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"Marsha and Dad"
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escapedude 250 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

07-21-04, 12:21 PM (EST)
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"Marsha and Dad"
Is it me or is not fair they lost just because they got the last flight out..They were pretty decent competitors..Im sorry but arranging plane tickets is not much of a "challenge"

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Marsha and Dad ElroyJetson 07-21-04 1
 RE: Marsha and Dad nailbone 07-21-04 2
   RE: Marsha and Dad PepeLePew13 07-21-04 9
       RE: Marsha and Dad nailbone 07-21-04 10
           RE: Marsha and Dad PepeLePew13 07-21-04 12
               RE: Marsha and Dad nailbone 07-22-04 15
 Enough of a challenge... IceCat 07-21-04 3
   RE: Enough of a challenge... PackMan 07-21-04 5
 RE: Marsha and Dad TeamJoisey 07-21-04 4
   RE: Marsha and Dad cracer 07-21-04 11
 Be Careful what You wish For Cleveland Guy 07-21-04 6
 i thought that there were rules... PagongRatEater 07-21-04 7
   RE: i thought that there were rules... ginger 07-21-04 8
       RE: i thought that there were rules... Redemption 07-21-04 13
 The fatal error FesterFan1 07-22-04 14
   As per the norm anotherkim 07-25-04 21
 RE: Marsha and Dad buckeyegirl 07-22-04 16
   RE: Marsha and Dad PagongRatEater 07-22-04 17
   RE: Marsha and Dad and editting gatortod 07-22-04 18
 RE: Marsha and Dad MattyMax 07-22-04 19
   RE: Marsha and Dad PlumBlossom 07-23-04 20
 RE: Marsha and Dad TARantado 07-28-04 22

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ElroyJetson 586 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

07-21-04, 12:27 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
It's fair they lost. They blew it big time. Not the first time it's happened to contestants. Too bad though, I really liked that team.


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-21-04, 12:40 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
It was sad to see them gone, but fair doesn't enter into it. They made a bad choice when booking flights, and it cost 'em. Simple as that.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

The order of Banana delivery should be organized by location to save on shipping costs. o-


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-21-04, 03:31 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
I wouldn't put all of the blame on them for the choice in booking flights -- they were on standby and probably would have made it onto their flight but got bumped because Charla faked it and said "doctoro." Jim/Marsha got screwed by a blatant lie.

I don't think they had a "bad" episode -- there were remarkably few screwups by all the teams by comparison to other episodes, but they just couldn't catch up to the other teams in the end.

ŠSlice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
Scratch and sniff


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-21-04, 03:40 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
But there first move was to by single tickets for two different flights, right? And didn't they also buy tickets for Brandon and Nicole?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

The order of Banana delivery should be organized by location to save on shipping costs. o-


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-21-04, 07:38 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
Hmmm, I'd have to recheck the tape. It was a little tough watching that first half hour of the show with all the airline bookings and teams running around while a toddler was jumping up and down on my belly!

ŠSlice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
Scratch and sniff


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-22-04, 10:40 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
Tough but fun, right?

Seems like there was a point where Chirna asks Brandon if anyone is buying tickets for them...Brandon says no, then Marsha turns around and tells him she got his tickets for him.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

The order of Banana delivery should be organized by location to save on shipping costs. o-


IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-21-04, 12:41 PM (EST)
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3. "Enough of a challenge..."
to merit almost half the episode!



PackMan 1207 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

07-21-04, 01:09 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Enough of a challenge..."
to merit almost half the episode!


What a waste of an hour. At least we did get to see just how dumb the twins can be.

If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it again? - Anonymous


TeamJoisey 3558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

07-21-04, 12:48 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
Depends on your interpretation of the word fair.

It's not the first time a team has suffered because they failed to doublecheck all the travel arrangements before they stepped away from the ticket counter. Mental errors have eliminated more TAR teams than physical failings.

I'm sure the producers would rather have something a little more dramatic, but the truth of it is this: Through diligence and/or creative thinking, all the other teams managed to get on that 10:30 flight or an earlier plane.

So it was "fair" in the sense of the competition.

It was "unfair" in the sense that it was cheap, and depended on something other than actual "racing." It did leave a sour taste.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!


cracer 35 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-21-04, 06:03 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
Agreed. IF they had verified their tickets earlier, they would have been able to rectify the situation earlier and surely would have got on one of the early flights. It's unfortunate, but these things do happen on this show from time to time.

Cleveland Guy 153 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

07-21-04, 01:25 PM (EST)
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6. "Be Careful what You wish For"
For all of us who hate bunching - this is the result.

This was the only semi- bunch point the whole leg- catching the plane.

It actually acted as a seperator - as for the most part the teams kept positions with those they were on flights with. I'm sure we will see that the time intervals never vary much from when they landed.

So the 3rd,4th and 5th teams should be about 30 min behind 1st and 2nd. The only exception is the fatso brothers who "choked" at the roadblock.

So we only got one chance to bunch- and no one made a HUGE, HUGE mistake - so they got behind early and never caught up.


PagongRatEater 12996 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-21-04, 02:31 PM (EST)
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7. "i thought that there were rules..."
They were the first ones to get on stand-by for the first flight and Marsha was actually ticketed. They got royally screwed by not getting on that flight. I know that when I fly stand-by that, unless you are Gold or Platinum, it is first come, first served for those seats. Yeah, they made an error but it was total carp that they ended up on the last flight...

"El doctoro" my a$$!

Oh well, them's the breaks.


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-21-04, 02:41 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: i thought that there were rules..."
Besides, every time they did a challenge where Dad had to come down hard on that stitched up leg, I winced.

The order of Banana delivery should be organized by location to save on shipping costs.


Redemption 57 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

07-21-04, 11:10 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: i thought that there were rules..."
Not unfair but unlucky.

However, they are dumbasses seeing as they were first in line an did not book themselves on the 10.30am first. Why ##### around with standbys and putting marsha on an earlier flight? Get your tickets confirmed, in hand and then worry about standby and others.

Also, this is the worst race so far for teams to go their own. Charla and Mirna are so lucky to have not been out so far, considering they suck up to everyone and then complain. Colin is the smartest by far in this group. Team up where need be and then just do it yourself.

IT IS A RACE. Go your own path. Why buy tickets for eveyone else and then get screwed?

Also, as mentioned, no one made a mistake in the race. The brothers were unlucky but it shows that being unlucky is not an elimination factor, but a bad mistake is. Jim and Marsha made a bad mistake through buying tickets and not confirming them.

Love the twins swimming across the lake, hahahah...

Oh and who the hell would ride a bike down a 6 mile path when you can a paraglide in 10 minutes? (Mirna, Charla is a circus freak who cannot ride a bike)


FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-22-04, 10:36 AM (EST)
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14. "The fatal error"
LAST EDITED ON 07-22-04 AT 10:36 AM (EST)

What did them in was their own fault (really Marsha's). Booking individual tickets on seperate flights was about the dumbest thing they could've done. They wound up having to fly stand-by on both, and the worst case scenario happened. They got bumped from both. Now, we can argue whether or not they got jobbed by the midget, but they put themselves in a situation where they had no real control by not securing 2 seats on any flight.

Marsha's a real piece of work. That whole bit at the end about her dad not wanting to "embarrass" her? Pfft. Nevermind that it was her damn booking skills that put them in that hole in the first place.


anotherkim 14420 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-25-04, 07:38 AM (EST)
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21. "As per the norm "
I totally agree with Fester. WHY ON EARTH would you not make sure that you had tickets on the same flight? What goobs.

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--I am so glad she's gone. She was a tool of the first order.


buckeyegirl 5449 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-22-04, 05:51 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
This happens all the time on TAR. It's made more then one team get philimated. Marsha stated on the Early Show that their plane was delayed by 30 minutes, otherwise she felt they could have made up the time.

Handcrafted by RollDdice!


PagongRatEater 12996 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-22-04, 06:11 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
Did they happen to mention how far behind the brothers they ended up finishing? You never really got a full impression, but my guess was that it wasn't as close as they made it appear.

waves at BEG


gatortod 244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

07-22-04, 10:25 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Marsha and Dad and editting"
I suspect that post race editting made it look like Jim/Marsha were closer to Lance/Marshall than we thought. It seemed like Jim/Marsha had shadows on their face when they reached while other teams did not. There were also a bunch of people on the path (leading to the paragliding) Jim/Marsha and we did not see that for Lance/Marshall.

Next week, pay attention to the teams' departure times and see how much of a gap is present between Lance/Marshall and the Bowling Moms. If the time is short, then Jim and Marsha were way behind.

Jim and Marsha arrive at the bottom of the paragliding as one team landed. You assumed that landing team was the Bowling Moms, but it could have been Lance/Marshall.


MattyMax 515 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

07-22-04, 10:46 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
LAST EDITED ON 07-22-04 AT 10:47 PM (EST)

"Im sorry but arranging plane tickets is not much of a "challenge" "

Exactly, but they still managed to screw themselves royally. If they wanted to risk standby, that's fine, but they had to get tickets in hand! And they didn't! This was a huge huge mistake.

Also- about the doctoro thing, Charla and Mirna got the same standby tickets as Colin and Christy. I don't think the doctoro thing worked, because I don't think the ticket agent bought it. They knew something was up from the cameras! In fact, it seemed like everyone else who was on standby got their tickets.

I think there was a lot we didn't see about the exact mechanics of the airport. But for whatever reason, Jim and Marsha fumbled the ball. They were first in line!!

And I'm happy I don't have to watch that guy suffer anymore (he was not happy running down that hill, for example.)



PlumBlossom 679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

07-23-04, 10:56 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
Not only did Colin/Christy get the same standby tickets, but their names were called before Mirna/Charla. Colin had asked the ticket agent to put them ahead of all the other teams on the list and obviously she did. Marsha/Jim were nuts not to get solid tickets together on one flight and then go on standby on the other flights like all the other teams did. They just didn't use good common sense. And getting confirmed tickets for another team. Where were their heads??

an IceCat original


TARantado 39 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-28-04, 01:20 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Marsha and Dad"
looks like it's becoming a trend.

the internet dating couple just got eliminated and they got the last flight to russia.

i hope the next team's fate won't be due to a last flight or missed flight. it would be more exciting if it was just a matter of seconds of minutes for the last 2 teams to fight it out for last place.



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