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"The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
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katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-24-02, 01:13 AM (EST)
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"The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-02 AT 01:28 PM (EST)

OK peeps, we had a wacky week, time to talk about how your teams fared, or bombed in the cases of Heave and AA.

Here is my list:

1 (1). Twinbots. No reason to change. They are the nice guys of the race, even K/G turned on them at the end.

2 (3). Ken and Gerard. I like these guys, they will be around for awhile, ME thinks.

3 (4). JV and Jill. These two have grown on me. Jill is not as irritating as I first thought. JV seems like a really nice guy.

4 (5). A-Mon. By default these guys are here. BUT, they have the personalities of dishrags. Sooooo boring.

5 (7). Michael and Kathy. I like her, he's dull.

6 (6). Flozac. I really dislike her. He's dull (think there is a pattern here? )

7 (8). AA. These two are idiots. I really wanted to like them, I just can't root for them.

8 (9). Teri and Ian. I HATE THEM BOTH !!!!!

OUT: Heave (2). If they would have survived they would have dropped to fourth. Eve was just worthless.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... survivormitsx 10-24-02 1
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... curveball 10-24-02 2
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... managerr 10-24-02 3
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... BaquaR13 10-24-02 4
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... Chrissy gal 10-24-02 5
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... Seyz 10-24-02 6
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... GeorgiaBelle 10-24-02 7
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... ejm92 10-24-02 8
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... carrotz 10-24-02 9
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... sittem 10-24-02 10
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... FesterFan1 10-24-02 11
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... trigirl 10-24-02 12
   Nothing to add to Fester's list railfan 10-24-02 13
       RE: Nothing to add to Fester's list 712 10-26-02 21
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... mikey 10-24-02 14
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... TAR Junkie 10-25-02 15
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... buckeyegirl 10-25-02 16
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... surface10sion 10-25-02 17
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... mrbluesky 10-25-02 18
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... Amazing Fan 10-25-02 19
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... johnthemod 10-26-02 20
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... smiles 10-27-02 22
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... cmaybur 10-28-02 23
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... Kantakit 10-30-02 24
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... OceanSkater 10-30-02 25
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... ShowMeTheWinner 10-30-02 26
 RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3... magic_star 10-30-02 27

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survivormitsx 271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

10-24-02, 01:28 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
Sorry about that other thread...I was posting while you were!

1. Teri and Ian- Yea, I know, you all think I'm crazy...but in my mind they totally improved. Ian still was a little bossy in the end, but he was right too. They do indeed need to race to stay in it. They are also putting in a lot of effort which will hopefully pay off later; but it looks like, along with a lot of other teams, they make a wrong decision of filling the tank with the wrong gas. I hope it doesn't end them though, I really am starting to like them.
2. Ken and Gerard- Playing a good, good game fair and square, and are making some smart moves... I would like to see them around longer.
3. Derek and Drew- They deserve to be up here too. From the first episode, I thought these guys had no chance. Now (I truly think it is because of Ken&Gerard however) they are making some very good choices which so far have been helping out. I definitely don't want to see them win, but I think they'll be in for a while longer.
4. Flo and Zach- They finished great, and are staying united...the two things which you need to succeed in this race. I'm actually only putting them up this high because of Zach, Flo needs some riddlin or something...
5. Andre and Damon- They were so right on helping the other teams with their truck to get them out of the way. I did feel bad that they had to do that, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways, but still, the principle... kudos for not being in the true bottom of the pack.
6. JV and Jill- They are only down here because I feel like I barely know them; but, if I saw more, I'm sure they'd be up farther.
7. Michael and Kathy- Made some huge mistakes (mostly because of the cab driver) but I'm not sure they are going to make it much longer. Kudos to making it before AA.
8. Aaron and Arianne- If I could, I would still put dumb Heather and Eve above them, but I can't. I'm glad they are in last, hopefully, it will make them slightly humble to see the three teams they were out to get ahead of their asses. They were whiney and rude, and to me looked like the ugly americans. These two need to understand that only ONE team wins the race...not two or three or four. They needed this reality check. 6 minutes was the difference between the times...SIX FREAKIN' MINUTES! I wish they would've been a little slower...

If your happy and you know it, Do the Cooper dance!!


curveball 225 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

10-24-02, 01:31 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
Finally feel like I am getting to know these guys...and they're all the same...

#1 JvJ - they don't get a lot of face time, but they take care of each other, and they're avoiding this whole "alliance" thing, and I'm hoping they're in the finals

#1A Gary and Dave - took a long time to like them last season, but now I miss them more than the festers (yup, it's true) If they'd only waited to apply to this season, they probably would have been a mil richer...

#2 Flozac - probably would have been #1, except I saw the preview for next week...

#3 oldbros - I like these two, doing better than I thought

#4 youngbros - getting better each week, but can we really handle 3 consecutive m/m teams winning it? I don't think I can.

#5 ThirdWatch - blah, blah, blah

#6 Michael/Kathy - blah, blah, blah

#7 AA - I am so tired of these two, bitching, whining, should have flashed the soccer player, maybe he'd kick it right at you.

#8 oldandolder - "The gloves have come off now." Great, but why are you attacking your wife?

#8.5 Guido - could anyone be worse? Well, time heals all wounds, and I have found a duo I hate more then Guido, unfortunately I don't get to hate them any longer...

#9 Heave - so glad they went out on the misunderstanding of the word walk. They'll be great in a courtroom. "People underestimate us because of our good looks" Keep telling yourself that.


managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

10-24-02, 01:32 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1.)Aaron & Arianne - When it comes to TAR, I always hate the same teams everyone else hates. I'm not sure why I am siding with the "villains" this time out. Maybe it's because I am so sick of the white bread couple winning that I am as desperate as they are for someone else to win. Maybe it's their snarky attitudes about the other contestants. In any case, consider me an oddball.

2.)John Vito & Jill - I was so prepared to hate this team, but I am really coming around. They are tough, supportive of one another and basically kick butt.

3.)Ken & Gerard - Surprisingly competent, these two are funny and having a lot of fun.

4.)Derek & Drew - Ok, I do like the twins too, I just don't want them to win. I wanna know how they lost the compass!

5.)Flo & Zach - Flo seems irritating at times, and I hate Zach's hair, but I do see the chemistry with this team.

6.)Michael & Kathy - Love Kathy, Michael seems kind of lame. Kathy is treating Michael the way Karyn should have treated Lenny.

7.)Andre & Damon - Here by default, because they haven't gotten much screen time. I only shook my head as they were being manipulated by Eve.

8.)Ian & Teri - Augh!


BaquaR13 1336 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-24-02, 01:47 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1. John Vito and Jill
2. Teri and Ian
3. Flo and Zak
4. Michael and Kathy
5. Andre and Damon
6. Ken and Gerald
7. The Twins
8. Arianne and Aaron

The Reality Show Queens!!



Chrissy gal 1413 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-24-02, 02:15 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1.(1) Bald Brothers - I love their sense of humor, but where was it in this episode? They will drop down the list if they become too serious.

2.(2) Doublemints - Back to dumb moves (how did they loose their compass?), but still good humored about the other teams.

3.(4) Jack & Jill - They seem like such nice people! I hope they show more of them soon.

4.(3) Michael & Kathy - She seems to be more of a competitor than they showed in the first episodes, and I like that they didn't panic when they got the bad cab again.

5.(8) Guns & Hoses - Didn't they learn to hustle when they went to police/fire training? Seem like OK guys. Need to make better decisions.

6.(6) Flozac - I'm tired of the silly faces and remarks. I LOVE humor, but don't like silly.

7.(5) A&A - I don't like them very much! They should concentrate on their own game and forget about the twins. They would be last if it weren't for...

8.(9) Married couple - He is humorless, she is clueless!

(7) Heave - Good-bye!


Seyz 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-24-02, 02:47 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1) Aaron and Arianne- Sorry guys , I just like them I don't know why, maybe it's because they seem so real to me, and the fact that they care so much about the game makes the race a bit more exciting. I was a bit surprised that they ended up last, but they've had so much face time that I do think they make it far though. (Unlike Survivor, in the Amazing Race the more face time a group gets, it seems like the further they get in the race).

2) Kathy and Michael- Kathy is definitely being very considerate, and I really have to give her props for trying to make their relationship stay intact while remaining competitive. I like this team though, even though they seem to be doing worse every single leg of the race.

3) J and J- She really is a lot spunkier than I thought she originally was. And she can drive!! They seen to be the team working the best together. I don't think we've seen a "couples" team that has argued as little as they have.

4) TWINBOTS- Sudden decrease in face time.. I really don't want to see them win though. Pls, no repeat of TAR 1 and 2.

5) Flozac- I still like her though despite her um.. rather demanding behavior. It seems like Zach may be starting to get a bit peeved just from hearing some of his comments this episode.

6) Ken and Gerald- Still in the race.. but starting to get a bit too obnoxious.

7) Teri and Ian- I think he needs to be placed on a sedative.

8) Andre and Damon- Still last these two.. they just haven't done anything for the show.. how come we never see any confessionals from these guys... don't they have any opinions about anything?


GeorgiaBelle 2136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

10-24-02, 02:49 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
Ok I have my opinion here:

1. Derek/Drew. I really like them. It is hard for me to understand the petty comments about then.

2. Ken/Gerard. These two are nice and I hope they last.

3. John V/Jill. I don't really care for them but they do not get on my nerves very much.

4. Flo/Zack. No reason they just don't seem to bug me that bad.

5. Michael/Kathy. I just like Flo and Zack a tad bit better.

6. Andre/Damon. These two can get on my last nerve.

7. Teri/Ian. I dislike them but I really dislike AA.

8. Aaron/Arianne. I really want to see these two lose. It would make me happy to see Teri and Ian beat them next week.

Out: Heather and Eve. Can't these two read and understand the word W-A-L-K!!!! They even talked it over in the stupid car!!!

Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

10-24-02, 08:48 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
These people don't deserve my time .........

1. Flo & Zach (1)
2. Ken & Gerard (2)
3. Teri & Ian (7)
4. Derek & Drew (3)
5. Andre & Damon (5)
6. John Vito & Jill (6)
7. Aaron & Arianne (4)
8. Michael & Kathy (9)


carrotz 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-24-02, 09:41 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
Watching this episode makes me realise that never declare that you smart. Just gives others a chance to put you down, and so stupidly so too...

Fresh on my list:
1) Twins: They are nice ppl, at least they appear to be. When Zach made that childish face to them, one (I wouldn't know which) of them just smiled and waved back. Now, that's called sportsmanship, albiet unwillingly

2) Ken & Gerard: They could have been first on my list but they just ran off without the twins. So much for the alliance, lasted all of 3 secs

3) Jon Vito & Jill: They just seem to have gotten it together, probably they don't get as much screen time as others is because their lack of conflict. Shows that they support and trust each other.

4) Michael & Kathy: Nothing much about them. Admire them for being so calm when they were last in the cab.

5) Andre & Damon: They didn't really reach the expectations considering their professions, but at least they are catching. Love that warning to pedestrians about Eve that she is a dangerous driver. (Why can't she even change gear? Its about stepping on the clutch pedal, my dear)

6) Flo & Zach: What's up with her? Why's she so demanding? He looks as if he's trying hard, but nothing pleases her. She just screams and stands there. And that face is so fierce when scrunched up

7) Teri & Ian: All this talk about being fiftyish and wanna show that they can do something is getting on my nerves. He has been such a jerk and will continue to do so.

8) Heather & Eve: I'm ok with Heather, its Eve I dun get. She could joyly well replenish any water rationing with her tears. She's not cut out for this adventure, better off with her cheerleader friends and pom poms.

9) A&A: Shut up! You guys make me afraid of being friends with any foreigners. Bringing others down and lotsa yada seems to be your only forte. What's with bitching? Doesn't the word amicable looks familar to you? Or you guys have never been so? At the beginning of the race, you were the ones I was rooting for, but as reality sets in, your behaviour has disgust me.


sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-24-02, 10:37 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
This was an exciting show this week. The bunching was good and played into an exciting finish - not necessarily the one I wanted or the one that weeded out the weakest team, but an exciting show nonetheless.

The Good
1. KG (1) They continue to have a positive attitude and provide some humor in the race. I don't know how long they can hang, but they provide some sanity and fun to the show. Go brothers! (aside to me - seems funny to say that because in my neighborhood brothers doesn't ever refer to fat white guys.)

2. D Twins (4) I like them now as people - maybe it's their underdog role with most of the rest of the teams that makes them more attractive (though this male model thing is hard to get past). They made it happen at the airport in Germany - if it had been up to KG they wouldn't have been on the plane. Of course, in the end it probably didn't matter. I'd like to see them in the final three, BUT NOT win the race!!!

3. A-mon (8) I finally saw something from them this week. I still don't konw who's who, but they seem like good guys. They don't seem like they'll go much further. One says after starting "
possible". There was no sense of urgency or conviction communicated through his voice. Sometimes it feels like they just go through the motions, but later during the wine delivery they became a little more "real" and urgent. Maybe it's their emergency training that keeps them cool under stress - a little too cool for my tastes on this show.

The Bad
4. MK (2) AKA as Type B/Type A - Their mix of personalities is interesting and Michael has a dry sense of humor - "cat lie reflexes" for example. Also liked his "death row" comment. I find myself rooting for them not to loose, but they just seem to be a bad team as far as excelling. However, they are definitely at the top of the hetero couple list.

5. JVJ (6) ......... something, something......Jill is impressed with how he cares for her.....yada, yada......

6. Flach (5) .........they are pretty interchangeable for me with JVJ. They are too focused on the Twinbots so they fall.

The Ugly
How can one truly evaluate how ugly the last two teams are? Just like the last two, these two are interchangeable and it's my sorrow that neither got eliminated last night.
AA (8) I was so rooting for them to lose last night. And, like the losers they are, their smugness turned to self pity when they thought they'd lost - "we're done, we're out". I only wish!!
I'aint and Teri (9) He "is a pig" (thanks AA). I'm hoping he'll continue to "smell some rear end" and be gone soon. He is by far my least liked TAR contestant ever, but at this point I can't decide if I want him or AA gone more next week.

HEAVE - You guys will make great attortneys - just convince yourselves the rules don't apply to you and keep going - unbelieveable! While I didn't like either one from the start (begging in the Miami? airport) I still wish they were in the race so AA was gone. Oh, and when exactly did you display your fine ethics and honesty on the show?

Sorry to the Board if the comments on the UGLINESS of the show was too much. Maybe I should have done to Bashers.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-24-02, 11:28 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
OK, so it took me until episode 4, but I'm checking in...finally.

1. Ken & Gerard - I have to root for the fat, bald guys. It's coded into my DNA. Besides, they were smart enough to hitch their wagon to the Zoolanders, who seem to have rallied from their episode 1 meltdown.

2. Jon Vito & Jill - I love these guys' tenacity and never-say-die attitude. They're the Energizer bunnies of TAR 3.

3. Derek & Drew - How can you not root for these guys. Sure they represent the "beautiful people", but they've been nothing but nice. It's the snarky and jealous younger teams that have been spiteful and obsessed with beating them.

4. Andre & Damon - I thought they were hilarious complaining about Eve's lack of driving ability. They're starting to grow on me. Plus, they both went to Maryland, so they've got that going for them.

5. Michael & Kathy - Kathy continues to look like she's a about to burst a blood vessel in her head. Michael continues to look like he just got off the Busta Rhymes tour bus. How these two can coexist amazes me.

6. Flo & Zach - Is there anyone more annoying than Flo? (OK, except Aaron and Ian, that is) She's turning into the Karyn of TAR 3. Zach, if you can read this, RUN! And don't look back. OMG, she reminds me of some ex-girlfriends I'd rather not be reminded of.

7. Aaron & Arianne - Memo to A/A: GET OVER THE TWINS! You look more and more pathetic with each week. How about worrying more about staying in the game, and less about "taking out the twins". Besides, in case you hadn't noticed, this isn't Survivor. You don't get to vote people out. At this stage, it's completely stupid to even be thinking about taking another team out because you have exactly ZERO control over it. The only thing you have control over is finishing ahead of them. So shut up already.

8. Teri & Ian - This is Tara & Wil in 20 years. Nice that we get to see it first-hand. Ian, with his French Foreign Legion hat, needs someone to kick his ass in the biggest way. I kept hoping upon hope that Teri would get an adrenaline rush and go upside his head with the boat oar. He disgusts me.



trigirl 2851 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-24-02, 11:50 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
My first time checking in on the popularity list this time around too.

I was going to write, until I scrolled down to FesterFan's list and comments. I absolutely agree with everything you have said FesterFan! Great minds...


railfan 450 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-24-02, 04:29 PM (EST)
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13. "Nothing to add to Fester's list"
Yep, this is the first week I haven't put up my own list, but it would be completely redundant after reading Fester's comments and rankings...I have the exact same order and pretty much the same thoughts on the teams. Thanks for saving me the posting time!

712 356 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-26-02, 07:40 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Nothing to add to Fester's list"
Yep, I'm gonna have to jump on the Fester bandwagon. Same ranking order & sentaments as me. In the spirit of not being redundant, I see no need to post my own list.


mikey 1150 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

10-24-02, 05:24 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1. Gherkin (1) -- Still funny. Didyanotice that they have their own separate music played whenever they do a detour now (like vaudeville or circus music) -- none of the other teams seem to have their own music. (I think on Survivor 3 Big Tom had some of his own hillbilly music too).
2. A-Mon (7) -- Welcome to the game, you seem to be more competitive now. LOL at the comments re: heave, but you were good sports about the situation.
3. Jack & Jill (2) -- I'm getting to be a big Jill fan.
4. Michael & Kathy -- seemed to have some personality this episode, had grace under the pressure of elimination.
5. Zoolanders (3) -- Not much interesting happening this episode.
6. FloZach (5) - Not much to comment on this episode.
7. Dys-Ian-Teri (9) -- Got to give them some credit for still being in the game at this point.
8. AA (7) - Started out the season as one of my favorites, but their smug attitude has gotten them falling fast in my book. Aaron's voice when Arianne was having soccer difficulties was even more annoying than Ian yelling at his wife.

Heave-Ho, I'm sorry to see you go (and not just because you made me lose the anti-eliminee contest. Up until the last five minutes, I was enjoying their difficulties with the stick shift and they added some gender balance to the game.


TAR Junkie 38 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

10-25-02, 08:24 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1. Doublemint - They are handling themselves very well and since the TAR producers insist on bunching the teams up to create suspense, look for them to win the final dash to the finish line.

2. Gherkin - Another team that has nothing to do with an alliance
and is just trying to get to the next pit stop in the fastest time. They also bring some humor to the show.

3. Jack 'n' Jill - She's a pretty fiesty chick and together they make a team that plays hard and fair. They deserve to make the final trio.

4. Team LD (long distance) - This team does nothing to me. There's nothing for me to dislike or like. In fact I still have a hard time remembering their names.

5. Guns 'n' Hoses - The only reason they are up this high is because TAR3 has some real 'winners' for teams.

6. Flozack - Part of the Alliance and they worry more about Doublemint than they do about winning the race. There seems to be some friction developing between them and that won't make the race any easier for them.

7. AA - Boy do I hate this team. I can't stand her and wish that one of those soccer balls had hit her right in the kisser. Even Team Guido is looking better now!

8. The Bunkers - GET HIM OFF THE SHOW!!!! He is by far the most irritating, arrogant contestant that TAR has ever had. I feel real sorry for Terri, she deserves better. I'd love to see Ian paired with Will and watch each of them run the other into the ground.

Finally I am really disappointed that the show allows the teams to bunch up. It's good for suspense but artificially controlling the race is not fair. Maybe the answer is to let the race run it's course without bunching and then let the three last teams start out even.

What happened to the awards given after the legs? Is the show running out of money? If a prize was given after each leg, having the last three teams start out even wouldn't lessen the team's desire to finish first in each leg.

Will the coming week be a freebie? There are three of them and one hasn't been used yet. That would mean at least two more weeks of The Bunkers and AA. YUK!


buckeyegirl 5449 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-25-02, 12:28 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
Not alot of movement this week....
1.(1) Twinbots-This team is stronger then I thought, and are showing they have what it takes.
2.(3) Gherkin-I love their sense of humor!!
3.(5)Jack and Jill-Not a lot of face time, but they work well together as a team.
4.(6)A-Mon-Bigest move of the week. They scored points for helping Heather/Eve, even if it was just because they were blocked in.
6.(7)Michael & Kathy (do we have a nickname for them yet?)
8.(8) Aaron&Arianne-I orginally liked this teams sense of humor, but Arianne is just starting to grate on my nerves.
9. Teri/Ian-I just can't stand Ian.

"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead


surface10sion 16 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

10-25-02, 01:52 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1. The Twins - Altough at first they are most stupid with their choice to leave their bags in the taxi and race for the FF on foot, they're pretty strong and very much a sight to behold.

2. Aaron and Arine (which most of you hate) - love their naughty remarks and their being real. i like people like that. it may come across as cocky, obnoxious and rude - but hey that's what makes this race very interesting. hope they hang on. i just love their Au and Ag shirts by the way

3. JVito and Jill - yup not too much airtime... hmmm well that's a good sign theyre gonna be in the race longer. the more airtime in an episode, the more chances of getting eliminated (heather and eve)... and by the time they show a persons "human side" it means its time to go bye bye (case in point soccer moms).

4. Ken and Gerard - hated them at first but they're are growing on me. they seem to be having a lot of fun. i like that.

5. Flo and Zac - can't find a reason but they're ok.

6. Mike and Kathy - these two are sooo boring, just like long distance relationships.

7. the police and the fireman - don't really dig them.

8. the old people - lame.

as for those elimnated...

the father/gay son would be up there before aaron and ariane, heather and eve... boohoo... it funny how eve looked like when they were about to be eliminated, she looked like a duck who got wet. they were a strong team but hell, preschoolers can follow rules better than they can. shame on you, and you call yourselves harvard graduates? the soccer moms were cool, they should be around # 4-5, TnT i dont like too. they're too fat.


mrbluesky 142 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-25-02, 04:39 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
My List:

1. JV and Jill: Seem like nice people, don't complain and argue with each other either. I would like to see them win, but they can't keep finishing 5th or 6th and come out on top.

2. Michael and Kathy: Laid back, and again they don't fuss with each other too much. They started to fuss in the punt, but ended it quickly. I like them a lot. They are good at racing. How can they take the slow road every time and still finish so high? I laughed at Michaels "chicken heads" comments aimed at Heave.

3. Twins: Hated them at the start, and throught they were too stupid. I have to cheer for them as the underdogs, though. Made some pretty good moves lately.

4. Ken and Gerard: Very fun to watch. I like the great sense of humor they have.

5. Flo and Zach: He's racing nicely, but she needs her hand held each time they get off a plane or boat. I'm beginning to like them more each week, though. If they can only make it past the next episode...

The final three are close to tied for last, but if I had to choose...

6. Andre and Damon: I don't like them too much at all. They come across as rude and obnoxious at times.

7. Teri and Ian: If he would just shut his mouth and race, I'd like them more -- but that may get them eliminated.

8. Aaron and Arianne: This couple needs to forget about the twins and concentrate on their own race. The twins have finished ahead of A&A three weeks in a row now, right? It gets on my nerves when they talk bad to themselves about the other teams and then giggle.

Gone: Heather and Eve: Good riddance! Manipulative, silly girls. Thinks the rules don't apply to themselves. Hard to believe they went to Harvard since they apparently can't follow simple instructions. Only teams I liked less is A/A and the Bunkers.


Amazing Fan 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-25-02, 07:01 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1) Oh Brother -- fun, smart, down-to-earth and deceivingly in shape....I would have expected these guys to collapse of exhaustion at some point by now -- these guys are the everyman and I love them for it.

2) The Twins -- just too darn likeable to hate. They could be so much more arrogant with their model looks, killer smiles and sculpted physiques ....sorry -- I got distracted there! Anyway, they seem decent enough not to get eliminated before Teri/Ian -- but don't want to see them in the final 3 -- don't need another Rob/Brennan or Chex re-run!!

3) Michael/Kathy - I've read a few other lists where people like Kathy - she's okay - but I don't see what's wrong with Michael.... I like his dry sense of humour and laid-back attitude. And I like the way the two of them deal with conflict -- it's there, but they aren't tearing each other apart...

4) Flozac -- don't really like the way they (read: Flo) pick at each other (read: at him). I can see them falling apart a la Twil. I think a real ugly scene is going to come up in the near future where Flo is going to get an earful.

5) John Vito & Jill - so competent (she can drive!) - so loving - and so boring!!

6)Guns'n'Hoses -- I want to like these guys -- I really really do...but they are trying way to hard -- they are overly competitive - which is find when you are actually doing well as a result but is just annoying when you display astounding incompetence!!

7) AA -- I would put them after Teri/Ian except I don't know if perhaps they have been shown in a 1-dimensional light so far and will be redeemed by showing a more appealing side to their personalities in the near future.

8) Teri/Ian - because no redemption is possible. Everytime I see Ian looking like he's about to burst a blood vessel and wearing that ridiculous, of course, the self-aggrandizing, insulting and generally boorish manner in which he conducts himself. Makes me thinks he's dipping into the sauce a bit on this trip (although not sure how he could afford it).....he's ready to implode,whatever the diagnosis is.


johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-26-02, 06:30 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
Here's my first list:

1. Aaron & Arianne - mainly b/c i feel that this would be my best friend and I if we were on the show...if perhaps we had a bit more travel experience...and I love rooting for the bad guys.

2. Flo & Zach - mainly just b/c I find them attractive....that may sound shallow, but I'm not gonna watch a bunch of ugly people.

3. Ken & Gerard - so campy, are you sure they're not both gay?

4. Derek & Drew - I REALLY don't want them to win, but they can stick around for eye candy until close to the end...fine with me

5. Michael & Kathy - I like her a lot...not really seeing the chemistry between them though, even long distance

6. John Vito & Jill - only b/c they're not quite as annoying as the other it wrong of me to want them to not win b/c of the whole 911 thing?

7. Teri & Ian - kinda fun to watch him yell at Wil last season

8. I don't remember their names...shouldn't they have to be an INTERESTING cop and fireman duo to get on the show?

Heather and Eve would've been second...I liked them, too bad they made such a dumb mistake.


smiles 675 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-27-02, 11:04 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1-(1,1,1)ken/gerard-These guys are great!
2-(7,5,3)jvj-Doing a really good job!
3-(5,3,4)Michael/Kathy- The more they show of Michael's personaility the more I like him!
4-(8,7,2)Twins-The only reason they moved down is because the other teams moved up!
5-(4,4,6)Andre/Damon-More of their personality is beginning to show.
6-(3,2,5)Flo/Zach-The move down is because of Flo!
7-(6,9,9)Teri/Ian-They are less irritating than team AA.
8-(9,10,8)AA-I really wished you had been eliminated! It would have been sweet justice!


cmaybur 259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

10-28-02, 10:12 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
My list is probably not much different from last week.

#1 - Ken and Gerard. I still like these two, and their friendship with Derek and Drew. I'm very impressed that they finished first since they don't seem to be the most athletic of the remaining teams.

#2 - Derek and Drew. I'm glad to see that they are still finishing strong after a disastrous first leg. Their friendship with Ken and Gerard is much better than watching Aaron and Arianne's a-hole alliance.

#3 - John Vito and Jill. Still the only couple worth rooting for.

#4 - Michael and Kathy. They have been doing a little better, and I like the way they treat each other.

#5 - André and Damon. Still nothing noteworthy about these two.

#6 - Teri and Ian. Ian is still a prick. I wonder how much of that is in the editing (?), but they aren't the most obnoxious team left.

#7 - Aaron and Arianne. What the hell happened here? Where is the happy-go-lucky team from the first two episodes? They practically imploded in Portugal (why was Arianne doing the soccer roadblock) and really need to get focused back on their own race and stop what appears to be a childish and petty fascination with ousting Derek and Drew.

#8 - Flo and Zach. Does anyone care if these two get together? Does anyone really like these two? I sure don't.



Kantakit 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-30-02, 06:00 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1st - The Twins. They are really cute. Handsome, play the game well, not backbiting. Hey!!! Come on, aren't you envious that two brothers can get along so well? They are even wearing those nice matching outfits. Rooting for them all the way!!!!!!!!!!

2nd - The balding brothers are rather adorable too.

3rd - Mike and Kathy...KAthy is teh saving grace
.... won't rank the in between as yet.

Last - A and A.... Arrogant and Aloof

BTW, will anyone dare to engage in Heather and Eve's law service? You never know when their definition of things get you into trouble. Guess Harvard law school may send them back to year 1.


OceanSkater 315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-30-02, 07:38 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
New voter.

1) Ken and Gerard

2) Firecop

3) Terry and Ian (for HER sake)

4) Michael and Katthy

5) Vito and Jill

6) Flozac

7) The twins

8) Air Tunnel

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.


ShowMeTheWinner 962 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

10-30-02, 03:19 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
Just making a quick list. Not much time for any explanations today. My list is pretty much the same as last week's anyway.

1. Ken/Gerard (1)
2. John Vito/Jill (2)
3. Derek/Drew (3)
4. Michael/Kathy (4)
5. Aaron/Arianne (5)-- can't blame them for smirking when Heave got eliminated. I would be ecstatic too if a miracle like that helped me to stay in the game for another week
6. Andre/Damon (7)
7. Flo (8)
Run Zach Run!!!
8. Ian the Teri-ble (9)

RIP. Heave (6)-- For Heather: Next time pick Mary as your race partner. You go girls!

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)


magic_star 2400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

10-30-02, 04:08 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: The Amazing Popularity List v.3.4 !!!!!"
1.Ken/Gerald- Two really cool nice guys.

2.Andre/Damon- Finally they've caught up and I would expect them to stay in the lead pack. Very strong team.

3.Derek/Drew- They've done a good job on not focusing on the alliance against them and have done well in the race since the first episode. They're more like a Rob/Brennan team.


5.Aaron/Arianne- I still like them but they need to cool down about the twins.

6.Michael/Kathy- They're doing alot better than I expected them to do. They've worked well together so far and have had no major arguments yet.

7.John/Jill- Haven't really been able to keep up with the rest of the pack yet. Also haven't had much tv time.

8.Teri/Ian- It's Ian's fault. Haraaaaaaaa! And what good is yelling for a taxi in the middle of the airport going to do for him? Poor can she deal with him.

The Cubs win the World Series!Cubbies Win!Cubbies Win!



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