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"What is wrong with this show ?"
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PagongRatEater 12996 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-01, 12:02 PM (EST)
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"What is wrong with this show ?"
Let me start out as saying I am a fan and I really enjoy Amazing Race, but there are some aspects of this game that really need some work.

1) Stop including challenges, checkpoints, tasks that get all the teams bunched back up again. It seems that it doesn't matter where you finish in the previous round, how you get around your Road-blocks or if you get to Rome via London and Geneva - EVERYONE will still all be standing around waiting for the gate, musuem, ferris wheel to open.

2) Show us where everyone is - I feel like we have no insight on how far apart the teams are and who is where. Have a map with the teams routes high-lighted and let us see what is going on "real-time".

3) Updates on team's cash on hand as they spend their money, so we can see how that impacts the game. At this point, it looks like it doesn't have any impact on the game at all - and I know that it will.

4) A ban on any team that has a nickname after their stupid foo-foo dog.

I know there are other improvement that can be rolled out of AR2. What do you guys think?


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: What is wrong with this show ? Gr8tfl Grl 10-19-01 1
 RE: What is wrong with this show ? AddieRacer 10-19-01 2
 RE: What is wrong with this show ? supershirll 10-19-01 3
   RE: What is wrong with this show ? PagongRatEater 10-19-01 4
   RE: What is wrong with this show ? realitybites 10-19-01 5
 RE: What is wrong with this show ? Fast Eddie 10-19-01 6
   RE: What is wrong with this show ? Arwen 10-19-01 7
       the co-operation of certain teams -... Ru_Man 10-19-01 8
       RE: What is wrong with this show ? Arwen 10-20-01 9
           RE: What is wrong with this show ? supershirll 10-20-01 10
 RE: What is wrong with this show ? SurvivorGuy 10-24-01 11
  What's right with this show ? Expert Texpert 10-25-01 12
 RE: What is wrong with this show ? FnMfan 10-29-01 13

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Gr8tfl Grl 14 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

10-19-01, 12:13 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
I really agree with number 3 (and 4, that goes without saying)!
On the last episode they started with only $50, which I thought might cause some teams a problem, but Frank hired a taxi to lead him to the pit stop???? And that was after taking the taxi instead of the train????

AddieRacer 160 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-19-01, 12:45 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes! If spending money is part of the game, we should know how much they get, spend and have left. It would be fun to see what each team spent money on. Guidos stayed in a (discounted) hotel in Rome. Frank/Marg slept at the airport. A Fester bought a necklace for his girlfriend. And did the teacher get to keep the change from her stolen cab???

I would be fun to see a map showing wanderings in the desert, Italy, etc. etc. with real time and real miles.

Other thoughts: Where do they get food? Where do they sleep? Where do they get gas? What are they doing at the pit stops? What's in their backpacks? How come sometimes they don't have their backpacks? Can they check them in an airport locker? Can they wear name tags?

As to AR2, it looks like only couples (whatever that is) need apply. I think that would be a BIG mistake. No Mom and Em? No closet speculation? I think the diversity in AR1 is one of the strengths.


supershirll 91 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-19-01, 12:50 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
I agree with 2, 3 and 4! My #5 would be - Do not let a team impede the progress of other teams. The production team should have been responsible for telling the Guidos not to interfere with the other teams at the airport gate!

I actually like the fact that the teams bunch up at certain points in the game. Otherwise there could be a team on to the next leg of the competition before the others have even finished the last leg. Think of the production nightmare if one team was still in France, some teams in Tunisia, and one team off to Italy! There would need to be production people at three different roadblocks and three different checkpoints.


PagongRatEater 12996 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-01, 01:57 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
I think it would be GOOD if the teams were in different countries. What is the benefit of busting your ass to get to the city first and then having to wait around while everyone catches up. It changes the show from being one big race to a series of smaller races played out over the course of one episode.

Also, I think the term "couples" refers to a team of two and not necessarily actual couples. But who knows, they may be short on actual couples and have plenty of "teams" who have already applied.


realitybites 1174 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

10-19-01, 02:02 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
>I actually like the fact that
>the teams bunch up at
>certain points in the game.
> Otherwise there could be
>a team on to the
>next leg of the competition
>before the others have even
>finished the last leg.
>Think of the production nightmare
>if one team was still
>in France, some teams in
>Tunisia, and one team off
>to Italy! There would
>need to be production people
>at three different roadblocks and
>three different checkpoints.

I agree with you, supershirll, but for a different reason. In terms of drama, it would be very poor to have a team several days ahead of the others, or several days behind. This problem would get worse and worse the further the race goes.

But I think one bunching up point (airport/train station/bus station/port) per episode is plenty. The last episode had two, which I didn't much care for.


Fast Eddie 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-19-01, 02:46 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
>1) Stop including challenges, checkpoints,
>tasks that get all the
>teams bunched back up again.

I'm with you on this (and the other points as well). But you don't have to eliminate those things. Just stop the clock when the team gets the tickets in hand. Then restart when they get to the next place. The team that got their tickets an hour later has to wait for an hour after clearing customs at the destination.

I see no problem with a team falling behind by a day. Remember the last team is eliminated - problem solved. The problem the producers probably see is a blowout - one team gets so far ahead that the others have no realistic chance to catch up, so people stop watching. That is an issue. I want to see a game. They want to sell advertising.


Arwen 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-19-01, 04:46 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
Major problems I see so far are:

1) Rules clarifications. Teams Guido and Angry Man/Sweet Lady get penalized for taking a cab when the directions said to take the train. However we've seen teams do this other times (in France), as well as other things that seem closer to cheating (like Frank paying the cab driver to lead him to the next pit stop, although taking directions from locals clearly isn't against the rules).

2) Eliminate so called "production difficulties". We've seen "production difficulties" impact the players of the game 2 times now I beleive. Lenny and Karyn get a time credit this last episode, and Paul and Amie got one last time, wasn't it? Whatever the problem is, they've got to solve it because it has the potential to cause some majorly anti-climactic episode finales. Can you imagine if the last episod had been an elimination point? Oh, Lenny and Karyn got there last, but they got a time credit so it would've been Emily and Mom who got eliminated. Damn. Whatever cameraman can't hold his water better learn to tie a knot in it or it could majorly screw this show.

And definately share with us info on how they get their meals (when on earth do they eat??), what they are and aren't allowed to have in their bags (I assume no GPS systems or email) etc.

"I see no problem with a team falling behind by a day. Remember the last team is eliminated - problem solved. The problem the producers probably see is a blowout - one team gets so far ahead that the others have no realistic chance to catch up, so people stop watching. That is an issue. I want to see a game.They want to sell advertising. "

More than that, if the teams get too spread out, they won't have time to bicker and push each other around like we saw demonstrated so fabulously last episode. No interpersonal conflict, no drama, no viewers. Period. After all, it isn't the challenges on Survivor that earned it it's viewers. People want to watch the ugly side of people- the arguing, the screaming (can you say "Leennnnyyyy!"), the Eiffel tower kicking, the threatening and the barfing.. Ok, well maybe not the barfing, but you get the point.



Ru_Man 15 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

10-19-01, 05:54 PM (EST)
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8. "the co-operation of certain teams - big yawn"
It's beginning to be a bit much in Ep 6 when the lawyers and baldies and Mom/Emily were like joined at the waist - yo, it's a RACE! The camraderie wasn't so bad at the start, but now it's getting, uh . . . shall I use my most unfav word - co-dependant! It's time to cut the cord, Festers! Neither of you will ever get to bat, much less first base w Emily, so give it up! The scene in Bologna w not enough taxis was very un-Race like. Mom said she didn't have any fight left - not a good sign. Props to the other 2 couples for going it alone against the Guido menace in the true spirit of competition. Not that I'm saying any such alliances/co-op are against the rules, but on this show (what sets it apart) it's NOT votes that count, so why be such dopey buddies? hmmmm . . . yeah those 4 guys each got a thing for the Emster, just answered my own question . . . But I think as the teams winnow down a bit more, and as India (it looks like) takes its toll on nerves (as it will) this problem will go away - I'm trying to emotionally prepare myself for a Guido victory, but I might need a SWAT team of counselors

Arwen 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-20-01, 04:21 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
I just realized another very important function of the challenges etc. that involve a place that opens at a certain time (other than keeping the teams bunched up so they can argue): these guys have to sleep sometime! And if they get to the destination city and they can't get the next clue until 10am, well then no one's going to loose ground by getting some much needed sleep. If all the clues etc. were accessible 24 hrs a day, not only would there be teams spread apart by days, but you'd have folks depriving themselves of sleep in order to get ahead, which could get dangerous, especially when they need to drive etc.

supershirll 91 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-20-01, 10:16 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
Something I had not thought of! Good point!

My question is where do they sleep? Do they pay for the hotels themselves? This time we didn't see anyone sleeping on the sidewalk.


SurvivorGuy 24 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

10-24-01, 11:25 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
I agree that the unclear money situation is annoying. I suspect they all have their own money with them, either cash or credit cards. The Fester who bought the necklace probably spent his own cash. Do they use their own money for food and hotels as well? This doesn't seem right, since it would favor the teams that are better off (though I doubt any of these folks were poor to begin with). I'd really like to see some clarification of this stuff.

Expert Texpert 113 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-25-01, 03:56 AM (EST)
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12. " What's right with this show ?"
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-01 AT 07:02 PM (EST)


FnMfan 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

10-29-01, 12:44 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: What is wrong with this show ?"
totally agree with you.

i want to know how they spend the mandatory 12 hours of resting.

I also want to know during this 12 hours, did they get the chance to wash and dry their undies? can they sleep?

with survivor u got to see everything , with TAR, we don't; so we just quench for more info I guess.

I also wonder during the rome airport strike, when they could not get the tickets, wasn't it a burden to get 3 or 6 more tickets for the production crew(the camera men)?

This game just got into me but so little prev on it. The CBS website isn't helping. There isnt a prev for the next episode as well on the website. sucks!



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