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"S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of The Spoiling"
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tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-15, 03:35 AM (EST)
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"S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of The Spoiling"
Episode 09: Witches Coven

Before I truly begin, let it be known that my alloted writing time is happening over a week before the previous episode was to air. Why would I begin a task, nearly 2 weeks before it's due?
I think of it as forethought, some refer to it as spooky magic and I imagine that most of you reading the following will also be thinking something akin to... what was he thinking?
Well, I dunno.
But what I do know is that my SOTS, very occasionally, are without fault, but are oftentimes meant more for your entertainment levels.
This week's SOTS is the first one of possibly two SOTS (if I don't choke) this season for me. In a season where my schedule has never been more demanding, my responsibilities higher, nor my personal life demands exceeding my abilities and yet...
Here I sit, sweaty with magic powers, ready to spin yarns, brew potions, consult crystal orbs and imbibe on the witch's brew, IYKWIM.

What's with all the witchiness?
Oh, you know, just the title of this week's episode and all.

Some mood lighting please?






one and all...


State Of The Spoiling: Witches Coven

This week's SOTS is brought to you with generous support of phine companies like...

Coco's Watering Hole

Where this whole weekend, Coco is celebrating by slashing the prices on all potables!
Come celebrate at Coco's Slaughtering Hole, with a $2.50 Bloody Mary!

in no way affiliated with Colton's Colon.

AND by...

J-Papa Logbo's Survivor Voodoo Camp, Tempting Shack and Wood Annex
J-Papa presents a full-scale Survivor-styled game, with an eternal Panama Theme.
Then stop by the Tempting Shack, specializing in offering bribes on plates. Come be tempted by his thick cut bacon, peanut butter and chocolate plates.
And don't forget to stop by the annex... a one-stop shop for all of your pole, log, stick, beam, mast, rod, staff, shaft and wand needs.

The evolution will now slowly begin.TM

Now that I've DEFINITELY left enough space above to insure no ACTUAL spoiler be revealed within the title area, on with the show.

When you last remembered...

20 Been-There Done-That witches and warlocks were summoned by J Papa Logbo to participate in a contest to crown a new 'Supreme' and a 6month long bragging period.
The early days of the contest had 'The Exceptionals' facing off against each other in ever-changing, splinter tribes. All competitions focusing on the tried and true 7 Wonders;
Concilium is the ability to control another's mind through sheer willpower.
Telekinesis is the ability to find hidden objects with a clue from JPapa.
Pyrokinesis is the ability to create, control and manipulate fire.
Divination is the ability to obtain direct knowledge about anything through means other than the usual.
Transmutation, is the ability to disappear from the storyline.
Vitalum Vitalis is the ability to balance the scales of life. (a.k.a. Karma)
Descensum is the ability to project one's mind into different planes, such as Ponderosa, Jury-Box, Finale.

Using the 7 Wonders, the candidates (aka 'The Exceptionals') target those others whom they believe could win the crown from themselves.
And all of this happening while the spectre of "The Prophecy" looms over the beleagured witches and warlocks. Is "The Prophecy" written in stone? Can they change "The Prophecy"? Will ANYTHING they do actually matter? They play on anyways, while one after another, a witch here, a warlock there, a fairy or two, not to mention a seahag, all got their life-torches snuffed.

Then, unexpectedly and due to global warming, the seasonal merging of splintered tribes had come early.
Welcome to Orkun. Named after famed White Warlock, Ronan Orkun.
With the blossoming cross tribal alliances, it's no surprise to seasoned viewers that the Chaos started too early.
(Here we see our 'fairest' inhabitants of the Miss Orkun's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies; Kelley, Abi and Ciera, as they pay their respects to their one-time "mentor", Kass.)

And of course, Tasha had something to say about it all...
Tasha: "She done messed with the wrong witch and she knows it."

Suddenly, the most promising candidate for Supreme, Joe, who felt all comfy, was attacked by Fishbach. A venegful witch he be.
The prophecy was coming true.
They showed pure evil, targetted each other, and then by miracle of miracles... decided to instead go after the necromancer.
Little did the majority tribe realize that Kelley had use of an idol. A secret protection idol. Protection from overwhelmingly stupid votes.
Instead, the intial death spell settled upon The Savage Axeman. Sending him to the production camp down the road.
Savage: "I can’t spend eternity here. It reeks of fish, and cat piss. What is this, knotty pine?!" *flips bird*

No worries though, it's all about the Vitum Vitalis. And she's a beech.

Joe (cam conf): "He's probably off in some unholy nether realm, cavorting with that half-baked Beetlejuice. JPapa Legoboo-boo, or whatever the hell his name is."

For now, introducing our current slate of characters...

These 10 witches and warlocks (and 1 minotaur) will be beckoned for the next "Exceptionals Reward Test" by none other than JPapa Legprobst.

The test itself will have two tribes competeing against each other. First aligning a series of 9 giant voodoo pins to be used as steps up to a platform and then a sliding snake down the backside. They will then slink their way through the BlairWitch Stick Maze and when out the other side, (IF they make it out) will be an opportunity for 1 witch from each tribe to cast 1 spell in order to raise the flag at the other end.
Whomever gets their flag up first will win for their tribe a getaway. Perhaps a broom ride through the jungle, with Samantha as your guide, is tease enough?

JPapa: "It's a cliche. But like all cliches, it's the truth. Your life can change overnight."

The tribes are decided via Old-Coven Pick'em style.

Stephen, Spencer, Tasha, Ciera and Joe
Kelley, Keith, Kimmi, Kelly and Jeremy

This means Abi sits out.
Abi: "You can't be your best self until you find your tribe. I'm still looking for mine."

JPapa: "Okay... Ready, Steady, Go!"

Off to an early tie, it's unapparent via third eye vidcap vision, which tribe ultimately comes in the winningest position.
So I, at this time, seek the help of some other scrying stygians.

Stygian #3: "The winners are... Joe, Tasha, Spencer, Ciera and Stephen!"

Now, perhaps before going or perhaps after returning, Stephen re-connects with Keith and the Minotaur.

Stephen: "You girls need to learn to fight. When witches don't fight, we burn."

Keith: "Careful, girls, it's not a game."

Jeremy: "I am Minotaur"

Stephen: "I want to make a move. I don't care how it's happening, but it's happening."

So Stephen practices four different moves...

Stephen: "Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the East, the powers of air and invention. Hear me!
Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the South, the powers of fire and feeling. Hear me!
Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the West, powers of water and intuition. Hear me!
Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the North, by the powers of mother and earth. Hear me!

As far as we know, Stephen's ONLY move is to get rid of Joe. Moby Dick with the moving balls and the penchant for winning EVERYTHING.
So, if he can at least try to get Joe's torch snuffed, he is going to. Will he even be able to?

Next up, JPapa summons again the witches, warlocks and minotaur.
Time for the Individual Supreme test.

JPapa: "This test will measure your ability of Levitation. On the ocean, with possessed sharks lurking beneath, you'll all stay upright. Whomever levitates higher for longest will win."

Kelley: "Abracadabra"
Keith: "AbreeCadabree"

Joe: "Avracadavra"
Stephen: "Now is the time. This is the hour. Mine is the magic. Mine is the power."

After a few moments JPapa returns and tempts the Exceptionals. No takers, but he has a trick up his sleeve. Duhhh!!!

JPapa grabs his machete and severs the life string of 11 swallowed souls.

They rise to the surface and JPapa announces...

"I'm gonna give you a chance to change your situation. The first person to touch their buoy swallowed soul earns an advantage in the game."

Joe: "Who just fell?"
Abi: "Light as a feather, stiff as a board."

Then from on high, the voice of gawd clears his throat and says...
"One witch risks their safety in the contest in order to gain an advantage and another warlock steps up in a brutal individual immunity challenge to further their game"

Uh-Oh... more Prophecy going on!

And as evidenced from the following vidcap, it's clear that Kelly finds the inner peace to fly her carpet to the advantage.

Does it work? Does she find the Idol of Regeneration?

Well, let us first contact another scryer to see what the outcome of the Individual Exceptionals Test is.

JPapa: "The winner is... Spencer."

What? Why Spencer?

I contend, anyone seen looking for an idol should be considered most in danger. Or at least consider themselves to be in danger.
Tasha, Keith, Abi, Jeremy, Stephen and Joe are all seen looking...

This leaves Spencer, Kelly, Kelley, Ciera and Kimmi as most likely to "step-up". And considering Spencer has been in 2nd most every Individual Exceptionals Test, it's about time he proves he has what it takes.

Well, to further the point...
The Hunt is ON...

This also allows for Joe to be in danger, for Stephen to plot his demise and for Kelley and Ciera to slip back into the "mists".

Witches Coven indeed, considering one of the best most well known powers of witches is the power of suggestion.
Joe will want to remove Stephen.
(Kelly is definitely with Joe. Keith is most likely with Joe too. But apparently, Jeremy and Stephen are definitely reaching out to Keith.)

Stephen will want to remove Joe.
(Jeremy is still there to defend and protect Stephen. With him comes Kimmi and Tasha.)

In this fight of the warlocks it is completely possible that the "witches coven" trifecta of Abi, Kelley and Ciera will have the target removed from themselves and end up having Joe and Stephen to choose between.

OFG, an even more famous, powerful and insightful enchantress, has a theory that excludes those whom are safe due to editing forethought.
Thusly; Kimmi, Kelly, Ciera and Spencer are safe.

Jeremy, Kelley, Stephen, Tasha, Keith, Joe, Abi as in potential danger.

Of those, and in my opinion...
Jeremy, Kelley and Tasha appear to have longevity due to edit.
Keith and Abi are varying degrees of jurist, but perhaps now is way too soon.
That leaves the season long storyline/showdown between Joe and Stephen finally getting a chance to occur.

Vote Confessionals:
Kelly: "This coven doesn't need a new Supreme. It needs a new rug."
Stephen: "Don't make me drop a house on you."
Joe: "Since when is being a slut a crime in this coven?"
Kelley: "And when the last star in the last galaxy dwindles and dies, the dark will be forever"
Keith: "Curses only have power when you believe them. And I don't."
Jeremy: "I am Minotaur."
Abi: "I wish I was as sweet as you think."
Spencer: "Eye of Clay and toe of Ghandia, wool of PapaBear and tongue of Alicia..."
Ciera: "I don't wanna waste my magic on you. I can do you with my third eye!"

For the bootee, let's "roll dem-bones"...

Looks like we have multiple premonitions.
Perhaps we should turn to the infamous Witches Brew...
"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble."
To the brew add...
Eye of newt
Toe of frog
Wool of bat
Tongue of dog
Adder's fork
Blind-worm's sting
Lizard's leg
Owlet's wing
Scale of dragon
Tooth of wolf
Witches' mummy
Salt-sea shark
Root of hemlock
Liver of blaspheming Jew
Gall of goat
Slips of yew
Nose of Turk
Tartar's lips
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Tiger's chaudron
Baboon's blood
(Thanks, Bill. I feel like a racist, sexist dentist just for repeating your recipe.)

JPapa: "The votes are in...The deal is off. You have nothing to sell. You have no soul."

My bullet list prediction...
Team Teal for RC
Kelly for "advantage"
Spencer for IC.
Joe vs Stephen at TC
Votes 7 to 4
Stephen is Booted

4 of 5 Witches agree...

Enjoy your evening...


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of Th... Rembrandt 11-18-15 1
   SOTS: HI Addendum tribephyl 11-18-15 6
       RE: SOTS: HI Addendum CTgirl 11-18-15 7
       Late to the altar suzzee 11-24-15 9
           RE: Late to the altar tribephyl 11-24-15 10
 RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of Th... PepeLePew13 11-18-15 2
 Which witch? Flowerpower1 11-18-15 3
 RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of Th... Georganna 11-18-15 4
 RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of Th... Sheldor 11-18-15 5
 RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of Th... michel2 11-18-15 8

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Messages in this topic

Rembrandt 92 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-18-15, 06:55 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of The Spoiling"
WOW! This was very entertaining. Nice work Tribe. I could see Fishbach getting the boot.

Also about the idol.

This picture of Jeremy

Seems like he's doing his inner Woo and watches someone find the idol or he finds the idol himself and tries to make sure no one is around before picking it up.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-15, 01:55 PM (EST)
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6. "SOTS: HI Addendum"
I just realized I left my premonitions with no visible notations regarding the Hidden Idol...

But here is Jeremy, with stick in hand, going towards the tree with many hanging vines/rootlets...

Here he is with his stick, just about to uncover something...

(Or at least this is what the typical cameraman manouver is when they are about to find something.)

Here is Joe near the same tree...

And here is Jeremy, peering from behind the very same tree...

I think he's watching Joe. Insuring in his own mind that Joe is unsuccessful.

SOTS Bullet-List addendum:
Jeremy finds Hidden Idol (his 2nd).

Looks like we had a clinger.

CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-15, 05:12 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: SOTS: HI Addendum"
LAST EDITED ON 11-18-15 AT 05:13 PM (EST)

Spectacular job Tribe! You are the master of the SOTS!!

ETA: I meant this to go at the bottom of the post, but this works too!


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-24-15, 10:37 AM (EST)
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9. "Late to the altar"
I was having an out of life experience whilst on vacation in the Kingdom of Florida, I could consult the oracle from said kingdom and I thought you had a totally amazing SOTS but my crystal ball HTC would only receive and not send so I'm forced to return to the limbo of my world and let you know what a clever wizard you are. Loved the SOTS, too bad the fates stepped in and gave your target the cloak of invisibility this week.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-24-15, 01:26 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Late to the altar"
And I should learn to read dem'bones better. Kelly was there the whole time, even seen summoning while flying a carpet. The signs couldn't have been clearer. Maybe it was a matter of Windexing the Crystal before scrying?

Either way...
Glad you're back from vacationland.

Don't EVER leave again, or I may cast a 'stationary' spell.


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-15, 07:06 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of The Spoiling"
Well, damn you, I've got to do a SOTS next week to follow this one you just did? Way to raise the bar!

I'm with you for a Stephen boot as well. Nice job with the SOTS!


Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-18-15, 09:03 AM (EST)
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3. "Which witch?"
Seriously, Tribe. OMG!!! You have even out-done yourself, my MAN! This SOTS shall remain the pinnacle, the standard, to WITCH all SOTS's will be forever compared. There may be competition between DAWS but there is no competition between SOTS writers. YOU stand ALONE! A HEAD of the pack, the CHERRY on top, the ICING on the cake....Tribe this was SPOOKtacular. I'm BLOWN away. Seriously in awe. Bow down to the king of the SOTS.

I absolutely loved it. I definitely consider Kelly as a top contender to go for that advantage, after all she was the one that went for the rice, and she would have gotten it if she had waited, like Woo, to dive in a bit closer. If she gets it, would she share the clue with Joe? I dunno. I love the Minotaur channeling his inner Tony, and spying on the one with the advantage. Or, is he just spying on Joe to see if he finds it or not?

Regardless, at this point I am in favor of a Stephen boot, but I still am considering Joe "has no balls and is dead to me" Kelly, and Ciera "I need a miracle" Easton.

I loved this and I love you!



Georganna 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-18-15, 01:05 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of The Spoiling"
LAST EDITED ON 11-18-15 AT 08:32 PM (EST)

Stephen: "Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the East, the powers of air and invention. Hear me!
Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the South, the powers of fire and feeling. Hear me!
Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the West, powers of water and intuition. Hear me!
Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the North, by the powers of mother and earth. Hear me!

Wait! I know these bulwarked Powers! And who better to loose them from their tower(s) than an Aquarian ...

Too, thank you for the Macbeth:

At my High School, the English teacher in charge of that play, year after year and generation after generation, was Mrs. Gunlach - a tiny, shriveled lady with scarily arthritic fingers and a quivering, crackling voice straight from the grave who reserved only the Head Witch's speech for herself.

And it was to her classromm that our Principal sent every big, bad actor among us. Because, after watching her play The Witch, nobody messed with Gunny!

And thank you for the whole wonderfully airy and inventive SOTS! It made my day.



Sheldor 4689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-18-15, 01:48 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of The Spoiling"

michel2 4555 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-18-15, 05:20 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: S31 | Ep 09 | SOTS: State Of The Spoiling"
Frankly Tribe, you could have put some work into the SOTS. Having a life is no excuse. I don't know why everybody else is raving about your work. They're probably afraid you'll put a spell on them. Well, I'm not afraid of you. Bring on your minotaurs, necromancers and even jiffypops.

Of course I'm only kidding. This was absolutely great. Exceptional work.



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