19-05
>AT 08:20 AM (EST)

>On the Bottom of this page
>- The website rights
>are owned by the National
>Broadcasing Co. So the website
>content itself is definitely owned
>by NBC.
>Perhaps you weren't confused, but law
>isn't written for one person
>who doesn't get it. It's
>obvious that there are MANY
>people confused about it. Have
>you READ what is postedon
>the SO website???
>"Can you believe what happened on
>today’s show?
>Do you have an opinion you
>would like to voice about
>what you saw?
>Is there a message you need
>to share with your fellow
>Starting Over fans?
>Speak out Starting Over fans. Be
>heard on the message board!
>The Starting Over message boards are
>full of activity and are
>now available at:"
>If that isn't an implication of
>ownership -- "Speak out Starting
>Over fans. Be heard on
>the message boards"?? I'm not
>sure what it is....

Oh yes, I'm well aware that the "official" SO website/message board was owned by NBC Universal because it said that at the bottom of the page. But as I said earlier, NBC is not the producer of the show. BMP are.

Yes, as I said earlier I read what they have on the page that links to this site. I didn't see it as any big deal whatsoever. It refers to SO boards (PLURAL - meaning there are many SO boards on the Internet and ONE of them is at and these boards (plural) are now available at, for example, That's how I interrupted it. This is also the board that the show has linked to ever since Season 2 ended first run back in May 2005.


Pinkster 159 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 03:20 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
28. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

>What is "unethical" about linking to
>a website? It's standard practice.

It might be standard practice, but it IS definately unprofessional and unethical. (I can't speak to the legalities)

There's a difference between an INDIVIDUAL who's just providing information -- and a profitable business using the services of someone else to support/promote their own business.

Essentially, Burnim/Murray has dropped having to PAY someone to run a BB for them and put it on the shoulders on BeBo et all without asking their permission. Essentially, expecting someone to help promote their show without compensating them.

If that's not unethical, I don't know what is.

I think it's irresponsible when people run a web site and aren't aware of this OBVIOUS ethical dilemma.

When people "link" to your web site, and YOU are paying for the amount of traffic it receives, it's a huge inconvenience. At the VERY least Burnim/Murray owed the owners of "" a heads up.

And the way they linked it, they made it look like it was a board run by the show.

Hence all the confusion here.

And about the "whore" thing? Lighten up for goodness sakes. IT'S a JOKE! Clearly, the producers of S.O were not offended by it, or they wouldn't have linked to here, would they have?

Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. -Maya Angelou


JustBeReal 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

10-11-05, 05:12 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
89. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>>What is "unethical" about linking to
>>a website? It's standard practice.
>It might be standard practice, but
>it IS definately unprofessional and
>unethical. (I can't speak
>to the legalities)

>There's a difference between an INDIVIDUAL
>who's just providing information --
>and a profitable business using
>the services of someone else
>to support/promote their own business.
>Essentially, Burnim/Murray has dropped having to
>PAY someone to run a
>BB for them and put
>it on the shoulders on
>BeBo et all without asking
>their permission. Essentially, expecting
>someone to help promote their
>show without compensating them.
>If that's not unethical, I don't
>know what is.
>I think it's irresponsible when people
>run a web site and
>aren't aware of this OBVIOUS
>ethical dilemma.
>When people "link" to your web
>site, and YOU are paying
>for the amount of traffic
>it receives, it's a huge
>inconvenience. At the VERY
>least Burnim/Murray owed the owners
>of "" a heads up.
>And the way they linked it,
>they made it look like
>it was a board run
>by the show.
>Hence all the confusion here.
>And about the "whore" thing?
>Lighten up for goodness sakes.
>IT'S a JOKE! Clearly, the
>producers of S.O were not
>offended by it, or they
>wouldn't have linked to here,
>would they have?

> Music was my refuge.
>I could crawl into the
>space between the notes and
>curl my back to loneliness.

>-Maya Angelou

Oh geez


GnarlyId 28 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-18-05, 10:26 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
15. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

Thank you for clearing things up for those of us that were not aware of SO's lack of communication in informing you they were linking directly to your site. Sadly, that isn't surprising.

At any rate, it is a nice board and for those that wish to re-connect, it provides all the tools to do just that.

Another interesting summer turns into another interesting fall.



fate 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 01:06 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I'm just thankful there is a place to go for updates on the shows and who is where. I liked the old boards, the setup, but what's the point of bitching over something we can't have? This place is here and there are links to a few other places as well we can go to. Bebo, thank you for being here. I know trying to keep control of a site is hard and it's nice knowing you look out for your members.

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-19-05, 01:57 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-19-05, 01:57 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Since the new season's starting today, thought it might be worthwhile to move this up top where some of our newer posters can see it.


SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-19-05, 02:07 PM (EST)
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24. "Bump"

Judas 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 03:15 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
26. "RE: Bump"
I love your name SurvivorBlows!!

AshLanie 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-20-05, 06:08 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
39. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>Since the new season's starting today,
>thought it might be worthwhile
>to move this up top
>where some of our newer
>posters can see it.

I'll second that...


Boots12565 195 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 04:34 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I LOVE this new board!Im REALLY glad to see its well moderated too.YAY!I also like the new season so far!

Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-19-05, 08:31 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Welcome! I am so glad somebody actually LIKES us!

Boots12565 195 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-21-05, 11:58 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
49. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>Welcome! I am so glad
>somebody actually LIKES us!


Boots12565 195 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-22-05, 00:01 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
50. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>>Welcome! I am so glad
>>somebody actually LIKES us!
>>I think this board is COOL!!Get to be myself here And I am SO GLAD to see its VERY well moderated!Thanks for the welcome!See you on the boards!Peace Out!


angelcat 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 10:27 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I know this isn't the help forum, but where is it? I saw that a thread was locked because someone asked a question, and they were told only to use the help forum, but I can't find it.I'm asking here cause this is the 1st thread I read. BTW, altho I can understand your frustration, your post made me feel very unwelcome. I was just hoping to see people I missed from the official board, but I can't find any of them, or the forums (like the parenting or off topic) where they would be, and can't find the help forum to ask.

Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-19-05, 10:38 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-19-05 AT 10:55 PM (EST)

Hello and welcome. I am sure noone meant for you to feel unwelcome. It has been traumatic because some people came and did their best to make those of us already here feel unwelcome. I am glad you are here and hope you will like this board.

Here is a link to the help forum.

To find it for future reference, you can go to the bottom of any page where it says "Select another forum" and scroll until you find Help forum. Or, on the left hand side of the page, there is a list of shows and toward the bottom it says "off topic". Click on that and it will direct you to the help forum. I hope this helps!



angelcat 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-19-05, 10:46 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
35. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Thank you for the link and the welcome. When I saw the link here from the SO site, I assumed this site was affiliated with the show. It was quite a shock to me to discover it wasn't. I'll probaly never "see" the people I am missing from there again, but hopefully I'll get used to it here & I'll stop complaining now!

Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-19-05, 11:02 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Some of them may be here now, and some of them may have gone to other SO message boards. I'm sorry you can't find your old friends. But this is a good place to make new ones! I love this board, but I know it is different from what you are accustomed to.

alyse73 87 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-22-05, 11:34 PM (EST)
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96. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I, at first, was unhappy with this board, but only b/c there is not a forum for "Former Houseguest" I love the fact this board actully has several great mod's.

RollDdice 5949 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-05, 02:28 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
38. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Wow, Bebo has the patience of a saint.

Let me echo some others here and welcome you to the boards. I'm sorry you lost your SO discussion board and hope you all enjoy RTVW.

My suggestions? Everyone would be well served by reading the complete guidelines, not using size "4" for message text and not quoting the entire message in a reply.

Oh, also avoid The Clown at all costs. At least until your body armor arrives.

We lvoe our Blue Peeps here, so please play nice.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-05, 11:51 AM (EST)
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40. "Clarification"
This site has been around since the summer of 2000. In the early days, one of the most prominent posters was "shakes the clown," who starred on the reality show Love Cruise in 2001. When we decided to ban flaming of other posters from the board in 2001, we exempted shakes from the ban. Thus, shakes is permitted to flame other posters and be flamed in return. But he is the ONLY exception to the "no-flaming" rule.

And shakes has never been seen within 100 yards of the Starting Over board ... so I don't think most of you will have much contact with him.


Judas 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-20-05, 03:26 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
45. "RE: Clarification"
>And shakes has never been seen
>within 100 yards of the
>Starting Over board ... so
>I don't think most of
>you will have much contact
>with him.

Maybe IV stole her outfit from Shakes The Clown!!!


megpie 129 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-20-05, 02:16 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
41. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I am sort of new to these boards and have run into The Clown once myself. Trust me it was an eye opener. I am still new at posting, but I love to read all the posts and it is fun to be able to express myself. Life is so hard and we should be grateful we can have somewhere we can have a laugh and lift our sprites up. Thanks to Bebo for explaining things to all of us, the new posters. JMO

SherpaDave 8326 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-21-05, 02:22 AM (EST)
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46. "Bump"
for new folks who obviously still haven't seen this.

BeenThere 69 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-16-05, 07:20 AM (EST)
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117. "RE: Bump"
I'm new, I'm uninformed, I'm not hip. I don't know what 'bump' means and I want to know! Help!

Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-20-05, 01:27 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
121. "RE: Bump"
If you look on these moderator threads or in the Help Forum under Off Topic, you'll find out. I'm tired of typing it again and again.

Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-22-05, 11:59 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
51. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

libbyonthelabel 19 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-22-05, 12:14 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
52. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Bebo was awesome keeping the BB6 live feed threads on track and stopping the digression. With how SO fan threads can get, I assume it will be under the same watchful eye and I thank you. I love the boards on this site. There is a ton of freedom without the threads that reel out of control with personal insults.
What I love about the message boards for SO being here is that finally people who know the people in real life and have info, or updates can post!!!That was always the best stuff that the SO site never allowed!! I love the personal updates. I am thrilled the boards are here.

dearone 34 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-22-05, 07:24 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
53. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-05 AT 07:28 PM (EST)

Sojo, first glad to see a familiar name and will see you back on Bette's.
As for me, I was so confused at first, we were lead to think that a site would be opening there any day and I think many of us spoke first out of shock. I know I responded on one thread, with a what the heck type responce. Meaning nothing offensive at that point to anyone here. I was looking forward to that one, and had no idea what had happened, I didn't find this thread till today. It was a loss for some of us looking forward to seeing some who now we arn't reconnecting with, that was my biggest problem with the change realising I now have lost contact with some people I really liked talking with. I am just guesing but think most who origionally posted angry meant no offense to those here, but were upset and hoping to vent to others here who are also in the same boat.
I personally don't have a problem with the different format, and people if it can be a respectful forum, I havn't seen much of that through looking. I don't mind loosing the controlling mod from that forum that was letting some get away with a lot and attacking some who did nothing, there are some pluses I can see, different forum, differnt mods. In one case that's good.
I get why some long time members are mad, but I havn't fealt welcome in here at all, I know just as we didn't expect this neither did you, but that doesn't mean given a chance we couldn't be a great person to talk to either. Those of us who came over from the link on SO website might just be as good as those who find this accidentally. Personally I would like to be here if I am able, but don't want to be somewhere I'm not wanted. I doubt I'm the only one here. I don't care about the Whore thing as much as being treated as though we're some imposition, all bad, and imposing. If that's how things are, how can it be good for any of us, new or old?


Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-22-05, 07:55 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
54. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I'm very sorry you have not felt welcome, dearone. Welcome! I hope that you come to like it here as much as I do.

dearone 34 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-23-05, 03:01 PM (EST)
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56. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Thanks Sahara, as most I came here by accident, but hope to talk here if it is ok. Those of us thrown here were never trying to impose, at least I wasn't and I am so glad someone realised that, thanks.

redlox 28 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-23-05, 10:13 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
55. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
For people who thing that using the word whore is funny, you are indeed quite heavy handed in this e-mail.

AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-23-05, 04:35 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
57. "Then..."
...don't post here. Really.

As far as our referring to posters (including myself) as "desperate attention whores" (or DAWs), that's consistent with our frequent description of the contestants on reality shows as "media whores." It has nothing to do with sex; we use it for contestants and posters of both genders.

As far as being heavy-handed, yes, we locked your thread, but we didn't warn you even though you seriously bashed another poster. We figured that you were new to the board and might not know better. But now I AM giving you a warning for criticizing a moderator's decision in public instead of via private e-mail with the moderator. If you continue to violate our posting guidelines, your privilege of posting here will be suspended.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-23-05, 07:20 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
60. "Additional comment"
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-05 AT 07:27 PM (EST)

But, if you really object to the DAW moniker, it is possible to cover it up. Look at this thread using "reply with quote" to see how.

Unfortunately, the pixel counts have to shift as the rest of the post moves.


adders 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-23-05, 05:03 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
58. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Reinvention does not have to be painful...

Ok question: Reasonable people can reasonably disagree however sometimes it gets heated. Often on the old board it became very hard to separate the criticism of the houseguest from the poster.There were a lot of people who had at least some training in psychology who were incensed at how the show portrayed therapy and others who thought the sun rose and set on the coaches every word. So the two conflicting viewpoints would get into a heated discussion. It was hard then and I would assume now to separate the theoretical discussions from the personal. But if I hear you correctly, as long as we aren't calling the person names etc. we can disagree thoroughly?

2nd Is there a private messaging portion of this board where people can talk directly to each other outside of the public forum?


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-23-05, 06:49 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
59. "Reply"
>Often on the old board it became very hard to separate the
>criticism of the houseguest from the poster.There were a lot
>of people who had at least some training in psychology who
>were incensed at how the show portrayed therapy and others
>who thought the sun rose and set on the coaches
>every word. So the two conflicting viewpoints would get
>into a heated discussion. It was hard then and
>I would assume now to separate the theoretical discussions
>from the personal.

I'd love to say that we've found some way to keep this from happening. But we haven't. However, if we feel there is personal criticism in the post (along the lines of "I'm right; here's why (both of which are OK); you're wrong; grow up, you know-nothing" -- or other insults with the same or harsher language), then we'll warn the poster for the offending language EVEN IF most of the post is OK.

If you feel you've been warned unfairly, feel free to complain to the moderator -- BUT ONLY THROUGH E-MAIL OR A PM.

>But if I hear you correctly, as long as we aren't calling the
>person names etc. we can disagree thoroughly?

Yes. One of the main reasons that posting about these shows is addictive is because you get to hear thoughtful arguments from others.

>2nd Is there a private messaging portion of this board
>where people can talk directly to each other outside of
>the public forum?

Well ... we have two ways to send messages to each other -- through the "inbox" and through e-mail. Icons for each are located on the top right of each post made by a person (unless the thread has been locked). When you get a message in the "inbox," a red wavy flag pops up at the top of your sceen view (just below the Hurricane Rita emergency announcement) with a text note that you have new messages. But you have to check the e-mail account linked to your address to see if you have new e-mail (unless your e-mail account automatically notifies you when you receive e-mail, that is).

In addition, there is a live chat feature on the boards:

Yes, the chat room is kind of a relic. But it works. You'll find that most of the people who enter chat first go to AK's Blow Hole Bar and Grill, to see who else is in there. There can be no one ... or ten or fifteen people, depending on the time of day. Sometimes, people decide to move from the bar to one of the other forums to hold a private conversation (my favorite is "Push Nevada" ... because no one even remembers that show!).


tvholic 210 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-25-05, 08:17 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
63. "RE: Reply"
Oh, is this the bar that Estee was talking about in BB6 spoilers forum? Now it makes sense if it is. Wish I was there. Thanks for explaining this mystery to me.

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-24-05, 07:52 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
61. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
bumping back up to page 1

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-24-05, 10:06 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
62. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
bumpity bump

Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-05, 07:09 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
64. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Since the questions are coming up again, I'm bumping this back up to page 1 for posters.


Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-27-05, 04:23 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
65. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

hitechgirl 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-27-05, 08:08 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
66. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
that is a sorry excuse. you shouldn't be calling anybody a whore, especially the people who bring traffic to your website.

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-05, 09:11 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
67. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-05 AT 09:16 PM (EST)

This board was sucessful for a very long time before SO even was on the air, and will probably do just fine as long as reality TV on any network continues to be popular, and no one ASKED them to send you here.

Every board has it's own character.

This one's is making fun of people on Reality TV. Why the producers of SO sent you here is a mystery. There are plenty of other SO boards so if this one doesn't suit you find another one that does.

Edit to add. I could see your point if this were an SO only dedicated board. SO is just one of the reality shows that has a forum here, each one of the shows has it's core of fans. It isn't like the SO people are the only ones here and they only traffic after all.


hitechgirl 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-27-05, 09:20 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
68. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
it just makes no sense to me why any company no matter what they are into, would refer to their viewers as "whores". whats funny about that other than disrespecting women? maybe they should listen to all the complaints and humor us. maybe its time for a change.

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-05, 09:32 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
69. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
"ATTENTION whores" are of any gender and most people on reality TV will sell their soul to get time on TV.

whore has several definitions, not all of them involved woman.

But this has all been explained over and over and over.

I like the snarkiness about reality TV people here, to each his own, there are plenty of other places to discuss SO, why not spend your energy finding a place that suits you better and leave this place to the people who like it here.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-05, 11:17 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
70. "Time to change"
Yup, it is time to change for posters who violate our guidelines by continuing to argue on the forums about the way we do things. No one's forcing you to post here. And for repeatedly violating our guidelines, no one's going to allow you to, either.

Loohoo43 41 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

01-08-06, 10:39 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
132. "RE: Time to change"
I agree on this one.

Nej922 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-27-05, 11:33 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
71. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-05 AT 11:33 PM (EST)

why are they directing us here if no one know's how to handle us


sh33na 451 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

09-28-05, 00:04 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
72. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Oh, I think things are being handled quite well.

"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
_Leonard Cohen


Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-05, 06:16 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
74. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I don't think there has been an adequate answer to why B-M chose this board. Although RTW is a fairly big board to start with, and it seems we can handle the bandwidth, but I'm not sure I've heard a good answer from anyone that has contacted them about this decision.

I think the mods are handling the influx just fine. You all read the guidelines and true up to the same posting standard that is used across the whole board and everything will be fine. Which is what anyone should do anytime you join a board. Read any guidlines and FAQ's that you can find. Read the board for at least a few days before you post to see if it is a good fit. Sometimes the rules are ones that will work for you but the personality of the people just isn't a good fit. The people who are there generally like it, if they didn't they wouldn't be there. If you don't like it find somewhere that fits you better. No board will ever please everyone. But to come into a long established place and start insisting that they change everything for you is a bit rude. Do you go to out to eat and insist that they change the decor and the menu just to suit your taste? If you don't like those things you don't go to that establishment.

I'm sorry that some of the people directed here are unhappy, but no matter which board they sent you to some of you would be unhappy. Just like some people loved the official board and others had problems with it. No board will ever be a perfect fit for every single fan of SO. How to hide the DAW level if you don't want it on your post has been explained (basically you can stick whatever graphic you want over the top of it, well as long as the graphic isn't something that violates the guidelines of the board).


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-05, 02:06 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
75. "BMP"
>I don't think there has been an adequate answer to why
>B-M chose this board.

Nope. We've inquired, but they haven't responded as of yet.

As I posted before, I presume they referred everyone to this board because it is by far the largest reality-TV site on the Web. But that's just a guess until we hear something official ... if we ever do.


dearone 34 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-29-05, 07:20 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
77. "RE: BMP"
I tried to post this earlier but it didn't work for some reason. I am one of the origional Starting over board members and was following the link when I found this. This doesn't give us the right to come in and say it's wrong or that they have to put up with us, or deal with us. Like any forum we have to follow the rules and be respectful to others. I think many would be unhappy either way because of loosing the board we were on, but that isn't anyone here's fault.
As for the whore comment, I admit I did a second take when I first saw it, but then saw the attention seeking and know that it is used to describe, and quite well, many who seek out to be on reality TV. As most know on the other board I am as PC as it gets, and even I can handle this reference knowing that it is different than Whore itself there is a different meaning. Mark Twain says, "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening and the lightening bug." It sounds like it is similar but words can mean very different things when paired with other words. The thing is here, if we don't like the way they are doing things here we have no right to demand they change. No matter how much I have told others that some words are offensive, if they don't agree with me after the first they never do, and after that it's time that I cut my losses end the conversation and leave. That is from experience. They dont' change no matter how much you want someone to and tell them your POV, you just have to sometimes cut your losses and find others elsewhere that agree with you already.

Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-29-05, 06:46 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
76. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
bump from page 3


GodsWill 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-04-05, 00:13 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
80. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I think it's a double standard to not allow any bashing of members, but that tag can be used.

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-03-05, 04:21 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
78. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
bump back up to the first page so new members see it.

kpw1956 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-03-05, 04:31 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
79. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Thanks Snidget... I'm glad I have some recourse to my concern and I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction!


Truco 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-05-05, 07:18 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
81. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
>OK, now that we've found out
>that the SO website is
>directing folks to this forum
>(it was news to us,
>folks), let me offer some
>explanation on a few things:
>1. We are not officially affiliated
>with the program, so if
>you have complaints about the
>show or the loss of
>the previous forums, posting them
>here isn't going to do
>any good.
>2. We have community guidelines -
>please click on the link
>at the top of the
>page and take a moment
>to read them. This
>will give you an idea
>how we do things here.
> And if you think
>someone else violated the guidelines,
>then hit the alert button
>at the bottom of the
>post so that moderators can
>address the problem.
>3. As a threaded commnuity, we
>discourage duplicate posts on the
>same topic. That's why
>there are so many locked
>threads on the first page
>of this forum right now
>- we don't need 20
>threads discussing these message forums
>being different from what you're
>used to. Please reply
>to existing topics where possible
>instead of starting new threads,
>so that posters can easily
>access discussions of multiple topics
>without having to wade through
>repetitive information.
>4. Yes, posters are referred to
>as "desperate attention whores".
>It's a joke, in the
>spirit of a lot of
>light-hearted jabs at reality show
>that take place throughout our
>forums. If you're insulted,
>then the only way to
>make sure the term doesn't
>show up beside your screen
>name is not to post.
> And please don't start
>yet another thread complaining about
>it - it's part of
>who we are, and it's
>not changing.
>5. Please don't insult us for
>not being what you're used
>to. We're different, true.
> And if we're not
>what you're looking for, you're
>welcome to look elsewhere.
>But staying here and insulting
>us is unacceptable. Your
>two choices are to stop
>doing it, or we will
>terminate your account and stop
>you. We're not the
>producers of the show, and
>we really have nothing to
>do with the show, so
>don't take your anger and
>frustrations out on us.
>6. On the topic of insulting...want
>to know the quickest way
>to get banned around here?
> Insult other posters.
>We do not permit that
>at all. (Some claim
>it's one of our few
>redeeming qualities.) Bash and
>criticize contestants to your heart's
>content around here, but leave
>your other posters alone.
>And moderators are posters too,
>so bashing us, or critcizing
>us for locking a post
>or warning someone on a
>post is not permitted either.
>7. Like I said, bashing contestants
>and bashing the show are
>fair game here. Do
>not criticize a poster who
>posts such a bash, and
>don't criticize us for permitting
>Sorry this is long, but it
>seems like a lot of
>the same issues are coming
>up over and over, so
>here's a one-stop spot for
>some information.

It seems that somewhere between four and five you guys lost your since of humor. If we are the ‘desperate attention whores,’ then reality tv world is the ‘anxious enabling pimp.’ While sentence four excuses your label for us – coined in the spirit of those light-hearted jabs – sentence five tells me that you (reality tv world) are incapable of taking such jabs yourself. Since when does a web page truly have feelings? Reality check: you work for a commercial enterprise; part of a conglomerate of computer types and business brains which is by its very nature impersonal. So why the whining? May I suggest: read the derisive emails; know your truth and move on with it.
As for number six, I’m not sure when this country developed such a thin skin but it certainly is beginning to wear thin. I certainly can take an insult; as it is, after all a request requirement for hurling one. Knowing the rules, though, I will abide.



AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-07-05, 02:19 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
84. "Not true"
Reality check: you work for a commercial enterprise; part of a conglomerate of computer types and business brains which is by its very nature impersonal. So why the whining?

Perhaps because that isn't true. Everyone here is a volunteer who takes time away from his or her full-time job to run this site as a hobby. The site turns a small profit, which is used to operate and maybe even improve the site (right now, we're contemplating an upgrade of the message-board software, which would require three separate upgrades to get to where we want to be). If you take capital expenditures into account, this site runs break-even ... and NO ONE gets a salary from it.

If you know someone who would like to buy this site and add it to an impersonal conglomerate, please let us know!


mrc 10113 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-06-05, 05:24 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
83. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

A PhoenixMons(ter) Creation
Just passin' through.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-05, 08:29 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
85. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Since questions are coming up again, I'm moving this back to page 1.


Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-05, 03:27 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
86. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

Bump before it falls off again.

Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-14-05, 09:29 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
91. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
And again, bump.

"Cygnus needs no defending - his position is undefendable." --Google


Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-15-05, 11:46 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
92. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
What Cygnus said.

mrc 10113 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-11-05, 08:37 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
87. "Bump"
A PhoenixMons(ter) Creation

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-05, 01:19 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
94. "bump"
Another bump up to page 1

universityofkentuckyrocks 2575 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

10-22-05, 08:02 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
95. "Bumpidity Bump"

UL will always suck in my book

mysticwolf 10692 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-23-05, 07:10 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
97. "RE: Bumpidity Bump"

A Tribephyl Awesome Autumn

BeenThere 69 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-16-05, 07:23 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
118. "RE: Bumpidity Bump"
I haven't been able to find out what 'bump' means and now I'm confronted with 'bumpidity bump'. Help! I want to be with the 'in' crowd.

volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-20-05, 07:43 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
123. "RE: Bumpidity Bump"
In this threaded community when someone makes a post in a thread it bumps it to the top of page 1. That is what bump means.

universityofkentuckyrocks 2575 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

10-24-05, 06:27 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
98. "Another Bumpidity Bump"
Cuz some them just don't get it.

UL will always suck in my book


Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-25-05, 06:23 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
99. "Do the bump-de-bump."

"Cygnus needs no defending - his position is undefendable." --Google

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-26-05, 11:49 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
100. "bump"
ba dum bump

universityofkentuckyrocks 2575 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

10-30-05, 00:50 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
101. "Bumpididty da Bump"
Back to page one.

Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-01-05, 10:20 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
102. "Looks like it needs another...."

wandacal 4018 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-03-05, 07:10 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
103. "What goes "BUMP"?"
This thread!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-05, 01:04 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
104. "RE: What goes "BUMP"?"

Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-05-05, 10:20 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
105. "A few more things"
Now that we've split into Individual Houseguest and General Discussion forums, please make sure you're posting in the correct spot. If you're starting a thread about one houseguest, that belongs in the Individual forum. If you're using words like "in general" or "just a few general comments" in your post, then start it in General Discussion. Please don't assume a moderator will come along and clean up after you.

And if you think someone has posted something in the wrong place (spoilers in non-spoiler forum, individual discussion in the general forum), then hit the alert button to let a mod know so that we can move it.

If you have a problem with someone else's post, don't assume a moderator will find you without your bringing it to anyone's attention. There's a right way and a wrong way. The right way is to hit the alert button. The wrong way is to start threads about it.

Speaking of starting new threads, please don't start threads asking/complaining about moderation (particularly about the whole desperate attention whore thing - we've answered that one plenty). If you have a question or suggestion, take it up privately with a moderator via email or PM. And if you need help on sending an email or PM, please click on the Conferences link at the top of the page and go to the Help Forum. That's the appropriate place for those sort of questions.

And if your post has been removed, there's a reason. Starting another thread asking where it went is a violation of the guidelines. Ask a mod privately if you're wondering what could have caused the problem. And remember - not all threads are removed, some just end up pages and pages down because of all the new threads being started.


universityofkentuckyrocks 2575 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-07-05, 11:47 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
106. "Bumpidity da Bump"
Cuz some of them still haven't learned.

Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-05, 10:07 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
108. "RE: Clarification about these forums"


universityofkentuckyrocks 2575 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-12-05, 06:47 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
109. "Da Bunp de Bumpidity Bump"

Mrsrcjesg 19 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-12-05, 07:38 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
110. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
So, the SO never got your permission? I ask who is the hultler here? I mean you have advertisers, you may have wanted to charge. This is your web site. What is up with that?


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-05, 08:17 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
111. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
This website is privately owned. How the owner chooses to cover the costs of maintaining this website is his decision. The owner of this website has a long history of welcoming everyone to post here provided they follow his guidelines. The owner of this website has a long history of creating forums whenever enough interest is generated by users of this website to warrant creating those forums.

That another website, which couldn't continue existing it seems for whatever reason, directed its posters to this website, is an indication of the value and stability of this website. That this website, without having been forwarned of that, made such accomodating adjustments in the timely manner it did, is typical of what makes this such a valuable website for so many.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-05, 10:32 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
112. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
Back to page one.


universityofkentuckyrocks 2575 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-16-05, 10:27 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
113. "Bump"
Back to the top since questions are arising again.

BeenThere 69 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-16-05, 07:12 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
114. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I am SO proud to be one of the 'desperate whores'. I'm a much more interesting person now!

On Jill: I agree that she has self-honesty and willingness to change and is motivated by her positive vision of a more satisfying life for herself. And she's one funny woman, too.

I am an overeater in recovery, so I know what pain and anxiety Jill was having the night of the 'chocolate fondue' party. She handled it with such grace and dignity. I don't think I would have been able to watch others eat chocolate and have so much fun doing it. But Jill stayed, she joined the party, she was present. I hope others realize how hard this was for Jill, because to my knowledge none of the other HGs appeared to be sensitive to the situation. Even more importantly, the LC's didn't even give Jill an "atta girl" or recognize what character it took for Jill to stay at the party and stay on her food plan which didn't include the chocolate. To receive no recognition for the growth that Jill displayed on this occasion is wrong, wrong, wrong.


Denalio 904 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-17-05, 04:22 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
120. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
LAST EDITED ON 12-17-05 AT 04:25 PM (EST)

The above post is a good example of a post in the WRONG THREAD!!

This thread is about the rules regarding these forums, yet here is a discussion post in the middle of the wrong thread!



Edited to add -- please forgive my outburst, you wonderful blue peeps. I know this is not my place to try to post corrective notices, but I can't stand it anymore! Still, I would bet good money, the people who need to read this, won't bother to anyway.


mysticwolf 10692 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-17-05, 03:54 PM (EST)
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119. "Bump"

Bad Wolf! by PM

Labyrinth 1248 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-20-05, 11:57 AM (EST)
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122. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-21-05, 06:36 AM (EST)
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124. "da-bump"

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-25-05, 02:12 AM (EST)
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125. "RE: da-bump"

Twinkles 324 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-25-05, 06:57 AM (EST)
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126. "RE: da-bump"
It would be funny if a new houseguest arrives someday and, as part of her problem mentions she gets very aggravated whenever she gets called a "desperate attention whore".

In case it hasn't been answered to your satisfaction:

"bump"-ing is a term used in general on message boards when you post an otherwise blank message in order to push the thread to the top of the page. If no one posts to a thread, it will be buried under all the more recent posts. People keep "bumping" this one to keep the thread visible. hth (hope that helps)


Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-29-05, 07:39 AM (EST)
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127. "RE: da-bump"


kittykisses 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-30-05, 10:11 PM (EST)
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128. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
It has been a while since you first made this post. I just went to the SO site to try to find out why the repeats and if they are going to re-repeat these same episodes this summer? I have not been as into the showm, so did not see one member leave and a new guest arrive. I can only assume there was a graduation.

Anyway I was wondering if you ever found out why the SO site referred its message board posters to this site?


Sues 585 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-30-05, 11:07 PM (EST)
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129. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I'm guessing they didn't want to deal with the 'monitoring' of the posts......

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-31-05, 12:09 PM (EST)
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131. "RE: Clarification about these forums"
I think at the time it happenned if you googled Starting Over and message boards this one came up at the top because overall it is one of the main sites for discussing reality TV shows.

Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-11-06, 09:56 AM (EST)
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133. "Overdue for a..."

Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-13-06, 00:41 AM (EST)
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134. "Another very-much-needed"

universityofkentuckyrocks 2575 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

01-28-06, 11:23 AM (EST)
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135. "Bump"

Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-31-06, 01:18 PM (EST)
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136. "RE: Bump"

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-04-06, 08:00 AM (EST)
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138. "RE: Bump"

mysticwolf 10692 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-02-06, 02:17 AM (EST)
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137. "RE: Clarification about these forums"

Sigs by Bob, entirely accurate renditions of nature


Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-05-06, 03:08 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
139. "bump"

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-09-06, 01:50 PM (EST)
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141. "RE: bump"

Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-07-06, 11:44 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
140. "bump"


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