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"Stupid household accidents "
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buckeyegirl 5449 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-04, 05:22 PM (EST)
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"Stupid household accidents "
Have we had a thread like this in awhile? What's the stupidest thing you've ever done? Me? A few minutes ago I almost set the house on fire while playing with the dog. I had lit some candles, and then I threw the blanket out of my way, not noticing that it landed on the candle. Luckily all it caused was a hole in the blanket and a nasty smell that I'm not sure how to explain the folks....

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004 Play the TAR PTTE Game!


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Stupid household accidents miamicatt 07-01-04 1
   RE: Stupid household accidents Lost Scottsman 07-01-04 3
       RE: Stupid household accidents miamicatt 07-01-04 4
 RE: Stupid household accidents EnglProf 07-01-04 2
 RE: Stupid household accidents CantStandToLook 07-01-04 5
 RE: Stupid household accidents Lost Scottsman 07-01-04 6
 RE: Stupid household accidents Smooth23 07-01-04 7
 Even stupider... miamicatt 07-01-04 8
   RE: Even stupider... Lost Scottsman 07-01-04 11
 RE: Stupid household accidents deerhunter 07-01-04 9
 RE: Stupid household accidents volsfan 07-01-04 10
   RE: Stupid household accidents StarryLuna 07-02-04 14
 RE: Stupid household accidents ballerina_of_doom 07-01-04 12
 RE: Stupid household accidents Electrikk Blue 07-02-04 13

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miamicatt 9247 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-04, 05:30 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
LOL! OK...this one is REEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY stupid. And a little gross, so be warned.

One of my lovely cats will urniate in the downstairs bathtub if she discovers someone has left the door open. I guess she could be peeing on the carpet so I probably should appreciate the easy clean up. Anyway, I'm really anal-rententive about bad smells and clean bathrooms so the first time I discovered it I panicked just a bit (especially since I was expecting company soon). So in my haste I grabbed the most effective household cleaner I could think of and poured it in the tub. BLEACH.

Completely forgetting that one of the main ingredients in cat urine is ammonia.

I'm surprised the hazmat team didn't show up at my door. WHAT A SMELL. Still turns my stomach just thinking about it.

I still can't believe I did that -- what a dope.

MC Kitt-Katt in the hizzouse


Lost Scottsman 407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

07-01-04, 05:40 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
Hail bleach. The white god!


miamicatt 9247 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-04, 05:42 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
Acient Chinese secret, huh?

EnglProf 888 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

07-01-04, 05:33 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
While hosting a party once and cooking up potato pancakes, DH and I got carried away and put cooked potato pancakes in the oven on top of paper towels to reheat. Started an ugly fire, which was luckily confined to the oven.

In sixth grade, tried to boil (rubbing?) alcohol to test its boiling point for a science fair project. Needless to say, trying to boil alcohol is not a good idea. Small fire ensued.

Not quite an accident, but could have been...

In the house we're temporarily renting, the door locks automatically when you shut it. This could someday turn out to be _very_ inconvenient, so we fixed that by simply turning the deadbolt to get it to stick in non-lock mode, and then left the house. We came home hours later to find the front door wide open, which it had done all of its own accord. Thankfully, even though we live 10 feet from the sidewalk, no one had let themselves in while we were out. Our indoor kitties were probably quite worried, though.


CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-04, 05:42 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
Funny you should ask, we had two threads sorta like this a day or two ago.

Here's a link to OkChatt's nearly burned down house thread.

Mine was only a near suicide so that don't count.

Handcrafted by RollDdice
The Fellowship of the Banana is at hand.


Lost Scottsman 407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

07-01-04, 05:51 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
I was doing a wood working project last winter and there was a small bit of wood by the blade of my table saw. The saw was running and I went to flick the bit of wood away. The bit was close to the blade and I managed to nick the end of my index finger and took of a full quadrant of the nail and a bit of skin from the tip to boot. The universe gave me a gentle *WHACK* "Don't do that!" I got the message.

Last year I was at a show demonstrating how to use carving chisles and managed to run a chisle into my left hand just below the index finger. I was holding the peice I was carving instead of having it clamped to the bench. Stoopid. An excellent demo on how NOT to do carving. There was a kid watching me at the time and his eyes got really big and the mother started yelling at the lad like it was his fault. I assured her that it wasn't and I would be fine. A bit of anitseptic, direct pressure and a bandaid took care of it.

I haven't had flying lesson from a ladder in a while so I suppose that is impending at some time in the near future.


Smooth23 1244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

07-01-04, 06:00 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
A few years ago I tried to open a can of ravioli with a can opener(obviosly) but it left a little of the lid still intact on each side of it. Instead of being smart and just running it under the opener a few more times till it came off I took a spoon and decided to try to pry it open far enough. Well, the spoon slid down under the lid when it pryed open a bit and it cut my index finger on my right hand all the way down to the bone like it was filletting my finger. I still have a rather cool looking V shaped scar on my finger from that. Oh, and it may not be a household incident, but I've slammed one of my fingers in a locked car door before, breaking it.

miamicatt 9247 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-04, 06:02 PM (EST)
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8. "Even stupider..."
In the "Old enough to know better" category we have my DH and The Legend of the Frozen Pepsi.

He's a do-it-yourself kinda guy, he's also a Cheapo McStingy kinda guy so rather than drive the 4 blocks to 7-11 to get a cola slurpee -- "Hell no! I can make it myself!". So he does. He takes a 20 oz. bottle of fresh Pepsi and puts it in the freezer. Periodically, he takes it out of the freezer to shake it up so as to properly distribute the frozen portions and "slush it up". This goes on for a few hours.

Each time he takes it out of the freezer to shake it he takes the bottle into the living room. I'm watching this the whole time and saying "do you really think that's a good idea?". Well of course it is, obviously I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. The next time I say "don't you think you should do that outside?" No way, he knows what he's doing, he's done it before, he says.

Eventually you get to the point, much like dealing with a child, where it becomes more effective to just be quiet and let them discover the consequences all on their own. This is what I chose to do. And so...

An hour later while I was sitting comfortably on the couch watching TV, there was a loud explosion and something very cold hit me in the eye. I wiped my eye and looked around to see brown liquid oozing down every possible inch of my white walls. It was on me, on the chairs, on the sofa, on the pictures, on the TV, on the carpet, on the windows. It was dripping from the ceiling.

The only thing that made me not freak out completely, was the look of utter terror on DHs face when he realized what he had done and that HE HAD BEEN WARNED. Watching him panic and start furiously cleaning without making eye contact with me made me laugh so very hard. Although I had to go into the other room to do it -- there was no way I was going to let him think I was anything other than furious at that moment.

We are moving out of that house now and the Legend of the Frozen Pepsi has left its' mark forever.

Handcrafted by RollDice, Bling bling!


Lost Scottsman 407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

07-01-04, 06:22 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Even stupider..."
BWAHAHAHAHA!! So he had a large helping of crow for dinner did he? That is too funny.

I tried to make smoke bombs many years ago. Melt equal parts sugar and saltpeter on the stove. I got impatient and turned the heat up just a *little* bit too high. It started to melt, then smoke a bit then woof!, the kitchen was filled with smoke. It took about an hour of open windows and fans on high to clear the kitchen of smoke. A very effective mixture.


deerhunter 3325 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

07-01-04, 06:12 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
Not really an accident but, I once ran the microwave for 20 minutes with nothing inside. I was using the timer, or at least I thought I was.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

It quit working for a while. The next day it worked fine.


volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-04, 06:18 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
This isn't the stupidest thing I have done...but this happened today.

I was cooking lunch for some friends today and I put some corn in a pan and put it on the stove. The stove was on low/medium (or so I thought)! About 10 mins later I start smelling something that was burning. I looked and the corn was on high and was sticking to the bottom of the pan. So I grab the pan (it had handles) and throw a towel down that I had in my hand. I go outside to get rid of the corn. I come back into the kitchen and it is filled with smoke! I had thrown the towel onto the stove eye! It was a real mess!

Director of Public Relations for GAWKUR!


StarryLuna 4771 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

07-02-04, 10:13 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
I did something similar back in high school. It was after my mom left, so it was just me and Dad. One of my main chores was washing dishes. I always washed the breakfast dishes and coffee pot when I got home from school each day. So I wash the dishes and they're in the drainer drying. I pull one out, dry it off, toss the towel aside and go to put the dish away. All of sudden, I hear a whoosh and turn around to see the towel burning. When I threw the towel down, it landed on our gas stove and somehow, one of the fringed ends went under the stove top right into the pilot light flame. Like the good daughter that I am, I grabbed the non-burning end of the towel, threw it in the sink which was still full of water and get the fire out. Then I buried the towel in the trash can and never said a word about the incident to my Dad until I moved out two years ago.

Slice'n'Dice circa 2004
"Men! As boy crazy as I've been my whole life, I sure can't stand 'em." - Vickie Hiller, Down With Love


ballerina_of_doom 1462 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

07-01-04, 11:44 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
My household accident will arrive in early october...


Electrikk Blue 89 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

07-02-04, 00:01 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Stupid household accidents "
LAST EDITED ON 07-02-04 AT 00:06 AM (EST)

Speaking of STUPID household accidents.

I too had a candle incident. I had a long day and was ready to take a nice long hot bath when my son woke up about 10pm. I went in to him and laid down...well I had fallen asleep..only to be woken up by firefighters breaking down my gate and rushing into the house...I was so tired I didnt even hear the alarm going off in my house.

A candle, on a plate, atop a boom box, had burned down and melted into the speaker which caused a fire in my bathroom-
The only thing that kept the fire contained, was the fact I had th exaust fan running in the bathroom and it was sucking the flames up into the ducts. loss in the bathroom, and an expensive lesson. lets just say I dont light candles any more...I guess I am a candle phobe now....shrugs..



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