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"W O W"
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Libertine 33 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

10-29-04, 01:06 AM (EST)
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"W O W"
A couple things...

Whoring it up...
What's her name, the tramp who would work for trump...she must have really misread the advert that was looking for apprentice, and confused it with an escort service.
First she's whoring it up for the pooch owners, then she wan't to debase the police department, when deutschland is telling them it's supposed to be about heart.
That's a heart on.........not a hard on...

Elisabeth. Got to be the dumbest ##### I ever saw on tv.
This chick goes on and on about not how she can't lead a campaign she doesn't stand behind, so she chose a different path....then she fails to lead at all, but ends up creating the campaign she was against.....stupid, stupid woman...

The great irony of the teams is that in both cases the leaders had a good initial idea. And only the conviction of the leaders was responsible for the ultimate success/failure of the project.
Andy stood by his to the end with total conviction, and though his team didn't trust it, they followed him, into the would be gallows, and as a result they won spectacularly.
Elizabeth, on the other hand changed her mind back and forth to suit the teams disposistion of the moment then completely flaked on her conviction, creating a police state promo while flunking in the leadership role with mutiny afoot.

I have to say that Raj, my favorite of the bunch was putting out a retarded idea......again, was I the only person who heard the part about emotion from deutsch....
Raj was a knucklehead here, I hope he doesn't screw it up after this, or he is gone.

Kevin got some more show time, a it showed some conviction and industry that could have lead somewhere, elizabeth was a huge vampire of energy and impetus in any direction, so kevin ended looking just angry and impotent, and the rest of the team just resentfull and beaten.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: W O W Nanook 10-29-04 1
   RE: W O W DHerder222 10-29-04 2
   RE: W O W FlyinBrian 10-29-04 3
       RE: W O W eagle_eyez 10-29-04 4
           Dood/Doodette, mrc 10-29-04 6
               RE: Dood/Doodette, geg6 10-29-04 9
                   Mea culpa mrc 10-29-04 10
 RE: Raj rtrader 10-29-04 5
   RE: Raj jae 10-29-04 7
 RE: W O W tamsinford 10-29-04 8
   editing trumpcard 10-29-04 11
       RE: editing realitychick 10-29-04 12

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Nanook 189 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-29-04, 02:16 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: W O W"
This was a great episode. Maria was so stupid wanting their commercial to have sex appeal. Was it Andy who said people become police officers to help people, not to get laid? He's a smart guy. I love how his team was treating him like an incompetent child, and then he lead them to victory. A big one too! While the ad reps loved Mosaic's commercial, they absolutely hated Apex's. When they watched it in the boardroom George, Trump, and Carolyn all had "WTF is this crap?" expressions on their faces, LOL.

I love how Trump flat out fired Elizabeth without even bothering with the whole "pick 2 or 3 people to come back in" deal. Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. LOL It really was a no-brainer though. She was one sucky leader.

I think Mosaic owes Andy an apology and a thank you. He did a great job when everyone doubted him. I doubt he'll be the next apprentice, but I'm glad he'll be around for at least two more weeks (exempt next week). Oh, and I thought everyone acted very rude when he and Wes came back from the boardroom. They're all sitting there talking smack over dinner while he sadly walked outside, talking about feeling like the kid who gets picked last for the dodgeball team in gym glass. Personally, I would have wanted to pop open a bottle of champagne upon seeing midget Stacy's butt gone. Poor Andy. Well he showed them this week!


DHerder222 63 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-29-04, 02:41 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: W O W"
I agree. I said in another post that I was a big fan of Andy's until last week when he lost the cell phone - That was sort of my last straw, and I was ready to see him go. That said, I think he's redeemed a lot of that by kicking mountains of butt as project manager this week.

You gotta also remember though, Nanook, that editing probably had a lot to do with the scene right after the boardroom. While it's true they were being total jerks before he got in, it's very possible that once he got there they were nice, and the producers just edited his porch scene to make it appear that he did so right after he got back from the boardroom. It could have been hours later, for all we know.


FlyinBrian 37 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

10-29-04, 02:43 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: W O W"
I agree, Andy was excellent. I especially loved when he hung up after talking to Maria and said, "It was nothing. They’re just coming up with an exit strategy as opposed to working on the project." He nailed it on the head!

eagle_eyez 78 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-29-04, 09:11 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: W O W"
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-04 AT 09:12 AM (EST)

>I agree, Andy was excellent.
>I especially loved when he
>hung up after talking to
>Maria and said, "It was
>nothing. They’re just coming
>up with an exit strategy
>as opposed to working on
>the project." He nailed
>it on the head!

That was a classic moment. No one has ever really stood up to Maria before, and I'm sure that the last person she expected to do that was Andy. As an active duty military servicemember, I knew that Andy had the right idea from the beginning. What made me choose to join the military (US Marine Corps to be precise) was the feeling of pride and accomplishment that was conveyed in the print ads and commericals. Watchinig the commerical Andy's group did for the NYPD made me want to join them. Elizabeth....well, I'm sure that some people in Fallujah might like your type of commerical, but that doesn't fly here in the states.


mrc 10113 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-04, 09:20 AM (EST)
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6. "Dood/Doodette,"
Andy is not the former military guy. He's the wet-behind-the-ears Harvard grad. Try Kelly.

A PhoenixMons(ter) Siggie


geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-04, 11:09 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Dood/Doodette,"
MRC, sweetie, I don't think the poster said that Andy was the former military guy. He said that HE/SHE was in the military and that it was exactly that kind of emotional thing that made him enlist. I think he was saying that Andy had it figured out and no one else did.

Just sayin'.


mrc 10113 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-04, 11:12 AM (EST)
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10. "Mea culpa"
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-04 AT 11:18 AM (EST)

Ohhhhhh! The sentence structure threw me off.

ETA: Nope, not even the sentence structure is an excuse. Just dumb ole me!

A PhoenixMons(ter) Siggie
Or maybe it's the post-WS hangover that seems to have spread over all of NE.


rtrader 277 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

10-29-04, 09:18 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Raj"
I have to say that Raj, my favorite of the bunch was putting out a retarded idea......again, was I the only person who heard the part about emotion from deutsch.... Raj was a knucklehead here, I hope he doesn't screw it up after this, or he is gone.

I give Raj credit for taking ownership of the military based idea in the boardroom. I've seen very few folks in the boardroom own up to bad ideas, and I think Trump respected him for at least not trying to hedge and deflect the blame on someone else. What must have been frustrating for Trump during the women's losing streak, was how most of them never took responsibility for their bad ideas, and how they were more into 'who can we pin this on to get them fired.'


jae 412 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-29-04, 10:10 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Raj"
I agree. Even Amy didn't own up to her horrible idea last season. But Raj should've also admitted it was a bad idea and apologized.

>And only the conviction of the leaders
>was responsible for the ultimate
>success/failure of the project.

But Pamela was very convinced of her pricing too and lost because of it. Conviction isn't everything.


tamsinford 39 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

10-29-04, 10:31 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: W O W"
Totally, and then she was fired!!!! Finally, and the @#$(* had the nerve to say, something like, Oh, they ganged up on me and were really vicious, where did that come from? It's called payback, Elizabeth, you idiot, how quickly you forget! She was one of the ones helping to gang up on and oust Stacie J. They will all get there comeuppances......

trumpcard 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-29-04, 11:37 AM (EST)
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11. "editing"
I noticed something odd- and i have to wait until Saturday night to potentially see again: when Andy and Wes walked back into the room after Stacy was fired, it sure looked like Stacy was sitting there at the table eating! left side of the table... Did anyone else notice that potential ridiculously poor editing?


realitychick 200 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

10-29-04, 12:37 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: editing"
No, didn't see it but I'll be glued to the box tomorrow night! Thanks.


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