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Rikker Mortis 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

07-30-03, 09:12 PM (EST)
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It's about time America makes a good choice. Lucy deserved this. What scares me is the prospect of A.J. getting pushed into the group by Fox to make it more than one boy. So, although ive voted for Danielle and still say shes the best one up there, im gonna have to vote 2 hours for Chantel because she has the best shot to do anything if it matters anyway. So for a quick recap....Final 3...AJ (absolute joke), Chantel & Lucy.
Group sang "Its Still Rock & Roll To Me"....more perverted camera angles...seriously, FOX, are all those shots necessary. It gets worse every show. Youd think someone would tell the girls to stop wearing skirts due to the a$$hole pedofile cameramen. Anyway, we also had a absolutely dreadful performance if you can call it that by Monica. Best part was when Ryan Seacrest was introducing her and in the corner you could see Tori just like "yawn...who cares"...her face was priceless.
Aj goes back to the couch (keep walking kid, ill tell you when to stop), Chantel gets 2nd, Lucy wins....
Lucy sings "Call Me" and invites everyone else to join her for a horribly bad version but it was so bad it was great if it makes sense because it showed them all having fun.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW ShannonK 07-30-03 1
 RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW VallejoKid707 07-31-03 2
   RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW Artcurus 07-31-03 3
       RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW VallejoKid707 07-31-03 4
           RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW Artcurus 07-31-03 5
               RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW VallejoKid707 07-31-03 6
                   RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW Artcurus 07-31-03 7
 RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW RUTGERSpaul 07-31-03 8
 RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW RonniLee 07-31-03 9
   RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW GDonatello 07-31-03 12
 RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW stephy 07-31-03 10
   RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW Artcurus 07-31-03 11
       RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW Rikker Mortis 07-31-03 13
           RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW ShannonK 07-31-03 14
               RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW RUTGERSpaul 07-31-03 15
                   RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW VallejoKid707 07-31-03 16
       RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW stephy 07-31-03 17
           RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW Artcurus 07-31-03 18
               RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW stephy 08-01-03 19
                   RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW spinningwords 08-01-03 20
                       RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW Artcurus 08-01-03 21

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ShannonK 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-30-03, 09:32 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
I missed last night and tonight. Would you mind telling me what songs everyone sang? Thanks.

VallejoKid707 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 00:06 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
I am happy for Lucy and she did an amazing job last night and she deserves to be in the group(even though she should have gone solo). I hope Chantel gets in next week. Hopefully, the kids could sing anything they want so Chantel could sing, "Power of Love" (like she did when she auditioned). She will blow everyone out of the water.

Artcurus 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-31-03, 00:29 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Hi All,

Rikker has an excellent point and I am afraid that's what's going to happen, AJ is going to voted in because of politics.

Tori NEEDS to hook up with Martina McBride, head to Nashville and get busy.

Chantel and Lucy need to get with Simon for a recording contract.

SPEAKING OF AJ and a COMPLETELY different band,

VALLEJOKID, let's freak everyone out, does these lyrics mean anything at all to you?

Welcome to my room with a view,
Stay for a while, dont you go so soon,
Take my vision, as your ammuntion...

I dont care if we break it,
I dont care if we are good at faking..
I'm going on, into the new.

This particular AJ is BAD ASS.



VallejoKid707 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 00:39 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
?????????????? can you please explain why you directly said this to me.

Artcurus 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-31-03, 00:50 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Guess Not, there's a rock band called Vallejo, they are from Austin, Tx and they rock, I see them live all the time.

HEre's the official site,

You can hear a clip of Into The New from there.



VallejoKid707 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 00:53 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
oh! yeah i havent heard of them. sorry!

Artcurus 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-31-03, 01:00 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Damn, that would have been great.

Get on Kazaa or file sharing program of choice, look for Into The New, or you can D/l "Take A Ride" (I suggest this one) directly from the site.
These boys are awesome.

They are kinda hard rock mix.



RUTGERSpaul 169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 09:31 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
I'm SO GLAD Lucy got into the group, but I was REALLY pushing for Chantel last night. I thought Chantel's performance was the best on Tuesday, since on my review, I gave her "Performance of the Night".

It'll be SUCH A SHAME if she makes 2nd place 3 TIMES (maybe a 4th by next week) and doesn't make the group.

...but it just came to me, I'll have my own 5-person group by the end of the season with my "Performance of the Night" results.


RonniLee 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 10:41 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Although I like Chantel, her voice to me is very mediocre. She appears to only have a superb voice for certian songs.(ones she practices). Her upper register is very nice and she sounds very powerful there, but her lower pitch is quite shaky. Her last performance was only good during the chorus part. I don't think she should get into the group now, b/c her and Lucy have similar voices and fortunately, Lucy made it in (who has a much stronger hold on her voice than Chantel). AND if I have to see her dad crying one more time...
As for the 5th member I would have liked it to be all girls- Chauncy thrown in there is like completely out of place, why would he want to tote around with 4 teenage girls!! Anyways, I am routing for Jordan or Caitlin..they both have great stage presence and dance skills..they would mesh in nicely, and their voices are slightly more mature (deeper) than the Thompson sisters.
Chantel and Lucy would be battling over the strongest voice.

GDonatello 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-31-03, 11:42 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
I like it when her dad cries, Ronnilee. I bet he cries when they ask him if he wants fries with that. He probably cries all day long. Let's face it, he's a big f*uckin' crybaby! But, he's such a dork ya gotta luv him. I do think Chantell told him to ditch the tears though. Ya killing me Dad, ya killin me.....

And yeah...I can't think of one stinking reason why little Chauncey wants to hang with a bunch of sassy cute teeny-bopper girls. Poor kid.


stephy 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 10:42 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
It would be curious to see what you look like as you obviously have a hate on for AJ! AJ is good looking,talented and full of charisma. ( I can see you cringing at those words as I speak) You probably couldn't say one of those words about yourself. Nor do you have any experience in the field of music. That is painfully obvious!
I suppose I'll let you get back to your AJ bashing now where you can continue with your imaturity.
Good luck to ALL the remaining contestants!

Artcurus 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-31-03, 11:29 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"

I'll address this one. I have nothing against AJ as a kid and I will not bash kids and I go by performances alone. I have over 200 performances by children singing different songs. Some will blow you away, much better than AI, some will make your ears bleed.
AJ has been inconsistent throughout the show. You hear it when he hits some of the high notes,he's gone flat several times. Again this comes from listening to kids sing for years. However, I also want to state that song choice may be killing him. Song choice is everything, and LIKING the song is even more important. This is where Tori Thompson NAILED it, and nailed it HARD on Let Er Rip.
There is not doubt that AJ is charismatic, and that the group actually needs him for a balanced look (talent aside, I am afraid this what's going to happen), but lead singing? No. background? Yes.


Rikker Mortis 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

07-31-03, 12:06 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Ah, the world according to Stephy... IT must absolutely eat you up inside for people to have opinions that clash with yours. Hate to see what happens when McDonalds gets your order wrong. Anyway, all i can do is sit back and laugh at you as you feebly attempt to prove your superiority. Personally i dont care if you like A.J. or think Lauren Klena should have won this competition. Oh, and what do i look like? Hmm, lets see, well im afraid youve found me out dear Stephy. You see , when i was a little kid i used to look just like A.J. Long stringy, greasy hair, scarred up face, smile that took up my whole head and boy could i sing! But alas, i had to get a haircut one day and plastic surgery and had my vocal cords taken out since the slightest peep from my robust voice would make the ladies quiver. i did it for humanity. me giving back to the world, i guess you'd say. And now i find myself, like you say, old, bitter, ugly and i cant sing. Im sorry you're so much better than me A.J. Melendez. I'm sorry i cant be like you. Darn Stephy. Why did you have to tell everyone?

ShannonK 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 02:51 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Anybody? Please? Give me a recap of the songs each person sang on Tuesday!

RUTGERSpaul 169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 04:41 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Katelyn Tarver - "On The Radio"
Morgan Burke - "Rock With You"
Jordan McCoy - "Magic"
Danielle White - "Daydream Believer"
A.J. Melendez - "Still"
Chantel Kohl - "Brass In Your Pocket" (Something like that)
Lucy Hale - "Call Me"

VallejoKid707 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 05:10 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Oh yeah i almost forgot, did anyone see when AJ sang his song and he said still at the end. There was supposed to be a long pause and AJ looked he didnt know what to do and he did a little dance. That was so funny!

stephy 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

07-31-03, 07:04 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Thanks for your honest opinion which is truthful but at the same time you have not chosen to degrade the performers. I beg to differ on the issue of talent where AJ is concerned. I feel through my many years of working in Musical Theatre that AJ has a superb voice. And yes you may be correct, song choice may be a factor there as it has been with the others.

Thanks for the "chuckle". Have you ever thought of auditioning for last comic standing. Loved your monologue. Looked like you put lots of time and effort into it!


Artcurus 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-31-03, 11:03 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Hi Stephy,

I beg to differ on the issue of talent where AJ is concerned. I feel through my many years of working in Musical Theatre

Ok, I'll respect this.

Here's my take. I base my decision on these performances on what I call radio viability. In short, could this performer with the right songs, make it to mainstream radio especially country radio, ie: Billy Gilman. The idea is that mainstream radio is pretty much "it". Very few kids actually have it. Tori is one of the few, so is a performance I have that Rikker has heard of a 10 year old peforming Martina McBride's Broken Wing and of course Billy Gilman.

AJ has a superb voice.

He does ok, but he's not radio viable, and neither is Chauncey.

I am excluding Lucy and Chantelle in this because they are more like teenagers, and several teens have gotten on country radio with no problems over the years. For the record, Lucy is radio viable, but Chantelle isnt.

And yes you may be correct, song choice may be a factor there as it has been with the others.

But there's also an inherent flaw with this show, and it's a major one. The best way to describe it is. Tori was voted on three performances, including one that kicked a$$. Taylor was voted in on two performances. Their fans are now coasting with NO MORE SOLO repeat SOLO performances from either girl. We KNOW that Tori pretty much kicks butt on country, and she did a good job on the other two songs. HOWEVER, we have not heard her do a ballad or a true "rock" song such as "Magic". For all practical purposes, aside from the so called music videos, she's sitting on the couch biding time until the group is completely formed. Taylor, the same way. It would have made more sense to let the girls go through the entire run of all the songs, then do the voting.

I would have KILLED to see what Tori would have done with the 80's show.

Your thoughts?

"Go Shawty, it's your birthday...Ya find me in da club!" 50 Cent-In Da Club


stephy 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-01-03, 05:52 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
I agree with you with respect to the fact that there is an apparent flaw to the show. I feel that there is in fact many flaws. One of the biggest flaws is to turn the voting process over to the general public. I would have preferred that the decision of who "makes" the group remain with professionals.Those who have experience in the entertainment industry or at least has working knowledge of who is radio/television & print friendly.
You may notice through reading the message boards that the public has gotten rather personal in deciding who gets in the group and who doesn't. It doesn't seem to be a matter of talent any longer. I did like the inclusion of Tori in this group, she is cute, has good vocals and a dynamic personality but Taylor? I am puzzled by this. It is almost as if there is an effort to re-create the Olsen twins! I too have listened too many performances. Many of whom have been my daughters performances as she is a actress, vocalist and musician. Years of being a stage mum I guess!
In our opinion - I say our as it is the general consensus in the room when we watch Juniors- that AJ and Lucy are the only two who sound radio viable.
You hit the nail right on the head, I can now see Tori singing country, but I am not entirely convinced of her as a "pop singer" after listening to her a few times without the aid of video.
I do agree, it would have been wonderul to have heard how Tori,Chauncey and Taylor would have performed to an 80's theme.
Perhaps their song choices would have been better...who knows?

An interesting debate indeed....


spinningwords 96 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-01-03, 06:36 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Would have to say I agree with what Art. I actually agreed with the top three choices last week even though I'm not an AJ lover myself, I like Art, feel that AJ is "radio viable".

At this point, I do not feel Chantel is ready for any group or for a solo contract even tho she has many supporters.

As much as I am very happy that Lucy was first last week and made it into the group, I'm also concerned that this may be a detriment to her career as a solo artist. But hopefully, if the group does not make it, she will continue to study and/or a producer such as Simon will offer her a contract.

At this point in time, I agree that perhaps the group DOES need AJ or maybe another teen voice to finish off the group. I do not feel that Danielle is the correct voice but feel a stronger backup voice is needed to work with the kids.

Maybe I'm way off base here but I guess we'll see what falls out in the end.


Artcurus 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-01-03, 10:34 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: 7-30 RESULTS SHOW"
Hey Stephy

]= "quote"
]I agree with you with respect to the fact that there is an
]apparent flaw to the show. I feel that there is in fact many

This was one of the reasons why Star Search and America's Most Talented Kid was so awesome. THey allowed for multiple performances.

]One of the biggest flaws is to turn the
]voting process over to the general public. I would have
]preferred that the decision of who "makes" the group remain
]with professionals.Those who have experience in the
] entertainment industry or at least has working knowledge of
]who is radio/television & print friendly.

Hehe, funny you should say this. Over the years I have talked to Tina Marjorino, Hallee Hirsch, Haley Joel Osment (briefly) Heathers O'Rourke's (Theyrree HEERRE!) dad Jim Peele who by the way was the drummer for Creedence Clearwater Revival (he got a kick out of the Thompson sisters when I told him about the peformancess), was trying for Hallee Kate Eisenberg, but it fell through. Was SUPPOSED to talk to Taylor Momson this summer, but that through.

]You may notice through reading the message boards that the
]public has gotten rather personal in deciding who gets in the
]group and who doesn't.

You better believe it.

]It doesn't seem to be a matter of talent
] any longer. I did like the inclusion of Tori in this group,
]she is cute, has good vocals and a dynamic personality but

Tori and Taylor both got trhough on kick a$$ performances. Leaving AJ out of the equation for right now, these two have been the most consistent. HOWEVER, it still boils down to song choice, and whether the kid LIKES the song.

Because I am used to watching kids act on film and tv, there was some things that Taylor did during Proud Mary that most people would not catch, subtle eye movements and expressions and overall body language. You could also tell she was comfortable and LIKED the song. Plus you have to hand it to Taylor to get through that godawful Burger King adver..I'm sorry, video. She show true professionalism to get through that trainwreck with any dignity intact.

]It is almost as if there is an effort to re-create the Olsen

It's funny you should say this, because of a comment I heard before "Bringing Down The House." Something along the lines of "Tori and Taylor are building a catalog of original music." Which REALLY made me wonder...

]You hit the nail right on the head, I can now see Tori singing
] country, but I am not entirely convinced of her as a "pop
] singer" after listening to her a few times without the aid of

With the understanding that there's not that much of a difference between pop and country. Shania Twain anyone? I had a revelation. I went back over Sundown after said that about her a "pop singer". I am willing to bet money, that Tori HATED that song. Go back and watch her body launguage, how she reacts. Goes right back down to the idea that you are most comfortable with the genre that you like.

I've said before and I'll say it agian, This is where Tori's parents have GOT to wake up, hook up with someone like Martina McBride, head to Nashville and get busy. SOON.

I am in full agreement that this group will probably damage any chance at true commercial success for any member that tries for a solo career.

Lucy needs hook up with Simon.

On a sidenote, and final comment on Stephy's post. OUt of curiosity, I d/l the original Let Er Rip from Dixie Chicks. Tori was DEAD ON with the performance, almost note for note. The only difference was the way that she (Tori) ended it.

I am going to combine two post in one. Here's the reply to the second post.

At this point in time, I agree that perhaps the group DOES need
]AJ or maybe another teen voice to finish off the group. I do
] not feel that Danielle is the correct voice but feel a
]stronger backup voice is needed to work with the kids.

Ok. Sit back and relax, this is going to another long one (G). It was stated on another board that we now have three true kids in this group minus Lucy, who is considered more a teenager. Lucy's voice is exteremely powerful.

If notice during "Sundown", this was one of the first attempts at harmony, and all in all, it wasnt bad. Now understand at this momen, you have three kids, and one teen with a powerful voice.

The problem is this, it's much easier to mix the child's voices together for a smooth sound. This is where Danielle and( yes I'll give you AJ for this one (G)) would have been awesome, her voice is not powerful enough for lead singing (which in this case would have been Tori) BUT would been great as a "blender" think Bee Gees. In short, you have 5 voices that could be mixed for a good harmony. Jordan also could be used in the same fashion.

You now have a group that has one powerful voice that's a teen that looks out of place with 3 kids. You also have a group that's being told what to sing, how to sing it and how to do it.

So, are we looking for a recipe for disaster? My vote is "yes."

Man, after reading trhough this, you know what? I think I got WAAY too much time on my hands. (G)

"Go shawty, itcha ya birthday..Ya find me in da club!" 50 Cent-In Da Club



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