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"Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
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Shulman 96 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-03-05, 03:04 PM (EST)
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"Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
If you go on the Survivor site on CBS, they took a poll. I was surprised that Stephenie is the most popular Survivor. I think the poll was taken back in September when Stephenie was sweet, steadfast and kept her commitments. There is a new Steph now; CBS should take a new poll and see what happens.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Steph_Fan 12-03-05 1
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Stormy Sky 12-04-05 2
   RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Fishercat 12-04-05 4
   Beg to differ zipperhead 12-05-05 5
       I could not agree with you more... arturbars 12-05-05 6
           You nailed it!!! fatfriar 12-08-05 20
           RE: I could not agree with you more... noluck4meyet 12-09-05 23
       RE: Beg to differ rs460 12-08-05 19
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? barbed 12-04-05 3
   RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Lisa0116 12-05-05 7
       RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Fishercat 12-05-05 12
   RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? leianawd 12-05-05 8
       RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Lisa0116 12-05-05 9
           RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Aruba 12-05-05 10
               RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Fishercat 12-05-05 11
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? MichelleR 12-06-05 13
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? arturbars 12-07-05 14
   RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? noluck4meyet 12-09-05 24
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Lisa0116 12-07-05 15
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? JustMyOpinionAgain 12-07-05 16
   RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Lisa0116 12-07-05 17
   RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? noluck4meyet 12-09-05 25
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? jSmith 12-07-05 18
   RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Lisa0116 12-08-05 21
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? pumpkinqueen 12-09-05 22
 RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? MizJazmine 12-09-05 26
   RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? matco 12-09-05 27
       RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Lisa0116 12-09-05 28
           RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular? Loquatrix 12-10-05 29

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Steph_Fan 473 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-03-05, 07:17 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
Hi Shulman. I've been staying out of the debates on Stephenie's character, because I just don't feel like getting into it with people who hate her. Hey, they have the right, and so do I, and we probably aren't going to change each other's minds. But in any case, I looked at the poll you are talking about, and that is for week 12 of the show. Steph had about 45% popularity when the season started, certainly due to her familiarity with the audience. However, she has retained the lead throughout 10 of the 12 weeks, falling to Bobby Jon during the week of his ouster and the following week. She has since regained the lead. Message board posters may not like her, but the general viewing audience sure does.


Stormy Sky 129 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-04-05, 01:18 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
Stephenie is definitely my favorite, she always has been. She's a very smart woman, knows how to play the game, it's neat seeing a "woman" not being afraid to show she's got guts & courage. I also think she's very pretty, which is amazing being that she's out in that envirnment! I hope she wins, she is the best player by far.

Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-04-05, 05:50 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
I'd say, at the max, six of eight of those description are right. Favorite, Smart (not sure, I'll say yes in a general sense), Always been favorite, woman with guts/courtage, you hope she wins. As for knowing how to play the game and best player by far...are you kidding me? This could be the worst power player in Survivor history. Could.

zipperhead 3442 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-05-05, 09:19 AM (EST)
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5. "Beg to differ"
She's a very smart woman...

Are you kiddin' me? Name one "thinking" challenge she has won. Just one. Either season she was in.

So far this season: she didn't keep up during the mayan moon goddess puzzle, she didn't outwit Danni during the last challenge with the red stepping stones, she didn't get either of the first two questions right during the pots of corn challenge, she was no help when they had to unravel each other from the rope, etc.

Granted, she does have a natural allure and when she gets in with the right bunch of people she can maneuver her way around an alliance. But I didn't hear her come up with the plan to eliminate Jamie or Judd. These were pretty much put into her head by the likes of Lydia and Danni.

I just don't see her pulling off a spot in the final two, which she would be able to do if she had all the qualities that you want to give her.


arturbars 605 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-05-05, 01:42 PM (EST)
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6. "I could not agree with you more..."
In my opinion Steph is one of the worst players ever, at least this season....

Her positive qualities:
She is athletic and good looking.

Her negative qualites:
Immature - they way she talks about something being totally gay for example,
Whiny crybaby - her constant complaining about everything around camp, Dumb as a rock - see every mental challenge that she was in...
Despite her evident atheltism, she also sucked at every phisical challenge she did as well...
Eats like a horse, and then makes others feel bad about it,
She is completley full of herself,
She is a liar - pretty much everyone in this game is, so it's not a biggie...
She is not turstworthy - she stabbed her two closest allies in the back this season, and she did it plenty on the Ulong last season...

Well, that's just of the top of my head, i am sure i am forgeting something. Once again - this i just my opiinion. General viewing public still likes her for some reason, but the die-hard fans who come to post here are mostly on the other side.

I actually did not mind Steph that much on Palau. The exact same thing happened to me with Rupert - I really liked hiim on PI, but then they started showing too much of him to us on A$$ and i started geting sick of him, but at least he really did not do anything as negatvie as Steph...


fatfriar 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-08-05, 02:25 PM (EST)
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20. "You nailed it!!!"
You nailed it!
Can't stand Stef, and hope the others realize she needs to GO HOME tonight! I do not want her in the top 2. Although it would be interesting to see how the jury would react to her! She doesn't deserve to win. She has been unappreciative about getting to come back for a second chance. She constantly blames others for her inadequacies. She is not a team player and I hope she will learn from this how selfish and whiny she really is! It was a definite toss up on who I wanted to leave first her or Judd, he sure showed his true colors don't ya think??
I think Jeff even hated him. Embarassing to act like such an a** on national television!!!!


noluck4meyet 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-09-05, 01:34 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: I could not agree with you more..."
i disagree. yes she sucked at puzzles, but that doesn't mean she's stupid I've recently taken an adult iq test and did not do well spacially, but overall scored above average. Also lots of people choke during tests and quizes. its called test anxiety and it is very common. it is not noticable externally, its just a flustered anxiety feeling that makes your mind go blank. physically she completely domintaed the team in Palau and did better than the MEN. She has come close to winning several times this season. I think she is so popular because she did dominate the challenges in Palau, but was stuck on a really crappy team and the viewers felt sorry for her seeing her potential as a strong player and she continued to loose due to her crappy team. Then after the merge in palau they targeted her because they saw her as a strong threat. Overall she is a strong player with rotten luck and people saw this and felt she could have done so much better if given the chance. so she was given that chance by bringing her back to this show. Now she is in the final four. BYW i'm not a fan of hers i just think she got ripped off. certainly she is not the worst player ever.

rs460 23 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-08-05, 01:24 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Beg to differ"
>She's a very smart woman...

> she didn't
>outwit Danni during the last
>challenge with the red stepping

Huh? She did outwit everybody on that one. She had a great area set up but had to switch with Danni. Who won? Danni. Whose position did she use to win? Stephs.

Women like her because she is a smart and strong woman. Guys think she is hot. So she is popular.


barbed 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-04-05, 04:48 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
Because she's attractive, athletic, a determined player and she uses her head.
I really hope she wins.

Lisa0116 688 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-05-05, 02:19 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
Steph is a great Survivor player. She has people skills-she has been eating and yet, she is not the one winning the reward. She has been shrewd making her alliances. She has been able to outlast 13 players-that makes her a great player. Alliances are part of the game and alliances changing are part of the end game. GO STEPH!!!

She is NOT whining all the time-most of her whining isn't done in front of the other players but in front of the single camera things. The other players aren't seeing the whining-we are.


Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-05-05, 11:11 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
I guess we simply have different ideas about what a great Survivor player is. I personally think the goal of Survivor is, if the person can handle the task emotionally/physically, is to manuever the game to the extent that allows you the best possible result at the final tribal council and your best chance to win the game. Tom played a dominating game last season and he played it well, he used the emotions of people to his advantage. He convinced Ian to, essentially, give up a spot in the F2, he got an extremely, well, poor player as his F2 partner, he was never in any true danger of leaving or of losing. However, that's not the only way, what Sandra did on the Pearl Islands, IMO, was fantastic. She stayed out of trouble, she didn't upset anyone to the extent that they voted against her out of spite, and whether by luck or skill, she got into a F3 and F2 situation where she would have to screw up to lose. Look at it, Johnny Fairplay and Lil, one who was viewed as despicable and the other as a coat-tail rider and someone who got a second chance that she shouldn't have.

I've already described why I think Steph has set up horribly for the end game. At the end, you want all your chess pieces on the jury for they can knock out your opposition. At this point, even if Steph is the king on her side of the board (meant as a chess reference), she has some pieces on the jury that can and likely will put her in checkmate.


leianawd 471 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-05-05, 02:30 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
I was a big Steph fan during Palau but I can not say the same for this season. I think one of the two things happened 1.)Steph was the same last season as she is now but considering the outcome of her tribe and the whole underdog thing she was well edited or 2.)she has become overly confident and arrogant just because she's played the game before and the new players looked up to her. I really can't explain how Steph keeps up in the popularity polls, I can barely find anyone on this message board as well as real life who likes her any more. As far as I'm concerned Steph is probably one of the most over rated players. I know that alot of people felt Rupert was especially after his All Stars appearance but at least he did ok during challenges and could actually depend on himself for survival. Last season Steph didn't even know how to make a fire until Bobby John taught her and in fact I don't recall Steph doing much to benefit her whole tribe last season or this season. When has Steph gone for fire wood or water? When has Steph actually won anything all on her own? Last season they had an immunity challenge where everyone had to stand up on poles (flashback Amazon) and stay there the longest. Steph was one of the first to jump in the water for food even though she knew her head was on the chopping block, had Coby not ran his mouth she probably would have been the one to go. As far as strategically what has Steph really done? Last season the voting in her tribe was crazy and the reason why they lost everything leaving themselves little chance to make it beyond a week or so in the merge. This season Steph has basically done whatever Rafe wants and the only reason everyone thinks Steph is coming up with all these plans is because Rafe is letting her take credit and at least think she is the strategist of their alliance. So in my opinion I don't know why Steph is popular, maybe she just has a lot of family and friends polluting the polls for her.

Lisa0116 688 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-05-05, 05:11 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
She has a following because she is a good player. She is playing the game. She might have not been winning competitions on purpose. If you don't have to and you have others you can count on (she has made good alliances-part of the game) then why not sit back until you need to win. I think she will win at least one of the remaining immunities, if not more. I would love to see her in the final 2. I don't think she can win unless maybe she is up against Lydia-who everone has wanted gone since week one-and Steph has helped her stay.

And just to answer your other question-who was it that beat Booby Jon at a Tribal Council immunity by building a fire?? Who stayed alone on her island and got all her own wood, food, fire, etc?? She is fully capable. You know, my son doesn't think I take a bath but once a week-that is the only one he SEES me take. I have seen Steph grinding corn and gathering wood. Just because I haven't seen her do other chores around camp, doesn't mean that she isn't doing them.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-05-05, 06:57 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
I'm totally not buying the prospect that she is sandbagging and not winning challenges on purpose. She is far too competitive for that. As a matter of fact it is her never-say-die nature and her obvious good looks that make her popular. The fact that she is "0"fer all her individual challenges verifies that she is given much more credit than she deserves.
She did win that tie-breaker challenge against Bobby Jon by having to use her head to build a fire. That being said a slugg probably could have beaten BJ in that competetion. And as far as surviving alone in did Janu (need I say anymore???).
To be considered one of the best players in the game you must BEAT the best. She had her opportunities and failed. And with Jamie, Judd and Gary on the Jury (and poor Brandon who didn't make it that far) I'm sure she will win an immunity or two NOW.
She may even make it to the final two; but as Katie proved to all in Palau, that's not saying much. Whether you love her or hate her if she can win over the jury and take the million, you'll have to give her some credit.

Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-05-05, 11:04 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
If she can manuever the game and somehow gain a majority of the jury votes and therefore the million dollars, I will be shown to be wrong and completely shocked by such a development, and I will give Steph her due.

At this point, she is playing the game extremely poorly and is one of the worst players in a power position in recent Survivor history.


MichelleR 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-06-05, 04:43 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
Actually I like her. Yeah the Judd betrayal was kind of rough, but the name of the game is Survival not 'Let's be BFF forever'. I do agree with some of the criticisms raised by other posters (i.e. she hasn't excelled in some areas), but I still just like her.

Whether or not she'll win, I can't say.



arturbars 605 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-07-05, 01:33 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
The only reason Steph is still in the game is luck - it was her luck that Jamie and Judd turned out to be too big of the bafoons to keep themselves in the tribe. They basically painted targets on themselves by their behavior. If they would have any brains they would still be there and Steph would be riding the jury bench...

noluck4meyet 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-09-05, 01:56 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
one thing i have a problem with is that this experience is filmed 24/7. We only see 1 hour per week. and what we do see actually takes place of days. who really knows what these players are like in reality. who knows what really is going on at camp and ALL the interactions between the contestants. Therefore it is hard for me to say that Judd got kicked out for this reason and steph(who many don't like here) doesn't deserve to be there. she hasn't been kicked out yet so she must be doing something right, and maybe its stuff we dont see

Lisa0116 688 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-07-05, 01:43 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
Well, I like Steph. I would like her to win, but I don't think she can. Like I said, the only hope would be if she were in the final 2 with Lydia. Of course, what I think kinda doesn't matter, since I am not voting. I do think she has earned every bit of where she is right now. Go Steph!!!

JustMyOpinionAgain 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-07-05, 03:01 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
Stephanie reminds me of Maggie from Big Brother. She knows how to manipulate her teammates so she gets to stay while they drop away like leaves on a tree. The one difference is that Maggie managed to load the Jury with members of her team who didn't realize that she had manipulated them but Stephanie is going to be facing a Jury full of members who fully realize that she slit their throats with a smile on her face!!!! I don't think she can win against any of the remaining players in the F@ because they haven't made enemies like she has.

Lisa0116 688 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-07-05, 04:24 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
WHOA there-don't put her on par with Maggot. Steph is not going around her alliance day in and day out keeping them in one room bashing, bashing, bashing, the other players and convincing her alliance that all others are evil but them. She is not even close to Maggot. Not to mention the fact that Steph is not pulling the strings-Rafe is pulling the strings. Rafe got Jaime voted out-NOT STEPH and Rafe and Danni together got Steph to vote against Judd. Don't paint Steph into being a negligent nurse who wouldn't know the truth if it bit her in the butt.

noluck4meyet 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-09-05, 02:05 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
you are sooooo right. i've always had the theory that survivor is such a complicated and difficult game and that the key is voting people out with tact that they will not hate you afterward. I always thought that Brian from Thailand played a very good game.i hated this season btw, but her managed to use the magic of being a strong player and not pissing anyone off. Steph has back stabbed, but it was the right move for her at the time. However judd is really pissed and i dont blame him. he chose steph toshare reward and then thhat night she voted him off

jSmith 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-07-05, 06:02 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
yeah i bet the results would be different now.

Lisa0116 688 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-08-05, 05:36 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
Steph is in second and Danni is in first right now.......

pumpkinqueen 220 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-09-05, 00:13 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
i can't believe i'm going to say this, but i actually like Steph now. i couldn't stand her last season--but i have liked her a little more each week. she seems like a likeable person IRL, which could come in handy if she makes the final 2. of course the fact that i like her is pretty much the kiss of death!

arkiegrl 2005


MizJazmine 532 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-09-05, 06:51 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
I don't care for Stephenie very much because I've always felt that she had some kind of "entitlement" issue. kinda llke she thinks she "deserves" to win. She doesn't "deserve" it any more than anybody else. Also Stephenie likes dishing things out, but she gets really shaky when it looks like she's not gonna get her way. She gets right in that camera and gets that "look" on her face and starts that "tearing up". I understand her strategy, but if they were smart, they would vote her out in this next round provided she doesn't win immunity.

matco 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-09-05, 08:14 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
I agree with you totally, I think that Stephanie is such a pain. She does not deserve to win at all. I think that they made the mistake about letting her control things a long time ago and should have voted her out at the beginning of the show. She was not much help during the beginning of the show.

Lisa0116 688 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-09-05, 08:59 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
When has Steph controlled things??? She has managed to stay in the big numbers alliance but she has not been pulling the strings. Rafe has been pulling the strings for the last 4 or 5 episodes and hiding behind Steph making her the hated one to the Jury. Cindy tried to tell the Jury-hopefully they were listening.

Loquatrix 640 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-10-05, 00:29 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: Why Is Stephenie Popular?"
So you're saying that in addition to Stephenie being -- as we have conclusively established in this thread -- stupid, obnoxious, narcissistic, whiny, greedy, coarse, selfish, bizarrely under-eyebrowed, and a hopeless loser in almost every challenge she's ever competed in, she's also not in control of anything and is therefore coat-tailing her way to the end of the game?

Well I can totally understand why you like her!!

(All in good fun, no offence intended. Except to Steph, of course.)



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