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"Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
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RealityMom 560 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-15-05, 04:23 PM (EST)
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"Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
I wonder if Tana's decision to get some sleep rather than pull an all-nighter was a calculated effort to foster Kendra's failure as PM. Tana knew that she was safe and certainly gloated about it during her interview. If Magna lost, Tana and Craig would probably have ganged up against Kendra- citing Craig's feeling that there was no theme, that Kendra wasted time and wouldn't let him start writing, that Kendra failed to motivate them, etc. It seemed to me that when Tana and Craig left, that they had no idea if there was even going to be a brochure.
But Kendra did have a theme. She just needed one sentence to sum it up- "The Solstice appeals to all our emotions".
I also think that Tana might have agreed with George that this was a slam-dunk task for the three guys on NetWorth.
But then when Tana saw how great Magna's brochure was, she suddenly wanted to be a part of it and tried to take over during the presentation. If her team was going to win, she wanted to be the voice of its success.
Tana should never have bailed. She's sacrificed her family life and left her children for weeks. So why not make a far smaller sacrifice and give up some sleep to get the job done. It's great to have immunity but it's also great to be on the winning team. Trump certainly counts the number of successes and failures of each apprentice. We know that Trump hears everything. Could Tana have acted more clearly counter to Trump's advice this week? Of course, she didn't know he felt that way but everyone who's made it has put in the hours to get there. I really think she wanted Kendra to lose, thereby eliminating some serious competition.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... Reeflex7 04-15-05 1
   RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... ginger 04-15-05 2
       RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... DontGetMeStarted 04-15-05 3
           RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... Creanie 04-15-05 5
 RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... Pepito 04-15-05 4
   RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... RealityMom 04-17-05 7
 RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... jae 04-15-05 6
   RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... Kelly_Smith 04-18-05 8
 RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... Das Mole 04-18-05 9
 RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... buscemi 04-19-05 10
   RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... Wacko Jacko 04-19-05 11
 RE: Was Tana making a calculated ef... singer 04-19-05 12

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Reeflex7 187 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-15-05, 04:34 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
Her bailing out and catching some z's was a head-scratcher, but I think it had more to do with laziness than sabotage. She was exhausted, knew she was exempt, and decided she had nothing to lose.

I have to think that she would be smart enough to know that if her team lost, she & Craig would look worse for going to bed than Kendra who stayed up all night. But she was exempt and figured "damn the consequences", which is easier to do knowing that the axe isn't going to fall on you.


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-15-05, 05:47 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
If she's looking at the end game, though, and is thinking (as I am) that a woman's going to win, she's gotta be thinking about Kendra as prime competition.

I'd be pretty impressed if it were strategy disguised as Just Tired, though.


DontGetMeStarted 880 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

04-15-05, 06:42 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"

Strategy or 9-5 mentality? I myself am in the all nighter faction and If I've had jobs that sometimes necessitated that, I've done it without even thinking about it. Some people though just don't think in those terms.

I pulled my cousin onto the last film I did and at 5pm she was out the door.. It was just not in her makeup, needless to say she was 'not impressed' with production (vice versa!)

I think this is where job backgrounds come into play, neither Tana nor Craig from what we know have 'empires' that would probably ever have needed them to work past 8pm so they just think it is unnecessary.

No excuses from me though -they should have adapted and helped get the job done and not slept till 8:30 in the morning. (What is this a vacation!!)


Creanie 59 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-15-05, 08:52 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
I got the feeling Kendra couldn't articulate her vision for the brochure, and maybe didn't even know how it would all come together until she started working through it (how many times has that happened, you get inspired along the way). She may be better able to develop her creative vision while working alone. So she obviously wasn't asking for Tana's or Craig's input, there was nothing for them to really do, they were tired and they left. Tana even said something to the effect of "why not, I'm exempt". If she doesn't work in a corporate environment, she may not be used to the all-nighter concept.

What I did NOT understand was why the presentation to the execs wasn't planned ahead....or was it, and Tana just disregarded the plan to have Kendra do it? I got the impression from what Kendra said that she had planned (in her own mind) to present, but that Tana just jumped in and tried to take credit. To me it seemed Tana was waiting for Kendra to say something, but when she didn't do it fast enough, Tana took control. Obviously it was not rehearsed because she fumbled for words, ("I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for the opportunity..." or some such thing).

This was the first time I've seen Tana be less than 100% motivated on a task, and I was disappointed. I think the bottom line was she figured she was safe either way, she didn't respect how Kendra was managing the project, so she checked out.


Pepito 587 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-15-05, 08:50 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
Yes, I think that Tana was(is) willing to sabotage Kendra. Both Tana and Craig seem to have some animosity for her, and I don't think that Tana cared (...obviously...) if they won or lost, as it wouldn't be Tana who was going home...

The way she tried to grab the presentation later was also hostile to Kendra...

I'll bet next week, when probably Craig is PM, she will be more helpful.



RealityMom 560 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-17-05, 11:35 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
Hi, Pepito,
Thanks for the comments and the welcome. I thought you made a very interesting point on one of the other threads when you mentioned that one reason Tana may want to room with Craig is to keep a close eye on him. This would certainly support her being calculating. Sometimes I think the candidates on reality shows forget that someone is actually going to hear their interviews because Tana has made some really gloating remarks lately. Usually, that's a foreshadowing for their demise. After this week's performance, I hope it's true in Tana's case, too.

jae 412 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-15-05, 10:42 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
Tana's about a decade older than Kendra. When you're 37, you don't really stay up all night anymore do you? Even Networth was joking, "Can you imagine Tana & Craig staying up all night to finish this?"

Tana's not used to staying up all night. That said, she knew she was exempt too so why not use it.

Also, this was a task that had to be owned and carried through to completion solely by the project manager's vision, like the Sony Ad task, the Levi or the NYPD task last season. The losing PM always gets fired in these tasks and the PMs are the ones who do pretty much most of the work anyway.


Kelly_Smith 169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-18-05, 09:19 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
Not being used to it is SO NOT A GOOD ENOUGH EXCUSE!!! It woulda been better taking an hour nap right there than going home for a full night. UNACCEPTABLE!

I have no idea why they weren't able to see Kendra's vision. I got it the first time she said it!! Capture all the emotions people feel when they see the car and put them in a brochure. Simple. I have no idea why that was hard for people to understand???

I don't think Tana meant to sabotage Kendra because frankly I don't think she even considers Kendra to be her competition. But it was out of 9-5 mentality I think which in Trump-world is something you do not want to demostrate!


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-18-05, 09:30 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
I don't think it was really sabotage...I don't think people are working that much strategy into the game. But both Tana and Craig were very tired, and needed sleep. Neither one of them are made for all-nighters, whereas Kendra is. I don't think they thought "Kendra can do everything", although Kendra did, but then again I wasn't there, so...what do I know?

Basically, I think in Tana's case, she went b/c she was really tired and was exempt anyway, and Craig left b/c he wouldn't be able to focus even if he did stay up, let alone put up w/Kendra more than likely b!tching at him at some point throughout the night.


buscemi 414 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

04-19-05, 01:03 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
Frankly, it's probably better for Tana if it was sabotage as opposed to not wanting to pull an all nighter. The show is a competition, and, frankly, I'm sure Trump expects that contestants are going to try to undercut each other at certain points in different tasks. If, as Tana said, however, she really has a severe aversion to pulling all nighters, I just don't see how Trump could hire her.

Wacko Jacko 2438 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-19-05, 02:38 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
Personally, I think Tana was pulling a 'Michael'. She felt she had immunity and had nothing to lose. Well Michael found out the hard way that slacking could eventually come back to haunt you.

I think she was so tired she wasn't thinking straight. A bad move on her part, but I still think (no spoiler information here) that she will win.

Tana seems to act mature and is the most Trump material like of any contestent left. She knows how to channel her emotions. Really only her and Bren have this skill and I don't see Bren winning - can you say Cucumbers? Alex has it to some extent but I think he needs too much polishing.


singer 1910 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-19-05, 03:07 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Was Tana making a calculated effort to sabotage Kendra?"
In total agreement, RealityMom. Tana definitely lost cool points when she attempted to highjack the presentation. The MaryKay-Stepford Wife became a cut throat Wall Street manipulator in a split second.

Whew, and I really liked her before this. Hope she redeems herself before the end of the season.




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