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"Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
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AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

02-27-04, 08:44 PM (EST)
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"Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
What would this show be without precrap? It’s why they select someone to be the Prize who was a reject on a previous show, isn’t it? How else to obtain a ready-made source of precrap for not only the first episode, but also the Rejects Re-Babble and the Finale. It’ll be tough to return to the original method of just introducing someone, as they’ll have to do when Jessie Palmer is the next Bachelor.

Anyway, this chit-chat has been brought to you by me in the interest of avoid recapping the previouslys. I’m sick to death of revisiting the 25 min. Enough. Let’s just cut to the flippin’ chase. Oh and FYI? I’m not really pissed off: I’m just pretending to be a Matt fan.

Tonight Meredith brings Matt and Ian home to meet her family and then she gives them one last date at “her mansion” and then she has a last visit with Chris and then she renders her decision. It’s not as much of a photo finish as the producers would have us believe.

First at bat: Matthew. For this date Mere has finally chosen an outfit that looks absolutely stunning on her. She has the right coloring for dark grey and the flannel coat and turtleneck look really good teamed with black pants.

For their date aperitif, Mere and Matt board a vessel oddly named The Crystal Dolphin. I search for meaning, trying as I do to find meaning in every moment. But this isn’t The Mole. Not since she got rid of Ryan M, anyway. In retrospect, a watery date seems to be Mere’s way of saying, “This relationship is sunk.” Even in Puerto Rico, Ian & Mere flew a kite and strolled thru an old city. Chad? Had a lot of watery dates. Now it’s Matt’s turn.

Matt DRs he’s just looking to get to know Meredith better. Now how many times are we going to have to hear him say something like that? He earns brownie points by remembering whom he’s meeting, recalling that her brother’s name is Matt. I’d actually forgotten that little detail, but that’s because I was picturing “Mere’s retarded brother,” a visual embedded when PigBlob visited. I’d just like to say that Mere’s family came across as being really great this time around. Is it just editing that made the same three people look alien and weird in PigBlob’s presence, yet warm, friendly and loving when Mere brings home her two guys? Maybe it’s that PigBlob makes people look and feel ill at ease.

Anyhoo, let’s undigress and note that Mere points out to Matthew that that’s why she calls him “Matthew.” And whether you’re gay or straight, it’s got to be weird to date someone with the same name as your sibling. I see it as kind of an insurmountable obstacle to taking the relationship all the way, don’t you?

They perform the requisite onboard cuddling and closed-lip smooching, with Mere voicing over that there isn’t anything about Matt, sorry, Matthew, that she doesn’t love. He wants to know what’s going on in her head and she tells him he’s smart and should be able to figure it out. Well, Mere, intelligence isn’t the same as being psychic. (Although, now I realize that she & Ian are kind of psychic when it comes to knowing what the other means to say.) They kind of rehash the same material over and over that we’ve heard on previous dates and had summed up in recrap mode. May we move on?

After the introductions, it’s time for the “main course.” Bro Matt sits Date Matt down for a Matt-to-Matt chat. Bro Matt is wearing glasses this evening and looking very smart. Bro asks Date what makes him think he’s the best Matt for Meredy and Date replies he doesn’t know that he is. Bro tells him that is the best answer.

In a DR (oh yeah, that’s shorthand for ‘diary room’ and indicates a confessional/interview thingy) Bro says at first he thought Date was a “glamour” boy, but then discovered he’s actually intelligent too. Bro is quite smitten with Date. I wonder if he’s seen this picture?

Matt fans, don't say I never give you anything

Over dinner, Dad asks tough questions while Mom serves up casserole. Camera focuses on the steaming dinner, the hottest thing in the room.

“Why did you go on the show, DateMatt and what kind of connection do you have with my daughter?”

Date Matt remembers all his lines and delivers them in a very convincing way. It’s something about her eyes, but luckily he doesn’t launch into his Eye Color Thesis. The Philips family beams. Good boy! Feed the prisoner, Mother! A full plate!

Indeed the whole family is very impressed with Date Matt. I don’t believe Uncle Steve weighed in, although he was present. In the kitchen Mere and Bro discuss how great Date Matt is. I reckon if Mere tosses him back into the “sea” Bro wouldn’t say no to a turn himself. How open to that do you suppose Date Matt would be? Oh okay don’t lynch me. I should take this kind of prattle over to Sucks, shouldn’t I? But is everyone in Texas like Lanny & Dubya?

Bro Matt tells us he’d like for Meredy to have someone treat her well, not like those “wild boys” she’s brought home before. Uh oh, is he casting aspersions upon my beloved Ian? I’m feeling happier generally about loving Ian, having coaxed more Ian fans out of lurkerdom here, as well as discovering the motherlode of Ian Fans at Television Without Pity, where the ratio is about 2:1.

Date Matt DRs that he’s looking for a marriage that lasts (harking back to his parents’ divorce) and that he’s pictured himself and Mere going to the grocery store and the movies. How, uh, romantic. And how often would that happen? He’d probably accompany her once to the grocery store, just to show her where it is. I’d love to know what movies he visualizes them going to see. Would he be more of an action/adventure buff, or a Disney fan? These days, you can have both. Pirates of the Caribbean, anyone? Mmm Johnny Depp. Ian has catapaulted onto my Johnny Depp list of yummiest men in the whole wide world with whom I'm unlikely to have a "liaison."

Could you see Matt & Mere going to see The Passion of the Christ for example? Heh, how 'bout Lanny? Sorry, that's just cruel. Have I digressed again?

After dinner the two head downstairs to have some alone-time in the family’s rec room. The décor screams “Untouched by human hands since 1977.” I mean, does anyone put wood paneling into the basement rec rooms anymore? During their (highly edited) snuggle, Mere tells DateMatt that she’d be honored if this ended with a ring. Naturally he begins to think he’s got a chance to be the last guy.

Heated debate ensued as to whether Mere led him on nastily, or the editors spliced stuff together, or Mere was prodded into saying stuff in order to help out the drama. Here’s what I think. We know Meredith does care for Matthew, and thinks he’s wonderful. At this point, she’s just had a terrific home visit, and her family loves him too. For those of us who watched the After The Rose special, the “reason” she offered just doesn’t cut it. I find it makes no sense at this stage to be trying to find out where Matt is at. I mean, even if he had been closed off and uncommunicative (which according to her he had not), isn’t she already at the point of being pretty sure about Ian? Sure to the point of not wanting to give someone else the wrong idea. So, I think it could be something along the lines of:

1. She was thinking about “what if” – what if Ian doesn’t even show up. Or he does show up, but her family hates him and convinces her he’s the wrong guy. Or seeing him in her own home makes her wonder what the hell she was thinking.

2. Or Ian does show up, everything goes well, and since she’s already sure of her feelings for him, she is just trying to give Matt some kind of consolation prize ahead of time.

Whatever the real reason, Meredith is ashamed of herself for her thoughtlessness. And I give her props for taking the beating publicly for it. I really think she’s normally a thoughtful person who takes care to avoid causing pain, even at the expense of looking wishy-washy.

I also think if she is going to explain the true reason, it will be to Matthew in private. And so publicly she gave the lame excuse that she did. But I’m leaping ahead to a different show. I just wanted to discuss it a bit here, since there’s no doubt that it was the wrong thing to say, and we now have about as much extra information as we’re likely to receive.

Back to Matt. What does Matt’s response of “really?” mean? I think it means he was surprised at the depth of her feeling all of a sudden, since he hadn’t been getting quite that vibe, and he took it as a huge come-on. Given the number of people who were shocked and/or unhappy that Matt didn’t receive the final rose, that part of it is definitely down to the producers’ misguided wish to create phony drama and pointless suspense.

Next up, Ian’s Visit.
Ian shows up wearing some kind of a blue toque, and looking less than at his best. Maybe he’s hanging round Mere too long and the bad fashion choices are rubbing off. Or maybe he’s just not used to the Oregon chill. They go to some bar for a drink. In between the snuggling and the kissing, he mentions his regret that he didn’t fly his parents up to meet with her. She is touched by that, but honestly, does this lad bathe in money? He’s currently “retired” and doesn’t question the expense! I like the subtle ways he’s found to convey, “Money is no object” without coming out and bluntly providing exposition.

They discuss their concerns about the upcoming family meeting. Ian is worried they’ll see someone who’s between careers and Mere’s worried they won’t be able to notice the connection they have. If you’re not smitten with Ian, the job situation could be a deal-breaker. However, when you’re both smitten and fairly certain that the next meal won’t have to be scrounged out of the garbage, it’s a lot easier to glide right by that issue. And Mere, even your grandmother knows about the connection you two have. It positively sizzles every time you’re together onscreen. If you had a cat, it would be full of static electricity from being in the same house with you two.

Bro Matt DRs that Ian has the odds against him, because Date Matt scored big points. With everyone settled, Mom opens the bidding asking about where Ian grew up, and he gets to tell a bit of his Sao Paolo story. Dad apparently wastes no time. He’s going to drop a Dad Bomb, and asks Ian why he is attracted to Meredith. It’s quite funny to see the jaws on both Ian and Meredith drop. Ian recovers first:

“Let me tell you about your daughter. She makes me smile and laugh and takes interest in me, in who I am. It’s not about an experience, I’m here because of your daughter.”

My friend Neko calls him “Me’an.” Yeah, she’s a Matt fan – what gave it away? Still, I had to laugh because I too was a little disappointed with this answer from him. It was a bit self-centred side. Okay rather a lot on the self-centred side.

Mom DRs that she can tell Ian sweeps Mere off her feet. The two of them are practically entwined at the dinner table, so I’d have been surprised if she hadn’t picked up on it. Ian explains about being between apartments, what with all his stuff being in storage and all, and about being between careers what with him being retired and all. Although, how that happened isn’t really explained. He DRs he doesn’t think he’s the perfect candidate. Mere tells the group she could live in a shoebox, as long as she were with Ian. I hold back the desire to leap into Monty Python-mode. After all, those hole in the ground jokes are really more Survivor-appropriate.

Digression time. I just want to point out something to Lanny’s mom, or whoever is reading the boards and reporting to Lanny’s mom - cuz don’t you just reckon that woman has an army of peons at work keeping track on us? I want to say this: you don’t have to demand that a woman stand by her man. If she loves him, she will of her own choice. It is, after all, part of the marriage vows, and if you take those seriously, it’s not about the gender of the person, but about both people standing by each other, through good times and bad. End of digression.

Someone throws in the “how many kids” question and Ian wants a full house, 3 kids, or even 5. (Mere's already in a royal flush.) It sounds good as an answer, but I don’t see them starting a family anytime soon. Talk about cramping your free spirit. Hey, put it off long enough and you never have to do it! Worked for me! Having kids doesn’t seem to be high on Meredith’s list of priorities, that’s for sure. I was surprised Chad the Wants to be a Dad lasted as long as he did.

After supper, Mere, Mom and Bro hold forth in the kitchen, while Dad and Uncle Steve keep Ian busy elsewhere. Do you suppose they grilled him on his invisible means of support? And do you think Ian let the men know that things are just fine, and that there is plenty of money to keep Meredith in scarves and turtlenecks for the foreseeable future?

Mere is beaming, and proclaims herself speechless. Bro Matt comments that it must be intense, if Meredith doesn’t have something to say. Ah HA – so that’s why Ryan M. was one of the top 3 in the compatibility quiz.

Mom looks adorable when she pipes up to say that if Mere doesn’t want Ian, then she herself could do with some excitement after being married 40 years. Haha. I like Mere’s mom. Cute comment.

Mere sees Ian off with lots of kisses. Back in the house, Uncle Steve finally has something to say. I think he was here for the Blob Invasion as well as the Matt Meet, but this time, he announces his verdict, "Ian was like a breath of fresh air.” If Uncle Steve feels moved to throw in his 2 cents, you know that’s an Event. I’m surprised Mere didn’t inform the producers then & there to cut to the chase and just send out wedding invitations. Instead Mere tells her family, “See, {Matt and Ian} are completely different!”

She gets a bit of input but we don’t see much of the conversation. She summarizes the situation as “Matt pours his heart out and would take care of her” while “the relationship with Ian doesn’t make sense, except it does.”

More hand-wringing from Meredith, “How will I know, whom will I choose, I’m so torn.” I love Ian & Meredith together, but this show drives me batty with the precrap and the recrap. The repetition will be the death of me. Shut UP Voice-Over Dude.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... AMAI 02-27-04 1
   RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... buckeyegirl 02-27-04 3
   Yay! Tiggertramp 02-27-04 4
   RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... Nascargirl48 02-28-04 6
   RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... 3amigos 03-01-04 7
   Oh AMAI LeftPinky 03-01-04 11
   RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... hunterjax 03-02-04 13
 RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... tig_ger 02-27-04 2
   RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... minkey 02-27-04 5
 RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... AMAI 03-01-04 8
   RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... 3amigos 03-02-04 12
       RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... paperclip 03-03-04 15
 RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... SilverStar 03-01-04 9
   RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... AMAI 03-01-04 10
 RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Re... qwertypie 03-02-04 14

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AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

02-27-04, 09:07 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
Rings & Final Final Final Dates After ads, Mere goes to look at rings. Did she go to Harry Winston? I missed that but someone mentioned Tacori. I mean, do I really have to wade thru my tape for that detail? I know it’s important for a sense of completion, but how invested are you really?

Ian gets to go first on the Last Chance at Meredy Corral. First, tho, we have five minutes to fill and so Mere re-hashes telling Matt she wants a proposal, then says she still needs to know where Ian’s head is at. God, still? And how many times did she really say this stuff? Even if she did say the same thing over and over, why does it have to keep appearing in the show? Seriously, this show would run 4 episodes instead of 8 if all the repetition were excised.

They make pizza. He voices over more stuff about not being ready for a serious relationship when he came in, but now he thinks he is. He tells Mere he spent a summer in Greece, I think to explain his unusual pizza-making style. I hope it’s not as a segue to explaining other experiments in the “Greek style?”

Anyhoo, the pizza turns out kind of messy, all falling apart. Is that the Greek style? Mere suggests they take plates up to her bedroom to eat and snuggle and tell each other how wonderful everything is. He DRs he came in skeptical, but learned a lot about communicating, and finds he’s much softer around her. She asks if he has anxiety, and he says no. He says, “Once you have kids, family, you have responsibility and then anxiety. So let’s just be beach bums for a while, what do you say?”

They lay on the floor, and Ian asks her where she stands with the other guy. Mere says, “I’m just taking it a step at a time.” Ian smiles winningly, “The step is two days from now.” Like, you have to decide Meredith. He is adorable. He pulls her up for a big kiss, and there is something about the way he puts his arms around her so completely that is so very romantic. Awww. Ahhh. Mmmm.

She doesn’t want the night to end, but it must and she drags her feet downstairs to walk him out. More kissing. As we go for ads, our faithful blanket returns from the cleaners, “I don’t want to tell one of them goodbye.”

Final Date with Matthew Mere doesn’t want to have the relationship end in a breakup. It has to be about love. How the hell are they pulling together her little speeches? Is this stuff from all over the season? Matt gushes in DRs about his developing feelings for Mere, while Mere is kind of not really there. Her kisses seem distracted. If you couldn’t tell before, surely by now you can see the difference between how Meredith is with Ian and how she is with Matt.

It doesn’t really matter how great a guy any of us might think Matt is. Meredith is in love with Ian. I really think that for this show to continue being a thriving franchise, it must find a way to adapt to the actual relationships, rather than imposing a rigid formula in order to fill a given number of episodes with a pre-determined order of events. I really think that a Final Rose Ceremony would be just as exciting if one guy showed up who was unsure, like Ian, about whether to propose. Maybe in some situations, it would be kinder to the final rejectee to learn about the rejection at the Final Date at the House, rather than coming to a rose ceremony with all kinds of expectations. But they’re wedded to the shattered ego, and the tension & drama of which man will step out of that first limo.

After they eat, downstairs, Mere takes Matt to the Deliberation Room. Matt turns Ian’s picture down, making me really think about the fact that Ian’s picture has always been up on the top shelf, while Matt’s is on a shelf two shelves lower. That alone should have told everyone something long ago. Is Mere at liberty to move the pictures around? Did she set them up in some kind of order of her interest, or were they placed by someone else?

There is, it turns out, a bed in the Deliberation Room. I never knew that. There is some green throw on it that looks like it's protecting the bed. It is not very inviting, but they lay down anyway and awkwardly hug. Some posters noted the leg block used by Mere to kind of keep Matt at bay.

More clues: Mere dressed for this date all in dusky blue. Faded blue jeans and a pretty blue top. Meredith has worn sleeveless turtlenecks, so it’s an almost sure bet that this blue top was a turtleneck. I didn’t review my tape.

Our Security Precrap Blanket, Fully Blown It’s time for the security tidbit that’s seen us through the whole show, but especially the last 3 episodes. The tidbit that re-cried a thousand tears. I’m talking about the tidbit in which Meredith says she doesn’t want to choose. By this point, I’m so totally sick of the sight and the sound of this segment, that I’m having a hard time typing it up. Besides, I think we heard every sentence from this tearful monologue at some point or another during the precrap before every commercial break for the past 2-3 episodes. Once again, greed has the last word where reality tv is concerned. If this show edited out all the “coming up nexts” and “laters” introductory blather, there’d be at least two, possibly three, full episodes saved. Up yours, precrap.

Anyway, it’s somehow a segue for the men going to look at rings. Same jeweller. Matt gets all into it, having read over the scene description. He’s oozing Southern charm, caring and concern as he carefully examines the rings the salesman pushes at him.

Speaking of things I’m sick of hearing about, here’s another - I’m sick of hearing about the cushion cut. It sounds like a way to get little chips off the big 3 1/2 carat diamond to make normal sized rings of the kind normal people like us end up with.

Where was I? Oh right, going to look at rings. While each man is at the jewelers, Mere gives a snapshot of him. Matt is allegedly all she’s been wishing for, stable, warm-hearted, etcetera, etcetera. While Ian trepidatiously takes his turn, she speaks of his being intriguing, intelligent and that she is very physically attracted to him.

Ian rehashes the promise he made to himself and to his brother about not doing the ring thing. And yet, he says, there is a small chance he will be getting on his knee (really? Yay!) tonight, but he worries it is too fast, too soon. He smiles genuinely as he selects a ring. He tells us when he looks at the ring he thinks it belongs on her finger.

Time to Get Ready
Oh boy. A favorite bit of tape coming up, for Matt fans and Ian fans alike. It’s the stepping out of the shower scene, wearing only a towel. We have had so little exposed flesh this season, that a bare chest is truly something to talk about! LOL. It’s true tho isn’t it? And depending on whether you prefer your eye candy clean-shaven, or with a nice amount of hair, there is something for male chest lovers of both kinds here. And how many of you were happy to learn about your favorite’s appearance? I must say I thought Ian was a natural blond!

I’d already seen a photo of Matt posing for some underwear ad (and that’s what has already been supplied above), and knew he had a good bod. He has, as one person said, quite the onion butt. Haha.

Oh Ian! Chest hair, black! But not a hairy guy generally. Just enough to play with. And slender in the hips, the way a man is supposed to be. Oh swoon and mmm. I wish I could find a picture of him; alas I don't have whatever set-up you need to make photos from the tv.

The guys prepare to depart. Precrap trowels on the misdirection, truly setting up the Matt fans for bitter disappointment, while giving Ian fans heart palpitations, fearful their favorite won’t be chosen.

One Last tHost
Meredith meets one last time with Chris, our fearless tHost (as I have been calling him), who blathers where others wouldn’t dare to cough. It’s basic precrap, just in dialogue format. She is in love with one man, and knows what she’s going to say to the other man to break up.

For this final most amazing rose ceremony, Mere has chosen a white blouse, long black skirt and gigantic earrings. What, no scarf? Meredith must be feeling naked.

And the ads are coming thick and fast. They’re a waste of time because the audience is too distracted to pay them any attention. Now is the time when we pace. Nervous pacing. Also nervous typing. Pace pace, tappity tap. Whom will she choose? Have we been misled? Whose limo is to be first?

The First Limo And as we all know by now, it is Matthew. And I am so happy. I cheer in my seat. There are so few of us who are cheering, judging by the people with whom I normally post. So I figure there isn’t a lot of support for Meredith’s choice but I’m still happy for her.

For the break-up, Mere is nervous. Her hands are clammy and she starts off that he is a wonderful man. “Nothing but open and loving and taking care of me, and I never had to worry when I’m with you. My family loves you and I love your family. There is nothing I don’t love about you.”

Even the most obtuse of us can hear the “but.” He says okay. She needs a second as she’s about to break down. “But there’s a “but.” And it’s I feel more strongly with someone else, and that’s the only but.”

Apologies from Mere and gallant reassurances from Matt. He makes a lovely speech about being blessed to have even met her and that above all he wants her to be happy. If she is happier with someone else, he’ll be happy for her. It’s a terrific speech, it raises my opinion of him, but it’s kind of weird how he was able to pull it together like that. Either he wasn’t as emotionally invested as he maintained, or he’d been tipped off, or he’s really gay. I mean I just don’t get how someone who’d been imagining a life together full of happy trips to the supermarket and bottle-feeding the grandchildren could get it so together when he was ready to pull out a ring and propose.

Yep, color me skeptical. Matthew’s role throughout has been to be the Perfect Gentleman, whom Meredith rejects in favor of her heartthrob wild child rich man’s son. Their chemistry and mutual attraction, having been evident from the outset, might just have prompted the producers to tweak things a tad, is all I’m saying. I mean, honestly – look at this final speech:
You made a difficult decision. But I only wanted to be a part of it if you wanted me. If you see yourself with someone else, I’ll deal with it the best way I can. I will miss you so much. Goodbye.

Anyway, it looks like Meredith is more upset about breaking up and causing him heartache, than he is at being broken up with. In the limo, Matt holds his head in his hands, looking like he has the kind of headache only Midol can cure. Yet he is able to perfectly articulate that he is a man whose heart is breaking while he rides around in a limo.

Mere repeats all the wonder that is Matthew, and how he’s not the kind of guy you say goodbye to, except she just did, because she’s in love with Ian.

Matt really got a beefy part to play, and he’s milking it for all it’s worth. “My heart is with someone who doesn’t want me. To give so much and lay it out there on the line. I let Mere in and she let me out the door. I was going to tell her tonight I’m falling in love with her. Am I a fool to have done with I’ve done, and be what I’ve been?”

If he doesn’t end up being a future Bachelor, especially with that thousands of cards, letters, emails and phone calls that are likely to bury the producers, then this franchise doesn’t recognize a cash cow when it sees one.

A lot of posters were very disappointed and chided Meredith for making what they saw as the wrong decision. I disagree, because on her own terms, she chose the man for whom she had stronger feelings, rather than the man who offered safety. If you want to talk about someone who made the wrong decision, then let’s talk about PigBlob. I think he made the wrong choice, and not because it didn’t even last 5 minutes. Rather, it’s because his choice seemed designed to please his mother who preferred Estella, when all the evidence indicated that he was happier with Kelly Jo. Not that I hate Kelly Jo that much, but she did seem taken with PigBlob. It’s not just about getting married, but also having a genuine chance for a true relationship.

Now that I’ve got that out of my system, let’s move on to the Moment I Truly Have Been Waiting For, if not all season, certainly for the past 10 minutes.

Finally an Intense Amazing Rose Ceremony
Mere returns to her spot, nervous at what will happen. Ian has prepared the groundwork well. Mere will be happy to hear that he is glad to be chosen. She doesn’t expect to receive a ring. In the limo, Ian says the first thing that comes to mind when he thinks of Mere is she is truly the woman for him. He still doesn’t know if he’ll be ready to propose.

Good god. They are such a pair. They both leave it to the last second to decide what to do. He reckons when he looks her in the eye, he’ll know if it’s right to propose. Oh not the ole “look 'er in the eye”? His brother is probably at home, screaming, “NO! You promised me!” Ian looks like he’s organizing his arguments to support his decision when he deals with his brother.

Chris, keeping a straight face, opens the limo door and does his arm wave.

Once Ian is in front of her, Mere, scared but smiling, fixes his tie for old time’s sake. “I’m very happy that I met you. Everything you give to me, I never thought I’d find. And I don’t ever want to be away from you. Ever. And know that I will always take care of you and you have nothing to worry about. Ian, I want to be with you. I’m so in love with you it’s crazy and I’ve never felt like this before. And I know this is weird.”

They kiss. Then, noses pressed together like two kids looking in a candy store window, he says, “The first day I saw you, I knew." Meredith's eyes register major surprise. Even I'm a little surprised.

"I just worry that everything is happening so fast. I’m scared. I’m scared. But… I trust my instincts that you’re my girl." Oh ahh. Swoon! “Do you think that we can make it?” “Yes.”

He says, “I have a little something something. A present. I went shopping.” He’s getting on one knee and she’s squealing 'oh my god.' “Will you?” is all he needs to say because Mere goes, “Yes!” They kiss and she says, “It will be okay. I promise you. We are in this together.” He's shaking like a leaf and so is she but it's just the sweetest most romantic thing.

Ian says he is the happiest man. He’s finally found a woman to be all women to him – lover, mother, caretaker, friend.

If he can learn to reciprocate and give Mere the things she needs, you know, it just might work. But we have our answer as to why Meredith didn’t want Matt taking care of her. She wants to be the one taking care of someone. And if that's what she wants, then she's definitely made the right choice. Ian is gorgeous, but he did warn her that he's the one in the family who gets into trouble.

The cameraman struggles to show the ring. It looks huge. Mr AMAI scoffs at it. Heh. I wish I had 3 carats, even of that stupid cushion cut. Ian is 100% sure they are right together. He loves her. Mere says Ian could have given her a ring out of a gumball machine and it wouldn’t matter because she loves him and they’re together. Aww, that's so sweet, and so... inspiring

Ian gives a big yell at the end, which is just adorable.

They will reunite tomorrow night for the first time in two months and I will have to watch. Or at least tape it. Which I did. And it was worth it. Meredith & Ian are very happy together, and he did complete his sentence, something they both realized he had not done only after watching the episode. Talk about reading each other’s minds and finishing each other’s ...

Thanks for reading.


buckeyegirl 5449 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-27-04, 09:37 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
You had me at: "with this gumball..." There were so many good lines....I loved the mole analogy and the watery dates=goner.

~An Ian fan


Tiggertramp 3141 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-27-04, 09:54 PM (EST)
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4. "Yay!"
Glad you did it AMAI!!

Great read girlie! Well done!


Nascargirl48 36 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

02-28-04, 00:57 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
Awesome Job on the recap Amai. LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!Very well written and very funny. Hope you'll write a recap for Jesse.

3amigos 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

03-01-04, 02:50 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
OMG! Is that really Matt? What a hottie ... and I'm an Ian fan! Can't you find any pix of Ian's hot bod to post? Oh, and just because he has dark chest hair does not mean he is not a natural blond. My blond husband has dark chest hair.

Do you think the cameraman struggled to show the ring because even the producers did NOT expect Ian to give Meredith a ring? After all, she was on the left, facing Ian with her right hand toward the camera. Wouldn't they have had her stand with her left hand facing the camera if they thought she was would be getting a ring? Unless they thought Ian would pull a stupid stunt like Blob did and put a "friendship" ring on her right hand. (Why did they have her facing Matt opposite from the way she was facing Ian?)

BTW, great recap!


LeftPinky 4150 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-01-04, 06:00 PM (EST)
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11. "Oh AMAI"
Fabulous! Just as expected from you! Thanks a bunch!

created by the amazing JSlice!

hunterjax 94 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-02-04, 01:53 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
Lordy, AMAI, you have completely outdone yourself with this summary. I loved the sidebar to Lanny's mom. That brought a tear to my eye.

tig_ger 2098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

02-27-04, 09:22 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
LAST EDITED ON 02-27-04 AT 09:30 PM (EST)


You do not disappoint. I lvoed your summary.

I have sooo many favorite lines, but here are some of my favorites.

I’d actually forgotten that little detail, but that’s because I was picturing “Mere’s retarded brother,” a visual embedded when PigBlob visited. I’d just like to say that Mere’s family came across as being really great this time around. Is it just editing that made the same three people look alien and weird in PigBlob’s presence, yet warm, friendly and loving when Mere brings home her two guys? Maybe it’s that PigBlob makes people look and feel ill at ease.

Ah....I blame PigBlob for this. In fact, PigBlob is culpable for most of the world's problems. World hunger, national deficit, the zit on my face this morning...all the fault of Blob.

...he’s pictured himself and Mere going to the grocery store and the movies. How, uh, romantic. And how often would that happen? He’d probably accompany her once to the grocery store, just to show her where it is.

Yeah. I notice that she and Matt didn't make dinner together like she and Ian did. She probably figured that the Texas boys are used to their women doing the cookin'.

Ian shows up wearing some kind of a blue toque, and looking less than at his best. Maybe he’s hanging round Mere too long and the bad fashion choices are rubbing off.

Oh, this was a dreadful look for him. And, can I just take this opportunity to reiterate that Ian looks and acts very much like one of my ex-boyfriends? Oh, Mer, could you please please please tell him to buy a new watch? (My ex used to wear one just like this too.) Is he going scuba diving anytime soon? Is there any practical need for the clunky IronMan watch?

She is touched by that, but honestly, does this lad bathe in money? He’s currently “retired” and doesn’t question the expense! I like the subtle ways he’s found to convey, “Money is no object” without coming out and bluntly providing exposition.

And hence, the reason why unemployed and homeless is not a problem for Mer, unlike the Chad situation.

AMAI, I understand why you like Ian and honestly think that he and Mer are better for each other than Mer and Matt would be. My boss and I had him pegged since the 4th episode. Great summary!

The repetition will be the death of me. Shut UP Voice-Over Dude.


edited because I saw the second post...

Wow...a summary writer more verbose than me!


minkey 231 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

02-27-04, 11:53 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
Bravo!! Good job girly!

AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-01-04, 08:29 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
If I come across any Ian pics, I'll post them, and invite anyone else who does so first, to go right ahead!

Thanks for your replies, everyone!

As 3amigos can attest, I've actually done two recaps for this finale, one here and one at RTVT (that is you posting at both boards, I gather?)

More verbose than you thought, tig_ger. If I had put all I wanted to say into one recap, it would have been three full pages long. At least. heh heh.

I'm doing a recap of ATFR, which will be posted at NPN and I'll put a link here if you all would like.

For the blue peeps, I will be including a direct link to this recap in that article and hope it will be okay to post the link here in return.


3amigos 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

03-02-04, 04:17 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
Yes, AMAI, that was me posting on both boards. I ran across your other recap at RTVT and liked that you made it a little different from this one. I enjoy your writing style immensely! I look forward to your ATFR recap. Please do place a link here for it (I don't know NPN ... what is it?) and any other relevant links.

Keep up the good work!


paperclip 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

03-03-04, 10:58 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
Dear AMAI...
"Ian has catapaulted onto my Johnny Depp list of yummiest men in the whole wide world with whom I'm unlikely to have a "liaison."
YES!! YES!! YES!! So well said!! I am happily married, so am all talk, however, I have explained to DH that there has been one slight mistake...I'm supposed to be 10 years younger and marrying Ian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SilverStar 6205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-01-04, 01:09 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
*cheers and applause* Great Job, AMAI!!
I thought for sure, what with all the bad fashion on this season, that you would bring up the shirt that Ian wore on the final date with Meredith at her house! Did anyone else notice it? It had a bunch of pictures of different knots and how to tie them, I guess. Yikes, is that really the shirt you would want her to remember you in if she didn't choose you? I already feel sorry for their unborn fashion impaired kids!
Proud Member RBBRTFHLA

AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-01-04, 04:18 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
SilverStar, I didn't notice that T-shirt before I completed this recap.

But once I saw it, I actually liked it - I thought he was sending a subliminal message - "I'm interested in tying knots." nudge nudge. etc.etc.

And there is no such thing as unborn fashion impaired. It's totally an acquired habit, bad fashion is, and can be corrected if the afflicted individual is willing.


qwertypie 9776 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-02-04, 03:39 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Official Bachelorette Finale Recap "With This Gumball I Thee...""
Awesome job. I loved the little touches such as Matt's eye colour thesis.
My only complaint is that you mentionned PB several times. Now I have that stupid laugh "Ha ha hA HA hA ha ha" (as you so aptly put it) reverberating in my poor head. Well, intensive therapy was able to drive it out last time, maybe another 3 months will do it for good.


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