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"The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 6 - "I Just Can't Deal With Contact""
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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-05-08, 10:07 AM (EST)
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"The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 6 - "I Just Can't Deal With Contact""
INTERVIEW: "The Amazing Race" sisters Leilani and Kea Kamanu talk

Sisters Leilani and Kea Kamanu, the first team in "Amazing Race" history to hail from Hawaii, had cab driver problems all through Switzerland, once leaving their baggage as a driver rolled away, and once after that being stuck with a slow cabbie who squandered their advantage over another team.

When it all ended, the 21-year-old rancher from Maunaloa, HI, and the 23-year-old limousine driver from Honolulu, HI, were the fourth team sent packing on this edition of "The Amazing Race."

On Thursday, Leilani and Kea talked with about their experience, their cab driver problems, what kind of culture-shock they experienced during their first trip outside Hawaii, and whether or not they tried to get a rival team disqualified from the Race.

Reality TV World: How were you cast for "The Amazing Race"?
Leilani: We made a video and sent in an application just like everyone else. We were contacted over the phone, and a casting agent flew out to the islands to meet us.
Kea: It was crazy. They actually decided to send someone out for us and another team they were looking at. Leilani made the trip to Honolulu to meet with them, but the casting people felt like they had to see where we grew up.
Leilani: It was as if subsistence farming was a foreign concept to them, and the island we live on didn't exist.
Kea: They cast us from Brigadoon.
(The room erupts in laughter.)

RTVW: Where exactly are you guys from, anyway?
Leilani: The island of Moloka'i. It's within sight of Maui and about 25 miles of O'ahu. We hail from a village called Maunaloa, where only 230 of us live. It's on the north shore of the island.
Kea: We grew up as subsistence farmers, which ended up meaning we ate a lot of chicken and pork. Our dad was a rancher his entire life; he loved everything about the island, and he taught us everything he knew before he passed away.

RTVW: Kea, you left Maunaloa for the big city of Honolulu, and Leilani wasn't too pleased with that. How different is Honolulu?
Kea: Like night and day. But I love a lot of things about both worlds; I just can't pick one. I'd love to be a big shot in the city and retreat to Maunaloa to get peace and quiet. It's beautiful, like no place else.
Leilani: Kea left shortly after Dad passed away, and I felt like she was abandoning the family. I know she was just following her heart, but I always saw her struggles as payback for walking out.
Kea: I didn't walk out. I came back, and I'll always be back.
Leilani: I know.

RTVW: How did you prepare for the Race?
Kea: My roommate and I have cable, so I watched a lot of those travel shows and tried to read up a lot of foreign cultures. Plus I went running and started to work out so I'd be in shape.
Leilani: My life is my workout, and I didn't think any amount of preparation would be enough. Besides, Kea took care of a lot of that. She's really a great game player. She sent in an application for Survivor before we tried for this.
Kea: I swear to God I thought of the sex lie from the last season of All-Stars II before they showed it.

RTVW: Did you try to apply any Survivor strategy to the Race?
Leilani: We never got the chance. We heard about other teams making alliances and relying on each other's kindness, but we didn't do any of that and had no idea we were being played like that by {"Hogettes" Reggie McGowan and Dan August}.

RTVW: Speaking of Reggie and Dan...
Leilani: There's really nothing more than friendship there. As much as we talk about them playing us, they did help a lot. I've talked a lot with Dan since we got back, but there's no sparks. He's twice my age and 5,000 miles away.

RTVW: So we know you guys were friends with Reggie and Dan. Were there any other friendships? Any teams you butted heads with?
Kea: I wanted to knock {"Dating Couple" Bobby Kingsford and Caroline Clarkson}'s heads together most of the time. He's so stupid, so lazy, and so worthless a lot of the time, and she's so controlling and bossy that it's just unpleasant to have them around.
Leilani: At the same time, though, we connected with {"College Friends" Alex Vladikov and Elena Mendeleeva} from the beginning. Alex is really smart, and Elena's fascinating. At the end of the practice leg in Puerto Rico, we talked with them for hours every day.

RTVW: Was there any feeling of being star struck by {"Dating Couple" Eric Stein and Jessica Hughbanks} or {"Father and Son" Charlie and Derek Forrest}?
Leilani: I didn't feel anything like that. When I saw Derek, I was a little afraid because he's so big and came out dressed for a hockey game. I actually shivered just thinking about all that ice.
Kea: I was a little in awe of Charlie and Derek. I loved Charlie on both his seasons of Survivor, and when I met Derek at the Pit Stop, I found out he speaks Japanese and took the chance to practice with him. I get a lot of Japanese-speaking clients, and Derek was really cool with me about that.

RTVW: Growing up in a tropical climate, was there a lot of climate shock going to Antarctica?
Kea: Being Hawaiian didn't have anything to do with that. Everyone was cold. We bundled up and covered just about everything for most of the time we were there.
Leilani: Well, OK, it was new to us. We were told to pack winter clothes, and in Hawaii, we really don't have winter. We had to borrow winter clothes for this.

RTVW: What was going on with your cab problems? You got shafted twice by bad cab drivers.
Kea: The first cab driver didn't speak very good English. I asked him to wait for us, and I don't think he understood. He must have just felt like he had to get out of there, so he drove off with our stuff and without getting paid, and he acted like we were the criminals.
Leilani: Reggie and Dan's cab driver spoke our driver's language, though, and we got the whole thing straightened out.
Kea: Right in time for our cab driver to the Pit Stop to get us caught in traffic and cost us a few crucial minutes.

RTVW: Did you have any idea what happened on the second flight into Geneva, the one that {"Married Parents" Jeffrey and Bryan Masters} and {"Ex-Girlfriends" Allison "Spike" Blades and Jennifer Ellsworth} were on?
Leilani: Not until the Pit Stop, where one of the teams leaked that to us.
Kea: Naturally, I tried to press to have them thrown off the Race, but it didn't work. I think part of it was that I didn't know what actually happened.

RTVW: Did either Jeffrey or Bryan try to do anything to the two of you? Did anyone?
Leilani: No. We got a few nasty names from Jeffrey just because we're Hawaiian, but I ignored them.
Kea: I didn't. I shot back at her for being a bitch.
Leilani: You shot back at everyone. You even zinged {"Teacher and Former Student" Carrie Burnside and Dana Quinn}.
Kea: Hey, when I saw what happened to Carrie, I couldn't resist.

RTVW: I have to ask you to go on.
Kea: Well, you know that Carrie and Dana got a lot closer to Charlie and Derek in Wales. And it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Carrie was seriously attracted to Derek. She did all kinds of things to make him interested in her the same way, but all it did was make him upset and cause him to throw her out of the room they were in.
Leilani: He was shouting, calling her nasty names, and she was crying, and when he threw her out, she was in nothing but a stripper's g-string.
Kea: So here comes a very desirable woman who's almost naked and in tears. So I shouted at her, "What's wrong, Carrie? Did he run out of dollar bills?" It made her feel worse, but she laughed at it later.

RTVW: How has your relationship changed since you went on the show together?
Leilani: It's a thousand percent better. I think the world is wonderful, and I think Kea is fantastic for chasing her dreams. I was just disappointed in her for going out and preferring a life as a college dropout and a low-income worker to a life at home on the ranch.
Kea: And I promised Leilani that I would go back to college, and I have. I started at the University of Hawaii again, and I got financial aid. I've also encouraged Leilani to come join me.
Leilani: I'm happy where I am, but if we get some more money, I'll go to California with Kea.

RTVW: In Montreux, was that statue really that hard to find?
Kea: Yeah, if you're an idiot. Even people who didn't know the guy's name went and looked it up or something. We stopped in an internet cafe real quick before leaving Geneva and looked the name up.
Leilani: We saw where the idiots stalked {"Dating Couple" Tina Cameron and Jim Nolan} to try to find the statue. Maybe they were worried that they'd get thrown out for a minor rules violation and didn't think they were allowed to look it up.
Kea: Maybe they're creepy and weird.

RTVW: It looked like you were really close behind {"Father and Future Son-In-Law" Ray Nabors and Jamal Washington} at the Pit Stop. Was that the case?
Kea: Yes. We finished less than a minute behind them. It was so frustrating, especially considering we would have made it if not for the traffic we ended up in.
Leilani: I'm not upset about it. I doubt we would have lasted much longer anyway. Reggie and Dan were great to have as allies, but they're in their 40s and struggled, too.

RTVW: So what's next for you guys? Back to the ranch?
Leilani: For me, yes. I love Moloka'i. But once Kea becomes a big shot businesswoman and I get some money saved up, we're going to the mainland and having some fun.
Kea: I have about a year and a half of school before I can start looking for jobs. I love Hawaii, but I would love to live anywhere nice.

The Show Begins - air date 10/15/2008

The introductory shot is of Cardiff, Wales; it shows the skyline as well as a shot of Cardiff University, which is full of students.

Phil (voice-over): Previously on the Amazing Race...eleven teams set out from Cardiff, Wales, and flew to Geneva, Switzerland, but not without passing through the Race's second U-Turn.

Caroline: Hey, there's a U-Turn.

Phil (voice-over): First-place Bobby and Caroline took the opportunity to take revenge on Jeffrey and Bryan for U-Turning them in Scotland.

Caroline: We choose to U-Turn Jeffrey and Bryan.

Bobby: Have a nice day, assh----.

Phil (voice-over): Jeffrey and Bryan were rightly nervous, but they didn't think Bobby and Caroline U-Turned them.

Jeffrey: Oh great. There's a U-Turn here, and the jerks from Colorado finished first.

Bryan: Remember, they'd never use it on us.

Phil (voice-over): Spike was regaining her strength, and Charlie tried to help her out.

Derek: Hey Spike, you still feeling OK?

Spike: Yeah, I'm good. I just need things to get my strength up.

Charlie: Hey, you can have this sandwich. I just picked it up.

Phil (voice-over): Spike turned the offer down and revealed a weak point.

Charlie: For some reason, they have mushrooms on it. Must be a Welsh thing.

Spike: Pass. I can't eat that.

Charlie: The mushrooms are a little too weird, aren't they?

Spike: It's not that. I'm allergic to mushrooms.

Phil (voice-over): On the flight to Geneva, Bryan tried to exploit Spike's weakness.

Bryan takes out a sampling of vegetables from his salad, including a carrot, a green pepper, and a mushroom, and he sets them aside; Spike assembles a sandwich, which appears to have ham and Swiss cheese, and sets it down.

Spike (to Jennifer): Hey, help me reach my carry-on bag; I need my Gatorade.

Jennifer: Yeah, sure.

Spike and Jennifer both reach down underneath the seat reaching for Spike's bag; at this time, Bryan gets up and places the vegetables on Spike's sandwich, sitting back down without trying to appear apparent. He has a smug look on his face.

Spike takes a drink of her Gatorade and digs into her sandwich but immediately stops when she feels something crunchy inside.

Spike (stunned): What the--what the hell is on my sandwich?

Phil (voice-over): Believing that Bryan tried to trigger an allergic reaction in Spike, Jennifer became enraged.

Jennifer: What the hell, man? What the f--- is so f------ funny?

Bryan bursts out laughing and doesn't give an obvious response.

Jennifer: You did that on purpose! You knew she was allergic, and you tried to kill her just to get ahead in the game! You're a bastard! You're a f------ monster!

Phil (voice-over): And an angry Spike took her rage out on Bryan.

Spike: What the f---? You tried to kill me? That's it; you're f------ dead!

Spike leaps across the seat and takes a swing at Bryan; she misses and is restrained by another passenger, who tackles her. By this point, Jennifer has her pinned down while Bryan grins and chuckles at the pinned Spike.

Phil (voice-over): A flight attendant escorted Spike and Jennifer to first class away from Jeffrey and Bryan.

At this time, a flight attendant kneels before Spike; her name tag reads "Petra."

Petra: Is everything OK, miss?

Jennifer: Another passenger just attempted to poison her.

Petra: Poison? There's poison on the plane?

Jennifer: Well, not really poison.

Spike: He tried to put a mushroom in my food.

Petra: Are the mushrooms poisonous?

Spike: They are to me. I'm deathly allergic.

Petra: I understand. Come with me. There are empty seats in first class. The two of you can spend the last few minutes of the flight there.

Spike: Thank you so much.

Phil (voice-over): Both Bryan and Spike were warned, and Bryan was bitter.

Bryan: I don't f------ believe this. She takes a swing at me, and I get warned. And then they upgrade her to first class. I guess it pays to dress like a f------ freak. F--- them. F--- them dead.

Phil (voice-over): In Geneva, Charlie and Derek caught up to Bobby and Caroline and took the lead at the Detour.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Bobby: At the Detour, we had an advantage, but we started to lose it because Michigan had faster runners. I work out, sure, and Caroline's in pretty good shape, but I'm no athlete.

Caroline: It was hard for little old me to compete with a guy who used to be in the military and one who plays a brutal game for a living. So we lost our lead.

Phil (voice-over): Spike and Jennifer showed Jeffrey and Bryan just how they felt about them by writing a fake clue for them.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: I wrote a fake clue for Jeffrey and Bryan to pick up when they got to the UN Headquarters. It reads, "Travel to a remote desert island and wait to be rescued."

Jennifer: Which is way more effort than those two bitches are worth.

Phil (voice-over): Alex and Elena attempted the Fast Forward, and so did Jeffrey and Bryan. But Jeffrey refused to help.

Bryan: What the hell is this? This isn't French.

Jeffrey: You said you could do it. Call me when you've done it.

Phil (voice-over): Alex and Elena worked together and got it done.

Elena (singing; Alex is backing up): Cé qu’è lainô, le Maitre dé bataille,
Que se moqué et se ri dé canaille...

Alex (singing; Elena is backing up): A bin fai vi, pé on desande nai,
Qu’il étivé patron dé Genevoi.

Soldier (in a thick French accent): Perfect. You have won.

Phil (voice-over): After completing the Detour, Spike was exhausted.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: After that run, I felt terrible. It was just a perfect storm of recovering from being in the hospital plus ten years of smoking four packs a day. Then I see some guy walking by smoking a cigarette, and if I wasn't so out of breath, I would have run after him and sucked every bit of smoke out of his cigarette.

Jennifer: I was really proud of Spike for pulling through. It showed a lot of dedication that I was afraid she didn't have. I think this strengthened our relationship.

Phil (voice-over): But it didn't stop Jennifer from trading more barbs with Jeffrey.

Jennifer: It doesn't matter what you do; we're still kicking your asses.

Jeffrey: Get the f--- out of here.

Jennifer: Aww, what's wrong? No poison to slip in Spike's Gatorade? You f------ disgust me.

Jeffrey: You f------ disgust everyone.

Jennifer: No, just bitches like you.

Phil (voice-over): Leilani and Kea had cab difficulties, and they were left stranded.

Kea: What the--this isn't right! Didn't you tell him to wait?

Kea: Wait? I thought they--damnit. I forgot. And now they have our stuff.

Leilani: Nice going. Now we're f------ screwed.

Phil (voice-over): However, they were helped out by Reggie and Dan, who let them use their cab and locate their things.

Team confessional, Reggie and Dan.

Reggie: Dan and I agreed to let the Hawaiians in our taxi because keeping them in the game would hopefully sink a stronger team, and we couldn't imagine that this leg was non-elimination.

Dan: So we kind of took them under our wing, and we helped them locate their stuff.

Phil (voice-over): At the Detour, Tina and Jim opted to run, and when Jim's knee started hurting him again, Tina got upset.

Tina: I told you this was a bad idea, but no; you just had to f------ run. Do you want to spend the rest of the Race on crutches? Do you want to be carried everywhere? Such a big, strong man who can't even keep his balance. Way to go.

Phil (voice-over): Leilani and Kea's cab driver didn't let their bags go without a fight.

Leilani: Look, these are our bags.

Driver: You never told me to hold the cab. I am not responsible.

Leilani: Why don't you think, though? We didn't take our bags. We never even paid you.

Driver: I came back for my pay. I did not come back to give you your bags.

Phil (voice-over): Having won the Fast Forward, Alex and Elena finished first.

Cut to the Pit Stop, where Phil is greeting Alex and Elena.

Phil: You're team number ONE!

Elena leaps into Alex's arms, and the two kiss joyously.

Phil (voice-over): In Montreux, Charlie's knowledge of music helped him find the statue of Freddie Mercury.

Derek: I guess this means I can't make fun of you for being old anymore.

Charlie: That expired when I kissed your girlfriend last winter.

Phil (voice-over): And Carrie and Dana benefited from the same ability.

Derek (to Carrie): Let me guess. You're a Queen fan, too?

Dana: I made fun of her for being old.

Carrie: And I told her she's jealous that I'm sexier than she is.

Phil (voice-over): And to pass their rivals, Charlie used Derek's sex appeal to distract Carrie.

Carrie: I want a big slice of cheesecake. And I want to kiss Derek again.

Charlie: That's between you and him. But I bet you enjoyed it when you made out with him at the Pit Stop, didn't you?

Carrie: Of course. Your son's really good at that. I bet he makes his girlfriend really happy. (starting to glaze over) I just wish he wasn't so uptight about everything and could just chill out and enjoy being with me...

A quick pan to Charlie shows him firing directly at the target; a few second later, it hits the target, and the model goes up in flames.

Charlie: Now I like my steak cooked medium with a baked potato and an ice-cold Pepsi.

Phil (voice-over): And Bobby did the same to Carrie.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Caroline: At the Roadblock, I realized that Carrie has a little trouble controlling her more base urges, and it's not just with Derek. So I told Bobby to show off his body a little bit to throw Carrie off.

Bobby: I'm not used to being paraded around like a piece of meat, so it was a little weird.

Phil (voice-over): Jeffrey and Bryan were stalled by not knowing what statue they were looking for.

Bryan: Excuse me, sir.

The local walks past, ignoring him. Bryan holds his hand out to flag down another local.

Bryan: Excuse me, ma'am. Do you know who Farrokh Bulsara is?

Local: I'm sorry; I do not.

Phil (voice-over): They tried following Spike and Jennifer, but they got suspicious and hid from their antagonists.

Jeffrey and Bryan are standing over Spike and Jennifer, who are huddled in the bushes.

Bryan: What gives? You hiding something from us? Come on out!

Jennifer: F--- off.

Bryan: That's no way to talk to a competitor.

Jennifer: Maybe if you just went and f----- off, we wouldn't have to. Now why don't you go bother some other team?

Bryan: We're just trying to find this statue, and we figured you could help us.

Jennifer (shouting): We're not f------ helping you assh----. Get the f--- away from us or we'll call the f------ cops and tell them you're f------ stalking us, and you'll go to jail. Turn around and go back where you came from or we'll f------ do it.

Phil (voice-over): Afraid to follow Spike and Jennifer, Jeffrey and Bryan waited for Tina and Jim.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Bryan: Since we had no idea what we were doing in Montreux, we just followed USC.

Jeffrey: They had no idea we were following them. They're not observant at all, to go along with their other deficiencies as human beings.

Phil (voice-over): Doing her first Roadblock, Jeffrey became upset and traded verbal jabs with Tina.

Tina: Where did you learn to shoot, anyway, the Gun Club for Caffeine Addicts? You suck.

Jeffrey: Look ahead and keep your mouth shut, bitch.

Phil (voice-over): At the Pit Stop, Carrie and Dana hung on, but Carrie almost broke down.

Phil: Carrie, is everything OK?

Dana: Get this poor woman something sweet. If you have a bottle of Gatorade, we need it.

Phil: I'm on it.

Phil (voice-over): The race to avoid last came down to Reggie and Dan, Ray and Jamal, and Leilani and Kea. Reggie and Dan finished the Roadblock first.

Reggie lines up a shot for a minute; he doesn't shoot, waiting for Kea's shot to go off.

Reggie closes one eye, lining up the shot; he lets go, and the flare lands right in his target area, lighting the model ablaze.

Phil (voice-over): It was a dead heat between Ray and Jamal and Leilani and Kea.

Kea lines up her shot and fires; a mere second after, Jamal shoots.

Both hit the target, and both are lit ablaze. Kea and Jamal high-five each other, and their partners join them as they receive their clues.

Phil (voice-over): But a better cab driver got Ray and Jamal to the finish quicker.

Cut to Ray and Jamal being greeted by Phil.

Phil: You're team number ten!

Phil (voice-over): While Leilani and Kea were left behind.

Cut to Leilani and Kea being greeted by Phil.

Phil: I'm sorry to tell you that you have been eliminated from the Race.

Phil (voice-over): Ten teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?

The opening credits begin to roll. At first, a Mercator projection of the world in black, green, and yellow, with the Amazing Race logo superimposed over it cuts to a view of an airplane flying above a layer of clouds. The phrase "14 teams of 2" appears on screen. The first team shown on screen is Leilani and Kea against an island backdrop. The credits continue to Carrie and Dana outside a college building, Hayley and Alexis in front of a row of prison cells, Reggie and Dan outside FedEx Field, Bobby and Caroline in front of their Colorado home, Ray and Jamal in front of a panoramic shot of the Gulf of Mexico, Tina and Jim on a football field sideline with a medical pod in the backdrop, Debra and Bob on a hilly road with their bikes, Alex and Elena on a college green, Jeffrey and Bryan in front of a construction site, Spike and Jennifer outside Seattle's City Hall, and Steve and Darius on a chicken ranch. In this ending, Eric and Jessica appear outside Jessica's home in Kansas, and Charlie and Derek appear on a hockey rink.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-05-08, 10:09 AM (EST)
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1. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 6 - "I Just Can't Deal With Contact""
Blog Entry, 10/9/2008
Authored by: Kina Mokihana, makingmywayinhawaii

Well, I'm sorely disappointed in Kea. I was expecting to see the fireworks show of the century with her being eliminated so early. Normally, if something goes that wrong, she's extremely unhappy and goes almost off the deep end.

But she's different now. Maybe she's too exhausted to be upset; she started back at the University of Hawaii and still drives limousines full-time. She doesn't have time for much of anything. She doesn't even watch the show. About the only things she's done at all are taking the odd day, escaping to Moloka'i, and seeing her sister on the ranch. It's a bit of an escape for her. And considering that she's used this escape before a midterm and it paid off in the form of a 96, I don't blame her one bit.

She put every dime of her $4,000 cut of the Race prize toward tuition. She's turning into a no-fun girl. I can't fault her; Honolulu is insanely expensive, and college in Honolulu is no exception. I just don't know if it's worth it. I have my nice 8-to-5 desk job, I pay my cut of the rent and utilities, and I eat. Who could ask for anything more? I amuse myself with our digital cable package. Honestly, I can barely afford any more entertainment, and I'm not living without my VH1. I'm into Tila Tequila. What can I say?

Kea did tell me that some crazy stuff happens on the Race after she and Leilani were eliminated. And given that she didn't use the word "stuff" to describe it, and given that Kea curses sparingly, I know now that the nose ring and the mushroom incidents are child's play compared to what happens later in the show. But naturally, she wouldn't tell me what or when. Of course, if it's that crazy, the producers will, and some idiot will leak it.

Kea updated me on her sister and what she did with her $4,000 - not much, apparently. She stuffed $3,000 in the bank and used the rest to repair her ATV, which seems to be her main form of transportation. She's living the high life, if you can call it that - chicken and pork for dinner every night, no climate control, and no cable. It's not for everyone; that's for sure. But if it relaxes Kea and gives her some relief from her beer-swilling, frisky, bisexual roommate, then I'm all for it.

That is, until I asked her about a possible "friends with benefits" relationship between us. I never saw Kea laugh so hard in my life.

Back from commercial.

Cut to an overview of Geneva, Switzerland at night; people are out and about in the old European city, Jet d'Eau is functional, and the last shot is of the Palace of Nations, the UN headquarters for Switzerland.

Phil (voice-over): This is Geneva, Switzerland. This international city that houses numerous world organizations and has become associated with culture and diplomacy is the fifth Pit Stop in a race around the world.

Cut to the arrivals of Alex and Elena, Charlie and Derek, Bobby and Caroline, and Ray and Jamal.

Phil (voice-over): Teams arrived here for a mandatory rest period. The teams waiting here have no idea what's in store for them. Because of an altercation that occurred on the plane into Geneva, Jeffrey and Bryan were sequestered away from the other teams during the Pit Stop. Spike was taken to the hospital again as a precaution and put on an IV of nutrients per medic's orders. Neither team's standing has changed.

Cut to Alex and Elena's arrival again.

Phil (voice-over): Alex and Elena, who were the first to arrive--

Cut to Alex and Elena, first to depart at 9:50 pm.

Phil (voice-over): ...will depart at 9:50 pm.

Alex: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic--

Cut to Phil standing in front of the Astronomical Clock in Prague.

Phil: Teams must now fly over 600 miles from Geneva to Prague, Czech Republic. Once there, they must find the Astronomical Clock, where they will receive their next clue.

Cut back to Alex and Elena.

Alex: You have $75 for this leg of the Race.

Elena: Hello, first place.

Alex: You can try out your Czech here.

Elena: I was hoping we would go somewhere that I spoke the language.

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Elena: I'm fluent in Russian and Czech as well as my native Bulgarian, so this leg is a chance to try out my language skills.

Alex: I love listening to Elena speak languages I don't understand. She could read the Prague phone book and it would sound beautiful.

Elena: All right, Casanova; ease up.

Cut to Charlie and Derek, second to depart at 11:19 pm.

Charlie: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic.

Derek: How much money do we have?

Charlie: Seventy-five dollars.

Derek: Good thing I'm a college student.

Charlie: A college student who won $30,000 betting on his own step-mom.

Derek: Details, details.

Cut to Bobby and Caroline, third to depart at 11:28 pm.

Bobby: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Caroline: I'm really liking Bobby's work ethic now. I knew he had it in him, but if it takes the Amazing Race to bring it out, then I'm glad we did it.

Bobby: I've just been in my element since our non-elimination, and it feels good. I think we have a shot to go far and probably even win.

Cut to Carrie and Dana, fourth to depart at 11:51 pm.

Dana: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic and find the Astronomical Clock.

Carrie: So we're just looking for a really cool clock?

Dana: I guess. Science wasn't my best subject.

Cut to Geneva Cointrin International Airport, where Alex and Elena have arrived. The ticket counters are closed and all indicate that they will open at 4:00 am.

Elena: I was hoping to get on the best flight.

Alex: Relax; it's not like anyone else has a better chance than we do.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, fifth to depart at 12:53 am.

Spike: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic.

Jennifer: How are you feeling?

Spike: Fine, as long as I stay the hell away from Ohio.

Jennifer: Fine with me.

Cut to Tina and Jim, sixth to depart at 2:04 am.

Jim: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Tina: I've gotten really upset with Jim because he isn't taking care of his knee. I really wish he would just take it a little easier.

Jim: Hey, what the hell else can I do? You can't carry the team any more than I can. I have to work hard. I've pushed through pain all my life, and this is no different.

Tina: Jim, you were shot.

Jim: And no one needs to know that.

Cut to Hayley and Alexis, seventh to depart at 2:10 am.

Alexis: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic.

Hayley: And after that scare in Wales, we're on our way back to the top.

Cut to Jeffrey and Bryan, eighth to depart at 2:26 am.

Bryan: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic. And try to be on your best behavior.

Jeffrey: Like you're one to talk.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Bryan: I wasn't trying to kill Spike on the last leg. I was just trying to scare her and mess with her head a bit. Some of these teams are easy to intimidate, and the more we do that, the worse they perform.

Jeffrey: We're not trying to kill anyone. Sure, some of them might deserve it, but we're here for the money.

Cut to Reggie and Dan, ninth to depart at 3:22 am.

Reggie: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic.

Team confessional, Reggie and Dan.

Reggie: In the last leg, we made an alliance with the Hawaiians in hopes of keeping them around and getting a stronger team out, but that failed miserably and we're back to picking a different strategy.

Dan: We could just try to beat the other teams straight-up, but we don't have the physical ability to do that, so we have to think of something else.

Cut to Ray and Jamal, last to depart at 3:57 am.

Jamal: Fly to Prague, Czech Republic. And step on it. We have to get out of last place.

Cut to Geneva Cointrin International Airport; the ticket counter has opened, and Alex and Elena are the first team in line.

Elena: We need to get to Prague as quickly as possible.

Agent: We have a flight that connects in Zurich that gets in at 8:50 am local time. Hurry; it leaves at 6:00 am, and seating is very limited.

Elena: Thank you.

The tickets print, and Elena takes them and heads out to board the plane; behind them in line are Charlie and Derek, currently in second place. Charlie steps forward to buy tickets.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: We were the last ones out of Switzerland on the earliest flight to arrive. We got on board with Alex and Elena with a pretty big advantage.

Derek: Dad and I have stayed at the front of the pack for most of the Race, and it's come in handy; we get the best flights and stay ahead of the other teams.

Cut to Bobby and Caroline, currently in third place, arriving at the counter; Bobby tries to buy tickets.

Agent: The earliest available flight connects in Amsterdam and arrives in Prague at 10:50 am local time. It leaves at 7:00 am.

Bobby: They got on an earlier flight. Why can't we?

Agent: That flight is full.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Bobby: Just as we were starting to enjoy being at the front of the pack, we're instantly two hours behind the front-runners because we can't get on the same flight. There's no way around it; that sucks.

Caroline: It seemed like there were two teams that got on the good flight, and the other two flights were a matter of just crossing your fingers and praying you stayed ahead of the other seven teams.

Cut to Bobby and Caroline holding their tickets; they stand next to Carrie and Dana, Spike and Jennifer, and Tina and Jim. The other teams are still in line.

Jim takes out his USC hat and stands with his arms folded; Dana cracks a grin that she is unable to contain.

Jim: What the hell are you smiling at?

Dana: Nothing. Nothing. I'm serious. I'm not smiling.

Jim: I put on this hat, and you start giggling like a school girl.

Dana: I'm sorry. I'm just thinking about how our football team beat you guys last year.

Jim: Yeah, yeah. I was injured. Damn ACL.

Dana: So that explains why you didn't cover the 41-point spread?

Carrie: You couldn't play because of your ACL?

Jim: Yeah. It was a pretty bad injury. I had to have surgery, and they botched it. It was never right again, and I started hanging out with the coaches after that.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Jim: Dana was giving me a hard time about the football game last year when Stanford beat my USC Trojans, and the subject of my knee injury came up. I don't talk about it much, but when I do, I tell everyone I got hurt in a game. The reality is, I was shot.

Tina: I wasn't on the surgery team, and I'm a pediatric doctor anyway, so the surgeons screwed up, and he hasn't been right since. That's why he hasn't played.

Jim: That and I've seen the track record of running backs my size with ACL and similar injuries, and I didn't like my odds.

Cut back to the airport.

Dana: So wait. When were you hurt?

Jim: The last game of the 2005 season. I tore my ACL.

Dana: But you said you were injured just last year.

Jim: It never healed right. The only reason I can even walk anywhere near right is because Tina takes such good care of me.

Dana: So are you guys dating or something?

Jim: Yes, we are. But we hardly ever see each other. We both have demanding jobs.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Dana: Tina and Jim usually don't talk much, so to see them open up was a little unusual and actually pretty refreshing. Well, actually, only Jim really said anything. I don't know quite what Tina's deal is, but she seems really shy.

Carrie: I tried to talk to her away from Jim, but it was really hard to get through to her.

Cut to Carrie talking to Tina away from the group.

Carrie: So tell me a little about you. You never talk.

Tina: I usually don't have much to say.

Carrie: Except, "Damnit, Jim; ice that knee!"

Tina looks at Carrie with a look of shame; Carrie, expecting laughter, hangs her head.

Carrie (softly): I'm sorry.

Tina: No, it's fine. I understand.

Carrie: So why are you so quiet? This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance; enjoy it!

Tina: How are you always so happy?

Carrie: Because life's too damn short to be miserable. People try to give me s--- for who I date, too, but--

Tina: What do you mean, who you date?

Carrie: I'll show you.

Carrie takes out a picture of her with Rex, her boyfriend, and shows it to Tina.

Tina: He's so skinny. I take it people don't like the whole white-black thing.

Carrie: Some don't. But if you love the guy, don't let other people tell you it's wrong.

Carrie reaches up and places her arm on Tina's shoulder; Tina cringes and almost falls forward as if she's in pain.

Carrie: I'm sorry; did I hurt you?

Tina is on her knees shaking in fear.

(confessional) Tina: I'm not good with unexpected contact, and I think that what Carrie tried to do was nice and all, but the contact just made it impossible to concentrate.

Cut to the airport, where Tina is still on her knees trying to hold back tears. Carrie has a somewhat stunned expression; Dana has started talking to Jim.

Dana: I don't get it; all Carrie did was just put her arm on Tina's shoulder.

Jim: Now you know why I don't do anything like that.

Dana: Why is she like that?

Jim: I don't know.

Dana: I hate to be nosy,, I really hate to ask this question--

Jim: She wasn't raped, if that's what you want to know.

Dana: I'm...really embarrassed to even consider asking that.

Jim: Don't be.

Dana: I know. But she just fits the--

Jim: I've heard that a million times, and so has she. But she swears she wasn't, and I got hell for asking one time, so I pretty much don't bring it up.

Dana: I hate to tell you guys how to live, but you're not exactly all over each other.

Jim: A lot of that's really my fault.

(confessional) Jim: Dana told me what other people are probably thinking, and that's that Tina and I seem more like friends or roommates than a couple most of the time. It does feel like that, and I've accepted it for most of our relationship because I never had any reason to think that it should be different.

Cut to Jim kneeling beside Tina.

Jim: It's OK. She didn't mean anything. She was just trying to help.

Tina (stuttering): I-I know. I j-just c-can't deal with c-cont-tact.

Jim: I understand. Now come on. We have a plane to catch. I'll get you something to drink.

Cut to Ray and Jamal, currently in last place, at the ticket counter; Ray is buying tickets.

Agent: This flight leaves here at 7:20 am, connects in Vienna, and lands in Prague at 11:05 am.

Ray: That's the fastest, then?

Agent: That's the fastest.

Ray: Well, that's the breaks. We'll take it.

Cut to Alex and Elena on Flight #1 along with Charlie and Derek. A different cut shows Bobby and Caroline, Carrie and Dana, Spike and Jennifer, and Tina and Jim on Flight #2; Tina appears to have calmed down and is sipping a bottle of water. A final cut shows Hayley and Alexis, Jeffrey and Bryan, Reggie and Dan, and Ray and Jamal on Flight #3.

Cut to a map of Europe with Geneva, Prague, and the three intermediate stops along with the flight paths.

Phil (voice-over): All teams are now on their way from Geneva to Prague.

Cut to Ruzyne International Airport, where Flight #1 is landing at 8:51 am. Alex and Elena get off the plane first; Charlie and Derek are following.

Cut to outside the airport; Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, hail a cab.

Derek (to the driver): We need to get to the Astronomical Clock. It's important.

Cut to Alex and Elena, currently in second place, piling in a taxi.

Elena: My potřebovat až k počít člen určitý Astronomický Hodiny ačkoliv rychle ačkoliv možný. (Subtitle: We need to get to the Astronomical Clock as quickly as possible.)

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Alex: Elena was awesome right out of the gate; she used her Czech knowledge, and the other teams didn't have a chance.

Elena: Alex and I do it all the time. If we don't want other teams to understand us, we speak in Russian to each other. It really helps to speak another language.

Cut to the Astronomical Clock, where Charlie and Derek are arriving.

As they arrive, they see a sign that says "INTERSECTION".

Cut to Phil in front of a fountain with an "INTERSECTION" sign.

Phil: At an Intersection, a team that arrives must wait for another team and race with them until further notice. The joined teams will follow the sme task and work together until they are split apart.

Cut to Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, waiting at the Intersection. Soon after, Alex and Elena, currently in second place, arrive.

Alex: So wait. There's an Intersection? Are we working with you guys?

Charlie: Looks like it.

Elena: We'll be unstoppable.

Derek: Let's go.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: We joined up with Alex and Elena at the Intersection, and we found out just how much Elena knows about Prague and the Czech language. She was awesome.

Derek: At the same time, they don't fit in with our alliance, so we king of kept each other at a distance.

Cut to Derek opening a clue.

Derek: Travel to a place inspired by a murdered singer--

Cut to Phil standing in front of the John Lennon wall, which has some text written in yellow and red paint.

Phil: Teams must figure out that they are being directed to the John Lennon Wall. This wall, which is covered in graffiti and meant to inspire peace, is where teams will receive their next clue.

Cut to Ruzyne International Airport, where Flight #2 is arriving at 10:59 am; soon after, Flight #3 is arriving at 11:04 am.

Quick cuts to Bobby and Caroline, Carrie and Dana, and Spike and Jennifer dominate the screen; they are dashing through the airport, and Spike has a mouth full of candy.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: Our flight was delayed by a few minutes, so when we were waiting for cabs, the other teams started to catch up. Our advantage pretty much went out the window, and it all came down to getting in a cab and going.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, currently in sixth place, trying to hail a cab as Hayley and Alexis, currently in seventh place, run up behind them.

Spike: Don't even think about it.

Alexis: Think about what?

Spike: Flashing the goods to steal our cab.

Alexis: Like we'd ever do that.

Jennifer: Spike, give it a rest.

Behind them, Jeffrey and Bryan, currently in eighth place, arrive.

Jennifer: You guys just want to get in that van with us and get the hell out of here? Those guys are f------ creepy.

Hayley: What are you afraid of?

Jennifer: They tried to slip a mushroom in Spike's sandwich on the way into Switzerland.

Hayley: So? That's weird, not dangerous.

Spike: I'm allergic to mushrooms. I could have died.

Hayley: Oh, come on. He didn't know.

Spike: Yes, he did. I said something in Wales, and he overheard it. This was after he tore my nose ring out.

Alexis: I was wondering what happened to that. You look better now than you did with it in.

Spike: Thanks a lot, bitch.

A cab pulls up; Hayley and Alexis slink into the cab, leaving Spike and Jennifer without one.

Spike: Well, make that two teams on our s--- list.

Bryan stands behind them with a smirk.

Spike: What the hell are you smiling about, assh---? Did you cut the cab's brake line?

Bryan doesn't give an obvious response as Spike stares him down.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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2. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 6 - "I Just Can't Deal With Contact""
Blog Entry, 10/16/2008
Authored by: Wade Blitzer, trojantrainer

For those of you sitting there asking yourself, "Just what is Tina's deal, anyway?" understand that you're not alone, and I'm probably the wrong person to ask. I know nothing more than you do, and I can tell you that, if there's any real change in her relationship with Jim, I'm sure as hell not seeing it. Granted, I'm as busy as they are, and their relationship isn't something I claim to be an expert on, but from what I see, nothing has changed.

I do know that her issue with contact is pretty severe; it's a lot like shaking hands with a severely obsessive-compulsive person. Even accidental contact spooks her, and Jim tells me that the only time she even lays a hand on him is when she rubs his knee. Even then, he's usually wearing some kind of pants over the knee, and she's wearing gloves.

I mentioned earlier that Tina had a rough childhood; Jim told me that she was bullied constantly. Even in college, there were idiots who gave her a rough time, but she mostly just kept to herself. Jim even tells me that she doesn't have any friends besides him, although to be fair, the same could be said for Jim. He basically has Tina and the team.

Jim told me what his deal is, though; he's not skittish and shy about it like Tina. Simply put, his parents were workaholics who didn't want kids and had him on accident. So, as so many working parents do, they did the absolute minimum they could to keep him alive and spent virtually no time with him. He was in daycare when he wasn't in school, and his parents just threw money at whatever problems they felt they had to fix rather than talking to him.

He was thrown out on his 18th birthday and spent five months living with a teammate before going off to college. All his parents said to him on his way out was, "You're 18; it's time to live your own life. Don't come back." Jim tells me that the look on their face was of complete indifference. They might as well have told him that it was going to rain on Tuesday.

So let's see...she was bullied, had no real friends, and hates being touched, while he was unloved by his parents, never learned that it's OK to open up to people, and has no idea how to be in a romantic relationship. Couple that with Jim needing care for his knee, and that's the formula for Jim and Tina's relationship. It's as if they were randomly paired out of the entire Los Angeles area to be a couple, and neither one is that into it. They stay with it because...well, is the alternative any better? Didn't think so.

I did find something out - Jim explained that he's seeing a counselor now. I'm not sure what for, but he was always so bull-headed that counseling for anything was out of the question. What made him decide to go is on the long list of things he doesn't want to talk about, along with why he freaked out when he heard a cannon and why there are cuts on his head and forearms.

Fortunately, Jim's very good at changing the subject. Or unfortunately, if you're a curious person like I am.

Back from commercial.

Spike: What the hell are you smiling about, assh---? Did you cut the cab's brake line?

Bryan doesn't give an obvious response as Spike stares him down.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: The Ravers came up and stole our cab right from under our noses. So we got stuck there next to Ohio wondering if they were about to take out a gun and blow us away.

Jennifer: I stared Jeffrey down, and I think she backed off. And then we did the same thing to them that the Ravers did to us.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer piling into a cab; Jeffrey and Bryan are left waiting.

Spike: Eat our dust, bitches.

Soon after, however, Jeffrey and Bryan hail a cab.

Cut to the John Lennon Wall; Alex, Elena, Charlie, and Derek arrive and look over the wall searching for clues. However, Charlie stumbles upon the clue box; he opens the clue.

Charlie: Detour. Board or Bungee?

Cut to Phil standing on Charles Bridge, which is empty other than him.

Phil: In this Detour, teams must choose between two individual sports in a nation that's known for them. Their choices? "Board" and "Bungee."

Cut to Strahov Stadium, which is full of skateboarders.

Phil: In Board, teams must travel to Strahov Stadium and complete a 200-meter course on a skateboard. The course has obstacles, ramps, and tricks. Each of the four members of the team must complete a quarter of the track; once they do, a local skater will hand them their next clue. The task is all about skill, but teams without that skill could get hurt and be there a long time.

Cut to Charles Bridge, which is outfitted for bungee jumping.

Phil: In Bungee, teams must bungee jump off the historic Charles Bridge. All four members will jump separately with an instructor. Once they have done so, the instructor will hand them their next clue. The task is intense, but teams without fear will finish quickly.

Cut to the John Lennon Wall.

Charlie: I can't skateboard worth a damn. Anyone here afraid to bungee jump?

Derek: Yeah, I am.

Charlie: Well, suck it up and do it, you big wimp.

(confessional) Derek: I'm not actually afraid to bungee jump, but my dad and I mess with each other all the time, and we're trying to mess with Tennessee, too.

Cut to the Astronomical clock; the first team to arrive is Hayley and Alexis, currently in third place.

Alexis: Intersection. So all that cab-stealing left us with no advantage.

Hayley: Yeah, just watch. Those two bitches will catch up to us or something.

Arriving soon after and getting out of their cab are Bobby and Caroline, currently in fourth place.

Alexis: Well, here comes the lesser of two evils.

Team confessional, Hayley and Alexis.

Alexis: After we screwed Spike and Jennifer out of a cab, we really hoped we didn't have to work with them.

Hayley: The looks on their faces might have been pretty good if they figured out they were stuck with us, but I think the joke might have been on us.

Cut to Hayley, Alexis, Bobby, and Caroline at the Astronomical clock; Caroline opens the clue.

Caroline: Travel to a place inspired by a famous murdered singer.

Bobby: They must mean the John Lennon wall.

Team confessional, Hayley and Alexis.

Hayley: And all of a sudden, Bobby and Caroline are looking like a threat. This used to be the team that should have been out but wasn't, and here they are scaring the hell out of us.

Alexis: Well, we got the chance to work with them, so I'm not too displeased.

Hayley: Don't tell me you're looking at Bobby like that.

Alexis: Whatever, Hayley. You can't take your eyes off Derek.

Cut to the Astronomical Clock; the next team to arrive is Spike and Jennifer, currently in fifth place.

Spike: Damn. A f------ Intersection.

Jennifer: All we can do is cross our fingers and hope one of the cool teams shows up. Maybe after some time with me, Jim's knee won't hurt.

Spike: What are you now, a physical therapist?

Jennifer: I'm whatever he wants me to be.

Spike: And here I am trying to do everything I can for you--

Jennifer: Give it a rest, Spike. You know you're hot for Dana.

A cab pulls up to the Astronomical Clock; Spike and Jennifer eye it in nervous anticipation.

Out of the cab come Jeffrey and Bryan, who approach the intersection.

Spike covers her face in agony.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Bryan: The Goths could not have been more unhappy to see us. And really, I couldn't have picked a worse team to work with. She just took a swing at me in the last leg; what do I say to that?

Jeffrey: It's their fault we're under close watch from just about everyone. They think we're killers.

Cut to the Intersection; Jennifer opens the clue.

Jennifer: Travel to a place inspired by a famous murdered singer.

Spike: And don't even think about cracking a joke at my expense. They mean John Lennon.

Bryan: Wait, how do you know that?

Spike: I'm a musician, people. I have to know this stuff.

Cut to a later scene at the Astronomical Clock; arriving at the Intersection are Tina and Jim, currently in seventh place.

Jim: Intersection. So wait, this means we have to wait?

Tina: Yeah. Rest your knee.

Jim: It's always about this damn knee.

Soon behind them, Reggie and Dan arrive, and Jim opens the clue.

Jim: Travel to a place inspired by a famous murdered singer.

Reggie: Do they mean John Lennon? That's the only one I can think of.

Jim: Kurt Cobain killed himself, so it must be.

Cut to a later scene at the Intersection; Carrie and Dana, currently in ninth place, arrive, and Carrie takes and holds an envelope, nervously tapping her foot.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: We had a lot of problems getting out of the airport, so we ended up dropping to the back of the pack. On top of that, there was an Intersection, and we wondered if they were eliminating two teams.

Dana: We kind of knew that wasn't doable, but it still made us nervous, and we got a little impatient waiting for whoever was in last.

Cut to the Astronomical Clock; Ray and Jamal arrive and join Carrie and Dana. Carrie opens the clue.

Carrie: Travel to a place inspired by a famous murdered singer. They must mean John Lennon.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: Once again, my knowledge of music got us through something. Yes, Dana makes fun of me for being 37, but she was smiling all the way to the next place.

Dana: I'm just waiting for the first question about Christina Aguilera, though. Carrie will be glad she's here with me then.

Cut to the John Lennon Wall; Hayley, Alexis, Bobby, and Caroline are there, and Alexis points out the clue box, opening the clue.

Alexis: Detour. Board or Bungee?

Hayley: We get to bungee jump?

Alexis: Good with me. Let's go.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Bobby: The Ravers basically took control and told us what we were doing and how we were doing it. It worked to some extent, but it still sucked as a managerial style. It's like answering to two Carolines on steroids.

Caroline: Oh, come on. I'm not that bad.

Bobby: That's why I said "on steroids."

Cut to the Charles Bridge, where Alex is the first to jump. He, along with an instructor, is fastening in; the camera shows a steep drop with a river below.

Alex: Well, here goes nothing.

With the instructor, Alex leaps off the bungee platform and falls headfirst; his excited screams are picked up while he shouts, hollers, and wiggles as the bungee cored comes to a complete stop.

Cut to him returning to the platform.

Elena: Well, if it's as much fun as you say it is, count me out.

Alex: Oh, come on. Do you really want to break your neck on a skateboard?

Elena: It's better than breaking every bone in my body here.

Alex: So you'd rather be a vegetable than dead?

Elena: All right. You got me there.

(confessional) Elena: I was scared for my life to jump, and I guess Alex's ribbing got me a little fired up to do it.

Cut to Elena leaping off the platform; she is hanging onto the instructor and screaming, and the camera picks up a terrified look on her face.

She bites down on her lower lip and closes her eyes, muttering something to herself.

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Alex: I was really proud of Elena for overcoming her fear of bungee jumping, but at the same time, I don't know if she was afraid or just trying to psych me out.

Elena: I was really afraid. I'm lucky I didn't s--- myself.

Alex: That would have been funny.

Elena: Quiet, you.

Cut to Charlie returning from the platform while an antsy Derek is fastened into the bungee cord.

Charlie: Try to have about half as much fun as I did.

Derek: Dare me to drink a beer while I jump.

Charlie: Make it a Jack and Coke and you got a deal.

Derek approaches the end of the platform and leaps over, even catching his instructor by surprise; all the way down, he shouts and cheers, holding his arms out and shouting incoherently.

Charlie (to himself): Well, that's my boy.

Soon, Derek returns to the platform and is unfastened; the instructor hands him the clue.

Derek: Take a train to Cesky Krumlov--

Cut to Phil Standing in front of Krumlov Castle in the village of Cesky Krumlov.

Phil: Teams must now take a train nearly 120 miles to Cesky Krumlov. This village far outside the capital city of Prague is where they will look for Krumlov Castle, which was built in the 13th century. At the front entrance, teams will receive their next clue.

Cut to Alex, Elena, Charlie, and Derek at Charles Bridge.

Charlie: Let's get going.

Cut to Spike, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Bryan arriving at the John Lennon Wall. Spike looks around and finds the clue.

Spike: Detour. Board or Bungee?

Bryan: Do you want to ride a skateboard or bungee jump?

Jeffrey: No way am I doing either.

Bryan: You don't have a choice. Do you want to stay in the Race?

Jeffrey: Fine. You people pick.

Jennifer: How are you on a skateboard?

Spike: Not good. Let's bungee jump.

Soon after them are Tina, Jim, Reggie, and Dan.

Reggie: Detour. Board or Bungee? I'm too fat to do a skateboard, and Jim's knee is in bad shape.

Jim: Yeah. Let's bungee jump.

Arriving after them are Carrie, Dana, Ray, and Jamal.

Jamal: Detour. Board or Bungee? Can you ladies skateboard?

Carrie: Hell no.

Jamal: Want to bungee jump?

Carrie: Sure.

Cut to Charles Bridge; just outside it, two vans, one carrying Hayley, Alexis, Bobby, and Caroline, and the other carrying Spike, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Bryan, pull up near each other.

The first people to get out are Hayley, Alexis, and Bobby; Caroline stays behind.

Caroline (to the driver): Stay put. We'll be just a couple of minutes.

As she does this, Spike, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Bryan all dash out of their van, leaving their stuff behind, and a few seconds after Hayley, Alexis, and Bobby arrive, Spike, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Bryan cut in.

Alexis: Hey, we're here first.

Spike: Nice try. We have all four of us. We're going ahead.

Alexis: Take us first, people. The other one is on her way.

Instructor: By rule, I take the team that arrived first. All four members are here. I will take this team.

Spike walks up to the edge and begins to fit herself for the bungee equipment.

Spike: Enjoy waiting, bitches.

Team confessional, Hayley and Alexis.

Alexis: The Goths took our lead. I wasn't happy. They jus barged right in and said, "We're going first!" It was not cool.

Hayley: Of course, we stole their cab.

Alexis: We didn't steal anything! They stole from us!

Hayley: Yeah, they should have taken it if they wanted it.

Cut to Jeffrey being fitted for the bungee equipment; she appears to be shaking and unhappy, though the instructor guides her out to the edge.

Jeffrey: F--- this. I can't do it.

Bryan: Listen here. If you don't jump, we'll lose the Race and you won't get the million dollars.

Jeffrey: Fine. (under her breath) Why don't you just go make a million f------ dollars instead?

Despite her protests, Jeffrey jumps over the edge, though her facial expression does not change.

Bryan cheers from the edge; Spike and Jennifer stand back and act as if nothing is happening.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Jeffrey: That was the worst experience of my life. I'd never do it again. I hate thrill rides.

Bryan: Well, you did it. At least you can say that.

Jeffrey: Be quiet.

Cut to Bryan returning from his jump; he is handed the next clue.

Bryan: Take a train to Cesky Krumlov.

Spike: Let's get going.

Bryan: Enjoy waiting, bitches.

Team confessional, Hayley and Alexis.

Hayley: As much as the Goths and Ohio say they hate each other, I have to wonder if there isn't some kind of hidden deal going on between them.

Alexis: I wouldn't be surprised if all the hate is just for show. That's the kind of people they are.

Cut to Bobby being fitted for the bungee equipment.

Bobby: Well, here goes nothing.

Bobby crosses his fingers and looks down somewhat apprehensively.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-05-08, 10:21 AM (EST)
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3. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 6 - "I Just Can't Deal With Contact""
Blog Entry, 10/16/2008
Authored by: Judith Sparks, girlpowercluberis

I feel a bit like Benedict Arnold right now in that I'm not firmly on Hayley and Alexis' side in their court battle, but these assault charges are no laughing matter, and I wish they would understand that. The fact that they were released on bail - which I paid, by the way; you're welcome, ladies - seems to make them believe that they're invincible.

Both their boyfriends had air-tight alibis for why they were not actually cheating on their girlfriends the nights in which they were assaulted. One of the cheating allegations was disproven by me using this newfangled thing called "security cameras." The guy Alexis saw with another woman? Not her boyfriend. The guy she beat up? Definitely her boyfriend. And Hayley's concerns were just a case of - and I loved this - a female coming to drop off flowers for Hayley as a present from - you guessed it - Hayley's own boyfriend. Hayley sees the transaction and breaks out her best kung fu moves on her boyfriend.

I don't know what's sadder - that both Hayley and Alexis are convinced that their actions were justified, that they still think their boyfriends are cheaters, or that their boyfriends are taking them back the minute they're out of jail. That or that both women have messed around behind the back of every boyfriend they've ever had.

This wasn't what I had in mind when I started Club Eris. Yes, I escaped an abusive boyfriend. Yes, I think it's a bad thing for a man to assault a woman. But when a woman assaults a man? While some people think there's a lot of potential for comedy, I really don't. And until these two girls mend their ways, I'll have to find someone else to help me run the club.

The boyfriends have tried on a couple of occasions to drop the charges - Hayley and Alexis don't know that I talked them out of it. The girls won't learn anything. It sounds condescending, but it's the damn truth. And neither will these poor guys. They didn't even do anything wrong and they got the hell beaten out of them, and for some reason, they think they either deserved it or were wrong to sell out someone so close to them. It's Battered Woman Syndrome, only the ones being battered are men. And it's equally sad. I feel like I've created a monster.

As for their gameplay? They're all over the place. First one leg and near last the next, it seems like. Teams that finish all over the place are last sooner or later. It's bound to happen. And come on now. Swiping Spike and Jennifer's cab? Low class. I'm glad they got stiffed at the Detour.

Sorry, ladies. But I'm a fan of the punks now.

Back from commercial.

Bobby: Well, here goes nothing.

Bobby crosses his fingers and looks down somewhat apprehensively.

(confessional) Bobby: If I had just gone and jumped right away, there wouldn't have been a problem. The fact that the punks and Ohio cut in front of us and made us wait was what got me.

Cut to Bobby nervously stepping to the edge; the instructor does not make a move as he waits for Bobby t jump.

Caroline: Jump already, damn you!

Bobby falls over slowly and picks up speed as he drops; his scared face quickly turns to a thrill sensation, and he begins to shout.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Caroline: I don't know what Bobby's problem was, but it's almost a fear of the unknown, and once he tries something, he likes it.

Bobby: Yeah, I'll just call it that.

Cut to Caroline finished with her jump; in the background waiting are Tina, Jim, Reggie, and Dan.

Hayley is being fitted for the equipment.

Hayley: OK, now I'll show you a woman does it, little boy.

Hayley leaps off the platform in an apparent swan dive; her face shows almost no expression, and she holds out her arms.

Team confessional, Hayley and Alexis.

Hayley: When Bobby almost wimped out, I wanted to rub it in his face a little bit. So I showed off and went off headfirst just to scare him and get under his skin.

Alexis: And then, of course, I had to do something even more insane.

Cut to Alexis leaping off while appearing to do a cannonball into mid-air. She hangs from the bungee cord, whooping and hollering, flailing her arms and legs in joy.

As she is raised back up to the platform, the instructor hands her the clue.

Alexis: Take a train to Cesky Krumlov. And now we can get a discount by buying a child ticket for Bobby.

Bobby: I jumped, didn't I?

Alexis: Christ, Bobby; learn to take a joke.

After they leave, Reggie is fitted first for the equipment.

Cut to a train station; Alex, Elena, Charlie, and Derek are waiting for a train.

Alex: So here goes any advantage we have.

Elena: Relax; the train leaves in 15 minutes. The next train isn't for an hour. No one's getting on.

Alex: What happened to the train that was coming earlier?

Elena: I don't know. No one said anything.

Cut to the ticket office; a frantic Spike, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Bryan arrive at the ticket office.

Jennifer: We need four tickets on the next train to Cesky Krumlov.

Agent: There is a train leaving in ten minutes. Take these tickets and hurry.

Jennifer takes the tickets and all four players begin to run; the camera chases them through the train station as Spike and Jeffrey struggle to maintain their breath. Jennifer and Bryan drag them to pick up speed.

At the train dock, Alex, Elena, Charlie, and Derek begin to embark the train; a sprinting Jennifer and Bryan pull an exhausted Spike and Jeffrey onto the train seconds before it closes.

Spike, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Bryan do not have time to sit before the train moves, and all but Bryan fall to the floor in an exhausted state.

Bryan looks over at Alex, Elena, Charlie, and Derek, who have a shocked look on their faces.

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Elena: And as we're boarding the train, here comes Seattle and Ohio all out of breath, having caught up to us.

Alex: So there went our advantage that we had earned in the last leg. We were in a fight for our lives.

Elena: Well, it wasn't that bad. But I wanted another first-place finish, and our odds were just cut in half.

Cut to the train, where Spike and Jeffrey struggle to catch their breath.

Jennifer opens a bottle of water for Spike, but she refuses it at first and slowly sips it after.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: OK, I'll admit it. It's hard to run after you've smoked as much as I have. But I never thought to myself how hard this would be after smoking. I just really enjoyed it.

Jennifer: And I didn't. And here we are.

Spike: Yeah, here we are tied for first.

Cut to Jim being undone from the bungee cord and handed the next clue.

Jim: Take a train to Cesky Krumlov.

The first to be fitted on the last group is Ray.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Dana: At the bungee jump, we were pretty sure that we either had to get on the same train as the other teams or we would risk elimination. Given that there were so many teams left, we had no idea if the last group of teams was going to be out or what.

Carrie: So I just got the stuff on as quickly as I could and jumped.

Cut to Carrie running off the platform.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: And I'm scared to death of falling, but I did it anyway because I didn't want to be eliminated. I came here to go all the way.

Dana: I did the same thing. I just pretended that my girlfriend was at the bottom covered in frosting. For everyone who needed a great mental image, there's one.

Cut to Dana being undone from the bungee equipment and handed the clue.

Dana: Take a train to Cesky Krumlov. And get there as quickly as possible.

Cut to the train station; Hayley, Alexis, Bobby and Caroline have made it on the train, as have Reggie, Dan, Tina, and Jim. The camera pans to Ray, Jamal, Carrie, and Dana at the ticket counter; Carrie is trying to order tickets.

Carrie: We need to be on the first train to Cesky Krumlov.

Agent: I'm sorry; that train is leaving now.

Carrie: Can you hold the train for just ten minutes? We need to be on it.

Agent: I'm sorry; I can not. You will need to wait for the next train in an hour.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: My heart sank when I heard that the next train wasn't for an hour. I felt like we were done. And this wasn't just a race for a little walking around money. I need this.

Dana: We weren't ready to be out. So we crossed our fingers and held our breath.

Cut to Cesky Krumlov; Alex, Elena, Charlie, and Derek, currently in first place, are roaming the streets looking for Krumlov Castle.

Spike, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Bryan, currently in second place, are in a different part of the village; in the background is Krumlov Castle, which was not visible to the other group.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Jeffrey: We were in this village and had no idea where we were going. It was like being in Switzerland, except the Goths couldn't hide from us.

Bryan: For the last time, they're not Goths.

Jeffrey: It's how I know them.

Bryan: Well, you know them wrong.

Spike, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Bryan are the first to arrive at the entrance to Krumlov Castle; Bryan takes the clue.

Bryan: Roadblock. Who's up for a fight?

Cut to Phil standing in front of Krumlov Castle on a lawn; there are fencers behind him in action.

Phil: In this Roadblock, that player must go head-to-head with the chosen player from the other team in their Intersection pairing in a fencing match. The target scoring area is restricted to the opponent's torso, as marked by the red on their best in this case. Players may not strike any other area on their opponent's body; anyone who does so three times loses automatically. The first to strike five times wins and is sent to the lowest level of the castle to find their next clue. The loser receives a 10-minute penalty and then is released to get their next clue.

Cut to both teams huddling separately from one another.

Jennifer: I got this. I fenced in college.

Spike: Hey, you're right. Go for it.

Pan to Jeffrey and Bryan.

Bryan: Can you do this?

Jeffrey: I don't want to. I hate this.

Bryan: You need to do this.

Jeffrey: Fine, whatever.

Both Jennifer and Jeffrey put on fencing gear; two judges and a referee are in place.

Referee: En garde!

Jennifer instantly hits Jeffrey's shoulder, scoring a point.

They take their places again, and Jennifer scores again.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Jennifer: I fenced in college just as a way to blow off steam; Jeffrey clearly had no idea what she was doing, so I took advantage.

Spike: I didn't have any idea what either of them was doing, so I was glad Jen was so skilled.

The score is 4-0 in Jennifer's favor.

Referee: En garde!

Jeffrey parries, blocking Jennifer's first attack; however, Jennifer, ducks her with a low thrust and hits her in the vest.

Referee: Five points!

The referee hands Jennifer the clue as she begins to shed the fencing gear; Jeffrey waits on the side with Bryan.

Spike and Jennifer run into the castle, dashing down several stairs.

Soon to arrive after them are Alex, Elena, Charlie, and Derek.

Charlie: Roadblock. Who's up for a fight? I'll do it.

Alex: Me too.

Charlie: Just so you know, I'm pretty good.

Alex: Me too.

Jeffrey and Bryan watch as Charlie faces off against Alex; soon, they are donning fencing gear.

Referee: En garde!

Charlie attacks Alex's torso, scoring a quick point. The referee stops the action and resumes it momentarily, and Alex strikes Charlie's stomach, evening the score.

The judges are using a hand-operated system to keep score; each Racer's score of 1 point is clearly displayed.

Referee: En garde!

Charlie deflects Alex's thrust, parrying twice and knocking the saber out of Alex's hand without touching it. He then taps Alex's stomach for an easy point.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: Alex was pretty good, and we went back and forth for most of the match. I think we made Ohio nervous that we might pass them.

Derek: Dad told me about a little experience he had with fencing, but nothing too impressive. I was astounded. I thought his best sport was poker.

Charlie: That is my best sport. That and pool.

Derek: Play me in hockey sometime.

Charlie: I'd like to stay alive, son.

Cut to Charlie and Alex's match; the score is 4-3 for Charlie.

Referee: En garde!

Charlie and Alex trade swats with the foil; Alex tries a fancy maneuver that is blocked with a quick wrist of Charlie's.

Alex reaches his arm up to block Charlie's foil.

Referee: Point!

He raises Charlie's hand, and Charlie's score increases to five.

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Alex: I got a little careless fencing Charlie, so I threw an arm up and blocked. That meant he got a point automatically.

Elena: For an engineer, you sure are absent-minded.

Alex: I know.

Alex and Elena's time penalty starts at 10 minutes; the time left on Jeffrey and Bryan's is 3:11. Charlie and Derek have since headed for the castle's lowest level.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, currently in first place, at the lowest level looking for a clue in a poorly lit area.

The focus is instantly on one under a torch.

Spike: How did I miss this?

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: The castle basement is lit by torches and has no sunlight. It's impossible to find anything in there.

Jennifer: Fortunately, we were ahead of everyone, so we got the pick of the litter as far as clues went.

Cut to Spike opening the clue.

Spike: Travel to the Baroque theater--

Cut to Phil standing outside the Baroque theater.

Phil: Teams must make their way to the Krumlov Castle Baroque Theater. This building, which is over 240 years old and used only three times a year for candle-lit operas, is the Pit Stop for this leg of the Race. The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: Let's go.

Arriving shortly after are Charlie and Derek, currently in second place.

Derek: We need a clue.

Charlie: Are there any clues in here? I'm old; I can't see a thing.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Derek: When we went down, we saw Seattle heading back up after a few minutes of searching, and when we got down there, I knew why. Everything was so poorly lit. I'm glad I have such sharp eyes and can pick these things up.

Charlie: So I let him work his magic, and we got out of there.

Cut to Derek opening a clue.

Derek: Travel to the Baroque theater.

On their way out, Charlie and Derek pass Jeffrey and Bryan, who are on their way in. Jeffrey searches a smaller area while Bryan looks in a larger one that is less well-lit.

Cut to the Baroque theater; a costumed performer stands with Phil. Spike and Jennifer arrive.

Greeter: Welcome to Krumlov Castle.

Phil: Spike and Jennifer...

Phil gives an obvious smile.

Phil:'re team number ONE!

Jennifer embraces Spike warmly as the two shout gladly; Jennifer kisses Spike on the cheek and then on the lips.

Phil: Now I have some good news. As the winners of this leg of the Race, you have each won 10,000 first-class airline miles courtesy of Delta Airlines, and you can enjoy those after the Race. Any place you're thinking about going after the Race?

Jennifer: I want to go to Jamaica.

Phil: Well, now you can.

Soon after them, Charlie and Derek arrive.

Phil: Charlie and're team number two!

Charlie and Derek exchange a double high-five and fist-pound as they cheer somewhat incoherently and bark like wild dogs.

Phil: You guys came close again. Does it get difficult to be close to the top?

Derek: Of course. But we have the prize from the first leg, and we came from last place then. We're not too concerned.

Charlie: What Derek's trying to say is that we don't want other teams hunting us down.

Derek: They can't vote us off here, Dad.

Charlie: Yeah, but they can U-Turn us.

Cut to Krumlov Castle; Alex and Elena, along with Jeffrey and Bryan, are frantically looking for a clue.

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Alex: In the castle basement, the clues were hard to find and it was poorly lit.

Elena: When we saw Ohio still looking, we got a little concerned.

Alex: And then we got a little creative.

Cut to Alex looking underneath a large rock, attempting to move it.

Elena: Alex! You'll get hurt!

Alex: I'll get the clue.

A clue is sticking out from underneath the tock; Alex pulls on it, and it comes out much easier than expected.

He opens the clue.

Alex: Travel to the Baroque theater.

Elena: Let's get out of here.

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Bryan: When Tennessee got the clue under the rock, it gave me an idea.

Jeffrey: And I hoped he wouldn't throw out his back with it.

Cut to Bryan peeking inside a chest; there is nothing inside, but the chest moves.

As he moves it, there is a clue underneath. He takes it and opens it.

Bryan: Travel to the Baroque theater.

Cut to the Baroque theater, where Alex and Elena are arriving.

Phil: Alex and're team number three!

Alex embraces Elena as Elena kisses Alex on the lips.

Soon after them, Jeffrey and Bryan arrive.

Phil: Jeffrey and're team number four!

Bryan picks up a somewhat spooked Jeffrey and spins her around joyously; Jeffrey appears stunned as he sets her down.

Cut to the train station in Cesky Krumlov; two groups get off the train.

First to jump out are Hayley, Alexis, Bobby, and Caroline. Soon after are Reggie, Dan, Tina, and Jim.

Team confessional, Hayley and Alexis.

Hayley: One advantage that our group had over the other one on our train was that we were in better physical shape. Reggie and Dan are in their 40s, and Jim has a bad knee, so we managed to stay ahead of them because of that.

Alexis: It was a little like racing snails, and the last group was way behind, so we were in pretty good shape.

Cut to Krumlov Castle; Alexis opens the clue.

Alexis: Roadblock. Who's up for a fight?

Alexis and Bobby both begin to grab fencing gear and suit up; a quick cut to a few minutes later shows them prepared for a fight.

Alexis: You're going down, little boy.

Bobby: F--- you, bitch.

Referee: En garde!

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-05-08, 10:25 AM (EST)
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4. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 6 - "I Just Can't Deal With Contact""
Blog Entry, 10/16/2008
Authored by: Taylor Nabors, blueinbiloxi

Well, wouldn't you know it? Jamal is many things - obnoxious, shiftless, unambitious, and overall a total jerk - but one thing I never imagined he was, nor did I ever give him credit for, was "right." In all my time dating and being engaged to Jamal, I never once admitted to him that he was right; now that I broke off the engagement, I can honestly and sadly say that he is.

He sent me proof of Dad's affair with a co-worker, a 25-year-old female rookie who, it turns out, is every bit as married as Dad is. I've seen more of Dad - and of this young female - than I really cared to, and frankly, it's tearing the family apart. Mom forgave him on the spot, and clearly their marriage isn't in jeopardy; she even blamed herself. At least for a while, she did. I don't know what got into her the other night, but she read Dad the Riot Act about his indiscretion, and he spent the night on the couch. It makes me glad I have school to go back to.

I'm upset at Dad for hiding this from the family and for lying about it more than the act. He's my father, and I'm a daddy's girl. I just get along with him better. I'll forgive him eventually, but in the meantime, it's a little difficult to see him in the same way.

And I got especially defensive with Jamal when he accused me of cheating on him because he had no proof. He still has no proof, but I went ahead and told him anyway - I hooked up with a guy while he was on the Race. It was nothing major; I didn't do anything unsafe, and I hated myself for doing it - but that's why I was so unavailable to him for all that time. I was seeing this other guy. I felt like I was in that song "Unfaithful" by Rihanna, except only Mom and I knew I was being unfaithful. Jamal didn't.

I was blown away by how he took it, though - he wasn't upset and asked if he could still be friends with me. Now, I don't know about that. He and Dad are bitter enemies right now, and me seeing Jamal, even as a friend, might be a problem. Plus, I'm already a bit of a hypocrite for telling Jamal his smoking bothers me; this guy smokes more than Jamal does, and I like to smoke when I go out.

I would love to have Jamal back. I'd love for him to give up cigarettes, but I'll take him just the way he is. I'm just waiting for all this to blow over, and maybe Dad will ease up on him. But for now, Jamal's getting lots of attention, so there's no way back into his life.

So I guess I'll just hang out with the new guy. It's all I can do.

Back from commercial.

Alexis: You're going down, little boy.

Bobby: F--- you, bitch.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Bobby: Alexis was talking a lot of trash before our match, and although I knew we were far from last, I thought I had a lot to prove.

Caroline: Bobby's come a long way from the guy who sat on the couch watching TV in his underwear all day.

Bobby: I'm living my dream. I think that's why I do so well.

Cut to Bobby vs. Alexis; the score is tied at one point each.

Referee: En garde!

Bobby and Alexis trade shots momentarily, with neither appearing to score; this keeps up for about ten seconds.

Bobby reaches in with a parry move underneath Alexis' foil.

He strikes her midsection.

(confessional) Bobby: Alexis just got careless after the first couple of points, and the more I got to her, the more frustrated she became.

Cut to two more quick shots of Bobby scoring; he tags Alexis on her right shoulder first and then near her stomach. The score is then 4-1 for Bobby.

Referee: En garde!

Bobby thrusts at a spot on Alexis' foil not touching her hand; as he does, Alexis drops her foil.

(confessional) Alexis: I choked. I completely collapsed against Bobby, and it felt like he got stronger as I got more upset. And then I dropped my stick, and I knew I was sunk.

Cut to Bobby tapping a defenseless Alexis on the shoulder.

The referee signals to Bobby to head inside as Alexis steps to the side with a penalty counter at 10:00.

Soon to arrive are Tina, Jim, Reggie, and Dan; Hayley and Alexis' timer is at 7:51.

Jim: Roadblock. Who's up for a fight?

Dan: I'll take it.

Tina: Same.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Tina: I took this because I needed to do a Roadblock and let Jim's knee rest, and the fencing equipment made me feel a little safer.

Jim: I don't know what it is with Tina. I don't understand her. I care a lot about Tina, but there are some depths of her mind I don't claim to read.

Tina: We all have things about us that are hard to understand.

Jim: I never claimed to be easy to read, either.

Cut to Tina vs. Dan.

Referee: En garde!

Tina uses a block maneuver on a thrust by Dan; she guards herself in a defensive position and takes no action to attack Dan's position. As a result, Dan continues to pepper her with thrusts and parries.

Finally, Tina strikes Dan's torso.

Team confessional, Reggie and Dan.

Dan: Tina put up a very tough defense, so I just got frustrated after a while and found myself scoring very sparingly. I got behind early.

Reggie: And Tina's tough. She seems like a shy girl, but there's a tiger underneath that exterior.

Cut to Tina vs. Dan; the score is 3-2 in Tina's favor.

Referee: En garde!

Again, Tina opens very defensively; Dan tries to parry at her stomach but has no success as she continues to block.

Finally, she reaches up for his shoulder and scores a direct hit.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Tina: The key to beating Dan was to frustrate him. I'd say I knew that after the first round, but really, I just defended like crazy.

Jim: I asked her afterward if she fenced in high school or college. She sure played like it today.

Cut to Tina and Dan in action; the score is still 4-2.

After continuing to block, Tina reaches in for Dan's right shoulder, tapping him.

The referee signals the end of the match and signals to Tina to head inside.

The timer for Hayley and Alexis is at 1:14; Reggie and Dan's has just started at 10:00.

Cut to the lower level of Krumlov Castle; Bobby and Caroline have split up looking for a clue while Tina and Jim are entering.

Bobby picks up a torch, and from behind it falls a clue.

He immediately puts the torch back and opens it as Caroline joins him.

Bobby: Travel to the Baroque Theater.

Tina looks up at the ceiling and sees a clue hanging from it; she leaps up and yanks it down.

(confessional) Tina: I never liked being tall before, but it really came in handy getting that clue down.

Cut to Tina opening the clue.

Tina: Travel to the Baroque Theater.

Soon to arrive in the castle's lower area are Hayley and Alexis; they begin to search but see nothing obvious.

Cut to the Baroque Theater, where Bobby and Caroline are arriving.

Phil: Bobby and're team number five!

Caroline high-fives Bobby and embraces him as the two celebrate.

Phil: Bobby, I've seen a big change in you since the Race began. What happened?

Bobby: We got on a roll, and I've changed my outlook on the Race and on life. I want to succeed. It feels good to carry Caroline instead of having her carry me.

Cut back to Krumlov Castle; Hayley and Alexis are searching alongside Reggie and Dan, but neither has found anything.

Reggie opens the chest that appeared empty; on the top of the chest, however, on the underside of the lid was a clue, and Reggie grabs it.

Dan joins Reggie as he opens the clue.

Reggie: Travel to the Baroque Theater.

Dan: And make it quick.

At the same time, however, Hayley looks inside a knight's helmet and finds a clue.

Alexis joins her as she opens it.

Hayley: Travel to the Baroque Theater.

Cut to the Baroque Theater, where Tina and Jim are arriving.

Phil: Tina and're team number six!

Jim weakly grins as Tina catches her breath.

Soon after, Hayley and Alexis pass Reggie and Dan, who are running slower and in a bit of pain. Hayley and Alexis arrive first.

Phil: Hayley and're team number seven!

Hayley and Alexis high-five and holler in joy. Soon, Reggie and Dan join them.

Phil: Reggie and're team number eight!

Reggie and Dan bump chests and snort like pigs.

Alexis: You guys are crazy.

Dan: Thanks.

Alexis: I didn't mean it as a compliment, but whatever works for you guys.

Team confessional, Reggie and Dan.

Dan: The whole Hogette routine isn't for everyone, and I think Florida made that painfully clear.

Reggie: They're not usually trying to be bitches, but sometimes they come off that way. It doesn't really bother me, but I can see why some teams would be turned off to it.

Cut to Krumlov Castle, where Carrie, Dana, Ray, and Jamal have arrived.

Carrie: Roadblock. Who's up for a fight?

Dana: It's my turn.

Carrie: You sure?

Dana: As sure as I've ever been.

(confessional) Dana: I decided to do the Roadblock because I knew we had to win. I'm only 5'6", so I decided that I wouldn't be as easy to hit as Carrie, who's way too tall.

Cut to Dana vs. Jamal.

Referee: En garde!

Dana plays defensively, almost tentatively, at first; after thrusting four times, Jamal strikes Dana.

(confessional) Jamal: Dana had no idea what she was doing at first, so I took that and gave myself a lead to start off. I tried not to let her back in the game, though, but the girl goes to Harvard or someplace and she's a quick learner.

Cut to Dana vs. Jamal; Jamal is ahead 3-1, and the two are facing off again. Dana thrusts and scores a quick point.

Continued action shows Jamal tapping Dana's shoulder, however, going ahead 4-2.

(confessional) Dana: We were one point away from essentially being eliminated, and I knew that, with our luck, there's no way this was non-elimination. Sure, we could get into first or second on the next leg, but it wasn't our luck.

Cut tt Dana vs. Jamal; Dana is vigorously defending, and Jamal is unable to strike her. He tries an overhand motion to swat her shoulder, but Dana blocks and taps him in the stomach, bringing the score to 4-3.

As play restarts, Dana weakly taps Jamal on the right shoulder to tie the score.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Dana: At that point, when the score was tied, I just felt like I had the eye of the tiger in me, and I wasn't going to back down. Jamal's a friend and a hell of a nice guy, but if he goes or I go, I'm sorry, but he has to go.

Carrie: And I hate to say it, but if we go, they won't be around too much longer. If they go, we have a chance. Not to knock them, but it's just our track record.

Cut to Dana vs. Jamal; Dana is swatting away Jamal's attempts to strike her, and he appears more and more frustrated.

He tries the same overhand motion, swinging quickly.

Dana lifts her foil up.

She deflects the hit, and the foil falls out of Jamal's hand.

Jamal: Damnit.

Dana tags Jamal on the chest, and the referee motions her inside as Jamal takes a spot on the side, kicking a rock. The timer starts at 10:00 for them.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: And after Dana came back and beat Jamal, things really fell into place for us. It was as if a storm cloud was clearing out.

Dana: It was as if we knew we were supposed to stay in the Race. I don't really believe in destiny or anything like that; I've always been told I have to make my own breaks in life, but I wasn't ignoring this as a possible sign.

Cut to the castle's lowest level, where Carrie locates a clue right behind a shield; Dana joins her, and she opens it.

Carrie: Travel to the Baroque Theater.

Cut to the Baroque Theater, where a jubilant Carrie and Dana are arriving.

Phil: Carrie and're team number nine!

Dana wraps Carrie up in her arms; Carrie gives off a humbled smile.

Phil: This is a close call for you guys. Does this change how you guys race?

Carrie: I like Ray and Jamal, but we have to play our own game.

Cut to Ray and Jamal searching for a clue, eventually finding one behind a coat of arms hanging on the wall; the view switches to them arriving at the Pit Stop.

Greeter: Welcome to Krumlov Castle.

Jamal: Thank you.

Phil: Ray and are the last team to arrive.

He pauses and gives off a half-frown.

Phil: I'm sorry to tell you that you have been eliminated from the Race.

Ray: It's rough, but we knew we weren't guaranteed a million dollars.

Jamal: I wish we'd won something, though. That's hard to take.

Team confessional, Ray and Jamal.

Jamal: I can sit here and blame myself all I want, but it doesn't do any good.

Ray: I can blame you too for blowing it. Stanford should be sitting here instead of us, but you lost your head.

Jamal: Like you could do better.

Cut to Ray and Jamal standing a few feet apart at the Pit Stop.

The credits begin to roll.

Phil (voice-over): Stay tunes for scenes from our next episode.

The screen cuts to commercial.

Episode 6: Elimination Station Summary
Authored by: Dr. Rage

Well, so much for this being the trip that makes friends out of two men who just don't like each other. This appears to have turned the team with the most issues into...well, the team with the most issues by an even bigger margin. They didn't speak a word to each other in the airport, instead choosing to exchange dagger-like glares, and in the van that took them to the villa, they didn't speak there, either.

At least when they arrived, Jamal greeted the other teams warmly, even if Ray stared at him for daring to say hello to any female contestant with anything more than a feigned "hello" wave and a straight face. Sure, Kea was all over him like a dog on a steak, but it wasn't like she was making out with him right in front of his future father-in-law. Although at this rate, I have to wonder if Ray's daughter will even allow herself to marry a guy her father hates as much as he does. I'm guessing that, at the altar, Ray decides, "The hell with this. I'm not letting my daughter marry this jerk." Only words like "jerk" and "the hell with this" may be replaced with stronger language, the likes of which would make even the YouTube censors have second thoughts.

Ray went to bed pretty quickly, and Jamal crashed on the couch, apparently content to stay the hell out of Ray's room. The rest of the group seemed to go about their business, with Eric, Jessica, Leilani, and Kea playing Truth or Dare out on the patio while Debra, Bob, Steve, and Darius hung out and chatted about old movies or whatever they talked about. Honestly, could they have picked a more boring foursome?

We learn a little too much about Eric and Jessica's sex life when Leilani gives Jessica a "truth" question. And, of course, the sparks fly when Leilani dares Jessica to kiss Kea. The details of the kiss? Open-mouth, minimum of ten seconds, and they have to look like they're enjoying it. Kea looks at Leilani as if she's lost her mind - apparently, Leilani's usually the prude of the family. Leilani just picked the task to shock everyone, since everything she asked before that was pretty tame. Kea got pretty into it, even pulling Jessica closer to her and moaning as she made out with Eric's girlfriend. And then, after about two minutes of tongue-wrestling with another girl, she swore up and down she was straight and pretending that Jessica was actually Derek. Never mind the differences in height and weight and the fact that Jessica would look ridiculous with Derek's beard.

The next day, Jamal decided to join the "younger" crowd of Eric, Jessica, Leilani, and Kea, and, as one would expect, when he found out about Jessica kissing Kea, he reacted with total confusion. He explained that he had never met a...what's the word...woman who dates other women...until Dana. Kea jokingly reacts disappointed when Jamal explains that Dana has a girlfriend. Again, she swears she's straight and that both guys and girls have hit on her. She almost can't stop laughing when Jamal explains that Ray had never met an interracial couple before Carrie and her boyfriend. Kea explains that she encounters interracial couples all over Honolulu and almost all of her boyfriends have been white.

Ray starts into a Jamal rant pretty quickly, but Steve cuts him short. The tone conveyed a message of "We don't want to hear it," but his message said, "Take it easy, Ray; he can't be as bad as he sounds." Ray explains everything he hates about Jamal - he smokes, he works in a casino, and he hit Ray's daughter and claimed it was an accident. This draws an enraged response out of Darius, who gets up and storms over to Jamal.

When he gets there, he screams in Jamal's face about how it's always wrong to hit a woman and how horrible and awful a person Jamal was. Jamal looks at him with a confused look and asks what the hell Darius was talking about. Jamal explains that he carelessly swung a door open and it hit his girlfriend in the nose, causing it to bleed. He insisted that he never hit his girlfriend on purpose, and this caused Darius to call a house meeting to discuss the whole Ray/Jamal flap.

It turns out that the "hitting" incident that Ray was referring to was indeed the bloody nose, and Jamal says he's been more careful. He even nursed his girlfriend back to health, and Ray concedes that point. They spend about three hours airing their grievances toward each other - Jamal states that he has not had a cigarette since he got to the villa, and he hopes to make this stick. By the end of the "house meeting," even the reserved Darius is laughing and enjoying himself; Ray and Jamal have shaken hands and appear to have made up, although they admit that they will probably hang out in separate groups just because they don't have a lot in common.

Kea expresses her frustration that there are no single men in the house, joking that the only other single person in the house is her sister, and "that's just too weird for me." Eric shoots back, "It's not too weird for me," and before Jessica can scold him, he adds, "Kidding. But someone had to say it." Leilani smacks him in the face with a pillow, and Eric tosses the pillow back at her. This causes a massive play-fight to erupt; Ray, Jamal, and Darius hang back and watch, but the rest of the house spends the day hitting each other with pillows and cream pies, giving noogies, and grabbing each other's torsos, even if Steve and Kea were the only ones with anything resembling body fat.

Ray challenges Jamal to a game of beer pong; the winner gets the bed while the loser sleeps on the sofa. Jamal jokingly tells Ray that he snores; Leilani confirms this but says Darius is the worst offender. Since they didn't want to make it into a drinking contest, they followed Debra and Bob's lead and used soda in place of beer.

Jamal won easily but allowed Ray to sleep in the bed in exchange for getting to listen to Ray perform a karaoke version of "Bohemian Rhapsody," one of Ray's favorite rock songs. Ray is not what one would call a "good singer" and, though everyone applauded, he sounded like an American Idol reject. By the end of the performance, Jamal had laughed himself into tears. Ray walked over and gave the laughing Jamal a noogie, and Leilani followed suit.

Ray said that he hopes Carrie and Dana stick around, anticipating that, sooner or later, Jeffrey and Bryan are going to be out. Ray thinks they'll get eliminated within the next three legs; Jamal thinks they'll be thrown out for doing something to Spike, whom Jamal described as "one crazy bitch," and he said he means that "in the nicest way possible." Their next boot prediction was, however, Reggie and Dan. They're the oldest team left, says Jamal. Debra takes offense, and Jamal defends his position by saying that they seemed to have bad backs. Debra softens her offense.

Jamal sleeps in a position that would make Beetle Bailey envious as Ray sprawls out on the bed; predictably, he's snoring.

Back from commercial.

Phil (voice-over): On the next episode of the Amazing Race...teams get a taste of a whole new side of the world.

(confessional) Carrie: I thought I had it rough in Oakland. The people here make me grateful for what I have.

Phil (voice-over): Derek's heart is in another place.

Derek: This is the first time I feel like I should be home with Danni instead of here. I love her and I miss her.

Phil (voice-over): And Bobby and Caroline break down.

Caroline: You give up whenever anything's hard! Why not just quit now?

Bobby: Fine! Why the f--- don't I?

Voice-over: Stay tuned for an all-new CSI: Miami coming up next.

Order of finish:

1. Spike and Jennifer, 10:24 am
2. Charlie and Derek, 10:28 am
3. Alex and Elena, 10:33 am
4. Jeffrey and Bryan, 10:40 am
5. Bobby and Caroline, 11:29 am
6. Tina and Jim, 11:39 pm
7. Hayley and Alexis, 11:41 am
8. Reggie and Dan, 11:42 am
9. Carrie and Dana, 12:37 pm
10. Ray and Jamal, 12:48 pm

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