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"Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
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realitybites 1174 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-13-01, 11:37 AM (EST)
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"Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
I'm going to leave room so that someone who is randomly perusing this board and doesn't want to know what happens on this episode can safely skip this thread.

OK, for the rest of you, Lisa Stasi from the New York Post apparently received a review tape of today's finale (minus the last 15 minutes), and wrote an article titled "Fishy Finish". I encourage you to read it, but in case you don't have time, the relevant details are these:

* The teams do several tasks in Alaska, then...
* They are ordered to fly to New York, then...
* They are ordered to take a taxi to a square in Queens, and...
* Frank & Margarita are from Queens

Granted, this stop was probably plotted in advance - perhaps even before F&M were named contestants; and granted, this probably isn't the last stop. But I think that getting there and getting away will provide F&M a distinct advantage that the Lawyers will be hard pressed to overcome. But it's possible.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Hmmm Canada Girl 12-13-01 1
 RE: Article from the New York Post ... katem 12-13-01 2
 RE: Article from the New York Post ... Cole 12-13-01 3
   RE: Article from the New York Post ... samced 12-13-01 4
   RE: Article from the New York Post ... samced 12-13-01 5
       OH NO!! Canada Girl 12-13-01 6
   RE: Article from the New York Post ... Loree 12-13-01 7
       RE: Article from the New York Post ... mrssatansbabyboy 12-13-01 8
       RE: Article from the New York Post ... Cole 12-13-01 9
 RE: Article from the New York Post ... heymikey 12-13-01 10
   RE: Article from the New York Post ... sittem 12-13-01 11
   RE: Article from the New York Post ... katem 12-13-01 12
       Taint? AyaK 12-13-01 13
           GOOD retort... So is the cat outta ... El_Fin 12-13-01 14
               RE: GOOD retort... So is the cat ou... Ruthless 12-13-01 17
           May the best team win Butterfli1 12-13-01 16
       RE: Article from the New York Post ... sittem 12-13-01 15

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Canada Girl 3340 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-13-01, 12:04 PM (EST)
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1. "Hmmm"
Thanks for this, intersting!

Does anyone know anything about this location in Queens that would give us clues about a possible final Road Block:

Vincent Daniels Square just off Roosevelt Avenue in Woodside, Queens.

This is the location that the article says the teams must get to.


katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-13-01, 12:05 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
Sounds "fishy" to me.

BUT, if it is true and R&B end up winning, Frank will just DIE !!!!! He will never forgive himself.


Cole 409 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-13-01, 12:11 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
Here's the article, for those of you for whom links are temperamental....



December 13, 2001 -- "The Amazing Race"
Tonight at 9 on CBS

HOW can they do this? CBS sent me tonight's final episode of "The Amazing Race" - maybe the most amazing "reality" show ever - and what did they do?

They cut off the last 15 minutes!

Talk about sadists at holiday time. Not that I'm as involved now that Kevin and Drew, everybody's favorite fat frat brothers, are gone. (OK, only one is still overweight.)

Anyway, that leaves the teams nobody cared as much about to duke it out in the last leg of the round-the-world race.

There's Joe and Bill, life partners who are very annoying (22 percent popularity rating with viewers, according to the CBS website), Rob and Brennan, the perfect boys whose perfection is extremely annoying (83 percent), and Frank and Margarita, who never stop arguing, which has given a whole new dimension to annoying (also 83 percent and, believe me, it's only because she's so nice - he's a nightmare).

Most of the other teams - with the very real exception of Paul and Amie, and Matt and Ana - had the empathy vote. There was something of them in most of us.

Now it's the battle of the most competitive, which I guess is who always wins these things.

So, in tonight's episode, while Joe and Bill (Team Guido) are wa-a-ay behind and spend the night in a lodge in Alaska, the other two teams are on their way to their final destination.

But first they must hike in snow shoes, hop dog sleds and plunge into 40-degree water where they pick up instructions for their final leg. And?

And they must fly into New York, hail a cab and get to Vincent Daniels Square just off Roosevelt Avenue in Woodside, Queens.

This is where the whole contest gets dicey for me. For one thing, if the rules say they must fly to New York, how come they're allowed to fly into Newark? Even if the Giants and Jets have somehow made you believe that New Jersey is actually New York, I'm here to report it ain't.

That aside, how could they make the contestants end up in an obscure square in Queens when Frank and Margarita come from Queens, and in fact, even say that Margarita's dad lives six blocks away from the destination, and that it's a few blocks from where their daughter is staying?

Now, call me crazy, but who's got a better chance of telling some New Jersey cab driver how to maneuver the streets and back roads of Queens? Two people from the neighborhood - or two guys from Los Angeles? Doesn't this stack the freaking deck?

I've lived in New York all my life and still can't figure out Queens because I'm not from Queens. My friends from that borough, however, know every backstreet, side road and obscure restaurant. That's what happens when it's your hometown.

This destination really gives Frank and Margarita a very unfair and even weird advantage.

In fact, it makes it Frank and Margarita's to lose. And if they do win, there will be a taint on that win.

Anyway, who knows, maybe Joe and Bill will somehow get off the ice mountain and get to Queens first - no pun intended - but don't count on it.

Me? Even though I can't bear Frank, I'm pulling for Margarita and Frank. Why? Because I'm desperate for her to win, so she can say to Frank, while fanning herself with her half a million, "Don't let the door hit you in the can on the way out, dear."

And besides, Rob and Brennan don't need the dough - and Joe and Bill would only buy more matching outfits.


I'm a little surprised that CBS would send out an advanced tape at all, and to hear this woman kvetching about missing the last 15 minutes.... LOL she got to see more than any of us have so far.

I take issue with her characterization of the three final teams as "the teams nobody cared as much about". I have cared very much about the fate of the Lawyers and Frangarita, my two favorite teams, from the beginning, and have cared about the Guidos in the sense that I cared to see them get eliminated each week. You'd think this show was called The Amazing Kevin and Drew.

Just great that they end up going to Queens. Just what we need, after 40,000 miles, the race comes down to Frangarita's back yard. All the "race is rigged" proponents will have a field day with this one.

I am not giving up on Rob and Brennan, the fact that CBS sent out this tape to make everyone think Frangarita wins could only mean that Rob and Brennan end up winning.



samced 72 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-13-01, 12:24 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
Cole I agree, while the Feasters where entertaining, I also care for F&M, and Esquire (as long as they come in 2nd
Im of the opinion that this race was mapped long before the contestants where chosen. As far as finding an obscure landmark in queens, these guys did great in other countries, Italy comes to mind! why not the good old USA? you can buy a map in just about any corner and figure out where the square is located AND ask the driver in english to take you there!

samced 72 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-13-01, 12:30 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS= OH NO!!"
Just had a thought!!!! the clue according to the article says
fly to New York......Rob & Brenna and Frankarita fly to newark!
Will they get a 24 hour penalty leaving the door open for team guido to win?
This will be a long lond day for me!

Canada Girl 3340 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-13-01, 01:01 PM (EST)
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6. "OH NO!!"
Oh! You're killing me here. 24 hour penalty!!!!

I will freak out!

Another thought about the Queens F&M advantage, the Guidos lived in Paris and it did nothing for them, so...


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-13-01, 02:03 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
If they end the game in Queens then nobody will ever think it was a fair game if F&M win. But it would be funny if they lost because Frank started jumping fences and got arrested.

mrssatansbabyboy 20 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-13-01, 02:06 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
The ending will be far more exciting. The Festers will ambush the remaining teams one by one and end up winning!

Cole 409 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-13-01, 02:15 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
While I like the Lawyers the most, Frangarita has always been my #2 team. I feel really bad for them, especially the lovely Margarita, that the race either ends in Queens or goes through it near the end of the race. They will be "losers" either way. Either 1) they lose to Rob and Brennan and don't win the million, or 2) they win and will perpetually face commentary that the race was rigged or that it was unfair.

I don't think it's rigged. While the race may not have been planned until after contestants were chosen, I'm sure the route was well planned before the race started. The producers had no idea that Frangarita would be around until the end. As Canada Girl pointed out, the Guidos had extensive knowledge of Paris. But that was so early on in the race. I'm just a little disappointed that so near to the end there is a challenge that definitely gives one team a huge advantage.

If Frangarita does win, as the author of this article stated, it will be a tainted win. I bet that Frank couldn't care less about what people think of him, but I could see this being pretty hard on Margarita. If Frangarita loses, they will have to live forever with the fact that they lost in their backyard, and that millions of people saw it.

Poor Margarita.

In spite of all that, Go ROB AND BRENNAN!


heymikey 238 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-13-01, 02:27 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
I don't think it really matters if one of the two contestants lived in Queens. If you actually look at the very first episode, both Frank and Margarita, and Kevin and Drew lived in NYC and yet, the Guidos, who livs in California, got to the airport first. All I'm saying is, if Rob and Brennan are a better team compared to Frank and Margarita, then what's stopping them from winning the race?

sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-13-01, 02:47 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
I agree Mikey. And now I'm depressed because I'm sure now that RB win. It could be worse - could have been Guido, but I really wanted FM to win. But, I'm sure they don't because the detail released early has to point to a FM loss in their own back yard. If they do end up winning, there had better be some major explanation from TAR about how it was all set up and really didn't favor them otherwise there will be controversy from many as to their winning.

However, it doesn't matter. RB win. Do I even want to watch??!?!?


katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-13-01, 03:21 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-01 AT 03:24 PM (EST)

>I don't think it really matters
>if one of the two
>contestants lived in Queens.
>If you actually look at
>the very first episode, both
>Frank and Margarita, and Kevin
>and Drew lived in NYC
>and yet, the Guidos, who
>livs in California, got to
>the airport first. All
>I'm saying is, if Rob
>and Brennan are a better
>team compared to Frank and
>Margarita, then what's stopping them
>from winning the race?

I agree in a sense Mikey, but remember that the airport and some obscure place in the middle of Queens are two very different places. Anyone can out perform another when going to the airport. But knowing the difficulties of getting to a place in your own back yard, that probably nobody has heard off, that is a clear advantage.

If like a few people said that the route was planned before casting, then I'm sure the producers could have changed this part of the race to another area of NY. The fact that they did not, seems very suspicious to me.

I agree with Cole in that if F&M win I will truly believe that the producers were totally behind them and "taint" their victory.

I still think R&B pull it off and Frank will lose it, then Margarita can just dump him and find someone that deserves her.

GO R&B !!!!!

Edited to tell Sittem, don't be bitter, we all know you will be on pins and needles waiting for the show to start.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-13-01, 03:52 PM (EST)
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13. "Taint?"
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-01 AT 05:55 PM (EST)

I don't know about this "tainting" a Frangarita victory. Frankly, I think the author is being a little silly.

For those of you not from the Northeast, "Vincent Daniels Square" isn't likely to be a major landmark. Instead, it's going to be some intersection between some side road and Roosevelt Avenue, "named" after some serviceman or political hack on a sign next to it ... and even people who have lived right by it all their lives won't know the name. I'd guess that the contestants will have to cruise Roosevelt Avenue and keep their eyes wide open to find it.

For anyone interested, here is a map of the Woodside neighborhood in Queens:

And, as far as Newark Airport being "NY", the FAA classifies it as a NY airport. The author's argument is equivalent to arguing that, if you were bound for Cincinnati, Ohio, you couldn't fly in to Greater Cincinnati Airport because it's actually in Kentucky.


El_Fin 9 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-13-01, 04:01 PM (EST)
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14. "GOOD retort... So is the cat outta the bag?"

That author of that article was a wee bit too opinionated for my taste.

BUT, is the cat out of the bag now? Did they let the spoiler out so people will think that F&M actually win it or was it to make you think that, SO when in actuallity the lawyers sneak in and take the win?

Now Im not too sure.


Ruthless 281 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-13-01, 08:22 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: GOOD retort... So is the cat outta the bag?"
The network will use red herrings to put us off the scent. They release the tape (without the ending) which shows Frangarita have an enourmous advantage so therefore we think they win. But if this is a red herring, then Rob and Brennan win. We have assumed from the article that Frangarita are the winners, but because of all the misdirections all the way through the series, we know (or we think we know) it's not Frangarita, because it always ends up being someone else who is eliminated, not the one alluded to in the preview of next week's show. So Rob and Brennan win because of the huge hint that its Frangarita who win because of the "home town advantage". This is too confusing - how long till it's on and we are all put out of our misery?????

Butterfli1 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-13-01, 07:15 PM (EST)
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16. "May the best team win"
Whether or not there's an unfair advantage to be had is yet to be seen. As someone previously stated, Team Guido lived in Paris and were perhaps the most well traveled team amongst all of the contestants. If for some reason they pull from behind and win this thing would that be fair? I say why wouldn't it be? Certain teams have had certain "advantages" at various points throughout the game. Is language an advantage? Did Team Guido or Marguerite have a communication advantage because they could speak french? Is the fact that one of the Festers was an ex cop so he was familiar with 2-way radios an advantage? Or how about the fact that because they're larger in stature they should have certainly had a bigger time advantage in the eating contest. So was the eating contest set up to their advantage? Or were they set up to be disadvantaged at other points in the race because of their size..the canoe ride for instance among others. Strength, which both lawyers seem to have their fair share of can be seen as an advantage. My point is that at some point in time everyone had something working in their favor, but it's how you use the advantage that determines whether you succeed or fail. Think of the comment made by Team Guido in the airport (or was it the cruise?) when they communicated with the ticket agent on everyone's behalf. They said themselves that they could have totally taken advantage of that moment because noone else could speak the language, but they chose not to.

Right now everyone seems to be focusing on Frankerita's "advantage" saying that if they win, then the win itself will be tainted. I don't see how that can be said when so many things along the way favored various teams strengths or honed in on their weakness. Mistakes can happen and so-called advantages can turn into disadvantages at the drop of a dime, again we've seen it happen with Team Guido. So with that said and the race down to the 3 best teams overall why not just say "May the best team win" Whomever that team may be.


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-13-01, 04:04 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Article from the New York Post - SPOILERS"
Thanks Katem!! I will not be bitter - just disappointed and life will go on. You are right, I am looking forward to the next TAR. What's actually worse than FM coming in second is that there won't be a show next week.


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