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"JPL was robbed"
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vidprof 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-16-04, 11:08 PM (EST)
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"JPL was robbed"
I will miss JPL immensely. What a potentially great rock and roller. Too bad he didn't a chance to really ROCK. The weekly genres are WEAK! Elton John and Barry Manilow? Please. If John Peter had a chance to cover Bob Seger, Aerosmith, the Stones, he'd bring down the house. Who says the American Idol has to be a bluesy pop singer.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: JPL was robbed DmajA 04-16-04 1
   RE: JPL was robbed rjrabbit 04-16-04 2
       RE: JPL was robbed theincrediblehugey 04-17-04 3
           RE: JPL was robbed rjrabbit 04-17-04 4
   RE: JPL was robbed theincrediblehugey 04-17-04 5
   RE: JPL was robbed Critter 04-18-04 9
       RE: JPL was robbed okaychatt 04-18-04 11
 RE: JPL was robbed zeffy 04-17-04 6
 RE: JPL was robbed Chrissy gal 04-17-04 7
   RE: JPL was robbed MollyTV 04-17-04 8
   RE: JPL was robbed Critter 04-19-04 13
   RE: JPL was robbed shedevil 04-19-04 14
 RE: JPL was robbed callalilly3000 04-18-04 10
   RE: JPL was robbed SheeDreems 04-19-04 16
       RE: JPL was robbed shedevil 04-19-04 17
           RE: JPL was robbed SheeDreems 04-19-04 18
               RE: JPL was robbed shedevil 04-19-04 19
 RE: JPL was robbed bighair 04-18-04 12
 RE: JPL was robbed nailbone 04-19-04 15
 RE: JPL was robbed HECObug 04-19-04 20
 RE: JPL was robbed Skeery Klown 04-19-04 21
   RE: JPL was robbed shedevil 04-19-04 22
       RE: JPL was robbed HECObug 04-19-04 24
       RE: JPL was robbed Skeery Klown 04-19-04 25
   RE: JPL was robbed HECObug 04-19-04 23
       RE: JPL was robbed shedevil 04-19-04 26
           RE: JPL was robbed HECObug 04-19-04 27

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DmajA 31 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

04-16-04, 11:17 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: JPL was robbed"
I completely agree with you! He always did good with the Elvis songs. It is a shame that they don't give them much opportunity to do rock songs. I really hope that he gets a record deal anyway...i would buy his rock cd! That is what he does best..ROCK!

I always get mad when they have these theme nights and then the judges get on their cases for not picking the right song, but if they are forced to do these genres, then it isn't their fault!! Grrrrrr....


rjrabbit 3269 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-16-04, 11:32 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: JPL was robbed"
Did you see JPL on "On Air with Ryan Seacrest"? He said that he plans on spending the next few months writing songs and getting a CD out as soon as possible. I enjoyed watching him perform.

theincrediblehugey 141 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-17-04, 00:33 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: JPL was robbed"
Perform? You're talking about the break dancing, right? I enjoyed it, too.

rjrabbit 3269 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-17-04, 00:39 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: JPL was robbed"
He wasn't the best singer/dancer around but he had fun and he made me smile. I wasn't laughing at him and he was a lot more fun to watch than John Stevens!!!


theincrediblehugey 141 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-17-04, 00:53 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: JPL was robbed"
It's too bad they couldn't work some of his break dancing moves into one of the commercials or something. It was wild! I had no idea he could move like that.


Critter 18 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-18-04, 09:43 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: JPL was robbed"
Did good with Elvis songs??????

The King would have been rolling in his grave. Listening to JPL sing Elvis tracks was very painful. He was hopeless and helpless.

JPL be gone. live with it.

Go Fantasia.


okaychatt 2810 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

04-18-04, 11:58 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: JPL was robbed"
No, JPL isn't a good impersonator. But he was lively, if geeky, and the fast pace of the songs didn't require a beautiful voice.

Contrast his performances with JS's. I don't enjoy either singer, but between the two, I'd take a fast Elvis from JPL over a bland anything from JS.

okaychatt, pleased JPL is gone and hoping JS follows this week.


zeffy 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

04-17-04, 01:28 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: JPL was robbed"
I'm just going to believe the theory that he was screwed through the facts the AI vocal coaches were drastically changing his singing style. He was classically trained and sung using some muscle while the AI coaches were teaching him how to use breathing techniques so that resulted in inconstant preformances while trying to learn the new style. I don't remember it exactly, but it's posted on the official AI boards.

Chrissy gal 1413 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

04-17-04, 02:22 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: JPL was robbed"
It is so funny because Bob Seger, Steven Tyler, and Mick Jagger are the singers I would compare JPL to. None of them have a great voice, but they have the ability to "deliver" a song. JPL needs a good band and a good producer, and he will be a star.


MollyTV 480 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-17-04, 06:49 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: JPL was robbed"
i agree....i have been saying this since the first time i saw him....he would be a great band frontman!!!
i hope it happens.

Critter 18 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 03:35 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: JPL was robbed"

Oooooh careful.

I agree with Jagger not being great and Tyler? Tyler is a very very good singer with a certain quality that is great for rock. Seger works with his own style very well. JPL was karaoke quality with all the styles.

He will be good running his own karaoke van in Japan. He'll make millions.


shedevil 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 03:45 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: JPL was robbed"
>It is so funny because Bob
>Seger, Steven Tyler, and Mick
>Jagger are the singers I
>would compare JPL to.
>None of them have a
>great voice, but they have
>the ability to "deliver" a
>song. JPL needs a
>good band and a good
>producer, and he will be
>a star.

I totally agree with you, Bob, Steven and Mick are perfect comparisons to JPL.I would also add Rod Stewart to that list. I personally love JPL's voice. None of the above 3 have what you would call a "good voice" when compared to certain people, but why the comparison right? Let's look at it this way, if everyone sounded the same or had the same style then life would be very very dull. If people only wanted to hear the "perfect" type of voice, then the above 3 people would've never made it. Thank God for variety. I agree he will be a big star. He also did a great job singing Elvis, yeah he didn't sound just like him but that doesn't mean he didn't sound good. The Karaoke thing cracks me up, if that's what he sounds like then please point me to the bar he's singing at and I'm there.


callalilly3000 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-18-04, 10:16 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: JPL was robbed"
I have not been a big fan on JPL. He really doesn't have that great of a voice. Not compared to the likes of Fantasia, Jennifer, and Laytoya. However, I loved his perfomance last Wed. I thought it was his best yet.

So, I was a bit surprised that he was the one to go home. Diana had a far worse night, I thought she would be the one to leave.

I gotta tell ya, the voting confuses me.


SheeDreems 19 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 12:24 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: JPL was robbed"
LAST EDITED ON 04-19-04 AT 12:41 PM (EST)

This is long - if you don't wish to read, please just pass it by.
These are my opinions and I am entitled

I am amazed when I read some of the posts for JPL. Comparing him to the likes of Bob Segar and Rod Stewart - what in the world are people thinking? That absolutly blows me away that people will even mention a person with limited singing ability, at best, with these people. Bob Segar is a rock/blues singer - not everyone can do this. You have to have talent to be able to pull it off. It seems effortless because of Segar's talent. Rod Stewart, has a raspy voice, but that does not mean he cannot sing or does not have a good voice, millions upon millions love that sexy, raspiness. Rod Stewart can sing and can also carry a tune - his voice is uniquely his own, you hear it and know immediately it is Rod Stewart.

It is almost criminal that JPL out-lasted Amy Adams, someone who actually had talent and should still be there, even over Diana and Jasmine (even though both of these young girls do have talent - they should have waited until they were older for AI as their voices haven't matured as of yet - same with JS). I didn't like Amy's hair necessairly, but that lady could flat sing a song. One has to wonder how serious AI really is about the televised version of the show. All they really are looking for is talent. They will sign the talent whether they win or not. Their voting system is ridiculous. One that would allow JPL, Camile and JS to stay and Amy Adams to leave, the only one with the real talent out of all of them, well, you just have to wonder what is up with that system.

JPL was so lucky to have lasted as long as he did and the only reason he did was because of his gimmicks. Before he did Elvis' A Little Less Conversation, he didn't have this kind of fan base, no way, no how. Everyone fell in love with his gimmick. It wasn't his voice because he didn't have one. You can't pick an American Idol on gimmicks but his fans just wouldn't hear that - they didn't care that he couldn't sing - or they would become furious with you and call you everything but a human being for even saying he can't sing (and you knowing full well in their hearts and in their brains, even they know it). The only reason he came up with the gimmick in the first place was because of the judges - they told him, he had no personality, no voice and he wasn't going to last long - that lit a fire under him. This was also before Paula started telling him that he had a large fan base and he had all the teen girls in the palm of his hands. After that, he did A Little Less Conversation (with the dance) Lo and Behold! He now, suddenly, has a large fan base. He started out with some adults in that base, however, as the weeks went on, they started dropping off and moving over to talented contestants. Most teens stayed with JPL - all one has to do is go over to the AI Boards and look at the screennames of most of the JPL posters and read some of the posts: "I love him", "I want to marry him", "he is my boyfriend", "I hope he comes to my town", "I want to touch him", "He is so hot", "He is so cute and adorable", "I am dying", "I am going to kill myself", "there is nothing to live for now" and this goes on and on. As far as his singing goes, there is not one single song JPL sang on key. How anyone can say this guy is better then a "shower" singer is beyond my imagination.

I also think the voting system on AI gives singers a false sense of popularity. When a single person can vote as much as 600+ times for a person it really skews everything doesn't it? Multiply that by several thousand. But when it comes down to buying a CD these people will only buy the CD once. When the singer finally puts out the CD, expecting it to go "gold" and it falls short of even a respectable showing - they're going to ask themselves, "where are all my fans and all these people who were voting for me when I was on AI", I thought I had millions of fans and yet I only sold thousands of CDs"? That is when reality will set in. The voting system on AI hurts the contestants more the helps them in the long run.

People, it boils down to the fact that this guy cannot sing. He should not have even been in the competition to begin with. IMO, the only reason he got into the competition in the first place was the fact that Simon and Randy and chosen soooooo many female contestants at every single audition and said no to way too many talented male contestants that Paula got very angry (and rumor has it that the producers did too). Then when Paula became ill, almost every single contestant that Randy and Simon chose were female, Paula went bullistic. I think the BS they were trying to feed Paula and the American public, that the females were just better this year, was not flying with anyone and the judges knew they had to get some more males into the competition. JPL was chosen toward the end of the auditions and that is why he even made it to American Idol-3 because they had already said no to far, far better male singers then JPL in the previous auditions and they had to get some males into the competion before the audition process was over. Randy and Simon goofed, in a nutshell! I think it got away from them. They probably really weren't aware of how many females they had selected for AI-3. This also answers why so many bad male singers were in the competion this year as most of them were selected in the last several auditions - all but the Roman Brothers - who knows what all 3 of them were smoking on that decision? Trying to give 2 twin brothers a break who had just found each other after many years? (lawdy, they couldn't sing in the audition in New York - what made Randy, Paula and Simon think they could sing in Hollywood and then to move them on to the original 32?????) There were some really bad selections this year that's for sure.

I do however, think JPL has a great personality for television or even movie comedies. He would be better in that arena, I think, then singing. He can play to the camera, which is what he did alot of anyway. The last 2 weeks he sang, he actually followed the camera around and not the camera following him, lol. I thought that was too funny. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find him show up on tv or in a comedy movie. Now, that I think I could definitely be in his corner for. He would definitely be good in comedy roles with his personality. He however, is not now or ever has been American Idol material, you have to have real singing ability and JPL just does not have that.

Thanks for reading my post.


shedevil 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 12:29 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: JPL was robbed"
LAST EDITED ON 04-19-04 AT 12:35 PM (EST)


I totally disagree with you, and stick by my comparison and the fact that I love JPL's voice and so do tons of others who just have different taste than you do. I for one can't stand Rod Stewart's voice and Mick Jagger's I compared JPL fairly to them because they do not have what one would call "the perfect voice". It is just your opinion that JPL can't sing, just like it's just my opinion that I feel he can. Nobody is right or wrong when it comes to opinions on talent.

P.S. I'm not a teen, I'm 30, I'm not in love with JPL and my opinion is based only on his voice. Just for the record.


SheeDreems 19 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 12:43 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: JPL was robbed"
LAST EDITED ON 04-19-04 AT 12:50 PM (EST)

Your right She, that is why I said these were just my opinions. We all have different ones and I am glad that we do. It would be a boring world if we all had the same ones. I respect your opinion(s). Thank you for being so nice about it too. Sometimes people act like your not allowed to voice your opinion if it is not the same as their's.

I really do wish JPL well. I liked the way he did his exit on his last night - it was his best performance ever. I do credit all these great exits this year to Matt Rogers. He taught all the contestants how to go out with style and grace and they have followed his lead.


shedevil 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 06:54 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: JPL was robbed"
>LAST EDITED ON 04-19-04
>AT 12:50 PM (EST)

> Your right She, that is
>why I said these were
>just my opinions. We
>all have different ones and
>I am glad that we
>do. It would be
>a boring world if we
>all had the same ones.
> I respect your opinion(s).
> Thank you for being
>so nice about it too.
> Sometimes people act like
>your not allowed to voice
>your opinion if it is
>not the same as their's.
>I really do wish JPL well.
> I liked the way
>he did his exit on
>his last night - it
>was his best performance ever.
> I do credit all
>these great exits this year
>to Matt Rogers. He
>taught all the contestants how
>to go out with style
>and grace and they have
>followed his lead.

No problem about being nice in response to you, I do my best, I've been accused of being not so nice, but I just get passionate about the way I feel sometimes. It's never meant to be taken personally. I agree with you, I think that was JPL's best performance but I really loved his version of "Drift Away". What I don't understand about Matt, is that when he walked out of his audition, he belted out some opera that sounded great, and then after that I kept wondering where that magical voice went.


bighair 308 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

04-18-04, 12:29 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: JPL was robbed"
JLP was far and away my favorite! Ever since I heard that one of the weekly genres was going to be Barry Manilow, I thought he would blow the roof off with "Bandstand Boogie". Too bad I won't get the chance to see it.

nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-19-04, 10:21 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: JPL was robbed"

JPL was a fave of mine, too, but face it. The Final Four will be the Divas and George. The rest will be voted off in the next three weeks. The order doesn't matter.

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-


HECObug 137 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 07:56 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: JPL was robbed"
Yeah I agree he could have done well if the subjects were different but he didn't have the best voice! I do think that John Stevens should have left before JPL though!! I miss JPL's adorable face on AI! He had alot of spunk but yeah!!


Skeery Klown 24 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 08:03 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: JPL was robbed"
i just heard jpl on the cd called
"american idol season 3 - greatest soul classics"
one word "horrid"
when you record in a sound booth and and have it professionally mixed and you still cant cut it give up
they made camile velasco sound incredible
nuff said


shedevil 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 08:14 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: JPL was robbed"
>i just heard jpl on the
>cd called
>"american idol season 3 - greatest
>soul classics"
>one word "horrid"
>when you record in a sound
>booth and and have it
>professionally mixed and you still
>cant cut it give up
>they made camile velasco sound incredible
>nuff said

I disagree, I believe JPL sounds good live, and I think that's more important than only sounding good on c.d. after being filtered like Camille. Also if you don't like the person and don't like the way they sing live, the odds of being able to give an unbiased opinion on a recording aren't that great.


HECObug 137 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 08:17 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: JPL was robbed"
I completely agree with you Shedevil!!


Skeery Klown 24 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 08:17 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: JPL was robbed"
20 years in the music industry here.... live wont pay the bills
cds do
nuff said


HECObug 137 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 08:15 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: JPL was robbed"
Please I mean he doesn't have the best voice but if they can make Camille sound "incredidble" then they could make him sound like and angel! He can sing better then she can!! Way better....


shedevil 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 08:23 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: JPL was robbed"
>Please I mean he doesn't have
>the best voice but if
>they can make Camille sound
>"incredidble" then they could make
>him sound like and angel!
>He can sing better then
>she can!! Way better....

That's what I'm saying! I wouldn't make an opinion on someone just from one song anyway, after hearing others I've liked. I've heard more than one song from him, and he sounds even better when I listen to the JPL MP3s.


HECObug 137 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-19-04, 09:07 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: JPL was robbed"
Yeah I know I was agreeing with you!! But in my own words!!



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