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"I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
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Concordia 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-23-04, 11:07 PM (EST)
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"I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
...because now the women will be forced to take some sort of responsibility for being so inept at the most menial of tasks.

Maria is ridiculous. Her inability to accept the fact that she f*cked up is really juvenile. I might have retained some respect for her had she simply said: "Mr. Trump, I made a verbal agreement with the printer and incorrectly assumed that a conversation would suffice. I should have obtained a signed agreement finalizing the quote we agreed upon before agreeing to use their service. This was an oversight on my part and I assume full responsibility for this mistake." PERIOD. Instead, she's sitting there shaking her head like a small child being accused of stealing a cookie from the cookie jar with crumbs all over their face.

Ivana is ridiculous. As manger of the budget, it was her job to make sure that no one went over budget. Their initial subtotal for all the quotes was something like 49,9-- and with numbers that close, she should have required all quotes to be confirmed via contractual agreement so that there could be no instance of going over budget, especially given how little "cushion" they had to work with. I'm quite sure they have a fax machine in that nice penthouse. She should have made sure that Maria had an iron clad agreement. People will always try to get over on you and will, more often than not, if you let them.

The entire lot of Apex is ridiculous. Yes, Stacie J. is bit eccentric. Yes, her behavior with the goddamn eight ball appears a bit question. However, to label the woman as someone with schizophrenia is just ridiculous. I mean, come on, they were SCARED of her? That's absolute bullsh*t. I couldn't help but laugh when someone said they had to "hide in the corner". The whole thing was just too ridiculous. Then you have the midget saying that she feels "sad" because she's "sensitive to clinical problems". Give me a break. If any of those women were at all genuinely concerned with Stacie J's health they would have spoken to someone with the staff or to Trump personally about the matter after the first task. Not when its convenient for them to shirk responsibility on to someone else.

All in all, I'm glad Stacie J was fired. Those women are piranhas and now that they can no longer band together to blame Stacie's madness for their problems, they will turn on each other and continue losing. I do not see a future apprentice in any of the women.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... Jep1974 09-23-04 1
 RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... bentgue 09-23-04 2
   RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... Jep1974 09-23-04 3
       RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... frodo2 09-24-04 33
           RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... ARnutz 09-25-04 46
   RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired... watchdog 09-23-04 5
       RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired... molchaser 09-24-04 10
           RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired... starletgrrrl 09-24-04 41
           RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired... singer 09-27-04 51
       RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired... squealer 09-24-04 22
   RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... Concordia 09-24-04 7
   See ya Ivana cbjusmc 09-25-04 45
 RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... richgiftep 09-23-04 4
   RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... Concordia 09-24-04 6
 all I'm gonna say.... shakes the clown 09-24-04 8
   RE: all I'm gonna say.... Concordia 09-24-04 9
       RE: all I'm gonna say.... Jep1974 09-24-04 11
           Huh????? shakes the clown 09-24-04 12
               RE: Huh????? Jep1974 09-24-04 13
                   sure you do shakes the clown 09-24-04 16
                       RE: sure you do Jep1974 09-24-04 17
           RE: all I'm gonna say.... badlydrawn007 09-24-04 15
               stop crying shakes the clown 09-24-04 18
                   RE: stop crying Concordia 09-24-04 21
                       RE: stop crying badlydrawn007 09-24-04 40
                           RE: stop crying Concordia 09-24-04 42
                   RE: stop crying sixor12 09-24-04 25
                       RE: stop crying samiam 09-24-04 30
                       WARNING Bebo 09-24-04 31
               RE: all I'm gonna say.... Bucky Katt 09-24-04 20
               RE: all I'm gonna say.... PyroStock 09-24-04 24
           RE: all I'm gonna say.... LakerLuv 09-24-04 34
   Aww... you mean because she gleeful... DontGetMeStarted 09-24-04 35
   RE: all I'm gonna say.... okaychatt 09-24-04 36
 RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... Thaibeach 09-24-04 14
   RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... okaychatt 09-24-04 37
 RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... Bucky Katt 09-24-04 19
 Over cooked.. Sweater_Puffs 09-24-04 23
   RE: Over cooked.. sixor12 09-24-04 26
       RE: Over cooked.. dballer 09-24-04 27
           RE: Over cooked.. realityshowgeek 09-24-04 28
               RE: Over cooked.. Concordia 09-25-04 44
           RE: Over cooked.. megon 09-24-04 29
               RE: Over cooked.. freakusmaximus 09-24-04 32
               RE: Over cooked.. Captain_Savem 09-24-04 38
           RE: Over cooked.. starletgrrrl 09-26-04 47
               RE: Over cooked.. cpitman 09-27-04 48
                   RE: Over cooked.. starletgrrrl 09-27-04 49
                       RE: Over cooked.. samiam 09-27-04 52
                   RE: Over cooked.. singer 09-27-04 53
                       RE: Over cooked.. cpitman 09-27-04 54
                           RE: Over cooked.. singer 09-27-04 55
 RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... cpitman 09-24-04 39
 RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... banzai 09-24-04 43
 RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired... Godd3ss 09-27-04 50

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Jep1974 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-23-04, 11:12 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
I could not agree with you more.

Granted, Stacie J had a spaz attack, but I would question the sanity of several others on that team before looking at SJ.

They are a bunch of vultures.


bentgue 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-23-04, 11:18 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."

I agree with you when you said that stacy J should of been fired. It was for her own good. However this showed an American classic of racism. Even if Stacy did a good job her team would recognize it. I'm just curious to see what happens next week when the apex team looks for their next victim. And I believe the victim will be the next minority. Ivana.


Jep1974 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-23-04, 11:26 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
Although I often see racism (along with sexism, ageism,etc)occurring, I don't necessarily see this one as a race thing. I may be wrong, but I just don't see it. I think this one was a coincidence.

The women needed to latch onto someone to blame for their own failures as individuals and shortcomings as a team, and it just happened to be someone who is black.

I could be wrong.


frodo2 289 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-24-04, 11:13 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
no, I think Stacie can thank Omarosa for what happened to her. The women were projecting so much that they feared that she'd pull an omarosa on them. All the time not noticing that Maria is the new O.

ARnutz 13937 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-25-04, 04:59 PM (EST)
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46. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
"no, I think Stacie can thank Omarosa for what happened to her. The women were projecting so much that they feared that she'd pull an omarosa on them. All the time not noticing that Maria is the new O."

Absolutely! frodo, this is exactly what I was thinking!! Maria is the worst of the bunch!! In week 1, she wanted to choke Bradford for his "executive decision". Week 2, she takes it upon herself to nominate Ivana as PM... reasoning behind this? I still don't have a freakin' clue, maybe so she wouldn't have to do it??? Then she can't find the lost cart 1/2 a block away??? Week 3, she just plain messed up! She lost the task, then blames everyone else! Her days are numbered. I hope the others turn their rage toward her now that Stacie J. is gone.


watchdog 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-23-04, 11:39 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired..."
BINGO! I couldn’t agree with you more Bentgue. I hate to interject race into this but Stacy was fired for no other reason than being a beautiful, intelligent strong Black woman who these women or should I say "girls" saw as a threat. And I am totally disgusted but not surprised that Donald Trump would play their childish game. If corporate America is truly this treacherous it’s no wonder why it is so difficult for smart, intelligent and talented African Americans to rise to the top. And Donald Trump did nothing more than confirm what many of us already know. There was no reason he should have fired Stacie J. PERIOD!! He knew that Maria should have been fired which is why he sent her to get the other women to make a case against Stacie J. in an attempt to save her a** from getting fired. I guarantee you that Donald has seen the tape with Stacie J. and is fully aware of what happened in episode #1. He was simply playing the "old boy-old girl network" against Stacie J. It wouldn’t surprise me if Ivana goes next... and deservedly so in her case. The task was lost because of her and Maria and NOT Stacie J. who in my opinion was the best of the Apex bunch and the only reason she is gone is because she is of a different persuasion. Shame on you Donald Trump. I see why there is no diversity in the upper echelon of your organization. Shame on you.

molchaser 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 00:52 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired..."
Balderdash !!!!!

I believe Kwame is of African heritage and he did quite well( as he should have)

It should have been Maria in the cab tonight and I sure don't agree that Stacy J deserved to go, but racisim....comon !!!


starletgrrrl 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 06:59 PM (EST)
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41. "RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired..."
"Balderdash !!!!!
I believe Kwame is of African heritage and he did quite well( as he should have)

It should have been Maria in the cab tonight and I sure don't agree that Stacy J deserved to go, but racisim....comon !!!"

Your right Kwame lasted long, but that was Trump's decision,I have to say that I think it was racism on the women's part when picking a person to blame for a failing a task, Maria and Ivana should have been taken to the boardroom last night for not confirming the price, why did Stacy J. go home?

It was funny when they all said that Stacy J. was the weakest link, when they all are weak links, that is why they keep losing, the men blow them out of the water when it comes to creative ideas. I would say the smartest of the women are Lauren and Pamela (what good does it do them when she is on the men's team) everyone else is avg. at best, none truly exceptional.

Ivana, Maria, and Elizabeth dont realize it yet but I can tell that Trump has already decided not to pick them for the apprentice b/c they bring so much unnecessary drama to the show. He is probably thinking "This is why I dont work with women"

It will backfire b/c if the women were smart they would ignore personality traits and get rid of the weak links, I would say that Ivana has proven to be the weakest of all the weak links on the womens team, this is the 2nd task in a row that she has screwed up and Trump cant wait to fire her, he was asking last night why she wasnt brought into the boardroom.


singer 1910 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-27-04, 12:51 PM (EST)
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51. "RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired..."
Hi, molchaser. Re: your response to: "I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired..."

You wrote: "Balderdash !!!!!
I believe Kwame is of African heritage and he did quite well( as he should have)

It should have been Maria in the cab tonight and I sure don't agree that Stacy J deserved to go, but racisim....comon !!!"

Here's my response to your observation: The salient point to which many posters allude is the fact that it was easy to single Stacie J out because she is black (or mixed race). Her "otherness" made it easy for the other people on the team to claim that she did not fit in or that she was not a team player. Even if other team members did not consciously acknowledge the locus of their biases, the result is the same. They locked Stacie J out of the game. They assassinated her character in the boardroom, and then Trump fired the "crazy" black woman on the team who just did not fit in because he couldn't have a person "like that" in his organization. Stacie J's competent(though not stellar) performance could not save her in a game where performance should be the only indicia of whether contestants survive from week to week.

White women (and an Asian woman) who clearly underperformed were spared, so that The Donald could get rid of one of "those people" who made the majority feel uncomfortable. So it is logical to believe that there is an element of racism in what happened here.

Think about the result in a larger historical context. African American women started sororities like Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and Delta Sigma Theta sorority precisely because white sororities were not opened to them during the early years of the 1900s. From that time forward, these and other traditionally African American sororities have successfully provided service to people in communities around the world.

Now switch back to the Stacie J dilemma. Recall that when the other women were holding meetings and excluding her and being basically crappy toward her, she said in a very resigned tone that she would never be allowed "in their sorority." The silly 8 ball incident is tertiary to this observation. They would have found an excuse to ostracize her anyway. (Stacie J's comments show that she understands clearly the sorority mentality. She went to 2 school in the South, where Greek life is very robust.)

Conforming to corporate structures requires that you behave and for the most part look like the people in your organization. The Donald has no blacks and very few women at the top of his organization. Episodes like the sorry one in the last boardroom explain why.

Check out literature on other businessmen like Ross Perot, and you'll find similar patterns.

I recognize that a number of other visionary leaders are not as short-sighted, but I'll guarantee you that I have heard some managers comment (off the record, of course) that it is easier to manage people who are similar in racial background. I have also witnessed biased hiring and promotions patterns in my organization. In some areas where high levels of analytical reasoning are required, top managers have never hired blacks, even if they have Ivy League degrees. And I know that well-qualified blacks have applied for these jobs. I also know that mediocre workers from lackluster backgrounds have been hired repeatedly for these same jobs throughout the years.

So racism is alive and kicking in the 21st century, and it affects hiring patterns and attrition rates in businesses and public institutions.

Why should outcomes on the Apprentice be any different?



squealer 26 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 02:02 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: I'm NOT glad Stacy was fired..."
Boo hoo hoo. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
Can't we all just get along?

Concordia 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 00:12 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
Ivana is probably the next to go, but I'll be glad to see her gone.

cbjusmc 54 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

09-25-04, 03:45 PM (EST)
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45. "See ya Ivana"
I couldn't agree more! We've all heard the saying, "What goes around comes around". Ivana was a piss poor PM and she tried to get all the women to band against Stacie J to help cover her own butt. Then she had to take it a step further and say that she was so scared she had to "hid under the table". I never saw that, did anyone else?

Being black myself, I take personal offense when I see something like this happening (an entire race of people unfairly ganging up on another one). If this had happened to Omarosa, I wouldn't have cared. She was a scheming, convining, backstabbing, lazy ##### who would have deserved this happening to her. However, Stacie J simply did not fit in with the other women, nor play their stupid games. So they looked for a reason to get rid of her and they did. And as a fellow minority, Ivana should have been a little smarter then that. If they were so willing to scarfice Stacie J, what makes her think they wouldn't do the same thing to her? Elizabeth wasn't a good leader, but Ivana was absolutely terrible!! She didn't command the respect of ANYONE on her team and showed indeciveness on every decision she made. She would be the perfect one to gang up on next.

She was willing to scarfice someone else because she knew the others didn't like her. But now, her head's on the chopping block and with these group of women, there's no doubt that it will soon be cut off. Remember Ivana, God don't like ugly and "what goes around, comes around"!!


richgiftep 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-23-04, 11:34 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
I agree with you wholeheartedly. This whole 8-ball incident is blown out of proportion and ridiculous. The boardroom scene with each woman saying how "oh so fearful" she was of Stacie's behavior is absurd. This season is so boring - everything seems so staged. Now the remaining women can find another scapegoat for the team's ineptitude.

Concordia 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 00:11 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
That probably made me laugh the most. One of the girls even said it was the scariest experience of my life. Trump can smell bullsh*t, and you don't need to be skilled to see that the girls were full of it. I think that Trump decided to play the game and let them be childish. He can't really think that Stacie J is crazy. If he did, he might have also said "You're fired, and please seek some help."

I agree at this season being boring. The producers are trying to hard to recreate the dynamic of last season. As a result, ridiculous things continue to happen. The women are going to self-destruct and I will enjoy every moment of it.


shakes the clown 3366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-24-04, 00:29 AM (EST)
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8. "all I'm gonna say...." that whenever a black person is singled out on a reality show and maligned, ostracized or voted out there are always a few people who cry racism on the message boards. 99% of the time I think those posters are idiots.

This is the first time I'm inclined to say they're right. That was ridiculous.

Although I can see Trump firing her for good reasons relating to what happened tonight (i.e. Stacie's inability to relate to her fellow workers) if he is gonna use the "insane" card as the reason, instead of bringing of basing it on what those dumb whores had to say he should've had her examined by a qualified doctor who would render an expert opinion as to her mental fitness and stability.

Also, is was competitively unfair to allow Maria to go fetch the girls and then share an elevator with them back to the boardroom. Gee, you think she told the other girls why Trump wanted them back in teh boardroom??? That was really unfair...probably the most unfair advantage I've EVER seen done by producers in relation to altering the final outcome of an episode.


Concordia 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 00:46 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: all I'm gonna say...."
I completely agree. If there was ever an unfair advantage against Stacie J, allowing Maria to get the other girls was it. I'm quite sure she briefed them on the situation and pretty much said, "I know you guys like me over Stacie J. so make her out ot be a total nut job". I wonder why they chose to leave those scenes out. Maybe we'll get to see them Saturday, but the women of Apex can not be pleased (now that it's after the fact) at how they're being portrayed- however they have no one to blame but themselves.

I've seen insane people. Insane is this women who lurks by my local trainstation who really creeps me the f*uck out. She's most definitely a schizophrenic and definitely dangerous. Stacie J is far from being mentally fractured in such a way that would cause the women to fear for their lives. From what I remember they were laughing.


Jep1974 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-24-04, 00:58 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: all I'm gonna say...."
I sure as hell hope that the women are embarassed by the way they are being portrayed: because, if even one tenth of it is true/accurate, they have definite cause to hang their heads in shame.

Sad thing is though, I don't think it will fizz on them one bit. They will continue to do this now, tomorrow, and likely throughout their careers.

So gross that these are the women they have chosen to represent corporate women of America (or anywhere for that matter). Just perpetuating the myth that any woman who works outside the home is ruthless, canniving, and self-serving.


shakes the clown 3366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-24-04, 01:04 AM (EST)
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12. "Huh?????"

> Just perpetuating the myth
>that any woman who works
>outside the home is ruthless,
>canniving, and self-serving.

....where the he!! did you get that one? Maybe I fell asleep during Mythology 101, but I sure as sh!t don't remember that tale.

I think you are confusing the definition of the word "myth" with the definition of the phrase "own retarded, sexist, don't look at me cause I have a small penis, belief."


and cause it was sooooo dumb you get another one...



Jep1974 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-24-04, 01:08 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Huh?????"
Whoa - having a stacie j moment?...

Resorting to name calling now?

I actually have a degree in women's studies, and what I was referring to was that many people believe that women who work in corporate America are cold ball breakers (ie. Carolyn)

Wow... Relax. Just because it isn't your opinion does not make it wrong or stupid.


shakes the clown 3366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-24-04, 01:16 AM (EST)
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16. "sure you do"
>Resorting to name calling now?

>I actually have a degree in
>women's studies,

....sure you do.

>Wow... Relax. Just because
>it isn't your opinion does
>not make it wrong or

..actually, and stats will back on this, usually that's exactly the case.


Jep1974 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-24-04, 01:18 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: sure you do"
Whatever, Shaksie...

Have yourself a great night.


badlydrawn007 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 01:10 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: all I'm gonna say...."
It was a lynching plain and simple and all of you saw the faces of those who acted like they were scared for their lives.They weren't back woods types with sheets on their heads they were everyday folks. I think if Staci J would have been part of the stepford wives club, they would have said "she's so funny" and they would have all started singing "THOUSAND MILES" together. The last two leaders have been horrible and should have been fired.Wake up people when black people look at white folks like they are devils and not to be trusted do you still blame them? Can you based on the history of this country? I love my friends who are white but man I really am scared of white folks I don't know.

shakes the clown 3366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-24-04, 01:19 AM (EST)
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18. "stop crying"
>up people when black people
>look at white folks like
>they are devils and not
>to be trusted do
>you still blame them? Can
>you based on the history
>of this country?

...what country are you talking about? Cause the country I live in just saw a black chick give away 250 brand new cars to a bunch of nobodies. I wonder if she's scared of white people, you know, cause of the history and all.


Concordia 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 01:51 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: stop crying"
Not saying that I agree 100% with the above poster, but come on, Opera is hardly some "black chick". Money = Power = Perceived Invincibility (by the bearer). Lets face it, Opera has a whooole lot of money. I don't think anything really intimidates that woman.

HOWEVER, there is an incident that Opera spoke over a few years ago (maybe 2000 or later) regarding an incident she had in a boutique. She wasn't wearing her make up and was in regular clothing and was ignored at one particular boutique for obvious reasons. At a nearby boutique she went in and was recognized and they helped her with what she wanted. Later on someone from the boutique B went to tell the folks at boutique A that the woman who they refused to help was actually Opera Winfrey. They apologized profusely, later sent flowers, and I'm sure I left out some particulars- the moral being at the end of the day with all the money in the world, people TEND to see color first.

Most people neglect to realize Race is a myth and general political bullsh*t.


badlydrawn007 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 06:15 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: stop crying"
Race is a myth? What color is the sky in the world you live in.

Concordia 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-24-04, 07:52 PM (EST)
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42. "RE: stop crying"
Um...I guess I was in error to assume that everyone could process things logically. Term "race" is a myth and nothing more than a cultural and social construct. It will take a long time for people to grasp the illusory natire of race at the biological level. Investigations into the human genome have failed to produce any evidence that there's such a thing as, for example, a Caucasion.

Personally, I've always found the idea of race, and its term to be quite offending. Expecting everyone with brown skin to somehow identify with everyone else of a similar complextion is simply ludacris. There are "brown people" all over the f*cking world in Asia, Latin American, Europe, and Africa. Those people culturaly identify themselves with the country and immediate surroundings they grew up in. The only common straw being that universally people of a darker complextion have been oppressed, discriminated against, and judged first and primarily on their pigmentation.

However, the very notion that race is something biological that can accurately and scientifically explained, is false. Americans in particular are socialized to notice race immediately and to place people in rigid categories. Therefore race may not exist biologically, but is of course quite noticeable. This can be likened to people once thinking the world was flat. If you look at earth with your eye, it appears to be flat, however if you look at earth from a space shuttle or sattelite image you can see that it is not. Until people are willing to broaden their thinking and move beyond their social conditioning, the world will always be flat to them. A geneticist was once quoted as saying "I do not see race, only human variation." I strongly recommend reading a book writting by evolutionary geneticist Joseph Graves entitled: "The Race Myth: Why We Pretend Race Exists in America."

Again, I'm not saying that by abolishing the myth of race everyone will be cured of racism, bigotry, and things of that sort. Only that its a first step in a long path that could lead to a perceived and actual reality with "racial equality". The whole subject is really quite complicated but people should at least realize the facts. Civil Rights is still major issue and vital to society.


sixor12 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 03:20 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: stop crying"
She is scared of white people.
Watch her show.
All black people are nervous of the crazy lie in your face white people.
I don't care what you say but history shows.......
Show me one white man kept his word and I will change my mind.

samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-24-04, 09:44 AM (EST)
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30. "RE: stop crying"
Um...what history is this? You're telling me in the entire history of the world, not one Caucasian has ever kept their word?

All black people are nervous of the crazy lie in your face white people.

You know, if you had said "All...peole are nervous of the crazy lie in your face...people," you may have been right. But rash racial generalizations like this are just inflammatory and you.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-24-04, 10:59 AM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 09-24-04 AT 11:00 AM (EST)

Per the community guidelines, hate-inciting speech is not permitted on these forums.

Sixor, please refrain from blanket indictments of racism - we don't tolerate those sorts of statements here.


Bucky Katt 3146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-24-04, 01:48 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: all I'm gonna say...."
Let me guess, OJ is innocent too right?

"I have just discovered that this object I found is capable of scratching my back...I call it BACK SCRATCHER!"


PyroStock 18 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 02:17 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: all I'm gonna say...."
>It was a lynching plain and
>simple and all of you
>saw the faces of those
>who acted like they were
>scared for their lives.They weren't
>back woods types with sheets
>on their heads they were
>everyday folks. I think if
>Staci J would have been
>part of the stepford wives
>club, they would have said
>"she's so funny" and they
>would have all started singing
>"THOUSAND MILES" together. The last
>two leaders have been horrible
>and should have been fired.Wake
>up people when black people
>look at white folks like
>they are devils and not
>to be trusted do
>you still blame them? Can
>you based on the history
>of this country? I love
>my friends who are white
>but man I really am
>scared of white folks I
>don't know.

Not all those girls are white or is anyone who doesn't have black skin considered white? Last year 2nd place went to a black man, who got along great with white guys... yet some people still cried racism. Cries of wolf undermine when true racism does happen.

I agree it was a corporate lynching, but some of the best instigators and/or leaders of corporate lynching I've seen have been from a minority. Maria once said "the knives are on the table", so I had a feeling backstabbing, crude attacks and/or sacraficial lambs would take place. But, it was disappointing to see Trump simply let the girls decide via Survivor-NewYork when all he needed was to look at the video tape & judge for himself.


LakerLuv 151 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 11:17 AM (EST)
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34. "RE: all I'm gonna say...."
I agree! These women are sad examples of women in corporate America. This is why you hear so many women say they don't ever want to work for a woman. I was seething last night after watcing this disgusting display of backstabbing. It was sickening and it almost (ALMOST) made me ashamed to be a woman. Disgusting behavior by everyone, particularly the evil troll Ivana, the Midget Stacy and Maria.

DontGetMeStarted 880 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-24-04, 02:39 PM (EST)
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35. "Aww... you mean because she gleefully charged upstairs"
to get the other kidlets and smirked when she brought them back into the boardroom? That would make her kinda transparent in a sequin wearing way...

okaychatt 2810 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-24-04, 03:20 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: all I'm gonna say...."
"allow Maria to go fetch the girls "

My thoughts exactly. All it would have taken was a phone call up to the suite if Trump had really wanted "to get to the bottom of this." In effect, he was telling the women exactly what he wanted them to say.

Wasn't it Ivana last week that said something like, "We're still on the same page, aren't we?" meaning, "We're still going to use Stacie J as a scapegoat and not turn on me, right?"

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.


Thaibeach 872 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-24-04, 01:09 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
Total agreement. Stacie was flaky but there is no way she deserved to be fired tonight. Maria was like a 2-year old refusing to admit her screwup. Elizabeth and Ivana were incompetent as well.

The only bright spot will be watching these nasty witches turn on each other. After tonight, none of them can have a prayer of winning.

Go Mosaic.


okaychatt 2810 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-24-04, 03:21 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
"only bright spot will be watching these nasty witches turn on each other."

Hmmmmm I've been looking for a reason to continue watching, and that's a good one. Thanks. Indecision resolved.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.


Bucky Katt 3146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-24-04, 01:42 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
Did Stacie deserved to be fired based on her performance in Episode 3? No, it was clear that the only reason the team lost was because Maria, Ivana and Elizabeth screwed up on the budget (I believe each was partially responsible).

But, it was clear right from the first episode that she was seen as odd and unreliable by the rest of her team. What if you were working for a multi-million dollar company and you were awaiting a decision on a huge contract bid and your company leader was Stacie who did her little 8-ball freak out routine in front of everyone? Would you feel confident in a leader like that? Me either.

So, Stacie was going to be fired eventually - she demonstrated a lack of ability to handle a pressure situation and any weakness shown is a ticket out the door. They may as well turf her now, otherwise she would be brought back into the boardroom week after week. She wasn't going to win, so just get rid of her now.

And for those of you saying that it should have been Elizabeth, Ivana or Maria being fired - you are right too! They are all toast. All 3 have demonstrated a large degree of incompetence and will be gone soon. If I were Maria, I would volunteer to be PM for the next assignment to try and gain some redemption.

"I have just discovered that this object I found is capable of scratching my back...I call it BACK SCRATCHER!"


Sweater_Puffs 269 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-24-04, 02:10 AM (EST)
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23. "Over cooked.."
Exactly, they will just keep isolating one person and hitting her over the head until she's dead, then there will be one left.... that no one will want to work with.

sixor12 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 03:27 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Over cooked.."
>Exactly, they will just keep isolating
>one person and hitting her
>over the head until she's
>dead, then there will be
>one left.... that no one
>will want to work with.

The truth is my heart hurt when she got pushed out of a chanceof a lifetime because those bitches decided to blame her.


dballer 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 04:15 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Over cooked.."
you know the really funny thing is, stacy was just playing around and that was all it was, it wasn't eccentric or odd behavior, just goofing off for a few minutes, those girls hated by committe, why don't thay make a reality tv show where all most of the contestents are minorites and only have one white person on it, and then see what the dynamics would be.

realityshowgeek 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 07:06 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Over cooked.."
Dave Chappelle did a skit 'The Mad Real World" with one White guy and the other 6 were Black. By far the funniest episode of his show ever.
Did racism play a part in Stacie's firing? Maybe. Will you be able to convince every White viewer racism played a part? Who cares!! Like I stated on the Big Brother board, most White people could not recognize the subtle racism minorities face on a regular basis. But you know what, that does not make it any less real.

Concordia 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-25-04, 02:03 AM (EST)
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44. "RE: Over cooked.."
I must check out that skit. It sounds intriging.

megon 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 09:30 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: Over cooked.."
LAST EDITED ON 09-24-04 AT 06:11 PM (EST) by SurvivorBlows (admin)

It was partially racial, but Stacy J. gave them a lot to work with because of her frantic persona. Furthermore, Ivana kept them focused against Stacy J. every competition.

They knew that Trump would eliminate her if he sensed that the whole group had already rejected her. Sam was unpredictable and earned no respect in season 1, so Trump axed him.


freakusmaximus 310 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

09-24-04, 11:02 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: Over cooked.."
I think Stacy was sick of the while thing and wanted to go- she showed no emmotion about the accusations- and didnt say anything to defend herself other than "I am not crazy" in a deadpan tone. she could have said she was joking on that first assignment and they didnt get her sense of humor- anything. I think she just hated all the girls (rightfully so, the are mean) and wasnt up for sticking it out.
and even if she DOES have some sort of personality disorder, wouldnt it be discriminmation for Trunp to fire her on that basis?

Captain_Savem 3731 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

09-24-04, 03:21 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: Over cooked.."

But at least Sam had the opportunity to control his own destiny. Trump should have at least afforded her the same chance.

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"Blood is thicker than water, but that blood is watered down." ~ Nakomis


starletgrrrl 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-26-04, 04:29 AM (EST)
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47. "RE: Over cooked.."
"why don't thay make a reality tv show where all most of the contestents are minorites and only have one white person on it, and then see what the dynamics would be."

I agree 100%, the dynamics would likely end up the same, all the minorities would gang up and blame the white girl and she would be on her way out the door, not JUST b/c she was white but b/c she is the easiest scapegoat when the group loses a task, by being the most different from everyone else in the group. That is what happened to Stacy J., I hope those women are happy b/c they got just what they wanted. I am glad she is gone in a way b/c now they will be forced to take responsibility when they lose a task.

It happens on every reality show, there are majority white contestants then they have the lone minority automatically an outcast b/c of cultural friction. White people have got it made when they go on these reality shows b/c its easy for them to blend in and fly under the radar of suspicion. Being a minority myself I would never try out for one, I wouldnt subject myself to it, this case with Stacy J. being a perfect example of classic racism whether anyone wants to admit it or not.


cpitman 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-27-04, 09:03 AM (EST)
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48. "RE: Over cooked.."
I am not sure why this was made out to be a raciest thing. I don't think it was. Agreed, Stacy should not have gotten fired that week. However, Bradford shouldn't have gotten fired the week prior but he played the game stupid. It is all a game and Stacy did act out a little bit. Yes, the other three should have been on the block. But they will get theirs because NONE of the women are that good. But a race thing, I don't think so. The women found a way to gang up on someone that acted a little odd at a point. Wrongfully done, but that is what they did.

I also agree that these women give a bad example of women in the work place. I am a women manager and I don't feel I have to compromise my morals or ethics to be a good leader and there are many women out there that are good at running companies or managing people without the back stabbing. Ladies (Ivana, Maria, etc..) lets grow up and start acting like professionals!


starletgrrrl 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-27-04, 12:22 PM (EST)
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49. "RE: Over cooked.."
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-04 AT 12:27 PM (EST)

"I am not sure why this was made out to be a raciest thing. I don't think it was."

I'm sorry I disagree, it was so obviously racist it wasnt funny. If you saw the extended version that aired on Saturday you would see that Maria was in the hot seat for having used the wrong amount of money on the print ads, then she never got a confirmation b/c she wasnt sure if she spoke to the manager or not, and on top of that she didnt get the "confirmation" signed and in writing!

Then someone mentioned the black girl's name and all of that was forgotten, it didnt even matter any more and Stacy J. was fired, fired for Maria's mistake.


samiam 5976 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-04, 01:11 PM (EST)
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52. "RE: Over cooked.."
So, if Stacie J. were a white girl and exhibited the same odd behavior, and the same "getting along" issues with the other women, you're saying that she'd have been given a pass?

Please keep in mind, I think the other women are really bad people and I am not for a minute defending their petty, save-their-own-ass actions...but you have to see it for what it is. They saw, for a brief, shining moment, the chance to deflect blame onto someone who wasn't them. The key in the boardroom often is to watch Trump and see what he's honing in on, and then push that as hard as you can. In this case, they saw him jump on this "serious accusation" and used it to their best advantage.

Do I LOOK like a frickin' people person?


singer 1910 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-27-04, 01:50 PM (EST)
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53. "RE: Over cooked.."
Quote: "I am not sure why this was made out to be a raciest thing. I don't think it was. Agreed, Stacy should not have gotten fired that week. However, Bradford shouldn't have gotten fired the week prior but he played the game stupid. It is all a game and Stacy did act out a little bit. Yes, the other three should have been on the block. But they will get theirs because NONE of the women are that good. But a race thing, I don't think so. The women found a way to gang up on someone that acted a little odd at a point. Wrongfully done, but that is what they did." END QUOTE

Hi, cpitman. But don't you agree that they would not have fixated on Stacie J's oddness with laser beam tenacity had she not been black? It certainly is plausible.

The unstable one to me appears to be Ivana who started crying when her team lost to the men. Remember when The Donald started announcing the winner and he looked at Ivana and said "Don't cry"? Between hiding in the corner because she was scared of Stacie J (yeah, right) and blubbering because she did not help her team calculate a huge budget overrun (when she was in charge of the books), Ivana seems to me to be the craziest person on the team--and the least prepared.

Her personality quirks are even more glaring when you consider the fact that she said that she applied for the Apprentice because Tammy from Season 1 was a "disgrace" to Asian Americans. Go to the NBC website and view the clip where Ivana announces to the world that she applied for the show because she wanted to "redeem (her) people" and prove that Asian Americans are capable of "receiving information and(of)synthesizing it in their heads." Race is definitely on this woman's mind, and if she has delusional ideas about people in her own ethnic group, what on earth would restrain her from having invidious ideas about people in other ethnic groups? And what would stop her from acting on them?

The point here is that it is counterintuitive to pigeon-hole people because of appearance. And if Ivana will crusade her way to the Apprentice because of some false and egotistical drive to redeem her people, wouldn't her false sense of reality inform her desire to destroy the reputation of one of her team mates, rather than simply to beat her at the game fairly and squarely? (That would be by using hard, cold evidence to defend her positions about why she herself should not be fired.)

Witness the difference when Kwame took his friend Troy to the boardroom toward the end of last season. There was none of the lying and disrespect from this season going on in that situation. Kwame also did not attack Bill, even though Bill referred to him and to Troy as "dumb and dumber" during the casino challenge. They may not have heard this off-camera aside, but the main point here is that Kwame and Troy competed energetically for their positions without losing their sense of honour.

Ivana and her cohorts have none of the training or class that the men exhibited in similarly tense situations last season, and even this season.



cpitman 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-27-04, 02:13 PM (EST)
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54. "RE: Over cooked.."
For the record Troy took Kwame and told him upfront he was taking him to the board room. Agreed, the men and most of the women in last season acted more honorable then the women this season.

I still don't see the race issue but not everyone is going to see it all the same. I am not saying that people don't judge that way and yes there are people out there that still have a problem with different races. But I don't think it is always a race problem.

I truly thought Kwame should have gotten fired and not Troy but it was not because of his race I thought Troy was a stronger leader. But why did Troy get fired.... because of his education. Wasn't that discrimination? But that is life and life is not always fair and just.

I guess it all comes to this... it is a game and whoever plays it the best will win. In the last season Bill sat back and let people back stab didn't get on anyones bad side and he won the game.


singer 1910 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-27-04, 02:57 PM (EST)
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55. "RE: Over cooked.."
Troy lost because of his lack of education. As a result, he was not savvy enough to survive in the sophisticated corporate world of New York City. And Donald Trump knows this. He even offered to pay for the man's education after the show ended last season.

There is no discrimination in this context, because Troy had access to education after high school, even in spite of his family circumstance and perhaps limited cash flow. The bottom line is that he could have borrowed money to go to college. But no one discriminated to keep this talented young man out of college. He chose freely not to go. The realities of his family life outweighed his immediate desire to train formally for a life in business.

I preferred Troy as a leader, but I also knew that he would not have the exposure to navigate well in a Trump organization without formal training. Street smarts simply are not enough. Nor is an engaging personality. Not for the Trump environment or any large corporate environment, for that matter.

Kwame and Bill made it to the top because they stayed below the radar, esp. with reference to group conflict, and they stepped up to the plate when it was their turn to lead. Bill had more wins, but Kwame was brilliant in the board room. Because of his training, he mastered dialectic, and basically argued his way out of many difficult corners after becoming almost a permanent fixture in the boardroom.

Also, the guys spent more down time together last season, at least based on the footage. What we've seen with the women this season is that they completely ostracized Stacie J. The salient question is why. She does not appear to be maniacal. She dresses well. She is extremely well educated and quite beautiful.

Why on earth would the sorority girls ostracize her? There aren't many other factors to consider other than the fact that she did not "fit in." The 8 ball incident means absolutely nothing to me. So I'm left with the likely possibility, and I stress possibility, that the women dumped on her because of her ethnicity. Maybe they will go after short people next week. My point is that when groups exhibit herd mentalities, they go after the members who stick out. And in this environment, Stacie J did not have a chance, largely because of her appearance.



cpitman 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-24-04, 04:45 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
I would agree with you. The last apprentice they had some smart people who worked together. It seems this year they are trying for more drama. I don't see anyone in this years group that is worth hiring. All the girls seem to back stab and not take charge. I am also not impressed with any of them.

I think Stacy's down fall was she was trying to stand out, be a little different, and it failed. Honestly, I would have fired her last week.


banzai 556 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-24-04, 09:49 PM (EST)
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43. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
I'm glad Stacy was fired too. It's not worth it to work for an unfair judge/employer.

Godd3ss 86 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

09-27-04, 12:48 PM (EST)
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50. "RE: I'm glad Stacy was fired..."
I really dont see it as racist either. I believe in the beginning she had her little spaz session so everyone thought she was strange or crazy or whatever. But later, someone did say something to her along the lines of, we think you are unbalanced, please show us otherwise. She did nothing to try and mesh with the group and even said she hadnt come to make friends. Agreeing that I generally do not get along with females that well, was never a sorority type girl, if it came down to winning a million dollars, I would be doing my bestest to try and change their impressions of me, which she didnt do. She also made little attempt to stand up for herself. I also think she made a mistake in ep 3 by not finding out how large the crates were etc. Was it a task losing problem, no, but it just added up to what everyone else saw in their mind. I personally believe that she deserved to be fired because she was unliked and wouldnt stand up for herself. Is this the kind of person you want running a company? No. Granted that person doesnt need to be liked, but they need to try and fit in AND they need to have a backbone to stand by their decisions.



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