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"Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
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ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

07-26-02, 00:06 AM (EST)
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"Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
Another week, another gone.....too bad to see Tonya go, I was really pulling for Josh to go....although he does bring some entertainment.....

1. Amy (3) - Sorry, BaquaR13, I've begun to love her.

2. Marcellus (2) - He stays the same, hopefully Roddy will keep him off of the chopping block....yeah right.

3. Gerry (1) - A tad annoying, but I still like the guy. There is no way he could be as bad as people make him out to be, they are trying to turn him into this year's Kent, lol....and Kent was one of my faves from last season.

4. Lisa (4) - She seems to be one of the more sensible players.

5. Roddy (5) - He's ok, everyone is all over him though.

6. Jason (7) - I hope he gets nominated this week so Gerry/Marcy don't, but, I guess only time will tell.

7. Chiara (8) - She's a flirt, but, she's adorable.

8. Danielle (6) - No one can trust her...she's just like Vee...let's hope she doesn't win this time.

9. Eric (9) - Well, I guess I can only hope he improves.

10. Josh (10) - He is slowly growing on me, but hopefully he'll be gone before I move him up a spot or two.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3... xxinvincible 07-26-02 1
 RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3... SurvivinDawg 07-26-02 2
 RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3... rTuRnAnCeKr 07-26-02 3
 RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3... Kokoro 07-28-02 4
 RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3... nailbone 07-29-02 5
 RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3... Cin 07-29-02 6
 RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3... Survivorerist 07-30-02 7

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xxinvincible 101 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

07-26-02, 01:40 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
Well I honestly can not stand more than half this cast

1. Jason: Pretty much the only halfway decent player there.

2. Amy: Shes funny, shes cute, how can you not love her? People who watch the show wouldn't, but watch the feeds. Thats how I started growing on her.

3. Marcellas: Hes cool...hes funny. Yea. My sister voted for him for 2 hours on America's choice.

4. Danielle: She is very untrustworthy and deceptive like Vee, but shes likeable. Shes better then the other 6.

5. Roddy: Has he done anything in this game to make him stand out?

6. Eric: Hes a bit annoying. Like you said, hopefully he can improve. He thinks very highly of himself.

7. Lisa: Shes okay. I like her a little bit, but I didn't like the way she followed Josh the first week. She also seems a bit hoeish, but I think thats becasue her two best friends that are/were in the house were hoes.

8. Gerry: He has gotten very annoying with his black/gay/female/Jewthing but hes okay. I think he means well but he tried too hard.

9. Chiwhorea: I can not stand her. She is such a prostitute. She such a child too being outraged about the whole Roddy/Amy kiss. I hate her. She is ranking up with Cara and Jisela from RW and RR.

10. Josh: Hate his guts. Wish he was evicted. Such a jackass and overly confident of himself. I hate how he faked his way into staying in the house. I hate him in general. Meeka or whatever the hell his girlfriends name is needs to dump his ass fast.


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 07:24 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
1. Marcellas - I like the way he's playing the game, although his spat with Tonya may have lost him some respect from the group.

2. Amy - She's full of herself, still a witch (c/w/b), and add "lush" to her description. But she's entertaining, especially when mixed with Marcellas.

3. Jason - very nice guy, but way too UTR to be a force.

4. Roddy - is also playing a good game, even though I'm rooting against his team (alliance). Seems to know a little about chess (but I think I could whoop him).

5. Gerry - Josh has really trashed this poor guy unfairly, and he's being ostracized (again unfairly) by the others. I would really like to see him outlast Josh in the house, but I fear that won't happen. Gerry is no Kent (who I really liked, despite being a Tennessee fan ), but Gerry is okay. He's not clicking well with anyone else in the house, however, so I don't see him being there long.

6. Eric - really have no feeling for this guy, very milquetoast. Have nothing against him, though.

7. Lisa - very UTR this past week, and a bit skanky like Chia-ho.

8. Danielle - her word is not worth the stains on correctly-used toilet paper. Her vote for Tonya instead of Josh was not only pure bad-game-playing stupidity, but a slap in Marcellas's face. I anticipate and look forward to an early exit for her.

9. Chia-Ho - I'm no prude, but this girl is pure slut. At least prostitutes get paid for their services, this slut just gives it away, apparently. Having no shame is one thing, but this girl is just SKANK!

10. Josh - I just hate this S.O.B.'s guts. I would love the opportunity to have two minutes alone in a room with him so I could beat the $#!+ out of him. What a whining loser! I'm disgusted that he survived the vote.

"Pappy didn't get voted off, he got stoned!" -- dabo

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


rTuRnAnCeKr 32 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-26-02, 09:35 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-02 AT 09:36 AM (EST)

The You are Cool and You Should Win Group

1. Amy- I love the girl. She's nice, funny, has a cool accent, and she brings alot to the game with her so called "snobby" attitude. I would love to see her win.

2. Marcellas- A very hard worker, and determined. He doesnt take any crap from no one, and is playing the game very wisely.

3. Jason- Havent seen much from him, but from what I have seen, he seems cool and collected, besides that he voted to evict Tonya.

The I Guess I Wouldn't Mind If You Won Group

4. Roddy- Eh...reminds me of Hardy. Big alliance, girls want him, nice guy. He just really hasn't done anything in the game yet to make me like him.

5. Lisa- She would have been alot higher on this list if she hadn't nominated Lori and Marcellas. Lori was my girl, and hopefully someone will get revenge on Lisa. Besides that, she seems nice i guess, but as others say: Hoeish.

6. Gerry- He's not as bad as people make him out to be. Just for speaking his mind a little to much, is no reason to hate him. He does seem a little fake though, and plays both sides.

The Your Nice, But You Don't Deserve to Win Group

7. Danielle- She is really funny, and brings entertainment to the house, but she is playing this game too well. It is way to early to be prancing around the house telling people that you are unpredictable. Oh yeah, I wont forgive her for evicting Tonya either. *BETRAYED MARC*

8. Chiara- Well, when shes making out with Roddy that makes good T.V. Besides that, shes hoeish. *sniff* Roddy was two feet away from another girl! Plus, she thinks shes safe. I would love to see Amy kick her ass.

9. Eric- He just seems mean, and conniving. The fact that he's in the "alliance" ticks me off too. He just shouldnt win.

The Your an Antichrist and Should Have Been Evicted Group

10. Josh- You suck. What is your problem? I hate you! You diss Marc, you pretend to cry to get votes, you have an ugly girlfriend, you scheme around the house, and you are just such an asshole. You should have gotten EVICTED. Americans dont deserve to even see your face on T.V. Everyone dislikes you...alot.

-_-!-_-_The Track Runner_-_-!-_-

-_-!-_-!-_-_ -_-!-_-_!-_-

-!_-_-!-_-_Has Spoken_-_-!-_-_!-


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

07-28-02, 08:20 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
1.) Amy (1)
2.) Marcellas (3)
3.) Jason (4)
4.) Eric (5)
5.) Lisa (7)
6.) Danielle (2)
7.) Gerry (10)
8.) Josh (11)
9.) Chiara (8)
10.) Roddy (5)

* First of all, every week just reaffirms my conclusion that Amy, Marcellas and Jason are the only worthwhile people in that whole house.

* Eric and Lisa take the middle for their UTR strategy....We see pretty much nothing of either of them so I can't really hate them but I don't exactly love them either.

* Danielle is somewhat of a good player. I'm not sure if they see what she's doing but she's far too duplicitious for me to put her any higher. I wouldn't be surprised if her "playing all sides" strategy bit her in the *** later on.

* I don't really like Gerry, but it's more because he's a total weirdo than a total a**hole like the bottom three on my list so um....congratulations, Gerry!

* Josh is a paranoid creep. I can't believe he still thinks he's in control! I mean: Hello! Half the house hates you! Shut up for a couple weeks! But he's alright with Amy so I can support him slightly more than our last two.

* Chiara is a whore. A slutty slutty whore. She really pulled the wool over the CBS casting dept. with the sweetheart act.

* But Roddy is worse for becoming her slave. Mr. Intelligence? I don't think so. Josh is absolutely right about you.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-29-02, 09:57 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
1. Roddy - intelligent and smart (not the same thing). I didn't think too much about him until he got HOH, but now I think he's playing the game to win and doing a fine job of it.

2. Jason - I hope he and Roddy get to spend some quality time together. They could make it to the end if they work together.

3. Eric - same as Jason. If he plays his card right, he could be part of the Final 3.

4. Marcellas - he won't be around much longer, I'm afraid, but he's FUN!!! I don't like his gossip sessions with Amy, though.

5. Gerry - pick a side, old man!! Quit just telling everyone what they want to hear. They DO compare notes.

6. Lisa - careful, girl. Don't make promises if you're not going to keep them

7. Chaira - cute, but too much of a flirt. This fascination with "Virgin" Jason has got to stop!

8. Danielle - wow. I think she's gonna end up being even more two faced that Josh...wait, what am I saying. NO ONE is more two faced than Josh!!

9. Amy - I can't STAND that "I'm better than everyone else" attitude, even if she is open and honest about it. Her little catty gossip sessions with Marcellas piss me off.

10. Josh - paranoid, two-faced A$$#0l3!!! I can't believe he's managed to laast this long, and I just hope one of these people he can "control" jumps up to bite him!!

- This Space For Rent

Daytime, nighttime, anytime, things go better with Rock! - Def Leppard


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

07-29-02, 11:27 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-02 AT 11:28 AM (EST)

1. Three way tie Jason(1), Amy(2) and Marcellas(3) - I am keeping Jason #1 cause I said as long as he's not going psycho he'd stay at the top! I LOVE Amy and Marcellas to death. They are both extreamly funny and are a large part of why I continue to watch the feeds and the shows. Things look bad for Amy this week But if (when) she goes, I'm hoping Marcellas can pull something off and make it to the finals.

2. Lisa (5) - Out of the "couples clique" she is the one I find I'm liking the best. She has her snarky moments but she seems very sincere and very caring.

3. Gerry (9) - Gerry gets my pity, Everyone treats him like crap and I just plain feel sorry for the guy. He did his own self in, but I do respect him for still being around.

4. Eric (7) - Eric seems like an Ok guy. We don't get to see too much of him, but I do like him with Lisa, when they are together they seem "real" not all nasty and icky.

5. Dani (4) - Just when I think I like her she does something to make me hate her. Every day I have a different opinion of her so I figuared I'd stick her somewhere in the middle.

6. Roddy (6) - I am so mad at him for the way he's been acting since he's gotten HOH, the only thing he's done to redeem himself was a convo he had with Amy last night on the live feeds, I really hope he was sincere cause if he is then maybe I can get some of the Roddy love back.

11. Two way tie, Chiara (10) and Josh (11) - Just as I said Jason would always be first I said Josh would always be last. He is so very annoying, His voice grates on my nerves and I hate his 2faced ways. And what more can I say about Chiara, she is a slut!!!!! I am no prude either, but she really makes me cringe with the things she says, I always wonder if her parents are proud of their baby girl saying and doing the things she says.

Tonya (8) - Even though I'm still stuck with Josh, I'm really glad this chick is GONE! I was so tired of hearing about Julio (her fab plastic surgeon) and her obsession with lables and money, she is one of the most materialistic people i've seen on T.V. in a while.



Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

07-30-02, 05:41 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Big Brother Popularity list V 3.2"
Sorry mine is so late. Believe it or not, I just finished watching Thursday's episode (and I missed Saturday's, so no worries about that having an effect on my list). So here we go...

Position. Name (Position Last Week)

1. Jason (3)
2. Josh (5)
3. Amy (6)
4. Chiara (2)
5. Marcellas (4)
6. Lisa (1)
7. Roddy (10)
8. Danielle (7)
9. Gerry (8)
10. Eric (10)

Tonya was #9 last week.

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- Since I'm in a bit of a hurry, I'll keep it nice and short. Jason finally moves up to take the #1 position, making him the first male to top my popularity list. He's a nice guy, playing it very smart and staying UTR while making people like him.

- I didn't think it would ever happen, but Josh is this week's greatest gainer, jumping 3 spots from 5-2. The interview with his girlfriend this week was absolutely hilarious. And, like him or not, I have to admit that he's doing quite well for himself. To supposedly be that hated and survive a nomination against the likeable Tonya, he's gotta be doing something right.

- Chiara, despite a 2 point drop, is still clinging tight to the top 4. She was absoultely darling this episode, though the news surrounding her may suggest otherwise. And since I'm allowed to be fickle, that's enough for her to hold on to #4.

- Final congratulations to Roddy, who has finally done something to set himself apart from Eric. Keep up the good work!


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star



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