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"We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
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What 209 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-03-04, 03:18 PM (EST)
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"We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
in another thread, and that makes me wonder about Donald's massive failure years ago where he lost everything. He probably filed for bankruptcy which, in a way, is a low/no interest loan which would imply that he is a small business owner via failure to _____________? We don't know, as the general public, where he failed and how he 'lost' his money.

If he banked his lost money under another name, the courts wouldn't be able to touch it, and Donald would then be financing what he owes to his creditors at a much lower cost that what was originally agreed upon, and his creditors would be humbled by the threat of losing his business and then in return the painfully slow pay back the courts allow him to make.

In essence, if this is what he did, he could double or triple what he was worth at the height of what he chose to reflect on his books at the time of his 'loss.'

He bought the town, he bought the courts, and he basically re-purchased everything for half its original value.

He's one to watch out for. It doesn't make sense that his casino is failing.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: We were talking about Small Bus... realitychick 11-03-04 1
   RE: We were talking about Small Bus... What 11-04-04 7
 Forget my post DontGetMeStarted 11-03-04 2
   Forget my post What 11-04-04 8
 RE: We were talking about Small Bus... frodo2 11-04-04 3
   RE: We were talking about Small Bus... Bebo 11-04-04 5
       RE: We were talking about Small Bus... realitychick 11-04-04 6
   RE: We were talking about Small Bus... What 11-04-04 9
 RE: We were talking about Small Bus... 63_Stingray 11-04-04 4
   This blows my mind... What 11-04-04 10
       RE: This blows my mind... 63_Stingray 11-04-04 11

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realitychick 200 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-03-04, 06:21 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
If the court were able to find the money he supposedly "banked" they could attach it.

I do not agree that Trump "bought the town, the courts..." That would be one expensive court! Not every judge is on the take. They are judges, human, and have a lot to lose if accused of being bought.

In the past, Trump did lose all of it and more. He commented in a biography (I'll try to find the link) that he looked at a homeless man, while he was taking a walk, and commented that the homeless man was in less debt than he... to find that link...


What 209 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-04-04, 07:03 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
"If the courts were able to find the money..." - an important question, yes.

"...and have a lot to lose if accused of being bought" - Actually I think they have a lot to lose if being caught. Donald would make sure that they wouldn't get caught.

"that the homeless man was in less debt than he..." - that was probably Donald's way of ridiculing the homeless man and if he has even a tiny bit of a soul left, ridiculing the system that keeps him on the streets and out of a residential care home for whatever reason.

Thanks for the link.


DontGetMeStarted 880 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-03-04, 07:40 PM (EST)
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2. "Forget my post "
As a small business person I can't even go here.

What 209 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-04-04, 07:05 PM (EST)
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8. "Forget my post "
That's good. Hopefully that means your business is thriving.

Don't tell Bush though, he'll find a way to summarize you as 70%. I wonder what he does with the other 30%?


frodo2 289 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-04-04, 00:02 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
At Trump's level, bankruptcy works differently. If you or I went bankrupt, you could lose your house or car and you won't be able to get credit for things for (seven years? not sure on the time frame).

But at the Trump/Worldcom level, they have so much capital, it behoves their creditors not to let them file for bankruptcy, so they can negotiate payback and debt-for-equity deals which are alternative forms of payment.

As I understand it, the reason Trump's public company, Trump Casinos is in trouble, is because he loaded a lot of debt from his private companies into it. I don't know that debt was related to his earlier fall from riches or if it was new debt.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-04, 07:16 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
If you or I went bankrupt, you could lose your house or car and you won't be able to get credit for things for (seven years? not sure on the time frame).

Not exactly. Certain assets are protected during a bankruptcy filing, such as residence. Typically, the bankruptcy judge would let a person keep a car too, since many people need cars to drive to work (yeah, public transportation is an option in some areas, but there are plenty of areas where that wouldn't work). And it is possible to get credit even with a bankruptcy in recent history, but at a significantly higher interest rate. It's even encouraged to get some credit, to rebuild a credit history.

Basically, a bankruptcy on a credit report just flags potential creditors that there is a higher risk for the consumer applying for the credit. Many creditors still want to assume that risk, but charge a much higher interest rate to do so.


realitychick 200 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-04-04, 01:14 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
Ditto Bebo, you are right on. Just a few points to add. You can add in or keep out what you want in bk. You may keep your house out of it or in it (to reorganize) and you may keep a "resonable" vehicle. For example, if you are claiming bk, you cannot keep your economical "Hummer 2".

What 209 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-04-04, 07:09 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
"alternative forms of payment" - that's a scary thought, even for Trump. That could mean anything, especially if you are talking to a mobster. I don't think I'll go there right now.

"because he loaded a lot of debt from his private companies into it." - Where is his casino located again? Trump must be looking for a way to capitalize on this city's weaknesses through the courts. I suppose he's not breaking any laws per se, he's just going to keep screwing the loopholes until someone finds the value in calling him out.

I can't figure out what predominates in this man, bitterness or boredom.


63_Stingray 483 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-04-04, 00:26 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: We were talking about Small Business Loans...."
Filing for bankruptcy does not result in a loan to the filer of the petition. Bankruptcy simply allows the debtor to discharge some financial obligations and arrange alternate repayment plans for others. DT went bankrupt when the real estate market collapsed and his highly leveraged properties fell behind in the payments owed to creditors. All he did was rewrite the notes on his properties, obtaining flexible terms from the lien holders and banks in exchange for ownership in other properies, namely his casinos which are now in trouble too.

What 209 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-04-04, 07:16 PM (EST)
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10. "This blows my mind..."
How Trump can build these high-rise buildings and sell basically a floor for 1 million+. Where does he find his buyers? It's like saying a great percentage of New Yorkers are rich enough to afford the mortgage payment on a 1mill loan. I wonder how much that is?

"All he did was rewrite the notes on his properties, obtaining flexible terms from the lien holders and banks in exchange for ownership in other properies."

Sounds too simple for such a huge loss/problem. I know there's a question in there somewhere. In exchange for ownership in other properties... sounds like he's turning the tables on those mobsters mentioned above. I can't tell who's worse.


63_Stingray 483 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-04-04, 07:23 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: This blows my mind..."
How Trump can build these high-rise buildings and sell basically a floor for 1 million+.

?? You couldn't buy a broom closet in one of Trump's building for that? Okay, maybe you could, but depending on the property, we're talking $10MM+ for most anything Trump sells in his better projects and that's probably too low of a figure.



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