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"The sorest players on the planet"
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CDawg 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-21-03, 09:37 AM (EST)
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"The sorest players on the planet"
I am having a tough time at this board. Acne faced Amy should be called Acmy, not LAmy. Please change your nickname usage accordingly.

1. Some of these players might not have homes to return to. Who would want them back after this mess. It'd be great if Zack reurns home and falls in love. Or what if he returned to the show just to break up with Acmy. The originals are the sorest playes on the planet. Their strategy of punish everyone that goes against us has failed. They have only themselves to be mad at. They didn't need to terrorize anyone, they could have been respectful. It's pretty satisfying as a viewer to grit my teeth during Keith's unfair abuse from his first week, to watching one of the evilest alliances severed last night.

2. Alex is a loser. I can't believe he calls Dave childish. Dave had a great response to Kristen's question. Also, how can he say Keith doesn't have an IQ. Has he figured out why the hotel sucks? It's because Keith started a movement that removed everyone in your alliance. He was the underdog after he voted off Zack, but he perservered to this point. He thinks Dave should come to him to ask what he wants done! I will be complete if he is voted off next week. He could have been the cool party boy, which I could accept his idiocy, but instead he has to be the evil, "why don't I get my way, I'm Alex" party boy.

3. Dave and Tara almost did a perfect job: They should have put Acmy with Keith. That would have been enough to get her off the show. But still, I think Scott has a tough time with her, and maybe this will be enough to get her home. I even loved Dave's line to Alex that he will do his best to represent those that voted for him, not everyone.

4. Voting - Did we see who Dave voted for? Did Acmy vote for Dave or Alex? Why did the 2 girls vote for eachother?

5. I loved Acmy's line "I wanted to be Queen b/c it was my last chance at happiness". I'll give her credit, she realizes she's too dumb to fill the hole she dug, and wanted to make a move to leave gloriously. But I think it's funny that her last chance at happiness was the power to vote someone off. So she's basically saying that she wanted the power to vote a girl off to be happy, so they should make her happy and respect her wishes, and let her leave. Then, like how Toni left to save Acmy, Acmy could leave to save Kristen.

While giving Zack props for stating that Dave is not smarter than him, because he's not street smart, Dave's played this game pretty good. Those idiots call him childish because he gets up for these challenges, but he's done everything possible to stay in the game.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: The sorest players on the plane... CantStandToLook 08-21-03 1
 Amy voted for Dave but Alex and she... kellyval99 08-21-03 2
   RE: Amy voted for Dave but Alex and... CantStandToLook 08-21-03 3
   RE: Amy voted for Dave but Alex and... SurvivinDawg 08-21-03 4
       Scott's still Gay CantStandToLook 08-21-03 5
           RE: Scott's still Gay SurvivinDawg 08-21-03 6
               RE: Scott's still Gay CantStandToLook 08-21-03 7
               RE: Scott's still Gay CDawg 08-21-03 8
               RE: Scott's still Gay Loree 08-21-03 9
                   RE: Scott's still Gay austin2828 08-21-03 10
                   RE: Scott's still Gay managerr 08-21-03 11
                       RE: Scott's still Gay ray 08-21-03 12
                           RE: Scott's still Gay CDawg 08-21-03 13
                               RE: Scott's still Gay sbeck 08-22-03 22
                           RE: Scott's still Gay SurvivinDawg 08-21-03 14
                           RE: Scott's still Gay managerr 08-21-03 15
                               RE: Scott's still Gay Heather0997 08-21-03 16
                                   RE: Scott's still Gay Lahela 08-21-03 17
                                       Lamy is full of $hit ugibugi 08-21-03 20
   Roomate pairings were very good ugibugi 08-21-03 18
       RE: Roomate pairings were very good CDawg 08-21-03 19
           RE: Roomate pairings were very good CantStandToLook 08-22-03 21
               RE: Roomate pairings were very good sbeck 08-22-03 23

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CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-03, 10:32 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: The sorest players on the planet"
I'll let that slide on over my back cause you can call LAmy whatever you want and I'll call her whatever I want. I like that Acmy name too.

I too thought it was interesting that Tara voted for LAmy. I dont' remember them showing who Acmy voted for though. There Though the insightful folks at FuX gave it away again before it was announced by showing Dave and Tara and the whole "I want Charla gone" scene..Tara did seem surprised that she won. I got the feeling that she wasn't really trying to win but then again look who she was up against. Acmy stood zero chance in my book. Alex on the other hand shot himself in the foot with the whole cheating scandal. I dont think anyone trusts him anymore least of all LAmy. His blurb about them taking his money knowing he cheated was also just blowing smoke. Seeing as everyone except Beau I think gave their money to Dave..unless he think's he's Jesus and could turn his piddly little stolen loot into the Jackpot of the Lottery, there was no way what he took was gonna make any difference in the long run. In the end, I think the real reason he gave Dave his money was to save his own skin. If he's part of the voting block by pooling his money then he's not likely to be on the chopping block ala Doh!.

Just my nickels worth


kellyval99 32 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-21-03, 10:35 AM (EST)
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2. "Amy voted for Dave but Alex and she both voted for Tara"
I think they could make Amy step out next week without a doubt if they eliminate Alex. Since no newbies are coming in, how are they going to eliminate people? Also, what Dave and Tara did to Charla was just cruel. Charla and Alex HATE each other...I guess Alex can spend all of his time in the pool making out with the other ladies and Charla can stay in her room. I see Holly migrating back to Scott's bed almost immediately. Those two are connected at the hips.

CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-03, 10:43 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Amy voted for Dave but Alex and she both voted for Tara"
Interesting observation kellyval..I thought their pairing of Alex and Charla was more as a torment to Alex than Charla. In retrospect, I guess they will both be tormented to some extent.

Also, seeing as roomming together says nothing about sleeping the same room, I would guess that Alex might try to slink into someone elses bed though he doesn't really have anyone now. They show him making moves on some other ladies in the previews for next week though. Charla on the other hand would probably love to sneak into Kieths room but I imagine a lot of that will depend on whether Holly does as you said and slips back off to Scott's room. Sounds like there is going to be a lot of bed hopping next week and the ones that may end up sleeping on the floor or outside are LAmy(Acmy), Alex or Dave. The others definitely have beds waiting for them even if not their own.


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-03, 10:52 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Amy voted for Dave but Alex and she both voted for Tara"
Those two are connected at the hips.

Actually, that's not QUITE where I thought they were "connected."

I think the pairing of Alex and Charla was with some purpose. Probably to keep an eye on Alex, and it also signalled the intent to dismiss Kristen.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-03, 11:10 AM (EST)
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5. "Scott's still Gay"
I find it interesting that even though those two are supposed to be connected at the hip he wouldn't give her any indication of what he wanted to do with regard to the King/Queen or roommate selections.

They've shown a lot of heavy flirting and he even kissed her once to throw us off track but I still think he's light in the pants.


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-03, 11:20 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
I'm about to go on a Scott-bashing rant, and not because he might be gay, but you've been warned:
Last night, Scott is standing there while Amy is going through her "I'm leaving" diatribe. Scott was pretty much just staring into space. No "Stay Amy!" or "Go Amy!" or anything. Just standing there like a bleeding statue.

At the bowling alley on a previous show, while Amy was acting like an idiot towards Keith, Scott could be seen just behind them... again, just sitting there with that stare into space look.

So just WHAT is this guy contributing, here? Not a damn thing, as far as I can see. If he went home right now, who would miss him?


Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-03, 11:26 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
Very good point Dawg...

Scott doesn't seem to have an opinion or care about anyone other than himself. Last night was his chance to show Holly that he would feel one way or another if she were the one picked to leave and he couldn't even feign interest in that.

She said "It could be me that gets voted off tomorrow" and all Scarlett (read Scott) could say was "Yes it could"...boy if that doesn't just make her want to jump his bones I dont know what would.

"If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything" - unknown

My five cents


CDawg 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-21-03, 11:31 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
1. I was just kidding about the Lamy vs. Acmy. Hopefully no one took offense.

2. I think Scott's played it pretty good. Remember when it was about Zack, Alex, and Scott? I don't see Scott and Alex that close any more. Scott's trying to stay out of the fire, I think. I think he's looking to stay out of the fire, and I don't think anyone perceives him as a threat, which is good. Maybe he's smart enough to know what to do with it the minute they overlook him.


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-03, 11:32 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
I think the show had been on for weeks before I even realized Scott was there. It was always the originals and that other guy "what's his name". He was always in the background somewhere.

I think Dave wanted to punish Alex for always saying Charla was boring. Dave adores Charla and is hoping to prove to Alex that she is a nice person. Also I think Dave & Tara are both a little jealous and wanted Charla away from Keith.


austin2828 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-21-03, 12:50 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
Scott's not only gay but you can really say he is queer as hell.
I feel Dave is playing a great game aand hope he wins. In the so called beauty Tara really showed her beside....mannnnnn what a great ass. I would jump her bones. As for Foni and Crack I hope I never see aor hear from them the rest of my life...such idiots

managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

08-21-03, 01:01 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
It was totally strategic. The point was to separate Alex and Amy keep him from aligning with others. They put Alex with Charla just because they know Alex has no chance of aligning with Charla. They kept Amy with Scott, because Scott is already loyal to Holly. The other move was to put Amy with Keith, but they probably thought that was too mean to both of them.

I think the main goal was to keep Alex away from Desiree and Holly as the two "swing girls". Alex and Amy obviously don't get along too well right now either, judging by Alex voting for Tara. (Which was also a horrible strategic move, I mean you have no right to criticize Keith's IQ if you're going to play like a bonehead yourself)


ray 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-21-03, 01:24 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
Personally....I don't care that Kirsten gone but Dave is going to get his next week. That man is power hungry. He is no different than Alex....sorry but true. He think that he is better than everyone else....sorry to burst your bubble....your not. What goes around...comes around. I think someone should take him down.....I want the final couple to be....Keith and Tara or Tom and Desiree.

CDawg 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-21-03, 01:38 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
I can't decide on which girl I'd like to remain. Charla has some depression issues, and is getting annoyng to watch. Tara did some backstabbing by getting a girl off the show. She was too scared to pull the trigger, and made the safe pick rather than going after the originals.


sbeck 418 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

08-22-03, 11:19 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
I had wanted Charla and Dave to win, but everything is just boring at PHo now. It was good with the original v. new, but now that the newcomers have "won," it's just boring to watch. So now, my first choice couple to win is Tom and Smokey--at least they're entertaining.

SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-03, 01:41 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
Dave is "in" with the producers... is it not obvious? He's going nowhere fast.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

08-21-03, 05:18 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
You're absolutely right. If the "in crowd" had accepted Dave into their clique from the beginning, we'd revile him as much as we did when he first came to the show. But for the most part, the fans are putting up with Dave because he was aligned with the Outsiders clique led by Charla.

I wouldn't mind Charla and Tara replacing Dave with Tom personally.

If Dave was attractive, would any woman seriously go out with him?


Heather0997 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-21-03, 06:01 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
I personally think that Tom is a moron. I really hope that he is just "playing the game" or maybe just making fun of all the seriousness everyone else plays the game with. I think that Charla has a right to be depressed from time to time. It cannot be easy to be there and go through all that. At least she is not venting all her frustrations to every single person who will listen like Amy... or making idle threats.

Lahela 161 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

08-21-03, 07:11 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Scott's still Gay"
I don't care...I am just glad that Kristen is gone! She got on my nerves. She's a total HO and needs to get back to the states and have herself checked out for STD's anyway! I wish Acmy would have gone ahead and walked since her "happiness" is in such jeopardy. Come on..she was begging Dave and Tara to oust her cause she was soooo unhappy. I think she knew Kristen was the target and was trying to save her hide for her. And since they wouldn't let Kristen stay if she went and she decided to stay..obviously she couldn't go down like Foni with the martyr complex so she decided to stay. I think she believes she has a chance at seeing her wish come true (getting rid of Keith before she goes) but I seriously don't think that will happen. I think Alex is on his way out with a big ol' swift kick in the arse.

As for Dave...he's playing the game! I hope he wins it. He came in with a strategy and is still using that strategy...same with Keith. I would be happy with either of them winning this thing. I think Charla or Tara should win as well, but I can't really decide which one. Sometimes I want to smack Charla, and at other times I want to give her a big hug. She puts up with a lot of crapola from those folks. I know she brings some of it upon herself by locking herself in her room all the time..but come on..I wouldn't want to be around the majority of those people either. She's the smart one if you ask me. Why mingle with the ignoramous when you can just hang with yourself and keep your sanity?!


ugibugi 84 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-21-03, 10:49 PM (EST)
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20. "Lamy is full of $hit"
Lamy figured she was on the chopping block. She knows she is a biatch and that everybody hates her. She also might have been deluded to think that people see her as a threat. So, rather than let King Dave and Queen Tara send her packing she asked them to do it. It is like breaking up with somebody, the person who does the breaking gets the credit. She was doing that so she could say she was never voted off, she wanted to leave - Bull$hit!

She had her chance, they told her she could go. There is the door Lamy, don't let it hit you in the ass. But in the end staying at the hotel was more important that going to see the most respected person every to inhabit the hotel - Zack. What a bunch of crap. Lamy will get a real touch of reality when she gets home and finds out that Zack has been boning somebody else and will be happy to use Lamy for the same purpose, but if she wants a relationship - well he just won't be ready for that. What a bunch of losers.

I have one more comment, Go Dave. This guy is playing the game well and I think is probably having more fun than anybody, in spite of all the bull$hit he has had to put up with from the "in" crowd.


ugibugi 84 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-21-03, 10:09 PM (EST)
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18. "Roomate pairings were very good"
Let's think about this. First Dave and Tara had no choice, they are rooming together. Who are their enemies, Alex and LAmy, so they needed to split them up for sure.

Where to put LAmy? Can't go to Dave, not going to put her with Alex, keeping Tom happy is a smart thing to do he is fairly harmless. That leaves Keith and Scott. Putting her with Keith will just cause a storm of biatching and really gain nothing, on the other hand Keith may just be able to make friends with Holly, nobody really knows how tight Scott and Holly are. So put Holly with Keith and LAmy with Scott.

Unfortunately, that puts Charla with Alex, but that will allow Charla to keep a better eye on Alex.

The next move is to get rid of Alex, that dooms LAmy once and for all. Oh, poor poor LAmy, everything is supposed to be about her. Have any of you noticed that? If there is anybody self centered on this show it is LAmy always talking about who unfair things are to her. Screw her!


CDawg 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-21-03, 10:34 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Roomate pairings were very good"
I think Acmy with Keith would have gotten her off the show.
and I would have kept Holly with Scott.
Why not leave Scott and Holly together? They seem so "in love" that they don't do anything, including strategize.
Remeber last night when she was asking him who he'd want off and he didn't want to talk about it? He may be too dumb to make a move, or so smart to wait until the originals are slain.

I'd be concerned to make either of those uncomfortable. Holly may be mad at Dave for being separated, and Scott may wake up thinking he is being played.

Keith needs to nail her, to complete the separation from Scott.


CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-22-03, 01:11 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Roomate pairings were very good"
>I think Acmy with Keith would
>have gotten her off the

I definitely agree with this one, I dont think there's any way she would have stayed if she had to spend another week in the same room as Keith. Last time she was able to escape to Beau's room but this time she would have had nobody. Even mimbo Alex probably wasnt gonna try and touch that. Makes you wonder what whopper of an undiscovered STD Zacks' been carrying around.

>and I would have kept Holly
>with Scott.
>Why not leave Scott and Holly
>together? They seem so "in
>love" that they don't do
>anything, including strategize.
>Remeber last night when she was
>asking him who he'd want
>off and he didn't want
>to talk about it?
>He may be too dumb
>to make a move, or
>so smart to wait until
>the originals are slain.
>I'd be concerned to make either
>of those uncomfortable. Holly
>may be mad at Dave
>for being separated, and Scott
>may wake up thinking he
>is being played.

In the way that it was intended I would agree that it might upset Holly and Scott. But in the way FuX introduces their twists it might actually end up being a blessing in disguise. They haven't pulled the ole you cant room with the person you're rooming with this week trick again but you never know when they could pull that out of their hat and in that case, they just saved Holly and Scott. In reality, they were trying to break them up and not allow them time to strategize or join with the remaining originals. That's an oxymoron though...Scott..Strategize..I dont know what Scarlett has between his ears but maybe he's holding back to surprise us or maybe there's just nothing between there.

>Keith needs to nail her, to
>complete the separation from Scott.
If anyone could do it, you would think it would be Keith but I think he's got his eyes on nailing Charla though it appears he wants it to be plainly clear that it was mutual and no one was under the affects of anything (read alchohol). It seems miss Charla only gets frisky when liquor is applied in generous quantities.

And I have to agree with all that Dave is definitely playing the best game. I think that people should see him as a huge threat but the main reason that he IS the biggest threat to any winning this "game" (what a joke) is that no one really seems to think him a threat because he's not one of the beautiful people. In some ways I think that the casino thing(making Dave the banker) last week was in part because if they expected a backlash from kicking off Doh!, they'd rather have Dave face it (come on, he's faced Foni..can't get any worse than that). I'm not saying that his own alliance would want him hated but he's been thru the war and survived many times. The rest of them may not feel as strong.


sbeck 418 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

08-22-03, 11:27 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Roomate pairings were very good"
If Scott and Holly get pissed off because they're not rooming with one another, they're dumber than Alex. Not all people who room together need to sleep together (well, unless you were rooming with Kristin), and not all people who sleep together room together (again, think of Kristin). They can still spend all their time together. I hope they realize that the roommate pairings were purely strategic on Tara and Dave's part... And besides, I personally think Scott would like to room with Tom. Sorry, Holly.


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