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"American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
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ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

03-25-03, 09:05 PM (EST)
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"American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
Yes, it's Country-Rock this week....Simon was totally out of his element, lol...not a bad show at all, but the hats were a bit over-the-top.....Maybe I'm feeling like Simon this week, maybe it's because I'm from the South and I hear a lot of country-rock stuff here at home, so I'm probably a harsher judge than some of you might be.....

1. RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBEN!!!!!!! - The man this week....I have been feeling terrible all week for ranking him number four last week, because after watching tapes and listening to the audio, Ruben's performance was much better than Clay's.....he is number 1 right now.

2. Kimberley Locke - Loved it...I still think that she is gonna be in the top four by the end of the show.

3. Clay Aiken - He can sing....could've chosen a much better song this week, I don't think this is one of his performances that I will remember......

4. Kimberly Caldwell - A little bit of shouting in the song, once again, I wasn't totally as impressed with the song choice as I could have been, I own the CD, and there are other songs that she could've performed better...just like Simon told you, tone up a bit before wearing an outfit that daring.

5. Joshua Gracin - C'mon, Josh...this was your week, dawg! You could've blown them away with a Rascal Flatts song, man. I liked it, but the only problem was the song....Josh showed points of greatness in the song, but still not quite what I was hoping for.

6. Corey Clark - Maybe he's ranked this high because I was just so shocked.....I thought tonight would be the end of him, but he is still alive and kickin', I think he came close to redeeming himself for last week's horrible performance.

7. Julia DeMato - I really liked her this week.....she is HOT!!!!!!

8. Rickey Smith - Loved his voice, hated the song, maybe that's why I wasn't enthused with him this week.

9. Carmen Rasmusen - Simon must really hate country....I thought she did well, I didn't see as many pitch problems as Randy pointed out....the best she has done so far, she'd be a contendor if we were doing Country every week.

10. Trenyce - Wasn't bad, but the possibilities would've been better with a more fitting song choice.
Cumulative Ranks:

1. Clay (1.666667)
2. Ruben (2.3333)
3. Joshua (5.3333)
4. Kim Locke (5.666667)
Trenyce (5.666667)
Rickey (5.666667)
7. Kim C. (6)
Corey (6)
9. Julia (7.666667)
10. Carmen (10)

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champion

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... cyclehausen 03-25-03 1
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... carencey 03-25-03 2
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... drawde236 03-25-03 3
   RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Ahtumbreez 03-26-03 10
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... IslandFever 03-25-03 4
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... munson 03-25-03 5
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Lancerdude74 03-25-03 6
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... johnthemod 03-25-03 7
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... katem 03-25-03 8
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... ElroyJetson 03-26-03 9
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... managerr 03-26-03 11
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... toddE 03-26-03 12
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... weltek 03-26-03 13
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... Lisapooh 03-26-03 14
 RE: American Idol Critique List, v.... smiley 03-26-03 15

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cyclehausen 1197 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-25-03, 09:28 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
LAST EDITED ON 03-25-03 AT 10:40 PM (EST)

1. (2) Rickey Smith - I am thinking more and more that this guy has what it takes. I posted this a little late, because I rewound his performace and listened to it twice. I had never heard this song before, which usually fouls up a ranking, but his performance was flawless and beautiful. He outshined everyone by a very, very, very wide margin.

2. (5) Trenyce - another extremely good performance, and a very good look for her. She has never looked better (though she has sounded better.) If this were Star Search, she would get the only 10 for originality. She was a bit sharp on the low notes, but nonetheless mildly amazing. Wildcard, my ass!

3. (3) KimberlEy Locke - A heartfelt and very good performance of one of everyone's favorite songs. The only thing is her freaking breathing. Even though she stood stock still tonight, she still gasped into the microphone like someone was holding her head in a pool of gasoline. If she could fix her breathing issues, she might be back at the top where I originally thought she belonged.

4. (4) Clay Aiken - it's not that his performance and voice wasn't top-notch - it was. But Clay, baby, you have major expectations. When you take the stage people expect to be blown away. The song suffered just like last week's - all the tecnique, but half the emotion. And the song selection wasn't great, either. You're gonna lose if you continue to disappoint.

5. (8) Carmen Rasmussen - well, there are the top four and from here out it's pretty much "and the rest." I'm putting CR on the top of the second pile purely based on her showmanship, energy, and attitude. She sang on-par with most of "the rest." And her song selection suited her very well.

6. (6) - Kimberly Caldwell - It was almost a toss-up between the two blondes. But this one did go quite a bit flat during the middle of her song, so she fell. A good song for her, a good stage presence, and an interesting (albeit rather Sunset Blvd-ish) look.

7. (1) Ruben Studdard - um, first of all Ruben you do realize that "Sweet Home Alabama" is a song which laments the end of segregation, right? It's pretty much one of the most racist songs ever to top the charts? You do? Mmmm-kay, then. Next time you choose a four-note song, the least you can do is try to overpower the background vocals. The performance lacked substance, it lacked energy, and it lacked feeling. The worst I've heard from him. Such a disappointment.

8. (10) Corey Clark - actually tolerable. A decent song on him, although he still sucks. I was sorely disappointed when he started screeching at the end - if it weren't for that, he'd be above Ruben. Why is he here again? Oh, right, the guy who really made it went to jail....

9. (9) Josh Gracin - First of all, the whole cowboy thing made me want to puke. Second of all, the song made me want to puke. Third of all - for a guy who is supposedly "all country" he really and honestly did a piss-poor job of singing the song. Awful all around.

10. (11) Julia DeLoser - To paraphrase the judges, "you were way off-pitch and it was your best performance." Boot this wretched whore! It was god-awful. Triple ick! ick! ick! ick!


carencey 263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-25-03, 09:41 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
I wish it had been disco. My placements are a little different, I think. I'll add last week's placement and my average next to each.

Clay (1, 1)-- Wah! I wanted Clay to sing Copacabana. He's still fabulous. Just give him the friggin' title already. Simon's just mad because he can't convince everyone that Carmen is great.

Kimberly Locke (4, 5)-- I agreed with Randy. I thought this category might hurt her, but she chose the right song, featured her voice and didn't require an over the top performance. Come on, Simon--it's a Bonnie Raitt ballad.

Kimberly Caldwell (5, 4)-- Loved everything but the last note. And the outfit. But I haven't let the outfits determine placements before, so I won't start now.

Corey (9, 8) -- Wait a second. I don't like Corey. Grrr...dammit, that was actually pretty good. Oh well. At least I didn't pick him to go this week.

Josh (5, 5)-- Voice was good for the song. Performance seemed affected to me. He ran around the stage like...someone told him to run around the stage.

Trenyce (2, 3.33)-- Not as good as usual for her. Luckily, not as good as usual for her is still okay. She had trouble making the high/low jumps in the song, but it wasn't too rough and she ought to be back next week. I enjoyed the performance aspect, but she let it show a little too much that she wasn't happy with the performance--and that might hurt her more than pitch problems. It was annoying to me though because we know from her earlier performance that she CAN do country rock.

Rickey (7, 7.33)-- Thought Simon was right. Sweet, but not all that engaging. A few pitches were a little wobbly, but that's better than wrong. Country seems to favor flat sometimes, it seems. Performance ought to consist of more than just grinning at the camera while singing.

Ruben (3, 4.7)-- The judges loved this. I did not at all, and I've liked Ruben every other night. Hard to put a finger on it, but I think his style is wearing on me and didn't fit the song at all.

Carmen (8, 9.67)-- I thought perhaps Carmen might keep on getting better. Her performance was fine, but for heaven's sake, hit the notes. Yuck. And just when I moved her up on my PTTE.

Julia (10, 9)-- She shortened the notes she should have held, and missed the notes that shoulda been short. And ye gods, the clip on the replay was the worst part of it. And she still looked nervous. Her best was still worse than everyone else's this time around.

My bottom three -- Ruben, Carmen, Julia.
The audience's bottom three will be Trenyce, Carmen, and Julia. Julia will go.


drawde236 317 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

03-25-03, 09:44 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
Great show! Here are my thoughts...

1) Ruben--Perfect song choice, but enough of those 205 Flava jerseys.

2) Kim C.--Looked good, sang great. Had a great time.

3) Kim L.--Whoa! Nellie. Where did that come from? Excellent song choice and delivered amazingly.

4) Clay--Good, but blah. Is it me or is he morphing into Howdy Doody?

5) Corey--Surprisingly comfortable in this element. Song was one long chorus though.

6) Josh--Good showmanship, but wrong song choice. Should have done "My Maria".
Very unflattering jeans...borrowed from Kim L.?

7) Carmen--Why isn't anyone commenting on the vibrato or the lisping ("Thwere are some wights, I watch you while you dweam....)? In her element, but still outsung by most.
Should squeak by for another week, but death by Disco.

8) Rickey--Sounded good, but what song was that? Larry Gatlin?

9) Trenyce--Looked very uncomfortable. Sounded way out of her league. Dress looked like an Army issued tent.

10) Julia--She blew it. It sounded forced and unemotive.


Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-26-03, 08:24 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
I'm being lazy today, so ditto on drawde236 except switch 3 and 4 around, think Clay outsings, outclasses and outdoes Kimberly L every week. Would have put him first but Simon was right, just like last week.

(c) 2003 GeorgiaBelle Creations,Inc. All rights reserved
Celebrity Mole PTTE Champion

IslandFever 205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-25-03, 10:52 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
To me this week was like the Twilight Zone. I liked some people I didn't expect to and vice versa. I am not a country fan although I like the Judds and Garth Brooks. Certainly they don't classify ONJ as country?

1.Rickey totally blew me away
2.Julia sorry but I like her range and voted for her 10 times someone has to like her!
3.Kim L emotive and warm sound
4.Clay deserves to be the next American Idol
5.Carmen suprisingly good tonight
6.Kim C great stage presence
7.Josh great singer but I don't like country and that was verrrry country
8.Trenyce Trenyce,Trenyce what happened? She was out of her element. She can do so much better and usually does.
9.Ruben he is totally overrated. A very nice person but a mediocre song tonight. He is inconsistent. I had him first last week.
10.Corey He looks a bit like last season's #2 but doesn't sound like him. Mickey Mouse on helium.


munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-25-03, 11:17 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
LAST EDITED ON 03-25-03 AT 11:20 PM (EST)

This was a very difficult week. I had a group of 4 or 5 sorta tied in the middle, with 2 stand-outs and one absolutely awful performance to round out the ten.

1. Ruben - I can't help it. I see him walk out on stage and I start to smile. And, he actually sang Country Rock! Pure joy on his face, magic in his voice, I think Ruben is the next American Idol.

2. Kim Locke - Wow! Kimberley's best performance yet. She's either finding her groove or picking better songs.

3. Clay - Another solid, professional performance. What a great voice. Clay needs to show his versatility as they get deeper into the competition, or, as Simon sez, risk sounding the same every week. So solid.

4. Carmen - Yep, Carmen! This was probably the positive shocker of the evening for me. She was so much in her element, he voice was strong, her confidence up, she did herself proud.

5. Trenyce - A different style for Trenyce this week. A bit subdued and un-diva like. I was impressed. She took a chance on a LeAnn Rimes hit and did a good job. You could tell she wasn't really confident as she was most definitely out of her element but she pulled it off.

6. Kim Caldwell - I'm giving up! The Queen of Anticipointment. For me, she is this years's Ryan Starr and I keep expecting Kelly. Again, I was prepared to be wowwed by Kim, given her background, presence and a category she should do well with. Her voice is hollow in my ear and she was a bit flat but it was still her best performance to date.

7. Joshua - The biggest negative shocker of the night only because I expected so much better from Josh. This was karioke. This was Josh tryin to do his best Garth. Breath control, phrasing all important in this song and he didn't do either real well. Should have owned this week. Didn't.

8. Corey - Corey sang a soul song. The upper register that Randy and Paula like so much is where he has the most pitch problems. Ennunciate please - sounds like he's humming words. Better than last week but not by much.

9. Rickey - Rickey sang a soul song. Watching him makes me uncomfortable and I don't know why. A bit pitchy, despite ON-J's comments but OK. Just kinda boring and blah.

10. Julia - I don't hate Julia. I thought she did a respectable job last week and the first part of "What a Feeling" was top 3 quality. I voted for her 10 times. This was awful. Julia should not attempt a Faith Hill classic. She can't win. Everyone will be disappointed. She blew it. She didn't suck but it wasn't even in the same league as the others.


Lancerdude74 165 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-25-03, 11:21 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
This was a tough week, everyone seemed to get closer for a night:

1. Josh (1) - I really think Josh could make it as a country singer. I'm thinking he wants to save Rascal Flatts for later (hoping he makes it to a "Pick your own song" week). That song is really hard to sing and he did a great job.

2. Kim L. (5) - I think she is going to get better every week. She definitely handles ballads really well.

3. Kim C. (8) - I think this was her best performance yet and she looked good too.

4. Clay (2) - I really like Clay a lot, and he still sounded great. Like it better when he stands up.

5. Ruben (4) - He sounded good too. Getting REALLY sick of the jerseys though.

6. Trenyce (3) - She looked really good. I don't think it was her best though. Still great though.

7. Rickey (7) - He has a great voice, just something about him I don't like.

8. Carmen (9) - She grows on me every week. Another song that is hard to sing and she did good.

9. Corey (6) - Better than last week. I think he'll survive another one.

10. Julia (11) - It's sad to think this was her best performance, and she's still easily the worst. Wouldn't be surprised if she sticks around though.


johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-25-03, 11:59 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
Country rock week was not a good idea. I actually like some of the songs, but not just every pop star should be able to sing country.

1. CLAY AIKEN (1,2) - as usual, the best. Why do the cameras only pan around Clay? He has to follow them and it makes it awkward.

2. Kimberly Caldwell (4,4) - looked hot, lit up the stage, country suits her well.

3. Kimberley Locke (9,5) - best song choice by far. I LOVE that song. She sang it quite well.

4. Ruben Studdard (8,3) - had some fun with it, like the song, hate the 205 thing and I have to say that out of my five potential winners, he's the one I least want to win.

5. Julia DeMato (6,8) - best performance so far, might save her for another week, might not. Looked very hot. I totally agree with Simon about her trying too hard.

6. Rickey Smith (11,9) - not a huge fan of Rickey, but he was decent in a bad week.

7. Trenyce (2,1) - major drop. Just not the right genre for her. She will recover easily though. Looked amazing.

8. Carmen Rasmussen (12,11) - definitely her best performance and yet her voice still freaks the heck out of me. She could sing Happy Birthday and Simon would still support her.

9. Joshua Gracin (7,6) - he took breaths at entirely inappropriate times in the song and made me really nervous he was going to pass out before he made it through it. HORRIBLE song choice because he wasn't able to pull it off. (whoever goes first always gets it easy in critiques i've noticed)

10. Corey Clark (5,10) - obviously Motown week was a fluke for Corey. He sounded awful. I also dislike his personality. Bleh.

Hoping very much Corey Clark gets cut, but think it will more likely be Julia.

Vanessa Olivarez (3)
Charles Grigsby (10,7)


katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-25-03, 11:59 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
Country/Rock, they gave this one to Joshua. Here is what I think (in order of performance):

*Joshua. He was great. I thought he was a lot of fun, and he is actually looking just as chunky and Garth Brooks. This was his week, if he did not do well here, he was done. He did great.

*Trenyce. This was a hard week for her, but she did well. Done better, but I still liked her and she not looked better, her hair looked fabulous.

*Kim Locke. "I can't make you love me" is NOT country, it's pop. I have heard Bonnie Rait sing this song live and she kills with it every time. Kim did not capture the essense of the song, I don't think. She has sounded a lot better before.

*Corey. Saved himself this week. He was terrific. But what was up with that shirt, if we can call it that. He still has the personality of a dishrag, and his head has never looked more like Side Show Bob.

*Carmen. She was good, I think country goes with her voice. And happy birthday to her, mine is tomorrow

*Rickey. He was soooooo dull. I hope he goes soon.

*Kim C. She has sounded better, she was a little off tonight. BUT, I think she did well and I agree with Paula, her style changes according to the theme, I like that.

*Ruben. He was excellent tonight. Perfect song for tonight's show.

*Julia. She's done. She sounded like a bad imitation of Faith Hill. Kareoke all the way.

*Clay. Fabulous, just fabulous.

Best of the night: Clay, Corey and Joshua.
Worst: Julia, Ricky and Carmen
Public bottom three: Julia, Carmen and Ricky.
OUT: Julia.


ElroyJetson 586 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-26-03, 05:57 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
1. Ruben - Only sang 1 verse and then repeated the chorus 10 times. Showmanship consisted of lifting one arm. Doesn't matter! Crowd loved it!

2. Trenyce - Unlike others, I really enjoyed her performance. She made it her own and it worked for me. Looked mahvelous.

3. Carmen - Great energy and I thought she sang the song well. Not nervous at all. And now that she's 18...she's pretty hot!

4. Joshua - Could've picked a better song. The world already has 1 Garth. Carve out your own niche, bro!

5. Clay - Not his best but ya gotta love the voice and confidence.

6. Julia - Still looked nervous but I think it was her best performance. Hope she stays around long enough for "String Bikini Week"

7. Kim C. - If you have to wear that outfit you gotta be trying to distract people from your voice. Keep it up, its working!

8. Rickey - Seemed out of his element in this genre. His voice reminds me of Earth, Wind, and Fire's Philip Bailey. That's a GOOD thing!

9. Kim L. - I don't know this song so I'm not sure what everyone's excited about. It was ok. Didn't sound country-rock to me. My kids were concerned about her huge bulging forehead.

10. Corey - Should have stuck with bronco bull riding...


managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-26-03, 08:31 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
1.)Carmen - No, I haven't lost my hearing. I just thought Carmen was the best of the night. She had a few pitch problems (again) but in terms of how the song sounded on her and her good showmanship, hers was the performance I enjoyed the most, even if her singing was not the best.

2.)Kim L - I have been off the Burger Queen bandwagon, but I will give her credit tonight. Excellent song choice, well sung, first perfromance since the Band of Gold snippet that I have enjoyed from her.

3.)Kim C - One horribly flat note, but other than that, a brilliant performance. She needed to sing a ballad to show that she could and she totally nailed it.

4.)Clay - I agree with Simon somewhat in that it was a boring song choice -- but I haven't bored of listening to Clay yet. A great job for Clay, rebounding from what I thought was a mediocre performance last week.

5.)Josh - I hated the outfit (made him look fat)and thought he did a bad Garth imitation, but I give him credit for sticking with the theme the most.

6.)Ruben - See Josh. By the way Ruben, maybe you missed the point of the show. You already won the ALABAMA IDOL competition. This is the national stage now, bub!

7.)Trenyce - It wasn't terrible, but she started as weak as I've ever heard her. Not in her element. She's human after all.

8.)Rickey - Again, not terrible. He was fine vocally. I understand people who like him, but from a personal standpoint, I just do not like his voice.

9.)Julia - I love Julia--but what were you thinking? I actually think this was her worst performance from a vocal standponit. Her stage presence improved but that song was not good on her at all. After seeing Tamyra's awful rendition of this song last
season, I would have advised any contestant to stay away from this song--unless you sound exactly like Faith Hill. Still, she avoids the bottom spot for me because she didn't have the deer in headlights look for the first time since the Top 12 began.

10.)Corey - Randy and Paula, I respectfully disagree -- Corey's performance was tolerable until he went to his upper register. That's not an upper register--that's the sound of a mouse squealing. To add insult to injury, Corey blinded me with that see through shirt! I'd take Jim, Ejay or AJ over this joker any day of the week.


toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-26-03, 09:47 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
1. Joshua was the best. (I expect to never write this sentence again)
2. Kimberley L. was great! (I expect to never write this sentence again, either) but her audible inhaling still bothers.
Kimberly C., Ruben, Clay, Rickey were all whatever
7. Julia was better, still uncomfortable.
8. Corey is the overall worst of the top 10, but wasn't the worst last night.
9. Carmen should have done much better since this was her genre. If she can't shine here, she should pack it in.
10. Trenyce was very uncomfortable, knew she did bad. However, her overall track record should keep her afloat.


weltek 16936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-26-03, 10:06 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
1. Kimberly Locke...I haven't liked her much this whole time, but that was an awesome performance last week. Still don't think she is AI material, but the girl can sing.

2. Ruben...Infectious is right and infectious can sell. He had fun, we had fun, and he can sing.

3. Corey...This guy is REALLY growing on me. He picks good songs and has the coolest voice. I think he is AI material and has a unique sound. I think music could use a guy like him now.

4. Kimberly Caldwell...Last night was great. She really choose a great song to sing. She's also growing on me. Again, it could be refreshing to hear a different female voice attached to the beautiful body in pop music right now.

5. Clay...well, he's got a good voice, but it's getting old. I used to think this competition was his for the taking, but he's pretty one dimensional. All his songs sound the same and his performances are redundant. He's loosing his shine.

6. Rickey...he has a good voice, but I really don't think he's AI quality. He deserves to be here, but I think he's really good, not great.

7. Carmen...she did good. Good song choice for her to showcase her stage presence. I just don't think she's good enough. She could kick butt in a karoke contest, but it would take a lot of work to get in her star form.

8. Trenyce...she has talent, but that song certainly wasn't a good choice. Note to Trenyce: Never, ever do another Leann Rimes song.

9. Julia...The girl tries, she really does. She picks terrible songs and never really gets much better. She could make it in a local band, but I don't think she's even close to national level.

10. Joshua...His performance was a remake of Garth's live in Central Park video and his singing was nothing special. The guy doesn't have an original bone in his body. Send him home soon.


Lisapooh 12664 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-26-03, 10:07 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
Ruben -I have never been on board the Ruben train, but I loved him last night. He looked like he was having a blast and his voice was so full and smooth. I actually did a little "Go Ruben" dance when he was on!

Kimberley Locke -understated, comfortable, professional. Great! She sounds like she's having an asthma attack sometimes though.

Clay Aiken - He was a disappointment last night, but Clay on an off night is still better than most. I would listen to him sing the phone book.

Trenyce - not a good choice for her at all - and she blew the lyrics too. She knew it - her face after the performance said it all. She'll bounce back though - she's a great singer and a great performer - bad, bad week. If Kim L can rebound, so can Trenyce!

Kimberly Caldwell - I thought she sucked last night. Must have just been me though since everyone is on her bandwagon again. I don't want to see her stomach any more. It's like Christina Aguilara and Britney Spears - ok we get it - your stomach is taut and toned. Now eat a cheesburger and wear a longer shirt.

Carmen Rasmusen - There's something interesting about her and her voice (when she isn't flat) Lots of better, more recognizable country songs she could have done.Her voice is similar to Martina McBride and she could have done any other McBride song and it would have been better.

Julia DeMato - the camera really does love her. I wish just one week she could shine. She's so uncomfortable up there. This week was a big improvement in her stage presence though. Tough song - showed the weaknesses in her voice. She's a definite hottie though

Corey Clark - One of my favorite songs of all time. Thanks for ruining it Corey. He didn't even ruin it really - that falsetto just drives me crazy though. Not digging him either.

Rickey Smith - Will some one please explain his appeal? I don't get it.

Joshua Gracin - He has a great future as a Garth Brooks impersonator at Legends in Concert in Vegas. I've always been underwhelmed with him and it just continues every week. I don't dig him at all.


smiley 2009 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

03-26-03, 12:51 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.3"
1. Kimberly Locke...She was fantastic last of her best performances.

2. Ruben...Loved his song...but wear something different already!!!


4. Kimberly Caldwell...Last night was great. I really like her look and her stage presense if one of the best of the bunch

5. Clay...ya know I love his voice but Simon was right on last night. Clay needs to give something a little different otherwise he won't stand out from week to week

6. my in between guy. Good voice but just doesnt stand out from anyone.

7. Carmen...I like Carmen and I thought she did pretty well last night.

8. was not her thing but she did give it her best and she deserved praise for that.

9. Julia...She is the one to go for sure

10. Joshua...I like Josh but last night was TERRRRIIBBBLLLLEE. I mean did he sing one note? All i heard was him talking the song



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