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PLEASE NOTE: The Reality TV World Message Boards are filled with desperate attention-seekers pretending to be one big happy PG/PG13-rated family. Don't be fooled. Trying to get everyone to agree with you is like herding cats, but intolerance for other viewpoints is NOT welcome and respect for other posters IS required at all times. Jump in and play, and you'll soon find out how easy it is to fit in, but save your drama for your mama. All members are encouraged to read the complete guidelines. As entertainment critic Roger Ebert once said, "If you disagree with something I write, tell me so, argue with me, correct me--but don't tell me to shut up. That's not the American way."
"S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
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drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-11-04, 01:25 PM (EST)
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"S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
What's a PTTE, you ask?
Well PTTE means "Picks To The End"

Okay... here's the goal:

Post your prediction about the ENTIRE boot order for the season (starting with first booted and ending with sole survivor)...

This doesn't need to have any analysis, although you're welcome to throw anything in that you want... this is fanatics, and this is intended to be fun, but NO spoilers posted Please.

With any spoiler information available to you, coupled with your own intuition, see how well you can do.

The poll won't close, but all votes made after any episode starts on the East coast won't count... the earlier you enter, the less points you may earn, so enter early!!!

Scoring: There are no changes since last season, here's the way that the scoring will work:

1) You do NOT want points... they're bad... it's like golf. Every point counts against you in the standings, so try to avoid them.

2) Points will be awarded to every contestant in the game after each episode of Survivor 9: Vanuatu. They will be awarded as the difference between where you thought this week's bootee would finish and where the bootee actually finished. Finish position is equal to the number of players in the game at the start of that episode, so with added players they will be added to the next weeks list, and more than one person will end the game with the same finish position.

For example: If episode 6 of S6 had just aired, and you thought that Shawna was going to be S6's sole survivor, you would recieve 10 points for the week (She actually finished in eleventh place, you thought she would finish in first place so: 11 - 1 = 10, or if you thought she was going to be booted first 16th place that would be 5 points for the week : 16 - 11 = 5)

3) If you do not enter before the first episode, you will start with a score equivalent to 8 points per episode you missed. That means that it's possible to join the game after several episodes and enter in first place, but statistically speaking, you'll have a better chance if you enter earlier.

4) You will be given 5 points every episode you change your PTTE... but it's only 5 points, so change it often if you think it will help you out. You will not be penalized for any changes made before the first episode airs. The five point penalties will come into play after episode one.

5) Reentering/Entering survivors after the start of the game will need to be added/readded into your PTTE lists after this happens, the scores calculated from the first time they are booted will stand. There will be NO 5 point penalty for changing your list when needing to add these players into your list for the first week only. The 5 point penalty is back in effect for the second week after we learn whom enters the game. (This is only for survivors eligible for the million dollar prize, not family members which join the tribe for the night then leave.) Should a player enter and be booted without our having time to update our lists (ie. in the same episode) then that player's position will not count in this game.

6) Should more than one player be booted in an episode, they will be scored in the order we see them booted on the show. ie. Shawn was shown booted before Osten, even though Osten's tribe would have finished last in that challenge and therefore should have gone to Tribal Council first. Whatever the show does is what will stand.

Housekeeping Procedures:

1) A point total will be posted by me shortly after each episode (unless I'm too busy, in which case I'll post it when I get to it)

2) Please do not edit your post to make changes, make a new post instead... once I've seen your list, I won't know you've changed it...

3) If this thread gets too long, it will be closed, and a new one will be started with the current standings, a copy of the rules, and a link back to this one.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE realityluver 09-14-04 1
   RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE bdemoney 09-14-04 2
   RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE fairyprincess 09-16-04 35
 I'm so bad at this Breezy 09-14-04 3
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE PlumBlossom 09-14-04 4
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE buckeyegirl 09-14-04 5
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE aethelstan 09-14-04 6
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE pmspml5 09-14-04 7
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE emydi 09-14-04 8
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE FesterFan1 09-14-04 9
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE okaloosajohn 09-14-04 10
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE seahorse 09-15-04 11
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE udg 09-15-04 12
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE JohnMc 09-15-04 13
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Bebo 09-15-04 14
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Survivor Maniac 09-15-04 15
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE ulalame 09-15-04 16
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE LeftPinky 09-15-04 17
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Steen 09-15-04 18
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Charonna 09-15-04 19
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE survivorscott 09-15-04 20
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Das Mole 09-15-04 21
   Update needed drich61 09-15-04 25
       RE: Update needed Das Mole 09-18-04 44
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE whoami 09-15-04 22
   RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Cuauhtewatemoccajava 09-15-04 23
       Update needed drich61 09-15-04 26
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Lolly 09-15-04 24
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE sittem 09-15-04 27
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE ejm92 09-15-04 28
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Yogi 09-16-04 29
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE dabo 09-16-04 30
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Gothmog 09-16-04 31
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE yensid 09-16-04 32
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Swami 09-16-04 33
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Jims02 09-16-04 34
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE dreamerbeliever 09-16-04 36
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE Smooth23 09-16-04 37
   Update needed drich61 09-26-04 49
 Corvis' PTTE Corvis 09-16-04 38
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE tribephyl 09-16-04 39
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE probably clueless 09-16-04 40
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE PepeLePew13 09-16-04 41
   PTTE change... Penelope Le Pew 09-30-04 68
 My list drich61 09-16-04 42
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE KObrien_fan 09-16-04 43
   Update needed drich61 09-26-04 50
       RE: Update KObrien_fan 09-26-04 53
 Update drich61 09-19-04 45
   Now entering.. survivormitsx 09-20-04 46
   RE: Update ShowMeTheWinner 09-21-04 48
 First entry Monicanada 09-20-04 47
 Week 9.1 standings drich61 09-26-04 51
 Week 9.2 standings drich61 09-26-04 52
   Question emydi 09-26-04 54
       Answer drich61 09-26-04 55
           RE: Answer buckeyegirl 09-28-04 62
 tribe's CHANGES tribephyl 09-27-04 56
 CHANGES for Ep 3 emydi 09-27-04 57
 I better make a change Breezy 09-27-04 58
 JohnMc's new picks JohnMc 09-27-04 59
   CHANGES to my order fairyprincess 09-27-04 60
 Changes to my picks aethelstan 09-27-04 61
 Bebo's Ep 3 Changes Bebo 09-29-04 63
 PlumBlossom's Changes PlumBlossom 09-30-04 64
   RE: PlumBlossom's Changes bdemoney 09-30-04 65
 RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE spacey 09-30-04 66
 Fester's PTTE update FesterFan1 09-30-04 67

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Messages in this topic

realityluver 267 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-14-04, 09:35 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Just a random guess here, but...

1. Brook
2. Dolly
3. Lisa
4. John K.
5. Brady
6. Mia
7. Lea
8. Travis
9. John P.
10. Leann
11. Chad
12. Julie
13. Rory
14. Scout
15. Twila
16. Eliza
17. Ami
18. Chris

"Nothing comes between me and my TV!!!"


bdemoney 745 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-14-04, 10:26 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
LAST EDITED ON 09-14-04 AT 04:30 PM (EST)

1. Brook--First Boot
2. Dolly
3. John K.
4. Travis
5. Brady
6. Mia
7. John P.
8. Lisa
9. Lea
10. Twila
11. Ami
12. Julie
13. Rory
14. Chris
15. Leann
16. Scout
17. Eliza
18. Chad--Winner


fairyprincess 262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-16-04, 12:35 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
I'm really bad at this...

1. Brook (1st out)
2. Twila
3. Dolly
4. John K
5. Leann
6. Lea
7. Scout
8. Lisa
9. Travis
10. Brady
11. Eliza
12. Chris
13. Mia
14. John P.
15. Rory
16. Ami
17. Chad
18. Julie - winner


Breezy 18380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-04, 10:57 AM (EST)
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3. "I'm so bad at this"
LAST EDITED ON 09-14-04 AT 10:58 AM (EST)

John K
John P
Brady- winner

IceCat is da man! GO PACK GO!!!!

Edited to show which end is which.


PlumBlossom 679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-14-04, 11:27 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. John K.
15. Lisa
14. Lea
13. John P.
12. Chris
11. Ami
10. Eliza
9. Travis
8. Julie
7. Mia
6. Leanne
5. Rory
4. Twila
3. Scout
2. Brady
1. Chad (winner)

an IceCat original


buckeyegirl 5449 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-04, 01:10 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Here goes nothing:

John K.
John P.
Chris- Sole Survivor

Handcrafted by RollDdice! The fellowship has begun...


aethelstan 4435 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-14-04, 01:28 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
What the heck, I'll give it a try (maybe I'll get the red ink prize?):

1 - Brook
2 - Dolly
3 - John K
4 - Lea
5 - Twila
6 - Leann
7 - Travis
8 - Scout
9 - Lisa
10 - Chris
11 - Eliza
12 - John P
13 - Julie
14 - Brady
15 - Mia
16 - Chad
17 - Rory
18 - Ami

©Forged by RollDdice, 2004


pmspml5 3263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-14-04, 02:40 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
15th-John K.
12th-John P.

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-04, 04:17 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
LAST EDITED ON 09-14-04 AT 04:22 PM (EST)

1. Brook
2. Dolly
3. John K
4. Travis
5. Mia
6. Lisa
7. John P
8. Brady
9. Lea
10. Eliza
11. Leanne
12. Julie
13. Twila
14. Rory (woof)
15. Chris
16. Chad
17. Ami
18. Scout-Sole Survivor

First of my many PTTE lists
eta nos.


FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-04, 04:21 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook (First Boot)
17. Dolly
16. John K.
15. Travis
14. Mia
13. Lisa
12. Brady
11. John P.
10. Twila
9. Leann
8. Chad
7. Lea
6. Julie
5. Rory
4. Eliza
3. Scout
2. Chris
1. Ami (Winner)



okaloosajohn 1259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

09-14-04, 10:14 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook (First Boot)
17. Dolly
16. John K.
15. Travis
14. Mia
13. Lisa
12. Brady
11. John P.
10. Twila
9. Leann
8. Chad
7. Lea
6. Julie
5. Rory
4. Eliza
3. Scout
2. Chris
1. Ami - sole survivor


seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-15-04, 02:16 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
1. Brook
2. Dolly
3. John K
4. Lisa
5. Mia
6. Travis
7. John P
8. Brady
9. Lea
10. Leanne
11. Twila
12. Julie
13. Rory
14. Eliza
15. Chris
16. Chad
17. Ami
18. Scout


udg 3381 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-15-04, 11:41 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. Travis
15. Mia
14. Lisa
13. John K
12. John P
11. Brady
10. Lea
9. Eliza
8. Julie
7. Rory
6. Chad
5. Leann
4. Chris
3. Scout
2. Twila
1. Ami

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

09-15-04, 11:56 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
1 - Brook
2 - Dolly
3 - John K
4 - John P
5 - Twila
6 - Leann
7 - Travis
8 - Chris
9 - Lisa
10 - Lea
11 - Eliza
12 - Brady
13 - Julie
14 - Rory
15 - Mia
16 - Chad
17 - Scout
18 - Ami

I always do poorly at this game, but I want to challenge DRich in his ability to add large numbers when I screw up my PTTE!


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-15-04, 12:15 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. Mia
15. John K.
14. Travis
13. Lisa
12. Brady
11. John P.
10. Lea
9. Chad
8. Eliza
7. Julie
6. Chris
5. Leanne
4. Twila
3. Scout
2. Rory
1. Ami

What's my logic? We don't need no stinkin' logic!

Join my paramilitary org - call 1-800-FIGHT4BEBO.


Survivor Maniac 1295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

09-15-04, 01:57 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
1. Brook - First Boot
2. Dolly
3. John K.
4. Travis
5. Brady
6. Mia
7. John P.
8. Lisa
9. Lea
10. Julie
11. Rory
12. Eliza
13. Leann
14. Twila
15. Ami
16. Chris
17. Scout
18. Chad - Winner


ulalame 778 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-15-04, 02:32 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Back for another season! Let's see if I can do anywhere near as well this time 'round

18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. John K.
15. Mia
14. Lisa
13. Travis
12. Brady
11. John P.
10. Lea
9. Twila
8. Eliza
7. Chris
6. Leann
5. Julie
4. Ami
3. Rory
2. Scout
1. Chad wins.


LeftPinky 4150 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-15-04, 07:00 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Crap, I haven't been reading up this season, so...

18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. John K.
15. Mia
14. Travis
13. Lisa
12. Brady
11. John P.
10. Lea
9. Twila
8. Eliza
7. Julie
6. Chris
5. Leanne
4. Chad
3. Scout
2. Rory
1. Ami

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004


Steen 1544 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-15-04, 07:04 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Well, Since I Have no idea I think listing them in alphbetical order works for me

John K
John P


Charonna 112 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-15-04, 07:40 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
LAST EDITED ON 09-15-04 AT 07:56 PM (EST)

What the hey.. why not... here goes nothin'

1. Brook
2. Dolly
3. Travis
4. John K.
5. Scout
6. Lea
7. Twila
8. Mia
9. John P
18.Chad -Sole Survivor-(cuz he's my pick at work)


survivorscott 2191 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

09-15-04, 08:01 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
1rst boot: Brook
John K.
John P.
Chad~ Winner Survivor Vanuatu ( islands of fire)

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

09-15-04, 08:15 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Travis--(first eliminated)
17. Brook
16. Twila
15. Mia
14. Lea
13. Leann
12. Scout
11. Chad
10. Lisa
9. John
8. Chris
7. Rory
6. Ami
5. John
4. Dolly
3. Eliza
2. Brady
1. Julie--(winner)

drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-15-04, 10:54 PM (EST)
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25. "Update needed"
Your list only lists John twice, which john is which?


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

09-18-04, 02:58 PM (EST)
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44. "RE: Update needed"
LAST EDITED ON 09-18-04 AT 03:03 PM (EST)

oops. yeah, sorry about that. see, i had written my list somewhere else w/everyone's last name, so i took their last name off for here...and i forgot there were two johns...but here's my list w/the last names...and w/my new predictions and all that.

18. Brook
17. Chris
16. Twila
15. Rory
14. Travis
13. Lea
12. Scout
11. Lisa
10. Mia
9. John P.
8. Chad
7. Leann
6. Ami
5. John K.
4. Dolly
3. Eliza
2. Brady
1. Julie


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-15-04, 08:49 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
#18.-Johk K.
#15.-John P

The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time. ECCL. 9:11


Cuauhtewatemoccajava 133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-15-04, 09:41 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook Geraghty
17. Dolly Neely
16. Lisa Keiffer
15. Mia Galeotalanza
14. Brady Finta
13. John Palyok
12. John Kenney
11. Travis Sampson
10. Ami Cusak
9. Julie Berry
8. Eliza Orlins
6. Twila Tanner
5. Chris Daugherty
4. Rory Freeman
3. Scout Lee
2. Chad Crittenden
1. Leann Slaby

drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-15-04, 10:57 PM (EST)
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26. "Update needed"
Your list is missing Lea, you're also missing slot 7, is that where you want him?


Lolly 721 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-15-04, 10:34 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. John K.
15. Travis
14. Lisa
13. Brady
12. Mia
11. John P.
10. Leann
9. Twila
8. Chad
7. Lea
6. Julie
5. Rory
4. Eliza
3. Scout
2. Chris
1. Ami - Winner


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-15-04, 11:41 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Sorry - these are in reverse order - winner at top with first bootee at the bottom:

Winner - Rory
John P
John K
First boot - Brook

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

09-15-04, 11:52 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
I haven't got a clue.......from first boot to winner.....

18. Brook - First Boot
17. Dolly
16. Travis
15. John K.
14. Chris
13. Leann
12. Mia
11. Lea
10. Julie
9. John P.
8. Lisa
7. Twila
6. Rory
5. Scout
4. Chad
3. Eliza
2. Ami
1. Brady

Packers '04: "It's Either Super Bowl Or Bust" - Brett Favre

Yogi 1206 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-16-04, 00:14 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Hey drich61
Thanks for running the game again!

18. Brook Geraghty
17. Dolly Neely
16. John Kenney
15. Mia Galeotalanza
14. Lisa Keiffer
13. Brady Finta
12. John Palyok
11. Travis Sampson
10. Twila Tanner
9. Lea Masters
8. Eliza Orlins
7. Chris Daugherty
6. Julie Berry
5. Leann Slabby
4. Ami Cusak
3. Rory Freeman
2. Scout Cloud Lee
1. Chad Crittenden - Winner


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-04, 01:51 AM (EST)
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30. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook (first boot)
17. Dolly
16. Brady
15. Twila
14. Mia
13. John K.
12. Julie
11. Chris
10. Lisa
9. Ami
8. Rory
7. Lea
6. Scout
5. Leann
4. Travis
3. Chad
2. Eliza
1. John P. (winner)


Gothmog 2886 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-16-04, 02:18 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
31. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. John K
15. Travis
14. Mia
13. Lisa
12. Brady
11. John P
10. Lea
9. Leanne
8. Chris
7. Rory
6. Eliza
5. Julie
4. Chad
3. Twila
2. Ami
Winner: Scout

yensid 786 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-16-04, 10:34 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
1. Brook - 1st voted out
2. Dolly
3. John K
4. Travis
5. Lisa
6. Mia
7. John P
8. Brady
9. Lea
10. Twila
11. Rory
12. Leanne
13. Scout
14. Eliza
15. Chris
16. Julie
17. Ami
18. Chad


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-04, 10:47 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. Mia
15. John K.
14. Travis
13. Scout
12. Brady
11. John P.
10. Lea
9. Chad
8. Lisa
7. Julie
6. Chris
5. Leanne
4. Twila
3. Eliza
2. Rory
1. Ami - sole survivor

I have no particular rationale after the first few boots--just hopeful guessing.

"It's not the voting that's democracy; it's the counting." --Tom Stoppard, British playright.


Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-04, 12:03 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook
17. John K.
16. Dolly
15. Mia
14. John P
13. Brady
12. Lisa
11. Travis
10. Scout
9. Julie
8. Twila
7. Ami
6. Lea
5. Rory
4. Leann
3. Chris
2. Eliza
1. Chad

Just random guesses!

New TAR5 Game - Place your bets!


dreamerbeliever 3380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-16-04, 01:17 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook (First Boot)
17. Dolly
16. John K.
15. Travis
14. Mia
13. Scout
12. Twila
11. John P.
10. Lisa
9. Lea
8. Leann
7. Chad
6. Julie
5. Eliza
4. Ami
3. Brady
2. Chris
1. Rory (Winner)

Smooth23 1244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-16-04, 03:23 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
LAST EDITED ON 09-16-04 AT 03:25 PM (EST)

This lineup brought to you by reading books by their covers.
1. Brook -First boot
2. Dolly
3. John K
4. Twila
5. Scout
6. Mia
7. Chad
8. Lea
9. Chris
10. Travis
11. Leann
12. Ami
13. Brady
14. Rory
15. John P.
16. Eliza
17. Julie
18. Chad -Winner


drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-26-04, 03:52 PM (EST)
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49. "Update needed"

You have Chad on your list twice, but no Lisa. Since you have Chad as the winner, I've inserted Lisa into the other Chad spot on your list. If this is not what you wanted you will need to update.


Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-16-04, 03:39 PM (EST)
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38. "Corvis' PTTE"
1. Brook
2. Dolly
3. Eliza
4. John K.
5. Lea
6. Lisa
7. Twila
8. Julie
9. Chris
10. John P.
11. Travis
12. Scout
13. Rory
14. Chad
15. Leann
16. Mia
17. Brady
18. Ami

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-04, 05:07 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Can't believe I almost missed this opportunity to enter into the PTTE with my pre-season picks.
Sure is a fun way to watch the points accrue.

1 - Brook
2 - Dolly
3 - Lisa
4 - John K
5 - Brady
6 - Mia
7 - John P
8 - Travis"Bubba"
9 - Lea
10 - Chris
11 - Twila
12 - Leann
13 - Eliza
14 - Julie
15 - Rory
16 - Chad
17 - Scout
18 - Ami ~ winner

The ABC rules are here!


probably clueless 5782 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-04, 07:09 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18. Brook
17. John K.
16. Leann
15. Mia
14. John P
13. Brady
12. Lisa
11. Travis
10. Scout
9. Julie
8. Twila
7. Ami
6. Lea
5. Dolly
4. Chad
3. Chris
2. Eliza
1. Rory (Obviously will be the winner - WHOOF!)

A Kittyloaf®Original


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-04, 07:15 PM (EST)
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41. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
18 - Brook
17 - Dolly
16 - John K
15 - Mia
14 - Lisa
13 - Brady
12 - Travis
11 - Lea
10 - Leann
9 - Ami
8 - Rory
7 - Eliza
6 - Twila
5 - Chad
4 - Chris
3 - Scout
2 - Julie
Winner - John P

©Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
Scratch and sniff


Penelope Le Pew 2031 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

09-30-04, 07:10 PM (EST)
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68. "PTTE change..."
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-04 AT 07:12 PM (EST)

ETA: Ack! I didn't realize that Pene was logged in, thought it was under my name (Pepe Le Pew). Please take note that these PTTE changes are for Pepe. Thanks.

Prior to the start of episode 3:

18 - Brook
17 - Dolly

16 - Mia
15 - John P.
14 - John K.
13 - Lisa
12 - Brady
11 - Travis
10 - Julie
9 - Rory
7 - Leann
6 - Eliza
5 - Twila
4 - Chad
3 - Scout
2 - Ami
Winner - Chris


drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-16-04, 07:21 PM (EST)
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42. "My list"
18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. Mia
15. John K.
14. Lisa
13. Travis
12. John P.
11. Brady
10. Lea
9. Twila
8. Eliza
7. Rory
6. Leann
5. Julie
4. Ami
3. Chris
2. Scout
1. Chad wins.


KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-04, 07:26 PM (EST)
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43. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Thanks for running the game, I'll give it a shot:

18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. Brady
15. Mia
14. John K
13. Lisa
12. Mia
11. Travis
10. John P.
9. Twila
8. Leann
7. Lea
6. Rory
5. Julie
4. Chad
3. Scout
2. Ami
1. Chris

2004 A S S Trivia Champ
S9 PTB is Here, It's hot!!!!!


drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-26-04, 04:00 PM (EST)
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50. "Update needed"

You have put Mia on your list twice with no Eliza. If you place Eliza in one of your two Mia spots it will be a point free update, but if you change anything else it will cost you 5 points. If Mia or Eliza are booted before you update, I will need to calculate the worst point senario for that bootee and place the other in the other open spot.


KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-04, 04:13 PM (EST)
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53. "RE: Update "
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-04 AT 11:34 AM (EST)

Sorry about that, thought I double checked it. I am going to make more changes though, so nail me the 5 points and keep this as my new list, and thanks!

18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. Mia
15. John P
14. Brady
13. Lisa
12. John K.
11. Travis
10. Julie
9. Twila
8. Leann
7. Lea
6. Rory
5. Eliza
4. Chad
3. Scout
2. Ami
1. Chris


drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-19-04, 10:08 PM (EST)
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45. "Update "
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another season of Survivor PTTE. Unfortunatly, because of my schedule this month, working 12 hour days 7 days a week. I do not have time for a proper update this week. I should have next Sunday off, at which time I hope to post both weeks official results. I can tell you that most of us are tied at zero points for knowing that Brook would be the first booted off.


survivormitsx 271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-20-04, 03:10 PM (EST)
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46. "Now entering.."

Okay, here it goes.

18. Brook-First out.
17. Dolly
16. John K.
15. Mia
14. Lisa
13. Travis
12. Brady
11. John P.
10. Julie
9. Chris
8. Leann
7. Rory
6. Ami
5. Lea
4. Twila
3. Chad
2. Eliza
1. Scout

If your happy and you know it, Do the Cooper dance!!


ShowMeTheWinner 962 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-21-04, 06:42 AM (EST)
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48. "RE: Update "
Trying my best to avoid spoilers this season so here's my pick:
2. Dolly
3. John P
4. John K
5. Brady
6. Eliza
7. Mia
8. Lisa
9. Travis
10. Julie
11. Leann
12. Twila
13. Rory
14. Lea
15. Chris
16. Scout
17. Ami
18. Chad (winner)

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)
Hail the purple rock! Hallelujah..... Oh glory!


Monicanada 532 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-20-04, 03:28 PM (EST)
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47. "First entry"
John K
John P
Chad - winner

JSlice Originals, 2004


drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-26-04, 04:02 PM (EST)
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51. "Week 9.1 standings"
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another season of Survivor, and another game of PTTE. I'm sorry this is being posted one week late, but my schedule this month did not leave time for an update last week. We start this season with 41 enties into this game, and I welcome each of you and hope for another fun season. Based on the original 41 entries I have calculated the group average to be as follows:

18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. John K
15. Mia
14. Travis
13. Lisa
12. John P
11. Brady
10. Lea
9. Twila
8. Leann
7. Julie
6. Eliza
5. Chris
4. Scout
3. Rory
2. Ami
1. Chad

This first week 38 of us picked Brook to be booted, so those 38 are tied for the lead with 0 points. Congratulations go out to each of our leaders. Here are last weeks standings:

1 - realityluver - 0 pts.
bdemoney - 0 pts.
Breezy - 0 pts.
PlumBlossom - 0 pts.
buckeyegirl - 0 pts.
aethelstan - 0 pts.
pmspml5 - 0 pts.
emydi - 0 pts.
FesterFan1 - 0 pts.
okaloosajohn - 0 pts.
seahorse - 0 pts.
udg - 0 pts.
JohnMc - 0 pts.
Bebo - 0 pts.
Survivor Maniac - 0 pts.
ulalame - 0 pts.
LeftPinky - 0 pts.
Charonna - 0 pts.
survivorscott - 0 pts.
Cuauhtewatemoccajava - 0 pts.
Lolly - 0 pts.
sittem - 0 pts.
ejm92 - 0 pts.
Yogi - 0 pts.
dabo - 0 pts.
Gothmog - 0 pts.
yensid - 0 pts.
Swami - 0 pts.
Jims02 - 0 pts.
fairyprincess - 0 pts.
dreamerbeliever - 0 pts.
Smooth23 - 0 pts.
Corvis - 0 pts.
tribephyl - 0 pts.
probably clueless - 0 pts.
PepeLePew13 - 0 pts.
drich61 - 0 pts.
KObrien_fan - 0 pts.
Group Average - 0 pts.

40 - Das Mole - 1 pt.

41 - Steen - 2 pts.

42 - whoami - 9 pts.


drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-26-04, 04:04 PM (EST)
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52. "Week 9.2 standings"
Ladies and Gentlemen, first I would like to welcome our 3 new players this week survivormitsx, Monicanada, & ShowMeTheWinner . This week we had 37 players with a score of zero by picking Dolly to go out 2nd. Congratulations go out to each of them, and to our co-leaders after Dolly's boot still with perfect scores of 0 points. With two being booted next week, as the rules state "Should more than one player be booted in an episode, they will be scored in the order we see them booted on the show." ie. if the male is booted on the show first he will finish in 16th place and the female in 15th place, and vice versa. There are also a few people which have problems with their PTTE lists, I've put ***Clarification needed*** next to those scores in the following standings list.

1 -realityluver - 0 pts.
bdemoney - 0 pts.
PlumBlossom - 0 pts.
buckeyegirl - 0 pts.
aethelstan - 0 pts.
pmspml5 - 0 pts.
emydi - 0 pts.
FesterFan1 - 0 pts.
okaloosajohn - 0 pts.
seahorse - 0 pts.
udg - 0 pts.
JohnMc - 0 pts.
Bebo - 0 pts.
Survivor Maniac - 0 pts.
ulalame - 0 pts.
LeftPinky - 0 pts.
Charonna - 0 pts.
survivorscott - 0 pts.
Cuauhtewatemoccajava - 0 pts. ***Clarification needed***
Lolly - 0 pts.
ejm92 - 0 pts.
Yogi - 0 pts.
dabo - 0 pts.
Gothmog - 0 pts.
yensid - 0 pts.
Swami - 0 pts.
dreamerbeliever - 0 pts.
Smooth23 - 0 pts. ***Clarification needed***
Corvis - 0 pts.
tribephyl - 0 pts.
PepeLePew13 - 0 pts.
drich61 - 0 pts.
KObrien_fan - 0 pts. ***Clarification needed***
Group Average - 0 pts.

Breezy - 1 pts.
Jims02 - 1 pts.
fairyprincess - 1 pts.

sittem - 2 pts.

Steen - 6 pts.

survivormitsx - 8 pts.
Monicanada - 8 pts.
ShowMeTheWinner - 8 pts.

probably clueless - 12 pts.

whoami - 15 pts.

Das Mole - 19 pts. (14 pts.)

*** Scores in parenthesis are the scores you would now have had you not updated***


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-04, 04:46 PM (EST)
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54. "Question"
Bc of two boots are you going by the order of TCs on who is boot 3 and boot 4?

Courtesy of the Amazing Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004


drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-26-04, 06:48 PM (EST)
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55. "Answer"
Bc of two boots are you going by the order of TCs on who is boot 3 and boot 4?

Yes, whomever's torch is snuffed first will be the 3rd boot in this game, next torch shown snuffed will be 4th.


buckeyegirl 5449 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-04, 11:49 AM (EST)
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62. "RE: Answer"
Thanks for that update Drich

A Kyngsladye Original The fellowship has begun...


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-04, 04:42 AM (EST)
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56. "tribe's CHANGES"

18. Brook
17. Dolly

16. Mia
15. JohnK
14. Julie
13. JohnP
12. Lisa
11. Brady
10. Travis
09. Eliza
08. Twila
07. Rory
06. Lea
05. Scout
04. Ami
03. Chris
02. Leanne
01. Chad



emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-04, 11:20 AM (EST)
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57. "CHANGES for Ep 3"
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-04 AT 02:05 PM (EST)

Thanks for the answer!!

Ok Changes (not my last mind you )

1. Brook
2. Dolly
3. John P
4. Mia
5. Lisa
6. John K
7. Brady
8. Travis
9. Julie
10. Rory
11. Scout
12. Eliza
13. Lea
14. Twila
15. Leann
16. Ami
17. Chris
18. Chad

I think my final four now will form an alliance after the merge all about the same age


Breezy 18380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-04, 12:04 PM (EST)
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58. "I better make a change"

John K
John P
Brady- winner


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

09-27-04, 12:17 PM (EST)
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59. "JohnMc's new picks"
It sucks that I'm in first (well, in a 37-way tie for first) and now I have to change. But if I don't, I'm gonna get mega-nailed. Kinda like Eliza, I hope this doesn't burn me in the butt:

1 - Brook
2 - Dolly

3 - John K
4 - Mia
5 - John P
6 - Brady
7 - Lisa
8 - Travis
9 - Rory
10 - Lea
11 - Eliza
12 - Chris
13 - Julie
14 - Leann
15 - Twila
16 - Chad
17 - Scout
18 - Ami


fairyprincess 262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-27-04, 12:36 PM (EST)
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60. "CHANGES to my order"
O.K. I guess I need to update my list based upon the first 2 episodes...

1. Brook (gone)
2. Dolly (gone)
3. Mia
4. Rory
5. Twila
6. John K.
7. Scout
8. Travis
9. Leann
10. Lisa
11. Brady
12. Lea
13. Chris
14. Eliza
15. John P.
16. Ami
17. Chad
18. Julie (winner)


aethelstan 4435 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-27-04, 01:21 PM (EST)
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61. "Changes to my picks"
Upon reviewing my picks and what's transpired in the first two weeks, it's worth the 5 point hit to resubmit.

1- Brook
2- Dolly
3- John K
4- Mia
5- John P
6- Brady
7- Lisa
8- Travis
9- Eliza
10- Julie
11- Lea
12- Scout
13- Rory
14- Twila
15- Chris
16- Leann
17- Ami
18- Chad

©Forged by RollDdice, 2004


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-29-04, 10:28 PM (EST)
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63. "Bebo's Ep 3 Changes"
It's worth the 5 pt. penalty for me to do this.

18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. John P.
15. Mia
14. Brady
13. John K.
12. Lisa
11. Travis
10. Julie
9. Rory
8. Lea
7. Chris
6. Chad
5. Leanne
4. Twila
3. Eliza
2. Scout
1. Ami

When you're good to Mama...Mama's good to you.


PlumBlossom 679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-30-04, 11:16 AM (EST)
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64. "PlumBlossom's Changes"
18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. Mia
15. John P.
14. John K.
13. Rory
12. Chris
11. Lisa
10. Eliza
9. Travis
8. Julie
7. Ami
6. Leanne
5. Lea
4. Twila
3. Scout
2. Brady
1. Chad (winner)

an IceCat original


bdemoney 745 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-30-04, 11:24 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
65. "RE: PlumBlossom's Changes"
1. Brook--First Boot
2. Dolly
3. John P.
4. Mia
5. Brady
6. John K.
7. Travis
8. Lisa
9. Lea
10. Twila
11. Ami
12. Julie
13. Rory
14. Chris
15. Leann
16. Scout
17. Eliza
18. Chad--Winner

Guess I'll have to take the 5 point penalty....


spacey 115 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-30-04, 04:44 PM (EST)
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66. "RE: S9 : Vanuatu PTTE"
Hope I am doing this right, here goes:

18. Brook
17. Dolly
16. Mia
15. John K
14. John P
13. Julie
12. Travis
11. Chris
10. Lea
9. Twila
8. Eliza
7. Brady
6. Rory
5. Leann
4. Scout
3. Ami
2. Chad
1. Lisa


FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-04, 05:09 PM (EST)
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67. "Fester's PTTE update"
18. Brook
17. Dolly

16. Mia
15. John P.
14. Brady
13. Lisa
12. John K.
11. Julie
10. Travis
9. Lea
8. Rory
7. Eliza
6. Chad
5. Leeann
4. Chris
3. Twila
2. Scout
1. Ami




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