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"Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0"
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-29-05, 06:59 AM (EST)
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"Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0"
Because one person demanded it.

1. Kaysar. Nearly fell out of this position for playing HoH in a way that pretty much guaranteed he'd be nominated this week, but this season is all about vengeance anyway and during the reign of King Kaysar, Vengeance Was His. Besides, 'No, I sealed your partner's fate'? Best comeback in series history, and that's good for the #1 slot all by itself.
2. Howie. It's not just that he still amuses me: it's that he's the only person in the hamster cage who doesn't go around muttering 'strategy, strategy' under his breath twenty-four seven. There are things in Howie's life other than making sure he plays the game with every heartbeat. Unfortunately, most of them involve dropping his shorts -- but that still puts him ahead of the others on interests in life.
3. Maggie. Let's count the ways CBS could have rigged the contest! Slightly weighted ball -- magnets in the ball and steel under the board -- glue that took a little while to set... It's the Summer Of Vengeance, and this week, It's Hers.
4. Janelle. Is she smart? Is she dumb? Is that her real hair color? Is that her real conviction record? Doesn't matter, because what's very real about her is her position in the cage: solidly established for one more week. She's off the radar despite being half of the prior power couple: nice trick if you can do it.
5. Rachel. The only HoH that no one has sworn vengeance on. Even nicer trick if you can do it. May wind up being a unique performance in the season. Also gets a bump because it must be so hard to stay in the cage at her advanced age...
6. James. Okay, I think I've figured James out. He really wants to be the offspring of Will and Rob Cesterino, with a little bit of Colby. He wants to lie, go back on his word, twist the truth to suit his purposes, and then use that handy challenge streak to take himself off the block whenever he needs to. If he ever gets HoH, he'll probably use the veto to remove himself from the bedroom.
7. Beau. There's someone named Beau in the house?
8. Ivette. So how is it that all the hamsters can eat during food lockdown is PB&J and vitamins, but Ivette still gets her uppers? It's nice that you're missing the straight boyfriend you never had, and we're all very proud of your ability to occupy the Diary Room for six hours straight without repeating yourself more than two thousand times, but Ivette? Take a breath. Then take a nap. You're exhausting. And sort of loud.
9. Sarah. James -- and his -- sha...dow... strol-ling through the ham-ster cage...
10. Jennifer. A classic GNDN hamster. 'Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing'.
11. April. Because being moderately well off and educated and placed in the drug industry and suffering through losing six pounds on PB&J does not redeem you from being an obnoxious, double-standards, sobbing be-yotch with delusions of other people being able to stand you.

Out #1: Michael. Michael, Michael, pudding and pie. Kissed the girls and made them cry. Eric, 'Nomination', he say, and made poor Michael go away.
Out #2: Eric. What do you know? Light finally dawned over Marblehead.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0 Rebel Crown 07-31-05 1
   RE: Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0 nailbone 08-02-05 4
 RE: Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0 okaychatt 07-31-05 2
 RE: Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0 Captain_Savem 08-02-05 3

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Rebel Crown 1413 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

07-31-05, 01:18 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0"
Demand? Demand?! I demand you take that back!

Seriously, thanks, Estee, for your efforts; I was looking for this thresd when Michael left, but it never appeared. That's what prompted me to ask.

But it looks like no one else wants to participate. Maybe the Love List has lost its luster.

1. Kaysar - Love the intenseness!
2. Howie - Comic relief; would like to see a more serious side.
3. Janelle - Respect her friendship with Kaysar.
4. Rachel - The quiet ones are usually trouble.
5. Sarah - Rated this high 'cuz I don't like the rest.
6. Maggie -The Magg-ette leader.
7. Jennifer - Again, who?
8. Beau - So far, the only thing I remember is his imitation in the DR of Ivette crying.
9. James - The Bad Guy finally appears.
10. April - Two-faced liar.
11. Ivette - The Magg-ette follower.

Out #1- Michael - Didn't deserve what happened to him.
Out #2- Eric - He so DID deserve it.


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-02-05, 05:25 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0"
Maybe the Love List has lost its luster.

Nope, it's that this cast of idiots has lost its luster. Only Kaysar, soon to be gone, and Howie (and to an extent Rachel and Janelle) are not complete idiots and/or completely loathsome.



okaychatt 2810 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-31-05, 02:16 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0"
I love the way Kaysar plays with the hamsters' little pea brains. He's not below a few harmless tricks, like arranging the coasters in a pattern while all the others are sleeping and making them think BB did it.

If I were looking to hire a good upper management person, I'd have the offer ready to sign when Kaysar walks out that BB house door. He's S-M-A-R-T!

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.


Captain_Savem 3731 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

08-02-05, 05:16 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Big Brother #6 Love List 2.0"
LAST EDITED ON 08-02-05 AT 05:39 PM (EST)

Thanks Estee. I know it's hard to make a Love List when so many of these hammies I absolutely loathe. But here goes nothing, really...

1) Kaysar (1) ~ It's better to burn out, than to fade away. You were responsible for arguably the most entertaining week in BB History, last week alone was worth the price for the live feeds. Even if you get evicted this week, you've already soldified your place in the BB Hall of Fame. Major props to you guy.

2) Howie (11) ~ *sprinkles salt and pepper on his crow*. I was wrong about you, and I'm man enough to admit it. If Kaysar is Qui Gon Jin, then you are definitely Obi Wan Kanobi. Who knew that underneath that obnoxious, pervert exterior hid the mind of....well, a mind? You and Kaysar were the perfect Jedi Masters to take on the evil Sith Lords.

3) Janelle (7) ~ I misunderestimated you. You are one smart, dumb blonde, brunette. Easily the toughest woman competitor in BB history, it's only a matter of time before HoH, and a firm position in the house, are yours. AND, anyone who gets under the skin of the Sith Lords as deep and as often as you do can't be all bad.

4) Rachel (8) ~ I give you props for playing the game better than anyone right now, but you semi sold Kaysar out this week so I gotta dock you some "cool" points for that. You give the HoHs reassurances without making solid promises, and this keeps people from coming after you. Also, you're probably the only person in the house who isn't hated by at least one other person. You are not gonna be able to go much longer without blatantly picking a side, but for now? Well done.

5) Jennifer (6) ~ You're pretty much a worthless piece, but at least you're not an annoying worthless piece, much. Because you're incapable of winning any competition that doesn't have to do with feet-picking or zit-popping, you have no choice but to fly under the radar and wait for the big dogs to take each other out. The good news is you will be able to stay in the house longer than most, the bad news is no one ever won anything that way.

6) Beau (5) ~ You're still the flamingest flamer I've seen in a long time, only now, you've managed to irk me.....really, really bad. The only things you do well are name drop and gossip. Notice I didn't mention well dresser?

7) Maggie (3) ~ Wow. Once you got nominated, you sure turned into a whiny little bitch. You have a HUGE target on your back, and there's nothing the rest of your team can do about it because they are a bunch of cry baby losers. It's only a matter of time before you begin to turn on each other, and eat your own. Now that? Will be fun to watch.

8) Sarah (4) ~ You have done nothing more than whatever you're slimey boyfriend has told you to do. And you sold out the Jedi faster than Anakin Skywalker. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if you were #1 on NOW's Most Wanted List. Feminists across the nation burn you in effigy. Sleep well.

9) James (10) ~ I know you think you're playing the game well, but the "scorched earth" approach has been proven to be a terrible strategy. You can lie to some of the hammies some of the time, but you can't lie to all of the hammies all of the time. If you can't keep your word to anybody, then nobody will have any use for you. Thanks for playing.

10) April (9) ~ If you would stop flappin your yapper every once in a while, maybe your body wouldn't burn so many calories and you could get back to 100 Lbs. And don't think for a minute that anybody believes that you're only 31. I haven't heard a lie told that bad since Dubya said "I solemnly swear to uphold and faithfully execute the office of President of the United States of America." And we all know how that turned out.

11) Ivette (12) ~ What a dispicable human being. I've never seen or heard anyone spew that much hatred and bigotry that wasn't wearing a white robe and a point white hat. She is completely disgusting. Youknowwhatimsaying?!


Michael (8) ~ I do believe you got a bad rap. But, you didn't go out of your way to counteract any of it. You just quit, and for that, you had to go.

Eric (13) ~ What a big baby! He could dish it out, but in the end he couldn't take it. Boy was he a sight to behold. Thank you King Kaysar.

Edited to fix typos and elaborate on Maggie...

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.



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