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"Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
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Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-24-03, 09:17 PM (EST)
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"Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
This should be obvious, but if the episode has not aired yet in your time zone, I strongly advise not answering these questions until after the episode ends. These questions don't give anything away on the order of finish, but hey, you can still wait. I'm not saying it would make the questions make more sense, but it couldn't hurt.

Hello and welcome to this week’s version of the Hawkeye 10! I’m your hostess, Bebo. Please sharpen your wits and your #2 pencils and prepare to be creative, since these questions most certainly aren’t.

1. What’s the real reason the windows kept fogging up as the teams were driving to the Detour?

2. We’ve seen the ways that the teams handle their frustrations. For example, Millie emasculates Chuck, while Dude tells Dude that he can just ___ off. How does Phil take out his frustrations?

3. Phil warned us that those wild nut bunches can be awfully prickly. What else in the Race is prickly?

4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave and Jeff, had a hard time finding the wheelbarrow, even though it was right in front of them. What other problems have racers had with things right in front of them?

5. Reichen and Chip used boy scout rules to find their way. Name some of the other rules teams have been following.

6. How many prickly nuts would Chuck chuck if Millie got off his back?

7. Reichen wanted to stay with the orangutans and play with them for a week. Why?

8. Kelly told Jon he “was like a chimpanzee climbing the ladder”. What other animals do the racers resemble?

9. Why were the cows asleep in the middle of the road? Remember, this is not a science lesson, this is Bashers. Thanks for playing, don’t forget to tip your waitress.

10. Which are better, long and gangly or short and stubby?

Next week: Sisyphus will be your question master. Enjoy!

Bebo, Queen of the Backwoods and your American Idol PTTE co-champ


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 I_AM_HE 07-24-03 1
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 Violet Nyte 07-25-03 2
   RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 memacmur 07-25-03 4
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 memacmur 07-25-03 3
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 dajaki 07-25-03 5
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 AMAI 07-26-03 6
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 mikey 07-27-03 7
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 kpod 07-29-03 8
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 sisyphus 07-29-03 9
 RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9 KeithFan 07-31-03 10

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I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-24-03, 09:44 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
LAST EDITED ON 07-24-03 AT 09:48 PM (EST)

1. What’s the real reason the windows kept fogging up as the teams were driving to the Detour?

"Oh Chuck, you're doing so good!"

2. We’ve seen the ways that the teams handle their frustrations. For example, Millie emasculates Chuck, while Dude tells Dude that he can just ___ off. How does Phil take out his frustrations?

beating his breasts and doing the tarzan yell

3. Phil warned us that those wild nut bunches can be awfully prickly. What else in the Race is prickly?

do you also mean besides Kelly?

4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave and Jeff, had a hard time finding the wheelbarrow, even though it was right in front of them. What other problems have racers had with things right in front of them?

i really thought you'd begin this one "Dave and Jeff had a hard time finding a clue

5. Reichen and Chip used boy scout rules to find their way. Name some of the other rules teams have been following.

the rule which states all reality show contestants must have a double digit IQ (maximum)

6. How many prickly nuts would Chuck chuck if Millie got off his back?


7. Reichen wanted to stay with the orangutans and play with them for a week. Why?

their orange coloration reminds him of the people on his home planet

8. Kelly told Jon he “was like a chimpanzee climbing the ladder”. What other animals do the racers resemble?

i suppose the goats is the obvious one
reichen and chip were amazed at how much the monkey's hands were like theirs, reichen has the color, chip has the ears, so they are the orangutangs
kelly and jon are jackasses and/or hyenas
jon and al are bears (?)
millie is a yappy little poodle, and chuck is a bigger, more lumbering, droopy eyed dog

9. Why were the cows asleep in the middle of the road? Remember, this is not a science lesson, this is Bashers. Thanks for playing, don’t forget to tip your waitress.

they got tired chasing the chicken

10. Which are better, long and gangly or short and stubby?

Kelly=long and gangly, so I'll take number B

edit because i left out #5


Violet Nyte 165 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

07-25-03, 05:05 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
1. What’s the real reason the windows kept fogging up as the teams were driving to the Detour?
All the hot air of them talking. Why do they talk? Why must the producers torture me with them talking?!

2. We’ve seen the ways that the teams handle their frustrations. For example, Millie emasculates Chuck, while Dude tells Dude that he can just ___ off. How does Phil take out his frustrations?
See his man-boobs? They are caused by his frustrations. I swear they get bigger as the teams get stupider...

3. Phil warned us that those wild nut bunches can be awfully prickly. What else in the Race is prickly?
The relationship in every m/f team. Except that one team, but they got elliminated. Losers.

4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave and Jeff, had a hard time finding the wheelbarrow, even though it was right in front of them. What other problems have racers had with things right in front of them?
Team Virgin have a problem with the big fat ugly truth they've been dating for 12 years and are virgins.
Random Team of White Dudes have problems with being even remotely interesting beyond always getting lost. I still can't tell those one guys apart. Who are they? Why are they in this race still? Why am I watching this instead of Good Clean Porn? (Seriously, check that show out. Trio, 8pm central.)

5. Reichen and Chip used boy scout rules to find their way. Name some of the other rules teams have been following.
Random teams of White Dudes will win
Any team in a romantic relationship will discover they actually can't stand each other because the female whines and the male is a total jerk. Exceptions apply, but stereotypes are more fun.

6. How many prickly nuts would Chuck chuck if Millie got off his back?
Is Chuck even into chucking prickly nuts? Isn't that more of a Reichen/Chip thing?

7. Reichen wanted to stay with the orangutans and play with them for a week. Why?
I have no idea. I think I have too many X chromosomes to answer that.

8. Kelly told Jon he “was like a chimpanzee climbing the ladder”. What other animals do the racers resemble?
Remember Millie hiking through the snowy European mountains like a cute fuzzy snow-bunny? Although now she's more like a jackrabbit with mange. Ew.

9. Why were the cows asleep in the middle of the road?
They were hoping to get run over, just to mess with the teams. Could you imagine the drama if a taxi hit a cow? More fun than watching Reichen play with his monkey!

10. Which are better, long and gangly or short and stubby?
Short and gangly, of course!

...Anyone else scream when Kelly and Jon weren't elliminated AGAIN?! Just thought I'd add that, randomly. Go me.


memacmur 359 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

07-25-03, 01:55 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
Well, I did scream Yesss and high-five my SO. Does that count?

memacmur 359 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

07-25-03, 01:54 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
1. What’s the real reason the
windows kept fogging up as
the teams were driving to
the Detour?
Uncle Cameraman and Aunt Soundgirl were breathing especially heavy for this episdode

2. We’ve seen the ways that
the teams handle their frustrations.
For example, Millie emasculates
Chuck, while Dude tells Dude
that he can just ___
off. How does Phil
take out his frustrations?
Buying new lingerie to emphasize his man-boobs

3. Phil warned us that
those wild nut bunches can
be awfully prickly. What
else in the Race is
Well, Chuck's head was starting to look awfully prickly. Perhaps he was entering Werewolf stage 3?

4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave
and Jeff, had a hard
time finding the wheelbarrow, even
though it was right in
front of them. What
other problems have racers had
with things right in front
of them?
Don't get me started on Millie and Chuck again...

5. Reichen and Chip used boy
scout rules to find their
way. Name some of
the other rules teams have
been following.
Fight like hellcats when losing, have fun and mock other teams when losing - J/K

6. How many prickly nuts would
Chuck chuck if Millie got
off his back?
Well, that depends on whether or not Millie then gets on her back!

7. Reichen wanted to stay with
the orangutans and play with
them for a week.
He liked the way they handled their vines

8. Kelly told Jon he “was
like a chimpanzee climbing the
ladder”. What other animals
do the racers resemble?
Well, with her red hair and long and gangly limbs (not to mention the strange temperment, Kelly was very Orangatang-esque this episode!

9. Why were the cows asleep
in the middle of the
road? Remember, this is
not a science lesson, this
is Bashers. Thanks for
playing, don’t forget to tip
your waitress.

Producers made them watch last weeks non-elim episode!

10. Which are better, long and
gangly or short and stubby?
I'll go with the long and gangly please!


dajaki 1454 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

07-25-03, 03:50 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
1. What’s the real reason the windows kept fogging up as the teams were driving to the Detour?
Bruckheimer played a little jokey
By getting the windows a bit smokey.
It wasn't caused by body heat
Or steaming and sweaty feet,
But by Uncle Cameraman getting tokey.

2. We’ve seen the ways that the teams handle their frustrations. For example, Millie emasculates Chuck, while Dude tells Dude that he can just ___ off. How does Phil take out his frustrations?
Phil's anger management class
Hasn't taught him not to pass
His frustration around.
That sickening sound
Was Phil kicking a local guy's ass.

3. Phil warned us that those wild nut bunches can be awfully prickly. What else in the Race is prickly?
The rash Jon gave Kelly

4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave and Jeff, had a hard time finding the wheelbarrow, even though it was right in front of them. What other problems have racers had with things right in front of them?
One word: MAPS!

5. Reichen and Chip used boy scout rules to find their way. Name some of the other rules teams have been following.
Millie and Chuck: Rule of Law - Millie makes it, Chuck obeys it.
Jon and Al: Golden Rule - Play smart, get the gold
Jeff and Dave: Ja Rule
Kelly and Jon: Rule of Thumb - Her intellect, his penis

6. How many prickly nuts would Chuck chuck if Millie got off his back?
I don't know. Hey, new Millie nickname - The Millstone!

7. Reichen wanted to stay with the orangutans and play with them for a week. Why?
Reichen has few friends. He figures it would take at least a week before the orangutans rejected him.

8. Kelly told Jon he “was like a chimpanzee climbing the ladder”. What other animals do the racers resemble?
Chuck and Millie are easy - Wolf and Mole
Jon and Al - Clownfish
Jeff and Dave - Goats
Kelly and Jon - Ferret and Ass

9. Why were the cows asleep in the middle of the road?
The cows saw a movie where some cool jocks laid down in the middle of the road. They thought they would try it too.

10. Which are better, long and gangly or short and stubby?
My husband was impressed with Kelly's legs, so I'm going to say short and stubby.


AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

07-26-03, 09:27 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
1. What’s the real reason the windows kept fogging up as the teams were driving to the Detour?
Hot air - these teams are full of hot air

2. We’ve seen the ways that the teams handle their frustrations. For example, Millie emasculates Chuck, while Dude tells Dude that he can just ___ off. How does Phil take out his frustrations?
Those pauses. Making people squirm as they wait to hear their fate seems to calm him and make him feel better

3. Phil warned us that those wild nut bunches can be awfully prickly. What else in the Race is prickly?
The tension between Millie & Chuck - it hurts to be around those two

4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave and Jeff, had a hard time finding the wheelbarrow, even though it was right in front of them. What other problems have racers had with things right in front of them?
The clues. Every team has had a really hard time deciphering those squiggles called English.

Chuckie & Moonface also had a real problem with the sex lives of others.

5. Reichen and Chip used boy scout rules to find their way. Name some of the other rules teams have been following.
Jon & Kelly - the Rules of Engagement
Millie & Chuck - the Rule of Thumb (thumbing a lift that is)
Jon & Al - Rules of the Road - if others ask for help, they always seem to give it
David & Jeff - who?

6. How many prickly nuts would Chuck chuck if Millie got off his back?
I think he'd go after Chip's & Reichen's for a threesome

7. Reichen wanted to stay with the orangutans and play with them for a week. Why?
Like to like - Reichen is such a monkey

8. Kelly told Jon he “was like a chimpanzee climbing the ladder”. What other animals do the racers resemble?
Jon & Al - hippos - those faces!
Millie & Chuck - weasels
Creichen - monkey & keeper
David & Jeff - who?

9. Why were the cows asleep in the middle of the road? Remember, this is not a science lesson, this is Bashers. Thanks for playing, don’t forget to tip your waitress.
After eating that drugged meat, they kind of didn't have a choice

10. Which are better, long and gangly or short and stubby?
Long & gangly for sure.

Thanks, Bebo


mikey 1150 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

07-27-03, 06:56 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"

>1. What’s the real reason the
>windows kept fogging up as
>the teams were driving to
>the Detour?
As a joke, and to see just how far these teams would go for a million dollars, the cameramen decided to hand each of the contestants a fake "roadblock" which said "give Uncle Cameraman a ___ job in the front seat of the car." (When Dude told Dude it was his turn to do a roadblock, this lead to the __ off comment. The clowns, who were used just about anything goes when 25 clowns are stuffed in a little car, were unfazed).

>2. We’ve seen the ways that
>the teams handle their frustrations.
> For example, Millie emasculates
>Chuck, while Dude tells Dude
>that he can just ___
>off. How does Phil
>take out his frustrations?
Goes around shutting off teams' alarm clocks at the pit stop.

>3. Phil warned us that
>those wild nut bunches can
>be awfully prickly. What
>else in the Race is
This bunch of wild nuts all arriving at the same time at an airport ticket counter.

>4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave
>and Jeff, had a hard
>time finding the wheelbarrow, even
>though it was right in
>front of them. What
>other problems have racers had
>with things right in front
>of them?
Josh seemed to have a hard time with Tian's and Jaree's breasts.

>5. Reichen and Chip used boy
>scout rules to find their
>way. Name some of
>the other rules teams have
>been following.
Millie and Chuck -- let the one who can read the map best drive.

>6. How many prickly nuts would
>Chuck chuck if Millie got
>off his back?
Millie's on his back rather than his front? Maybe that's why the nuts have grown so prickly over the years.

>7. Reichen wanted to stay with
>the orangutans and play with
>them for a week.
Sigfried and Roy envy.

>9. Why were the cows asleep
>in the middle of the
>road? Remember, this is
>not a science lesson, this
>is Bashers. Thanks for
>playing, don’t forget to tip
>your waitress.

They were shown a double feature of 1) the non-elimination episode from last week, 2) Millie and Chuck's home movies.

>10. Which are better, long and
>gangly or short and stubby?
Were "short" and "stubby" the clown names for Jon and Al?


kpod 125 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

07-29-03, 04:00 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
1. What’s the real reason the windows kept fogging up as the teams were driving to the Detour?
Some of the camera guys sneaked off to the park's Starbucks kiosk for a hot drink. Man, those things are everywhere! Pity they didn't tell Millie and Chuck about it.

2. We’ve seen the ways that the teams handle their frustrations. For example, Millie emasculates Chuck, while Dude tells Dude that he can just ___ off. How does Phil take out his frustrations?
The editing hides it, but Phil sometimes makes them stew for upwards of five minutes over their placing.

3. Phil warned us that those wild nut bunches can be awfully prickly. What else in the Race is prickly?
Non-clown-Jon. Oh, wait, prick-LY, not prick-like.

4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave and Jeff, had a hard time finding the wheelbarrow, even though it was right in front of them. What other problems have racers had with things right in front of them?
Reichen and Chip. Lines. 'Nuff said.

5. Reichen and Chip used boy scout rules to find their way. Name some of the other rules teams have been following.
Most of the obstacles involve excrement in some way, so, when in doubt, follow your nose.
If you must speak English to the locals, do not use proper grammar.
Whoever took the clowns' red noses must promise not to give them back until after the race.

6. How many prickly nuts would Chuck chuck if Millie got off his back?
As many as she could sell by the seashore.

7. Reichen wanted to stay with the orangutans and play with them for a week. Why?
Chip has developed a flatulence problem during the race, so any excuse to put off sharing a car with him...

8. Kelly told Jon he “was like a chimpanzee climbing the ladder”. What other animals do the racers resemble?
Sheep, mostly.

9. Why were the cows asleep in the middle of the road? Remember, this is not a science lesson, this is Bashers. Thanks for playing, don’t forget to tip your waitress.
Someone didn't forget to tip their cows.

10. Which are better, long and gangly or short and stubby?
Haven't we all been taught that size doesn't matter?


sisyphus 321 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

07-29-03, 05:19 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"

>1. What’s the real reason the
>windows kept fogging up as
>the teams were driving to
>the Detour?

The heat given off from brain overload.....oops, I forgot this is not jeopardy...

>2. We’ve seen the ways that
>the teams handle their frustrations.
> For example, Millie emasculates
>Chuck, while Dude tells Dude
>that he can just ___
>off. How does Phil
>take out his frustrations?

" you have been eliminated from the race" after a long dramatic pause...watching the weasels squirm....aah ha such ssatisfaction

>3. Phil warned us that
>those wild nut bunches can
>be awfully prickly. What
>else in the Race is

Any relationship whatsoever

>4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave
>and Jeff, had a hard
>time finding the wheelbarrow, even
>though it was right in
>front of them. What
>other problems have racers had
>with things right in front
>of them?

denying their existence

>5. Reichen and Chip used boy
>scout rules to find their
>way. Name some of
>the other rules teams have
>been following.

eeny meany miney moe.....
where ever my finger lands that's where we will go
two blind mice....

>6. How many prickly nuts would
>Chuck chuck if Millie got
>off his back?


>7. Reichen wanted to stay with
>the orangutans and play with
>them for a week.

maybe he would get more respose from them

>8. Kelly told Jon he “was
>like a chimpanzee climbing the
>ladder”. What other animals
>do the racers resemble?


>9. Why were the cows asleep
>in the middle of the
>road? Remember, this is
>not a science lesson, this
>is Bashers. Thanks for
>playing, don’t forget to tip
>your waitress.

just so they could be the way, so now they have to figure out how to get around the cow

>10. Which are better, long and
>gangly or short and stubby?

that depends
>Next week: Sisyphus will be your
>question master. Enjoy!

I will definitely try


KeithFan 7422 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-31-03, 04:06 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Hawkeye 10: Episode 9"
1. What?s the real reason the windows kept fogging up as the teams were driving to the Detour?

Overweight cameramen toting heavy equipment panting in the front seat.

2. We?ve seen the ways that the teams handle their frustrations. For example, Millie emasculates Chuck, while Dude tells Dude that he can just ___ off. How does Phil take out his frustrations?

Cat Juggling

3. Phil warned us that those wild nut bunches can be awfully prickly. What else in the Race is prickly?

Millie's "little helper"

4. Dude and Dude, aka Dave and Jeff, had a hard time finding the wheelbarrow, even though it was right in front of them. What other problems have racers had with things right in front of them?

Chuck....enough said.

5. Reichen and Chip used boy scout rules to find their way. Name some of the other rules teams have been following.

Judging by their irritability, "mom's rule"--if you do that you'll go blind.

6. How many prickly nuts would Chuck chuck if Millie got off his back?

none, see answer 5.

7. Reichen wanted to stay with the orangutans and play with them for a week. Why?

Playing with hairy beasts is a passion.

8. Kelly told Jon he ?was like a chimpanzee climbing the ladder?. What other animals do the racers resemble?

Kelly- Hyena on crack
R/C- peacocks?
Chuck- mule- or is it the donkey that can't reproduce? I get them mixed up.

9. Why were the cows asleep in the middle of the road? Remember, this is not a science lesson, this is Bashers. Thanks for playing, don?t forget to tip your waitress.

They heard (no pun intended) that their farmer was going to show TAR on continuous loop in the barn- thought this would be a quicker way to end it.

10. Which are better, long and gangly or short and stubby?

Short and gangly

"Give me chastity and continence, but not yet."
- Saint Augustine (354-430)



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