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Conferences The Apprentice General Discussion Forum (Protected)
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anotherkim 14420 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-04, 10:25 PM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 11-09-04 AT 09:59 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-08-04 AT 11:25 PM (EST)

The Apprentice Episode 8
An Exercise in Co-Operative Learning

As you may or may not know, I spend my days molding and shaping the minds of Our Nation’s Future. It’s a sometimes thankless job, but I have to admit that I enjoy it most days. After all, I am exposed to all of the latest trends in music, fashion and pop culture and I have a my very own reality-style soap operas being played out before me each and every day. Plus, I get great vacation breaks (albeit unpaid) and have nice benefits. However, the big downside to teaching is this. I have to watch what I say. Parents take offense when you call their children dumbasses, even when you say it with love (and I always do). Administrators have a tendency to fire teachers who make catty comments to students about their lack of mental ability or stability. And pretty much everyone, except the students, frowns on teachers that curse. So, I spend a great deal of my working day having mental conversations with students. This carries over into my real life and has colored my viewing of The Apprentice. You are about to read this teacher’s Summary of The Apprentice as if it were students in my classroom. I make no apologies for being un-PC, crass, rude or boring. That just comes with the territory. (Oh, and any comments that I make about how hot Kelly is are totally not Mary Kay Letourneauesque because he is well over 21, so that is a definite added benefit of teaching this group.)

We begin with a roll call of who is left. Our administrator, Mr. Donald Trump, has divided the students into two classes: Apex and Mosaic. We’ll deal with each one briefly.

Apex consists of:
Chris: the annoying horrible, Eddie Haskell, sleazeball kid in the back row that wears big gold chains and hits on substitute teachers. As teachers, we hate him.

Ivana: she’s the student who cannot stand to be corrected or told what to do. She takes immense pleasure in pointing out the teachers’ mistakes. As teachers, we want to smack her.

Jen M.: she’s the slut that ends up sleeping with the assistant principal because she’s so “mature”. As teachers, we call her, well, a slut.

Raj: he’s the incredibly annoying suck up with a heart of gold. He also tries to date the subs, but with such a sense of panache, that you can’t help but laugh at him. He’s courteous and funny and always well prepared. He sits in the front row and offers to carry things for us. As teachers, we love him.

Kevin: he’s the quiet kid that you never hear anything out of. He makes great grades, always turns in his work and is voted Most Dependable by his peers. As teachers, we forget about him.

Mosaic consists of
Sandy: she’s the chick that is involved in umpteen clubs and has a social calendar crammed full. She’s always at school, dressed to the nines, but she’s there for the social aspect more than the academic. She does her work, but it’s all surface level. Don’t ask her to explain stuff. As teachers, we call her simple.

Kelly: he’s the All-American guy that plays sports, makes good grades, is nice to teachers, helps the elderly, works for charity on the weekend and dates the cute girls. His only flaw is that he has been told by everyone that he is the smartest, hottest, best guy they know and he buys it. As teachers, we think he is hot.

Maria: she’s the mouthy rebel chick with loud clothes, a big mouth and a short fuse. She desperately wants to be popular and a leader, but she is forever pissing off the rest of the class and cannot seem to learn from her mistakes. She alienates the girls by dressing like a tramp and the boys by talking down to them. As teachers, we think she is annoying.

Andy: the little geeky guy that just wants to fit in. He is inept at athletics, has zilcho social skills and can’t play an instrument to even join the band, so he’s relegated to the debate team. He is defined by his success at the debate and wields it like a sword in hopes that it will make him seem like a force to be reckoned with among his classmates. They? Just think he is a geek. As teacher, we feel sorry for him.

Wes: he’s Kelly’s best friend and tries to be just like him, but behind his back, he’s plotting Kelly’s downfall. When Kelly goes backpacking across the country to raise money for a Honduran food bank, Wes is soooo going to do his girlfriend. As teachers, we don’t trust We as far as we can throw him.

Principal Trump has told the classes that they must complete a relatively simple assignment. He gives them $20,000 per team and tells them to renovate a house on Long Island. Their goal is to increase the resale value as much as possible. The team that makes the greatest gain, percentage-wise, wins. It is, I have to say, one of the easiest and most straightforward challenges to date. They don’t have to choose some lame product, they aren’t trying to sell something that no one wants, they don’t have to deal with something completely subjective, they are being compared based on percentage and not volume, house renovations are not rocket science...this one should be fairly easy.

Silly, silly Kimmah.

Forgive me while I take a moment to explain a very popular teaching concept to you because it is central to the premise of The Apprentice. The concept is co-operative learning. In this learning style, the students work together to solve problems and come up with the answer. It is supposed to be superior to traditional methods because it engages all of the students and they don’t just sit back and listen. There should be participation by all the team or group members and everyone should be made to feel important in the group. Additionally, it teaches students how to work with others and how to get along. They have to problem solve as a team and get past their personal differences. Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so.

Before the classes set off on their co-op learning assignment of the day, Principal Trump throws a curveball at them. One key part of working in the “real world” is learning how to work with people that you don’t like. Typical of an administrator, he thinks that he is introducing some brilliant new “twist” to the situation due to his keen insight and observation. It’s as if he is totally unaware that these people have already been working with people they hate up until this point. How could it possibly get any worse? It gets worse, at least for a few of them, when he jumps the shark and says he is bringing back the first four people that he fired to work with the teams for this one task.

I’ve worked with kids for a long time. I’ve given instruction for a long time. I can tell when someone is purely trying to put spin on something. Listening to Trump try to spin this crapass idea into something brilliant was painful. He kept explaining it to them, making sure they all understood that it was for ONE SHOW ONLY and TO TEACH THEM A LESSON, yada yada, yada. As if they were all to stupid to understand it was for the ratings. They know, Principal Trump, they know. You can see it in their eyes as they frantically try to count back and figure out who they are about to be stuck with.

Principal Trump triumphantly announces the return FOR ONE SHOW ONLY and TO TEACH YOU ALL A LESSON of the fired four. The first two will go to Mosaic. They are:

Rob: he’s the moon-faced kid that always has a big grin and not one iota of one clue what is going on in class. He’s nice and friendly and dumb as a rock. As teachers, we call him lunkhead.

Jen C.: she’s the snarky bitch that likes to talk about everyone behind their backs, but never admits it. She deludes herself into thinking that she is popular with students and with teachers and has no idea that everyone think she is loud, obnoxious and rude. As teachers, we fight the urge to staple her mouth shut.

The other two go to Apex. They are:

Bradford: he’s the cocky guy who never knows when to shut up. You can’t help but love him in class, but you still want to smack him with a book at least once a week. He oversteps the line because he forgets he’s the student and you’re the teacher. He’s smart and always super-prepared. He never misses a chance to laugh at himself or at you, but in a nice way. As teachers, we like Bradford.

Stacie J: she’s the outcast that everyone picks on. She dresses differently, she has really weird hair and she speaks her mind. In class, she is usually a loner and hates the co-operative learning assignments because she always hates the group she gets stuck with. She is the one who has big plans for when she gets out of high school and no one expects to see her at the class reunions. As teachers, we find her refreshing.

Now, at last, the teams are finalized, the challenge can begin and we are ready to roll…….oh, no, wait. We have to go back to the suite for a night of “drama” first. That makes for good television, folks. Human interaction is always better than human action.

Stacie, it turns out, has some issues that she would like to discuss with those who booted her out. I’m hoping for a catfight. I’ve seen several fights in my days as a teacher and let me tell you now, nothing compares to a girl fight. Nothing. Boys? They just punch each other and it’s over. Girls? They wail the ever-lovin’ snot out of each other. They pull hair, they scratch, they roll around on the floor, they curse. I actually even saw one rather trashy girl resort to using a tire iron. In short, girls fight dirty. I have high hopes for the fireworks that the ads have promised me because Stacie can dish it out, right? WRONG. Bo-ring. She and Ivana exchange words that wouldn’t even get them sent out to the hall, much less to detention. They argued back and forth a bit and Ivana, being the warrior that she is, left the room. I waited to see Stacie charge after her…but she didn’t. That was it. Fight over. How incredibly depressing. Jen. C. also had an exchange with Ivana, but it was equally boring. Where was the screaming? Where was the yelling? Where was the damn tire iron?

Eventually, the challenge actually begins. We don’t see a great deal of strategizing the night before, but we can assume that some plans were made. Okay, well. Most of us would have strategized anyway. These people did at least go back to their ever-popular “pick a PM out of a hat” game. Other than that, we don’t see a whole lot of evidence that any prep work was done when the teams roll out the next morning. They were obviously too busy bitching and kvetching about the return FOR ONE EPISODE ONLY of the fearsome foursome.

The Project Managers are Sandy (because she is the only one who has never been PM before) and Raj. Through their confessionals we learn that Sandy really thinks she has to prove herself with this challenge (uh, DUH, honey. You’ve been a complete washout so far. Ya think maybe you should pony up with something before your candy ass gets booted maybe?) and Raj tells us that with his background in real estate he is a perfect match for the job (Raj…..hubris, honey, hubris. Look it up.).

They are taken to their houses and told to get to work.

Principal Trump had warned the clueless students about the evil contractors that would try to take all of their money and not do any work (insert spooky music here). It was, perhaps, the most obvious bit of foreshadowing in the history of foreshadowing. Even my freshmen who sleep through first period could have picked up on that little clue: someone is gonna get screwed by the contractors!!

Since the contractor is the most important choice and they’ve been duly warned, the classes get to work making a decision. Kevin calls a realtor and goes with the one and only suggestion that is made. Without even meeting the guy. This? Is possibly the stupidest move that I’ve ever seen. They took no bids. They asked no hard questions. They just went with the recommendation because the realtor told them to. They deserve to lose at this point. I tell them so, loudly. This is the problem with kids today. They get an idea and refuse to budge from it. Kevin is a bulldog about the contractor, despite Raj’s hesitation. Kevin is so proud that he has thought outside the box (which box he is outside of, I am not exactly sure? The “hey, let’s use some common sense and get some bids box” maybe), that he convinces the rest of the team that this is a brilliant strategy. Kudos to Kevin for that. That takes leadership, my friends, or some serious b.s. skills.

Meanwhile, Mosaic brings in a couple of contractors and asks questions. They divide up the jobs between the contractors assuming that the work that they have is too much for one group. Excellent assumption. Brilliant plan. Good work. They get 5 gold stars. These people actually have some grasp of the plan that was placed before them. They begin to work on their task like an actual team. Sandy identifies problem areas and as a group, they come up with solutions. The contractors offer ideas and Mosaic runs like a well-oiled machine. It doesn’t hurt that Kelly and Wes are looking hot and Maria is remarkably silent. Since there aren’t any real problems at Mosaic, the editors don’t tarry long there.

Back at Apex, Raj has lost his frigging mind. I’ve long wondered if he had some aggression problems and they seem to surface in this episode. He is hell-bent on tearing down a wall because that is what men do. Raj, Raj, Raj. Up until now I have been amused and entertained. Now I am just utterly befuddled and disgusted. Why on earth would you undertake wall demolition in such a short time, you moron? Despite concerns from team members, Raj forges ahead with useless Ivana beside him. They fling themselves at the wall in a feeble effort to break it down. I am truly saddened that neither one of them dislocate a shoulder in the process. Kevin and Jen M. both think that this is a terrible idea and it pains me, but I have to agree with them. Chris is convinced that the team is doomed because there is no sense of teamwork and Bradford and Stacie J. are just sort of standing around with glazed looks in their eyes. All in all this team stink of death. The stench is worse than that must surely be in that funky carpet.

Over at Chez Mosaic, things are starting to slip a little bit. There are a lot of tasks, things are not getting done, details are being overlooked and shock of all shocks, Sandy is overwhelmed. She has to take a moment to go cry. I have to give her credit for not losing it in front of everyone and blubbering like the nitwit she is right in front of the crowd, but that’s as much credit as I am willing to give her at this point. Much is made of her “moment” by the editors. It’s like she had to have her cry in order to see the light and rejuvenate. Suddenly she’s Super Sandy, Power PM and can leap crappy houses in a single bound or some such nonsense. She goes back to rally the class and tries to get everyone back on track. Rob brags that he has only slept like two hours out of the past 36 and those were in the van. He feels like has to prove himself to the group (Ummmm, buddy, you do know that you are NOT going to get the job, right? No one is going to pay you any more for proving yourself. You’ve been fired. They can’t fire you twice, lunkhead)!!

The real brains in the group turns out to be everybody’s favorite geek, Andy. He has the foresight to realize that they may need yet another contactor to come in and help with the job. He wanders around the neighborhood and finds a tile guy to come in and help them finish the kitchen job. I like Andy. Andy is good. Andy is smart. Andy is still a scrawny little kid that Kelly could snap like a twig if the need arose, though, so I’m still rooting for Kelly at this point. Sorry, Andy.

The new contractor is like a ray of sunshine into the formerly rainy and dreary Mosaic house. He explains, in painstaking detail, how kitchen will look. Sandy is awestruck and nods with a sort of dumb look on her face (come to think of it this is her actually typical state, so all is back to the norm). But the plan is labor-intensive. There are all sorts of little details that need attending to and Jen C. is more than happy to point them out to Sandy (bitch, they fired you already. Shut up). Just about the time it looks like her itty bitty brain might explode on the spot, the contractor’s brother arrives to help out. Then his cousin shows up and so on and so on. Say what you want about everyone in the South being related, but this contractor is evidently related to every tile man in the greater Long Island area and they all look alike.

The contractor orgy at Mosaic is a stark contrast to the clusterfvck that is underway at Apex. Raj, in addition to tearing down a wall upstairs and instantly lowering the appraisal value of his class’s home, has decided that they must add a full bath to the second floor, install aluminum siding (I didn’t even know that people still used aluminum siding—it’s all vinyl down here) and put in some carpet. With their one contractor. Who is apparently a lazy goon. I’m sure that the Mosaic people are doing some work, but the editors suck and we really don’t see much. Apparently, we find out later, Jen M. and Stacie cleaned out the basement or something like that. Some work was done in the kitchen as well. No one, though did diddly squat to the landscaping or the décor. Supposedly Ivana worked really hard, but again, I can’t figure out where. Maybe she painted. This house is a nightmare.

With thirty minutes left before the appraisals, the contractor is sitting on a five-gallon bucket eating a taco (Folks, you just can't make some stuff up). There are various bathroom fixtures in pieces lying in and around the new second floor bathroom, which has nor flooring or wall finishing. Raj asks the slug-like contractor if things will be ready on time and is assured that they will. For some reason, Raj takes this calmly and seems to believe it. Perhaps he is just putting on a good front for the camera. Surely he is not THAT stupid. Wait, upon later consideration of the rest of the house, yes, Raj is THAT stupid. Despite spending $20,000, the Apex house still looks like a fraternity house. (I'm not talking about the nice, sedate, SAE house right before Rush Week either, I'm talking the Kappa Sig house after Homecomeing Week.) The team is shown rushing around making last minute clean-ups, which include spilling paint and throwing trash into the front yard. Honestly? The taco-eating contractor is the least of their worries.

Appraisal time. Carolyn, George’s replacement Matthew Calamari (I did not make up that name), and a team of appraisers make their way through Apex’s house first. The before and after pictures are suitably impressive. Apex has taken the boring little house with the scuzzy looking aluminum air lock and turned into a sort of cottagesque little place. They’ve paid attention to the landscaping detail and the whole place just oozes charm.. Inside the kitchen looks fabulous. They’ve even added a full bath upstairs, and unlike Apex, everything is plumbed in and works. Sandy does a great job presenting the house to the judges (she should really be applying for Vanna White’s Apprentice). They nod and smile like paid hacks do and make pretend marks on their sheets. Carolyn and Matthew pretend like there is some level of competition. They’ve seen Apex’s house. They know this is over before it even started.

Since there is an entire hour to fill, the judges have to go tour the Apex house, so off they go. Upon arrival, it is again, easy to see that this is no.con.test. There is still a construction dumpster in the front yard. There is paint spilled all over the grass. There have been no changes in the landscaping—the weeds and bushes still look the same. They did manage to get the siding added, but that’s it.

Upon entry to the house, Raj welcomes the judges to the house. He is visibly uncomfortable and will not stop babbling. Babble, babble, babble. He takes them to the kitchen which, as far as I can tell, is the only room that they did not completely screw up. It look somewhat better, although no where near as cute as Apex’s. New hardware, new floors, brak, brak, brak (I teach my students to just SHUT UP when they have nothing useful to say).

When the judges move upstairs, it is all over. The steps, which have been newly carpeted, are covered in mud and God only knows what else. Raj not only draws attention to this, he then makes it worse by commenting that the carpet will have to be replaced because they’ve tracked all this mud in somehow (shut up, dumbass) and they should have covered it (shut up dumbass) and on and on and on (SHUT UP). Upstairs, there is just nothing to say about the bathroom. For some reason that I can’t even grasp, none of the brains in Apex even thought to go put the fixtures into place themselves. It’s like an abstract bathroom….toilet bowl here, tank there, pedestal here, sink there, shower there. Picasso would be at home here. Unfrickingbelievable. Again, Raj continues to make apologies and simper about and generally just talk too damn much. At this point, there is just nothing else to say.

When you think it can’t get any worse, they go into the new and improved gigantic third bedroom. What was once two is now ONE. And it is enormous and cavernous and looks to be unfinished. Doesn’t everyone want a bedroom with two doors? You can tell that the judges are just beyond words at this point. Raj is a complete fool. This task showed that he has no common sense whatsoever. Charm, yes. Sense? None. Zip. Zilch. And his team is full of morons, too.

The day is done and the classes return to the boardroom for the final results. Sometimes there is actually suspense in the reveal, but this week? None. The only shock that was to be had was that over the insanely high home prices on Long Island. ATTENTION! For $400K, you can get at least 6,000 sq feet in my county. Folks, this is why people are moving to the South and the Midwest and W. is your president. It’s all about the real estate. Sheesh. $400K for THOSE houses? I nearly fell off my sofa—which must be worth about $3K on Long Island.

Anyway, Apex lost, but not by nearly as much as I would have thought. Evidently the Raj was doing one of the judges on the side or something. By virtue of Mosaic’s win, Sandy is exempt next week. Goody. Mosiac is rewarded with a trip to Denise Rich’s house in the Hamptons via Principal Trump’s helicopter; Apex gets to go whine in the suite before returning to the boardroom where someone WILL be fired. Whatever. At this point, I am having trouble holding my eyes open.

The rewards this season are only possibly matched in their lameness by the challenges on Survivor. Mosaic is welcomed by Denise Rich (she is one horsey looking broad). Their exciting reward consists of getting to spend the day lounging at her house and playing on the beach. It’s sort of a reward with a punishment because it requires the students to wear their bathing suits on national television. These people may look impossibly cute, hot, pretty, etc. in their business attire, but in swimwear, they are not all that. The women bundle up, cover up, and wrap up while the guys frolic in the water. This is NOT Survivor. Poor Mark Burnett. You can tell he wants to inject some real T and A in, but he’s working with Jen C. and Sandy who are wearing impossibly bulky robes and Andy who looks like he’s wearing his Daddy’s bathing suit. Enough already with the beach scene. Finally, we are spared. As the contestants fade, we hear one of the women in voice over lamenting that she feels fat. Hate to tell you honey, but you DO look kind of chunky. I hope for your sake that television does add ten pounds. Go put on some clothes.

Back in NYC, Apex is busy imploding. Raj and Jen M. are having a heart to heart about who to trash in the boardroom. Raj is being schooled in the Jen M. ways of the Apprentice: pick your victim early and attack (can we say high school?). She plans to go in and shred Ivana. She instructs Raj to take Ivana to the boardroom. The problem is, like in the past with some boardroom victims, there is no solid reason to take Ivana. The reason for the disaster that was Apex this week is solely at the feet of Raj and to some extent, Kevin. Raj, though, lets his ego go into overdrive and buys Jen’s b.s. hook, line and sinker. He believes that the two of them will snooker Trump into believing whatever line they throw him.

Earth to Raj! Jen’s hair is a color that occurs naturally ONLY in volcanic ash. This is a choice she made on purpose, thus showing that she is most certainly not infallible. Raj is so happy to have a plan that might save his sorry ass that he grabs onto it and runs with it. Dumb.ass.

In the boardroom, Apex is greeted by Carolyn, who is looking particularly hot, Matthew, who looks more like a mechanic than a Trump executive, and then Principal Trump himself. Trump comes in wearing a tuxedo with...a bowtie. Now if THIS isn’t more foreshadowing, I don’t know what is, kids. Come on. He just happens to have a charity event just after the boardroom? What, he couldn’t move the boardroom meeting up to allow himself enough time to change clothes? Yeah, right. There’s only one reason that Trump is wearing a bowtie for this firing and his name is Raj.

Raj takes full blame for the debacle. He foolishly thinks that if he absorbs all of the mistakes that this will somehow make him seem smarter to Principal Trump. Bradford and Stacie seem to enjoy their time in the boardroom. Bradford takes a moment to schmooze with Trump and even makes a feeble hit/compliment on the future Mrs. Principal Trump. Gold stars for Bradford. Trump still obviously loves him. Bradford and Stacie are eager to stab Ivana as much as possible and paint her as a complete slackass loser, waster of human flesh. Basically, the entire class has the same assessment of Ivana. You’d think that perhaps she might be gong, but that wouldn’t be good television, now would it?

It also turns out that Stacie is not insane and her head never once spun around in circles during the task. She never talked to her other personalities or consulted a Ouijia bord, Tarot cards or Miss Cleo, either. She was even, gasp, a hard worker. Jen et al sing her praises. Trump brags on her. For a moment, I wonder if it really was FOR ONE EPISODE ONLY, but never fear. Now that Trump has given her a chance to redeem her good name on national television, thus avoiding a lawsuit, she and Bradford are reminded that they really were there FOR ONE EPISODE ONLY and sent packing out of the room for good...or so we assume. Who knows what will happen in this whacky show with all its "big twists"?

There is much discussion over the crappy contractor—after all, Principal Trump warned them that bad contractors would come their way (insert foreboding music). Kevin, Mr. Dependable himself, totally shocks everyone when he says that he didn’t actually recommend the contractor. This despite the fact that Kevin did in fact recommend the contractor and then insisted that he be hired. Raj is taken aback by Kevin’s turn, but instead of being on the offensive, Raj still plays defense. He never seems to get the fact that his head is on the chopping block. He is oblivious to the fact that he has not yet made even the remotest case against Ivana. Meanwhile, she’s sitting next to him smirking, snarling, rolling her eyes and being a general annoyance to mankind. No matter. She is safe because Raj cannot or will not shut that ever-yapping trap of his. Yada, yada, yada. Principal Trump has finally had enough.

Once again, he gives the PM a chance to impress him and choose to take three people to the boardroom and once again, the PM totally chokes and only chooses to take two (they never learn. It’s like freshmen who can’t figure out not to talk in the hall on the way to the library.). Trump looks irritated, but doesn’t give Raj the usual lashing when he chooses to take only two: Ivana and Kevin. Ivana looks deeply offended (get the hell over yourself already) and Kevin looks as if he expected to be going (you're safe. Raj is an idiot). Jen M. and Chris are safe from the firing and are sent back up to the suite….hold the phone, Chris has to open his big, annoying mouth.

Chris, who has been mostly invisible and, thankfully, inaudible this episode, has an urgent message to Trump and Co. He passionately informs them that this team will be back next week because there is no chemistry and they cannot play well with others and they are all morons and nothing will ever stop them from being morons. He is banging on the table and small dribble of spit are forming in the corners of his mouth. I half expect him to cry.

Carolyn looks at him as if he has sprouted an alien being from his mouth and informs him to shut the fvck up with the whining and fix the damn sorry team. Trump demands to know if Raj still just wants to bring two people to the boardroom, indicating that he is dying to fire Chris. In the single dumbest dumbass move of a show laden with dumbass moves, Raj chooses NOT to bring Chris. Again, Trump was practically begging him to do so, but he did not. Chris is then pushed in to becoming the PM for next week’s task and a gigantic bulls eye is painted squarely (or I guess roundly if you want to be nitpicky about it) on his icky, back (you just know he has a nasty, hairy back).

Chris and Jen slink out of the boardroom leaving a slime trail a mile wide, and Raj is left to try and defend his stupidity, which at this point it is just hopeless. There is nothing left to say. He is as monumentally bad at politicking as he is at home renovations. He cannot think on his feet and when put on the spot with a question he has an unfortunate tendancy to give a sort of slack-jawed, doofus face that inspires no confidence whatsoever.

By this time no one is still paying a damn bit of attention to the show or this summary, are they? It’s like 3:00 on a Friday. We’re just ready to go home already. The kids are sent out into the hall, Carolyn makes some bizarre comment about Ivana being a hard worker, thus sealing Raj’s fate, Raj is fired and the show is over. The only high point left is when Raj hits on Robin as he waits for the elevator. It’s so pathetic one has to laugh—either with him or at him.

At the end of the day, it’s important to consider the lessons of The Apprentice: keep your mouth shut, don’t take on more than you can handle and take three people into the damn boardroom already.

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--sheesh, that was boring


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 Gothmog 11-08-04 1
 RE: Brilliant! Sheila 11-09-04 2
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 seahorse 11-09-04 3
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 Surveysez 11-09-04 4
 Wonderful! greenmonstah 11-09-04 5
   RE: Wonderful! StarryLuna 11-09-04 11
   RE: Wonderful! Estee 11-09-04 12
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 landruajm 11-09-04 6
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 ARnutz 11-09-04 7
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 SilverStar 11-09-04 8
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 AMAI 11-09-04 9
   RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 ginger 11-09-04 10
 Here's a nice shiny apple! PagongRatEater 11-09-04 13
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 Silvergirl1 11-09-04 14
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 Skiver 11-10-04 15
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 Captain_Savem 11-10-04 16
 Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad TeamJoisey 11-11-04 17
 RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9 BOYmeetsREALITY 11-11-04 18

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Gothmog 2886 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-08-04, 11:37 PM (EST)
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As teachers, we find your summary brilliant.

that roll call? dead on.


Sheila 2069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

11-09-04, 00:12 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Brilliant!"
I loved the episode as seen from the eyes of a teacher! Otherwise? not so much. But this way was very funny. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us old folks and not just those lucky "youth" you teach daily.

I still remember the 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon feeling!


seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 00:26 AM (EST)
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Very unique summary, Kim. Great job.


Surveysez 2793 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-09-04, 06:03 AM (EST)
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Womderfully educational. The real episode - not so much fun to watch. Your summary - an enjoyment to read. I should have just waited for you to provide the real entertainment.


greenmonstah 10761 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 06:32 AM (EST)
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5. "Wonderful!"
That was one heck of a summary! Very funny, very well done. Also, it amuses me to no end, to know that techers have private jokes about students.

I loved it! All of it!

(My absolute favorite part, is when you called Denise Rich "one horsey looking broad".)

Wait! Does this mean Goth, Luna, Nutty and you have private jokes about all of us???????


StarryLuna 4771 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-09-04, 04:44 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Wonderful!"
No Monsty dear, we'd never talk about you all behind your backs. Now go play on the swings while Mrs. Kimmah and I watch.

KIM!!! That was an awesome summary! Your roll call was spot on and I could even picture my students in place of the contestents!

Bounciness provided by IceCat!


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 05:44 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Wonderful!"
You should only see all the private jokes the students have about teachers. Actually, the teachers are usually more along the lines of public jokes...

...few of which are as good as this summary.

(Note to self: never attend one of Kim's classes. Never, ever, under any circumstances which are not meant to avoid immediate death.)


landruajm 6040 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 07:50 AM (EST)
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I'm deeply disappointed that you didn't say more libelous and actionable things about the contestants. I mean, it's almost as if you like them or something. This is just unconscionable.

All about hatin' the playa and the play.

Oh, and you rock, of course.


ARnutz 13937 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 08:56 AM (EST)
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Kimmah!!! The teachers in your midst can relate! You are brilliant, my dear. This summary? Was hysterical!

A J Slice original (c)2004


SilverStar 6205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 10:58 AM (EST)
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Great job Kimmah! Not boring at all!

Bouncey by Icey
On the scales of desire, your absence weighs more than someone else's presence.


AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-09-04, 02:18 PM (EST)
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Wonderful summary!!! Thank you AnotherKim.


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 04:34 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9"
You are truly the Queen of the Blackboard Jungle. Excellent, Dahlin Kimmah.


PagongRatEater 12996 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 05:49 PM (EST)
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13. "Here's a nice shiny apple!"
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-04 AT 05:49 PM (EST)

Great job teach. Way to bring your own unique perspective to the show. I loved the student profiles of the players. Dead on, too. (well, personally I don't think Kelly is that hot, but that's just me )

And, predictably, my favorite line...

Folks, this is why people are moving to the South and the Midwest and W. is your president. It’s all about the real estate. Sheesh. $400K for THOSE houses? I nearly fell off my sofa—which must be worth about $3K on Long Island.

Appealing to both the NYer and the Republican in me.


Silvergirl1 9342 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-04, 06:24 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9"

Kim, this summary was so insightful, funny, and well written. I loved the comparison to school.

I also thought it was ironic that the Donald was wearing a bow tie.

Good job!

Sig courtesy of RollDdice


Skiver 1118 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-10-04, 01:11 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9"
Great summary, AKim! Loved the characterization of the contestants at the beginning. The stuff following the 'as teachers...' phrase was a hoot.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"Fool me once, shame on... Shame on you. Fool me twice... Can't get fooled again." - GW Bush


Captain_Savem 3731 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-10-04, 04:25 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9"
You? Made lemonade out of lemons. Way to go Kim, kickass job.

The Evolution Continues...


TeamJoisey 3558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-11-04, 00:27 AM (EST)
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17. "Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad"
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-04 AT 00:28 AM (EST)

I'm hot for teacher!!

Nice work Kimmah, and loved the premise.

I was the Bradford type ... at least I think I was.

And $400K for those homes... That's worse than Joisey!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't Raj have done a better job increasing the
home's value if he just put the $20K in cash in the kitchen drawer?


BOYmeetsREALITY 308 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-11-04, 08:10 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: OFFICIAL SUMMARY Episode 9"
Thanks Teach!

Chris and Jen slink out of the boardroom leaving a slime trail a mile wide...

...Much like this show is beginning to do to the entire network television lineup!



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