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"Bachelor Bashing -Sux"
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cowscanmoocanu 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-05-05, 05:32 AM (EST)
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"Bachelor Bashing -Sux"
Does anyone here actually believe this crap, I mean I never watch reality TV shows because they are so craptastic. But after seeing one episode of this I was hooked. Soem guy called Jesse was trying to decided between two blondes one I believe 21 barely old enough to know how to tie her shoelaces,
and the other one god only knows how old, well at least she had crows feet, who was destined to not get married, I thought to myself while watching this junk, omg do straight people really believe this will last. I have been single and celibate by choice for 8 years now, and this TV series reminds me why.
Cos relationships simply don't work.

I know what you are thinking, oh god another typical
willy woofter (british term for fag) who wants to ruin it for the rest of us. No I believe you can get married and stay together forever, if of course your'e in a country were marriage is maybe arranged and where if you try to leave they decapitate you. Besides that no I think the whole marriage thing sux.

It's so funny that it's so predictable, in fact why botther watching must be the stuff that happens in the middle cos you already know the ending.

I knew what was going to happen and I only saw two episodes both near the end second to last and the last episode, you know the one where he take them to meet his I am better than you mother.

I mean one day I was watching them say loving words to one another "oh Jesse I want to be with you for the rest of my life", hehehehe bollocks, I though, I bet they split in a few months and guess what, I was right!
How did I guess that you ask, omg I must be psychic or psycho maybe well to watch this crap I must be hehe.

you know I have learnt lot's from this programme no not how to mis-spell all the words I type. I have learnt this.

It's not very difficult to see that in a world where heterosexuals are led to believe they are the majority why there are so many divorces and relationship problems. Yes I know you think I'm a scene queen who thinks everyones gay, no not at all I am a gay man who is rather masculine who has had too much life experiance and knows how much crap you guys are feed from media in the U.S. In fact one of my friends who is gay just got married about a month ago now, why you ask? beats me, we all told him not to but he wouldn't listen said he was straight, surprise, surprise how uncommon, yes that was sarcasem.

Am I saying the footballer Jesse is gay? no I wouldn't say that, though I wouldn't mind if he was lol, just saying that nothing is ever as it seems if you saw what I and most other people who are gay, and have had some life experiance have seen you would probably be put of relationships for the rest of your life.
You never see the world in quite the same way again once you see what really goes on behind closed doors.

Its a bit like the movie the Matrix, someone comes up and just pulls those plugs outta the back of your head and the re-runs of lassie stop playing on loop in your brain. You see the real world for the first time, no not the reruns of that tv programme silly.

Now I know I am going to open a can of worms so to speak, when I say this, but it has to be said. It's not a nice fact but you Americans seem to live in a fantasy world, honest, you do!
The whole marriage thing is so funny, I used to believe in it, wanted it, even wanted the white picket fence, and no I didn't want a white dress and a veil. I just grew up and saw just how many people who are straight are sooooo unhappy when they are married. and well how gay I really am.

What makes one think so differently you might think am I the evil horrible homo half of you reading this probably think I am? no not at all I used to be a homophobic anti everthing moralist christian.

But since admitting I'm gay, all my friends instantly labelled me as liberal(this happens to all gay people, it's what you did when you read I was gay) "Oh he's liberal so he wouldn't understand". yes you didn't hear sarcasem there.

When your'e considered a liberal homo, all your friends dump all their problems on you. Yes I have officially become their Dr Phil, ok seeing as im gay lets make that Oprah, a white male version of Oprah with pale skin and blue eyes well ok hazel, I am such an attention seeker. And no I dont do drag besides oprah as drag omg that would be sooo bad.

It's a fun job really,being the liberal poof, I mean I just love getting to find out that all my friends, and my friends parents and my friends grandparents are so, so unhappy and wish they had never got married, oh theres that sarcasem again.

My favorite story is when one of my best female friends told me she loves her husband but wants to have sex with other men and doesn't want kids, but she cant tell him it would break his heart, you see he is such a loving husband and so faithful.
I know he's faithful she told me, because I can tell he is faithful he would never do anything to hurt me. She went on to tell me just how intuitive woman are compared to men, so she would know he could never hurt her and have an affair.
No of course not no never lol bollocks.

About a week and a half later her husband came to me to have a chat, Big strapping handsome beefcakey german fella with blonde hair blue eyes yes real blue not hazel and ripplign bicepts and accent to go with it whoo hoo I hear all the females and gay men think, yes he is a bit of a hottie, one for the next bachelor programme maybe? anyway he told me he hates his wife and wants a divorce and doesn't know what to do, he's been seeing an 18 year old chick from a local stip club, he's 36 btw but very young in appreance. oh what drama you say. Yes but you are straight do you think your friends would dump all this on you? I think not!

See I get to see what really goes on, you do when you are gay and everyone labels you as a liberal homo, which really I'm not I value monogamy, relationships and cuddly animals,
omg I am gay aren't I. which btw brings me to, I was so surprised to find that the bachelor in whichever series it was that had Jesse in it, the football player who is willing to show emotions on TV, as well as his well developed upper torso, lets not expand on that, this page will get gayer by the second.

Anyway is this just staged or what, I mean I don't know if it's different in the good old U.S of A, but in my country any football player with any sort of reputation would not get up on international tele and say girly stuff like that on TV.

Ok yes it shows he has feelings, (and guts, heaps of it) but to believe most guys who play football want to get married hehehe you have to be kidding me. Most guys I know who play footy just want to shag the chicks they date then dump them no matter what age they get to. Marriage is the last thing on their minds.

Ok yes admittadly I come from (New Zealand) and NZ males are more known for their football, drinking themselves into oblivion and beating up their wives or anyone else smaller than them. Not good I admit, oh that's right I forgot to add bashing people such as hotel porters in the head with telephones, good onya Russell crowe, ya twat! Maybe it's just a NZ thing but I find it so hard not to stereotype a footballer. I mean come on I know they have emotions as most people do unless your'e a serial killer. But over here you just dont show them if your'e a bloke. Guys here who play football are considered un-masculine, when they show emotion, or at least by other guys they are and get so much flack for it. Ok Jesse might be more in touch with his feminine side I mean hey he even has tit's oh oops I mean pecs big ones too. I just find all this a bit staged

My brothers best female friend is always going on about how much she hates rugby heads, she worked in a bar where rugby teams would come in to get drunk every saturday after a match and sexually harrass all the female bar staff as well as any female that came in the joint. This doesn't happen in the USA at all I suppose not aye? because all football players or jocks in the US are so docile and caring and loving like Jesse is right?, oh please spear me.

Theres a different side to everyone, a side you don't get to see. Woman who want to get married, have kids buy a dog called lassie and live happlily ever after, (in other words woman under 25 who have had no life experiance but think they have), are the only people on this earth who could stomach this craptastic programme.

Well funny how I could predict they would break up in a few months and oh look what a shame they did blah blah typical american bollocks haven't you guys who make this crappy programme got anything better to do? Seriously this is probably about the most entertaining thing on this website but it will probably never get uploaded to it, or at least not in it's original form. Go back to making programmes like oh I don't know Wonder Woman or something camp like that. Reality TV sucks! END


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 RE: Bachelor Bashing -Sux woiwod 12-05-05 1

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woiwod 174 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-05-05, 08:55 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Bachelor Bashing -Sux"
Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

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