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"The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 13 - "Play Loud Music So I Don't Fall Asleep""
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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-29-08, 08:42 AM (EST)
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"The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 13 - "Play Loud Music So I Don't Fall Asleep""
INTERVIEW: "The Amazing Race" College Friends Alex Vladikov and Elena Mendeleeva Talk

College friends Alex Vladikov and Elena Mendeleeva, the only two foreign-born players in this season of the Amazing Race, tried to wedge themselves into an alliance with another team in order to break the stranglehold that the Solid Gold teams had on the game. However, the other teams proved to be of little assistance, and on their own, they faltered.

Though it was close, the 24-year-old graduate student and 21-year-old exchange student from Knoxville, TN were the ninth team eliminated from this season of the Race. They became the first team not to join the others in the sequester location in Guam.

On Thursday, Alex and Elena talked to about their experience on the Race, their relationship status, breaking down when they heard about the suicide bomber, competing against Survivor contestants, and the strength of their competition. How were you cast for the Amazing Race?
Alex: I was originally trying out for Survivor. I made the callbacks and even reached the finals in Los Angeles for Survivor: Japan. I missed out, but then the Race got hold of my video and was interested.
Elena: At first, he was going to take his friend Red, which would have been hilarious.

RTVW: Why do you say that?
Elena: Red was dating me at the time, and it turns out he already knew {"Teacher and Former Student" Carrie Burnside and Dana Quinn.}
Alex: Red had Carrie in class and had dated Dana.

RTVW: I thought Dana was gay.
Alex: Apparently she is, but she didn't come out until college.
Elena: Even better, he used to date (Dana's girlfriend Natasha Gordeeva.) He almost fainted when the two of them started dating each other. So I flirt with his current girlfriend just to drive him crazy.

RTVW: Are you two dating?
Elena: Yes. I just playfully flirt with Red's girlfriend to get a rise out of him; I'm 100% straight.
Alex: We made it official when we were eliminated.

RTVW: Was your alliance with {"Ex-Girlfriends" Allison "Spike" Blades and Jennifer Ellsworth} real?
Elena: I had to ask them, and they said it was more a personal thing than strategic.
Alex: Jennifer saw us at threats, and she was actually planning to get us out along with {"Father and Son" Charlie and Derek Forrest.} She wanted to go to the end with Carrie and Dana.
Elena: And {"Dating Couple" Tina Cameron and Jim Nolan.}

RTVW: Other than Spike and Jennifer, did the Solid Gold alliance seem pretty tight?
Elena: At times, yes, and at other times, no. It really just depended.
Alex: I noticed that it seemed like the glue of that alliance was Carrie and Dana. They had deals with everyone, and they weren't ashamed of it.
Elena: Well, except us. We weren't biting, because they were keeping Charlie and Derek around longer than we had liked.

RTVW: I think I understand why you U-Turned Charlie and Derek. Why did it backfire?
Alex: We were in Japan, Derek's other homeland. He had advantages we didn't, and besides, he's a lot bigger and stronger than we are.
Elena: I found out later about Carrie's feud with Derek, and I kind of thought, maybe if we had picked up the pace a bit and Carrie had stuck with Derek, we might have made it.

RTVW: How do you figure? You were closest to Tina and Jim.
Alex: If Carrie and Dana had beaten {"Married Couple" Jeffrey and Bryan Masters} to the Pit Stop, then Jeffrey and Bryan would get a 30-minute penalty. Our margin of defeat was more than 30 minutes--
Elena: But maybe it wouldn't have been if they had to search for the letter instead of getting a lucky break.
Alex: I found out later that we lost out to them by 43 minutes. If it had just taken them 13 minutes to search for the letter, we would have stayed in the Race.

RTVW: Elena, what prompted you to call out Tina and Jim on the letter?
Elena: Desperation. I thought there was an outside shot they were lying, and I had seen two other teams pull out letters from that bag. I thought that bag was a gold mine.

RTVW: So how did you still fall behind?
Elena: I didn't check the bag immediately. The light bulb didn't go off in my head right away, so I was searching frantically in other bags before it hit me to look in that one.
Alex: I wouldn't have thought of it. I was getting nowhere.

RTVW: It seemed like you didn't butt heads too much with other teams - you were the team that put your heads down and ran the Race. Was that accurate?
Elena: That was more or less true. We didn't really offend anyone, and we just ran the Race. Even Jeffrey and Bryan didn't have a whole lot bad to say to us.

RTVW: What about lasting relationships? Were there any to speak of?
Alex: The main ones were Spike and Jennifer.
Elena: Also, we do talk to {"Hogettes" Reggie McGowan and Dan August.}

RTVW: When you got word of the suicide bombing, you got very emotional. This also happened when you got the letter from (Elena's cousin Svetlana.) Is that how you are?
Elena: It's hard to hide our emotions sometimes, and the stress of the Race really brought it out in us.
Alex: I'm not like that at home unless I just won the lottery or witnessed the death of a loved one. Usually, I'm too tired to be emotional.
Elena: Oh, stop, you big baby.

RTVW: Where did you guys go after being eliminated? We know most of the teams went to Guam.
Elena: We went to Maui, and when the last team showed up, we went to the final destination city.
Alex: I think I slept for about a day and a half when we landed in Maui. We were allowed to go shopping and see the island and everything, but I wasn't up for it.

RTVW: There are three legs remaining. At this point, do you have any predictions?
Elena: Charlie and Derek are going to be tough to beat. But if anyone does, I'm going with Spike and Jennifer. They're crafty.
Alex: And they're unstoppable. I think Spike had the medics called on her, what, three times? And she stayed in the Race? She's tough. I wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley.

RTVW: So what's next for you guys? Back to college?
Elena: Yes. I'm going for my MBA starting in January.
Alex: And I'm almost done with my Masters in Engineering.
Elena: We're also going to Key West for Spring Break. We need the vacation.

The Show Begins - air date 12/10/2008

The opening shot is of Hiroshima, Japan, the city is full of people, and the backdrop is of the Hiroshima Castle.

Phil (voice-over): Previously on the Amazing Race...six teams left Hiroshima for Sapporo on the norternmost island of Japan. Jeffrey and Bryan were at a disadvantage of over four-and-a-half hours.

Bryan: Fly to Sapporo, Japan and find--perfect. We're still in Japan. I guess we'll have to play dirty.

Phil (voice-over): Alex and Elena used their position and U-Turned what they saw as the best team remaining.

Elena: We choose to U-Turn Charlie and Derek.

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Elena: We U-Turned Charlie and Derek because we had to. If we didn't use the U-Turn, someone would have used it on us. So we decided, let's U-Turn the strongest team here and hopefully at least throw them off.

Phil (voice-over): Upon landing in Sapporo, Derek and Carrie had it out.

Derek: Look, do you want to follow us to the park and find the snow castle or whatever the hell it is?

Carrie (angry): You know what? F--- you!

Derek (shouting): Why? Because I don't feel like screwing around with you today?

Carrie (shouting back): Is that what this is about?

Derek: I don't know; is it?

Carrie: You'll have to tell me! I've had it with your little charade of acting like you're into me and then telling me you're loyal to your damn girlfriend!

Phil (voice-over): At the Roadblock, some teams struggled with directions.

Elena: I have to be in the right spot.

(confessional) Elena: I was in the right spot. But my eyes are nowhere near as good as I think they are, I guess.

Phil (voice-over): While Dana struggled to keep her breath.

Tina: Are you all right?

Dana (gasping for air): Yeah.

Tina: Take it easy, girl.

Dana: I'm fine.

Tina: No, you're not. Take a break. Please.

Dana: Let's just go on.

(confessional) Dana: I felt my airway constricting for reasons I didn't understand. I'm not an asthmatic and I've never smoked, so I don't know what it is other than my weight.

Phil (voice-over): Upon arriving in Wakkanai, the northernmost town in Japan, Charlie and Derek planned to be U-Turned.

Derek: We're probably doing both. Let's do Chutes first.

Charlie: Good call.

Phil (voice-over): Derek enjoyed the sled ride.

Derek (shouting): Yeeeeeeee-haw!

Charlie (mumbling): Damn kid of mine.

Phil (voice-over): While the only other team to take the sled ride was Spike and Jennifer, and they immediately regretted it.

Jennifer: Oh, that's right; you smoke like a damn chimney.

Spike is gasping for air and bending over out of breath.

(confessional) Spike: And when I could think, I was thinking, "If I can just get through this, I promise I'll never smoke again."

Phil (voice-over): Spike had to have the medics called.

Jennifer: Toughen up, Spike. It's all on you.

Spike raises her index finger as if she's choking.

Spike falls over forward, as if she's collapsing from exhaustion.

Jennifer: Oh my God, Spike! Are you OK?

Spike is unresponsive.

Jennifer: Medic! We have a woman down!

Jennifer tries to shake Spike to wake her up.

Phil (voice-over): Derek tried to make up with a disinterested Carrie.

Carrie: I hope we're not U-Turned.

Derek: Don't sweat it; Tennessee U-Turned us.

Carrie: Good to know.

Derek: And also, I'm sorry I got you so upset earlier.

Carrie: Also good to know.

(confessional) Derek: I tried. But I guess she didn't want to be happy with me this leg. I couldn't let it bother me, so I didn't.

Phil (voice-over): But, despite the bickering with Carrie and Dana, and despite being U-Turned, Charlie and Derek arrived first.

Phil (to Charlie and Derek): You're team number ONE!

Phil (voice-over): Jeffrey and Bryan's comeback was complete when they edged out Carrie and Dana for second place.

Cut to Jeffrey and Bryan arriving at the Pit Stop shortly before Carrie and Dana.

Phil (voice-over): But the barbs continued between the two rival teams when Bryan discarded his letter from home.

Phil: Care to read it here?

Bryan: Can't. Left it at the Monument.

Carrie: Are you always this much of a bastard?

Bryan: Listen to me. What I look for in my letter is none of your business.

Carrie: Really. So your kids write you and it's not important, but your manager writes you and it is?

Bryan: If that's what I say, then what the hell do you have to argue with?

Carrie: I've waited this entire time for any word from my boyfriend. All you give a s--- about is work.

Phil (voice-over): And Jeffrey joined the fray on her husband's side.

Carrie: And what if she wanted to read it? Or maybe neither of you gives a s---. I feel bad for your kids.

Jeffrey: I don't have to take abuse from a stuck-up n--

Carrie (sharply): I clocked your husband with no effort. Finish that word and you'll wake up with a massive headache and half your teeth.

Phil (voice-over): And when Spike and Jennifer arrived, the medics were called into action again.

Phil: Is she OK? Do we need a medic again?

Jennifer (frantic): Get her some oxygen!

Phil (voice-over): Tina and Jim got a letter for their last remaining opponent, but they shrewdly lied about whose names were on it.

Jim (softly to Tina): Whose letter is that?

Tina looks at it; the letter says "ALEX AND ELENA" on it.

Tina: Spike and Jennifer's.

(confessional) Tina: We had to stay in the Race, and if it meant screwing over Tennessee, then it meant screwing over Tennessee. I said that the letter belonged to the Goths so Tennessee wouldn't overhear me.

Phil (voice-over): Alex and Elena discovered the lie.

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Elena: For some reason, I felt compelled to search that bag that Tina left, and I was right. That letter Tina said was for the Goths? That was for us.

Alex: I don't blame the girl, but her game move cost her. We outsmarted her, and we had time to catch up.

Phil (voice-over): But they didn't have time to catch up, and their game was cut short.

Phil: I'm sorry to tell you that you have been eliminated from the Race.

Phil (voice-over): Five teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?

The opening credits begin to roll. At first, a Mercator projection of the world in black, green, and yellow, with the Amazing Race logo superimposed over it cuts to a view of an airplane flying above a layer of clouds. The phrase "14 teams of 2" appears on screen. The first team shown on screen is Leilani and Kea against an island backdrop. The credits continue to Carrie and Dana outside a college building, Hayley and Alexis in front of a row of prison cells, Reggie and Dan outside FedEx Field, Bobby and Caroline in front of their Colorado home, Ray and Jamal in front of a panoramic shot of the Gulf of Mexico, Tina and Jim on a football field sideline with a medical pod in the backdrop, Debra and Bob on a hilly road with their bikes, Alex and Elena on a college green, Jeffrey and Bryan in front of a construction site, Spike and Jennifer outside Seattle's City Hall, and Steve and Darius on a chicken ranch. In this ending, Eric and Jessica appear outside Jessica's home in Kansas, and Charlie and Derek appear on a hockey rink.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-29-08, 08:44 AM (EST)
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1. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 13 - "Play Loud Music So I Don't Fall Asleep""
Blog Entry, 12/4/2008
Authored by: Vladimir Ivanov, iswearimnotacommunist

Well, I guess this leg just wasn't the leg for my team, and I guess that ten grand was meant for someone else. My #1 is gone, and a team I had going out early is still in it. Ordinarily, if there were only a few players, that would be great, but given the thousands of people who signed up, it's disastrous - I still had a prayer of eking out a win if other players' lists didn't hold up, but a few people still have perfect lists.

Another thing - I don't understand why Alex and Elena couldn't have been upfront around here about their relationship status. Yes, we get it; they're dating, and they're acting like goofy school kids about it. It was my idea, you least when I borrowed it from Elena's cousin, whom I've never met. I was at a conference when she came to Tennessee for a week. She actually told them they should date...and neither one took her seriously, since they were both in relationships. Elena was with Red t the time, and this was before he nearly tore his hair out over the fact that his two exes from high school were dating each other. How do you get much more unlucky than both your high school girlfriends turning gay?

I really don't have much of a vested interest in the Race anymore, and I'll probably ignore it until finale night, given that I'm scared to death it will turn out like season three. Seriously - give me anything but a win by Jeffrey and Bryan. Anything. The other four teams are at least compelling. I'll be happy with a victorious Tina and Jim, even if they're somewhat grumpy, abrasive, and hard to understand. I can think of a reason why any of the four teams that are not jerks would be a great win.

When Flo and Zach won, at least we could all agree that Zach earned it. The man's patience made Job look like that asshole at a steakhouse who keeps returning his steak because it's not "medium rare." Aside from that, he ran a hell of a race himself, and with any other partner, including a corpse, he probably still would have won. But in that situation, Flo was making up hope and pray for even the whiny Teri and obnoxious, nicotine-withdrawn Ian to pull it out. This season? We're looking at a team with fewer redeeming qualities than most tin pot dictators - hey, at least Castro fields a good baseball team - and four teams who have been through a lot of crap in their lives. It's like reaching in a bag of five marbles - draw any color but blue, and you get a new car. Draw blue, and you get thrown down the stairs of the Empire State Building until you die.

I just hope they're not all blue marbles. Come on, everyone not named Jeffrey and Bryan.

Back from commercial.

Cut to an overview of Wakkanai, Japan; the introductory shot is of a somewhat barren area along with Cape Soya, which overlooks a vast ocean.

Phil (voice-over): Wakkanai, Japan. The northernmost point in Japan and hot spot for winter tourism is the twelfth Pit Stop in a race around the world.

Cut to the arrivals of Charlie and Derek, Tina and Jim, and Alex and Elena.

Phil (voice-over): Teams arrived here for a mandatory rest period. They have no idea what's in store for them. Will Jeffrey and Bryan hang on as the last surviving team not in the Solid Gold alliance, or, with no second chances remaining, will they be buried under the weight of four other teams? Charlie and Derek, who were the first to arrive at 4:07 pm...

Cut to Charlie and Derek's departure.

Phil (voice-over): ...will depart at 4:07 am.

Derek: Fly to Melbourne, Australia--

Cut to Phil standing in front of the Shrine of Remembrance is Melbourne, Australia.

Phil: Team must drive back to Sapporo and fly over 5,600 miles to Melbourne, Australia. Once here, they must find the Shrine of Remembrance, a monument to the Australian soldiers who served in World War I, where they will find their next clue.

Cut to Charlie and Derek.

Derek: You have $40 for this leg of the Race.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: When it comes to money, we have an advantage because we've lived on a shoestring budget for years. We don't need a whole lot, and we have the $500 bonus for the Loan Shark.

Derek: The $500 isn't worth being almost killed, but it helps.

Cut to Jeffrey and Bryan, second to depart at 4:22 am.

Bryan: Fly to Melbourne, Australia and find the Shrine of Remembrance. Shouldn't be too difficult; we're in an English-speaking country. Of course, we're the last team that's not Solid Gold.

Jeffrey: Or what's left of it.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Jeffrey: It was frustrating being in a lot of countries where people don't speak English, especially when another team speaks the local languages.

Bryan: Other teams' advantage is gone now. It's our time. To hell with Solid Gold.

Cut to Carrie and Dana, third to depart at 4:23 am.

Dana: Fly to Melbourne, Australia and find the Shrine of Remembrance.

Carrie: At least they speak English there.

Dana: If I can understand the way they talk.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: I made the mistake last time of letting Derek get under my skin. With his help, we might have buried Ohio.

Dana: It's OK. They're going soon.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, fourth to depart at 4:27 am.

Jennifer: Fly to Melbourne, Australia and find the Shrine of Remembrance.

Spike: So wait. Is it winter there?

Jennifer: Yes.

Spike: So will we need a winter coat?

Jennifer: I don't know.

(confessional) Spike: I've never left Seattle before this trip, and this is my seventh continent in just a few weeks. I don't know what the hell's going on anymore.

Cut to Tina and Jim, last to depart at 5:01 am.

Jim: Fly to Melbourne, Australia and find the Shrine of Remembrance.

Tina: How's your knee?

Jim: It's OK for now.

(confessional) Jim: I haven't had a lot of knee problems lately. I'll need it repaired after the Race, but if it can get me to the Finish Line, I'll be happy.

Cut to New Chitose International Airport; Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, are looking for tickets.

Charlie: We need tickets to Melbourne, Australia. Whatever you have that gets us there quickly.

Agent: The fastest route we have goes through Tokyo and Singapore. You leave at 7:50 today and get into Melbourne at 6:10 am tomorrow.

Charlie: We'll take two.

Agent: There is lots of room.

Derek (under his breath): Great. Just what we needed.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Derek: So we're on our way through two other cities on an overnight flight to Australia, and we're stuck on the plane with the two biggest assh---- in Race history. And if that isn't bad enough, I might actually have to talk to Carrie instead of avoiding her.

Charlie: Chill out, Derek. Just sleep the whole way there.

Derek: I've been having nightmares.

Charlie puts his hand on Derek's shoulder.

Charlie: Is there anything I or anyone can do?

Derek: Yeah, play loud music so I don't fall asleep.

Cut to inside the plane; all five teams are shown individually in different parts of the plane, with Tina and Jim near the back and Charlie and Derek alone near the front.

Cut to a Mercator projection of the world; the cities of Sapporo, Tokyo, Singapore, and Melbourne are highlighted.

Phil (voice-over): All teams are now on their way to Melbourne via Tokyo and Singapore.

Cut to Melbourne Airport; Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, are out of the airport first and quick to find a cab. They fly into the cab, with Charlie almost hitting Derek in the face with his backpack.

Charlie: Shrine of Remembrance, and step on it.

The cab driver jackrabbit-starts his way out of the lot and drives quickly.

Charlie (to Derek): This guy drives like you.

Cut to Jeffrey and Bryan, currently in second place, also hailing a cab. Bryan throws both backpacks into the side of the cab, and when the driver turns around, he gives a dirty look.

Bryan: Get us to the Shrine of Remembrance.

Driver (in a thick Australian accent): Why the hell are you being so rough on my cab?

Bryan: Drive already!

Driver: You know what? I don't think so. I'm not moving until you get the hell out.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Bryan: I got this guy who wouldn't drive us! It was like he didn't want our money!

Jeffrey: Just because we got in his cab a little fast, too. We didn't even cause any damage; it wasn't like we broke a window.

Cut to the cab; Carrie and Dana get into the cab more gently and place their bags in the trunk.

Driver: Where to, ladies?

Dana: Shrine of Remembrance, and there's a nice tip in here if you keep us going.

Driver: That's a hell of a lot better offer than I got from the last guy.

Carrie: That cheap bastard?

Driver: You know him?

Dana: We're in a race.

Driver: Really.

Dana: That's the team we all want to beat.

Carrie: Literally, sometimes.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: So the whole way to the Shrine of Remembrance, we're in a bitch-fest about Jeffrey and Bryan with the cab driver. It was kind of cool, really.

Dana: At least someone else knows what a jerk Bryan is.

Carrie: Doesn't take much.

Cut to the airport; Spike and Jennifer, currently in third place, steal a cab from under Bryan's nose; a frustrated Jeffrey is frantically searching for an empty cab.

Jeffrey: It's like finding a damn parking space at Christmas!

Bryan: We'll get something.

A cab pulls up; however, out of Bryan's peripheral vision come Tina and Jim, currently in last place. Bryan and Tina are at roughly an equal distance from the cab.

Bryan: It's a good day to die, half-breed.

Tina: Go to hell, rich bastard.

Both Tina and Bryan take off running for the cab in a sprint.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-29-08, 08:48 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Colonel%20Zoidberg Click to send private message to Colonel%20Zoidberg Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 13 - "Play Loud Music So I Don't Fall Asleep""
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-08 AT 08:50 AM (EST)

Chat session, taken around 8:30 pm 12/7/2008
Chat room: Main

maizeandblueblades: Ladies and gentlemen, I have heard it...the most horrific sound in the if a million Wolverines fans cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

goblue2008: D00d, you're about two weeks late, the disaster at Ohio Stadium was before Thanksgiving.

maizeandblueblades: I'm not talking about that. Yes, we all know Tressel hung 41 on our football team without even trying, and we all know the Wolverines aren't going to a bowl game for the first time in forever. But this weekend was worse.

bigblueonice: He means the hockey team. Most unbeaten teams don't go into a weekend series against Ohio State and lose two blowouts.

buckeyefan: Wooooooooooo! Mechegan suxorz!

bigblueonice: Learn to spell, troll. And learn to eat crow when Forrest gets you back in January.

maizeandblueblades: Forrest played like hell all weekend. And I'll tell you why.

buckeyefan: Ill tel u y. Cuz he SUX!!!!!!!!!!! SUX! SUX! FOREST SUX!

maizeandblueblades: Forrest just found out on Thursday his beloved girlfriend cheated on him, and he's completely inconsolable.


goblue2008: It's "F O R R E S T". With two Rs.

buckeyefan: I know how to spell, asshole!

maizenadblueblades: Then spell already.

osu4life2180: Yeah, I'll say this much. Forrest looked flat all game. And I love how OSU's goalie drove him nuts the whole time.

maizeandblueblades: Pat King may be a great goalie, but he's the most obnoxious person I've ever met.

buckeyefan: When did you ever meet Pat King?

maizeandblueblades: I just played against him, dummy. This is Rob Howard, Forrest's line mate and best friend. And normally, I'd be glad he left that girl, but not if it means he plays like a damn amateur.

goblue2008: You're all amateurs.

maizeandblueblades: Yeah, but we don't have to flaunt it.

osu4life2180: The Buckeyes might actually contend this season if you losers can't get your act together and the Spartans fall apart.

bigblueonice: So what the hell happened with Forrest and his girl? Isn't he dating that girl who was in the Olympics?

maizeandblueblades: Survivor. Danni from Survivor.

bigblueonice: What the hell makes you think I watch that show?

osu4life2180: Because everyone in America did? The finale had over fifty million viewers, and Danni professed her love for him right there on stage.

bigblueonice: So why are we even commenting on some reality show here?

osu4life2180: Because Forrest and his daddy are on one now. Don't you watch TV?

bigblueonice: Look up this thing called "conversation" and discover the lost art. You won't even need TV.

osu4life2180: OK, for the rest of us who don't live in a cave and actually watch TV, which should be everyone, Forrest broke up with his hot girlfriend and is all upset, so he plays like crap.

maizeandblueblades: I tried to tell him he should date Carrie, but he didn't listen. Damn, I can't wait for her to visit.

goblue2008: Wait, when is Carrie coming to town?

maizeandblueblades: Next weekend. Maybe with her help, we can beat Miami.

goblue2008: Does anyone else find it disconcerting that Miami of Ohio is the alma mater of Jeffrey and Bryan?

maizeandblueblades: And Forrest kicked their asses all over town. What's your point?

goblue2008: So why are they all over Ohio State? Although I read in the Columbus Dispatch where "Anonymous" called for the university to fire Jim Tressel and ban him from the campus for life if he didn't win the Rose Bowl. What, going 11-1 and beating Michigan by 38 isn't enough, jerk?

bigblueonice: That loss to USC still stings.

osu4life2180: And of course, another Race team is from USC.

goblue2008: Yeah, but they're still in it. It's like one big college rivalry in the final four.

osu4life2180: And for once, we don't have to listen to everyone talk about how great the SEC is. Both SEC teams crapped out already.

goblue2008: Make that "all three SEC teams." I don't think you're counting BMX from all two legs that they were in.

osu4life2180: And we won't get any Pac-10 fans in here, since the Pac-10 teams don't believe in hockey.

maizeandblueblades: We don't play in the Big Ten, people. Don't get me wrong; we still hate the Buckeyes, Spartans, and Fighting Irish in that order, and we save our leftover hate for the RedHawks, but there's no Big Ten in hockey.

osu4life2180: OK, Howard; we get it. Stop arguing semantics already.


osu4life2180: Stop making us OSU fans look bad. We already look stupid enough after losing two national titles and being associated with Jackass and Bastard on the Race. And no, Michigan; you didn't come up with those nicknames - Columbus hates them as much as the rest of the country.

maizeandblueblades: I want nekkid pics of Carrie, but I don't go around advertising it to everyone. Wait, I just did.

osu4life2180: I'd wish the Michigan team luck, but I honestly hope they lose every game from here on out.

maizeandblueblades: And mess up my chance at the pros? I don't think so.

buckeyefan: Look, I'm out of here. You guys are all lame.

maizeandblueblades: Have fun. And remember that your beloved Dana likes girls.

buckeyefan: I am a girl.

osu4life2180: Sure you are.

Blog Entry, 12/11/2008
Authored by: Ron "Blazer" Macklin, punkrockliveshere

So Spike came in to help out two days ago, and let's just say the place isn't exactly jumping on a Tuesday afternoon. I usually run the place myself from when we open until Happy Hour, and then I go take a break after that. So imagine my surprise when a customer comes in, especially one dressed in a white suit with a cross around his neck carrying a Bible. Oh jeez, I figure.

It turns out "jeez" wasn't a strong enough word, and it definitely wasn't the one I was really thinking. The conversation went a little like this, and remember, it's between Spike, who's tending bar, and this nut job, who's not exactly looking like a prime customer.

Spike: What can I get you?
Fundie: I'll just have mineral water.
Spike: We don't serve it. I can get you ice water, soda, or a bottled drink. (We have a few non-alcoholic drinks, but it's mostly energy drinks. The fundie took a Diet Coke.)
Fundie: I think it's a real shame about you.
Spike: Why would you say that? I'm just here helping out.
Fundie: I saw the show. I think it's sad that you don't believe in God.
Spike: Well, why the hell should I?
Fundie: Because God believes in you. Let me tell you all about the miracles of Jesus Christ.
Spike: Let me tell you all about the miracles of punk rock, then.
Fundie: Rock is the Devil's music.
Spike: Then color me Satanic.
Fundie: Here, come to my church this Sunday and I'll be happy to help show you the ways of Christ.
Spike: I have a better idea.
Fundie: Take this. It has our address.
(At this point, Spike takes the flyer, wads it up, and shoots a perfect shot into the trash can ten feet away.)
Fundie: Now did I do anything like that to your bar?
Spike: Did you just come here to convert me, or do you want some food or something?
Fundie: I go where Jesus takes me.
Spike: Did Jesus take you to the scene of my father's murder eighteen years ago? Why the hell should I believe in a God that decided that an eight-year-old girl should watch her father being pistol-whipped and stabbed to death?
(At this point, the fundie swallowed pretty hard and started stammering.)
Fundie: Well, you see, it's all part of God's plan, and it made you--
Spike: What kind of sick son-of-a-bitch is God, anyway? Tell me that, will you? What kind of God tells children that they have to live with something like that?
Fundie: Well, you see, it made you a stronger person who was able to hear the truth of Jesus--
(And at this point, Spike lost it.)
Spike: Tell Jesus to take his truth and shove it up his ass! I heard nothing but Jesus mumbo-jumbo my entire life growing up, and the only thing that ever made a damn ounce of sense to me was the idea that God doesn't exist! And even if there is a God, I'm sure he'd cut me some slack on the whole not believing in Him thing! You really are a massive bonehead if you think you can walk into a bar like this and preach the Gospel and expect people to just convert in the blink of an eye! You're an even bigger idiot that that asshole that came in here and cheered on those two jerks that almost killed me!
Fundie: Look, you may not like those two, but they're the closest ones to being redeemed--
(At this point, Spike completely went off.)
Spike: You really are a complete idiot. Do you know anything besides your precious Bible? What the hell does it say about all the crap people pull in their lives? Why the hell don't you take your nose out of the Bible, which is older than dirt, and bury it in a newspaper and find out just what the hell's going on in the world? There's plenty of reason not to believe that God takes care of us, and unless He's a total asshole like you, there's no way in hell he's involved in my everyday life! So stop pretending that this Jesus business is for everyone and get the hell on! You religious bastards are all the same. You judge people before you even know anything about them, and you pigeonhole anyone who doesn't believe what you want them to into the same category! I've dealt with people like you, and just accepting Jesus isn't good enough!
(By this point, the fundie is stammering and trying to get in a word edgewise.)
Fundie: Well, now, I didn't judge you before knowing anything about you.
Spike: OK, I'll try you. What's my real first name, if you know me so well?
(The fundie seems to take about eight seconds to provide an answer, gulping once and wringing his hands.)
Fundie: Jennifer.
Spike: Wrong, bitch. That's my Race partner's name. It's Allison. If you watched the show and paid any attention to any team besides the ones whose asses you've inserted your head into, you might have gotten that one.
Fundie: Sorry, I mean. Errant guess. Please come to my church. You'll like it. Jesus will turn you away from drugs and drinking and this bar and--
(If Spike wasn't upset before, she was at this point.)
Spike: Never talk bad about this bar again! This bar was my only home for five damn years! I lived under a bridge when I had your damn Jesus power, and now look at me! Did you even listen to a word I said? No! Because you're so wrapped up in your one-size-fits-all crap religion that you can't even see that maybe I picked something else to get my life back on track! Look at all this! Did you ever consider that maybe music can do more for me than Jesus? Did you ever think about that? No! And do you know why? Because you're an idiot. You're a self-absorbed idiot who can't conceive of being wrong.
Fundie: Music fades. Jesus is forever. You'll always have Jesus even when you're too old to--
Spike: You don't listen to a damn word I say, do you? All you hear is "blah blah blah" because it doesn't line up with your idiotic beliefs. Let's see how well you listened to this conversation. How did my father die?
(I listened for about fifteen seconds while the fundie tried to come up with an answer, and I think I might have heard the words "heart attack" in there. Wrong again, jerk.)
Spike: That does it. You haven't listened to a damn word I said. Conversation's a two-way street, and you hogged the road with that gas-sucking SUV you call a religion. Now get the hell out of here. Your Diet Coke's on the house. Get out. And for the record, my father was murdered. You might know that if you had an interest in anything other than converting me.
(All of a sudden, the fundie grows a backbone.)
Fundie: I'm not leaving. I have a right to be here.
Spike: Like hell you do. This is a private establishment. Get the hell out.
Fundie: You don't have the right to throw me out. I demand to speak to the manager.
Spike: Well, your precious God granted that wish before you even made it! You're looking right at the manager, and she says to get out! I'm so sorry if you're used to women being slaves in your world, but around here, I'm no one's slave.
Fundie: Fine! Then I'm going over your head. Get me the owner.
Spike: Fine, but it won't do you a damn bit of good.
(At this point, I hear Spike call for me, but I'm already on the way out.)
Me: What seems to be the problem?
Fundie: I was just having an innocent conversation with this woman, and she threw me out of the bar! I demand that you fire her and serve me!
Me: No one makes demands like that. This is my bar, and I make the rules. And my rule is for you to get the hell out for treating my manager the way you just did.
Fundie: But I just told you--
Me: Do you really think I didn't hear every word of the conversation? I said get out, and that's what I meant. Now leave or I'll kick your ass out myself! And by the way, I don't believe in God either!
(By this point, the fundie has given up.)
Fundie: Fine, I'll leave. But I'll be back with more people, and we'll boycott your bar until you convert!
Spike: That's hilarious. You really think a bunch of punk rockers listen to people like you. Come back when you lose the attitude, and try a breath mint! And don't come back tonight; I have plans. I'm going home to have a few beers and have sex with my girlfriend! That's right, asshole! I'm a lesbian, too! What the hell do you want to do about it? Think about that little tidbit on your way out!
(By this point, the fundie has left, and Spike and I are laughing our heads off.)

From that point, she kissed me on the cheek and told me "You're the best." We got another customer about 20 minutes later who was a lot more fun than that joker, although I couldn't shake the feeling that he was flirting with either Spike or me...either way, thanks but no thanks.

We do have a few religious people here; my two assistant managers are devout Christians, and even they thought this guy was a jackass. Of course, their relationship with my atheism boils down to, "If you ever change your mind, come talk to me," and leaving it at that. I haven't changed my mind, and they're still all right with me.

I do think it's pretty funny that Spike's gotten a lot of mail over her announcement that she doesn't believe in God. She counted the Bibles (up to 26 at last count, most of which are King James paperbacks,) the letters (she counts 278, most of which "politely" tell her she should believe in God,) and even a copy of the Qu'ran (which is in Arabic, by the way, and has no English translation. Next time, send an Arabic to English dictionary with that.) She showed me some of the more interesting ones - including the one that said that, if she didn't convert to Christianity, Jeffrey and Bryan were going to kill her in the next episode. Apparently she's never heard of pre-recorded broadcast, although at least she was nice enough to clarify that she hated Jeffrey and Bryan and was actually a fan of Charlie and Derek. Gee whiz, who isn't?

She went on to say that she was sending a copy of the letter to Derek, who had questioned God previously. I'll be sending her a book - of hobbies. I suggest she take one up.

Back from commercial.

Bryan: It's a good day to die, half-breed.

Tina: Go to hell, rich bastard.

Both Tina and Bryan take off running for the cab in a sprint.

Jim hobbles to the cab, carrying his backpack; Jeffrey frantically looks among the other possibilities for a cab.

Tina and Bryan reach the cab at about the same time.

Bryan stops suddenly while Tina heads for the back door of the cab, but as she does, she trips and falls forward.

Bryan leaps over her and into the cab. He rolls down his window and looks out.

Bryan: Tough luck, bitch.

Tina: F--- you.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Jim: I saw everything. Bryan obviously tripped Tina on purpose, but as usual, he got away with it. They ruled it another accident. F------ jerks.

Tina: It's just f------ frustrating dealing with that man. He cheats constantly, he has no regard for human life, and he's a lousy sport. It's like playing against the New England Patriots. He won't die.

Cut to the Shrine of Remembrance; Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, are arriving. The clue is outside the front door.

Derek: Travel to the National Gallery of Victoria--

Cut to Phil at the National Gallery of Victoria, which is adorned with artwork.

Phil: Teams must now travel to the National Gallery of Victoria, a cultural center of Melbourne. At the entrance, they will receive their next clue.

Cut to Charlie and Derek.

Derek: I wonder what we'll be doing there.

Charlie: I hope it's a shooting gallery.

Derek: I know only one kind of shot, and the shot you're thinking of, the girls could kick my ass at.

Charlie and Derek pile back in the cab, still talking.

Charlie: Really? That little blonde can shoot?

Derek: I don't know about her, but Carrie can knock a Coke can off a fence from half a mile away.

Charlie: Damn. No wonder you're into her.

Derek: Dad, I'm not--

Charlie: I didn't mean anything by that. But come on. There's obviously a lot of attraction.

(confessional) Derek: OK, so there's a lot of attraction between me and Carrie, and it's mutual. There, I said what everyone else already knows. Derek Forrest, I dub three Sir Obvious.

Cut to Carrie and Dana, currently in second place. Dana grabs the clue at the Shrine.

Dana: Travel to the National Gallery of Victoria. Is this more art stuff?

Carrie: You better hope not if you want to beat the Goths.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, currently in third place, arriving at the Shrine.

Spike: Travel to the National Gallery of--ooh, I hope it's painting.

Jennifer: Good. Go nuts. Paint the damn Mona Lisa, I'm going to go have a beer.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Jennifer: I'm thankful that Spike's an artist. There, I said it. Spike, you're a great artist, and I think you're wonderful. I bow before thee.

Spike: You can keep up the groveling for as long as you like, hot lips.

Cut to Jeffrey and Bryan at the Shrine. Bryan grabs the clue.

Bryan: Travel to the National Gallery of Victoria. Damnit, we're not passing the f------ Goths this time.

Jeffrey: We can still stay ahead of those punk-asses at the airport.

Bryan: Good point.

Following on their heels are Tina and Jim, currently in last place, Tina has shaken off her fall and grabs the clue.

Tina: Travel to the National Gallery of Victoria.

Jim: Does it say we can kill another team of our choice?

Tina: I wish.

Jim: Well, if it does, there they are.

Tina: I'll give our driver an extra ten to beat them to the Gallery.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Jim: One disadvantage that the assh--- team has that we don't is money. We survived the suicide bombing, and they were pansies and took the Fast Forward. We earned our spot in the game.

Tina: And the only way they can beat us is to cheat because they have no real talent.

Cut to the National Gallery of Victoria; Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, arrive, and Charlie grabs the clue.

Charlie: Detour. Pots or Pieces?

Cut to Phil at the Gallery; he is outside, where people are sculpting and painting.

Phil: In this Detour, teams must choose between two forms of art that are prominently displayed here in the gallery. Their choices? Pots or Pieces.

Cut to a person sculpting a clay pot.

Phil: In Pots, teams must construct a replica of a Greek pot out of clay and prepare it to be fired. When the instructor approves their work, she will hand them their next clue.

Cut to a person constructing a portrait out of colored glass.

Phil: In Pieces, teams must make a replica of Pablo Picasso's Weeping Woman; however, unlike this picture, they will instead be using standard puzzle pieces. Once the puzzle is complete, they will receive their next clue. The puzzle has over a thousand pieces, including a hundred that don't fit anywhere, but those who are not skilled with their hands may finish more quickly.

Cut to Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: Pots?

Derek: I f------ suck at both, so whatever.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Derek: I can't do artsy stuff, especially pottery, and I could never do puzzles. I knew I was screwed here, but I didn't know how screwed.

Charlie: I do puzzles, but they're usually of the crossword variety, so I decided Pots was a better choice.

Cut to Carrie and Dana, currently in second place, arriving at the Gallery.

Carrie: Detour. Pots or Pieces?

Dana: Pots looks good. Let's do that.

Carrie: I hope you know what you're doing.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: One of my best friends teaches art and is really into pottery, but I wanted to let Dana pick in case she was completely inept with her hands.

Dana: And here I was thinking I was the artsy one.

Carrie: How long have we been friends?

Dana: Since you stopped driving me crazy at school.

Cut to Pots; Charlie and Derek are working with a lathe trying to make a pot while Carrie and Dana take a seat near them.

Carrie (with a wide smile): Hey, boys.

Derek doesn't even look up.

Charlie: Hey, ladies. Joining us for a messy morning?

Derek: Please don't take my silence as ignoring you two. I'm trying to concentrate.

Carrie: You don't do this much at home, do you?

Derek: If that means never, then yes.

Carrie: OK, look. Watch me.

Carrie starts to spin her pot on the lathe; she sculpts it into a vase-like shape easily with her hands, even making the top look much like the picture.

Derek: How did you get so good?

Carrie: Dana, see what you can do with that. I'll go help these guys.

Carrie stands behind Derek and extends her hands.

Carrie: I bet you never thought you might need our help, did you?

Derek: Look, I thought we were--

Carrie (sharply): I'm over it. You need to be, too. Now put your hands here.

Derek places his hands on the spots Carrie points to.

Carrie: Now just gently push in.

Derek: Like this?

Carrie: Good, good. Now use your thumbs up here.

Derek pushes in his thumbs, but he goes too far and the top is ruined.

Derek: Damnit.

Carrie: Relax; it happens.

Derek: It's not happening to her.

Dana appears to be sculpting perfectly; the vase is ready to stand on end.

Derek starts again while Charlie watches; Carrie puts her hands on Derek's.

Derek: I don't know if I can do this.

Carrie: You'll get it.

Derek: My thumbs are a little too twitchy for something like--

Carrie (sharply): I don't want to hear it.

Derek: I think maybe I should just give up and try--

Carrie grabs Derek by the shirt collar.

Carrie (sternly): Shut your mouth, listen, and do what I tell you.

Derek (stammering): I-I'm just having trouble--

Carrie (forcefully): Do you want to listen to me or not? Because right now, you're acting like a whiny little bitch that I might need to take out back and--

Charlie (interrupting): OK, let's not go there.

Derek: Actually, let's definitely go there.

Carrie: Then get to work on that pot. I'll be over here looking at Dana's work.

Carrie walks over to Dana's pot and inspects it, nodding as she puts on the handles.

Charlie, at this point, is using his thumbs to sculpt the rim of the vase.

(confessional) Derek: The sparks are back between me and Carrie. I'm very attracted to a take-charge woman, and Carrie definitely has that trait, and she showed it off at the gallery.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, currently in third place, arriving at the Gallery.

Spike: Detour. Pots or Pieces?

Jennifer: You can do Pots, right?

Spike: I hope.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: Sculpting is not my strength at all. I'm a painter. I draw. I can even do origami. Sculpting is not a forte for a caffeine addict.

Jennifer: I'm no help, either. I might be good with my hands, but not like that.

Cut to Pots; Carrie and Dana are presenting their pot for inspection as Charlie and Derek's starts to take shape. Spike and Jennifer sit down and start to work.

The instructor hands Dana the clue; the two still have clay on their hands.

Dana: Travel to SkyHigh Mount Dandenong--

Cut to Phil at the restaurant SkyHigh Mount Dandenong.

Phil: Teams must travel to this restaurant called SkyHigh Mount Dandenong, which is located at the peak of Mount Dandenong, where they will receive their next clue.

Cut to Carrie and Dana.

Dana: Don't tell me we have to climb a mountain.

Carrie: I'm with you.

Cut to outside the gallery; neck and neck, Jeffrey and Bryan arrive with Tina and Jim.

Bryan: Detour. Pots or Pieces?

Tina: Pots or Pieces?

Jeffrey: I'm not getting my hands dirty.

Jim: My hands are useless.

Bryan: We're doing Pieces then?

Tina: Let's do Pieces.

Cut to Pots; Spike is trying to sculpt the rim of the vase and Jennifer the base.

Jennifer pushes in too much, and the vase collapses.

Jennifer: Damnit. We have to start over.

Spike: Will you just let me do it?

Jennifer: I thought we were a team.

Spike: We are, but I'm better at this. Just hang back.

Jennifer: I'm going to help you.

Spike: I don't need your help.

Jennifer: I thought you couldn't sculpt.

Spike: I'm a hell of a lot better at it than you. Look, even Derek can do it better than you, and his hands are huge.

Jennifer: Fine. Do it your f------ self.

Spike: Good. I will.

Jennifer tosses down Spike's clay in anger and storms away.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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3. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 13 - "Play Loud Music So I Don't Fall Asleep""
Blog Entry, 12/11/2008
Authored by: Danni Boatwright, tonganoxiegirl

I've had it up to here with Derek at this point. For the record, I didn't cheat on him; all you jerks who keep vandalizing my Wikipedia bio can give it a rest now. I'm not that stupid. Honestly, I don't really consider what he did on the Race to be cheating, either; he didn't take it far enough, and I honestly think Carrie was just a proxy for me. I listened to them talking on the phone and through IM since the show - they're more like brother and sister than friends at this point. Sorry if I grossed anyone out with that analogy.

I just wish I knew what the hell was going on. I think I've proven about eight different ways that the video was a fake, and I actually convinced Charlie (who's still friends with me despite his idiot kid not returning my calls.) I've tried pleading - I dedicated a song to him on an Ann Arbor radio station in hopes that he would listen, and even if he didn't, Charlie did. As he put it, "I've never heard of a woman dedicating 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' to a guy she wasn't still madly in love with." That's just it - one day, he was all over me, and although the article in Sports Illustrated said that we had no plans for marriage, he told me he wanted to elope with me right after he graduated. I knew he was serious - he was even calling wedding chapels (no, none in Vegas; we had it narrowed down to Niagara Falls, Virginia Beach, and a place in San Francisco, from which we would immediately fly to Alaska for our honeymoon.) And frankly, when I got married, I did the big, fancy wedding, and I ended up divorced. Casey and I were planning a big, expensive wedding - and I called it off. So when Derek said he wanted to go spontaneous and quick, I was all ears.

So why the hell did he turn from wanting to marry me in a whirlwind ceremony to never wanting to see me again? Well, Charlie should be the expert, but he has no idea. I called Dave, his non-sex-crazed roommate (who himself has a girlfriend) and he didn't know. I guess I have to move on. Which sucks, by the way; Derek made me feel like a college girl in love again. Yes, that sounds incredibly corny. It's also how I felt.

So I have to look at the Race from a more objective standpoint. Derek's comment about liking Carrie's take-charge attitude? That's him, all right - he takes charge on the ice and in the classroom. As he puts it, "I like a woman who knows what she wants and takes it." OK, enough about Derek. Jeez, I sound desperate.

Charlie, on the other hand, was classic Charlie - always the voice of sanity while not necessarily having any sanity. I did find out that he and Dana are still really good friends, and Dana's practically coaching him through Paula's pregnancy - hey, since when does the 22-year-old law student who's never even been close to pregnant get to coach the guy who already has a kid? Oh, right, since Charlie hasn't been through this in - you guessed it - 22 years, which will be Derek's age when his new sister is born.

They can't agree on a name yet. Paula wants to name her after her mother Marilyn, who died almost three years ago, and Charlie wants to name her after his own mother, Claire. Apparently Marilyn Claire Forrest has been ruled out, and apparently Charlie's being driven insane by Paula's constant Dairy Queen cravings. No, Charlie, it has to be a chili dog, onion rings, and an Oreo Blizzard. And make it a footlong. At this rate, the poor girl's going to come out of the womb wearing a little DQ hat.

Don't look at me; Charlie said that, and he swears Paula said it first.

Blog Entry, 12/11/2008
Authored by: Natasha Gordeeva, russianprincess

I just love this article some bonehead at Television Without Pity wrote. The first paragraph: "Derek sent Danni to the penalty box. Carrie sent Rex to the principal's office. Is Dana about to find Tasha in contempt? At least Charlie hasn't court-martialed his pregnant wife Paula, stemming an apparent trend of Race-related failed relationships."

First of all, Dana and I are fine. Yes, her father's a prick, but my father isn't, and Dana spends more time with my parents anyway. Second off, Dana and I have been completely faithful, and I know this because I put a tracking device on her...I'm kidding. Besides, it's not as if either of us would ever write a break-up letter like the pathetic pile of crap Rex left for Carrie, and we certainly wouldn't write such a letter when the other person was doing the dumping. Let's see what Rex wrote.

"Dear Carrie,

I'm saddened by your decision to throw me out of our apartment, but I'm even further upset by the things you said to me in our break-up fight. I want to make it clear that I have never had any intention to be with any woman but you, and the fact that I chose to stay faithful instead of participating in this so-called 'open relationship' should not disqualify me from being your boyfriend.

I want to make it clear that I only suggested the arrangement we had when I was recovering from leukemia, and I was scared that, if I didn't give you permission to be with other men, you would cheat on me. I realize it's like preventing someone from stealing my car by giving it to them, but at least it was within the rules. I just think that breaking up with me because I wasn't hooking up on the side is a little juvenile. I watched you make a mockery of our relationship on national TV, and it killed me inside when I saw you going out with other men.

The things you said out of hurt tonight were untrue and didn't need to be said even if they were true. You told me that I wasn't strong enough to be in an interracial relationship. What does that even mean? I've been in several interracial relationships, and as I recall, it was you who was nervous about dating me at first, since you always told me you thought black folks were more racist than white folks. (I know you took that statement back after meeting my uncle and cousin. Stupidity knows no color. I know that because I'm not an idiot.)

Next time, try walking in my shoes before passing judgment. You don't know what it's like to be me. I hope your life without me is a pleasant and happy one, and I wish you nothing but the best.



Gag me. Do I really have to tear this letter apart paragraph by paragraph? I'll just say this - it was the sappiest thing I've ever read, and if Dana ever wrote a break-up letter like that, I would laugh. Go on, Rex; sing your sad song for the world to hear and forget that there are people worse off than you. Forget that people around you don't want to hear about your lost loves from high school and college or about how you "accidentally" drove your college sweetheart Chanel away by burying yourself in your work. I don't care how "ironic" it was that you were saving up to buy her an engagement ring, and you just worked hard and saved up because you're allergic to credit cards. Cry me a river.

Go home to Mom and Dad and let them hear about how their privileged little child with a silver spoon in his mouth got his heart broken again. Ask God to stop punishing you for cheating on that girl in college. Do whatever makes you happy. Then remember this - Carrie met her husband at the strip club she worked at. He turned from her dream man into her nightmare after they got married - except for the fact that he never hurt her physically, it's a story for the Maury Povich show.

It goes without saying that he cheated on her constantly, and even when she caught him, she blamed herself. He ruined her self-esteem to the point where she felt like she was worthless without him. He called her "fat" and "ugly" and criticized her appearance constantly. He even accused her of faking illness to get out of going to work, making her go in anyway even with a really bad case of stomach flu - all the while, he's at home screwing the girl next door and using her money to pay child support for the kid he had with her. He even made her skip meals, calling her a "fat pig" while he gorged in front of her, and when she had a hypoglycemic fit, he accused her of faking and did nothing. Her son called 911; if he hadn't, she would probably have died.

The only reason she put up with it is because she was so madly in love with this man that any kind of abuse, even physical, was acceptable to her. Aside from that, he said he would kill her if she ever left him. The irony of this is, of course, that he threw her out after their son died. When she came back to try to reconcile, he threw silverware at her. She still has a scar on her arm from where a knife hit her.

She came to her senses eventually, but it killed her to lose her husband. She told me that, if she were even remotely attracted to women, she would have started dating them, and she was so distraught with men that she failed every male student she had that year - although she reinstated them under threat of being fired.

Couple that with four years of fighting off every businessman and cheating husband with a God complex in a strip club - and the club owner was happy to let her use force and even trained her in how to do so - and tell me, Rex, if you have ever suffered like Carrie has. Now go back home and cry to your rich parents. Remember who saved your life with her bone marrow. Remember that, whiny bastard. Then tell me who's really suffered.

Back from commercial.

Spike: I'm a hell of a lot better at it than you. Look, even Derek can do it better than you, and his hands are huge.

Jennifer: Fine. Do it your f------ self.

Spike: Good. I will.

Jennifer tosses down Spike's clay in anger and storms away.

Spike (under her breath): So much for her being the f------ mature one.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Jennifer: I snapped. This was something neither of us was good at, and we both failed miserably.

Spike: I thought I could do it better on my own. Shows what I know.

Cut to Spike trying to sculpt the vase again; she presses in the midsection of the vase, and it collapses.

Spike: Damnit. Not again.

A quick pan to Jennifer shows her off to the side sitting frustrated.

Jennifer (shouting): And don't think I'm helping you.

At the same time, Derek hands a finished vase to the instructor; it looks almost identical to Carrie and Dana's vase, and the instructor smiles and hands them a clue.

Charlie: Travel to SkyHigh Mt. Dandenong. What the hell is that?

Derek: Beats me. Let's go.

Cut to Pieces; Bryan has started on the left edge of the puzzle, which is identical to Tina and Jim's. Jeffrey is gathering and sorting pieces; she takes periodic looks over at Tina and Jim's work.

Jeffrey (to Bryan): The white edge is at the bottom.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Tina: It was obvious that Jeffrey was looking at our pieces and having Bryan copy them. They can't win on their own.

Jim: Cheaters never win, though. We'll prove that.

Cut to Jim completing the rest of the edge; Bryan has kept pace with Tina and Jim as Jeffrey begins to hand him clusters of pieces.

Bryan: Can you get me some white pieces?

Jeffrey: Here you go. Let me see what they have, and I'll tell you where to put pieces in.

A quick pan to Tina shows her placing some white pieces.

Tina: Let's stop for a minute.

Jim: Why?

Tina: They're copying us. Let's slow them down.

Jim: And we'll slow ourselves down in the process. I don't like it any more than you do, but we have to keep working.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Jeffrey: The copying strategy worked perfectly. Those two assh---- got mad at each other, and we kept pace with them until we could overtake them.

Bryan: I figured, if we could get them out, we might stand a chance against Michigan, and we can beat any other team.

Cut to Pots; Spike has completed the vase except the handles, and she is sculpting the handles by hand.

Spike: Finally, we get this done. No thanks to Jennifer.

Spike finishes the handles; they are not alike, and she attaches them at an unusual angle.

She hands the vase to the instructor for approval.

The instructor shakes her head.

Spike: What's wrong with it?

The instructor shakes her head again.

Spike looks at a mode of the vase again, which has two handles that look like one of Spike's handles.

(confessional) Spike: And it all came down to the damn handles. Of all things to screw me over, it was the handles. The vase was fine. But the finishing touch? I wanted to throw the thing.

Cut to Pieces; Jeffrey and Bryan's puzzle is mostly complete, while Tina and Jim's is about two-thirds done.

Tina: They overtook us! Come on; we need to--

Jim (sternly): Will you stop worrying about what they're doing and concentrate on our puzzle?

Tina: But Jim, I'm worried about--

Jim (forcefully): I'm not worried about them. Put your nose down and get to work.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Jim: The football coach in me came out, and it wasn't the right time. It's not the kind of persona I need for dealing with Tina. She's a lot more sensitive, and she's been through a lot worse than a missed tackle or a fumbled ball.

Tina: I even started to tear up, which didn't help matters.

Jim: I'm sorry I was so rough on you back there.

Tina: Don't let it happen again.

Cut to Jeffrey placing the final piece, about a hundred pieces sit beside the puzzle unused. A distraught Tina looks on as Jeffrey takes the clue.

Jeffrey: Travel to SkyHigh Mt. Dandenong. Aren't there usually more instructions than this?

Bryan: First, we need to find out where we're going.

Cut to Pots; Spike is correcting the handles on her vase while Jennifer has come back over to help.

Spike points to the vase and to Jennifer a couple of time; she nods and turns to the instructor, to whom Spike presents the vase.

This time, the instructor takes out a clue.

Jennifer: Travel to SkyHigh Mt. Dandenong.

Spike: There's a mountain here?

Jennifer: I guess so.

Cut to Pieces; an upset Tina has stopped working while Jim finishes up the puzzle. Only a few pieces remain, but Jim has not found a fit for them.

Jim: And there just had to be a bunch of useless pieces, didn't there?

(confessional) Jim: I had a hard time getting the pieces to work for me, since there were so many that were no good. Plus, with Tina upset, there was no one to help, and the jerks were gone, so we couldn't even copy like they did.

Cut to Jim trying to place pieces, tossing aside useless ones; only one piece still needs to go in.

Jim: This one's the right one, I think.

Jim places the piece in; it fits, and he grabs the clue.

Jim: Travel to SkyHigh Mt. Dandenong. Come on, Tina; we still have time.

Tina, still upset, gets up and leaves with Jim.

Cut to Mt. Dandenong; at the top, Carrie and Dana get out and grab the clue at the entrance to the restaurant.

Dana: Roadblock. Who's feeling a-maze-ing?

Cut to Phil at the beginning of the maze outside the restaurant.

Phil: In this Roadblock, the chosen player must complete this maze known as the SkyHigh maze, which just opened in 2007. At the other end of the maze awaits their next clue.

Cut to Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: I got this one.

Soon after, Charlie and Derek, currently in second place, arrive at the restaurant.

Derek: Roadblock. Who's feeling a-maze-ing?

Charlie: I did worse than this in the Navy. Give it here.

Cut to Carrie at the beginning of the maze; she is sprinting everywhere she goes, almost as if she isn't thinking about her direction.

Carrie: This is so much easier on paper.

(confessional) Carrie: And for whatever reason, the words "on paper" triggered something. I noticed that the Roadblock clue, which I was carrying, had a description that was a lot more detailed than the others had been, so I looked at it more closely.

Cut to Carrie reading the clues; she has backtracked to the start.

Carrie: The restaurant is the only thing left on the mountain that isn't right in the middle of the forest. If you turn around, you will be right at the most scenic spot; turn around again, and you will be left with a panoramic view. Straight ahead is the city of Melbourne, the city you just left, but keep your camera straight for a view inspired by a right-wing political movement.

(confessional) Carrie: Any time in the clue you saw the word "left," "right," "straight," or "turn around," it was directions through the maze. I solved it with no trouble.

Cut to the end of the maze.

Carrie: And if your perspective isn't right, then head straight back here after dinner for dessert.

Carrie reaches the end of the maze, where Dana is waiting with her clue.

Carrie: Travel to the William Ricketts Sanctuary--

Cut to Phil in the William Ricketts Sanctuary, which is on the mountain.

Phil: Teams must now travel to the William Ricketts Sanctuary and find a carving of a man in a tree trunk. This dedication to a famous Australian potter who lived in a forest is the Pit Stop for this leg of the Race. The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

Cut to Carrie and Dana.

Dana: Let's go.

Cut to Charlie inside the maze; he is not looking at the clue but is instead navigating through apparent guesswork.

Charlie: Carrie? Carrie, you here?

(confessional) Charlie: I didn't know where the hell I was most of the time. I later found out that the clues were in the Roadblock description, but why the hell would I look there? It didn't make sense at the time to do so.

Cut to the restaurant's entrance; Jeffrey and Bryan, currently in third place, arrive, but on their heels are Tina and Jim, currently in fourth place, and Spike and Jennifer, currently in last place.

Jeffrey: Roadblock. Who's feeling a-maze-ing? I got this.

Jennifer: I'll do this one.

Jim: I need one.

(confessional) Jim: Tina was almost out of Roadblocks, so I had to do one on my gimpy knee. It wasn't fun, but I managed.

Cut to an overhead view of the maze; Charlie is near the end while Tina, Jeffrey, and Jennifer have just started.

Jennifer: OK, everyone to the right.

Jeffrey: Who f------ made you boss? Everyone to the left.

Jim: The hell with this. You pinheads can go fight until you're f------ purple. I'm done.

Jim storms ahead while Jeffrey and Jennifer continue to shout.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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4. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 13 - "Play Loud Music So I Don't Fall Asleep""
Blog Entry, 12/11/2008
Authored by: William Carsten, wcarsten062874

If Bryan has any racist tendencies, he's never shown them at work or even at home. He doesn't care about the color of your skin; all he wants to know is, "Are you a threat to him?" Well, mostly. The "half-breed" comment was something I expected out of his wife's mouth more than his, and maybe the fact that they have spent more time together on the Race than they ever did in eight years of marriage may mean that Jeffrey's rubbing off on him. If the reverse is true, I half-expect to see her trying to commit first-degree murder.

Frankly, I'm surprised that the "near-death experience" wasn't triggered by Bryan. Let's see, a suitcase bomb at the Roadblock should do the trick. Hell, make it a nuke and take out half of Tel Aviv while you're at it - with all the times Bryan's been accused of being an anti-Semite, maybe he started to believe it.

I have confirmed this much - Bryan's on the run from the law, and from what I heard from his sister, the charges are pretty extensive - tax evasion and labor law violations, mostly. The rest of the managers are claiming ignorance and having no part in the whole thing, and even his "Gang of Four" is selling Bryan down the river.

The good news for him? No one knows where the hell he is. Frankly, I haven't seen Jeffrey, either. Maybe Bryan finally shipped off to Korea like he wanted, and he had better head to the North because the South will send him right back. Of course, knowing him, he'll try to poison Kim Jong Il's cognac or whatever the hell that guy drinks.

Now please don't tell me he's going to use his million dollars, assuming he wins it, to hire a great lawyer, beat these charges, and get back to ruining the company. His father's a hell of a nice guy, and it's too bad his idiot son is ruining everything for him.

Blog Entry, 12/11/2008
Authored by: Michael Cameron, tryingtobeadad

Hopefully, I get a response to this blog from Tina or even anyone at USC. Where I last left off, I was trying to make Tina understand that I was working with her, not against her, but sadly, there was only so much I felt like I could do. Naturally, to all appearances, I was complicit, and I was.

Zeke turned Tina into a social outcast in every way, and it started with her appearance - in kindergarten, Tina went in with a fresh-faced look of joy, and she had so many friends that she could hardly name them all. By the end of second grade, she had no friends and no prospects for friends - partially because she had developed a lot of trust issues and partially because she was no longer the fresh-faced, beautiful girl she always was. I don't mean to knock those who are a little heavier than most, but Zeke practically force-fed Tina to make her gain weight.

Breakfast was always sugary, greasy donuts, and lunches were always a huge mess of greasy food. Zeke even had pizza delivered to the school for her - and made sure she ate it all no matter how sick it made her. He referred to her as his "cute little pig" and presented her with cake, ice cream, and fried chicken at every opportunity. He was succeeding in every possible way - even the teachers hated her and many only passed her through as a means of passing her on to someone else - and the words "home schooling" were given to me as an "alternative" numerous times. If that had happened, God only knows what Zeke would have done. What he did was bad enough.

At about age 12, Zeke was presented a new problem - well, at least for him. Tina hit puberty like a ton of bricks, and this meant that all of Zeke's little "private sessions" with his niece could result in a bit of a long-term consequence. It was at this point that I decided that enough was enough, and I was putting a stop to it. It was bad enough that I let this get out of hand the way I did, but there was no way in hell I was letting my daughter carry her uncle's baby while she was in middle school. I told Zeke in no uncertain terms to leave my daughter alone and get out of my house, and I gave him three days to do so.

I thought I had him. He packed his bags and was prepared to leave, until he dropped one more surprise on me - a little package of 28 pills. Yes, you guessed it; my wife got a prescription for birth control in his name and decided to start forcing Tina to take it. Then he winked at me and said, "I'm not going anywhere." He unpacked his things, moved back in, and picked his life back up where he left off. I found out later that they had considered sterilizing her, but there was no medical reason for it and it would look too suspicious - this whole operation had to be completely under-the-radar.

Besides, they told me, birth control is 99% effective. Now, I may have gotten a C+ in high school algebra, but I know enough math to know that 99% effective means that it fails about one time in 100. And sure enough, it failed on more than one occasion, and my daughter got pregnant. The first time it happened (and Zeke kept pregnancy tests around for just such a situation) I stood up to Zeke again. I told him that, if he ever touched my daughter again, I would murder him in my sleep. And damned if he wasn't wearing a tape recorder when I said that - I managed to destroy the tape before he could make a copy, but he reminded me that he was always one step ahead of me and would always win.

By my count, Tina has had four abortions, none of which were her idea any more than being molested by her uncle was. She doubts if she can even have children anymore, not that she's really inclined to; ten years of being used as a plaything by your own uncle will sour anyone on a sexual relationship.

If I were to be a complete bastard, ignore the emotional damage and the physical abuse, and simply put a price tag on this whole incident, it would still come to around $50,000. That's right; I paid $50,000 to watch my daughter being abused - that's in allowances to Zeke, clothes that she outgrew at twice the normal rate due to her forced weight gain, birth control pills and abortions, and the biggest killer - marriage counseling. Yes, my wife and I watched our marriage deteriorate because of this, and by this time, I was sleeping on the couch, and we barely said two words to each other in a typical day.

When Tina was 15, however, things started to change due to the most awful news we had gotten since Tina first broke the news to me about what Zeke did. My wife was diagnosed with small cell lung carcinoma (I should add that none of us ever smoked; presumably, lung cancer was a fluke.) It was inoperable, and she was given six months to live.

Even Zeke could see the writing on the wall - he applied for a passport the day after the diagnosis, and the day before the diagnosis was the last day he laid a hand on my daughter. For Tina, her mother's cancer was the best thing that happened to her as well as the worst...well, second-worst, anyway.

My wife died right on schedule, and Tina had just turned 16. At this point, with Zeke out of the picture, all hell broke loose.

Back from commercial.

Jennifer: OK, everyone to the right.

Jeffrey: Who f------ made you boss? Everyone to the left.

Jim: The hell with this. You pinheads can go fight until you're f------ purple. I'm done.

Jim storms ahead while Jeffrey and Jennifer continue to shout.

(confessional) Jim: I figured that, since Jennifer and Jeffrey were far enough into their fight, I could just go on ahead and try to get some ground gained. Unfortunately, I can't navigate because I'm used to options and to plowing my way through things, and that wasn't an option here.

Cut to Jim meandering through the maze; Jeffrey and Jennifer are toward the back shouting.

At the end of the maze, Charlie reaches the end and grabs the clue from Derek.

Charlie: Travel to the Pit Stop, the William Ricketts Sanctuary.

Derek: Let's get going. We don't have much time.

Spike: You guys know you're beating three other teams.

Derek: Yeah, but I need a Christmas present for Danni now.

Spike: You're too damn much.

Cut to the William Ricketts Sanctuary; Phil is standing next to a greeter dressed in 1930s clothing in front of a tree trunk sculpture.

First to arrive at the Pit Stop are Carrie and Dana.

Greeter: Welcome to Mount Dandenong.

Dana: Thank you.

Phil: Carrie and Dana...

He smiles and opens his hands.

Phil:'re team number ONE!

Dana leaps into Carrie's arms; the two squeal, obviously delighted. Still smiling they face Phil.

Phil: Now I have some good news. As the winners of this leg of the Race, you have won an around-the-world vacation for two to five different continents, including right here in Australia. You will spend five nights in each location, and return home to the major U.S. city of your choice afterward.

Dana: There you go, Carrie. You and Rex need a vacation.

Phil: Don't you want to enjoy the trip, too?

Dana: I'm here for my friend. I have the experience; I want her to be happy.

Carrie: You're the best, Dana.

Carrie kisses Dana on the cheek.

Dana: What? No tongue?

Carrie: You're a bad girl, Dana.

Cut to Jim hobbling through the maze; in the back, Jeffrey and Jennifer have made minimal progress and are still arguing. At the same time, however, Jim has made no progress beyond the halfway point.

(confessional) Jim: My knee started to hurt, and I felt the other teams gaining on me, so it was rough. I didn't know how I would make it.

Cut to the middle of the maze; Jim, Jeffrey, and Jennifer all meet up.

Jim: Well, I missed you guys.

Jennifer: Really?

Jim: Well, I missed you, anyway.

Jeffrey: What am I, chopped liver?

Jim: I hate liver.

Jennifer: Yeah, me too. That's a really bad analogy.

Jim: Does your husband eat it with fava beans and a nice chianti?

Jennifer high-fives Jim as the two chuckle.

Jeffrey: What the hell do you mean?

Jennifer: It's a horror movie reference. You wouldn't get it.

Cut to the William Ricketts Sanctuary; Charlie and Derek are arriving.

Phil: Charlie and're team number two!

Charlie and Derek bump chests and exchange a double-fist pound; Charlie then gives Derek a noogie.

Derek: So the girls finally beat us here.

Charlie: Sounds to me like you enjoyed that.

Derek: I like to win.

Charlie: Not against those two.

Derek: Hey. I helped them, they helped me, and we just have to catch up. That's all there is.

Cut to the maze; the camera shows the exit and a player walking out. Bryan, Spike, and Tina are all holding clues.

Jeffrey walks out of the maze first, with Jennifer close behind.

Jennifer: Jim's on his way.

Jim hops out, clutching his knee.

Jeffrey: Travel to the William Ricketts Sanctuary.

Jennifer: Warning, last team to check in will be eliminated.

Jim: Well, they're not messing around now.

The three teams all dash out; Jim's knee is clearly bothering him.

Cut to the streets of Mount Dandenong, where several teams are navigating the way to the Sanctuary.

Spike and Jennifer, currently in third place, are looking at the map; Jennifer is driving.

Jennifer: Do I want Mount Dandenong Tourist Road?

Spike gives no obvious response.

Jennifer: Damnit, Spike, do I want--

Spike: Yes already!

Jennifer: Then speak up next time.

Spike: I thought you heard me.

Jennifer: Well, I didn't.

Spike: According to this map, we need to take Mount Dandenong Tourist Road all the way there.

Jennifer: Should be easy enough.

Cut to Tina and Jim, currently in fourth place, approaching the sanctuary; Tina is driving, while Jim is using a map.

Jim: OK, do you see Old Coach Road up ahead?

Tina: I think so; is that what I need?

Jim: That will take us right there.

Cut to Jeffrey and Bryan, currently in last place, on the way to the sanctuary; Bryan is driving, and Jeffrey is looking at a smaller map.

Jeffrey: I think this road turns into Old Coach Road. From there, we need to find a man carved into a tree trunk.

Bryan: Maybe the greeter this time will be a talking tree. Like...damn, what was the talking stone guy's name from that kids' show...

Jeffrey: How the hell should I know?

Bryan: Maybe because you have a son who's addicted to classic kids' TV. Not like the 1990s are classic or anything, but they are to him.

Cut to the change to Old Coach Road; Spike and Jennifer, currently in third place, look up at the sign.

Jennifer: What the hell is this? Old Coach Road? Where are we?

Spike: I thought the Tourist Road took us straight there. Why are we on this road?

Noticeably, Jennifer has let off the gas, and her speed has dropped; Tina and Jim, now in third place, have passed them.

Spike: Just drive. We're getting passed.

Cut to the Pit Stop; Phil waits for another team to arrive along with the greeter.

Coming to the mat are Tina and Jim; Jim is still holding his knee.

Phil: Tina and're team number three!

Jim drops to his good knee and stretches out his bad leg.

Phil: Jim, are you all right?

Jim: It's my damn knee. What the hell else is new?

Phil: Get some ice on it and elevate it.

Jim: Can your medical staff do surgery and have me back in the Race in twelve hours?

Phil: Trust me. If we had that kind of technology, we'd never need a medical staff.

Cut to the road outside the Sanctuary; Spike and Jennifer, currently in fourth place, are driving slowly ahead of Jeffrey and Bryan, currently in last place.

As Bryan approaches Jennifer, she slams on the brakes, forcing Bryan to stop suddenly.

Spike: You're driving like a hardcore bitch.

Jennifer: Trust me. It's better this way. I bet steam's shooting out of Bryan's ears right now.

Spike and Jennifer depart the vehicle ahead of Jeffrey and Bryan; Bryan grabs Jeffrey's hand and assists her in catching up to Spike and Jennifer.

As the two teams approach the mat, Spike and Jennifer are still ahead by about ten feet; as Bryan sprints, he kicks a rock roughly the size of a ping-pong ball in Spike's direction.

Spike lifts up her left foot to continue to run and comes down on the rock.

Her ankle rolls, and she falls to the ground. Jeffrey and Bryan pass her, and they leap onto the mat.

Phil: Jeffrey and Bryan...

Phil looks down slightly as if to give a disapproving look.

Phil:'re team number FOUR!

Both Jeffrey and Bryan leap and pump their fists; Jeffrey puts her arm around Bryan's back.

Phil: You're both still in the Race.

At this time, Jennifer helps a limping Spike to the mat; Spike stands, favoring her right foot strongly.

Phil: Spike and are the last team to arrive.

Jennifer: Not so fast, Phil. I want a review of that little rock-kick move that son-of-a-bitch just pulled.

Bryan: What "move"?

Jennifer: The one that caused Spike to roll her ankle, and don't act all innocent. You and I both know that you did it on purpose.

Phil: We will look at the tape, and if we discover that the rock was kicked by a deliberate kicking motion, Jeffrey and Bryan will be issued a 30-minute time penalty and eliminated from the Race.

The screen fades to black, and Phil comes out to greet the two teams, who are coldly staring at one another; all four are seated, and Spike has an ice pack on her left ankle.

Phil: We have reviewed the tapes from this incident as well as an earlier incident at the Melbourne Airport in which Bryan's foot tripped Tina, preventing her from getting a cab.

Jennifer's eyes grow wider; Bryan looks on indignantly.

Phil: Regarding the cab incident, that has been ruled an accident; both your feet and Tina's could have caused the trip. There is no conclusive evidence that you tried to trip her. You will not be issued a time penalty or disqualified for that action.

Bryan smiles at Phil; Jennifer puts her head in her hands.

Phil: Now, about this rock. We were looking for a distinct kicking motion. Also, please keep in mind that this is not cause for a disqualification from the Race. This infraction, if it exists, will incur a time penalty, and Jeffrey and Bryan will be eliminated based on the close finish.

Phil pauses momentarily.

Phil: I reviewed the tape, and we took a vote backstage regarding the incident.

Phil looks at Spike's ankle and back up at her and Jennifer.

Phil: We did not see a kicking motion. It looked as if the rock was kicked by a regular running motion, and therefore, we are forced to rule it an accident. Jeffrey and Bryan, you will stay in the Race and not incur a time penalty.

Bryan pumps his fist and makes a taunting gesture at Spike; Jeffrey glares at Jennifer.

Phil: Spike and Jennifer, I am extremely sorry to tell you that you have been eliminated from the Race.

Jennifer: It's fine. Those bastards will get what's coming to them.

Bryan: Yeah, a million dollars, bitches.

Jennifer: You jerks won't win. Cheaters never win, and you're far from the best team here.

Bryan: You don't really think we'll lose to those f------ from Michigan, do you?

Spike: Look, it's done with. Just let them gloat elsewhere, and let's get on with it.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Jennifer: I'm not bitter over the elimination. I'm extremely pissed off about the behavior exhibited by Bryan when he heard the news. Most people would have apologized, swore it was an accident, and hoped we could forgive them.

Spike: I'd be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the way he acted was just juvenile. Even children know better than that, but apparently, no one taught him any manners growing up.

Jennifer: I just wish I could have won this for you, Spike. You had a hard life.

Spike: I made yours harder.

Jennifer: You made it more interesting. I'm glad I met you.

Spike: You never once said that when we were together.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer at the mat; they have their arms around each other, and Spike's ice pack is still on her ankle.

The credits begin to roll.

Phil (voice-over): Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

The screen cuts to commercial.

Elimination Station Summary, 12/11/2008
Authored by: Dr. Rage

Get out the speakerphone and the Loser Lodge video phone, because it's time for a call from...damnit, it's Spike and Jennifer. The entire house lets out a collective groan when they see it isn't the team they love to hate. Not that they weren't happy to hear from Spike and Jennifer; they were among the more well-liked teams. But, well...that means Jeffrey and Bryan are still in it. Satan and Mrs. Satan. The most reviled couple since...well, maybe not quite Hitler and Eva Braun, but still...

The first bit of news is that, of course, they're in Melbourne, Australia, and the country's really nice. The second bit of news? They tried to get Jeffrey and Bryan thrown out - well, what team hasn't tried that as a means of staying in the game? They're about as easy to stop as a volcanic eruption. But this time, they had a good reason - two, actually.

First was that the bad guys tripped Tina at the airport - ruled an accident, of course. Second was the rock, which causes Spike to put her iced ankle up to the camera. The preliminary diagnosis is, of course, a sprain, but she's going to have it X-rayed.

Hayley asked if they greeted her with a pack of Marlboros when she was eliminated, and rather than being offended, Spike just laughed and explained that she's no longer a smoker. Jennifer chimes in with, "She finally quits six months after we break up." Spike explained that, after nearly collapsing in Japan, she swore she would never smoke again, and she intends to keep that vow. (Those who have followed her since she got back know that she was addicted to heroin for a while, but she got clean and has now picked up her previous addictions of candy and caffeine.)

Jennifer also has a revelation for the house - in a reverse-Steve, Jennifer explains that she's actually straight. In her words, "Spike's a nice girl, but we're best off being just friends." Spike explains that she had blackmailed Jennifer into their relationship, but Jennifer forgave her and is "a little glad she did." Spike also explains that she has never been called a "nice girl," at least not since she started buzzing her hair and calling herself Spike.

Someone finally asked the question - where did she get her nickname, which was quickly pointed out to be associated with guys? Spike said that her original "punk makeover" came with a lot of spiked clothing, which was almost by accident, and someone just threw it out as a random nickname that happened to stick. Someone then asked her if she was going to keep her shaved head, and the emphatic answer from both Spike and Jennifer was "No." Jennifer was wearing a baseball cap with a Seattle Seahawks logo on it; she felt the need to explain that Spike was the Seahawks fan in the group and that she never watched football. Yeah, OK, we know you're just covering your bald head. Wear a wig instead and talk with a New Orleans accent.

They were asked for predictions, and Jennifer said, "Jeffrey and Bryan are tough to beat, but someone will. I think they'll finish second, and Charlie and Derek will take it." They went on to explain that Carrie and Dana are probably out next, and Jim's bad knee will cost his team in the final leg. Spike gushed, "I hope they go to Seattle!" Jennifer scolds her, saying that she shouldn't be so eager to go back to Seattle, since Spike had never left it before the Race and has now been on all seven continents. That comment drew a shot from Jessica, who shouted, "Don't rub our noses in it!"

Blog Entry, 12/12/2008
Authored by: Rob Howard, maizeandblueblades

Yes, it's your friendly neighborhood shock center...which doesn't sound as good as shock jock, even if I am a jock. Well, it's late after the Miami game...well, the first Miami game, and all hell has officially broken loose. I show up for the team meeting before the game, and a bunch of people are sitting around someone's laptop computer looking at some YouTube clip. We have a few YouTube addicts on the team, so I thought nothing of it, except for the fact that computers and PDAs aren't allowed at team meetings, and cell phones have to be turned off.

Given the content of the video, though, I went to find Forrest, and as luck would have it, the guy's in a closed-door meeting with one of the coaches. And it's Coach Thomas, who never shuts the hell up and is trying to get to the bottom of Forrest's personal problems. Good luck; I hear that even his father doesn't have a clue what's eating him. I know this much - I'm going to make a good impression on Carrie and try to encourage Forrest to date her. She's single now, too, apparently.

So I walk up to the door and don't really try to listen in, given that I respect Forrest's privacy, even if he doesn't believe it, but I get bored, and Coach Thomas goes into one of his speeches. This ought to be good; he never makes any sense. But apparently it's one Forrest can actually use, and given that Coach Thomas thinks Danni probably didn't cheat on Forrest, it's a little lesson in going off the deep end over perceived cheating. And given what I saw on that YouTube video, his speech is about two hours too late.

Apparently, Coach Thomas was dating a really great girl in college when he played goalie. (He doesn't bore us with the details of his foot injury or how he retired from the pros after a career in the minors and came here, but we all know how it ended.) Anyhow, the point is this - his girlfriend was supposedly tutoring this guy who played for the football team to keep his grades up; the story was that they went to high school together and she tutored him while he moved furniture and boxes for her and fixed her car. So Coach Thomas gets suspicious, since she seems to be spending a lot of time with this guy, so he has a friend of his follow her around, and the conclusion he makes? They're more than just friends.

He had a good reason, too - they talked like school kids, called each other goofy names, and went to bars and restaurants together. There was no clinching argument, though, so Coach Thomas and his buddy get an idea. Naturally, this is where the usual amateurish guy would take pictures of himself with a stripper or getting it on with the girl's best friend or something. But Coach Thomas was a bit more sophisticated than that.

Not by much, though. The buddy of his drove a fertilizer truck during the summer, and the football player drove a convertible. I think you can see where this is going - after a tutoring session, the football player comes out to see his precious little car filled with manure. This, of course, backfired in numerous ways - the girlfriend actually wasn't cheating and could prove it, the football player sued and got a settlement, the buddy lost his job at the fertilizer plant and couldn't get anything for years after that, and Coach Thomas ended up suspended from the team and from the university for his involvement. Naturally, he never saw his girlfriend again, and the woman he married left him four years ago for some young buck and took a bunch of his money.

Well, the move that I was about to show Forrest was a bit classier and more well-done than that, but as he walked out of the office after the meeting, I looked him squarely in the eyes and told him,

"You need to get over here. There's been a situation."

I told the guy at the laptop to turn up the volume and play the video at full-screen. Three minutes and 16 seconds of complete and utter destruction. I'll take it from the top.

{The video opens with a man, standing more than six feet tall and carrying a crowbar, wearing a white hockey mask and covered head-to-toe in black walking up to a car in an otherwise empty parking lot; the car fits the description of Danni Boatwright's Pontiac Torrent and has Kansas license plates.)

{The music cued is Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats." In the man's other hand in a four-inch knife. He has on black leather gloves.}

Music: Right now, he's probably slow dancing with a bleached-blonde tramp, and she's probably getting frisky

{The man in the video lights a cigarette, swings his crowbar, and looks over the car.}

Music: Right now he's probably buying her some fruity little drink 'cause she can't shoot whiskey

{He walks slowly toward the driver's side door, knife in hand.}

Music: Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool-stick showing her how to shoot a combo

{He takes the knife and forms a stabbing motion.}

Music: And he don't know...

{The cigarette drops to the ground; he takes the knife and puts it to the car as if to write on the paint.}

Music: That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up four wheel drive

{He starts to write a message in the side of the car; the knife is difficult to handle and makes a few stray marks.}

Music: Carved my name into his leather seat

{He reaches the back door and continues to write; it is not yet clear what he has written.}

Music: I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights, slashed a hole in all four tires

{He finishes the message and takes a swing at the rear bumper with the crowbar.}

Music: Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats

{He backs up and looks over the message; the words "CHEATING BITCH" are carved into the paint.}

Music: Right now, she's probably up singing some white-trash version of Shania karaoke

{He walks back up to the front of the car, swinging the crowbar.}

Music: Right now, she's probably saying "I'm drunk" and he's thinking that he's gonna lucky

{He takes the crowbar and smashes out the headlights, even damaging the bulbs inside.}

Music: Right now, he's probably dabbing on three dollars worth of that bathroom cologne

{He takes the crowbar and smashes the hood.}

Music: And he don't know... OH!

{He swings the crowbar as if to warm up for a large swing.}

Music: That I dug my key into the side of his Pretty little souped up four wheel drive

{He crashes the crowbar into the windshield, shattering it, and destroys the windshield wipers and both mirrors.}

Music: Carved my name into his leather seat

{He walks around the car, smashing out each window including the rear window.}

Music: I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights, slashed a hole in all four tires

{He takes out his knife and slashes the left tires, opening the gas cap.}

Music: Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats

{He walks around to the other side and slashes the right tires, again, he begins to write on the doors with his knife.}

Music: I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl

{Again, the message is partially completed, but it is hard to make out.}

Music: A 'cause the next time that he cheats

{He reaches the front bumper and finishes writing.}

Music: Oh, you know it won't be on me

{As he walks back, the message "DEREK'S REVENGE" can be seen.}

Music: No, oh, not on me...

{He walks back toward the gas cap, wielding his knife. He reaches down and cuts into the gas tank; fuel begins to leak out.}

Music: That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up four wheel drive

{Fuel continues to leak out away from the car; he lights another cigarette.}

Music: Carved my name into his leather seat

{He blows smoke into the air as fuel continues to pour out.}

Music: I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights, slashed a hole in all four tires

{As fuel begins to collect in a divot in the parking lot, he stands back a foot or two.}

Music: Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats

{He tosses the lit cigarette into the fuel puddle; a spark ignites the fuel, creating a wall of fire between the fuel and the gas tank.}

Music: Oh, maybe next time he'll think before he cheats...

{At this time, the fuel tank explodes, igniting the car on fire and destroying it.}

Music: Oh, oh, before he cheats...ohhhh.

{The closing scene is of the destroyed Pontiac Torrent with the words "CHEATING B{}ITCH" still visible; the interior of the car is still flaming, the windows are shattered, and the body of the car has several dents in it that were not present at the start of the video.}

The fact that someone made a video of Danni's car being destroyed was hard enough. Granted, it was some asshole with a vendetta against Forrest, but that doesn't mean someone won't want to blame Forrest for it. I thought, maybe the Miami coach or someone on their team made it to distract us; it's a hell of a good idea, even if it's at the cost of Danni's car, which has to be worth some money.

So Forrest winces in obvious pain and puts his head in his hands as I look over to see two strong men in blue shirts - normally in this environment, that would mean that two players just arrived, but unfortunately, this wasn't the blue I hoped for. It all seemed like perfect timing, as if Miami, which had only two losses and a tie up to this point and was within striking distance of first, set this whole thing up. The first words they spoke were,

"Derek Forrest, come with us."

One of them got out a pair of handcuffs as Forrest walked over, bewildered - clearly this just happened today, and although I have an alibi for him (how the hell can he be in his Lit class and in Kansas destroying his ex's car at the same time?) the cops don't want to hear it. I watch my friend being hauled away in handcuffs as they simply utter, as if they were programmed just to arrest him,

"You're under arrest for felony destruction of property. You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney..."

Well, we sure as hell weren't winning with Forrest last week. Maybe we can try to win without him this week.

Back from commercial.

Phil (voice-over): On the next episode of the Amazing Race...four teams are vying for spots in the final three, and the battle to stay out of last is intense.

Derek: I've never been last. It sucks being close to the end and losing.

Phil (voice-over): And Tina and Jim make an unexpected gesture of kindness to another team.

Cut to Tina and Jim's SUV towing another out of a muddy area; a quick pan to the window shows Bryan driving the stuck SUV.

Voice-over: Stay tuned for an all-new CSI: Miami coming up next.

Order of finish:

1. Carrie and Dana, 5:01 pm
2. Charlie and Derek, 5:24 pm
3. Tina and Jim, 5:37 pm
4. Jeffrey and Bryan, 5:45 pm
5. Spike and Jennifer, 5:46 pm

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