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"Cerie vs. Danielle"
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nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

05-12-06, 11:03 AM (EST)
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"Cerie vs. Danielle"
Well, last night ended with Cerie and Danielle facing off with the use of their newfound fire skills. Of course we will have to wait until Sunday to see who won the face off but the preview quickly showed that Cerie's fire was bigger than Danielle's so it may not be much of a guess or surprise as to who won.

Honestly, I can't say much happened as far as strategical surprises. Cerie and Aras stuck together, nothing new there and Danielle decided to team up with Terry, which we all knew would happen based on previews and the people left in the game. But there were a few moments of entertainment when people who usually remain somewhat calm lost it.

First Terry blew up at Ceire for leaving her torch in his path. I guess some would argue that it was petty and ridiculous to even be mad but I can see where Terry was coming from. Out in the game of Survivor it's vital to not get hurt. Had Terry not seen that Cerie left her torch laying there he could have very well tripped and twisted his ankle. Not good when one is counting on their physical skills to get themself through the game. Do I think that Cerie meant to be inconsiderate? No, I don't think she has it in her to viciously set up a trap where Terry could possibly get hurt. Should Terry have said anything? Well, considering no one really acts like they care for Terry it really didn't make them feel any differently about the guy. Besides, he wasn't the first or only one to blow up this season or any season before him and at least his was a bit more legitimate than most.

Of course, after that whole fiasco Terry and Aras butt heads at the reward challenge. It was only a matter of time when these two were put in a challenge that enabled them to get more physical with each other. And even though Terry is my favorite I couldn't help but laugh at Ara's comment: "Terry is crying on the course call a whamulance". Seriously, considering it was only a reward challenge I wouldn't have concerned myself much with the rules, now if it was immunity that would be a different story. Terry should have just let it go. As for the comment that Aras made after, about Terry talking bad about woman, well that was stupid and untrue but the guys sorted it out after so nothing more will come of it. Of course if Terry keeps pulling Aras over for "innocent" conversation it will stir up Cerie or Danielle which could be beneficial.

What I want to know is if the remaining Casaya feel as confident about their alliance and loyalties with the voted off Casaya as they say why not go to the end with Terry. If they believe what they are saying then I would think they feel extremely confident that they could beat Terry. And no one would even have to know that they turned. Heck, Terry has an excellent chance of winning the last immunity challenge so it wouldn't be that obvious. Why be scared of someone that everyone supposodly wouldn't vote for?


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Cerie vs. Danielle Aruba 05-13-06 1
   RE: Cerie vs. Danielle iltarion 05-13-06 2
       RE: Cerie vs. Danielle Aruba 05-14-06 3
           RE: Cerie vs. Danielle mimo 05-14-06 4
               RE: Cerie vs. Danielle Aruba 05-14-06 5
                   RE: Cerie vs. Danielle nazpink 05-14-06 6

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Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-13-06, 06:39 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Cerie vs. Danielle"
Nice write up Nazpink. I agree that Terry had reason for concern about tripping over Cirie's torch. Two seasons ago Jeff's experience ended when stepping on a coconut shell. I don't think it was intentional, but the way I saw it Cirie became more defensive and belligerent first. Of course Cirie fans will say it was the editing.
Terry was very much the whiner at RC. Sorry, but if you need rule clarifications you ask BEFORE the competition, not during. Kudos to Aras for realizing that advantage while they competed...but shame on him for opening his big trap which he can't seem to keep shut all season. If it was anyone's place to tell Terry to stop being a crybaby it was Jeff because THAT'S who Terry was speaking to. But typical Aras had to get his two-cents in. And the claim about Terry disrespecting women was pathetic and uncalled for. The lame apology later was nothing more than trying to secure Terry's vote should Terry's fate be on the Jury and Aras be in the F2.
I agree that Aras or Cirie/Danielle could regard Terry as a goat to bring to the F2 if Terry does not win the final IC. But if Terry loses I suspect we could see another Colby (Outback) by not selecting the obvious goat and going more with sentiment. I'm psyched for the Finale tomorrow night!

iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

05-13-06, 01:21 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Cerie vs. Danielle"
I don't think Terry makes the F3. The editing definitely seemed to set Terry up for a fall, while Aras was shown as having redeemed himself with the apology. Everything appears to be going Aras' way. I think Aras or Cirie would take each other to the F2. They appear to be agreed upon that. With Terry likely getting Austin, Sally, and Bruce's votes, it is not a lock for Aras or Cirie to take Terry to the F2. So, they might as well stick together and take their chances against each other. I don't think they will hesitate to get rid of Terry at first chance. The editing of the last episode either was setting us up for an Aras-Cirie F2 OR it was Cirie's last episode, one or the other. But previews seemed to suggest Cirie wins the fire challenge, though the previews could be intentionally misleading, so we will see. Either way, previews also appeared to show the FI, which was clearly NOT an endurance challenge. This is also why I think Aras wins FI and goes to the F2.
Now, Cirie should have just said, "Sorry, my bad" instead of blathering excuses as to why she dropped her torch in Terry's path. However, it is tough to blame her for not apologizing when Terry went after her like she was a child. You can't talk to an adult like they are a child and expect them to apologize. I think Terry was simply frustrated over another TC in which his only possible ally was voted off. Being on an island with people who don't like you very much, and who keep voting off whoever comes close to being aligned to you, would get to anybody eventually. I think Terry was starting to crack. The RC between him and Aras was pathetic. Aras acted like a child with his comments, and Terry, I'm a competitive guy but COME ON, dude, get a grip on yourself! It wasn't even an IC for godssakes. I understand Terry's misunderstanding with the rules and wanting clarification, but to complain about Aras cheating during the challenge was pathetic. Like I said, it is good to be competitive, but there is some point where you just look like an @ss. Terry made himself look that way. I've looked that way; so I understand. Now that I'm older, I recognize when I've taken it too far and made an @ss of myself, and I regret it. The worst part is that Terry never appeared to realize any of this, nor regret it. He only talked about how Aras had taken it too far, and he was right; but there were TWO guys acting childish there, not just one, and one of them was 47 years old.
Meanwhile, Aras was shown reflecting on things and admitting to himself that the game had brought out some bad things. He promptly apologized and showed Terry respect when Terry confronted him about the "disparage women" comment. It would have been very easy for a 24 year old man to get defensive there and antagonize an already ugly situation between him and Terry. But, admittedly, Aras was the better man and took responsibility for what he said and did. The editing did not show Terry doing likewise.

Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-14-06, 07:15 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Cerie vs. Danielle"
I agree that when they showed previews of the last challenge it did not appear to be an endurance test, thus I have the same feeling that Terry's final IC record will be 5-2 which is still very commendable. But I do feel that Danielle is the only Casayan that he could beat in the F2 which may be a mute point if Cirie wins the tiebreaker (which the editing appeared that she would). That being said if Aras wins the final IC and doesn't take Terry and finishes second, it would parellel Colby (Outback). I would predict it to be a 4-3 tally. Not counting All-Stars we haven't seen a 4-3 final vote since I believe Thailand.
I guess I didn't see Thursday's episode the same way you did? I don't recall Terry complaining about Aras "cheating"? His belly-aching was more toward Jeff and the rules. And if anyone was more high-pitched and loud-volume between Cirie and Terry and saw it to be more Cirie.
Lastly I believe Aras' apology wasn't "manning" up to his mistake. I still feel it was to try to assure Terry's vote at final TC should it come down to that. Which is a great gameplay; but I do not interpret that as sincere.

mimo 563 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-14-06, 10:56 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Cerie vs. Danielle"
Hey Aruba. I'm not a Terry fan myself, so pls don't take offense. On Terry complaining about Aras' cheating, it was during the challenge when after Terry had gone out to one of the stations and returned. He started commenting that Aras had been gone a really long time, where was Aras, was he reviewing all stations when he wasn't supposed to etc. Which then led to the rule clarification. I was left with the impression that not only was Terry complaining, but that he was playing tattle-tale and asking Jeff to disqualify Aras right then & there. On the disparaging women remark, I have to say Aras hit a chord with me and I think it's because we never have seen Terry act respectfully towards women. (On the contrary, he treated Cerie horribly just the night before.) Lends credence to his being a chauvinist. (And then that bizzarre comment about even treating flight attendants--mainly women--well. Are flight attendants the bottom of the food chain? Maybe to pilots....)


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-14-06, 01:58 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Cerie vs. Danielle"
No offense taken...but I still don't see how Terry accused Aras of "cheating"? If that was an assumption one would make based on Terry asking Jeff to clarify a rule, then it becomes a personal opinion I suppose.
Terry's spat with Cirie had nothing to do with her gender. If Aras dropped his torch where Terry was walking he would have made the same comment to HIM. But the fact that it was Cirie, I wouldn't shed a tear if one of her fans felt she was treated "horribly". With the way she has lied, deceived, and blindsided former tribemates to advance, I would not consider her a model of integrity either.

nazpink 1058 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

05-14-06, 10:55 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Cerie vs. Danielle"
I still stand by the fact that Terry's blowup with Cerie was not gender related. As far as his comment about respecting flight attendants, well that was him basically saying, "I'm a pilot and a lot of my co-workers are females and I always show them respect".


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