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"Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
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Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

03-29-07, 09:24 PM (EST)
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"Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7

Ding Dong, the witchjerkface is gone.
Ravu finally wins a challenge! How lovely.
And Yau-Man has a not-really-evil evil plan.

1. Edgardo (1)
2. Alex (4)
3. Yau-Man (7)
4. Michelle (6)
5. Earl (2)
6. Dreamz (3)
7. Cassandra (5)
8. Boo (8)
9. Stacy (10)
10. Lisi (12)
11. Mookie (9)

Rocky was #11 last week.

- Ed and Alex = The only two that are really playing, IMO.
- Yau-Man: I like the "evil plan". Not sure whether someone will find it since nobody's really going to exile other than him and Earl, but it's still funny anyway.
- Lisi moves up partially because Mookie moved down, however I like that she dropped the "yeah whatever" crap. Her whole demeanor/"quirks" are still irritating, however not as bad as they were originally.
- Mookie takes last place for being a dumbass at the challenge.
- FINALLY!!! I'm thrilled that the biggest a-hole to ever be on the show got the boot.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 iltarion 03-30-07 1
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 Estee 03-30-07 2
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 Fishercat 03-30-07 6
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 kingfish 03-30-07 3
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 emydi 03-30-07 4
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 CTgirl 03-30-07 5
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 Wallflower66 03-30-07 7
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 Aruba 03-31-07 8
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7 michel 03-31-07 9

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iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-30-07, 03:18 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
1. Alex (1) Continues to step up and be the voice of reason and decency. He also leads Moto as they continue to eliminate Ravu. Unfortunately, the numbers are against him right now.
2. Earl (2) His plan with Yau-man worked out. I give him credit for that and for having no problem taking care of himself on EI. He is in a dominant position now, but let's remember that the two most important factors in his rise to power were the tribe switch and Cassie and Dre being mistreated by Moto, both being things he had nothing to do with. I'm not sure better luck has befallen anyone in this game. At least he appears to deserve it.
3. Michelle (4) She moves up a spot because no one else deserves it and because she helped lead Moto to their IC win. They seemed to struggle on the word scramble until Stacy asked her to join in and help. She was silly falling off the platform, but it was a moment of comedy and nothing else. She is as excitable as a child.
4. Dre (6) He was the key to Ravu winning their only challenge, and he wisely voted with the majority to boot James. He is in great position now and can still go either way post-merge.
5. Yau-man (3) Is in a better position than ever with the HII and being in a dominant alliance. He drops a couple spots for me because of his childish reaction to finding the HII and for his stupid plan of hiding a fake HII. For one thing, no one but he and Earl are going to be sent to EI from now on, and secondly, instead of someone thinking they are simply digging in the wrong spot, now the person would know that the real idol has been found. No one other than Lisi would think for a second that a painted up coconut is the HII. Really lame, stupid idea.
6. Edgardo (5) How hum... solid performer who will get lost in the shuffle probably early post-merge.
7. Cassandra (7) Was she in this episode? I'm not sure. Maybe she got the 3 days off.
8. Stacy (9) She is moving her way back up my list by simply looking good, competing hard, and keeping her mouth shut. She is in a doubly bad position though.
9. Mookie (8) I try to like this guy, but his making fun of Yau-man during the challenge was just idiotic behavior that the camera made sure to capture. And he just realizes now that he is now in the minority? You are about 2 episodes too late, buddy.
10. Boo (10) Didn't say anything idiotic this episode, besides not knowing what direction left is, and he competed hard in the challenges as usual. He is likely gone if Moto loses though, and he seems blissfully unaware of that fact. Does he really think Cassie is still with him and Stacy? Hahahaha... Why would she be?
11. Lisi (12) I actually have to admit that Lisi was much more livable this episode. She was actually almost decent. Her initial befuddlement over the HII clues has apparently given way to some sort of idea of where it might be, and she was smart to assure Alex's loyalty by letting him in on it. She remains on the bottom for now though.

Knocked out-
Meathead - James - Dude was Shane2.0. He just couldn't stop his personality from outing himself with everyone. Dude, you razz your buddies back home, not some guys you just met. I don't care if you are playing Survivor or pool in a pub. You razz some guys you just met and they will all think you are a jerk-off without doubt. Good riddance though I was hoping Lisi or Boo would be gone, to no avail.


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-07, 07:47 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
LAST EDITED ON 03-30-07 AT 06:26 PM (EST)

First list this season: no prior rankings.

1. Yau-Man: Certain members of this cast have exactly the amount of stupid they'd need to fall for that fake idol, plus forty percent. (Too bad Lisi's on the other tribe.) Right now, his biggest problem is having reworked the dirt a little too well: if he'd just made it look like someone was digging nearby... Major prop points for making Mookie look like even more of an idiot by effectively toasting him at the challenge.

2. Earl: Watch the hubris. You know what you're doing in this game right up until you step into confessional, at which point you either work on your winner's edit or continue setting up the biggest downfall we've seen in a few seasons. You're just a little too cocky right now -- but you're also one of the very few who knows what he's doing at all.

3. Alex: Also knows what he's doing, at least to a limited degree, but he keeps getting stuck with people who have no idea what's going on, aren't capable of learning, and truly believe deep down in whatever passes for their brains that ultimately, they're all going to get a million dollars just for having shown up. He's willing to work for the win, but he has nothing to work with. There are seasons where he would have been a major player: all he would need was a degree of support. In this one? Mid-jury.

4. Edgardo: Takes custody of the Ravu brain on alternate days, but doesn't have much of an idea on what he can do with it. May be the most observant person on his tribe, but all his insight just leaves him shaking his head in confessional. If you know what's going on around you and you're not making any moves to change it, then you're not advancing your cause: perception needs to be mixed with action. He'll be the first to know when he's going out -- but he might also be the last to try and stop it.

5. Dreamz: And we finally reach the point on his story arc where he's not talking about the nature of his story arc every five seconds. Isn't it nice? Peaceful? Calm? And strictly short-term? Dreamz has to remind us he's there as often as possible because he knows what it's like to be overlooked. This one wants the prize money, I'm sure -- but he's also here to make sure no one ever forgets him again. Dreamz is here for presence, and as long as people remember who he is in the end, the rest may not really matter. Too bad he got stuck on this season, huh?

6. Michelle: So we've finally found her primary challenge skill: she falls off things real good. (And real funny.)

7. Stacey: We have a Stacey? When did this happen?

8. TonyBoo: Thank you. Thank you for taking an innocent little running gag and making it sprint all the way into the actual show. Thank you for the twenty giggle fits around the nation which the gigglers will never be able to explain. Thank you for being you. Now go away.

9. Cassandra: *sigh* Did you ever feel like you were the only person on the planet who knew what a sports bra was...? If you're trying to downplay your challenge potential to make yourself look like less of a threat, it's too late: you could not look like less of a threat right now. But -- you're not Cirie. Cirie knew the game. I have no idea what you know, if that's anything at all. You're so far under the radar that you've got a chance to burrow through the next two episodes and ram your head into Yau's fake idol. At some point, you'll have to do something -- or is your real plan to become the next Vecepia?

10. Mookie: Getting ready to take over James' role as the one who degrades everyone around him just because it'll somehow make them tougher? Good work. You tried to make fun of Yau and he immediately improved to the point where he made you look like an idiot in the Reward challenge. And then you did a really good job looking like an fool all by yourself in the IC. So apparently your plan is to degrade yourself until you finally get motivated, which should give you just enough strength for the walk to the jury seats. Idiot.

11. Lisi: You were chosen for this cast. Someone actually looked at you, said 'This person would be a perfect fit for the show', and approached you. A casting director for the series took yet another slot away from an actual applicant so you could show up on my screen. Which kind of brings up a few questions, starting with the most important one: WHY? You're a moron! You make James look like he's presenting a doctoral thesis! You're a challenge drag, an alliance vulnerability, you can't do first-grade math, and if someone handed you the idol, you'd just say 'This doesn't go with my outfit' and throw it into the Pacific! Right now, my only consolation for your being here is that you won't get paid for it, because you're actually too stupid to sign your check! Quit. Just quit all the way and leave the island. Make them bring Anthony out of Sequesterville to serve on the jury. It'll make him happy. And torture James. You'll finally serve a purpose in this game, and that's before they finally kick the cannibal theme into belated gear and serve you up as Ravu's next dose of hot dogs. 'Contains Lisi parts'. They'd rather have rat. (And by the way, the only similarity between you and Buddha? Excessive pork consumption.)

Out: James. Too bad one of the RC shots didn't go really off-target, or you would have found out what it's like to leave this game with more than just your minimal brain on fire... How much did it hurt to count those votes? How much did it hurt just to count? You're going to be the king of bitter at the final TC: no one deserves a million because you don't have it, and that'll be your only real topic: I'm the man, and this game is rigged for girls. The only good news is that you'll have to shut up for a few episodes. And if we're beyond lucky, the extended silence will make you forget how to talk.


Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-30-07, 06:11 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
3. Alex: Also knows what he's doing, at least to a limited degree, but he keeps getting stuck with people who have no idea what's going on, aren't capable of learning, and truly believe deep down in whatever passes for their brains that ultimately, they're all going to get a million dollars just for having shown up. He's willing to work for the win, but he has nothing to work with. There are seasons where he would have been a major player: all he would need was a degree of support. In this one? Mid-jury.

Calling Jonathan Penner...calling Jonathan Penner...


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-07, 09:39 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
First list for me too, but the last Yau-Man's and Michelle's antics in Ep 7 moved me - so there it is.

1. Yau-Man – Pulled a Johnny Fairplay stunt, without the meanness. This, and the hidden (I think) and heartfelt relationship with Earl. This is a special, smart, daring, sneaky, and oh so unassuming fellow. He is already an All-Star, and he should win the special America’s choice prize at the final ceremony.

2. Michelle – I have to say, her dancing on the platform, the fall (Estee is right, she did it so cutely), and bouncing up and not stopping to checkout and bemoan her scrapes, was endearing to me. Even her voice is cute as can be. And a puzzle solving talent. I think when they get to the stand on a platform type stamina challenges, she will be a standout. I think she is also an All-S tar, and will be Yau-Man’s only real competition for the America’s choice prize.

3. Earl – This guy is just the right combo of player and UTR. A thin line, but he seems to be instinctively right on it.

4. Dreamz –a street guy that doesn’t drink? I give him props for that. And he seems to be settling into the game, not exacerbating friction in his relationships. Except with Lisi, and more props for that.

5. Alex – Seems to be aware that they are playing a game, I kinda like his instincts.

6. Stacy – UTR, so she is not annoying. Seems OK at challenges and getting along now that Lisi is away from her.

7. Edgardo – Eh- Edgardo who? UTR.

8. Boo – Waiting for next self-inflicted injury.

9. Cassandra – gets props from me for having lasted this long. Doesn’t seem the type to make it on the island for too long, no skills at challenges (well, maybe she ate gross food).

10. Mookie? Is a mook.

11. Lisi is irritating. A little personality quirk, maybe, or maybe a barrel full of irritating quirks. Shark Bait. I like Estee’s statements regarding Lisi. Well done, and very apt, IMO.

12. James, I’m just glad that arrogant, ignorant, bigoted, Bastan butt-h. is gone. Glad he was there for the drama, etc, but more glad he is gone


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-07, 11:59 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
1. Yau Man- (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)--I think he just surpassed Rob C as my fave of all time!! He was ingenious...even though it doesn't look that great..I think he reads the boards bc we talked about fake idols in EI on and he would have seen EI. I loved that he did it with the ladies right there in the bed and said with an "Oh there's so many IIs around here." One of the best segments ever!!

2. Earl -(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)-if YM likes him he's a good guy!

3. Dre (9)(8)(4)(4)(4)(4)- Although the votes never go his way..I think he is showing growth...I really like him and he is the strongest player out there.

4. Alex (10)(6)(12)(12)(6)(8)--He's the best over at NuRavu and def. the leader of that pack

5. Boo (6)(4)(6)(7)(5)(6)--OMH he's a dunda head but I love him...I'll excuse the target on YM bc he knows he could be toast..

6. Cassandra (4)(3)(3)(3)(3)(5)--I still like her but she moves down for not saying much at all

7. Michelle (3)(12)(7)(6)(11)(5)-she is tremendous in challenges..."You're other left!"

8. Edgardo (7)(9)(9)(11)(10)(7)-Where is the man we all thought would be the next Johnny Fairplay....not here

9. Mookie (12)(17)(16)(9)(8)(9)--He is strong and he stuck by Rocky...but he should have realized this last week with Anthony...

10. Stacy (17)(11)(10)(13)(12)(10)--who?

11. Lisi (14)(14)(11)(14)(13)(12)--OMH it COULD be on Ravu and the clues were VAGUE...she's officially stupider than all the stupid players to ever play this game put together...what a troll.

Rocky(11)(16)(15)(10)(9)(11)-he got a little bit of a nicer edit on his swan song...I'm going to miss him tho I'm hoping for lots of looks from him on jury!!


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-07, 05:31 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
This was the easiest week by far to do this list!

1. Yauman (2,3,3,5,2,2) – I lvoed when he found the idol, all his facial expressions and mugging for the camera. Making the false idol in front of everyone was hysterical too. Goes to show you that Yauman is always working and no one pays attention to him!

2. Michelle (6,4,2,3,6,4) – She did a great job at the challenge and her excitement to the point of falling off the platform was great, and then she climbed right back up without a whimper.

3. Earl (1,1,2,1,1,1) – He’s a nice guy, and seems to be playing the right game with his tribemates, but Survivor doesn’t need to beat us over the head with the King of Fiji imagery! Nice sand drawing though.

4. Alex (3,2,3,2,3,5) – Discounting what they’ve done in real life, Alex and Edgardo seem like nice guys and they know how to play the game. They are somewhat enjoyable to watch in this miscast season.

5. Edgardo (15,17,12,10,7,7) – ditto

6. Dreamz (17,5,7,4,4,6) – He’s laying low and listening and watching. Looking forward to seeing him play after the merge.

7. Cassandra (7,13,8,8,5,3) – Rather invisible but did decent job in the challenges.

8. Boo (8,9,6,6,10,8) – I see him as bumbling but harmless; his “other left” comment was good for a laugh! (And then he went a volunteered as a caller because he has a loud voice, but he couldn’t see…)

9. Stacy (4,14,13,9,13,10) – Another invisible week for her.

10. Lisi (14,16,14,14,12,12) – She didn’t bother me as much this week, but “the clues were vague” comment, she’s still an idiot. At least she got her head back on, but her laugh…very annoying.

11. Mookie (10,12,16,12,11,9) – He’s kind of a nasty person, and he’s playing to make merge, not end game. (And watching him lose his lunch was TMI!)

Booted: Rocky (13,8,11,13,8,11) – He didn’t have a clue (or many social skills)! He tried to boost team morale, but just didn’t know how to do it or when to shut up. He picked on too many people too many times, so buh-bye!


Wallflower66 2446 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

03-30-07, 09:19 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
LAST EDITED ON 03-31-07 AT 08:37 AM (EST)

My first list this season, too.

1. Earl- He's a smooth operator. Doesn't step on anyone's toes, and has a plan.
2. Yau-Man- Definately entertaining. I found his giddiness charming. Loved the "evil plan"!
3. Michelle- The bubbly cheerleader for the tribe. An awesome team-player who excels at puzzles.
4. Alex- The smartest player on his tribe. And easy on the eyes!
5. Edgardo- The second smartest on his tribe. And his accent is soooo sexy!
6. Cassandra- Sweet as pie. I hope they show a little more of her personality soon.
7. Boo- Cracks me up. The goofy jock.
8. Dreamz- I'm starting to like him now that he's quieted down a bit.
9. Mookie- I don't really love or hate him at this point. He looked childish making fun of Yau-Man.
10. Stacy- Still mad at her stuck-up attitude from previous episodes.
11. Lisi- Doesn't have a clue.

Voted off: Rocky- I liked him a lot in the beginning, but his taunting of his tribemates really turned me against him later on. He is the epitome of the "pot calling the kettle black" with his mood/attitude fluctuations.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-31-07, 10:22 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
1) YAU MAN (2,2,1,1,2,2) - Is this guy a playa, or what?! Pretty sly burying a fake HII. Normally anyone with half a brain wouldn't believe it...but hey...wait a minute...this is Survivor Fiji. It just might work! Loved how he wiped that silly smirk off Mookie's face when he scored in the RC.

2) EARL (3,1,2,4,1,4) - Earl and Yau Man have the makings for one of the most memorable partnerships in Survivor history. The only bright spot this season. Nice sand art--giving Bruce (Exile Island) some competiton.

3) ALEX (1,3,4,8,7,10) - Had to drop him. His most noteworthy scene this past episode was "hugging the bowl." Even though his head was in the toilet, his mind is still in the game.


4) EDGARDO (7,7,5,5,10,8) - Good episode for him. Liked his commentary on James. Was able to help orchestrate James boot in two days...something the pathetic Ravu tribe wouldn't do in two weeks.

5) CASSANDRA (4,4,7,11,13,13) - It seems like eons ago when she dominated as a sumo wrestler. Other than that one shining moment she is poised to continue the tradition of Lydia, Cirie, and the two master "fire starters" from last season as we give a sarcastic salute to the stellar Selection Committee.

6) DRE (8,12,13,13,15,18) - Awesome performance in the RC. But the man is a two-faced hypocrite. First with the Lilliana vote and now with James. He should have been gone episodes ago, but has survived from a couple fortunate hands of fate. His two-faced ways should spell disaster; but I think you all know my response to this...Welcome to Survivor Fiji.

7) MICHELLE (6,6,9,9,16,11) - If you're all sick and tired of hearing how "vertically challenged" this Survivor is, believe me folks, I'm getting tired of writing about it. But I write what I see; and the IC pretty much summed it up. Sure she's sweet and cute, but as a "Survivor" (please note the word in quotes) it's a joke. It's gone from comical to pitiful.

8) MOOKIE (5,8,11,11,14,14) - Just when I thought he might become a normal person--same old obnoxious Mookie. Making fun of Yau Man was disturbing. Yau Man shutting him up was priceless.

9) STACY (10,11,6,7,9,9) - Was it just me, or was Stacy looking pretty hott this past episode? It doesn't matter, she's still a b!tch.

10) LISI (12,5,5,10,6,6) - OK, perhaps her wanting to quit was a frustrating weak moment. She appears to have her gameface back on. Alas it may be too little, too late.

11) BOO (9,9,12,12,17,16) - Oh Goody! Let's save the "best" for last:

Michelle: "Move to your left"
Boo (pointing out with his left arm): "You mean this way?"

Jeff: "You need to get back quickly"
Boo: HMMM, maybe running backWARDS will get me there faster?

Michelle: Losing her voice (after losing her equilibrium) Boo volunteers to be the caller
Boo: "I can't see", "I'm blind"

Hey ladies, there's a new Cabbagehead Doll to add to your collection! His name is Boo.

BOOTED) JAMES (11,13,14,15,11,17) - It's about friggin' time!!! Only positive about him lasting this long is he's on the jury. Oughta provide some fireworks at final TC.

"Let's go to the videotape"


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-31-07, 01:50 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 14.7"
There were great images this week:

1. Yau-Man (2,4,5,5,3,4): He looked like an 8 year old who has just hit his first homerun!

2. Michelle (3,3,1,3,5,2): She's always asked to do a special task in challenges. Calling her to the rescue to solve the puzzle was very indicative of what the others think of her abilities. And falling down because you are cheering for your team IS cute.

3. Earl (1,1,3,1,1,1): These are his islands!

4. Alex (4,5,6,4,4,3): His plan has a hole in it: He hasn't taken the time to see what Dre is thinking.

5. Dre (7,2,2,2,2,5): Still waiting for his time, he had fun in this episode.

6. Cassandra (13,10,11,7,6,6): The key to the season.

7. Edgardo (18,17,16,14,8,7): Targeting James was easy but he still is mainly floating along.

8. DumBoo (11,8,4,6,12,8): He is priceless!

9. Stacy (5,9,8,8,10,9): Nice decoration.

10. Lisi (16,13,9,10,13,12): She did some damage control.

11. Mookie (12,14,14,12,11,10): "I think OldMoto could be wiping out all the Ravu." This "genius" has just now realized his game has gone the same way as his lunch: Down the toilet all by his fault!

Booted: 11. Rocky (9,15,15,13,7,11): He didn't have the gameplay that Shane had. It was time for him to go.



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